What does the name melania mean and its meaning. Characteristics and influence of the name

In different countries of the world, girls are given the name Melania, only in the USA, Britain, France and Germany it sounds like Melanie, and in Belarus - Malanya and Malania. This name appeared a long time ago, but over the centuries it was forgotten, then returned again, and at the moment it is popular again. Let's reveal the secret meaning of the name Melania for a girl.

Little Melania is a real hurricane. She is characterized by inner strength, impulsiveness and demandingness. She is prone to showing intolerance towards people, and at the same time it is very difficult to perceive the world around her. But, despite such qualities, she is able to charm and attract people with some of her invisible charm.

Thanks to such properties as activity, self-confidence and eloquence, the girl studies successfully.

From early childhood she showed acting talent., and thanks to him, the child can achieve anyone’s favor. The adults are touched, and the girl becomes more and more a spoiled, capricious owner.

Melania's adults are independent and self-confident, they are able to find a way out and make decisions in difficult situations. They have many friends, love to be in society, communicate and make acquaintances. She is active and efficient, she is always on the move.

Melania is very sociable and usually has many friends.

Melania is so changeable that even someone who knows her very well cannot predict her behavior at the next moment. Despite her explosive nature, demandingness, intolerance, aggressiveness, authoritarianism and rancor, her mysterious charm still attracts people to her.

She loves to seek the truth and prove that she is right, but she is very difficult to please. She has a close friend, but even with her she manages to quarrel over little things.


Melania is in excellent health, which is harmed only by negative emotions and accumulated grievances. All ailments have a “psychological overtone.”

The only weak point in her body is the intestines; attention should be paid to it and, perhaps, a diet will be required.

Marriage and family

Family is very important to her and is of great importance, so she takes her choice of partner seriously. She needs a protector and provider, a real family man and a one-woman man, but at the same time, he must be romantic and gentle. With such a partner, she will be able to realize herself in marriage. After all, she enjoys taking care of everyday life and family comfort.

Not only is personal happiness important to her, but the well-being of her husband and children is also important, so a constant feeling of celebration reigns in the atmosphere of her home. She is a wonderful hostess: Has culinary skills and loves to experiment in the kitchen. She is always glad to have guests whom she surprises with a rich table and delights, and in return she loves to receive praise and enthusiastic responses.

Melania loves to receive guests and delight them with a luxurious reception.

He treats his children with reverence and tenderness, loves them, but is sometimes too strict. She understands the importance of spiritual education and development, and not just material support.

Melania does not express dissatisfaction with her husband, trying to build an even relationship, but the relationship with her mother-in-law is strained: Melasha does not let her near her household and does not listen to advice.

Career and hobbies

Melania could make a great musician.

She only needs a prestigious and interesting job that will provide a decent income. The following specialties suit her personality:

  • correspondent;
  • journalist;
  • writer;
  • psychologist;
  • musician;
  • translator;
  • secretary;
  • manager-consultant.

It will be exciting for her to work on a TV channel or in a publishing house. She gets along with her superiors and loves when her achievements are appreciated. Sees his colleagues as competitors who hinder him from achieving his goal. She always gets her way and quickly moves up the career ladder. She even has the makings of a leader: the ability to solve issues and maintain distance.

Melania has one feature - the ability of clairvoyance, but she does not want to use it and does not consider it necessary to develop it, believing that this activity will not bring her a high income. But in vain, she could have turned out to be a famous fortuneteller or clairvoyant.

Famous names bearers

  • Melanie Waldor (1796-1871) - poet and playwright who opened a literary salon in France.
  • Melanie Klein (1882-1960) – psychoanalyst, specialization – child psychoanalysis. Developed psychoanalytic play therapy.
  • Melanie Phillips (1951) – English journalist.
  • Melanie Myron (1952) is an American actress, screenwriter, producer and director who has directed more than 30 films and TV series. Emmy Award winner for Best Actress in a Supporting Role.

Melanie Myron (famous American actress, screenwriter, director and producer).

  • Melanie Griffith (1957) is an actress who has appeared in more than 50 films and received a Golden Globe Award for Working Girl. Nominated for Oscar and Emmy awards.
  • Melania Trump (1970) is a fashion model from Slovenia, currently the First Lady of the United States.

