Essay “The main characters of The Master and Margarita. The main characters of The Master and Margarita

The character has a very bright appearance. He has fiery red hair. A. short, stocky. An ugly fang protrudes from his mouth and a thorn in his eye. This hero mainly carries out tasks related to physical strength: pulls Poplavsky down the stairs, beats Varenukha. The same hero talks to Margarita, invites her to visit the “foreigner” and gives her cream. Under the light of the moon, we see that A. is in fact “a demon of the waterless desert, a demon-killer.”

Behemoth is one of Woland's henchmen, appearing in the form of a huge black cat. In the Bible, the hippopotamus is cited as an example of the incomprehensibility of divine creation; at the same time, Behemoth is one of the traditional names for a demon, a minion of Satan. B. in Bulgakov’s novel comically combines a penchant for philosophizing and “intelligent” habits with roguishness and aggressiveness. He first appears in the scene of Ivan Bezdomny’s pursuit of Woland, and leaves the chase on a tram; then, in front of the frightened Styopa Likhodeev, he drinks vodka, snacking on it with pickled mushroom; Together with Azazello, he beats and kidnaps Varenukha. Before a black magic session, B. amazes those present by pouring and drinking a glass of water from a decanter; during the session, on the orders of Koroviev / Bassoon, he tears off the head of the entertainer Georges of Bengal, then puts it back in place; at the end of the session, in the midst of a scandal that had begun, B. orders the orchestra conductor to “cut the march.” After B.’s visit to the office of the chairman of the Entertainment Commission, instead of the chairman himself, only a revived suit remains in his chair... Poplavsky, who appeared at the apartment of the late Berlioz, B. reports that it was he who gave the telegram to Kyiv, and also checks his documents. B. steals Berlioz's head from the morgue. When Margarita appears in Woland's bedroom, B. plays chess with the owner, and, losing, tries to resort to cheating, and also indulges in demagogic reasoning. B. gives the signal for the start of the ball, and during the reception of guests sits at Margarita’s left foot. He tries to argue with Margarita as to whether the café owner who seduced her is to blame for Frida’s infanticide. During the ball, B. bathes in a pool with cognac. At dinner after the ball, B. treats Margarita to alcohol and drinks himself; at the same time he tells tall tales, “competes” with Azazello in shooting accuracy, kills an owl and wounds Gella. An irritated Azazello declares about the cat that “it would be nice to drown him.” B. dictates to Gella a certificate for Nikolai Ivanovich and, together with others, accompanies the master and Margarita to the car. Later, in apartment No. 50, he meets the security officers who came with the raid with a primus in the clutches, conducts a furious shootout with them, pretending to be killed and “comes to life”, uses the primus to set fire to the apartment and hides. Together with Koroviev, he visits Torgsin's store and Griboedov's restaurant, and both visits also end in fires set by B. In the scene on the Sparrow Hills, B. makes a whistle like the wind. During his last flight, he takes on the true appearance of “a thin young man, a demon page, the best jester that has ever existed in the world.” B.'s activity is the reason that, after the disappearance of Woland and his retinue, black cats begin to be caught and exterminated throughout the country.

In this hero, Bulgakov created a very unique image of Satan. This is not absolute evil. V. came to Moscow to judge. And it is important to note that not a single innocent person was harmed. At the very beginning of the novel, when V. appears on the Patriarch's Ponds, he is holding a cane with a poodle's head on the handle. The black poodle is the sign of Satan.
V.'s appearance is very remarkable. He has different eyes: “The right one with a golden spark at the bottom, drilling anyone to the bottom of the soul, and the left one is empty and black, kind of like a narrow eye of a needle...”. V.’s face is somewhat slanted to the side, “the right corner of the mouth is pulled down,” his skin is very dark.
V. is wise, his philosophy is extremely interesting. We can say that he does not do evil, he does justice, but in his own, devilish ways. But he also does good deeds. For example, it is V. who helps Margarita find the Master again in gratitude for the fact that she was the queen at his ball. He frees these heroes from the burden of life in this reality and rewards them with peace. These people do not deserve the light, so Yeshua cannot take them to himself. And Satan can also give you peace. V. says that darkness and light are inseparable. One cannot exist without the other. These concepts are interrelated. Bulgakov conveyed the image of a very wise and charming Devil. He should not be feared by those who have a completely clear conscience.

