Victoria Tolstoganova, children. The ex-husband of Victoria Tolstoganova is Andrey Kuzichev. Filmography: films starring Victoria Tolstoganova.

Well, here I am again with you, my dear girls. Yesterday I watched one of the mini-series of my home collection "At the Nameless Height". And I wanted to know more about my personal life talented actress Tolstoganova Victoria, who played the role of a sniper in it. This is not the only film with her participation, which I love. And every time I am convinced that Vika easily manages to transform into different images of heroines, completely riveting the viewer's attention to the plot of the picture.

Victoria means "victory". What is she?

Victoria was born in a Moscow maternity hospital on March 24, 1972. From childhood, she was a very diligent and purposeful girl. From the age of 11, she began to attend classes at the Theater of Young Muscovites, where she repeatedly surprised teachers with unprecedented diligence.

After studying at school, she entered courses at the Moscow Art Theater. Later, the girl graduated from the State Institute theatrical art. And the next stage was studying at the All-Union state institute cinematography.

Victoria used to be the best in everything since childhood, so knowledge was given to her with ease. Do you think her victorious name played a role?

As the artist herself admits, her motto in life is: “I will die, but I will achieve my goal”

Thanks to this principle, Vika persistently pursued her dream - to play the first roles in cinema and theater. The brilliant work of Tolstoganova has been repeatedly noticed by grateful viewers and masters of cinema. This is evidenced by a number of significant awards with which she was awarded. The main ones are:

  1. 2005 - government award in the field of culture.
  2. 2012 - Prize of the National Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences of the Russian Federation "Golden Eagle".

Full filmography of the actress on this moment has 62 paintings. She also played many roles on the stage.

The personal life of this charming woman is shrouded in secrets. Do you want to know more about Victoria Tolstoganova, her family, husband, children? I managed to get some information for my favorite readers))

Victoria Tolstoganova: family, husband, children. Photo!

The first husband of the actress was the famous actor Andrei Kuzichev, whom the girl met while studying at GITIS.

The fruits of their love were the daughter Varenka and the son Fedor.

Unfortunately, creative people not always able to maintain their relationship. So it happened with this talented couple. Their marriage lasted 14 years.

Tolstoganova Victoria Viktorovna: personal life

Victoria always guards her personal life very reverently, which gives the actress a certain aura of mystery. Her divorce from her first husband became known only when, in May 2011, Tolstoganova gave birth to a child from the famous director Alexei Agranovich.

Rumor has it that it was the acquaintance with Alexei that became fatal for the first marriage of the actress

Since 2013, Victoria and Alexey began to attend social events together, no longer avoiding journalists. This couple in love shone with happiness and radiated harmony, which undoubtedly pleased the fans of their work.

Unfortunately, no matter how hard they try to hide details from curious people around family life, V yellow press rumors slipped that a crack had appeared in their idyll. For the first time they started talking about this after the Sochi film festival "Kinotavr". The staff of the hotel where the couple stayed said that there was a quarrel between the lovers, after which Alexey left. It seems that Tolstoganova Victoria Viktorovna and her personal life more than once will surprise inquisitive fans. Well, I really want to believe that these relationships will be able to withstand the burden of a difficult profession ...

As a bonus, I suggest watching an amazing video verse from the actress:

Finally, I want to sincerely wish this beautiful and talented actress, mother of three wonderful children, great female happiness! After all, a happy public person will share this grain with us, playing new interesting, memorable roles!

And we, the viewers, just need this!

(4 ratings, average: 4,75 out of 5)


Victoria is one of the best actresses of our time. The girl loves to always be the first and achieve her goal no matter what. This quality helps Victoria to achieve unimaginable heights, both in her career and in personal achievements.

For her age, the actress looks excellent, which is also her merit, because the girl is used to always look great, despite the problems, age and other circumstances that so often interfere modern women. Her work is highly valued, and the actress has repeatedly received awards proving her professionalism.

Height, weight, age. How old is Victoria Tolstoganova

A girl was born on March 24, 1972, at the moment she is already 45 years old, but despite this, it is difficult to call her a “woman”, because she looks much younger than her years. With a height of 170, the actress weighs 59 kg, this is a very good indicator that allows Victoria to remain fragile and slim. The girl loves to travel very much, so everything is her own free time tries to spend on interesting trips. Such a question as Height, weight, age. How old is Victoria Tolstoganova, of course, worries her fans, but the girl pleases them good performance appearance.

