Russia and its colonies. How Georgia, Ukraine, Moldova, the Baltic States and Central Asia became part of Russia (46 pages)

07/24/1783 (06/08). - Signed Treaty of Georgievsk(in the fortress of St. George) by the Georgian king Erekle II on the entry of Georgia under the protection of Russia

Treaty of Georgievsk

On July 24, 1783, the Treaty on the recognition of the patronage and supreme power of Russia by the King of Kartalin and Kakheti Heraclius II was signed in the fortress (Georgievsky Treaty). Based on it Georgian king Irakli II recognized the patronage of Russia and refused independent foreign policy, pledging to serve Russia with his troops. For its part, it vouched for the preservation of the integrity of the possessions of Heraclius II and provided Orthodox Georgia with complete autonomy and at the same time protection. The Treaty of Georgievsk sharply weakened the positions and policies of the heterodox states of Iran and Turkey in Transcaucasia, destroying their constant claims to Eastern Georgia.

The preamble to the treaty states:

In the name of the Almighty God, One and Holy One in the Trinity, glorified.

From ancient times, the All-Russian Empire, in common faith with the Georgian peoples, served as protection, help and refuge for those peoples and their most illustrious rulers against the oppression to which they were subjected from their neighbors. The patronage granted by all Russian autocrats to the Georgian kings, their family and subjects, produced that dependence of the latter on the former, which is especially evident from the Russian-imperial title itself. H.I.V., now reigning safely, has sufficiently expressed her royal benevolence towards these peoples and her magnanimous providence for their good through her strong efforts made to deliver them from the yoke of slavery and from the blasphemous tribute of the youths and young women, which some of these peoples they were obliged to give, and as a continuation of their royal contempt for their rulers. In this very disposition, condescending to the petitions brought to her throne from the most illustrious king of Kartal and Kakheti, Irakli Teimurazovich, to accept him with all his heirs and successors and with all his kingdoms and regions into the royal patronage of H.V. and her high heirs and successors, with the recognition of the supreme power of the All-Russian emperors over the kings of Kartalin and Kakheti, most mercifully wanted to establish and conclude a friendly treaty with the said most illustrious king, through which, on the one hand, his lordship, by his own name and their successors, recognizing the supreme power and patronage of the e.i.v. and her high successors over the rulers and peoples of the kingdoms of Kartalin and Kakheti and other regions belonging to them, would have marked in a solemn and precise manner their obligations in the consideration of the All-Russian Empire; and on the other hand, e.i.v. In this way she could solemnly commemorate the advantages and benefits from her generous and strong right hand that are bestowed on the aforementioned peoples and their most illustrious rulers. To conclude such an agreement e.i.v. deigned to authorize the Most Serene Prince of the Roman Empire, Grigory Aleksandrovich Potemkin, the troops of his general-in-chief, commanding the light cavalry, regular and irregular, and many other military forces, the senator, the state military board of the vice-president, the Astrakhan, Saratov, Azov and Novorossiysk sovereign governor, his general- adjutant and actual chamberlain, lieutenant of the cavalry guard corps, lieutenant colonel of the Preobrazhensky Life Guards Regiment, chief commander of the armory chamber, holder of the orders of St. Apostle Andrew, Alexander Nevsky, military St. Great Martyr George and St. Equal-to-the-Apostles Prince Vladimir of large crosses; the royal Prussian Black and Polish White Eagles and St. Stanislaus, the Swedish Seraphim, the Danish Elephant and the Holstin St. Anne, with the power, in his absence, to elect and provide with full power from himself, whomever he judges for the good, who accordingly elected and authorized the excellent Mr. from the army e.i.v. lieutenant general, commander of troops in the Astrakhan province, e.i.v. the actual chamberlain and orders of the Russian St. Alexander Nevsky, the military great martyr and victorious George and the Holstein St. Anne cavalier Pavel Potemkin, and his lordship the Kartalin and Kakheti king Irakli Teymurazovich elected and authorized for his part their lordships his general from the left hand of Prince Ivan Konstantinovich Bagration and His Grace Adjutant General Prince Garsevan Chavchavadzev. The aforementioned plenipotentiaries, having begun with the help of God and exchanging mutual powers, according to their strength, decided, concluded and signed the following articles. (...)

Originally signed :

Pavel Potemkin. Prince Ivan Bagration. Prince Garsevan Chavchavadzev.

It was confirmed with seals and signatures: “ This agreement is made on eternal times, but if anything is deemed necessary to apply or add for mutual benefit, it will take place by mutual agreement».

The signing of the Treaty of Georgievsk was followed by a chain of important historical events. By order of P.S. Potemkin, for communication with Georgia, the Georgian Military Road was built through Cross Pass in Ossetia, which was previously part of Russian Empire in accordance with Turkey (1774). The road, which was built by 800 soldiers, was opened in the fall of 1783, and the prince himself drove along it to Teflis. To protect the road from attacks by the Ingush, the Vladikavkaz fortress was founded in 1784.

In 1791, at the request of Russia, Türkiye renounced its claims to Georgia. This became one of the conditions for signing after the next Russian-Turkish war.

The example of Irakli II was followed by other rulers of Transcaucasia. The rulers of Armenia in 1783 also asked for protection. In 1801, Western Georgia joined the treaty.