Gella is a member of Woland’s retinue, a female vampire: “I recommend my maid Gella. She is efficient, understanding, and there is no service that she cannot provide.”
Bulgakov took the name “Gella” from the article “Sorcery” Encyclopedic Dictionary Brockhaus and Efron, where it was noted that in Lesvos this name was used to call untimely dead girls who became vampires after death.
The green-eyed beauty Gella moves freely through the air, thereby taking on a resemblance to a witch. Bulgakov may have borrowed the characteristic features of vampire behavior - clicking teeth and smacking his lips - from the story by A.K. Tolstoy's "Ghoul". There, a vampire girl turns her lover into a vampire with a kiss - hence, obviously, Gella’s fatal kiss for Varenukha.
Gella, the only one from Woland's retinue, is absent from the scene of the last flight. Most likely, Bulgakov deliberately removed her as the youngest member of the retinue, performing only auxiliary functions both in the Variety Theater and in Bad apartment, and at Satan's Great Ball. Vampires are traditionally the lowest category evil spirits. In addition, Gella would have no one to turn into on the last flight - when the night “exposed all the deceptions,” she could only become a dead girl again.

This creative pseudonym Ivan Ponyrev. I.B. - a character who undergoes evolution throughout the novel. At the beginning of the work we see him as a member of MASSOLIT, a young poet writing poems on given topics. In the very first chapter, B and Berlioz meet Woland at the Patriarch's Ponds. Later Berlioz dies under the wheels of a tram. B blames the mysterious foreigner for everything and starts chasing Woland and his retinue. Subsequently, B is sent to a psychiatric hospital. So B is punished for passing off a thirst for fame and eminence as true creativity. At the hospital, B meets the Master. He tells him his story. B promises not to write poetry anymore, having realized the harm that pseudo-creativity brings. Having reviewed all my moral ideals, B becomes a completely different person. In the future, he will become a great historian.

This main character novel written by the Master. This hero means biblical jesus Christ. Yeshua was also betrayed by Judas and crucified. But Bulgakov in his work emphasizes the significant difference between his character and Christ. Yeshua is not shrouded in an aura of mysticism. He looks like an absolutely ordinary person, capable of experiencing fear of physical violence. Yeshua is a wandering philosopher who believes that every person is good, and soon there will be no power in the world except God. Of course, Yi has great power. He cures Pilate of a headache. The forces of light are concentrated in I, but Bulgakov emphasizes that everything in fact was not at all like in the Bible. Ivan himself speaks about this. He notes that he once looked into the parchment of his student Levi Matthew and was horrified. It was not at all what he actually said. So Bulgakov notes that you should not unconditionally believe the Bible, since people wrote it. And he died innocent, without lying, without betraying his convictions. For this he was worthy of the Light.

As in the Bible, Yeshua betrayed. He turned him over to the authorities for money. And - a handsome young man, ready to do anything for money. After Yeshua surrendered to the authorities, Pilate orders the head of the secret service Afranius to kill I. As a result, I was killed. He took responsibility for his actions.

He's Fagot. Woland's assistant. It has a bright, repulsive appearance. “On his small head is a jockey’s cap, a checkered, short, airy jacket... The citizen is a fathom tall, but narrow in the shoulders, incredibly thin, and his face, please note, is mocking.” K. has a cracked voice; you can often see a cracked pince-nez or monocle on it. This character constantly plays the role of a jester. But during a flight under the moonlight, this hero changed beyond recognition. We see that he is in fact "... a dark purple knight with the gloomiest and never smiling face." We learn that this knight once made a bad joke, and he had to joke more and longer than he expected.

Yeshua's most devoted disciple. This is a former tax collector who renounced everything and followed a wandering philosopher. L.M. follows Yeshua everywhere and records his speeches. But Ga-Notsri himself claims that L.M. What he writes is not at all what he says. Allegedly, from this moment the confusion that is reflected in the Bible began. When Yeshua is led to execution, L.M. wants to kill him, thereby saving him from torment. But he doesn’t have time to do this, so L.M. He only removes Yeshua’s body from the cross and buries him. Pilate offers L.M. work as a clerk, but he refuses, arguing that the procurator, after what he did to Yeshua, will be afraid of him and will not be able to watch L.M. in gas. After the death of L.M. becomes a messenger of Yeshua.

The main character of the novel, the Master's beloved. I'm ready to do anything for love. She plays very well in the novel important role. With the help of M, Bulgakov showed us the ideal image of the wife of a genius.
Before meeting Master M, she was married, did not love her husband and was completely unhappy. Having met the Master, I realized that I had found my destiny. She became his "secret wife". It was M who called the hero Master after reading his novel. The heroes were happy together until the Master published an excerpt from his novel. showered critical articles, ridiculing the author, and the strong persecution that began against the Master in literary circles poisoned their lives. M swore that she would poison her lover’s offenders, especially the critic Latunsky. On a short time M leaves the Master alone, he burns the novel and runs away to a psychiatric hospital. For a long time M reproaches herself for leaving her beloved alone at the most difficult moment for him. She cries and suffers greatly until she meets Azazello. He hints to M that he knows where the Master is. For this information, she agrees to be the queen at Satan's great ball. M becomes a witch. By selling her soul, she receives a Master. At the end of the novel, she, like her lover, deserves peace. Many believe that the prototype of this image was the writer’s wife Elena Sergeevna Bulgakova.

