How old is Stepan Menshikov from house 2. Stepan Menshikov - biography, information, personal life

Stepan Menshchikov told how he conquered the beauties of “House-2”, and talked about his business, his wife and son.

From a stripper to a school head teacher - only a former participant in the reality show “Dom-2” is capable of this. 38-year-old Stepan Menshchikov was loved by such beauties as Alena Vodonaeva and Victoria Bonya. the presenter explained why you shouldn’t run after girls with flowers, how he was able to become a head teacher without special education, and also talked about his wife and son Vanechka.

Today Stepan Menshchikov is known as a former participant in the television project “Dom-2”, who easily won the hearts of the brightest girls in the perimeter of the show and beyond. And once he was an unknown 24-year-old graduate of Yekaterinburg theater institute, who, together with his classmate, came to conquer the capital.

After graduation, it's time to start independent life, and I was faced with a choice: to go to London, where a friend invited me, or to Moscow with a classmate. I didn’t really want to go to Moscow, but at first I thought about living in London and learning the language. I was ready to take any job. But I had delays with my visa, and had to go to the capital of Russia. We lived with a classmate in the apartment of his relatives.

Menshchikov’s desire to leave for London gradually faded away, and later disappeared completely.

A few years later I visited London. And I want to say that I don’t regret at all that I didn’t go there to live. Not my country. I stayed there for a week and realized that coming to visit is one thing, but I don’t want to live there.

Meanwhile, in Moscow, Stepan was actively looking for work. Of course, I wanted to find something more suitable for my profession. And... he became a stripper.

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At that time I had a beautiful body, trained, like Apollo. And then, I didn’t dance a striptease so much as I did funny, entertaining numbers to some “Cucaracha” with striptease elements. The night crowd loved it. Then I worked as a clown, held parties and weddings.

Then Stepan completely radically changed his role. And now the former stripper and party host becomes the head teacher of Moscow school No. 514.

At one of the weddings, the director of this school noticed me and invited me to work. I explained to him that I have no special education. To which he promised to solve this issue, since today in schools there is a problem with male specialists. And in August I came to work. He taught theater as an elective to children in primary school. As a head teacher, I was required to teach some classes. True, I only worked until mid-December - until they started New Year's corporate parties. The director gave me a choice: either work at parties or go to school. And I was paid for New Year’s parties as much as I earned per month as a head teacher. And it was hard for me to go to work every day at eight in the morning and sit until five in the evening. This is not mine, I don’t live in such a schedule. But we remained on good friendly terms with the director of this school, we still communicate, we go to visit each other.

And two years later hectic life In the capital, Stepan becomes a participant in the television project “Dom-2”.

I remember we, the first participants, all came there in May 2004. And literally a week later I turned 26 years old. This was the first birthday celebrated on the perimeter. I remember there was a cake... In general, I have never celebrated my birthday so badly in my life as I did that year. I usually make a big holiday out of this event. But then there were different conditions: there were no trips to the city, mobile phones prohibited from using. And we hardly knew each other.

Olga Buzova is one of the many participants in “House-2” who became a real star

Styopa, I read one of your quotes: “If a person ends up in Dom-2 and stays for a long time, he is not in danger of going crazy. Because there are no normal people there, crazy people go there.”

First, let's understand what I mean by "normal." Normal people are calm, balanced people. At "House-2" such people are not interesting. The project needs individuals with a flexible psyche, emotionally unstable people, so that they laugh, worry and cry. And so that these experiences do not occur within themselves, but spill out. This is what abnormality means - a shattered psyche.

Stepan does not hide that his main goal was to get on television. Which way is the second question. Therefore, when he was offered to go to the project, he agreed without thinking.

It was an experiment. I wanted to work in my profession and was slowly moving towards my goal. I needed fame, money, I didn’t think about any love.

However, she overtook him, more than once. Millions of viewers watched the vicissitudes of these love stories. The brightest of his girls: Alena Vodonaeva, Victoria Bonya and Alexandra Kharitonova. And all the stories were real, not projected inventions.