Melania Trump (model, wife of US President Donald Trump).

  • Melanie Chisholm (1974) - singer, composer and songwriter, member of the Spice Girls.
  • Melanie Brown (1975) is a British singer, another former member of the Spice Girls, actress, songwriter and television presenter.

Melanie Brown (former member of the Spice Girls).

  • Melanie Lynskey (1977) is a stage, film and television actress from New Zealand.
  • Melanie Georgiad Diam`s (1980) is a French rap artist.
  • Melanie Robillard (1982) – German curler, coach of the Spanish national team.
  • Melanie Fiona Hallim (1983) is a singer from Canada.
  • Melanie Behringer (1985) – midfielder of the German football team. Winner of Olympic bronze, world and European champion.
  • Melanie Houdin (1991) is an American tennis player who competed in the Grand Slam tournament and won the mixed doubles title.

Melanie Houdin (American tennis player)

  • Melanie Leupolz (1994) – football player, member of the German national team, European champion 2013.
  • Melanie Adele Martinez (1995) is an American singer.

Melania's birthday

Research has proven that the origin of the name Melania belongs to the culture of Ancient Greece and comes from ancient Greek words that literally mean “dark” or “dark” girl, implying skin color. There are other versions of the interpretation of what the name Melania means, which sound different, but leave the same meaning.

This name came to our territory during early Christianity, and many mistakenly think that it is Slavic.

The name Melania remains unchanged in Orthodoxy. Melania is a church name, and it sounds unchanged in the Orthodox way, but it can still be written down at the sacrament of baptism, as Melania or Malania. The meaning of the name Melania in the church remains the same.

According to the church, they fall on January 13 (December 31) - Venerable Melania the Roman, and June 21 (June 8) - Venerable Melania.

A beautiful and original name, just be prepared that your daughter will be a real little tornado and will try to twist ropes out of you, but that’s what we are parents for, to give in to the whims of our children. Do you like this name? Please write in the comments.

What does the name Melania mean?
“The darkest, or blackest, perhaps gloomy, and sometimes cruel” - this is exactly the translation that can have such a name, even caressing the human ear.

Origin of the name Melania:
The history of this beautiful name is connected specifically with Ancient Greece.

Character conveyed by the name Melania:

Women with such a sonorous name are often classified as choleric. So these individuals are extremely restless, but they can also be quite balanced, possessing an enviable will and a truly unusually well-developed sixth sense. Also, sometimes it may seem that she seems to see right through any person and even reads all his innermost thoughts. However, at some particularly critical moments in this complex life, Melanie may not rely on intuition at all, but only on common sense or clear logic.

They are always very efficient, which even their many ill-wishers are ready to admit. She can achieve everything in this life herself, without resorting to any patronage or acquaintances. But with all this, it would be better for such women not to make them angry, since they simply have an overdeveloped sense of self-esteem. And believe me, their reaction to an unpleasant stimulus will be simply instantaneous and incredibly violent. They will also be friends only until a friend accidentally affects her personal interests.

Many Melanias may well turn out to be simply excellent doctors, or linguists, sometimes excellent psychologists, or businesswomen, and, a little less often, wonderful teachers. They will also be quite able to work as educators, probably because they always love to teach almost everyone, and sometimes even impose only their opinion.

But the appearance of many Melania is always quite sexy, probably in order to attract the maximum number of men. However, Melania themselves can treat various men even with some aggression and hostility. Melania will choose her husband only herself, guided, as in practically everything else, by sober calculation. However, already in marriage, they are always very faithful, and of course devoted wives, and also always simply magnificent housewives and madly loving and extremely caring mothers. Also, family for Melania is always the most sacred thing. Leadership in her family will always belong only to the woman, and if suddenly the husband always agrees with absolutely everything, then this can truly be the happiest family. It should also be noted that she is always an economical housewife, moreover, she knows how to cook beautifully and deliciously, and will never be averse to shifting some of the women’s household responsibilities onto the strong shoulders of her husband. She will not be too happy to have guests in her house, especially if these are purely female companies or get-togethers, which she does not really like.

