Who is Nyusha according to their zodiac sign? The success and rise of Nyusha’s career

The affectionate nickname Nyusha, which became the girl’s stage name, was given to her by her relatives. From the very first months, the baby was very pretty and charming, so no one ever called her by her full name Anna. Immediately after birth, she screamed so loudly that the midwife said she would famous singer. And so it happened.

In childhood

Nyusha inherited her creative abilities from her parents. Her father also started his musical career very early. Vladimir Shurochkin was once known throughout the country as one of the participants in the super project of the 90s, the teenage group “ Tender May" Nyusha's mother, Irina, was a former lead singer of a semi-professional rock band.

Although her parents separated very quickly, Nyusha always remained her father’s favorite and maintained a close relationship with him. Vladimir soon married again, and Nyusha had another half-brother and sister with whom she had to find mutual language. Fortunately, Vladimir had enough love and wisdom for everyone.

Carier start

When Nyusha is asked about the beginning of her creative path, she frankly admits that she cannot name a starting point. Sometimes it seems to her that she was born with a microphone in her hands and certainly learned to sing before she spoke.

At her father’s request, at the age of 3, she worked for several hours with the famous producer Viktor Pozdnyakov, and he confirmed the baby’s excellent vocal abilities. Then her father decided to promote her career.

At the age of five, Nyusha first went to a professional recording studio - her father decided to give her such a gift. Half-jokingly, they recorded a children's composition, “The Big Dipper's Song,” which was even played on the radio a couple of times. Nyusha liked the recording process so much that she stated that she only wanted to be a singer.

So that the interest in music successfully kindled by his father did not cool down just as quickly, he supported it in every possible way. Together with the secondary school, Vladimir sends Nyusha to study with a private tutor in solfeggio.

On her eighth birthday, she receives a real synthesizer as a gift - a very expensive and prestigious instrument at that time. In the same year, she returned to the studio again and recorded the English-language composition “Night”.

In order for the girl to feel free on stage, Vladimir persuades his new wife Oksana, who has competed in prestigious tournaments in the past rhythmic gymnastics, do choreographic preparation of Nyusha.

Thanks to their joint studies, the girl mastered the basics of dance, and then was accepted into one of the best children's dance groups Moscow "Daisy", which often gave concerts at the Palace of Congresses.


When Nyusha turned 11, Vladimir considered that she was already old enough to live life a real artist. He included her in the youth rock group “Grizzly” and sent her on her first tour.

At first it was very difficult for the little girl, especially since the tour route passed through half the country, and then there were several more performances in Germany. But Nyusha coped with it, and gradually she even began to like her nomadic image life.

When the girl returned home again, at the insistence of her father, she took part in the casting for the “Star Factory”. But she was still unable to compete with older and more experienced performers - the girl was eliminated from the competition in the first round. This hit her self-esteem hard, but did not make her give up her dream of successful career singers.

Over the next few years, Nyusha almost did not appear in public, improving her vocals and learning new compositions. Nyusha made her next attempt to get on a prestigious TV show only in 2007, and this time it turned out to be successful - the girl went live on the program “STS Lights up a Superstar.” She didn’t win the show, but participation in it made the girl recognizable.

A year later, Nyusha goes to try her luck at one of the most prestigious Russian song competitions “ New wave", which was still held in Jurmala at that time. There she takes only seventh place, but makes many new useful acquaintances and shows herself as a mature and very sensual performer. At the festival she finds her first fans.

In 2009, she recorded her debut track “Howl at the Moon,” which her father began promoting on all radio stations. This strategy gives excellent results, and in the same year the composition is nominated for “Song of the Year”.

The girl’s state of mind during the recording of the single contributed a lot to the success - she was just going through a breakup with her lover and was really ready to howl at the moon.

On next year Nyusha presents her debut album “Miracle”. But the name did not justify itself, and no miracle happened - it was met rather coolly. And although in some songs there were even mystical stories, and overall the album sounded very good, fans expected more from the singer.

But in 2011, she pleased them with two hits at once: “Higher” and “It Hurts.” These compositions managed to stay at the top of the popular charts for several months and even almost brought Nyusha her first music awards, but in the end the prizes for greatest hit and the best performance went to other artists.

