Examples of serenades and their authors. The meaning of the word "serenade"

Ushakov's Dictionary


Serena yes, serenades, wives (Italian serenata, letters evening song).

1. In medieval troubadour poetry, an evening greeting song performed in the open air.

2. IN old Italy and Spain - a song in honor of a beloved, performed under her window, usually to the accompaniment of a guitar or mandolin. “From Seville to Grenada, serenades are heard in the quiet twilight of the night.” A.K. Tolstoy. “To caress, cherish and give you and entertain you with nightly serenades.” Pushkin.

| In new European music, a work of this style for voice, for a separate instrument or for orchestra ( music). Serenade from Mozart's opera "Don Giovanni".

Dictionary of musical terms


(fr. sera - evening)

1. Lyric song, which is an appeal to a beloved and is performed in the evening or at night under her windows. It was distributed in Italy and Spain.

2. In the XVII-XVIII centuries. - chamber genre instrumental music for small orchestra (serenade for orchestra by I. Haydn, W. A. ​​Mozart).

3. In the 19th century a vocal or instrumental piece associated with images of love.

Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language (Alabugina)


Y, and.

Lyrical musical composition.

* Sing serenades. *

encyclopedic Dictionary


(French serenade, from Italian serenata, from sera - evening), a song to the accompaniment of a lute, mandolin or guitar, addressed to a beloved. It was common in the everyday life of the Southern Roman peoples. Later it became a chamber genre vocal music. A serenade is also called a multi-part instrumental piece of music, related to cassation, divertissement and nocturne.

Ozhegov's Dictionary

SEREN A YES, s, and.

1. IN Western Europe (original medieval): a welcoming song to the accompaniment of a lute, mandolin or guitar, preferably in honor of my beloved.

2. A type of lyrical musical work.

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Meaning of the word serenade

serenade in the crossword dictionary


Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language, Dal Vladimir


Spanish evening, night honorary or welcoming music, usually under the windows of the person being honored.

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. D.N. Ushakov


serenades, w. (Italian serenata, lit. evening song).

    In medieval troubadour poetry, an evening greeting song performed in the open air.

    In old Italy and Spain, a song in honor of a beloved, performed under her window, usually to the accompaniment of a guitar or mandolin. From Seville to Grenada, serenades are heard in the quiet twilight of the night. A.K. Tolstoy. To caress, cherish and give you and entertain you with nightly serenades. Pushkin.

    In new European music, a work of this style for voice, for a separate instrument or for orchestra (music). Serenade from Mozart's opera "Don Giovanni".

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. S.I.Ozhegov, N.Yu.Shvedova.


    In Western Europe (originally medieval): a welcome song to the accompaniment of a lute, mandolin or guitar, mainly. in honor of my beloved.

    A type of lyrical musical work.

New explanatory dictionary of the Russian language, T. F. Efremova.


    A song in honor of a lady (usually as a love appeal), performed in the open air with music in the evening or at night under her windows (in troubadour poetry).

    1. A musical work - a type of divertissement - for a small orchestra or instrumental ensemble, performed on outdoors.

      A musical work of the suite type for a chamber instrumental ensemble.

      Vocal gender chamber piece or instrumental lyric piece.

Encyclopedic Dictionary, 1998


SERENADE (French serenade, from Italian serenata, from sera - evening) a song to the accompaniment of a lute, mandolin or guitar, addressed to a beloved. It was common in the everyday life of the Southern Roman peoples. Later it became a genre of chamber vocal music. A serenade is also called a multi-part instrumental piece of music, related to cassation, divertissement and nocturne.


(French sérénade, from Italian serenata, from sera ≈ evening),

    a love song addressed to a woman; usually includes the motive of an invitation to a date. Comes from “serena” - “evensong” of the Provençal troubadours. It was common in the everyday life of the southern Romanesque peoples. S. did not develop any solid poetic forms. The singer usually performed S. under the window of his beloved, accompanying himself on the lute, mandolin or guitar. Over time, S. entered opera (“Don Giovanni” by Mozart, “ Barber of Seville"Rossini, etc.), became a genre of chamber vocal music (examples from F. Schubert, R. Schumann, J. Brahms, E. Grieg, M. I. Glinka, A. S. Dargomyzhsky, P. I. Tchaikovsky, etc. .).