But, despite her fantastically developed intuition, she does not always see, and sometimes simply does not notice, something bad in many people. And more than once, human meanness can bring her real suffering. Yes, and her memory is always excellent, but there is such a peculiarity - Melania can remember only the best for a long time, and very quickly forgets about all the bad, she really is not vindictive at all.

Forms of the name Melania

Other forms of the name Melania: Malasha, Melanie, Mela, Melanka, Melanya, Melen.

Name Melania in different languages

Let's look at the spelling and sound of the name in Chinese, Japanese and other languages: Chinese (how to write in hieroglyphs): 梅拉 (Méi lā). Korean: 멜라니 (mellani). Armenian: Մելանյա (Melanya). Yiddish: מעלאַניאַ (Mʻlʼanyʼa). Ukrainian: Melania. Arabic: ميلانيا. English: Melania (Melania).

Origin of the name Melania

10. Type. These women, like their totem, wrap themselves around the object of their desires so tightly that it loses its ability to resist. They love intrigue.

11. Psyche. They need a wide open window into the world, they need an audience, because they are actresses at heart.

12. Will. Strong. It doesn’t hurt these girls to manage their will wisely.

13. Excitability. Quite strong excitability leads this woman to rash decisions, uncontrollable and unpredictable actions.

14. Reaction speed. They are absolutely not objective. But, what’s even worse, they have “their own” husband, “their own” house, “their own” life. They rush through life like a mad hurricane.

15. Field of activity. Melania does everything, she will try everything, they have no problems choosing a profession, these are determined ladies who know what they want. Sometimes they work in two places at the same time: for example, they can be a teacher and play in an orchestra in the evenings.

16. Intuition. It is about them that they say: “she just has a sense of smell...” They see the hidden aspects of a matter, see right through people and read their thoughts.

17. Intelligence. A living mind of a synthetic type. Everything is grasped on the fly. They have an excellent memory; they remember especially well and for a long time the insults inflicted on them.

18. Receptivity. They prefer to love themselves than to be loved.

19. Morality. With enviable ease they adapt to friends from very different environments and just as easily tame them.

20. Health. In general, not bad, but sometimes they feel an incomprehensible malaise, most often of mental origin. They need to “listen to themselves.” The weak point of their body is the intestines.

21. Sexuality. Let us remember that the totem animal of these individuals is a snake, so their sexuality is associated with possession.

22. Activity. In a good mood, Melania can be quite charming!

23. Sociability. Such women simply need to be among people.

24. Conclusion. Researchers of African flora and fauna will tell you that the boa falls on its prey from the tree from which it was observing it. But getting out of her arms is a problem...

Positive traits of the name

Willpower, determination, seriousness. Melania can become a role model even for men, showing endurance and courage in difficult everyday situations.

Negative traits of the name

Melania is often at odds with the whole world: with family, friends, colleagues and, of course, with herself. She furiously attacks established norms, traditions, and authorities.

Choosing a profession by name

Melania is an honest and respectable worker. Melania sees the meaning of her career and material well-being in home comfort, creating a family home and providing for her loved ones, and not at all in satisfying her professional ambitions. Melania can flourish in art and technology, but she is contraindicated from working with children and social activities.

The impact of a name on business

Melania seeks stability and comfort in life and therefore saves money, often being the breadwinner of the family.

The influence of a name on health

Melania has good health, which can be damaged by accumulated negative emotions and resentments.

Psychology of a name

The desire for sustainability leads Melania to shamelessly use those around her: family, friends, acquaintances: Don’t trust her too much. But if you show sincerity and warmth towards Melania, then all the best qualities can be revealed in her.

Incompatibility of the name Melania

Version 2. What does the name Melania mean?

- from Greek. black, gloomy; folk Malaniya and Malanya; decomposition Melania.

Derivatives: Malanyushka, Melanya, Lanya,
Lana, Melasha, Milya, Molya, Malakha, Malasha, Mali.

Proverbs, sayings, folk signs.

Dressing up like Malanya
for a wedding.

They gave it to the hungry Malanya
pancakes, and she says: “They weren’t baked well.”

What is Ananya like?
he and Malanya.

St. Day Malanyi
popularly called Vasilyeva's carol, a generous evening, since it used to be
on December 31st and was New Year's Eve, Vasily's Day.