This collective image, which Bulgakov draws. He satirically conveys to us portraits of his contemporaries. It becomes funny and bitter from the images drawn by the author. At the very beginning of the novel we see Mikhail Alexandrovich Berlioz, chairman of MASSOLIT (the union of writers). In fact, this person has nothing to do with real creativity. B. is completely faked by time. Under his leadership, the entire MASSOLIT becomes the same. It includes people who know how to adapt to their superiors and write not what they want, but what they need. There is no place for a true creator, so critics begin persecuting the Master. Moscow of the 20s was also a Variety Show, run by the lover of carnal entertainment Styopa Likhodeev. He is punished by Woland, just like his subordinates Rimsky and Varenukha, liars and sycophants. The chairman of the house management, Nikanor Ivanovich Bosoy, was also punished for bribery. In general, Moscow of the 20s was distinguished by many unpleasant qualities. This is a thirst for money, a desire for easy money, satisfaction of one’s carnal needs at the expense of spiritual ones, lies, servility to superiors. It was not in vain that Woland and his retinue came to this city at this time. They punish the hopeless severely, and give those who are not yet completely morally lost a chance to improve.

This is truly a historical figure. In the Bible, it was this man who condemned Christ to crucifixion. In the work, this is the main character of the novel written by the Master. Through the image of P, the author reveals the problem of conscience in the novel, the problem of cowardice and the need for every person, regardless of position and rank, to bear responsibility for their mistakes. After talking with Yeshua during interrogation, P understands that he is innocent. He is even drawn to this person, he would like to discuss a lot of things with him. And he makes weak attempts to save Yeshua, inviting him to lie. But Yeshua feels that he is innocent and is not going to tell a lie. Then P tries to save Yeshua in a conversation with the high priest Caiaphas. P tells him that in honor of Easter, one of the prisoners must be saved, and he wants to free Yeshua Ha-Nozri. Kaifa vs. Cowardly, afraid of losing his place, P sentences Yeshua to death penalty. Thus, P condemns himself to eternal suffering. Only after many centuries, the Master frees his hero from torment and gives him freedom. Finally, P's dream comes true: he climbs up the moonbeam with his faithful dog Bunga. Walking next to him is the wandering philosopher Yeshua, and they have an interesting, endless conversation ahead.

Based on the novel by Mikhail Afanasyevich Bulgakov and film adaptations


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Among the ancient Jews, Azazel was a goat-shaped spirit of the desert (the word “Azazel”, more precisely “Aza-El” means “goat-god”). Traces of the faith of the goat-shaped god - the devil - have been preserved in modern Jewish and Christian beliefs: the devil, who at a much later time took on the image of a man in the minds of believers, retained, however, some of his ancient external attributes: horns and hooves. Mention of the demon Azazel is found in the Old Testament Book of Enoch. This is the name of the fallen angel who taught people how to make weapons and jewelry. Bulgakov was probably attracted by the combination of seduction and murder in one character. It is precisely for the insidious seducer that Margarita mistakes Azazello during their first meeting in the Alexander Garden: “This neighbor turned out to be vertically challenged, fiery red, with a fang, in starched underwear, in a good-quality striped suit, in patent leather shoes and with a bowler hat on his head. “Absolutely a robber’s face!” thought Margarita.” But Azazello's main function in the novel is related to violence. He throws Styopa Likhodeev out of Moscow to Yalta, expels Uncle Berlioz from the Bad Apartment, and kills the traitor Baron Meigel with a revolver. Azazello gives Margarita a magic cream, which not only makes the heroine invisible and able to fly, but also gives her a new, witch-like beauty. It was the Hebrew demon Azazel who taught women to decorate themselves precious stones, blush and whiten - in a word, taught a lesson in seduction. In the epilogue of the novel this fallen Angel appears before us in a new guise: “Flying at the side of everyone, shining with the steel of his armor, was Azazello. The moon also changed his face. The absurd, ugly fang disappeared without a trace, and the crooked eye turned out to be false. Both of Azazello's eyes were the same, empty and black, and his face was white and cold. Now Azazello flew in his true form, like a demon of the waterless desert, a killer demon.”

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Alexander Ryukhin, MASSOLIT poet, who accompanied I. Bezdomny on the trip to Dr. Stravinsky’s psychiatric hospital (Chapter 6, “Schizophrenia, as it was said”). He was severely criticized by Bezdomny: “A typical kulak in his psychology, and, moreover, a kulak carefully masquerading as a proletarian. Look at his Lenten face and compare it with those sonorous poems that he composed for the first day! “Cheer up!” Yes, “Cheer up!”...and you look inside him - what he’s thinking there... you’ll gasp!” “The visit to the house of grief left a very difficult mark on him (Ryukhin”). Bezdomny’s words helped A. Ryukhin realize the meaninglessness of his poetry: “The truth, he told the truth! I don’t believe in anything I write!..” The trip left him "completely sick and even old." In the morning in the restaurant, Ryukhin ate and drank, “understanding and recognizing that nothing in his life could be corrected, but only forgotten.” “The poet spent his night, and now he understood that it could not be returned”