    A solo, or less often an ensemble instrumental piece, reproducing the features of vocal music (examples from F. Mendelssohn, A. Dvorak, A. S. Arensky, etc.).

    A cyclic ensemble instrumental work akin to cassation, divertimento and nocturne. Originally created in honor of a person and intended to be performed outdoors; at the end of the 18th century. has lost its practical significance. Unlike a symphony, it usually includes 7≈8 or more movements; The parts typical for the symphony are combined with those typical for the suite. Among such authors are J. Haydn, W. A. ​​Mozart, L. Beethoven, J. Brahms, A. Dvorak, H. Wolf, J. Sibelius, P. I. Tchaikovsky, A. K. Glazunov, etc. .

    A composition for singing with instrumental, mostly orchestral, accompaniment, created in Western Europe in the 17th–18th centuries. in honor of any court celebrations; draws closer to opera and solemn cantata.


Serenade (ballet)

"Serenade"- a one-act plotless ballet by George Balanchine, staged this year to the music of Serenade for string orchestra P.I. Tchaikovsky. The first ballet staged by Balanchine in America, it is a recognized masterpiece of neoclassical choreography.

Serenade (disambiguation)

Serenade Can mean:

  • Serenade - a song, usually of a love nature, personally dedicated to a woman
  • Serenade for string orchestra - a work by Tchaikovsky from 1880
  • Serenade – Balanchine's 1934 ballet to music by Tchaikovsky
  • Serenade - short film Feature Film 1968
  • Serenade (film, 1956)
  • Serenade - Soviet radiola


Serenade - musical composition, performed in someone's honor. In the history of music, there are several interpretations of this concept.

  • In its oldest meaning, a serenade is a song performed for a beloved, usually in the evening or at night and often under her window. This genre was common in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance. The origin of such a serenade is the evening song of the troubadours (serena). The vocal serenade was widespread in the everyday life of the southern Romanesque peoples. The singer usually accompanied himself on lute, mandolin or guitar.

Works of this type also appeared in more later periods, but usually in the context of referring to the past. (for example, in Mozart's Don Giovanni).

  • During the Baroque era, the serenade (also called the Italian serenade in this case - since this form was most common in Italy) was a type of cantata performed outdoors in evening time, including both vocal and instrumental performance. Among the composers who composed this type of serenade were Alessandro Stradela, Alessandro Scarlatti, Johann Joseph Fuchs, Johann Mattheson, Antonio Caldara. Such works were large works, performed with minimal staging, and were a link between cantata and opera. Some authors argue that the main difference between the cantata and the serenade, around 1700, was that the serenade was performed outdoors and could therefore use instruments that would be too loud in a small room - trumpets, horns and drums.
  • The most important and widespread type of serenade in the history of music is the multi-movement piece for a large instrumental ensemble, akin to the cassation, divertimento and nocturne, and mostly composed in the Classical and Romantic periods, although a few examples exist in the 20th century. Usually such works are easier than other works with many parts for a large ensemble, where melody is more important than thematic development or dramatic intensity. Such writings were most common in Italy, Germany, Austria and Bohemia.

Serenade (short film)

Serenade is a 1968 short feature film directed by Carltos Xotivari.

Examples of the use of the word serenade in literature.

Serenade Count Almaviva, who sings, accompanied by hired musicians, under the window of the charming Rosina.

No nightingales, no serenades under the balcony, we, God forbid, do not affect the quiet family happiness.

And I’ll tell you one more thing: if I married my fat girl and someone decided to sing under her window serenades, all sorts of delicate boleros, I couldn’t stand them either.

One night Fermina Daza woke up in fright: under her window they were performing serenade, a lonely violin played the same waltz.

And Lorenzo Daza quickly, while it sounded serenade, got dressed, and at the end of it, he called Doctor Urbino and the pianist into his living room, dressed, as befits the occasion, in concert costumes, and thanked them for the serenade with a glass of good cognac.

One evening, shortly after serenades, performed on the piano, Lorenzo Daza found in his hallway a letter in a sealed envelope, addressed to his daughter, and with the monogram of Juvenal Urbino on the wax seal.