Melania is a woman of rare virtues: kind and loving to the point of sacrifice, caring,
attentive, affectionate, responsive to someone else's misfortune. Naturally smart and quick-witted,
has a brilliant memory. Sometimes this bothers her: she remembers too much of what
For your own peace of mind, it’s better to forget. In principle, tolerant of human
shortcomings, and although she is given the ability to see through everyone, she does not use her insight
for your own good. Maybe in vain: she could make a good fortune teller,
even clairvoyant.

3 version of the meaning of the name Melania

1. Personality. Those who wrap around.

2. Character. 91%.

3. Radiation. 97%.

4. Vibration. 75,000 oscillations/s.

5. Color. Orange.

6. Main features. Sensitivity - Intelligence
- sociability - morality.

7. Totem plant. Wild grapes.

8. Totem animal. Boa*.

9. Sign. Aquarius.

10. Type. These women, like their totem, entwine
the object of his desires so strongly that he loses the ability to resist. Love it

11. Psyche. They need wide open
a window to the world, they need an audience, because they are actresses at heart.

12. Will. Strong. These girls don't mind
guide your will with your mind.

13. Excitability. Quite strong excitability
leads this woman to rash decisions, uncontrollable and unpredictable

14. Reaction speed. They are absolutely not objective.
But, what’s even worse, they have “their own” husband, “their own” house, “their own” life. They rush through life,
like a mad hurricane.

15. Field of activity. Melania is engaged
everyone in a row, will try everything, they have no problems with choosing a profession, this
determined ladies who know what they want. Sometimes they work in two places at the same time:
for example, they can be teachers and play in an orchestra in the evenings.

16. Intuition. It is about them that they say: “she has
just a sniff...” They see the hidden aspects of a matter, see right through people and read their thoughts.

17. Intelligence. A living mind of a synthetic type.
Everything is grasped on the fly. They have an excellent memory, they remember especially well and for a long time
the grievances caused to them.

18. Receptivity. They prefer to love themselves
than to be loved.

19. Morality. Adapt with enviable ease
to friends from very different backgrounds and just as easily tame them.

20. Health. Overall not bad, but sometimes they feel
an incomprehensible ailment, most often of mental origin. They need to listen
to yourself". The weak point of their body is the intestines.

21. Sexuality. Let us remember that the totem animal
these individuals are a snake, so their sexuality is associated with possession.

22. Activity. In a good mood
can be quite charming!

23. Sociability. Such women simply have a need
be among people.

24. Conclusion. Researchers of African flora and fauna
They will tell you that the boa falls on its victim from the tree from which it was watching.
But getting out of her arms is a problem...

A large snake of the boa constrictor family.

Name day named after Melania

January 13, June 21,

A person has only one name day - this is either the name day that falls on the birthday, or the first after the birthday

Numerology of the name Melania

Name number: 2

Those who are lucky enough to be born under a deuce will not have to worry about having good friends and public recognition - personal talents, diligence and the ability to understand people will certainly lead a deuce to personal success. Violence and rudeness are alien to her, but she easily finds her way to the hearts and souls of people through understanding and goodwill.
When you meet a person under the sign of two, take care of him: most likely, you have found a good friend, a mentor, and in some cases, quite possibly, a life partner. Do not rush to judge the deuce in a modest manner, because the deuce does not reveal to everyone what is inside.

The meaning of the letters in the name Melania

M- if you look at people who have the letter “M” in their name, you can say that they are scattered and disorganized, but in reality this is not the case. Whatever they need, they will never forget. They prefer to do quality work. They make excellent leaders who always take into account the interests of others.

E- sociability, insight, commercialism and selfishness. Owners of this letter are able to win people over. They are simple and charming at the same time. They constantly strive for a good life, which they value more than friendship. They realize themselves well in creative professions. They are interesting conversationalists.

L- artistic and inventive individuals. They prefer to be guided by logical thinking in their actions. They know how to win over. In rare cases, they are narcissistic and disdainful of other people. It is extremely difficult to endure separation from loved ones. They are overly capricious and require increased attention to their person.

A- the alphabet begins with it, and it symbolizes the beginning, the desire to achieve success. If a person has this letter in his name, then he will constantly strive for physical and spiritual balance.