The Treaty of Georgievsk declared itself in 1795, when the large army of the Iranian Shah Agha Mohamed Khan invaded Georgia. At first, Russia managed to send only two battalions of soldiers with four guns to help Irakli II. Georgian and Russian troops were unable to stop the aggressor, who captured Tbilisi, plundered and destroyed it, and took the survivors into slavery. In response, Russia declared war on Iran and launched a “Persian campaign” into its Azerbaijani provinces. In 1796, Russian troops occupied the entire Caspian coast from Derbent to Baku and Shamakhi.

Armenia was also subjected to aggression from Iran. The consequence of this was the resettlement of a large number of Armenians to the Caucasian line in 1797.

Following the traditions established by the Treaty of Georgievsk, in 1802 a congress of the rulers of the Caucasus was held in Georgievsk, which was attended by representatives of the mountain peoples.

In 1984, a memorial sign was unveiled on Goriyskaya Street in Georgievsk in honor of the 200th anniversary of the signing of the Treaty of Georgievsk. Authors of the monument creative Group architects of Georgia: N.N.Chkhenkeli, A.A.Bakhtadze, I.G.Zaalishvili.

St. Nicholas Church in Georgievsk, where in 1783 a prayer service was solemnly served in honor of the signing of the Treaty of Georgievsk. It was performed by the Georgian Archimandrite Gayoz with two regimental priests.

The walls of the temple remember many famous people who visited him:

In the name of the Almighty God, One and Holy One in the Trinity, glorified. 238

From ancient times, the All-Russian Empire according to the same faith with

served as protection, help and refuge for the Georgian peoples 239

nations and their most illustrious rulers against the oppressions from which they

their neighbors were exposed. Patronage by All-Russian

granted by the autocrats to the Georgian kings, family and subjects,

produced that dependence of the latter on the former, which is especially

turns out to be from the Russian-imperial title itself. E.I.V.,

now reigning safely, has sufficiently expressed

the monarch's goodwill towards these peoples and his magnanimous concern for the good

their fishery with their strong efforts made for deliverance

them from the yoke of slavery and from the blasphemous tribute of boys and girls,

which some of these nations were obliged to give, and

a continuation of his royal contempt for their rulers. In this

the very disposition condescending to petitions, to her throne

brought from the Most Serene King of Kartalin and Kakhetia

Irakli Teymurazovich on his acceptance with all his heirs and

successors and with all his kingdoms and regions in the royal

patronage of e.v. and her high heirs and successors, with

recognition of the supreme power of all-Russian emperors over the tsars

Kartalin and Kakheti, most mercifully wished

decree and conclude with the said most illustrious king

a friendly treaty, by which, on the one hand, his

lordship, in the name of himself and his successors, recognizing the supreme

power and patronage of e.i.v. and her high successors over

rulers and peoples of the kingdoms of Kartalin and Kakheti and

other regions belonging to them would be marked with a solemn

and in the exact manner of their obligations in the reasoning of the All-Russian

empires; and on the other hand, e.i.v. could also commemorate

solemnly, what are the advantages and benefits of generous and strong

her right hands are bestowed upon the mentioned peoples and their most illustrious rulers.

To conclude such an agreement e.i.v. deigned to authorize

His Serene Highness Prince of the Roman Empire Grigory Alexandrovich

Potemkin, his troops, general-in-chief, commanding light

regular and irregular cavalry and many other military

forces, senator, state military board

Vice President, Astrakhan, Saratov, Azov and

Novorossiysk sovereign governor, his adjutant general and

actual chamberlain, lieutenant of the cavalry corps,

Life Guards Preobrazhensky Regiment Lieutenant Colonel, Chief

head of the armory workshop, holder of orders

St. Apostle Andrew, Alexander Nevsky, military

Holy Great Martyr George and Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Prince Vladimir

large crosses; Royal Prussian Black and Polish White 240

Orlov and St. Stanislaus, Swedish Seraphim, Danish Elephant and

Golstinsky of St. Anna, with authority, in his absence, elect and

to provide with full power from himself whom he judges for the good, who

therefore he elected and authorized the excellent gentleman from

army e.i.v. Lieutenant General, troops in the Astrakhan province

commander, e.i.v. actual chamberlain and orders

Russian St. Alexander Nevsky, military great martyr and

Victorious George and Holstein St. Anne Cavalier Paul

Potemkin, and his lordship the Kartalin and Kakhetian king

Irakli Teymurazovich elected and authorized them for his part

his lordships general from the left hand of Prince Ivan

Konstantinovich Bagration and His Grace the Adjutant General

Prince Garsevan Chavchavadzev. The said plenipotentiaries, having begun

with the help of God to the matter and exchanging mutual powers, according to their strength

decided, concluded and signed the following articles.

Article number one

His Grace the Tsar of Kartalin and Kakhetia in his name,

his heirs and successors is solemnly forever denied

from any vassalage or under any title whatsoever, from

any dependence on Persia or any other power and hereby declares

in the face of the whole world, which he does not recognize above himself and

successors to an autocracy other than the supreme power and

patronage of e.i.v. and her high heirs and successors

throne of the All-Russian Imperial, promising that throne

loyalty and readiness to contribute to the benefit of the state in any way

case where this will be required of him.