Many people wondered how I managed to be with only the most spectacular girls. And I have a very important secret. You need to love yourself and be an authority in the team, then the girls will catch up on their own. There is no need to run around and look after anyone, give flowers and sing serenades in the moonlight with a guitar. It is enough to be cheerful and resourceful. Yes, I break stereotypes and ideas about what a man should really be like to win the hand and heart of a woman. Just do something that brings you pleasure and benefit to society. Then love will find you itself. “Be open to it,” Menshchikov has no doubt, citing his own example. own experience. - I didn’t have a woman on my project for two months until Vodonaeva came to me. She saw me on her TV screen, watched me, and then went through the casting and said that she liked Stepan and wanted to be with him.

Stepan still communicates with all three girls today. Their interaction can hardly be called friendship, rather a friendly relationship.

It would be strange if we were friends with Alena or Bonya, for example. Especially families. For what? They have their own life, I have mine. But we congratulate each other on our birthdays. If we have any common interests, we call each other. If there is any difficulty, we worry about each other and help with something. They are public girls, and if something happens to them, I find out about it from the media. Although sometimes they call themselves and tell us something.

One of Menshchikov’s conflicts with Alexandra Kharitonova was related to the fact that young man I didn’t have my own housing in Moscow. Today this issue is almost resolved. For his family, Stepan bought a plot of land in Solnechnogorsk near Moscow, where he intends to build a house soon. In the meantime, he and his wife and three-year-old son live in a rented apartment.

By the way, about family. The TV star met his wife, 29-year-old Evgenia, about five years ago in one of the nightclubs in Ivanovo.

I went there to visit a friend for his birthday. I had been to this city many times by that time, and once again I was convinced that Ivanovo is not a city of brides. All the brides got married a long time ago, or moved away, or something else happened to them. But I didn’t see anyone who would attract my attention until that night. Leaving the club, I noticed the girl, she was sitting with her back to me. I approached her with the words: “Girl, your back is so beautiful,” and she turns her head, and I understand that not only does she have a beautiful back... I sat down next to her and started talking. Zhenya took my hands and stroked them for the entire hour while we chatted. Then we exchanged phone numbers, I left for Moscow.

So they began to communicate, and later he invited the girl to Moscow. She arrived, and in the end they decided to live together. Zhenya gave birth to Stepa’s son Ivan, who is already three years old. Before meeting Menshchikov, she worked in one of the companies in her hometown as an assistant manager. Now she is busy arranging her home life and raising Vanechka.

She raises her son and runs the household. It's a lot of work. Many men do not appreciate this; they think that the main thing in life is to earn money. But I think differently. I have to sit with my son for a couple of hours - I go crazy. I wonder when my wife will come to save me. The toys are scattered, everything is decorated, there is porridge and plasticine everywhere. Can you imagine? And she cleans these toys three times a day. I am grateful to fate that I have such a caring wife.

By the way, despite the fact that Zhenya and Styopa already have a son, they have not yet formalized their relationship. The wedding took place two years ago in Goa according to Indian rituals. There is another peculiarity in their relationship.

We have a unique relationship with her parents. I just love them. Do you know why? Because I've never seen them. Well, at first I wanted to meet them, get to know them, but Zhenya somehow didn’t really like this idea. And then she seemed ready for it, but I didn’t need it anymore. No and no. They saw Vanka, of course. Zhenya and her son go to visit them, but without me. And my mother knows Zhenya. She loves my wife very much.

In the meantime, Zhenya creates comfort and warmth at home, Stepan opened his own event agency “We Are Happy,” which not only organizes holidays, but also beauty contests. This year, his Miss Rus' competition will select the most beautiful girl for the fourth time.

Girls with non-standard appearance participate in my competition. That is, if a girl comes to a modeling agency or to a casting traditional competition beauty and she is sent to throw off a pair extra pounds, then in fact she doesn’t need to lose weight, but just needs to come to Miss Rus'. Skinny people don't pass this casting. Girls should have breasts and butts.