People whose name starts with A are quite hardworking. They like to take initiative in everything and do not like routine.

N- strong, strong-willed and decisive individuals. Quite hardworking, but cannot stand monotonous and boring work. Smart, attractive, critical thinking present. A person takes a long time to choose a chosen one with whom he can live until the end of his days. Loves to take care of loved ones.

AND- subtle mental organization, romance, kindness, honesty and peacefulness. Representatives of the fair sex pay a lot of attention to their appearance, while men focus on internal qualities. They manage to achieve great success in science and working with people. Very economical and prudent.

I- people who have this letter in their name know their worth. They strive to achieve love and respect from the people around them. People with the letter "I" are good thinkers and are capable of hiding many secrets. In addition, they are excellent conversationalists and romantic people with a rich imagination.

Name as a phrase

  • M- Think
  • E- Esi (Is, Be, Exist)
  • L- People
  • A- Az (I, Me, Myself, Myself)
  • N- Our (Ours, Yours)
  • AND- And (Union, Connect, Union, UNITY, One, Together, “Together with”)
  • I- (YA = A) Az

Name Melania in English (Latin)


When filling out a document in English, you should first write your first name, then your patronymic in Latin letters, and then your last name. You may need to write the name Melania in English when applying for a foreign passport, ordering a foreign hotel, when placing an order in an English online store, and so on.

Useful video

The female name Melania has Greek roots and means “swarthy”, “dark”. It is common in many countries of the world, for example, it is found in the USA and Great Britain in the sound of Melanie. The name Melania came to the territory of our country back in the days of early Christianity, therefore it is sometimes perceived as originally Slavic. Over the centuries it has lost and regained its popularity, but currently the name Melania is experiencing a period of return from oblivion.

Characteristics of the name Melania

Melania's character can be compared to a small hurricane. This strong, impulsive, demanding and often intolerant woman has the amazing ability to please others. There is some elusive charm about her that attracts people to her and allows her to continue to consider herself the best. From an early age, Melania begins to show acting talent. This girl can adapt to any circumstances and please any people. She always evokes admiration or affection from adults and constantly takes advantage of this, gradually developing capriciousness and a tendency towards possessiveness. Melania studies well, although she achieves more not with knowledge, but with activity, a well-spoken tongue and self-confidence. The adult owner of this name is strong-willed, balanced, and finds a way out of any situation. She has a huge number of friends and acquaintances, since Melania loves nothing more than being in society, shining and meeting new people. In addition to narcissism, she also has such not very positive character traits as aggressiveness, vindictiveness, and a desire to command people.

Compatibility with Zodiac signs

The name Melania is suitable for a girl born under the zodiac sign of Aries, that is, from March 21 to April 20. Aries is similar to Melania in the nature of a pioneer, impulsiveness, inability to listen, so under his influence she will be a rather strict person, but proactive, enterprising and generally friendly.

Pros and cons of the name Melania

What are the pros and cons of the name Melania? This beautiful, gentle, rather rarely used name may appeal to a large number of parents. In combination with Russian surnames and patronymics, it sounds a little unusual, but quite beautiful and ancient. A positive aspect is the large number of abbreviations and diminutive forms that are suitable for this name (for example, Melana, Melashka, Melanyushka, Lana, Lanushka). Perhaps the only drawback of this name is the rather bad character of many of its owners, which spoils the overall impression of it.


Melania is in good health. Intestinal problems can bring her some discomfort; they are also prone to upper respiratory tract diseases.

Love and family relationships

In family relationships, Melania prefers to keep everything under her strict control. It is not easy for her husband to get along with her, so over the years he becomes quiet and uninitiative, maintaining a calm atmosphere in his home. But the owner of this name makes an excellent housewife and a strict, but very caring mother.

Professional area

In the professional sphere, Melania shows great hard work. Any work “burns” in her hands, so she succeeds in everything she takes on. For example, the owner of this name can prove herself as a doctor, school teacher, owner of a small shop or cafe, translator, secretary, manager, journalist.

Name day

According to the Orthodox calendar, Melania (in church spelling also Melanya, Malaniya) celebrates her name day on January 13 and June 21.