Article number two

E.I.V., accepting from His Lordship only sincere

promise, evenly promises and reassures with his imperial

a word for himself and his successors, that mercy and protection

them from the most illustrious kings of Kartalin and Kakhetia never

will not be weaned. In proof of which E.V. gives imperial

his guarantee for the preservation of the integrity of his present possessions

Lordship of Tsar Irakli Teymurazovich, intending to distribute

such guarantee and for such possessions, which during the time

according to circumstances acquired and firmly behind him

will be approved.

Article number three 241

In expressing the sincerity with which His Lordship

the king of Kartalin and Kakhetia recognizes the supreme power and

patronage of the All-Russian emperors, it is stated that

the mentioned kings, entering hereditarily into their kingdom, immediately have

notify the Russian imperial court about this, asking through

their imperial envoys to the kingdom confirmation and

investiture, consisting of a charter, a banner with the coat of arms of the All-Russian

empire, having inside itself the coat of arms of the mentioned kingdoms, in the saber, in

a commanding staff and wearing an ermine mantle or cape. These signs

either they will be handed over to the envoys, or through the border authorities

will be delivered to the king, who upon receiving them in the presence

Russian minister must solemnly take the oath to

loyalty and zeal to the Russian Empire and recognition of the supreme

power and patronage of all-Russian emperors in form,

attached to this treatise. This ritual will still be fulfilled

from His Serene Highness Tsar Irakli Teymurazovich.

Article number four

To prove that his Lordship's intentions are

reasoning only about its close connection with the All-Russian Empire

and recognition of the supreme power and patronage of the Most Serene

that the owners of that empire are blameless, his lordship promises without

preliminary agreement with the chief border commander and

minister e.i.v., accredited to him, not to have contact with

the surrounding rulers. And when the messengers arrive from them or

letters will be sent, accepting these, to consult with the main

border chief and with the minister e.i.v., about the return

such envoys and the appropriate rebuke to their owners.

Article number five

To make it more convenient to have any necessary communication and agreement with

Russian Imperial Court, His Grace the Tsar wishes to have

at that court of his minister or resident, and e.i.v., graciously

then, when accepted, she promises that he will receive her at court along with

with other sovereign princes and ministers of equal character, and

Moreover, he deigns, for his part, to support him

Lordship of the Russian minister or resident.

Article number six 242

H.I.V., accepting with favor the recognition of her supreme

power and patronage over the kingdoms of Kartalin and Georgian,

promises in his name and his successors:

in perfect agreement with its empire and, consequently, with their enemies

recognize one's enemies; why peace, with Porta

Ottoman or Persian or other power and region

concluded must also apply to these protected

e.v. peoples.

2. His Serene Highness Tsar Irakli Teimurazovich and his house

retain heirs and descendants invariably in the kingdom

Kartalinsky and Kakheti.

3. Power associated with internal management, court and

execution and collection of taxes to be left to His Grace the Tsar in full

his will and benefit, prohibiting his military and civilian

superiors to enter into any orders.

Article seven

His Grace the Tsar received with due reverence only

gracious on the part of H.I.V. reassurance, promises for oneself and

their descendants:

1. Be always ready to serve e.v. with his troops.

2. Addressing Russian bosses in the usual manner

communication on all matters, before serving as e.i.v. concerning

satisfy their requirements and subjects e.v. protect from any

insults and oppression.

3. In assigning people to places and raising them to ranks

excellent respect for services to the All-Russian

empire, on whose patronage peace and

prosperity of the kingdoms of Kartalin and Kakheti.

Article number 8

As proof of the special royal favor towards him

Grace to the Tsar and his people and for a greater union with Russia

of these peoples of the same faith, e.i.v. deigns that the Catholicos or

their commanding archbishop was among the Russian

bishops in the eighth degree, precisely after Tobolsky,

most mercifully granting him forever the title of Member of the Holy Synod;

about the management of Georgian churches and the attitude that

should be to the Russian Synod, it will be drawn up

special item.

Article number nine 243

Extending his mercy to the subjects of his lordship the king,

princes and nobles, e.i.v. establishes that they are in the All-Russian

empires will enjoy all the advantages and benefits

which Russian nobles were assigned, and his lordship, accepting with

gratitude is only his merciful condescension towards his subjects,

undertakes to send to the court E.V. lists of all nobles

surnames, so that from them one can know exactly who is

excellent right belongs.

Article ten

It is decided that all in general are natives of Kartalin and

Kakhetians can settle in Russia, leave and return again

without charge; prisoners, if they are captured by weapons or negotiations

Turks and Persians or other peoples will be freed, yes

will be released according to their wishes, returning only the costs of

their redemption and export; this is what His Grace the Tsar promises

perform sacredly in the judgment of Russian subjects, in captivity to

neighbors who come across.

Article number one for ten

The Kartalin and Kakheti merchants have freedom

send your trades in Russia, using the same rights and

benefits that natural Russian subjects enjoy;

mutually the king promises to decide with the main boss

border or with the Minister E.V. about all possible relief

Russian merchants in their trade in their areas or in their passage

for trading in other places; for without such a precise decree and

the condition about the benefits of his merchants cannot have place.

August 25th, 2016 , 12:33 am

Let us ask ourselves, is there a direct connection between Peter and the Prussian King Frederick? It would seem, where? But there really is such a connection, and a very clear one! Frederick was the main ally of Muscovy during the Azov campaigns and Northern War. Before this, there was always terrible enmity between Russia and the Teutons. Peter did not have as many meetings with any monarch of Europe as he did with Frederick. They would meet many times: during the Great Embassy, ​​in 1709 and a year before the death of the King of Prussia in 1712. All these meetings were of a purely private nature; instead of signing treaties, Peter and Frederick would sail along the Spree, hunt wild boars, have a pleasant conversation in the shady alleys of Charlottenburg, and, as usual, drink by the fireplace in the castle. During the Great Embassy, ​​Peter will spend three whole months in the company of Frederick! Hunting, drinking, family atmosphere and no diplomacy.

