Maxim Fadeev Instagram official page. Max Fadeev's production center was closed

The Max Fadeev Production Center has collapsed. This unexpected news was posted on their social networks by his star wards: Yulia Savicheva, the Serebro group and other artists. From more detailed information and they refrain from giving any explanations on this matter. Fans are at a loss as to what could have happened in this friendly team.

Official representatives at the Max Fadeev Production Center itself also do not clarify this information about the cessation of their activities, citing the fact that Fadeev himself will soon explain everything.

Max Fadeev has not yet said anything about this news. He promised his fans to go live on Instagram and answer all their questions. The famous producer always communicates with his fans, willingly telling news from the lives of the stars who work under his supervision.

Recently, Maxim Alexandrovich, together with Timati, headed the “Songs” show on the TNT channel. It was planned that the winner of the competition would become a member of the family of his production center, which no longer exists. We can only wait live broadcast to find out why the Max Fadeev Production Center collapsed.

As everyone expected, the Max Fadeev Production Center did not disappear without a trace, it transformed into a partnership. This is absolutely new format Russian show business, which we have no analogues yet. Now every artist is an individual who creates his own image and trend. She doesn't need a producer, but a partner. Max Fadeev will now work in this format with his current and future wards. An online platform will be created for working with stars, as well as for own creativity Fadeeva. Today it is the music label MALFA.

PCMF is no more. We have terminated all production contracts with artists. In 1993, I began collaborating as a producer with my first artist. At that time, the music business was different - we were innovators both in music and in our approach to the business itself. Today, artists are becoming different, including, I mean, those with whom I have been working for many years, and myself. Together we grew out of the producer-artist relationship. The new background of our work is a partnership approach. We are not only getting rid of the old name - the Producer Center and a new name - MUSIC LABEL MALFA - coming into force, but we are also completely changing our business strategies. I talk a lot about new show business, and in order to build it from scratch, you need to update what was already waiting for change. We start with ourselves. The time has come for individuals, when the artist himself creates trends and works on his own image - this is a new scheme, not yet worked out for most, but we are taking this risk. You often write that I myself have become much less likely to share my own material - I promise that I will correct this. In addition, we are creating an online platform for new artists, where each of you can share your demos with me personally and receive feedback. Surely you have been waiting for a long time from us new material– there will soon be a lot of experiments with music and video. We're already starting. Right now. PCMF is no more. There is MALFA.
Publication from

Maxim Aleksandrovich Fadeev. Born on May 6, 1968 in Kurgan. Russian music producer, composer and director, author-performer, arranger, actor.

Father - Alexander Ivanovich Fadeev (1941-2016), composer, Honored Artist, was the head teacher at a music school. Author of music for more than twenty performances by Kurgansky and Shadrinsky drama theaters and the puppet theater “Gulliver”, including “Beyond the Ural Ridge”, “Shadrinsky Goose”, “And the Dawns Here Are Quiet...”. He also wrote music for children's plays, including “The Musical Snuff Box”, “Sleeping Beauty”, “ Ugly duck" Author of music for the opera "Blizzard".

Mother - Svetlana Petrovna Fadeeva, music director in the Palace of Culture of Builders, famous performer Russian and gypsy songs and romances.

Maxim Fadeev's cousin is Timofey Maksimovich Belozerov, Soviet poet, Honored Worker of Culture of the RSFSR.

Brother - Artyom Fadeev, Russian composer and producer. Songwriter of the group "Monokini". In 2009, Artyom Fadeev wrote music for children's musical"My toothy nanny."

From the age of 5, Maxim began going to music school at the Kurgan Music College. At the age of 12, he learned to play the bass guitar. At the age of 15 he entered School of Music into two departments at once - conductor-choral and piano. Gradually I learned to play the acoustic guitar.

At the age of 17, after training in gym, ended up in intensive care with an aggravated heart defect - he had problems with the septum. During the operation he survived clinical death. After this incident, Fadeev began composing songs. The first one was called “Dance on Broken Glass.” It was then that he began to dream of a musical career.

