“An Ordinary Guy” Vasily Terkin. Vasily Terkin

Not everyone knows that although the first chapters of Tvardovsky’s famous poem were published in 1942, literary hero under the name of Vasily Terkin existed back in 1939–1940, when the Soviet-Finnish war was going on.
At that time, writers and poets S. Vashentsov, V. Sayanov, Ts. Solodar, A. Tvardovsky and N. Shcherbakov worked as war correspondents under the leadership of N. Tikhonov in the newspaper of the Leningrad Military District “On Guard of the Motherland”. At one of the meetings with the editorial staff, it was decided to set aside a place in the newspaper for soldier’s humor, and for this purpose, regularly publish entertaining poetic feuilletons with drawings in the newspaper. In them, the main character was supposed to be an experienced, cheerful, savvy and successful fighter. I had to come up with a name for him. Someone suggested a name for the future hero - Vasya Terkin. There were other proposals: Vanya Mushkin, Fedya Protirkin and even Vasya Pulkin. In the end, after heated debates, they agreed on the name Vasya Terkin.
Cover of the first edition about Vasily Terkin, published in 1940

One of the pages of the first edition about Vasily Terkin, published in 1940
It is interesting that most of the feuilletons about Vasya Tyorkin in the Leningrad newspaper were written not by Tvardovsky, but by Nikolai Shcherbakov. But already at that time Tvardovsky wrote the famous lines, which were later included in the poem with a significant change in meaning. In 1939, Tvardovsky wrote this:
Vasya Terkin? Who it?
Let's be honest:
He's a man himself
Later, in 1942, these lines were included in the poem not with the word “extraordinary”, but with the word “ordinary”:
Terkin - who is he?
Let's be honest:
Just a guy himself
He's ordinary.
The surname Terkin, invented from the soldier's vocabulary, did not insure Tvardovsky from various kinds of letters that came to him from ordinary soldiers, sergeants and officers. It turned out that Tyorkin had namesakes, some of whom wrote to the poet. In many letters, in addition to questions, there were wishes and comments. Tvardovsky tried to take them into account and respond to all mail. By the end of the war the poem was finished.
Terkin became a favorite for the reader literary way, and the poem itself, having received national recognition, became one of the classics of Soviet poetry. For the poem “Vasily Terkin” Tvardovsky was awarded Stalin Prize first degree.

And Vasya Terkin A. Tvardovsky model 1940
Vasya Terkin? Who it?
Let's be honest:
He's a man himself
With a surname like this,
Not at all unsightly,
Loud glory - hero -
I quickly became close to him.
And let's add here,
If you were asked:
Why is his name Vasya - not Vasily!
Because it is dear to everyone,
Because people
They get along with Vasya like no one else,
Because they love.
Bogatyr, fathoms in the shoulders,
Well-tailored fellow,
Cheerful by nature
An experienced man.
At least in battle, at least somewhere, -
But this is for sure:
First of all, Vasya must eat well,
But it doesn’t protect
Bogatyr strength
And takes enemies to the bayonet,
Like sheaves on pitchforks.
And at the same time, no matter how strict
In appearance Vasya Terkin, -
He couldn't live without a joke
Yes, no saying...