Biography of Victoria Tolstoganova

Victoria was born in Moscow. For a long time she was the only child in the family, but then three more sisters were born. Despite this, Victoria was not jealous of her parents and a friendly atmosphere reigned in the family. Parents have always tried to instill in their daughters only the best qualities, such as care and kindness. That is why since childhood there were many pets in the family, so the girls learned responsibility. Victoria's sisters were engaged in music, and the girl, in turn, did not share the sisters' passion and, on the contrary, got tired of the constant noise and rehearsals, which is why she often went for a walk to be in silence for at least a couple of hours.

At school, the girl studied well, and was always one of the best, achieving her goal at any cost. Even as a teenager, the girl liked the career of an actress, so she began to go to acting classes, and after school she entered the State Institute of Theater Arts and the All-Union State Institute of Cinematography.

The girl began to take part in performances from the fourth year, then she was invited to work at the Stanislavsky Theater, where she still works. The biography of Victoria Tolstoganova has always been very successful.

Filmography: films starring Victoria Tolstoganova

But the acting career of the girl began a little later. She began acting in films as soon as she got a job in the theater, but these were inconspicuous episodic roles, but since 2002 she was noticed and serious offers followed. With her participation in 2002, several films were released at once.

Among them - "The Shoemaker", "Antikiller", "Moonglade", "Hot Saturday".
The filmography of the girl is amazing interesting films, such as: "Silver Lily of the Valley", "Prodigal Children", "The Model", "Lilac Branch". The actress masterfully knows how to transform and plays the role of any genre.

Personal life of Victoria Tolstoganova

Victoria is not famous for many novels, and even, on the contrary, there were only two men in her life. The girl met her first husband in 1996, when she was not yet popular. Their marriage lasted 14 years, but despite two children, the couple broke up. Later, the girl was seen with a new man, namely Alexei Agranovich, who is currently her common-law husband and the couple already has a joint son. Now the personal life of Victoria Tolstoganova is closed from others, one has only to say that the girl looks happy.

Family of Victoria Tolstoganova

The family of Victoria Tolstoganova is very large, her parents instilled in the girl a love for children, animals and people in general. Perhaps due to the fact that the girl grew up in a large family, she also wanted to herself big family and is already raising a third child. Victoria always says that she is very grateful to her parents for a decent upbringing, and especially for instilling in her such qualities as kindness and care. She says that her family will also have many pets to teach children about kindness and responsibility.

Children of Victoria Tolstoganova

As already mentioned, Victoria tries to be the first in everything, this also applies to motherhood. She is a very good mother who is able to give her children a decent upbringing. Despite being busy and popular, she always finds time for her family and beloved children. The children of Victoria Tolstoganova are not deprived of maternal attention and will grow up to be truly worthy people in the future. Victoria is a very secretive person, and does not like to talk about her personal and family life, so the press can only guess how her family life is going.

The son of Victoria Tolstoganova - Fedor Kuzichev

The son of Victoria Tolstoganova - Fedor Kuzichev is also a child from his first marriage. And the boy was born in 2009. Shortly after the birth of their son, the couple broke up, namely in 2010. The couple hid their divorce for a long time, so the press did not know that Victoria already had new man. Now Victoria's son is only 8 years old, the boy is still living ordinary life schoolboy and does not know who he will become in the future, but star mom will allow him to decide future profession putting on the boy best qualities for life and raising in him a real man, able to go ahead to his goal.

The son of Victoria Tolstoganova - Ivan Agranovich

As already mentioned, Victoria hid her divorce from her husband for a very long time, and when she appeared in public pregnant with her third child, everyone congratulated her ex-husband for a very long time, thinking that this was his child. And only a few months later, Victoria began to appear in public with a new man and said that Ivan was his son. The son of Victoria Tolstoganova - Ivan Agranovich was born on May 17, 2011, now the boy is 6 years old. Victoria quickly entered into a new relationship after her first marriage and immediately gave birth to a new child, which suggests that the girl was familiar with her future chosen one while still married.