Peter loved his father very much. As our research will show, there was a reason for it. He understood perfectly well, thanks to whom he achieved so many heights. It was Frederick’s soldiers, as part of the amusing regiments, who would bring Peter to power. It was the German hussars and grenadiers that would be the main striking force of his “Russian” army. In all campaigns and battles, during uprisings and rebellions, in times of sorrow and joy, Frederick will always be a support for young Peter.
All his life Frederick fought against his main enemy - against great Empire Russians. Fought to place his son Peter on the imperial throne.
In memory of his father, Peter will establish in Peterhof famous monument Frederick. This will be the first monument to Russia!

The monuments to Peter I and Frederick are very similar. It is officially believed that Rastrelli, leaving Russia, cast the first monument to Peter in history. But the monument then disappeared somewhere! Where it was located before 1800 is unknown, and only in 1800 this monument was erected at the Engineering Castle in Mikhailovsky on the orders of Paul I.

The connection between Peter I and Frederick and the Prussian royal court is directly indicated by the comparison of crowns young Peter with the crowns of other European states. The crowns on the portraits of Peter the Great are identical to the Prussian crowns.

Portrait of Sofia Alekseevna in a Russian headdress (photo from the book Rudolf G. Scharmann. Charlottenburg Palace)

By the way, about portraits. Would Friedrich really not want to add a portrait of his son to the family collection? According to the memoirs of Leibniz and Posselt, at least three portraits of Peter were painted in Königsberg. These are the works of painters Gottfried Kneller and Jan Gole Veithorn. Then these portraits from the original became sketches for dozens of engravings and miniatures in various interpretations. But it is these German portraits that are the primary authentic images of Peter at the time of his arrival to Frederick. Let's look at these portraits together. Let's take a look at Charlottenburg Palace, Berlin.

Kneller, wall portrait of Peter I, Charlottenburg Palace (German: Schloss Charlottenburg)

Charlottenburg (German: Schloss Charlottenburg), Peter the Great, unknown artist

Portrait of Peter I, Jan GOLE FIGHTHORN

Portrait of Peter I. Jan GOLE FIGHTHORN

Why did Sophia Charlotte keep these portraits in her Residence? After all, Charlottenburg is not the Hermitage, it is a house-museum dedicated to the life of Sophia Charlotte. Only those exhibits that accompanied the life of the Elector and were dear to her are exhibited here.

These portraits are fundamentally upsetting the decrepit office building. history, because historians are unable to explain them. They tell us that Peter went to Europe incognito and no one knew that it was Peter!!!

Historians do not report why he stayed in Brandenburg for so long, although Frederick’s delay on the way to Holland is simply inexplicable. And according to etiquette, our carpenter stayed at a foreign court for too long. But, as we now understand, Peter was at home caring parents and was in no hurry at all at the Amsterdam shipyard.
Moreover, already on the border with East Prussia in the city of Mitau, Peter was met by Elector Frederick, which in itself is an incredible thing. According to etiquette, this never happened - audiences with monarchs took place only in residence palaces. Monarchs never went to meet the traveling kings of other states. And then the Elector himself went to meet the “Preobrazhensky” Peter. This is followed by the absurd reservations of historians that perhaps it was Duke Fridrikus of Courland. No, it was precisely Elector Frederick.

On June 21st, Peter was noted hunting with Friedrich. On June 22, a drunken incident occurred when Peter almost killed his drinking companion Lefort. It turns out that Peter went to Holland in the west, but ended up in Pillau in the east? Where did the embassy go without the chief ambassador Lefort??? Historians are taking us for fools!
On the 29th, Peter widely celebrated his name day with the Elector, and only on the 30th of June was he just about to leave Pillau, and the embassy of 1697 had already left Prussia for three weeks! Such glaring inconsistencies arise.

The meeting with Sophia turned out to be very joyful. The little princess, Sophia's daughter and her son Friedrich August were also present at the meeting: “He took the little princess by the head and kissed her twice, completely crumpling her bow. He also kissed her brother."(M. M. Bogoslovsky).

Peter kissed his sister Natalia Wilhelmina and his brother Augustus, the future king of Poland. Not by etiquette, but by family. So Peter saw all his relatives, starting with little Friedrich, whom Peter also kissed and threw up in his arms. Peter never tossed or kissed any more children in his entire life. However, no other elector, queen, or duchess ever met Peter.

Relatives spent time in a close family circle. The balls continued until four o'clock in the morning. And at this celebration they drank exclusively to the family of Peter I, including father Frederick and mother Sophia: “And at the table and around the table they drank about the health of the great sovereign Tsarevich and his entire royal household, and about the Kurfistrovo, and about the Kurfistrynino, and about the health of their children.”(Bogoslovsky, with reference to the “Article List”).

Any person who reads this without reference to the official and false history of Peter I will make only one conclusion: at the banquet they drank for a single royal family: the Elector's father, the Elector's mother and their son Tsarevich Peter.

