Cossack proverbs and sayings for children. Card index on the topic: Card index of Cossack proverbs and sayings

“A Cossack without a Cossack woman is like a drunkard without a stash!
A Cossack without a wife is like a saber without a sheath!
A Cossack scolds his wife not when she is to blame, but when he has time for it.
A Cossack without a horse is like a candle without fire!
A Cossack does not cry in trouble.
The Cossacks are all atamans.
The Cossack walks, but does not forget his service!
The Cossack even feels his saber in his sleep.
A Cossack will drink from a handful and dine on the palm of his hand.
Cossack is brother to Cossack, a hundredfold in war!
The Cossack would sooner die than with native land will leave!
The Cossack whistles with his saber, the Turk kicks his pants.
Cossacks don't like being woken up without doing anything!
Cossacks fight from Cossacks.
The Cossack is hungry, but his horse is full.
The Cossack is fighting, his wife is grieving.
A Cossack sees a Cossack from afar.
The Cossack boasted about his horse and choked on his boast.
The Cossack got married - he got drunk!

A Cossack burns in service, but goes out without service.
The Cossack is amusing himself.
The Cossack is not afraid of death, our God needs him.
You can recognize a Cossack under the matting.
There are never enough Cossacks.
To be a Cossack means to walk without opening your mouth.
For a Cossack on a campaign, a needle is important.
A Cossack would rather die than leave his native land.
Cossack, what are you doing: if you give too much, he will eat everything, and if you give too little, he will be full.
The Cossack women are poor, their mittens won't hold you back!
The cauldron is checked by its ringing, and the Cossack by its word.
The Cossack lasso is not a cockroach - it has no teeth, but eats the neck.
There is no translation for the Cossack family.
Cossack courage will destroy any fortress.
The Cossack mounts his horse, and his bride is born.

As it comes back, so will it respond.
If I were a gentleman, I would still eat lard and lard.
As the Cossack was born, Satan became angry.
Just as a wet man burns, so a dead man breathes.
Like a dog in the manger, it doesn’t eat itself and doesn’t let others near it.
How the catfish got into the verse.
Like a wasp, it crawls into your eyes.
How they believe you is how they measure you.
Like the land, like the bread.
Like the mother, like the doll.
Like death, so are funerals.
Same as the sleigh.
Like a sin - like a misfortune.
No matter how sick she was, she died.
As it is in the threshing floor, so it is in war.
As is the pop, so is the arrival.
What a Savva, such is his glory.

Bow to yours, and don’t forget ours.
Fight fire with fire.
Keys and locks are left without a shirt.
An oath is terrible, but funny to a fool.
When a cat has nothing to do, he licks eggs.
When the Cossacks sing, their enemies roar.
If a Cossack is in prison, then he is free.
If there is no cat in the house, mice play on the table.
Whoever finishes eating gets to clean up.
Horse and fields are my joy!
The horse is below us, and God is above us!
A horse even on four legs still stumbles.
The Cossack's horse brother.
A goat is no match for a horse.
Spit - the whole city is beautiful.

A fool is happy with red.
Handsome as a gray horse.
Red need - Cossack service.
It’s more beautiful to die in poly, lower in a woman’s hem.
The army is strong as a commander.
The prison is strong, the devil loves it.
You cannot bind love with the cross.
He who does not fear God is not ashamed of people.
He who is rich is also horned.
Whoever is breshe is sokhne.
He who promises a lot gives little.
He who kisses a lot rarely fails to bite.
Anyone on the Terek at early dawn has a fish in their yard!
He who was not young was not bad either.
He who has not tasted sorrow will not see joy.
He who does not give birth does not mourn.
He who has not known anything new is happy with rags.
He who has not seen need does not know happiness.
Those who start stealing late try to steal more.

The one who gets up first will pick mushrooms, but the sleepy and lazy ones go after the nettles.
Whoever gets up early, God gives to him.
He who serves is the one who grieves.
Whoever runs around the sun becomes cold.
He who is drowning will grab hold of a sharp sword.
Whoever runs away has one road, whoever catches up has one hundred.
Whoever stole it has one sin, and whoever has lost it has ten sins.
Where the needle goes, so goes the thread.
Where the horse hoofs, the toad goes with its paws.
Wherever you throw it, there’s a wedge everywhere.
Strike while the iron is hot.
A godfather with a cart makes it easier for the mare.
I would buy strength, but there is no money.
The chicken pecks one grain at a time and is full."