Former husband of Victoria Tolstoganova - Andrey Kuzichev

Ex-husband Victoria Tolstoganova - Andrey Kuzichev is famous actor cinema and theater. The boy was born into a family of physicists, but did not follow in the footsteps of his parents and devoted his life to art. The marriage with Victoria broke up for the reason that the actor was against his wife starring in new picture Mikhalkov under the title: “Burnt by the Sun-2”, against this background, a discord occurred in the couple, Andrei put the girl before a choice, either a film or a family, and Victoria made a choice in favor of the film, and their family union broke up.

Civil husband of Victoria Tolstoganova - Alexey Agranovich

The common-law husband of Victoria Tolstoganova, Alexei Agranovich, is a fairly well-known director and actor. True, he is known more as a director. He is known throughout Russia as main director opening and closing of the Russian film festival. He also has roles in 14 films. They have been together with Victoria since 2010 and are currently raising a joint son. The couple hid their relationship for a long time, and behaved like real “spies”, arriving and leaving for events in different cars and practically not intersecting in public, but over time they got tired of hiding and they announced their relationship.

Instagram and Wikipedia Victoria Tolstoganova

Instagram and Wikipedia Victoria Tolstoganova will allow fans of her work to find out about all the films in which the girl starred. Pictures with her participation are very successful and contribute to a great evening in front of the TV. Since Victoria loves to travel and have fun in general, on her Instagram you will find interesting photos nature and places visited by the actress. Her social media filled with bright photographs and will be of interest even to those who are not fans of her work.

An amazing woman - a beauty and a wonderful theater and film actress, as well as a good mother of three children and caring wife. All these words are about the wonderful woman Victoria Viktorovna Tolstoganova. She is one of the most sought-after actresses in Russia thanks to her realistic game and the ability to easily and quickly transform into desired image. However, for Victoria Tolstoganova her family: husband and children are the most important part of life.

The actress was born in a large and friendly family. The touching relationship between the parents made little Vika very happy. The parents had four daughters, Victoria was the eldest. She took care of her sisters and dreamed of the same big and friendly family. Since childhood, Victoria also dreamed of becoming an actress, starting to engage in acting literally from her school years.

Time after time the girl stormed admission committee GITIS, and on the third attempt she succeeded. There, the actress meets her first husband, Andrey Kuzichev. After graduating from GITIS, in 1996, the couple decided to get married, and for a long time their family seemed to be one of the most stable in the acting environment. The couple practically did not part, playing on the stage of one theater and on the sites of some films.

Andrey Kuzichev and Victoria Tolstoganova

Although both spouses dreamed of a large and friendly family, the children in the couple appeared rather late. The eldest daughter Varya, who was born in 2005, was a long-awaited child, just like the son Fedor, who appeared three years later. Victoria Tolstoganova diligently guarded family: husband and children from press attention.

Grown up children - Fedor and Varvara

The spouses are completely different in character - Andrey Kuzichev is calm, reasonable and without bad habits. He balanced his more emotional and even slightly explosive wife. However, the fourteenth year of marriage turned out to be fatal for the couple. It is believed that Victoria is tired of her husband's pressure in choosing roles. The stumbling block was the role in the film Burnt by the Sun 2, which Victoria played despite the threat of divorce.

Such beautiful woman could not stay alone for a long time and some time after the divorce, the actress was seen in the company of the famous director Alexei Agranovich. However, the couple carefully concealed their relationship and in 2011, when the actress gave birth to her common-law husband of a child - the son of Ivan, many did not know about her new chosen one.

Elder children of Victoria Tolstoganova- daughter Varvara and son Fedor are very similar to their dad - actor Andrei Kuzichev, but younger son Victoria gave birth to the famous theater director Alexei Agranovich. The reason that the actress decided to break up with her husband was the ongoing scandals in their once friendly and happy family. The turmoil between the spouses began after Victoria received an invitation to take part in Nikita Mikhalkov's film "Burnt by the Sun-2". Any actress could only dream of such a role, of course, Victoria also could not refuse such a tempting offer, despite the fact that her husband increasingly began to make strict demands on her to pay more attention to the family and children of Victoria Tolstoganova, and not work.