"Vasily Terkin". Tvardovsky was always interested in the fate of his country at turning points in history. Back in the early 30s, he created a poetic picture of the difficult era of collectivization in the poem “The Country of Ant.” During the Great Patriotic War, A.T Tvardovsky writes the poem "Vasily Terkin" about the Great Patriotic War the fate of the people was being decided. The poem is dedicated to the life of the people during the war. In the center of the poem is the image of Terkin, uniting the composition of the work into a single whole. Terkin Vasily Ivanovich - main character poem, an ordinary infantryman from Smolensk peasants. “He’s just a guy himself. He’s ordinary.” Terkin embodies the best features of the Russian soldier and the people as a whole. A hero named Vasily Terkin first appears in the poetic feuilletons of the Tvardov period Soviet-Finnish war(1939-1940). The words of the hero of the poem: “I am fighting a second war, brother, forever.” The poem is structured as a chain of episodes from the military life of the main character, which do not always have a direct event connection with each other. Terkin humorously tells young soldiers about the everyday life of war; He says that he has been fighting since the very beginning of the war, he was surrounded three times, and was wounded. The fate of an ordinary soldier, one of those who bore the brunt of the war on their shoulders, becomes the personification of national fortitude and the will to live. Terkin swims twice across the icy river to restore contact with the advancing units; Terkin alone occupies a German dugout, but comes under fire from his own artillery; on the way to the front, Terkin finds himself in the house of old peasants, helping them with the housework; Terkin enters hand-to-hand combat with the German and, with difficulty, defeating him, takes him prisoner. Unexpectedly, Terkin shoots down a German attack aircraft with a rifle; Terkin reassures the sergeant who envies him: “Don’t worry, this German Terkin takes command of the platoon when the commander is killed, and is the first to break into the village; however, the hero is again seriously wounded. Lying wounded in the field, Terkin talks with Death, who persuades him not to cling to for life; in the end, soldiers discover him, and he tells them: “Take away this woman, I am a soldier still alive.” The image of Vasily Terkin combines the best moral qualities of the Russian people: patriotism, readiness for heroism, love of work. In A.T. Tvardovsky’s field of vision in the poem “Vasily Terkin” there is not only the front, but also those who work in the rear for the sake of victory: women and the elderly. The characters in the poem not only fight, they laugh, love, talk to each other, and most importantly, they dream about peaceful life. The reality of war is united by what is usually incompatible: Tragedy and humor, courage and fear, life and death. The chapter “From the Author” depicts the process of “mythologization” of the main character of the poem. Terkin is called by the author “a holy and sinful Russian miracle man.” The name of Vasily Terkin has become legendary and a household name. The poem "Vasily Terkin" is distinguished by its peculiar historicism. Conventionally, it can be divided into three parts, coinciding with the beginning, middle and end of the war. Poetic understanding of the stages of the war creates a lyrical chronicle of events from the chronicle. A feeling of bitterness and sorrow fills the first part, faith in victory fills the second, the joy of the liberation of the Fatherland becomes the leitmotif of the third part of the poem. This is explained by the fact that A.T. Tvardovsky created the poem gradually, throughout the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945. The composition of the poem is also original. Not only individual chapters, but also periods and stanzas within chapters are distinguished by their completeness. This is due to the fact that the poem was printed in parts. And it should be accessible to the reader from “any place.” It is no coincidence that Tvardovsky’s work begins and ends lyrical digressions. An open conversation with the reader brings you closer to inner world works, creates an atmosphere of common involvement in events. The poem ends with a dedication to the fallen.