1. The Ataman is strong.
2. Without an ataman, a Cossack is an orphan.
3. Without the ataman, the duvan is not blown.

4. Not the ataman with a mace, but the mace with the ataman.
5. Not all Cossacks can be atamans.
6. To be an Ataman is to keep order.
7. Good Cossack, bache, where the ataman is galloping.
8. Do not boast about the Ataman, but hold on to him tightly.
9. And the chieftain does not have two heads on his shoulders.
10. You will be an ataman, - endure the Cossack.
11. Be patient with the Cossack - you will become an ataman.
12. Donuts for the chieftains, cones for the Cossacks.
13. A bad Cossack cannot make an Ataman.
14. The Cossacks are all atamans.
15. There are never enough Cossacks.
16. The Cossack is silent, but he knows everything.
17. You can see the Cossack under the matting.
18. A Cossack even wears matting.
19. I took the matting from the devil, and I’ll have to give back the skin too.
20. He is not a Cossack who is afraid of dogs.
21. For truth and freedom, eat to your heart's content.
22. A good Cossack does not disdain, whatever happens, he cracks.
23. What is great for a Cossack is death for a German.
24. Cossack, what are you doing: and if you give a lot, you will eat everything, and if you give a little, you will be full.
25. A Cossack will drink from a handful and dine from the palm of his hand.
26. Lupi, kozache, whole eggs for the day.
27. Didn’t drink Danube water, didn’t eat Cossack porridge.
28. Bread and water - Cossack food.
28. That’s why the Cossack is smooth because he’s full on his side.
29. A Cossack lives not by what is, but by what will be.
30. The Cossack is hungry, but his horse is full.
31. God is not without mercy, the Cossack is not without happiness.
32. Don’t fight, Cossack, don’t let your enemy cry.
33. Wherever the Cossack’s share does not throw him, there will be a Cossack.
34. The Cossack amuses himself.
35. A Cossack doesn’t cry even in trouble.
36. Cossack Donskoy, like lake crucian carp: caviar, spicy and salted.
37. Cossack Zhurba is not May.
38. Not the Cossack who swims with water, but the one who is against the water.
39. Why is it cold there, if the Cossack is young?
40. I don’t dare cry, they don’t tell me to grieve.
41. Stand strong for the truth, then people will follow you.
42. Truth and power.
43. If the whole bulk dies, then the little one will die.
44. We will overcome the devil with a council.
45. Whoever lags behind the partnership, let him lose his skin.
46. ​​Where there is a Cossack, there is glory.
47. Where Don is, there is truth.
48. Walk straight, look boldly.
49. Even a bullet is afraid of the truth.
50. Believe in God, beat the enemy, destroy the earth, destroy the zhinka.
51. The mother gave birth to a Cossack, a woman gave birth to a man, and a monk to a woman.
52. Once she gave birth to a Cossack mother, once she died.
53. The Cossack is not afraid of death, our God needs him.
54. The child is afraid that there is no one.
55. Our Lug is a father, and Sich is a mother, that’s where we need to die.
56. A Cossack has died, he will lie down, and there is no one to trouble him.
57. The Cossack disappeared for his soul.
58. It’s more beautiful to die in poly, lower in a woman’s hem.
59. The Cossack truth is still alive. (B. Khmelnitsky)
60. There is no translation for the Cossack family.
61. Where there is an enemy, there is a Cossack.
62. A man is waiting for the enemy, a Cossack is looking for the enemy.
63. If you want peace, prepare for battle.
64. And there will be a war about a single Cossack.
65. God protects the careful, but the Cossack has a saber.
66. God forbid from the mad louse.
67. A generous Cossack does not attack from behind.
68. He who has compassion on an enemy has a widow as his wife.
69. He who loosened his tongue sheathed the saber.
70. Excessive words make your hands weak.
71. Don’t get along with lords and pigs.
72. From a demon - with a cross, from a pig - with a pestle.
73. The Cossacks came from the Don and drove the lords home.
74. All the lords have richly purchased liars.
75. Khmil (Khmelnitsky) poured out of the mikha, giving the panama-lyakhs a hard time.
76. Whatever happens, it will, but the Cossack will not be timid about the lordship!
77. I’m going to the bottom so that no one gnaws my head.
78. From his birth, a Cossack is not a Bourgeois and will not be a Cossack.
79. There will be no sign for the Cossack.
80. A dog's life, but a Cossack's glory.
81. The Cossack cannot bear the sight of the Sich.
82. If a Cossack is in prison, then he is free.
83. A Cossack is like a dove: wherever it doesn’t fly, it will land there.
84. Our Cossacks’ custom is this: where there is room, go to bed there.
85. Not the Cossack who fought, but the one who wriggled out.
86. Not everything is a Cossack that he wrote off.
87. A good Cossack, but not a penny.
88. Get it or not be at home.
89. Horse, and night, Cossack comrades.
90. The sun for the forest - Cossack joy.
91. Our zipuns are gray, but our minds are velvet.
92. If a Cossack, so with the Don.
93. A Cossack from birth - a Cossack from the Don.
94. Without a horse, a Cossack is an orphan all around.
95. For luck, the Cossack mounts his horse, and by chance the horse beats him.
96. The Cossack mounts his horse, and his bride is born.
97. Our Cossacks’ custom is this: kiss your godmother and kiss your purse on your lips.
98. Let Satan hang around with women rather than a good Cossack.
99. Where falcons fly, crows are not allowed there.
100. What a scribbler writes, not even a dog can lick it off.
101. Your own dog, just because it’s your own, does not cease to be a dog.
102. Where there are two Ukrainians, there are three hetmans.
103. Not our regiment, go to the wolf.
104. Bow to yours, and do not forget ours.
105. God save us from the Pope of Rome and from the Khan of Crimea.
106. Buli Lyakham Zhovti water, which will become Pilyava.
107. The Poles are not gentlemen, and we are not their lads.
108. Disappeared like a Swede near Poltava.
109. Mazepa choked on dumplings in Poltava.
110. The hungry Frenchman is happy with the crow.
111. You came not invited, and you will leave unkind.
112. Cossacks are the eyes and ears of the army. (A. Suvorov).
113. A Cossack without service is not a Cossack.
114. A Cossack burns in service, but goes out without service.
115. Left his post - missed the enemy.
116. As in the threshing floor, so in war.
117. First, do not boast, but pray to God.
118. Oh, my oven is my oven! If I were on you, and you on a horse, I would be a glorious Cossack.
119. Dancing is not work, and whoever doesn’t know how is a disgrace.
120. We would still sing and the stomach would feel so bad.