In the photo - an actress with children

Perhaps, not only her husband's ambitions, but also professional jealousy spoke in Andrei Kuzichev. Nevertheless, her husband categorically forbade Victoria to act with Mikhalkov, setting the condition - either family or work. The actress has never been scandalous and has always appreciated family relationships, but she could not endure this and left her husband. The children of Victoria Tolstoganova, together with their mother, began to live separately, and the actress herself, wasting no time in vain, spun new novel- with the son of the famous operator Agranovich - Alexei. Their relationship was so serious that the actress decided on a third child. Becoming mother of many children, she claims that having three children is not much harder than having one.

In the photo - Victoria Tolstoganova with her daughter

The children of Victoria Tolstoganova can be left alone when their mother has to leave for a short time, the three of them are much more fun. Especially since eldest daughter Varya can already look after the younger ones. younger brothers- Fedor and Ivan obey their sister, and she brings them up in her own way. The children of Victoria Tolstoganova are already accustomed to independence, because she gives them to grandmothers and nannies only for the period of filming, and the rest of the time she copes with them herself. But not only mother teaches her children, Victoria, communicating with her maturing daughter, adopts from her some character traits that she herself lacks.

So, Varya knows how to negotiate and always forgives everyone, Victoria also learns the same. The matured daughter is already demonstrating her talents. She became interested in dancing, and her mother, noticing this hobby, enrolled her in a professional dance studio. Varya takes her classes in the studio so responsibly that she does not allow herself to miss them or even be late. Mom is happy for her daughter and is proud that she is so responsible and disciplined.
You may also be interested in: Victoria Tolstoganova - popular and in demand Russian actress. Familiar to the viewer from the films “Diary of a Kamikaze” (2002), “At the Nameless Height”, “Give Me Life”, “Magnetic Storms” (2003), “Moscow Saga” (2004), “Escape” (2005), “Snow Angel "(2007), "I'm not me" (2010), "The Ballad of the Bomber" (2011), "Spy" (2012), "The Executioner", "Hugging the Sky" (2014) and others.

Her brilliant work in cinema and theater has been recognized by a number of prestigious awards, including the Government Award in the field of culture (2005) and the Golden Eagle Award of the National Academy of Cinematographic Arts and Sciences of the Russian Federation (2012).

According to the actress, she always and in everything loves to be the best, acting on the principle - I will die, but I will achieve it. This natural property of character prompts her to permanent job over himself, which, combined with talent, allows you to achieve success.

Youth of Victoria Tolstoganova

Victoria was born in Moscow on March 24, 1972. was normal cheerful child. I learned to read early, around the age of three. By the age of 4, she herself went to the library, which was located on the first floor of their house. Until the age of 9 she was the only child in the family, later her three sisters were born. She believes that her relatives did not spoil her with excessive care and attention. If necessary, she could well be left alone, she was independent and normally endured loneliness.

The actress noted in an interview that her parents raised her and her sisters very correctly in other matters. In particular, they initiated their communication with nature. In their city apartment, the girls' father created a real zoo. First a goose lived in their bathroom, then rabbits. Dogs, cats, parrots and hamsters were constantly present. Now herself, having become a mother, the actress also keeps various pets in the house, as she is sure that they develop in children a sense of kindness and a caring attitude towards people and animals.

Also in primary school Tolstoganova was distinguished by the fact that she demonstrated miracles of perseverance and perseverance. She wanted to be only the first, often going beyond common sense. For example, in physical education classes, even feeling the blood in her nose, she ran faster than the others. In addition, she was terribly amorous - every week she was fond of a new boy.

As a teenager, she decided to become an actress and attended the Theater of Young Muscovites at the Palace of Pioneers. She studied acting, stage speech, vocals and choreography there, participated in performances and festivals. Then Victoria studied at courses at the Moscow Art Academic theater, later - at the State Institute of Theatrical Art (where she was able to get only in the third year of admission) and at the All-Union State Institute of Cinematography (in the workshop of I. Kheifits).

The beginning of the acting career of Victoria Tolstoganova: the first roles in the theater

During the student years, at the beginning of the 4th year, the actress was accepted into the corpse Drama theater named after K.S. Stanislavsky, where he still serves today. Her debut took place in the play Khlestakov, in which director Vladimir Mirzoev offered an unusual look at Gogol's play, which was turned from a realistic comedy into a mystical, frightening and funny action in a stage version.