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An acquaintance of the Master, who wrote a false denunciation against him in order to appropriate his living space. Was kicked out of his new apartment Woland's retinue. After the trial, Wolanda left Moscow unconscious, but, waking up somewhere near Vyatka, returned. Replaced Rimsky as financial director of the Variety Theater. Mogarych’s activities in this position caused great torment for Varenukha

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A retired woman known for her caustic character. Wherever she appeared, chaos and strife reigned everywhere. She broke a bottle of sunflower oil on the tram tracks, which was the cause of Berlioz's death. Lives on the floor below the “bad apartment”. Later, Azazello was intimidated to return the diamond horseshoe found in the entrance, given by Woland as a souvenir to Margarita (the horseshoe with diamonds was returned to Margarita)

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The director of the Griboedov House restaurant, a formidable boss and a man with phenomenal intuition. He is economical and, as usual in catering, a thief. The author compares him to a pirate, a brig captain

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Head of the secret service, comrade-in-arms of Pilate. He supervised the execution of the murder of Judas and planted the money received for betrayal into the residence of the high priest Caiaphas

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An NKVD employee assigned to spy on Woland and his retinue, introducing himself as an employee of the Entertainment Commission in the position of introducing foreigners to the sights of the capital. He was killed at Satan's ball as a sacrifice, whose blood filled Woland's liturgical cup

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Poet, member of MASSOLIT. Real name is Ponyrev. He wrote an anti-religious poem, one of the first heroes (along with Berlioz) who met Koroviev and Woland. He ended up in a clinic for the mentally ill, and was also the first to meet the Master. Then he recovered, stopped studying poetry and became a professor at the Institute of History and Philosophy

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Entertainer of the Variety Theater. He was severely punished by Woland's retinue - his head was torn off - for the unfortunate comments he made during the performance. After returning his head to its place, he could not come to his senses and was taken to the clinic of Professor Stravinsky

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The chairman of MASSOLIT is a writer, a well-read, educated person who is skeptical about everything. He lived in a “bad apartment” on Sadovaya, 302 bis, where Woland later settled during his stay in Moscow. He died, not believing Woland's prediction about his sudden death, made shortly before her. At Satan's ball, his future fate was determined by Woland according to the theory that everyone will be given according to their faith... Berlioz appears before us at the ball in the form of his own severed head. The head was later transformed into a bowl in the form of a skull on a golden leg, with emerald eyes and pearl teeth... the lid of the skull was hinged. It was in this cup that the spirit of Berlioz found oblivion

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Nikonor Ivanovich's wife

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Chairman of the housing association on Sadovaya Street, where Woland settled during his stay in Moscow. Jaden, the day before, committed the theft of funds from the cash register of the housing association.

Koroviev entered into a temporary rental agreement with him and gave him a bribe, which, as the chairman later claimed, “itself crept into his briefcase.” Then Koroviev, on Woland’s orders, turned the transferred rubles into dollars and, on behalf of one of the neighbors, reported the hidden currency to the NKVD.

Trying to somehow justify himself, Bosoy admitted to bribery and reported similar crimes on the part of his assistants, which led to the arrest of all members of the housing association. Due to further behavior during interrogation, he was sent to mental asylum, where he was haunted by nightmares associated with demands to hand over his existing currency

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Administrator of the Variety Theater. He fell into the clutches of Woland’s gang when he was carrying to the NKVD a printout of correspondence with Likhodeev, who had ended up in Yalta. As punishment for “lies and rudeness on the phone,” he was turned by Gella into a vampire guide. After the ball he was turned back into a human and released. At the end of all the events described in the novel, Varenukha became a more good-natured, polite and honest person.

Interesting fact: Varenukha’s punishment was a “private initiative” of Azazello and Behemoth

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Satan, who visited Moscow under the guise of a foreign professor black magic, "historian". At its first appearance (in the novel “The Master and Margarita”), the first chapter from the Roman is narrated (about Yeshua and Pilate). The main features of his appearance are eye defects and lameness in one leg. Appearance: “He was neither short nor huge in stature, but simply tall. As for his teeth, he had platinum crowns on the left side and gold ones on the right. He wore an expensive gray suit, expensive foreign shoes to match the color of the suit, and always had a cane with him, with a black knob in the shape of a poodle’s head; the right eye is black, the left one is green for some reason; the mouth is kind of crooked. Shaven clean." He smoked a pipe and always carried a cigarette case with him

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A witch and vampire from Satan's retinue, who confused all his human visitors with her habit of wearing practically nothing. The beauty of her body is spoiled only by the scar on her neck. In the retinue, Wolanda plays the role of a maid. Woland, recommending Gella to Margarita, says that there is no service that she cannot provide. Gella bit Varenukha, and then together with him attacked the financial director Rimsky