In his youth, he played in a local musical group at the Mashinostroiteley Palace of Culture, then sang as a backing vocalist in the group “Convoy”, with the leader of which disagreements arose, after which Maxim left the group, and after a while the leader himself left it. Maxim was asked to return, but as a soloist. The group began working from Kurganskaya regional philharmonic society, where the artistic director was A.I. Fadeev, father M.A. Fadeeva.

At this time, due to the division of show business, M. Fadeev was mutilated by bandits. His ankles were broken, his fingers were broken, and he was left to die in the forest. After recovery, M. Fadeev continued to perform in the group “Convoy”.

In 1989, he was sent to participate in the Jurmala-89 competition, passed the zonal qualifying round in Yekaterinburg and the selection in Moscow. Meanwhile, the competition turned into “Yalta-90”, where Maxim took 3rd place. For this he received a bonus of 500 rubles. Gradually, Max's talent began to bring him fame, but not as a singer, but as a musician - he received orders for jingles, screensavers, and music for advertising.

Showman Sergei Krylov invited Fadeev to Moscow, promising support. After living for some time in Omsk and Yekaterinburg, Maxim moved to the capital in 1993, where he got a job as an arranger in a recording studio, making arrangements for famous musicians - , .

According to Maxim Fadeev, when he started living in Moscow, he realized that he would not develop his singing career, since all his attempts to appear on radio and television with his musical material ended with a review of “unformatted”.

Linda project:

In 2015, Maxim Fadeev became a mentor for the Main Stage project.

Video clips of Maxim Fadeev (director):

1994 - Little Fire - Linda
1994 - Dance underwater - Linda
1994 - Do It So - Linda
1995 - Girls with sharp teeth - Linda
1995 - Girls with sharp teeth-2 - Linda
1996 - Crow - Linda
1996 - Circle by hand - Linda
1997 - North Wind - Linda
1997 - Marijuana - Linda
1999 - Let Me Go - Linda
1999 - A View from the Inside - Linda
2001 - Sitting on the clouds - Monokini
2001 - Ticking - Monokini
2001 - See you on the star - Monokini
2001 - Leaving into the sunset - Total
2001 - Hit the eyes - Total
2002 - I Hate - Gluck’oZa
2003 - Fly Away - Katya Lel
2003 - Glucose Nostra - Gluk’oZa
2004 - Shiva - Total
2004 - Oh-oh - Gluck’oZa
2004 - It’s Snowing - Gluk’oZa
2003 - Bride - Gluck’oZa
2003 - My marmalade - Katya Lel
2003 - When I become a cat - Maria Rzhevskaya
2004 - Well hello - Total
2004 - Kama Sutra - Total
2004 - Don’t Drive - Total
2004 - Sorry for Love - Yulia Savicheva
2004 - London-Paris - Irakli
2004 - Chocolate Bunny - Pierre Narcisse
2004 - Musi Pusi - Katya Lel
2005 - Schweine - Gluck'oZa
2005 - Moscow - Gluck’oZa
2005 - Wedding - Gluck’oZa
2007 - Song #1 - SEREBRO
2007 - Breathe - SEREBRO
2008 - Opium - SEREBRO
2008 - After the rain - KIT-I
2009 - Autumn - KIT-I
2010 - My heart - KIT-I
2010 - This is such love - Gluck’oZa
2008 - Dance, Russia!!! - Gluk'oZa
2008 - Daughter - Gluck’oZa
2009 - Say, don’t be silent - SEREBRO
2009 - Money - Gluck’oZa
2009 - Sweet - SEREBRO
2010 - No time - SEREBRO
2011 - Let's hold hands - SEREBRO
2011 - Tell me what love is - Yulia Savicheva
2011 - Yours - Katya Lel
2011 - Mama Lyuba - SEREBRO
2012 - Yulia - Yulia Savicheva
2012 - Gun - SEREBRO
2012 - This is love - ILYA
2014 - I am not your war - Nargiz Zakirova
2015 - You are my tenderness - Nargiz Zakirova
2015 - I don’t believe you - Nargiz Zakirova
2016 - Farewell, my friend - Olga Orlova
2016 - Let's find each other - Emin