Don't blame it serenades Remains unanswered: No matter how your songs ring, The ringer is a ringing coin.

Whether it was wine or the happiness of newfound freedom that made Schwind drunk, he, returning home in the morning with Schubert, Bauernfeld and Lachner, sang in joy serenade.

But how touching and at the same time categorical it sounds serenade of the loving Nightingale the Robber from another - more adult - fairy tale: Come out, I’ll whistle a serenade for you, Who else will whistle a serenade for you?

Here the Nightingale the Robber is especially dear to him, into whom he reincarnated with all his romantic passion: Come out, I’ll whistle to you serenade!

It was after this lesson that awkward thoughts came into my head about what culture is and whether it is worth crossing a shepherd’s song to the monotonous sound of the rubab with serenade Schubert.

But in the evening, when black material is stretched on two stakes and the faint light of the lights hidden behind the boxes illuminates the stage, a colorful life opens before the audience, a crazy whirlwind, a fire dance, a passionate serenade to the accompaniment of a lute, jokes such that you'll tear your stomach from laughing - and now the debt is forgotten, and the chicken evil spirit stole, let the comedians get a piece for creating such a spectacle, such fun!

Sitting side by side, hand in hand, they listened serenade Schubert, to which some soap company rhymed its own words.

Women love most when people spend money on them, and your incessant serenades, your countless bouquets, the amazing fireworks that you arranged for her on the river, the diamond that you gave her, the performance that you are preparing for her - all this speaks more eloquently of your love than all the words you could tell her in person.

But Irwin, naturally possessed of an unyielding and despotic gaiety, carries Simon and me towards these vicious fires - At the Bombay Club, a dozen crazy Mexican girls dance in the rain of thrown pesos, screwing their spinning butts right into the male crowd, sometimes grabbing men by the fly, to the sounds of incredible a melancholy orchestra blowing sad songs from its trumpets from its mournful platform - There is no expression on the faces of the trumpeters, a bored drummer taps out um-tsa-um-tsa, the vocalist seems to be in Nogales and singing serenades stars, but in fact he hangs out in the worst of slums and his voice simply blows the dirt from our lips - And from the lips of whores standing in rows around the corner of Bombay, against a jagged wall infested with bugs and cockroaches, and invitingly calling out to strolling lustful people scurrying back and forth trying to make out the faces of the girls in the darkness - Simon, dressed in a bright red sports jacket, dances romantically, throwing his pesos all over the floor and bowing to the black-haired



(Italian serenata, from sera - evening). An instrumental or vocal composition of a touching nature, usually performed under the windows of the persons to whom it is dedicated.


A literary form, a type of song, adopted from the troubadours; each verse ends in Provençal: sera - evening.

(Source: Dictionary foreign words, included in the Russian language." Chudinov A.N., 1910)


evening or night song performed with accompaniment string instrument.

(Source: “Dictionary of foreign words included in the Russian language.” Pavlenkov F., 1907)


it. serenata, French serenade, from it. sera, evening; from lat. serus, late. Singing in Italy under the windows of loved ones or respected persons.

(Source: “Explanation of 25,000 foreign words that have come into use in the Russian language, with the meaning of their roots.” Mikhelson A.D., 1865)


the Italian name of the song that a lover sings under his sweetheart’s window, from the word sir - evening; hence any musical work of a tender nature.

(Source: “Complete dictionary of foreign words that have come into use in the Russian language.” Popov M., 1907)

Compiled dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language


T.F. Efremova New dictionary Russian language. Explanatory and word-formative


Serene A Yes


1) A song in honor of a lady (usually as a love call), sung to open air to music in the evening or at night under her windows (in the poetry of the troubadours).

a) A musical work - a type of divertissement - for a small orchestra or instrumental ensemble, performed in the open air.

b) A musical work of the suite type for a chamber instrumental ensemble.

c) A type of vocal chamber work or instrumental lyric piece.

Modern explanatory dictionary ed. "Great Soviet Encyclopedia"


(French serenade, from Italian serenata, from sera - evening), a song to the accompaniment of a lute, mandolin or guitar, addressed to a beloved. It was common in the everyday life of the Southern Roman peoples. Later it became a genre of chamber vocal music. A serenade is also called a multi-part instrumental piece of music, related to cassation, divertissement and nocturne.