But the authoritative music publication Billboard Russia named Nyusha one of the main musical events of the year, and the track “It Hurts” as the most memorable. One way or another, Nyusha is gradually acquiring star status and finding her place in the Russian music scene. In 2014 she presented the second solo album and now continues to successfully develop his solo career.

Nyusha also tried herself as an actress, playing in several episodes of the popular youth series “Univer”. And then she was invited to dub the cute animal Priscilla from the cartoon “Rango”, and Nyusha was so carried away by this process that she now regularly does dubbing, and the characters of several full-length cartoons speak in her voice.

In the winter of 2017, Nyusha takes part in the 4th season of the show “The Voice. Children”, where she tries herself as a mentor. At the same time, the singer is recording a new English-language single, “Always Need You,” and shooting a video for the song “To Love You,” which was released a year earlier.

In the summer of 2017, Nyusha goes to a youth camp, organized by dance school“Freedom Station” (by the way, this is another creative brainchild of the singer, which opened its doors in 2016). In addition to personal communication, dancing skills and meetings at concerts, the singer often pampers the public with new photos and videos on Instagram and Vkontakte.

Personal life of Nyusha

Nyusha prefers not to advertise her personal life. But, since she plunged into the adult world early, her first relationship also began at a fairly young age. Her chosen one was one of the television cadets, Aristarchus Venes.

But childhood love is short-lived, and now he was replaced by another boyfriend - hockey player and handsome Alexander Radulov, whom his father invited to film Nyusha’s video for the track “It hurts”.

With Alexander Radulov

After breaking up with Radulov, Nyusha began an affair with Vlad Sokolovsky. Numerous photos of the couple appeared on social networks, either hanging out in clubs, swimming in the ocean waves, or traveling to tropical islands. This was so unlike the usually secretive Nyusha that everyone suspected a trick and considered this connection just a publicity stunt.

With Vlad Sokolovsky

For about two years, Nyusha had a very warm relationship with the talented rapper Yegor Creed. Many expected them to end in marriage, but unexpectedly for everyone the couple broke up. Creed blames Nyusha’s father for the breakup, who categorically did not accept either the guy himself or his work.

Currently, Nyusha’s chosen one is former athlete Igor Sivov, who has two adult daughters from his first marriage.

At the beginning of 2017, Nyusha announced that they were engaged, and now there are persistent rumors that the couple is expecting an addition to the family in the near future. But they have not yet been officially confirmed, nor has the wedding date been announced.

With Igor Sivov

Nyusha - Russian singer, music producer, presenter and vocal arranger of her own tracks. In 2008, she took seventh place in the New Wave competition. The girl also does voice acting for cartoons. In this article we will find out how old the singer Nyusha is, and also present a short biography of the artist. So let's get started.

Childhood and youth

First, we will answer the most common question from fans of the artist: how old is the singer Nyusha. Knowing the girl’s date of birth, it will not be difficult to find out on your own. Anna Shurochkina was born on August 15, 1990 in a family of musicians.

Her dad, Vladimir, was a member of Tender May. Now he is producing his daughter. Mother, Irina, at one time sang in a rock band. When the baby was only two years old, Irina and Vladimir divorced. But despite this, the father always spent a lot of time with his daughter.

The girl first came to the studio when she was barely 5 years old. Then she recorded “The Song of the Big Dipper.” Nyusha has no musical education. Everything was limited to individual solfeggio lessons for a year and a half. By her own admission, the girl does not play the piano very well.

At the age of 11 she became part of the Grizzly group. The band toured in Germany and Russia. The little artist's first songs were on English language. Stepmother Oksana taught the girl stagecraft and dancing. At the age of 17, Anna decided to officially change her name to the stage name Nyusha.

Carier start

In 2007, Nyusha won a competition on the STS channel called “Lighting a Star.” All judges and spectators liked the songs of Russian and foreign authors in her performance. A year later, she took 7th place at the New Wave. The singer Nyusha's parents were very happy with their daughter's success. Their support inspired the artist, and already in 2009 she was awarded the “God of the Air” award for the single “Howl at the Moon.”