- Isn’t Zhenya jealous of such activities?

Not anymore. I had moments when she didn't understand my work. It upset me, we had disagreements. Now the situation has changed, she saw that the competition is not a screen through which I communicate with girls, but serious work.

Menshchikov has no thoughts about returning to the television project “Dom-2” - everything has its time. Besides, he has already built love and even a family. Now I need to do what I love and raise my son.

Finding himself on the set of Olga Buzova’s video about the television project Dom 2, one of the oldest former participants, Stepan Menshchikov, told Dom journalists that he was going to again become a participant in the reality show. on House 2 to Endaltseva? He really liked her “fifth point”, only the number of suitors around Anastasia confuses him.

It is not known where he saw those gentlemen, but even the former flee from Nastya’s requests out of the gate. And Endeltseva has not been particularly in demand among guys for a long time. Isn’t that why they pulled Stepan, divorced with two children, out of a dusty corner because it wouldn’t hurt for him to catch his share of the hype on the ratings of House 2? For these purposes, Anastasia Endaltseva is quite suitable. And Styopa can admit that he hasn’t watched the project for a long time.

Is mentioning Nastya an excuse to remind about yourself?

Or the mention of a possible return by the headliner of a television project meets the requirements to select a partner in advance. Why shouldn't Menshchikov stop?

At one time, Stepan brought many of the “stars” of the project to the top, and suddenly Nastya Endaltseva will be lucky and she will finally become a top runner with his help. Or Endaltseva hopes that with the help of showman Menshchikova she will finally get to the red carpet of some festival, which is what she is dreaming about. Moreover, she has already earned money for new shoes and outfits on the TV project?

Stepan was born on May 21, 1977 in Yekaterninburg. He is an actor by training and studied at the Yekaterinburg Theater Institute. Since May 12, 2004, Stepan has been one of the first fifteen participants in the reality show “House 2” on the TNT channel.

Arriving at the project, Styopa was determined. From the very first day he began to conquer all the girls in a row. All this time, Styopa was the “main clown” of the project, using all his KVN experience and acting abilities to entertain the participants and spectators. Attempts to establish relationships with someone happened more in the background (with the exception of sympathy for the main blonde of the project, Olga Buzova).

And then Alena Vodonaeva arrived. Fem-fatal "House-2". The spectacular girl immediately interested Styopa. He began courting her, and soon they turned into the most vibrant and talked-about couple on reality TV. How many times the guys quarreled and split up - we lost count. I can’t count how many times Styopa was called henpecked, and Alena was called a calculating bitch. However, the fact remained that they were indomitably drawn to each other, no matter what. And they were together.

But everything passes. After the project was restarted, Alena and Styopa (together with May, Solnts, Roma and Olya) became part of the untouchable group of participants and moved into a separate house. But the music did not play for long. One of the oldest couples in the project was left with only horns and legs in a matter of days. Alena said that there is no more love. And she and Stepan broke up. Menshchikov returned to where he started: he constantly flirted with someone and went on romantic dates. Of all his passions, the audience remembers, perhaps, only the oriental girl Aygun, whom Menshchikov met at the casting and a little later invited to the project.

Stepan's second love was Victoria Bonya. Their relationship at first seemed clean water misalliance: a beautiful and well-groomed girl in a jeep and a simple Russian guy. But Stepan’s charisma did its job, and Bonya melted. For a long time Out of principle, they did not agree to live in a VIP house, preferring Stepin’s ascetic corner in a cheerful hostel. But on November 1, during the voting, Menshchikov and Bonya surprised everyone by announcing that they were vying for a room in the Old House. So they were given the living space of Nastya and Sam. It is unknown what Styopa was guided by when making such a decision. But the “old men” had long been accustomed to his unexpected tricks, so they were not particularly surprised.