Discography of Maxim Fadeev (producer):

1990 - Maxim Fadeev & Convoy - The dance on the broken glass
1991 - Max Fadeev - Dance on broken glass
1992 - Maxim Fadeev & “Convoy” - Dance on broken glass (LP)
1992 - Laura - Madame Paris
1995 - Linda - Songs of Tibetan Lamas
1995 - Linda - Dances of Tibetan Lamas
1996 - Linda - Crow
1997 - Max Fadeev - Scissors
1997 - Linda - Crow. Remix remake
1997 - Max Fadeev - Nega
1998 - Linda - Concert
1999 - Linda - Placenta
1999 - Linda - White on White
1999 - Linda - Crow remix remake (LP)
2001 - Monokini - Reach for the Sun
2001 - TOTAL - 1+
2001 - Maxim Fadeev - The Red One. Triumph
2003 - Star Factory 2 - Star Factory 2
2003 - Gluck'oZa - Gluck'oZa Nostra
2004 - Star Factory 2 - Part 2
2004 - Irakli - London-Paris
2004 - Katya Lel - Jaga-Jaga
2004 - Pierre Narcisse - Chocolate Bunny
2004 - Linda - Life
2004 - Star Factory 5 - The show begins
2004 - Star Factory 5 - The show continues! Part 1
2004 - Star Factory 5 - The show continues! Part 2
2004 - Star Factory 5 - Final show! Part 1
2004 - Star Factory 5 - Final show! Part 2
2004 - Star Factory 5 - Final show! Part 3
2005 - Yulia Savicheva - High
2005 - Gluck’oZa - Moscow
2005 - Yulia Savicheva - If love lives in the heart
2006 - Yulia Savicheva - Magnit
2006 - TOTAL - 2 My world
2007 - SEREBRO - Song #1
2007 - TOTAL - 2+ Live
2008 - Yulia Savicheva - Origami
2009 - SEREBRO - OpiumRoz
2009 - Angelica Agurbash - Love! Love? Love...
2012 - Googoosha - Googoosha
2012 - SEREBRO - Mama Lover
2012 - Yulia Savicheva - Heartbeat
2016 - 3G - Calls
2016 - Nargiz - Heart Noise

Projects of Maxim Fadeev:

"Glitch" oza
Yulia Savicheva
Nargiz Zakirova
"Children's voices of Maxim Fadeev"
Group "4G" (formerly "3G")
Sasha Zhemchugova
Igor Pidzhakov
Oleg Miami
Alisa Kozhikina
Cook (Elena Kukarskaya)
Daria Klyushnikova
Pierre Narcisse
Victoria Ilyinskaya
"Star Factory-2"
"Star Factory-5"
Mitya Fomin
Irina Epifanova
Katya Lel
Alexey Sulima
Maria Rzhevskaya
"Oil Plant"

49-year-old Max Fadeev is closing his production center. His wards - the SEREBRO group, Yulia Savicheva and others - published in in social networks a video saying that “PCMF is no more.” Fadeev confirmed that his production center has ceased to exist, and contracts with all artists have been terminated.

“PCMF is no more. We have terminated all production contracts with artists. In 1993, I began collaborating as a producer with my first artist. The music business was different at the time - we were innovators both in music and in our approach to the business itself. Today, artists are becoming different, including, I mean, those with whom I have been working for many years, and myself,” Fadeev wrote on Instagram (Spelling and punctuation hereinafter are the author’s. — Note edit.).


However, Max created new project and declared that he was starting all over from scratch. “We are not only getting rid of the old name - the Producer Center and a new name is coming into force - MUSIC LABEL MALFA, but we are also completely changing our business strategies. I talk a lot about new show business, and in order to build it from scratch, you need to update what was already waiting for change. We start with ourselves. The time has come for personalities, when the artist himself creates trends and works on his own image - this is a new scheme that has not yet been worked out for most, but we are taking this risk,” the producer shared.

Today we will tell you what Maxim Fadeev’s production center does. There is currently no casting, however, if you have an idea, you can submit a request to management. We’ll talk further about how to do this, as well as what areas this organization specializes in.