In 2010, the composition “Don’t Interrupt” was released. It immediately became a hit in the spring, and in the summer it took 3rd place on the digital songs chart. This track helped Nyusha win the MUZ-TV award in the Breakthrough of the Year category. Next came another composition - “Choose a Miracle”. It peaked at number one on the radio chart and number seven on the digital tracks chart. After this, representatives of the Gala Records label became interested in the artist, who, by the way, knew how old the singer Nyusha was. The contract with the young artist was signed in September 2010, and already in November the debut album entitled “Choose a Miracle” was released in a gift version. IN Russian chart he finished 6th. In 2011, two new compositions appeared: “Higher” and “Hurt”. After this, the artist was nominated for the MUZ-TV award as best performer. And Afisha magazine included the track “Choose a Miracle” in the list of the main songs of the season.

Further development

Since 2012, the single “Higher,” as well as the video for this composition, has led many charts in the country. In the spring, singer Nyusha, whose personal life has long been the property of the press, performed in her first big show. Concert hall Crocus was filled to capacity. The singer presented the audience with three new singles: “You are my life” (in a duet with her father), “Unification” and “Memory”. In the same year, the artist won the MUZ-TV award in two categories: “Best Artist” and “ Best composition" Nyusha also tried herself as a presenter on MUZ-TV. She was accepted into the Top Hit Chart program.

Personal life

Now you know how old the singer Nyusha is, you also got acquainted with her short biography. All that remains is to talk about the artist’s personal life.

The press attributes many novels to the 25-year-old girl. Once Nyusha was “married” to the rapper ST. Then the media tried for several years to “marry” young people. She was also credited with an affair with Alexander Radulov, who starred in her video for the song “It Hurts.” Now the singer is free and wants her future husband was not from the sphere of show business.

In the conditions of the modern stage, there is hardly a single person from younger generation, who would never have heard of the singer Nyusha. IN Lately increasingly this name can be heard in the list of speakers at charity concerts. And also on radio and television programs. This truly beautiful young woman excites men’s hearts, and many girls, especially among her fans, want to be like her.

Nyusha is not only a very talented performer, but also an actress, the host of some shows on television, but also the author of her own repertoire, which is engraved in the brain for a long time, forcing her to constantly hum perky tunes.

Height, weight, age of Nyusha Shurochkina

Looking at this bright and beautiful singer for the first time, most people become interested in finding out what Nyusha Shurochkina really is, how old she is. And girls and young women are mainly interested in Nyusha Shurochkina’s height, weight, age, and whether she has a husband. Among other things, you can often see requests on the Internet about the parameters of a performer’s figure.

Currently, Nyusha is really as young as she looks. She is only 27 years old. Therefore, looking at the information requested by Nyusha Shurochkina photo in her youth and now, you will not see much difference.

It’s interesting that the singer never even mentioned how tall she really is. But looking at the girl, one can only assume that her height, without heels, varies around 160-170 centimeters.

As for the most sensitive issue for all girls in general, Nyusha does not hide her weight at all - 54 kilograms.

Biography of Nyusha Shurochkina

Anya Shurochkina - this is the beauty's real name - was born on August 15, 1990, in Russian capital. Both of her parents belonged to the musical caste, so from childhood the girl was immersed in the atmosphere of noisy backstage and vibrant performances.

Her father, Vladimir Shurochkin, and her mother, Irina Shurochkina, were both singers. In addition, the girl has a sister, Maria, and a brother, Ivan. Both are stepbrothers.

The biography of Nyusha Shurochkina was connected with music from the very beginning. The girl began to make her way onto the stage at a surprisingly young age.

Anya's parents divorced when she was only 2 years old. But the girl does not consider herself unloved at all. Despite the divorce, Vladimir always found time to be with his daughter.

Anna started singing at the age of 3. She took singing lessons from Viktor Pozdnyakov, and in just a year she was able to develop ear for music.

Little Anya was able to record her very first song in a real recording studio at the age of five, after which she began to sing absolutely everywhere, and it didn’t matter whether there were people there or not. To further develop musical talent daughter, her father bought a synthesizer for her and hired professional teachers.

Already at 8 Anechka performed her debut single, which, moreover, was sung in English. And at 12 Anna Shurochkina performed in Cologne. She delighted the audience not only with her ideal English pronunciation, but also with songs that she composed herself, and also in English.

In addition to vocals, the girl was very fond of sports. For example, Thai boxing. This and good way support physical fitness, and the opportunity, if something happens, to confidently fight back against offenders.