Cossack sayings

Where honor needed support, there were the Cossacks.

Fathers built a house for their sons.

The Donetsk is always a warrior in activities, in recreation, in fun.

A Cossack would rather die than leave his native land.

And there is only one warrior in the field, if he is cut like a Cossack.

The cauldron is checked by its ringing, and the Cossack by its word.

The Cossack is young, but his skill is old.

To be a Cossack is to walk around without opening your mouth.

Cossack courage will destroy any fortress.

Cheerful halts where the Cossacks began to sing.

Where there is anxiety, the Cossack goes there.

It's better to have long ears than a long tongue.

To have more, you need to know more.

The weaker your will, the more difficult your fate.

Cossacks don’t boast about grass, boast about hay.

Pies do not grow on thorn bushes.

If you want to be on top, choose the path up the mountain.

Some Cossacks around the corner are screaming until they are hoarse, but to no avail, they hide in the bushes.

Ingenuity helps a Cossack in any matter.

A Cossack does not have any fun from idleness.

Without work, it’s like without care, and a smart Cossack is a fool.

Cossack proverbs

1. The Ataman is strong.

2. Without an ataman, a Cossack is an orphan.

3. Without the ataman, the duvan is not blown.

4. Not the ataman with a mace, but the mace with the ataman.

5. Not all Cossacks can be atamans.

6. To be an Ataman is to keep order.

7. Good Cossack, bache, where the ataman is galloping.

8. Do not boast about the Ataman, but hold on to him tightly.

9. And the chieftain does not have two heads on his shoulders.

10. You will be an ataman, - endure the Cossack.

11. Be patient with the Cossack - you will become an ataman.

12. Donuts for the chieftains, cones for the Cossacks.

13. A bad Cossack cannot make an Ataman.

14. The Cossacks are all atamans.

15. There are never enough Cossacks.

16. The Cossack is silent, but he knows everything.

17. You can see the Cossack under the matting.

18. A Cossack even wears matting.

19. I took the matting from the devil, and I’ll have to give back the skin too.

20. He is not a Cossack who is afraid of dogs.

21. For truth and freedom, eat to your heart's content.

22. A good Cossack does not disdain, whatever happens, he cracks.

23. What is great for a Cossack is death for a German.

24. Cossack, what are you doing: and if you give a lot, you will eat everything, and if you give a little, you will be full.

25. A Cossack will drink from a handful and dine from the palm of his hand.

26. Lupi, kozache, whole eggs for the day.

27. Didn’t drink Danube water, didn’t eat Cossack porridge.

28. Bread and water - Cossack food.

28. That’s why the Cossack is smooth because he’s full on his side.

29. A Cossack lives not by what is, but by what will be.

30. The Cossack is hungry, but his horse is full.

31. God is not without mercy, the Cossack is not without happiness.

32. Don’t fight, Cossack, don’t let your enemy cry.

33. Wherever the Cossack’s share does not throw him, there will be a Cossack.

34. The Cossack amuses himself.

35. A Cossack doesn’t cry even in trouble.

36. Cossack Donskoy, like lake crucian carp: caviar, spicy and salted.

37. Cossack Zhurba is not May.

38. Not the Cossack who swims with water, but the one who is against the water.

39. Why is it cold there, if the Cossack is young?

40. I don’t dare cry, they don’t tell me to grieve.

41. Stand strong for the truth, then people will follow you.

42. Truth and power.

43. If the whole bulk dies, then the little one will die.

44. We will overcome the devil with a council.

45. Whoever lags behind the partnership, let him lose his skin.

46. ​​Where there is a Cossack, there is glory.