In addition to dancing, the guests had interesting conversations. Sophia Leibniz's personal teacher witnessed that celebration: “The Tsar, speaking Dutch or German, told the Electors that he intended to build 75 warships in Dutch shipyards to operate with them in the Black Sea. At present he thinks only about the war with the Turks."(Leibniz. See Guerrier. Collection of letters and memorials of Leibniz).
When he was able to learn Dutch and German, historians do not know.

Professor Shmurlo unearthed details of the meeting between Frederick and Peter in the reports of Venetian agents: “His electorate lordship titled the king royal majesty, and he called him king (? Qui luj rendit cefue de Czar).» .

Only close relatives, father and son, could behave this way. Peter calls dad king. Having found these documents, Shmurlo was very surprised and even Latin translation I left it with a question mark. The thing is truly inexplicable! But according to our version, there is nothing strange: the king’s father is considered a royal person.

Next, Peter invited his father to Russia: “His Lordship also asked whether it would be permissible for him (the Elector) to go to Muscovy; The king expressed great pleasure on this occasion, with a special desire that the Elector would make this journey. Then the last toast was for those who are waging war against the Turks with great ardor.". Soon Frederick would actually come to Muscovy to help his son sit on the throne. Only the battles against the “Turks” will take place not on the Black Sea, but on the Baltic and near Moscow.

Leibniz, a witness to that meeting, makes an amazing revelation: “Only in the presence of the Elector did he want to be what he is” . He was in the family circle, so Leibniz's words seem very clear to us. When Peter becomes a great emperor, he will not forget Leibniz and invite him to his service.

Sophia Charlotte and Leibniz. German engraving from the 17th century.

Leibniz is a very interesting figure. It was he who was the first to see in Peter the Great the sovereign-savior: “Leibniz, who was rushing around with the thought of a “great sovereign” who would be a distributor of enlightenment among the peoples of the East”(M.M. Bogoslovsky).

Leibniz told Lefort about a certain family tree of Russian tsars, which he compiled: “For Lefort, he drew up a special memo with two requests: first, to inform himexplanations and confirmation regarding the tree of the Moscow kings that was in his hands" (Guerrier. “Leibniz’s attitude towards Russia and Peter the Great”).

That is, Leibniz had already begun to prepare the “correct” history, deducing Peter directly from the Russian tsars.
The Russian people did not want to accept a German son as a tsar.

Why did the wild Peter inspire Leibniz so much? And why does everyone so want to enlighten the hated East? But Peter really appeared last hope West to defeat the Russian Empire. Needless to say, at these meetings the issue of teaching Peter crafts was never raised. Everyone unanimously forgot about the main goal of the Embassy; there was talk about grandiose plans to “enlighten the East” from the barbarians.

There is a very nice allegory in the Orange-Nassau House Museum. No one today knows what kind of woman is so carefully stroking the portrait of Peter I. Maybe some kind of muse, maybe Victoria herself in the form of a busty woman. But this is not a muse or an allegorical image of Victoria. This is quite real character- Sophia Charlotte, copied from a portrait in Charlottenburg. A caring mother dotes on her son and cares about the crowned heir. And in the House of Orange they wrote this Allegory for a reason - from this side royal dynasty the fate of not only William of Orange, but also the whole of Europe depended.

Collage. Along the edges are portraits of Peter I and Sophia Charlotte from Charlottenburg Palace. In the center is the Allegory of Great Peter from the house-museum of Orange-Nassau (MICHIEL VAN MUSSCHER "Allegory of Tsar Peter the Great". Signed and dated 1698).

To be continued...

Based on materials from the site

With this, I inform your lordship that our petitions are for the benefit of the Great Monarch of the All-Russian Service and for the benefit of many Christian nations, and, moreover, without a doubt, for our own benefit. If these requests of ours do not turn out to be with the highest permission of H.I.V., then, Your Grace, in this case, make your merciful efforts so that they are not accepted with anger and we are not deprived of Her Majesty’s mercies.

The King of Kartalin, Kakheti and others, Irakli, is always at your service.

Powers of the King of Kartli and Kakheti Irakli II to princes I.K. Bagration and G.R. Chavchavadze to sign an agreement with Russia on the recognition by the Georgian Tsar Irakli II of the patronage and supreme power of Russia

Repeatedly to the throne of the autocratic All-Russian ancestors Our Tsars of Kartalin and Kakheti, and following their example to the throne of the now safely reigning E. I. V. Catherine II<…>, We, Irakli II, King of Kartli (Kartli. - Ed.) and the King of Kakheti, the Hereditary Prince of Samtskhesaatabad, the Prince of Kazakh, Prince Borchalsky, Prince Shamyshadylsky, Prince Kaksky, Prince Shakisky and Prince Shirvansky, the ruler and ruler of Ganzhikh and Yerivan, on the acceptance of Us and Our successors under the patronage of H.I.V. and on recognition from the side of Our supreme power, Her and the successors of the Russian imperial throne over the Kartalin and Kakheti rulers and, finally, receiving from H.I.V. the most merciful permission to conclude clear and mutually similar decisions, elected and authorized Us the loyal and loyal subjects of Prince Ivan Konstantinovich Bagration... and Prince Garsevan Revazovich Chavchavadze, Our Adjutant General and Overseer of the Kazakh Province, to whom we give full power of attorney and the power, with the plenipotentiary appointed by E.I.V., to resolve, conclude and sign a treaty on the patronage of Us by E.I.V. .and Her high successors and about the recognition from My side of the supreme power of the All-Russian Autocrats over the Kartalin and Kakheti Tsars, promising by Our royal word to accept for good and faithfully fulfill everything that was promised from Prince Ivan Bagration and from Prince Garsevan Chavchavadze by the power of real full urine , it will be decreed and signed, and also to give Our ratification for this at the appointed time, in assurance of which We signed this with full power with Our own hands and ordered it to be approved by Our royal seal.