If you decide to contact the production center of Maxim Fadeev, the address you need Email: [email protected]. However, the application must meet a number of requirements. Demo materials are accepted for consideration only by email. Submit one of yours for consideration. best song. It is also recommended to attach a photo and a link to the author’s video to the letter. Leave your contact phone number. The production center of Maxim Fadeev does not cooperate with the authors of poems or songs. There are also no auditions. Letters with archives, links, without a telephone number, or containing music and text separately will not be considered. Management does not review demo materials and does not correspond with the authors.

The production center also has a postal address: Moscow, Novodanilovskaya embankment, 4a. However, demo materials should be sent by email.


The production center of Maxim Fadeev began its work in 2003. It became one of the first similar organizations on Russian territory. From the first days, the basis of the activity was producing and searching for talented artists. First and incredible successful project is the singer Glucose. She still remains a leader in many charts. For the Russian pop scene, the concept of promotion and the image of the performer were so new that the idea went beyond music. Based on this idea, it was developed computer game. It used the animated characters of the project.


In 2002, shortly before the production center of Maxim Fadeev was created, its founder was offered to take part in the “Star Factory”. Thanks to the show, the following names were discovered: Irakli, Yulia Savicheva, Elena Temnikova and Lena Terleeva. Thanks to the efforts and talent of the producer, as well as the work of his team, the careers of these performers have been incredibly successful. Yulia Savicheva has recorded 3 albums. Her songs have received various awards and have also appeared on the soundtracks of several films. In 2004, Yulia Savicheva performed from Russia at Eurovision. The hit “London - Paris” was specially written by Maxim Fadeev for Irakli. He stayed at the top of the charts for a record time. The song “Vova the Plague” has become a folk song. Later, these compositions became part of the album “London - Paris”. Next work Irakli, entitled “Take a Step,” demonstrated the artist’s creative constancy. Pierre Narcisse's songs turned into hits. As a result, an album of this singer was published.

"Silver", "China" and others

The production center of Maxim Fadeev in 2007 became the founder of the Serebro group. The trio included Marina Lizorkina, and the talent, music and energy of Maxim Fadeev gave the girls the opportunity to win the hearts of many people, and various show business figures paid attention to this group. As part of the RMA ceremony, the group was recognized as “Best Debut”. In addition, the team was awarded the Golden Gramophone award. The Serebro group took part in the Eurovision Song Contest. There, the female trio managed to win third place. In 2009 appeared debut album team. The album received high praise from critics. Fans greeted this work with delight.

“China” is a young team that was noticed by the producer after a “long siege” by the musicians of the center. The team is currently gaining momentum. Every day, several hundred people from different parts of the country join the fan club. The composition “After the Rain” burst onto the airwaves of radio stations. The video for it began to break records for the number of orders on music TV channels. Under the leadership of Maxim Fadeev, work is underway to create a debut album.

Mitya Fomin became another artist who signed an agreement with the production center that interests us. This singer left Hi-Fi and decided to continue solo career. He managed to enlist the support of the producer. The artist assembled a team and accumulated new material. His solo album getting ready to go out.

Actress and singer Victoria Ilyinskaya is also recording her debut disc. The songs “You loved me” and “Delay” often appear on radio stations. They have already managed to please many listeners.

In 2009, the center's artists included rock and rollers - the Cockney Cats group. The guys are very young, but they already have a lot of performances behind them.

Young artists

Another major project, to which Maxim Fadeev is directly related, is called “Voice. Children". It's about vocal television show. The project participants are children aged 7-14 years. In the show “The Voice. Children" provides for the presence of three mentors. Each of these people must recruit a team, which consists of 15 contestants.

Maxim Fadeev is a well-known music producer in Russia, thanks to whom many new names have been discovered. It was he who contributed to the appearance on the Russian stage of such performers as Linda, Glucose, Narcissus Pierre, Yulia Savicheva, the group Serebro and many others.