47. Where Don is, there is truth.

48. Walk straight, look boldly.

49. Even a bullet is afraid of the truth.

50. Believe in God, beat the enemy, destroy the earth, destroy the zhinka.

51. The mother gave birth to a Cossack, a woman gave birth to a man, and a monk to a woman.

52. Once she gave birth to a Cossack mother, once she died.

53. The Cossack is not afraid of death, our God needs him.

54. The child is afraid that there is no one.

55. Our Lug is a father, and Sich is a mother, that’s where we need to die.

56. A Cossack has died, he will lie down, and there is no one to trouble him.

57. The Cossack disappeared for his soul.

58. It’s more beautiful to die in poly, lower in a woman’s hem.

59. The Cossack truth is still alive. (B. Khmelnitsky)

60. There is no translation for the Cossack family.

61. Where there is an enemy, there is a Cossack.

62. A man is waiting for the enemy, a Cossack is looking for the enemy.

63. If you want peace, prepare for battle.

64. And there will be a war about a single Cossack.

65. God protects the careful, but the Cossack has a saber.

66. God forbid from the mad louse.

67. A generous Cossack does not attack from behind.

68. He who has compassion on an enemy has a widow as his wife.

69. He who loosened his tongue sheathed the saber.

70. Excessive words make your hands weak.

71. Don’t get along with lords and pigs.

72. From a demon - with a cross, from a pig - with a pestle.

73. The Cossacks came from the Don and drove the lords home.

74. All the lords have richly purchased liars.

75. Khmil (Khmelnitsky) poured out of the mikha, giving the panama-lyakhs a hard time.

76. Whatever happens, it will, but the Cossack will not be timid about the lordship!

77. I’m going to the bottom so that no one gnaws my head.

78. From his birth, a Cossack is not a Bourgeois and will not be a Cossack.

79. There will be no sign for the Cossack.

80. A dog's life, but a Cossack's glory.

81. The Cossack cannot bear the sight of the Sich.

82. If a Cossack is in prison, then he is free.

83. A Cossack is like a dove: wherever it doesn’t fly, it will land there.

84. Our Cossacks’ custom is this: where there is room, go to bed there.

85. Not the Cossack who fought, but the one who wriggled out.

86. Not everything is a Cossack that he wrote off.

87. A good Cossack, but not a penny.

88. Get it or not be at home.

89. Horse, and night, Cossack comrades.

90. The sun for the forest - Cossack joy.

91. Our zipuns are gray, but our minds are velvet.

92. If a Cossack, so with the Don.

93. A Cossack from birth - a Cossack from the Don.

94. Without a horse, a Cossack is an orphan all around.

95. For luck, the Cossack mounts his horse, and by chance the horse beats him.

96. The Cossack mounts his horse, and his bride is born.

97. Our Cossacks’ custom is this: kiss your godmother and kiss your purse on your lips.

98. Let Satan hang around with women rather than a good Cossack.

99. Where falcons fly, crows are not allowed there.

100. What a scribbler writes, not even a dog can lick it off.

101. Your own dog, just because it’s your own, does not cease to be a dog.

102. Where there are two Ukrainians, there are three hetmans.

103. Not our regiment, go to the wolf.

104. Bow to yours, and do not forget ours.

105. God save us from the Pope of Rome and from the Khan of Crimea.

106. Buli Lyakham Zhovti water, which will become Pilyava.

107. The Poles are not gentlemen, and we are not their lads.