Given in Our reigning city of Tiflis, June 28th day, year from the birth of Christ 1783, the thirty-ninth year of our reign.

Signed on the gravy: Irakli(M.P.) Prince Davyd Orbelyanov Prince Kaykhosro Cholakaev

Treaty on recognition of the patronage and supreme power of Russia by the King of Kartalin and Kakheti Heraclius II (Georgievsky Treaty)

In the name of Almighty God, the One, glorified in the Holy Trinity.

From ancient times, the All-Russian Empire, in common faith with the Georgian peoples, served as protection, help and refuge for those peoples and their most illustrious rulers against the oppression to which they were subjected from their neighbors. The patronage of the All-Russian Autocrats to the Georgian Kings, their family and subjects, produced that dependence of the latter on the former, which is especially evident from the Russian-imperial title itself. E. I. V., now reigning safely, has sufficiently expressed Her royal favor towards these peoples and magnanimous providence for their good through Her strong efforts made to deliver them from the yoke of slavery and from the blasphemous tribute of the youths and young women, which some of these peoples they were obliged to give, and as a continuation of their royal contempt for their rulers. In this very disposition, condescending to the petitions brought to Her throne from the Most Serene King of Kartalin and Kakheti, Irakli Teimurazovich, to accept him with all his heirs and successors and with all his kingdoms and regions into the royal patronage of E.V. and Her high heirs and successors, with the recognition of the supreme power of the All-Russian Emperors over the Tsars of Kartalin and Kakheti, she most mercifully wanted to establish and conclude a friendly treaty with the aforementioned Most Serene Tsar, through which, on the one hand, His Serene Highness, in the name of His and His successors, recognizing the supreme power and patronage of H.I.V. and Her high successors over the rulers and peoples of the kingdoms of Kartalin and Kakheti and other regions belonging to them, would have marked in a solemn and precise manner their obligations in the consideration of the All-Russian Empire; and on the other hand, E. I. V. could also solemnly commemorate what advantages and benefits from Her generous and strong right hand are bestowed on the mentioned peoples and their most illustrious rulers.<…>

Article number one

His Grace the King of Kartalin and Kakheti, in His name, His heirs and successors, solemnly forever renounces any vassalage or under any title whatsoever, from any dependence on Persia or any other power, and hereby declares in the face of the whole world that He does not recognize Himself above and successors of another autocracy, in addition to the supreme power and patronage of E.I.V. and Her high heirs and successors to the All-Russian Imperial throne, promising that throne loyalty and readiness to contribute to the benefit of the state in any case where it is required of it.

Article number two

H.I.V., accepting such a sincere promise from His Serene Highness, equally promises and reassures with His imperial word for Himself and His successors that their mercy and protection from the Most Serene Kings of Kartalin and Kakheti will never be taken away. As proof of which, E.V. gives His imperial guarantee for the preservation of the integrity of the present possessions of His Serene Highness Tsar Irakli Teimurazovich, intending to extend such guarantee to such possessions that over time, due to circumstances, are acquired and will be firmly established for Him.

Article Three In expressing the sincerity with which His Serene Highness the Tsar of Kartalin and Kakheti recognizes the supreme power and patronage of the All-Russian Emperors, it is stated that the aforementioned Tsars, entering hereditarily into their kingdom, have to immediately notify the Russian imperial court about this, asking through their envoys for the imperial the kingdom of confirmation and investiture, consisting of a charter, a banner with the coat of arms of the All-Russian Empire, which has inside itself the coat of arms of the mentioned kingdoms, in a saber, in a commanding staff and in a mantle or ermine cap. These signs will either be handed to the envoys, or through the border authorities will be delivered to the Tsar, who, upon receiving them in the presence of the Russian minister, must solemnly take an oath of allegiance and zeal to the Russian Empire and to recognize the supreme power and patronage of the All-Russian Emperors in the form attached to seven treatises. This ritual will still be performed by His Serene King Irakli Teimurazovich.

Article number four

To prove that His Lordship’s intentions in considering such a close connection with the All-Russian Empire and the recognition of the supreme power and patronage of all the most illustrious owners of that empire are blameless, His Lordship promises without prior agreement with the main border commander and minister E.I.V., with not accredited, have no contact with the surrounding rulers. And when envoys arrive from them or letters are sent, accepting them, consult with the chief border commander and with Minister E.I.V. about the return of such envoys and about the proper rebuke to their owners.

Article number five

In order to more conveniently have all the necessary relations and agreements with the Russian Imperial Court, His Serene Highness the Tsar wishes to have his minister or resident at that court, and H.I.V., graciously accepting, promises that he will be received at Her court along with others sovereign princes as ministers of equal character to him, and in addition deigns on His part to maintain a Russian minister or resident under His Serene Highness.