Childhood and family of Maxim Fadeev

The birthplace of Maxim Fadeev is Kurgan. Work out in music school he started at age five. It is no coincidence that music appeared so early in the boy’s life. His mother is singer of romances and choir teacher Svetlana Fadeeva, and his father is the famous talented composer Alexander Fadeev. It is known that the boy’s grandmother was a student of Lydia Ruslanova, and his great-uncle was a famous Soviet poet. His name is Timofey Belozerov. Maxim has a brother Artyom, who also connected his life with music, becoming a songwriter.

At the age of twelve, Fadeev freely played the bass guitar, which was helped by the fact that he ended up in the children's room of the police. The bully was punished by having to learn the guitar. Maxim started studying and really became interested. Music eventually became a part of his life. Fadeev decided to enter a music school. He succeeded, and he studied at two faculties at once. At the age of seventeen, after receiving an injury and long-term treatment, the young man began writing songs. The title of his debut composition is “Dance on Broken Glass.” Maxim liked to write songs, he began to seriously dream of becoming a musician.

The first performances of Maxim Fadeev

In his youth, Maxim was a participant music group, organized at the Youth Palace of Culture. The guys performed compositions such as famous groups, How " The Beatles", "Queen" and "Led Zeppelin".

After this experience, the aspiring musician was invited to join the Convoy group. As a soloist, Maxim easily copied Freddie Mercury and Michael Jackson. “Convoy” constantly toured villages, where the musicians played at local discos. In Kurgan it was also a fairly well-known group.

Maxim Fadeev's move to Moscow

Having become a participant in the Jurmala-89 competition, which was soon renamed Yalta-90, Fadeev performed brilliantly. He took third place, thanks to which Maxim was shown central television. For further career this event was extremely important. Sergei Krylov drew attention to him. While on tour in Kurgan, he personally came to Maxim’s home to meet him and listen to his songs. As a result, Krylov invited Fadeev to Moscow and offered his help and support in the arrangement.

It should be noted that Maxim did not immediately take advantage of his invitation, as he understood that it was too early for him to go to the capital. The performer and musician spent some time in Yekaterinbur and Omsk. Having arrived in Moscow, Fadeev got a job as an arranger in the studio. He had the opportunity to make arrangements for Larisa Dolina, Valery Leontyev, Vyacheslav Malezhik.

The first production project of Maxim Fadeev

Fadeev first acted as a producer in 1993, when Fyodor Bondarchuk invited him to listen to the singer, whom everyone later recognized as Linda. Maxim was its producer until 1999. This production project became extremely popular, and experts noted high quality product presented on stage.

Collaboration with Linda marked the beginning of Fadeev’s other production projects.

Maxim also wrote songs for films. He worked a lot in the Czech Republic and Germany.

Konstantin Ernst, as the head of Channel One, invited the producer to participate in the Star Factory-2 project. During the work, many names were discovered - Narcissus Pierre, Yulia Savicheva, Elena Temnikova, Irakli. Glukoza became another popular and successful project of Fadeev. The producer began working with this singer shortly before the start of the Star Factory-2 project. The producer still communicates with the singer and his ward to this day, he even became her daughter’s godfather.

Personal life of Maxim Fadeev

Maxim Fadeev’s dream is to create a children’s school musical art, where he could teach the children himself. For this purpose, he developed a unique concept. Another dream is to create a cartoon database. In other words, the famous producer is betting on children.

Maxim met his future wife at twenty-three and immediately fell in love. They merried. Their son Savva is seriously involved in music and plays the piano.

In Bali, Fadeev has his own closed area where he can live in solitude. The house is located twenty-five meters from the ocean. Coconuts, mangoes, and bananas grow on the plot, which Maxim himself planted. During his life he planted more than two and a half thousand trees. Garden design is his passion. Another hobby is fairy tales, which Fadeev has been writing since childhood. None of them were published, since the author was always embarrassed about it and wrote only to read them to children before bed.

Max is a fairly straightforward person. He criticizes his players without hesitation. Fadeev does not tolerate those who suffer from “star fever” and sometimes treats them quite harshly. He spends a lot of time in chat rooms, relaxing in this way. On the Internet, he pretends to be a nineteen-year-old guy.