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A wandering philosopher from Nazareth, described by Woland on the Patriarch's Ponds, as well as by the Master in his novel, compared with the image of Jesus Christ. The name Yeshua Ha-Nozri means Jesus (Yeshua????) of Nazareth (Ha-Nozri??????) in Hebrew. However this image significantly diverges from the biblical prototype. Characteristically, he tells Pontius Pilate that Levi-Matthew (Matthew) wrote down his words incorrectly and that “this confusion will continue for a very long time.” Pilate: “But what did you say about the temple to the crowd at the market?” Yeshua: “I, the hegemon, said that the temple of the old faith would collapse and a new temple of truth would be created. I said it this way to make it clearer"

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Jewish high priest, head of the Sanhedrin, who condemned Yeshua Ha-Nozri to death

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A young resident of Yershalaim who handed Yeshua Ha-Nozri into the hands of the Sanhedrin. Pontius Pilate, worried about his involvement in the execution of Yeshua, organized the secret murder of Judas to take revenge

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Wife of the Procurator of Judea Pontius Pilate (character from the film adaptation)

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A character from Satan's retinue, appearing in the form of a huge black cat, a werewolf and Woland's favorite jester.

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Accountant at Variety. While I was handing over the cash register, I discovered traces of the presence of Woland’s retinue in the institutions where he had visited. While checking out the cash register, I suddenly discovered that the money had turned into a variety of foreign currency, for which he was arrested

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The surname of Latunsky, who criticized the Master for clericalism, is a hybrid of the surnames of two famous critics 1930s, A. Orlinsky ( real name Krips, 1892-1938) and O. Litovsky (real name Kagan, 1892-1971), who actually sharply criticized Bulgakov

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The only follower of Yeshua Ha-Nozri in the novel. He accompanied his teacher until his death, and subsequently took him down from the cross to bury him. He also had the intention of stabbing his executioner, Yeshua, in order to save him from the torment of the cross, but in the end he failed. At the end of the novel, Woland comes to Woland, sent by his teacher Yeshua, with a request to grant peace for the Master and Margarita

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Director of the Variety Theater, Berlioz's neighbor, also living in a “bad apartment” on Sadovaya. A slacker, a womanizer and a drunkard. For “official inconsistency” he was transferred to Yalta by Woland’s henchmen

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A beautiful, wealthy, but bored wife of a famous engineer, suffering from the emptiness of her life. Having met the Master by chance on the streets of Moscow, she fell in love with him at first sight, passionately believed in the success of the novel he wrote, and prophesied fame. When the Master decided to burn his novel, she managed to save only a few pages. Then she makes a deal with Messire and, in order to regain the missing Master, becomes the queen of a satanic ball organized by Woland. Margarita is a symbol of love and self-sacrifice in the name of another person. If you name the novel without using symbols, then “The Master and Margarita” is transformed into “Creativity and Love”

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Centurion, Pilate's guard, once crippled in a battle with the Germans, acting as a guard and directly carrying out the execution of Yeshua and two other criminals. When on the mountain began heavy thunderstorm, stabbed Yeshua and other criminals to be able to leave the place of execution. Another version says that Pontius Pilate ordered the convicts to be stabbed to death (which is not allowed by law) in order to alleviate their suffering. Perhaps he received the nickname “Rat Slayer” because he himself was German. In a conversation with Yeshua, Pilate characterizes Mark the Rat Slayer as a cold and convinced executioner

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Professional historian who won a large sum into the lottery and got the opportunity to try his hand at literary work. Having become a writer, he managed to create brilliant novel about Pontius Pilate and Yeshua Ha-Nozri, but he turned out to be a man not adapted to the era in which he lived. He was driven to despair by persecution from colleagues who cruelly criticized his work. Nowhere in the novel is his name and surname mentioned; when asked directly about this, he always refused to introduce himself, saying, “Let’s not talk about that.” Known only by the nickname “master” given by Margarita. He considers himself unworthy of such a nickname, considering it the whim of his beloved. A master is a person who has achieved the highest success in any activity, which may be why he is rejected by the crowd, who are unable to appreciate his talent and abilities. The Master, the main character of the novel, writes a novel about Yeshua (Jesus) and Pilate. The master writes a novel, interpreting the gospel events in his own way, without miracles and the power of grace - like Tolstoy. The master communicated with Woland - Satan, a witness, according to him, to the events described in the novel.

“From the balcony, a shaven, dark-haired man of about thirty-eight years old, with a sharp nose, anxious eyes and a tuft of hair hanging over his forehead, cautiously peered into the room.”