Article number six

E. I. V., accepting with favor the recognition of Her supreme power and protection over the kingdoms of Kartalin and Georgian, promises in her name and for her successors:

1. The peoples of those kingdoms should be considered to be in close union and perfect harmony with Her empire and, consequently, their enemies should be recognized as their enemies; for which reason the peace concluded with the Ottoman Porte or with Persia, or another power and region, should extend to these peoples protected by E.V.

2. His Serene Highness Tsar Irakli Teimurazovich and His house of heirs and descendants shall be preserved invariably in the kingdoms of Kartalin and Kakheti.

In the name of the Almighty God, One and Holy One in the Trinity, glorified.

From ancient times, the All-Russian Empire, in common faith with the Georgian peoples, served as protection, help and refuge for those peoples and their most illustrious rulers against the oppression to which they were subjected from their neighbors. The patronage granted by all Russian autocrats to the Georgian kings, their family and subjects, produced that dependence of the latter on the former, which is especially evident from the Russian-imperial title itself. E. and. c., now reigning safely, has sufficiently expressed her royal benevolence towards these peoples and her magnanimous providence for their good through her strong efforts made to deliver them from the yoke of slavery and from the blasphemous tribute by boys and girls, which some of these peoples were obliged to give, and the continuation of his royal contempt for their rulers. In this very disposition, condescending to the petitions brought to her throne from the most illustrious king of Kartal and Kakhetia, Irakli Teimurazovich, to accept him with all his heirs and successors and with all his kingdoms and regions into the royal patronage of e.v. and her high heirs and successors, with the recognition of the supreme power of the All-Russian emperors over the kings of Kartalin and Kakheti, most mercifully wanted to establish and conclude a friendly treaty with the said most illustrious king, through which, on the one hand, his lordship, in the name of his and his successors, recognizing the supreme power and patronage of e.i. V. and her high successors over the rulers and peoples of the kingdoms of Kartalin and Kakheti and other regions belonging to them, would mark [mark] in a solemn and precise manner their obligations in the consideration of the All-Russian Empire; and on the other hand, e.i. V. In this way she could solemnly commemorate the advantages and benefits from her generous and strong right hand that are bestowed on the aforementioned peoples and their most illustrious rulers.

To conclude such an agreement e.i. V. deigned to authorize the Most Serene Prince of the Roman Empire, Grigory Aleksandrovich Potemkin, the troops of his general-in-chief,<...>, with the authority, in his absence, to choose and provide with full power from himself, whom he judges for the good, who therefore chose and authorized the excellent gentleman from the army e.i. V. lieutenant general<...>Pavel Potemkin, and His Lordship the Kartalin and Kakheti Tsar Irakli Teimurazovich elected and authorized on his part their Lordships his general from the left hand of Prince Ivan Konstantinovich Bagration and His Lordship the Adjutant General Prince Garsevan Chavchavadzev. The aforementioned plenipotentiaries, having begun with the help of God and exchanging mutual powers, according to their strength, decided, concluded and signed the following articles.

Article number one

His Grace the King of Kartalin and Kakheti, in his name, his heirs and successors, solemnly forever renounces any vassalage or under any title whatsoever, from any dependence on Persia or any other power, and hereby declares in the face of the whole world that he does not recognize himself above and successors of another autocracy, except for the supreme power and patronage of e.i. V. and her high heirs and successors to the All-Russian Imperial throne, promising that throne loyalty and readiness to contribute to the benefit of the state in any case where it is required of it.

Article number two

E. and. c., accepting from his lordship only a sincere promise, evenly promises and encourages with his imperial word for himself and his successors that their mercy and protection from the most illustrious kings of Kartalin and Kakheti will never be taken away. In proof of which E.V. gives his imperial guarantee for the preservation of the integrity of the present possessions of His Grace Tsar Irakli Teimurazovich, intending to extend such guarantee to such possessions that over time, due to circumstances, are acquired and will be firmly established for him.

Article number four

To prove that his lordship’s intentions in considering his close connection with the All-Russian Empire and the recognition of the supreme power and patronage of the most illustrious owners of that empire are blameless, his lordship promises without prior agreement with the chief border commander and minister e.i. c., accredited under him, not to have contact with the surrounding rulers. And when envoys arrive from them or letters are sent, accepting them, consult with the chief border commander and the minister E.I. c., about the return of such envoys and about the proper reprimand to their owners.

Article number five

In order to more conveniently have all the necessary relations and agreements with the Russian Imperial Court, His Grace the Tsar wishes to have his minister or resident at that court, and e.i. V., graciously accepting, promises that he will receive her at court along with other sovereign princes, ministers of equal character, and, moreover, deigns for his part to maintain a Russian minister or resident under his lordship.

Article number six

E. and. c., accepting with favor the recognition of her supreme power and patronage over the kingdoms of Kartalin and Georgian, she promises in her name and for her successors:

    The peoples of those kingdoms should be considered to be in close union and perfect harmony with its empire and, consequently, their enemies should be recognized as their enemies; for which reason the peace concluded with the Ottoman Porte or with Persia, or another power and region, should extend to these protected e.v. peoples.

    The Most Serene Tsar Irakli Teimurazovich and his house of heirs and descendants shall be preserved invariably in the kingdoms of Kartalin and Kakheti.

3. The power associated with internal administration, trial and reprisal and collection of taxes shall be granted to His Grace the Tsar at his full will and benefit, prohibiting his military and civil superiors from entering into any orders.