The works of Alexander Trifonovich Tvardovsky are distinguished by lyricism, truth of life and beautiful, sonorous and figurative language. The author organically merges with his characters, living their interests, feelings and desires. Sometimes it is difficult to understand where the poet is speaking, where his hero is, and where the mass of soldiers is. This testifies to Tvardovsky’s great skill, his ability to live by the interests of the country, its sorrows and joys. The poem “Vasily Terkin” is one of the best in his work. The work truthfully, figuratively and vividly speaks about the most difficult test for Russia - the Great Patriotic War. The author ensured that his poem became truly popular: it was read at the front and in the rear. And Vasily Terkin became the favorite of the soldiers, they imitated him, believed in the reality of such a fighter, and were afraid to hear the news of his death. Who is he? Vasily Terkin - “grated kalach”, passed Finnish war, skillfully and fervently fighting on the fronts of the Great Patriotic War. A typical representative of a generation that bore all the hardships of hard times. “He’s just an ordinary guy himself.” Terkin takes his work responsibly, without hiding behind the backs of his comrades. “If not me, then who?” - the principle of his life. Setting off to swim down the icy river, Terkin performs an important task: They gave him a stack and he began to live. He sat up on the bed: - Allow me to report... The platoon on the right bank is alive and well in spite of the enemy! He reported in form, as if to immediately swim back to him. “Well done,” said the colonel, “Well done!” Thank you, brother... Everywhere there is a hero among the soldiers: he jokes or conducts a “political conversation”, supports the spirit of the soldiers. Terkin, Terkin, kind fellow, What is there laughter and what is sadness. You, my friend, have made a lot of wishes. I thought far into the distance. Knowing how to do a lot, Terkin does not boast in front of his comrades, but tries to make life at the front easier for himself and those around him. He is a jack of all trades and, when there is a stop on the road, he does not force himself to ask, but plays the accordion for the soldiers, supporting their spirit: And, quickly changing fingers, He, as if to order, here told about three tankers, three comrades story. Isn’t that what the whole song is about, word for word? And the friends in leather helmets looked down sternly. Without further ado, the author leads his readers behind the hero of the poem along front-line roads to the west. And the closer the borders of Russia are, the more fun and playful the story becomes. The holiday is near, Mother Russia, Turn your gaze to the west: Vasily has gone far, Vasya Terkin, your soldier. The poem “Vasily Terkin” is an unforgettable and imaginative chronicle of the war, which has stood the test of time, remaining for us an inexhaustible source of truth about the terrible and heroic years of the war’s hard times.

The works of Alexander Trifonovich Tvardovsky are distinguished by lyricism, truth of life and beautiful, sonorous and figurative language. The author organically merges with his characters, living their interests, feelings and desires. Sometimes it is difficult to understand where the poet is speaking, where his hero is, and where the mass of soldiers is. This testifies to Tvardovsky’s great skill, his ability to live by the interests of the country, its sorrows and joys.

The poem “Vasily Terkin” is one of the best in his work. The work truthfully and vividly speaks about the most difficult test for Russia - the Great Patriotic War. The author ensured that his poem became truly popularly known: it was read at the front and in the rear. And Vasily Terkin became the favorite of the soldiers, they imitated him, they believed in the reality of such a fighter, they were afraid to hear the news of his death.

Who is he? Vasily Terkin is a “grated kalach” who went through the Finnish war, skillfully and fervently fighting on the fronts of the Great Patriotic War. A typical representative of a generation that bore on its shoulders all the hardships of hard times. “He’s just an ordinary guy himself.” Terkin takes his work responsibly, without hiding behind the backs of his comrades. “If not me, then who?” - the principle of his life. Setting off to swim down the icy river, Terkin performs an important task:

Dali stack— began live, Got up on beds:

Allow me report...
Alive and wellout of spiteto the enemy!
ReportedByform,as if
Immediatelyswimto himback.

Well done, said colonel,
Well done!Thank you brother...
Everywhere there is a hero among the soldiers: he dances or conducts a “political conversation”, supports the spirit of the soldiers.

Terkin, Terkin, Kind small,

What here laughter, A What sadness.

Made a wish You, Friend, a lot.

Made a wish far into the distance.

Knowing how to do a lot, Terkin does not boast in front of his comrades, but tries to make life at the front easier for himself and those around him. He is a jack of all trades and, when there is a stop on the road, he does not force himself to ask, but plays the accordion for the soldiers, supporting their spirit:

AND, replacing fingers fast,

He, How as if on order,

Here led O three tank crews,

Three comrades story.

Not about them whether word V word,

Not O volume whether song all.

AND looked down harshly

IN helmets leather Friends.

Holiday close, mother Russia,

Oberni on west sight:

Far gone Basil,

Vasya Terkin, is yours soldier.

The poem “Vasily Terkin” is an unforgettable and imaginative chronicle of the war, which has stood the test of time, remaining for us an inexhaustible source of truth about the terrible and heroic years of the war’s hard times.