S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova Dictionary Russian language


SERENADE, -y, w.

1. In Western Europe (originally medieval): a welcome song to the accompaniment of a lute, mandolin or guitar, mainly. in honor of my beloved.

2. A type of lyrical musical work.

Small Academic Dictionary of the Russian Language

serenata, from sera - evening) is a musical composition performed in someone's honor. In the history of music, there are several interpretations of this concept.
  • In its oldest meaning, a serenade is a song performed for a beloved, usually in the evening or at night and often under her window. This genre was common in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance. The origin of such a serenade is the evening song of the troubadours (serena). The vocal serenade was widespread in the everyday life of the southern Romanesque peoples. The singer usually accompanied himself on lute, mandolin or guitar.

Works of this type also appeared in later periods, but usually in the context of addressing the past. (for example, in Mozart's Don Giovanni).

  • During the Baroque era, a serenade (also called an Italian serenade, as this form was most common in Italy) was a type of cantata performed outdoors in the evening, incorporating both vocal and instrumental performances. Among the composers who composed this type of serenade were Alessandro Stradela, Alessandro Scarlatti, Johann Joseph Fuchs, Johann Mattheson, Antonio Caldara. Such works were large works, performed with minimal staging, and were a link between cantata and opera. Some authors argue that the main difference between the cantata and the serenade, around 1700, was that the serenade was performed outdoors and could therefore use instruments that would be too loud in a small room - trumpets, horns and drums.
  • The most important and widespread type of serenade in the history of music is the multi-movement piece for a large instrumental ensemble, akin to the cassation, divertimento and nocturne, and mostly composed in the Classical and Romantic periods, although a few examples exist in the 20th century. Typically such works are lighter than other multi-movement works for large ensemble (such as a symphony), where melody is more important than thematic development or dramatic intensity. Such writings were most common in Italy, Germany, Austria and Bohemia.

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Excerpt characterizing Serenade

“We missed it a little,” said the orderly.
The headquarters was located three miles from Salzenek. Rostov, without going home, took a horse and rode to headquarters. In the village occupied by the headquarters there was a tavern frequented by officers. Rostov arrived at the tavern; at the porch he saw Telyanin's horse.
In the second room of the tavern the lieutenant was sitting with a plate of sausages and a bottle of wine.
“Oh, and you’ve stopped by, young man,” he said, smiling and raising his eyebrows high.
“Yes,” said Rostov, as if it took a lot of effort to pronounce this word, and sat down at the next table.
Both were silent; There were two Germans and one Russian officer sitting in the room. Everyone was silent, and the sounds of knives on plates and the lieutenant’s slurping could be heard. When Telyanin finished breakfast, he took a double wallet out of his pocket, pulled apart the rings with his small white fingers curved upward, took out a gold one and, raising his eyebrows, gave the money to the servant.
“Please hurry,” he said.
The gold one was new. Rostov stood up and approached Telyanin.
“Let me see your wallet,” he said in a quiet, barely audible voice.
With darting eyes, but still raised eyebrows, Telyanin handed over the wallet.
“Yes, a nice wallet... Yes... yes...” he said and suddenly turned pale. “Look, young man,” he added.
Rostov took the wallet in his hands and looked at it, and at the money that was in it, and at Telyanin. The lieutenant looked around, as was his habit, and suddenly seemed to become very cheerful.
“If we’re in Vienna, I’ll leave everything there, but now there’s nowhere to put it in these crappy little towns,” he said. - Well, come on, young man, I’ll go.
Rostov was silent.
- What about you? Should I have breakfast too? “They feed me decently,” Telyanin continued. - Come on.
He reached out and grabbed the wallet. Rostov released him. Telyanin took the wallet and began to put it in the pocket of his leggings, and his eyebrows rose casually, and his mouth opened slightly, as if he was saying: “yes, yes, I’m putting my wallet in my pocket, and it’s very simple, and no one cares about it.” .
- Well, what, young man? - he said, sighing and looking into Rostov’s eyes from under raised eyebrows. Some kind of light from the eyes, with the speed of an electric spark, ran from Telyanin’s eyes to Rostov’s eyes and back, back and back, all in an instant.
“Come here,” Rostov said, grabbing Telyanin by the hand. He almost dragged him to the window. “This is Denisov’s money, you took it...” he whispered in his ear.
– What?... What?... How dare you? What?...” said Telyanin.
But these words sounded like a plaintive, desperate cry and a plea for forgiveness. As soon as Rostov heard this sound of the voice, a huge stone of doubt fell from his soul. He felt joy and at the same moment he felt sorry for the unfortunate man standing in front of him; but it was necessary to complete the work begun.