However, the contradictions between the young people became more and more over time, and their relationship could no longer “go away” on passion alone. Either Styopa complained that Bonya didn’t trust him, then Vika didn’t like his boorish behavior... After a holiday trip to night club Styopa and Vika's love faded away. And they left the room.

Suddenly a circle love adventures Stepan became isolated. Because now they are paired... with Alena Vodonaeva, his first project love. During the time that Stepan and Alena tried to build relationships separately (Menshchikov with Bonya, Vodonaeva with May), ex-lovers got very close and became good friends. And then events began to develop rapidly: Stepan, Alena and the couple suddenly announced themselves, moved into a room in the Old House, and got ready to get married. So far, no one can understand what binds the guys - a partnership agreement or a new outbreak of love for each other.

What Stepan told about himself at the beginning of the project: he considers himself a slob and is proud of it. Eccentric, emotional, Stepan calls himself a spot in the gray mass of people. I’m used to shirking work: “You just have to do everything wisely!” Even taking time off from work!” A little pompous and arrogant. Good actor. Accustomed to conquering girls with arrogance. He considers himself a star created to participate in a reality show. “For happiness I need three components: love, money and friends.”

Styopa had his very first romance with Alena; later he gave his girlfriend to Maya Abrikosov. When May left the project, Alena returned to Styopa and they announced their wedding, but the marriage never took place.

Vika Bonya was the girl for whom Styopa exchanged Alena when he broke up with her for the first time. The couple seemed ideal, but soon the social difference between the lovers made itself felt - Styopa became jealous of Vika’s rich and influential friends. As a result, Vika went to Anton Potapovich and left the project with him.

Having moved to city apartments, Styopa invited his friend Sasha Kharitonova, whom he met in Thailand, to live with him. The easy flirtation turned into a strong relationship, but again social differences got in the way - in response to the offer to leave the project and get married, Styopa heard that he did not have an apartment or a decent job. After breaking up with Sasha, he started an affair with a girl very similar to her named Ksenia.

At one time, Styopa was the owner of “House-2”, this title was given to him by Semyon Frolov, and also the producer of “ Istra witches“He refused this position after a quarrel with Sasha, because she was part of the group. Now Styopa is working on creating an alternative group.

A few months ago, Stepan Menshchikov, at the request of his girlfriend Sasha Kharitonova, left the scandalous television project “Dom-2”. However, the couple failed to “build love.” Sasha Kharitonova returned to the project after some time (only to leave again later). Stepan himself left Dom-2 forever, enlisting the support of his “native” TNT channel.

Menshchikov was never deprived of the attention of numerous fans, of whom there were enough during his entire stay on the television project “Dom-2”. And few doubted that the 32-year-old famous guy would be able to find himself new lover in a fairly short time.

By the way, ex-girlfriend Stepan, and also one of the most bright stars“House-2” Alena Vodonaeva is also preparing for the wedding. According to rumors, the wedding will take place in August. “We already had a wedding in the Maldives in winter,” Alena tells reporters. “I want the official wedding to be just as unforgettable!” Nice dress, a nice place- everything is like in a fairy tale. Everyone dreams about this day since childhood. There should be a grand celebration,” said the bride.

Ironically, it was Stepan Menshchikov who introduced Vodonaeva to her future husband. “This happened on Lesha’s 30th birthday,” says Alena, “I am the most expensive gift that he has ever received in his life.”

In 2008, Stepan Menshchikov participated in the show “Stars Change Their Profession” as a hair stylist, and two years later he became a co-host of the project “Hu from Hu” on the TNT channel, paired with another former member“House-2” by Rustam Solntsev.

He also became the founder and host of the popular program " Good night, guys! on DTV.

Stepan Menshchikov opened his own dating site and dreams of creating a new one television show“Bride for an Alligator”, in which ordinary girls will have the chance to become life partners of oligarchs and show business stars.

“I specifically called the oligarchs alligators so that they wouldn’t think too much of themselves. I already have a certain base of wealthy, wealthy men who would like to get married. Now there is a casting, I’m selecting beautiful girls for my project!”