Later there were roles of Tolstoganova in the performances of Masquerade, Claudel Modeling, Shopping and Fucking, Boris Godunov, staged by the British theater director and writer Declan Donnalan. It should be noted that as part of the team involved in staging this performance, Victoria visited the annual International festival theater in Venezuela. She later recalled that this event, during which theatrical figures from different countries introduced each other to their works, organized with the aim of promoting the development of theatrical connections and talents, social and cultural communication, made a great impression on her, up to the desire to stay there forever. And this is despite the specific atmosphere prevailing in this country - poverty, devastation, heaps of garbage, car parking, more like landfills - despite the fact that the bowels of Venezuela are rich in oil, diamonds and gold.

Filmography of Victoria Tolstoganova

The first work in the cinema of Victoria Tolstoganova was the role in the short feature film "Daily Duty", filmed in 1997 based on the play by the English playwright Harold Pinter "Lover". In the same year, with the participation of the actress, the melodrama “My First Teacher, or the Bachelor Party in Russian” (about attempts to beautifully organize the first intimacy with a woman), the television play “Love”, filmed by V. Mirzoev based on the story of the same name by Lyudmila Petrushevskaya, was released in 2000- m - the comedy "Silver Lily of the Valley".

Victoria noted that when comparing theater and cinema, she prefers the latter. She likes the possibility of wide spontaneous improvisation in the process of filming. At the same time, endless repetitions theatrical performances for the actress, according to her, painful. Therefore, working in the theater, Tolstoganova constantly went to auditions. In particular, for a very long time she auditioned for the film "Country of the Deaf", directed by Valery Todorovsky based on the book by Renata Litvinova "To Possess and Belong". True, in the end, Chulpan Khamatova was approved for the role that Victoria dreamed of.

However, the persistent attempts of the talented actress to get into the world of cinema were nevertheless crowned with success. In 2002, she began to act actively. With her participation, several films are released at once. Among them - "The Shoemaker", "Antikiller", "Moonglade", "Hot Saturday". In 2003, Victoria starred in the Belarusian-Russian film - the military drama by Vyacheslav Nikiforov "At the nameless height", where she fought as a sniper with a German specialist in marksmanship and camouflage.

Tolstoganova treats serials with caution, as she believes that many of them do not deserve attention. Nevertheless, the film novel based on Vasily Aksenov's trilogy "The Moscow Saga", where she played Tasya Pyzhikova, is considered interesting.

In 2003, the actress also played one of the main roles in the serial melodrama “Give Me Life”, the series “Angel on the Roads”, in the film “Ice” by Mikhail Brashinsky, which, according to film critics, like Dmitry Meskhiev’s film “Kamikaze Diary” , elevated her to the rank of an unconditional and absolute movie star.

The best films with Victoria Tolstoganova

It is impossible not to note the brilliant performance of the actress in the psychological drama "Magnetic Storms", filmed by film director Vadim Abdrashitov, for which Tolstoganova was awarded the Prize of the Government of the Russian Federation. This is a love story of two young people - Valera performed by Maxim Averin and Marina, the heroine of Tolstoganova. They want to live, but are unable to resist fate.

Victoria noted that during the filming she felt complete agreement with the position of the authors in their view of the world. She was impressed by the image of Marina, the integrity of her nature, simplicity and self-sufficiency. The actress believes that Abdrashitov is a unique director, brilliantly revealing sharp moral issues. According to Victoria, she admires his talent, he is her idol.

Superbly embodied on the screen Tolstoganova and the role of Iraida Petrakovich in the film "Spy". This acting work of hers was awarded the Golden Eagle Award for Best Supporting Actress.

In the sequel "The Executioner" of the Mosgaz series, Victoria played one of the main characters, Raisa, the prototype of a war criminal who operated in Oryol region, which, on the orders of the Nazis, carried out executions of civilians and partisans. Tolstoganova amazes the audience with the art of acting, easily playing the most diverse roles.

Personal life of Victoria Tolstoganova

The actress was married to actor Andrei Kuzichev from 1996 to 2010. For the former married couple there are two children - daughter Varvara and son Fedor (8 and 5 years old, respectively). In 2011, the 39-year-old actress gave birth to her third child, the son of Ivan from civil husband, theater director Alexei Agranovich.

The most close girlfriend actresses - the wife of film director Boris Khlebnikov, with whom Victoria studied at school together. The main quality of women considers the ability to protect the people around them and be responsible for their actions, and men - to be strong and tolerant.