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Beautiful, blonde housekeeper Margarita. She secretly smeared herself with Azazello cream, after which she turned into a witch and, riding a hog (Nikolai Ivanovich), went after Margot. Natasha and Gella helped Margarita at Satan’s ball, after which she did not want to return to her former life and begged Woland to leave her as a witch

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A resident of Yershalaim, an agent of Afranius, who pretended to be Judas's lover in order to lure him into a trap, on the orders of Afranius.

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Margarita's neighbor from the bottom floor. He was turned by Margarita's housekeeper Natasha into a hog and in this form was “brought in as a vehicle” to Satan’s ball. The reason for the punishment is lust. At Margarita’s request, he was forgiven, but until the end of his days he grieved for forgiveness: it was better to be a hog under naked Natasha than to live out a century with a disgusted wife

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The fifth procurator of Judea in Yershalaim, a cruel and powerful man, who nevertheless managed to develop sympathy for Yeshua Ha-Nozri during his interrogation. He tried to stop the well-functioning mechanism of execution for insulting Caesar, but failed to do this, which he subsequently repented of throughout his life. He suffered from severe migraines, from which he was relieved during the interrogation by Yeshua Ha-Nozri

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Kiev uncle of Mikhail Alexandrovich Berlioz, who dreamed of living in Moscow. He was invited to Moscow for the funeral by Behemoth, however, upon arrival he was concerned not so much with the death of his nephew as with the living space left over from the deceased. Was kicked out by Behemoth and exposed to Azazello, with instructions to return back to Kyiv

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The doctor who examined the barman Sokov. Was visited by the demon Azazello, who “spread” first into a “vile sparrow”, then into a nurse with a “man’s mouth”. Despite his obvious medical talent, he had a sin - excessive suspiciousness, for which Azazello was punished - he received slight damage to his mind

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Chairman of the entertainment commission of the Variety Theater. The Behemoth cat temporarily kidnapped him, leaving him with an empty suit sitting at his workplace, for occupying a position that was not suitable for him.

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A barman at the Variety Theater, criticized by Woland for the poor quality of food served in the buffet. He accumulated over 249 thousand rubles from purchasing “second-fresh” products and other abuses of official position. I received a message from Koroviev about his death 9 months later from liver cancer, which, unlike Berlioz, he believed and took all measures to prevent, which, of course, did not help him

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One of the characters in Satan's entourage, always wearing ridiculous checkered clothes and pince-nez with one cracked and one missing glass. In his true form he turns out to be a knight, forced to pay with a permanent stay in Satan's retinue for one bad pun he once made about light and darkness

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A sinner invited to Woland's ball. She once strangled an unwanted child with a handkerchief and buried her, for which she experiences a certain kind of punishment - every morning they invariably bring this same handkerchief to her bedside (no matter how she tried to get rid of it the day before). At Satan's ball, Margarita pays attention to Frida and addresses her personally (invites her to get drunk and forget everything), which gives Frida hope for forgiveness. After the ball, the time comes to voice her only main request to Woland, for which Margarita pledged her soul and became the queen of the satanic ball. Margarita regards her attention to Frida as a carelessly given veiled promise to save her from eternal punishment, under the influence of feelings, she sacrifices her right to a single request in favor of Frida

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on the topic: Characteristics of the characters in the novel by N.A. Bulgakov "The Master and Margarita"

1. Woland and his retinue

Bulgakov master Margarita novel

Woland -- central character novel by M.A. Bulgakov "The Master and Margarita" (1928-1940). The devil, who appeared at the “hour of hot spring sunset on the Patriarch’s Ponds” to celebrate here, in Moscow, “Satan’s great ball”; which, as it should be, became the cause of many extraordinary events that caused turmoil in the peaceful life of the city and caused a lot of anxiety to its inhabitants.

In the process of creating the novel, the image of V. played key role. This character was the starting point artistic design, which then underwent many changes. The future novel about the Master and Margarita began as a “novel about the devil” (Bulgakov’s words from his letter to the “Government of the USSR”, 1930). In the early editions, V., who had not yet found his name, called either Herr Faland or Azazel, was the main person placed at the center of the narrative. This is indicated by almost all variants of the title of the novel, noted in manuscripts from 1928 to 1937: “Black Magician”, “Engineer’s Hoof”, “Consultant with a Hoof”, “Satan”, “Black Theologian”, “Great Chancellor”, “Prince of Darkness”, etc. As the “distance” expanded free romance“(the “antique” line was developed, the Master and Margarita appeared, as well as many other people).

Woland in the “final” edition, he was pushed out of the main roles and became the tritagonist of the plot, after the Master and Margarita, after Yeshua Ha-Nozri and Pontius Pilate. Having lost supremacy in the hierarchy of images. However, it retained obvious primacy in terms of plot presence. He appears in fifteen chapters of the novel, while the Master appears in only five, and Yeshua in only two chapters.