Stepan Menshchikov himself has already tried to find his love not only on the television project “Dom-2”, but within the framework of the show “Let’s Get Married!” on Channel One.

Stepan Menshchikov dreams that his future wife will turn out to be a moderately obstinate brunette, and he himself will become the owner of at least a television holding company. On this moment he only managed to buy an apartment in hometown Yekaterinburg.

The biography of Stepan Menshikov is especially interesting to his fans, who appeared after his participation in the most scandalous reality show on Russian television called "House-2". It was this project that brought the guy fame and gave him a start in the world of show business. How old is Stepan Menshikov and what is interesting about his biography - we will talk about this in this article.


The hometown of one of the very first participants in the television project is Yekaterinburg. It was there that Stepan was born on May 21, 1977 (he is now 36 years old). The guy found his calling quite quickly and without hesitation he entered the Yekaterinburg Theater Institute. From childhood, Menshikov made his parents and friends laugh, and school years marked the beginning of his acting career.

Biography of Stepan Menshikov: on the project

The reality show “Dom-2” made the guy famous. In 2004, he came there with fourteen other guys and began to build love and, at the same time, a house. On the project, Stepan gained a reputation as the main ladies' man. The girls just stuck to

impulsive and versatile guy. But the brightest and longest relationships connected him with only three girls, and this was during 5 years of being on the television set. Alena Vodonaeva became the guy’s first passion, and the guys even planned to get married, but it was not destined to happen. Victoria Bonya also laid claim to Stepan's heart, but things became more and more intense between them over time, and soon the couple fled. With build strong and serious relationship it didn't work either. At Dom-2, in addition to building love, Menshikov led an active social life. He recorded songs with other guys, participated in skits, went on tour, and so on. At the beginning of the summer of 2013, Menshikov returned to the television project as a “revolutionary”. He, along with the other guys who returned with him, promised to show the current participants how to build their love correctly.

Biography of Stepan Menshikov: after the project

After leaving the television project that made him famous, the guy began to actively search for himself. He recorded an album with his own songs, created his own website, and began hosting a program on one of the TV channels. Now Stepan is a famous presenter

various kinds of events, toastmaster, actor and just a cheerful guy.

Biography of Stepan Menshikov: personal life

In March 2013, the former reality show participant became a dad. His common-law wife Evgenia Shamaeva gave birth to a boy, Vanya, for Stepa. In the near future, the couple plans to legalize their relationship and finally get married, especially since the engagement has already taken place earlier. At the moment, Stepan Menshikov, whose biography was discussed in this article, is an exemplary family man and devotes a lot of time to his closest and dearest people, while at the same time earning money and taking part in various television programs and shows. Menshikov himself admits that he has not yet achieved his dream (to make his own film), but is still moving forward.

Stepan Menshchikov born in the spring of 1977 in Yekaterinburg. After graduating from school in 1994, he served in the song and dance ensemble of the Ural Military District, then became a student at the Yekaterinburg State Theater Institute, department of acting.

In 2002, Stepan Menshchikov moved to Moscow, where in two years he changed several types of activities, including the professions of a stripper, clown, realtor and head teacher of a school.

The creative path of Stepan Menshchikov

May 12, 2004 Stepan Menshchikov became one of the first participants in the longest-running reality show on television - “Dom-2”.

As part of the television project, he established himself as a comedy actor, entertaining his colleagues and show hosts. He clearly expressed his sympathy for one of the most bright participants, Olga Buzova, but the girl did not appreciate him due to the lack of a romantic mood.

Stepan Menshchikov, despite his dubious image and very mediocre external data, met only with the most spectacular participants TV show.

He began his first and most scandalous romance in the entire history of “House-2” with Alena Vodonaeva. This couple always had fights and stormy reconciliations. After several years of vibrant relationships, love faded away, and Stepan Menshchikov continued to court the girls. Victoria Bonya was on his list of sympathies, and soon the union of a wealthy beauty and simple guy from Yekaterinburg has turned into a real misalliance.