108. Disappeared like a Swede near Poltava.

109. Mazepa choked on dumplings in Poltava.

110. The hungry Frenchman is happy with the crow.

111. You came not invited, and you will leave unkind.

112. Cossacks are the eyes and ears of the army. (A. Suvorov).

113. A Cossack without service is not a Cossack.

114. A Cossack burns in service, but goes out without service.

115. Left his post - missed the enemy.

116. As in the threshing floor, so in war.

117. First, do not boast, but pray to God.

118. Oh, my oven is my oven! If I were on you, and you on a horse, I would be a glorious Cossack.

119. Dancing is not work, and whoever doesn’t know how is a disgrace.

120. We would still sing and the stomach would feel so bad.

Cossack proverbs and sayings. "N"

“For every sneeze you won’t get better.
The bosses know better from the cellar.
The Cossack even looks beautiful on matting.
Not the Cossack who swims with the water, but the one who is against the water.
I didn’t drink Danube water, I didn’t eat Cossack porridge.
In the absence of fish, cancer is a fish.

Trust in God, and don’t make a mistake yourself.
Written on the water with a pitchfork.
War is not without its losses.
The thief's hat is on fire.
You can't bake a pancake for the whole world.
Every man to his own taste.
The head is thick, but the head is empty.
There will be no sign for the Cossack.

You can't stretch the skin over jelly.
There is God's wisdom for human stupidity.
In public Ilya, but at home it’s a pig.
The animal runs towards the catcher.
I hired myself as if I had sold out.
You won’t go far on it: where you sit down, you’ll get off.
There is no trial.

Two bridles are not put on one horse.
In court with the rich, the one on the right will be guilty.
They carry water for angry people.
You look wretched (beggar, wretched), which is unbecoming for us.
That’s why the Cossack was born, so that he could be useful to God and the Tsar.
In a foreign land, as if in a home (in a coffin).
On the other side there is an eagle and a crow.
On the other side you will bow to the harrow.
Need will teach you to eat cakes with lard.

You can’t ride into heaven on someone else’s hump.
Don’t open your mouth to someone else’s loaf.
You can't put a scarf over someone else's mouth.
Looking at someone else's work, you won't get enough.
On the other side, the Motherland is doubly dear.
Our chieftain will not be deceived.
Our lard for your musals.
You won't be nice by force.
For luck, the Cossack mounts his horse, and by chance the horse hits him.
For free and sweet vinegar.
I found a scythe on a stone.

The woman had no troubles, so she bought a piglet.
Not a candle for God, not a poker for the devil.
God does not like everything that a person needs.
All that glitters is not gold.
There was no sadness, so the devils pumped it up.
Not the ataman with a mace, but the mace with the ataman.
Not food for the horse.
Not all monks can be abbots.
Not all Cossacks can serve as atamans.

Not according to the robe of a monk.
If you don't know how to sing, don't get involved in the lead singers.
Without knowing grief, you will not know joy.
Not everything is Maslenitsa for the cat, there are also fast days.
Not into service, but into friendship.
Don't say "gop" until you've jumped over.
Don't drive the horse with a whip, but drive it with oats.
I don’t care about fat, I wish I could live.
He who has not given his word, be strong, but having given it, hold on.
There is no defense - even the crows will peck.