The author took the name V. from Goethe’s Faust: Mephistopheles’ exclamation “Plate! Junker Voland kommt" ("Make way! - the devil is coming"). The source of the image for Bulgakov was the book by M.N. Orlov’s “The History of Relations between Man and the Devil” (1904), as well as articles on Satan, on the demonology of the “Encyclopedic Dictionary” of Brockhaus and Efron. In the depiction of the devil, the writer used some traditional attributes, emblems, portrait descriptions: lameness, squint, crooked mouth, black eyebrows - one higher than the other, a cane with a knob in the shape of a poodle's head, a beret, dashingly twisted over the ear, though without a feather, and etc.

However, Bulgakov's V. differs significantly from the images of Satan captured artistic tradition. Research shows that these differences intensified from one edition to another. “Early” V. was much closer to the traditional type of tempter, catcher human souls. He committed sacrilege and demanded blasphemous acts from others. In the “final” version, these points disappeared. Bulgakov interprets the provocation of the devil in a unique way. Traditionally, Satan is called upon to provoke everything dark lurking in a person’s soul, to kindle it, as it were. The meaning of V.'s provocations is the study of people as they really are. A session of black magic in a variety theater (a classic provocation) revealed both the bad (greed) and the good in the audience gathered there, showing that mercy sometimes knocks on people's hearts. The last conclusion, murderous for Satan, does not offend Bulgakovsky at all.

Messire V., as his retinue respectfully calls him, consisting of the regent Koroviev-Fagot, the demon Azazello, the cat Behemoth and the witch Gella, is by no means a fighter against God and not an enemy of the human race. V. is involved in the truth. He certainly distinguishes between good and evil: usually Satan is a relativist for whom these concepts are relative. Moreover, V. is endowed with the power to punish people for the evil they have committed; He himself does not slander anyone, but he punishes slanderers and informers.

Throughout the novel, V. does not try to capture souls. He doesn’t need the souls of the Master and Margarita, to whom he showed so much selfless concern. Strictly speaking, V. is not the devil, understood as an evil will that separates people. V. decisively intervenes in the fate of the Master and Margarita, separated by the will of circumstances, unites them and finds them “eternal shelter.” Bulgakov outlined such an obvious crime of the devil’s powers in the epigraph of the novel, taken from Goethe’s Faust: “I am part of that force that always wants evil and always does good.”

The philosophical and religious source of the image of V. was the dualistic teaching of the Manichaeans (III-XI centuries), according to which God and the devil act in the world, in the words of the novel, each according to his own department. God commands the heavenly spheres, the devil rules on earth, fair trial. This is indicated, in particular, by V.’s scene with a globe, on which he sees everything that is happening in the world. Traces of the Manichaean doctrine are clearly found in V.’s dialogue with Matthew Levi on the roof of Pashkov’s house. In the early edition, the decision on the fate of the Master and Margarita came to V. in the form of an order, which was brought by an “unknown messenger” who appeared under the rustle of flying wings. In the final version, Levi Matvey conveys a request to reward the Master and his beloved with peace. The two worlds, light and shadow, thus became equal.

2. Koroviev-Fagot

This character is the eldest of the demons subordinate to Woland, a devil and a knight, who introduces himself to Muscovites as a translator for a foreign professor and former regent of a church choir.

The surname Koroviev is modeled after the surname of a character in the story by A.K. Tolstoy's "Ghoul" (1841) of the state councilor Telyaev, who turns out to be a knight and a vampire. In addition, in the story by F.M. Dostoevsky’s “The Village of Stepanchikovo and Its Inhabitants” has a character named Korovkin, very similar to our hero. His second name comes from the name musical instrument bassoon, invented by an Italian monk. The Koroviev-Fagot has some similarities with the bassoon - a long thin tube folded in three.

Bulgakov's character is thin, tall and in imaginary servility, it seems, ready to fold himself three times over in front of his interlocutor (in order to then calmly harm him). Here is his portrait: “...a transparent citizen of a strange appearance, On his small head there is a jockey cap, a checkered short jacket..., a citizen a fathom tall, but narrow in the shoulders, incredibly thin, and his face, please note, is mocking”; “...his mustache is like chicken feathers, his eyes are small, ironic and half-drunk.”

Koroviev-Fagot is a devil who emerged from the sultry Moscow air (unprecedented heat for May at the time of his appearance is one of the traditional signs of the approach of evil spirits). Woland's henchman, only when necessary, puts on various disguises: a drunken regent, a guy, a clever swindler, a sneaky translator for a famous foreigner, etc. Only in the last flight does Koroviev-Fagot become what he really is - a gloomy demon, a knight Bassoon, who knows the value of human weaknesses and virtues no worse than his master.

3. Azazello

The name Azazello was formed by Bulgakov from the Old Testament name Azazel. That's the name negative hero the Old Testament book of Enoch, a fallen angel who taught people to make weapons and jewelry.