At the age of 9 Anya went to children's theater fashion, and already at 11 she went on tour as a member of the children's musical ensemble “Grizzly”. Anya even went to the “Star Factory” casting, but didn’t make it only because she was only 14 at the time.

But already at 17, the girl passed the casting for the television project “STS Lights up a Superstar.” By the way, it was there that she received her stage name - Nyusha. Interesting fact: when it was time to change her passport, the girl changed hers native name to the pseudonym - Nyusha.

At the age of 18, the young talented singer was able to take a place in the top ten on the New Wave. And a year later I was able to record my debut song- “Howl at the Moon.” Thanks to her, Anna received a nomination for the Song of the Year award. After some time, Nyusha released the album “Choose a Miracle,” which received a variety of reviews.

The year 2011 was a period of meteoric rise. She recorded new songs, received a nomination for the Muz-TV award, won the MTV EMA award, and also became one of the twenty main musical events of this year.

The year 2014 is notable for the fact that Nyusha not only released new album, but also got roles in films! For example, she can be seen in such popular youth TV series as “Univer” or “Friends of Friends.” Among other things, the girl voiced the characters of some cartoons. For example, she gave her voice to Gerda, Priscilla and Smurfette.

It’s impossible not to mention that Nyusha copes well with figure skating, which is why she managed to show herself well in the popular TV show “ glacial period", where she paired up with Max Shablin. The singer also happily took part in Ivan Urgant’s program called “Nine Lives.”

And finally, last year the girl was able to imagine herself as a mentor at popular show"Voice. Children”, becoming a replacement for Pelageya. To her own pride, the performer was able to demonstrate her professionalism, showing herself to be an excellent instructor, capable of conveying her personal experience and little contestants.

Personal life of Nyusha Shurochkina

In most of her interviews, the talented beauty enthusiastically shares own plans for the near future, information about upcoming performances and songs not yet written. But it is noteworthy to talk about personal girl doesn’t like it at all and prefers to avoid these topics.

That is why the personal life of Nyusha Shurochkina is carefully hidden from fans. Although, certain points can still be found out.

At the dawn of her musical career, Nyusha began dating actor Aristarkh Venes, but she herself did not consider this relationship something serious. There were rumors about a romance between Anya and Vlad Sokolovsky, with whom she allegedly spent time in the Maldives. But these rumors were started by their managers.

Nyusha herself calls Alexander Radulov, a hockey player who starred in her first film, her first lover. music video. At the same time, it could have been a simple ploy to add popularity to the song.

In 2014, the girl began dating the young singer Yegor Creed. And although Nyusha’s father was the reason for the break in relations, she herself mentions that she and Yegor looked at life differently.

Some time later, Anna announced her engagement. Nyusha's fiance Igor Sivov, whose photo can be easily found on the Internet, turned out to be connected with politics.

Nyusha Shurochkina's family

As mentioned earlier, both of Nyusha’s parents are also involved in music. The singer’s father played in the previously popular group “Tender May” and wrote some lyrics and music for them. Now he holds the position of producer of his own daughter. Mother was a rock singer. So, it seems that Nyusha has combined all the talents of her parents.

Nyusha Shurochkina’s family also includes a sister and brother. It is noteworthy that both connected their lives not with the stage, but with sports.

Maria is a professional swimmer who was able to earn the title of Russian, European and world champion in the junior category.

Ivan is mastering tricking. This is a rather interesting and unique sport that combines several types of martial arts.

Nyusha Shurochkina's husband - Igor Sivov

Nyusha Shurochkina’s husband, Igor Sivov, holds the position of chief adviser to the president of the ISSF. They had known each other for quite a long time. We met back in 2016.

There were vague rumors about their romantic relationship until, finally, in January 2017, Nyusha announced their engagement, posting a photo of an engagement ring with an appropriate caption on her Instagram profile. After this, the media began to literally thunder that Nyusha was marrying Sivov. Photos of the groom are easy to find on the Internet.

It is known that Igor Sivov already has two children. The man began to appear in joint photographs with Anna only in the summer. And in August of the same year, the couple finally officially legalized their relationship.