Article seven

His Grace the Tsar accepted with due reverence only the merciful acts on the part of Her Majesty. V. hope, promises for himself and his descendants:

    To be always ready to serve E.V. with his troops.

    Dealing with Russian superiors in constant communication on all matters, before the service of E.I. V. concerning, satisfy their requirements and subjects e.v. protect from all insults and oppression.

    In assigning people to places and elevating them to ranks, it is excellent to show respect for their services to the All-Russian Empire, on whose patronage the peace and prosperity of the kingdoms of Kartalin and Kakheti depends.

Article number 8

IN proof of the special royal favor towards His Grace the Tsar and his peoples and for the greater unification with Russia of these peoples of the same faith, e.i. V. deigns that the Catholicos or their commanding archbishop should take place among the Russian bishops in the eighth degree, namely after Tobolsk, most mercifully granting him forever the title of Member of the Holy Synod; about the management of the Georgian churches and the attitude that should be towards the Russian Synod, a special article will be drawn up about this.

Article number nine

Extending his mercy to the subjects of His Grace the Tsar, princes and nobles, e.i. V. establishes that in the All-Russian Empire they will enjoy all those advantages and benefits that are assigned to the Russian nobles, and his lordship, accepting with gratitude his merciful condescension towards his subjects, undertakes to send to the court of H.V. lists

all noble families, so that from them one can know exactly to whom such a distinct right belongs.

Article ten

It is decided that all natives of Kartal and Kakheti can settle in Russia, leave and return without any restrictions; prisoners, if they are released by weapons or negotiations with the Turks and Persians or other peoples, let them go home according to their desires, returning only the costs of their ransom and export; This very thing, and His Grace the Tsar promises to fulfill sacredly in the judgment of Russian subjects who are captured by their neighbors.

Article number one for ten

The Kartalin and Kakheti merchants have the freedom to send their trades to Russia, enjoying the same rights and benefits that natural Russian subjects enjoy; mutually, the king promises to decide with the main border guard or with the minister E.V. about all-round facilitation of Russian merchants in their trade in their regions or in their travel to trade in other places; for without such a precise resolution, the condition regarding the benefits of his merchants cannot take place.

Article number two for ten

This agreement is made for eternity; but if anything is deemed necessary to change or add for mutual benefit, it will take place by mutual agreement.

In witness of which the undersigned plenipotentiaries, by the full force of their powers, signed these articles and affixed their seals to them in the St. George* Fortress, July 24th day, 1783.

Pavel Potemkin.

Prince Ivan Bagration.

Prince Garsevan Chavchavadze.

Document No. 120

From the book by A.V. Suvorov*

"The Science of Winning"

Questions And assignments for the document120:

    Who do you think the book “The Science of Winning” was created for? Why was it relatively easy to remember?

    What practical benefit could the knowledge of this “Science” bring to the soldiers?

    What do you think are the distinctive features and moral thrust of this document? His main idea?

    In your opinion, could “The Science of Victory” help soldiers—yesterday’s serfs—feel like individuals and believe in their own strength? If so, what significance could this have had in the war?

Verbal teaching to soldiers about knowledge,necessary for them

<...>After this divorce exercise, when it will be carried out upon the arrival of the divorce in the main apartment, where he arrives before dawn, and at dawn he goes out to the square, the headquarters officer of the regiment whose divorce commands: pulls the trigger and begins in the presence of all the generals , headquarters and chief officers speak to the soldiers in their dialect by heart the following:

VIII. The heels are closed, the knees are pulled together! The soldier stands with an arrow: I see the fourth, I don’t see the fifth.

The military step is an arshin, while the approach is one and a half arshins. Take care of the intervals! The soldier in the front lines up at the elbow as he walks; the line is three steps from the line; on the march - two. Drums, don't interfere!

* Suvorov Alexander Vasilievich(1730-1800), Count of Rymniksky, Prince of Italy - the great Russian commander, generalissimo, did not have a single defeat on the battlefield. Author of military theoretical works “Regimental Institutions” and “Science of Victory”.

IX. Save zero for three days, and sometimes for an entire campaign, when there is nowhere to get it. Shoot rarely, but accurately, with a bayonet firmly. The bullet will be damaged, but the bayonet will not be damaged. The bullet is a fool, the bayonet is great! If only once! Throw the infidel with a bayonet: he is dead on the bayonet, scratching his neck with a saber. Saber on the neck - step back, strike again! If there is another, if there is a third! The hero will stab half a dozen, and I’ve seen more.

Take care of the bullet in the muzzle! Three will rush in - stab the first, shoot the second, bayonet the third!

Don't delay the attack! To shoot, shoot hard at the target.

There are twenty bullets per person, buy lead to save money, it costs a little. We shoot straight. Our thirtieth bullet is lost, and in field and regimental artillery perhaps less than a tenth round is lost.

Fuse on the buckshot - throw yourself on the buckshot! - Flies over your head. The guns are yours, the people are yours! Stay where you are! Drive, if you do! Give the rest of us mercy. It’s a sin to kill in vain, they are the same people.

Die for the house of the Mother of God, for mother, for the most illustrious house! - The Church prays to God. To those who remained alive, honor and glory!

Don’t offend the average person: he gives us water and food. A soldier is not a robber.

Holy prey! Take the camp - it's all yours. Take the fortress - it's all yours. In Ishmael, among other things, they divided gold and silver by the handful. So it is in many places. Don't go hunting without orders!