The bride sits at home and waits for the groom.
Under-salted on the table, over-salted on the head.
Don’t scold, Cossack, don’t let your enemy cry.
They beat the wolf not because he is grey, but because he ate the mare.
If you don't know the ford, don't go into the water.
I don’t know what to do: whether to leave or to love.
Not every horse has been under bullets.
The hut is not red in its corners, but red in its pies.

If we don't wash it, we'll just ride it.
It’s not for us to cut, it’s not for us to sew.
Not our regiment, go to the wolf.
If you don't catch God by the beard, don't jump.
Don't be born beautiful, but be born happy.
It is not holy pots that are made.
It is not the gods who burn the pots.

It’s not the grain that’s in the fields, but the grain that’s in the bins.
It’s not the hay that’s in the meadow, but the hay that’s in the haystack.
Not the Cossack who fought, but the one who escaped.
Don't swear at someone else's child.
There is no friend - look, you will find - take care.
If you don't have the mind, it won't happen.

No brain no Gain.
Every cloud has a silver lining.
Don't admire someone else's dinner, grandfather.
If you don't help, you won't go.
If you don't praise, you won't sell.
Don't spit in the well, you'll need some water to drink.
Don’t dig a hole for someone else: you yourself will fall into it.
The devil is not as scary as he is painted.
Don't boast about kvass - it's no better than us.
Do not boast about the grass, but rather boast about the hay.
A new broom sweeps in a new way.
The nose grew for seven, but one got it.”

Prepared by Olga Samoilova

A Cossack without a horse is like a warrior without a gun (a horse for a Cossack is part of a weapon)

Cossack with a horse both night and day (Cossack and horse are inseparable)

All relatives are not worth a horse (the price of a combat horse is high)

A horse is known by riding, and a friend is known in trouble (merits are tested in difficult moments)

In battle, a Cossack glorifies himself not with his tongue, but with his horse and blade (glory is only won by deeds)

A good horse in a run is like a falcon in the sky (i.e., easy in a race)

Don’t blame the horse, blame the road (look for the reason for failure fairly)

Drive your horse not with a whip, but with oats (encouragement more useful than punishment)

A healthy horse sleeps standing ( important indicator health)

The horse's reliable stirrup - the crown is intact in battle (check your ammunition - you will stay alive in battle)

Horses in meadows are like pearls in silks (beautiful and valuable)

The bridle is set, and the horse is quarrelsome ( appearance does not eliminate shortcomings)

You can’t feed a horse with stories (the horse needs food, not talk about it)

Even a bridle with a notch will not straighten out a skinny horse (equipment will not replace the essence)

A Cossack respects friendship: he does not leave his horse in trouble (a Cossack and a horse are always together)

The Cossack himself will not eat, but will feed the horse (the Cossack’s horse comes first)

Stroke the horse not with your hand, but with oats and flour (good food is the best caress)

A horse has a human soul (a good horse understands and feels)

The woman with the cow at home will die. A Cossack and a horse where God will lead him (in a campaign or raid he will perish).

The horse is under me - the regiment is behind me.
The Cossack is hungry, but the horse is full.
The Cossack does not eat himself, but feeds his horse.
A horse is a Cossack's constant friend.
Teach white swan swim, the Cossack son - sit on a horse.
That's the horse that tears the tripods.
You can't keep a steppe horse in a stall.
Lord, have mercy on the horse and me.
To a Cossack, a horse is more valuable than himself.
The Lord God is above me, the good horse is below me.
It is not the horse that carries, but God that carries.
Give the horse a bag of oats, he won't go on foot.
Without a horse, a Cossack is an orphan.
A Cossack without a horse is like a soldier without a gun.


You have a very interesting selection. In our village they also used to say the following saying: “A woman with a cow will die at home. A Cossack and a horse will lead wherever God leads.” I have no idea where it came from in the north.

Where is the north? Maybe after the revolution you lived with exiled Cossacks or those who fled there from the Don and Kuban. By the way, an interesting proverb, I don’t have one, and only a small fraction of proverbs and sayings are posted on the page. I'll write it down for myself. Sincerely.

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