Photos of Nyusha Shurochkina in Maxim magazine appeared back in December 2010. Nyusha was only 20 years old at the time. Moreover, her photo shoot was published by both publications at once - Russian and Ukrainian.

We can say that they didn’t turn out too well candid photos. Which, however, is only a plus for Anna. The girl appeared in front of the camera in classic look young temptress in a schoolgirl costume. Those who expected to see Nyusha naked or at least in a swimsuit will be disappointed. Considering the beauty of the singer’s body, it is not surprising that “Nyusha Shurochkina in a swimsuit” is one of the most popular Internet queries among readers of Maxim magazine.

Nyusha now

In July 2018, Nyusha informed fans that she was taking a break from performing and working on new material due to pregnancy.

Instagram and Wikipedia Nyusha Shurochkina

Instagram and Wikipedia Nyusha Shurochkina allow fans to track everything major events events happening in the life of their pet.

Wikipedia is filled with only reliable information about the life of Anna Shurochkina, including her personal one. Also, only there you can get acquainted with the most complete audiography of the singer. And through her Instagram, the singer not only posts various photos, but also shares with fans important information, for example, release dates of new albums, previews of new videos, and so on. Or, for example, he gives advice on how to stay in shape. The article was found on alabanza.ru.

Nyusha – most talented singer, actress, television show host, composer, author of beautiful songs that are sung in moments of happiness and love.

Height, weight, age. How old is Nyusha Shurochkina?

Currently, people are at a loss as to who Nyusha Shurochkina is and how old she is. Also, how much she weighs, whether she has children and who her husband is. On numerous websites on the Internet you can often see queries about the size of the singer’s breasts.

Nyusha or Anna Vladimirovna Shurochkina was born in 1990, which means she was only twenty-six.

It is very interesting that Anya did not let slip in any interview about her height. We can only assume that the girl, remaining without heels, looks at her true fans from a height of at least a meter and sixty centimeters.

Out of her weight Nyusha big secret doesn't. It constantly fluctuates between 50 -54 kilograms. Currently, the girl’s weight has reached 54 kilograms.
By the way, to satisfy the requests of male fans, we will inform you that the girl’s chest volume is 86, and her waist is 58 centimeters. It is worth noting that the beauty’s hips are 87 centimeters.

Biography of Nyusha Shurochkina

The biography of Nyusha Shurochkina is absolutely musical and incredibly happy. This is the story of a little girl who was able to achieve everything on her own.
Little Anechka appeared on August 15, 1990 in Moscow. Her parents were famous musicians.
Nyusha’s mother, Irina, sang in a rock band, and her father and future producer, Vladimir, performed as part of the popular “Tender May.” He wrote the lyrics and music for some of this group's songs.

Her parents separated when Annushka was two years old, but she did not consider herself an unhappy and unloved child. The father always found time for the baby, and it was he who noticed the musical talent in his daughter.

The girl sang happily early age, namely at three. She took lessons from the famous producer Viktor Pozdnyakov, who confidently said that the baby was very talented. The fact is that she developed an ear for music in just a year.

The first song on the real recording studio the girl recorded it at the age of five, after which she began to sing literally everywhere, without hesitation strangers. Dad gave her a synthesizer and hired professional teachers.
At the age of eight, Anyutka began singing in English and recorded her single. At twelve she captivated the audience in Cologne English songs, which she wrote herself, and in the purest pronunciation.

The girl was very athletic. She trained in Thai boxing.

At the age of 9 she attended the fashion theater for children, and from the age of 11 she toured as part of musical group"Grizzly". At the age of 14, the girl went to the Star Factory casting, but did not pass it due to her tender age.

Only in 2007 did Anna participate in the television project “STS Lights up a Superstar”, during which the laconic pseudonym Nyusha remained on her behalf. By the way, the girl changed the name in her passport to a sonorous stage name.
At eighteen, the talented girl took seventh place in the famous New Wave competition. In 2009, she recorded the professional single “Howling at the Moon,” with which she was nominated for “Song of the Year.” Soon Nyusha’s debut album “Choose a Miracle” was released, which was rated very differently.