“If a person ends up in Dom-2 and stays for a long time, he is not in danger of going crazy. Because there are no normal people there, crazy people go there. They don’t hire normal people into the project. All there are neurasthenics with hypertrophied vanity. Vanity is my favorite vice. This is a federal entertainment channel! I was also chasing fame and money.”

After another stormy breakup Stepan Menshchikov started dating Alexandra Kharitonova. Their acquaintance took place in Thailand and developed into a short romance. Menshchikov even offered his hand and heart to his beloved, but she refused him due to the lack of her own living space outside the perimeter, after which she nevertheless agreed to start life over a new leaf - outside the “Dom-2” show.

Stepan Menshchikov left after his beloved girl, but their relationship did not work out, and Alexandra returned to the project again. Stepan himself left Dom-2 forever, enlisting the support of his “native” TNT channel.

In 2008, Stepan Menshchikov participated in the show “Stars change professions” as a hair stylist, and two years later he became the co-host of the project “Hu from Hu” on the TNT channel, paired with another former participant in “House-2” Rustam Solntsev.

He also became the founder and host of the popular program “Good night, guys!” on DTV.

Stepan Menshchikov opened his own dating site and dreams of creating a new television show “ Bride for an alligator", in which ordinary girls will have the chance to become life partners of oligarchs and show business stars.

Stepan Menshchikov: “I specifically called the oligarchs alligators so that they would not think too much of themselves. I already have a certain base of wealthy, wealthy men who would like to get married. Casting is now underway, I’m selecting beautiful girls for my project!”

In April 2018, Menshchikov announced on social networks that he intended to fight for his heart former colleague on “House-2” by Olga Buzova in the show “Married to Buzov” on the TNT channel, in which the TV personality was going to look for her chosen one among several participants. However, Stepan's fans did not take the showman's intentions seriously.

Stepan Menshchikov explained his desire to participate in the show “Married to Buzova” in his microblog on Instagram: “I live a bright and dynamic life and I make many decisions for which I am responsible. I have done few things in my life that I later regretted. Now I want to confess to you that once, 14 years ago, I took off Olga Buzova’s panties I Want For Buzova, which were hanging above my bed, which I now regret. And now I dream of correcting that fatal mistake and taking part in a project on the TNT channel and frankly confessing my love to the beautiful Olga Buzova and making our queen truly happy!”

Personal life of Stepan Menshchikov

Myself Stepan Menshchikov I have already tried to find my love not only on the television project “Dom-2”, but within the framework of the show “Let’s get married!” on Channel One.

Before his marriage, Stepan dreamed that his future wife would turn out to be a moderately obstinate brunette, and that he himself would become the owner of at least a television holding company.

“The main thing for me is that there is one outstanding shape - the butt. In fact, I like smart women with humor, so that they understand jokes. A woman must also be pure, literally and figuratively. If a girl even thinks about going to the left, she already becomes unclean for me, and the relationship goes into a different plane.”

Since 2011 he has been dating Evgeniy Shamaeva, the relationship with whom very quickly became serious, the couple lived together. In March 2013, Menshchikov and Shamaeva had a son, Ivan. For the sake of the baby and his beloved, Stepan left the Dom-2 project. In December 2013, on the air of “Let Them Talk,” Menshchikov proposed to Evgenia, she agreed.

The lovers held a wedding ceremony in Goa in January 2014, and in Russia they officially formalized the relationship only two years later.

In the fall of 2017, it became known that the couple no longer lived together. In October, the Menshchikovs were invited to film the show “Actually”. In the studio, Stepan was very surprised to learn the results of a DNA test done shortly before filming. It turned out that the eldest son Ivan is not actually Menshchikov’s biological son.

However, the star Doma-2“emphasizes that this fact will not affect his attitude towards his four-year-old son.

“After the transfer, I didn’t say anything to her. I said nothing. The most important thing now, in this situation, is the health of children. Moral and physical."