The standard of behavior for a man in love was considered to be medieval times singing a song for the person you like under her window or balcony. It is difficult to say how such a tradition appeared. However, some information about the rules for its execution has been preserved. What is a serenade, who sang it?

Songs of wandering musicians

Mastery of the secret of combining sounds into a melody pleasant to the ear, performing it on musical instruments in all centuries have been respected and welcomed in all countries of the world. Talented poets and singers walked around cities and towns, delighting and surprising residents with their art. In different places they were called differently:

  • ancient Greek wandering poets - rhapsodes;
  • singers of northern European peoples - bards;
  • in Spain and Italy - troubadours;
  • in England and France - minstrels.

While traveling, musicians not only earned their living by entertaining society with their performances. They got acquainted with the customs and creativity of other countries, and transferred some elements of culture from one people to another.

What is a serenade in music?

The definition clearly states that this is a love song performed by a troubadour in the open air. Accompanied by a mandolin, lute or guitar, your refined and noble feelings for lovely ladies the knights expressed. Some of them could sing vocal songs about love all evening long without getting tired. In contrast to morning chants, alborades, serenades were sung in the evenings, which is reflected in the name of the genre.

The times of chivalry are over, but the romantic tradition of nightly love concerts remains. And if a lady’s admirer did not have vocal and poetic talents, he was not forbidden to hire a troubadour or an entire ensemble of professionals to express his feelings.

Later music appeared in the love style, written for small orchestras. Typically, such accompaniment was ordered by more noble and wealthy lovers.

Later, when traditions changed somewhat, when asked what a serenade is, one could answer that these are calm melodies performed chamber orchestra accompanying the venerable family holiday in the fresh air.

How has the art of troubadours changed?

At one time, Haydn and Mozart wrote serenades for orchestra to order. Then the genre, gradually fading away, was transformed into a serenade in music today? This is a vocal piece to be performed accompanied by a chamber orchestra. Among the most popular compositions we will name “Serenade” by F. Schubert, the words of which cry out for love: “My song, fly with prayer at the hour of the night...”

Romantic traditions for a private night concert

For both a knight and any lover, there was an unwritten set of rules of behavior, a kind of script. After all, not only every girl knew what a serenade was. The music was heard by the residents of the surrounding houses, so everything had to happen in accordance with traditions. Moreover, the ladies did not just sit on their balconies, contemplating what was happening. They could sigh loudly and encourage the singer, or boo and chase him away. So, the knight (an admirer who decided to openly express sympathy) was supposed to:

  • learn to sing with a guitar and write poetry;
  • dress appropriately for the occasion;
  • stock up on a bouquet of fresh flowers;
  • stand under the lady’s balcony or under her window within earshot and visibility;
  • take the first chords and wait for some reaction from the “object of adoration” (moving the curtains, a loud sigh or a cry of approval);
  • begin the performance, praising her beauty, slender figure, kindness of soul and his love for the owner of all this.

What is a serenade? This is a private communication between lovers in the Middle Ages. If the lady likes the number and its performer (the person who ordered the song), she will appear in the window or go out onto the balcony, throw the knight a meaningful look, a flower, or (secretly from prying eyes) the Knight is obliged to climb up it, regardless of the height from which it was lowered. In any case, the prepared bouquet must be presented to the lady, at least by throwing it out the window.

If a troubadour's song, a serenade, or a musical composition performed by an ensemble did not inspire a girl, she could ridicule the performance, turn away and leave, loudly slamming the door.

A persistent admirer will appear in the morning and sing alborada to his beloved.