2011 meteoric rise V musical career, when new compositions were being recorded, a duet with the Frenchman Gilles Luca was born and a nomination for the Muz-TV award occurred. Nyusha received the MTV EMA 2011 award and was included in the top twenty major musical events of the year.
2014 gave Anna a new one music album and popularity in films. She played in the TV series “Univer”, “Friends of Friends”, “Time He” and gave her voice to cartoon characters. Gerda and Smurfette, Gip Croods and Priscilla speak in her voice.

The girl is an excellent skater, so she showed herself well in the television show “Ice Age”, where Max Shabalin became her partner. She took part in Ivan Urgant’s show, which is called “Moscow Evenings” and “9 Lives”.

In 2017, she became the new mentor of the show “The Voice.” Children”, replacing Pelageya. The girl showed herself to be a professional who can pass on her experience to even the youngest stars.

Personal life of Nyusha Shurochkina.

In many interviews, the young singer happily talks about plans for the future, tours and songs, but does not like to talk about her personal life.
The personal life of Nyusha Shurochkina is carefully hidden from fans, but some information about her still leaks out.

At the very beginning of her career, the girl dated the young actor Aristarchus Venes, but she did not take this relationship seriously. There is talk about Nyusha's affair with Vlad Sokolovsky, with whom the girl was vacationing in the Maldives, but this conversation turned out to be just an invention of the stars' managers.

Your first true love the girl names Russian hockey player Alexander Radulov, with whom she starred in the first video. However, these may only be rumors related to the promotion of the single.

In 2011 she dated rapper ST, and in 2014 with rising star Egor Creed. The couple broke up because Nyusha’s father wanted this, but she herself claims that she and Yegor had different views for life.

Nyusha is in no hurry to start a family, but often says that romantic relationship she has them all the time.

Nyusha Shurochkina's family

The fact that the girl does not have a permanent young man, does not mean that she is lonely. Nyusha Shurochkina’s family is her father and mother, half-sister and younger brother.

Half-sister Maria is a professional swimmer. She is the champion of Russia, the world, and Europe in this sport in the junior category.
Brother Vanya is also a very athletic guy who is mastering such an amazing sport as tricking. It combines several martial arts, on the basis of which various extreme stunts are performed.

These days, the young singer is completely dedicated to her career as a singer, actress and TV presenter. She has not yet found a life partner, so Nyusha Shurochkina’s children are not even in the project.

When the girl was dating Yegor Creed, he talked several times in interviews about future children. But the couple quickly broke up, their dreams of children were shattered due to insurmountable circumstances. There were even persistent rumors on the Internet about Nyusha’s pregnancy, but the singer denied them.

Looking at Nyusha’s touching treatment of the youngest participants in the show “The Voice. Children,” viewers note the singer’s strong maternal instinct and sincerely wish her to become a mother as soon as possible.

It is worth noting that none of the whirlwind romances the singer did not lead to the creation of a family, so Nyusha Shurochkina’s husband is absent.

Recently a girl wrote in one of social networks that she might get married soon. She posted a photo of her engagement ring on her page. His future husband is called Igor Sivov. The guy is the general adviser to the president of the ISSF, the couple have known each other for a long time.

The real feelings between them began in 2016, when a trip to Kenya changed her life forever.

Nyusha does not show the face of her chosen one. It is known that he was married and is the father of two children. The wedding of Igor Sivov and Nyusha Shurochkina is planned for 2017.

Nyusha's career began at a very young age, so the producers chose for her the image of a girl from a neighboring yard.

Although the Internet is replete with numerous photos of Nyusha Shurochkina before and after plastic surgery, the girl denies that she did not make any kind of adjustment to her appearance. Numerous fans of the singer who followed her ascent to the musical Olympus do not believe this.

However, even fans can only follow the change in hairstyle and clothes, makeup and habits of the girl. Nyusha often said that she did not understand and condemned her music colleagues who constantly undergo plastic surgery.

Nyusha had very expressive eyes, but weakly defined lips. Now she can boast of beautiful plump lips. A slightly adjusted nose catches the eye. Nyusha herself denies rhinoplasty and other surgical interventions on her body.

Sometimes information flashes in the press that the singer has enlarged her breasts by at least two sizes. There is no documentary evidence of this fact, so it is impossible to prove plastic surgery. Nyusha Shurochkina in a swimsuit looks very seductive both in her youth and in recent years.

So, speaking about plastic surgeries, it is necessary to clarify that Nyusha either did not do them at all, or turned to real professionals in their field. Before and after photos plastic surgery does not exist, but fans are trying to judge its implementation by comparing pictures from different years.

It is possible that the effect of a changeable appearance is achieved with the help of makeup artists who masterfully wield a brush. By the way, Nyusha practically does not use cosmetics, because she strives for maximum naturalness.

Instagram and Wikipedia Nyusha Shurochkina

They often appear on the pages of these popular social networks. short messages and photos are updated. It is worth understanding that you can only believe those articles that appear on the singer’s official pages.
Recently, Nyusha often posts videos from rehearsals and live broadcasts television show"Voice. Children”, in which she is a mentor.

Also, she often gives useful tips in the field of sports training, introduces interesting people and inform about the premieres of new clips. Through Instagram, Nyusha Shurochkina will be happy to listen to the comments of her fans.
Nyusha is a wonderful singer and a generously gifted person who proves that you need to sincerely believe. And then all your dreams will certainly come true.

Nyusha is a popular Russian singer, composer, presenter and voice actress. Born in Moscow in August 1990, her parents had a direct connection to music. The father was a member of the “Tender May” team, and when his daughter began to make her way through the thorns of show business, he became her producer. Before her marriage, my mother was also the vocalist of a rock band, however, little known.

Despite the fact that Nyusha wrote many songs from her repertoire independently, music education the singer does not. According to the singer’s own words, she is not very good friends with the piano. But this does not stop Nyusha from creating real hits and touring with her songs around the world. It is noteworthy that Nyusha’s first songs were exclusively in English, which she speaks perfectly.

What is Nyusha's real name?

Nyusha's real name ( full name at birth) - Anna Vladimirovna Shurochkina. However, now we can legitimately say that the singer’s real name is Nyusha, since at the age of seventeen this was exactly the name that was written in the singer’s passport. Nyusha has repeatedly demonstrated the first page of her passport in television programs and interviews, so the name Nyusha is not a pseudonym, but a completely official name. So, officially - Nyusha Vladimirovna Shurochkina since 2007.

When was Nyusha Shurochkina born?

How old is Nyusha Shurochkina?

At the time of creation of this dossier (June 2017), the age of singer Nyusha Shurochkina is 26 years old. On August 15, 2017, Nyusha will be 27 years old.

What is the zodiac sign of Nyusha Shurochkina?

Nyusha Shurochkina's zodiac sign is Leo. Born in the year of the Horse according to the eastern horoscope.

Where was Nyusha Shurochkina born?

Nyusha Shurochkina was born in the RSFSR (Russia), Moscow.

How tall is Nyusha Shurochkina?

Nyusha Shurochkina's height is 161 centimeters. It is noteworthy that on the “foreign” website IMDB, the singer Nyusha’s height is indicated as 5 feet and 5¾ inches, which corresponds to 167 centimeters, but is completely untrue.

What is Nyusha Shurochkina's weight?

Nyusha Shurochkina's weight is 52 kg. Again, some foreign sources claim that singer Nyusha’s weight is 55 kilograms. Nyusha does not hide her figure parameters, height and weight, publishing photos in a bikini in her official accounts on social networks.

What eye color is Nyusha Shurochkina?

Nyusha Shurochkina's eye color is brown. The singer herself prefers to call the color of her eyes “chocolate.” No ambiguity.

What are the body parameters of Nyusha Shurochkina?

Nyusha Shurochkina's figure parameters: 85-58-86 (chest-waist-hips). Considering the singer’s height, the singer Nyusha’s figure parameters are close to ideal.

What is Nyusha Shurochkina's foot size?

The singer Nyusha's foot size according to American standards is 7. In our usual meaning, it is approximately 37 shoe size.

What is Nyusha Shurochkina's breast size?

Nyusha Shurochkina's breast size is 1st.

Interesting details from the life of Nyusha Shurochkina

  • Nyusha voiced several cartoons. The most famous are “The Smurfs” (voice of Smurfette), “The Croods” and “The Snow Queen”.
  • Nyusha participated in theatrical production. She got the role of the fairy Tinker Bell in the play “Peter Pan”.
  • The voice of singer Nyusha can be heard in large quantities soundtracks: TV series “Fizruk”, “Univer”, “ Sweet life"and many other large projects.