Bulgakov was probably attracted by the combination of seduction and murder in one character. It is for the insidious seducer that we take Azazello Margarita during their first meeting in the Alexander Garden: “This neighbor turned out to be short, fiery red, with a fang, in starched underwear, in a good-quality striped suit, in patent leather shoes and with a bowler hat on his head. “Absolutely a robber’s face!” - thought Margarita.” But Azazello’s main function in the novel is related to violence. He throws Styopa Likhodeev out of Moscow to Yalta, expels Uncle Berlioz from the Bad Apartment, and kills the traitor Baron Meigel with a revolver. Azazello also invented the cream that he gives to Margarita. The magic cream not only makes the heroine invisible and able to fly, but also gives her a new, witch-like beauty. In the epilogue of the novel, this fallen angel appears before us in a new guise: “Azazello flew at the side of everyone, shining with the steel of his armor. The moon also changed his face. The absurd, ugly fang disappeared without a trace, and the crooked eye turned out to be false. Both of Azazello's eyes were the same, empty and black, and his face was white and cold. Now Azazello was flying in his true form, like a demon of the waterless desert, a killer demon.”

4. Cat Behemoth

This werecat and Satan's favorite jester is perhaps the funniest and most memorable of Woland's retinue. The author of “The Master and Margarita” gleaned information about Behemoth from the book by M.A. Orlov’s “The History of Man’s Relations with the Devil” (1904), extracts from which were preserved in the Bulgakov archive. There, in particular, the case of a French abbess who lived in the 17th century was described. and possessed by seven devils, the fifth demon being Behemoth. This demon was depicted as a monster with an elephant head, a trunk and fangs. His hands were human-shaped, and he had a huge belly, a short ponytail and thick hind legs, like a hippopotamus, reminded him of his name. In Bulgakov, Behemoth became a huge black werewolf cat, since black cats are traditionally considered associated with evil spirits.

This is how we see him for the first time: “... on the jeweler’s pouffe, in a cheeky pose, a third person was lounging, namely, a terribly sized black cat with a shot of vodka in one paw and a fork, on which he had managed to pry a pickled mushroom, in the other.”

The hippopotamus in the demonological tradition is the demon of the desires of the stomach. Hence his extraordinary gluttony, especially in Torgsin, when he indiscriminately swallows everything edible.

Behemoth's shootout with detectives in apartment No. 50, his chess match with Woland, his shooting competition with Azazello - all this is pure humorous skits, very funny and even to some extent take the edge off those everyday, moral and philosophical problems, which the novel puts before the reader.

In the last flight, the transformation of this merry joker is very unusual (like most of the plot devices in this science fiction novel): “The night tore off the fluffy tail from the Behemoth, tore off its fur and scattered its shreds across the swamps. He who was a cat who amused the prince of darkness now turned out to be a thin youth, a demon page, the best jester that ever existed in the world.”

Gella is a member of Woland’s retinue, a female vampire: “I recommend my maid Gella. She is efficient, understanding, and there is no service that she cannot provide.”

Bulgakov took the name “Gella” from the article “Sorcery” in the Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary, where it was noted that in Lesvos this name was used to call untimely dead girls who became vampires after death.

The green-eyed beauty Gella moves freely through the air, thereby taking on a resemblance to a witch. Bulgakov may have borrowed the characteristic features of vampire behavior - clicking teeth and smacking his lips - from the story by A.K. Tolstoy's "Ghoul". There, a vampire girl turns her lover into a vampire with a kiss - hence, obviously, Gella’s fatal kiss for Varenukha.

Gella, the only one from Woland's retinue, is absent from the scene of the last flight. Most likely, Bulgakov deliberately removed her as the youngest member of the retinue, performing only auxiliary functions both in the Variety Theater, and in the Bad Apartment, and at Satan’s Great Ball. Vampires are traditionally the lowest category of evil spirits. In addition, Gella would have no one to turn into on the last flight - when the night “exposed all the deceptions,” she could only become a dead girl again.

The Master is the hero of the novel by M.A. Bulgakov "The Master and Margarita" (1928-1940). In the crowded gathering of people inhabiting the novel, the role of this character is clearly defined. The chapter in which the reader meets him is entitled “The Appearance of the Hero.” Meanwhile, M. takes up little space in the plot space. He appears in the 13th chapter, when all the main persons (except Margarita) entered into action, and some have already left him. Then M. disappears from the narrative for a long time, only to appear again in the 24th chapter. And finally, he participates in the final three chapters (30th, 31st, 32nd). In world literature it is difficult to find another work in which the hero would spend so much time “behind the scenes” of the plot, waiting for his “exit”. These “exits” themselves do not correspond much to the function of the hero. They essentially lack any action, which is especially noticeable in comparison with the active heroine of the novel, who decided to take risky and desperate actions in the name of love for M. M.’s first “exit” results in a confessional story about what happened to him before: about a novel written and burned, about a lover found and lost, about imprisonment, first violent (arrest), and then voluntary (in a clinic for mentally ill). The hero's further vicissitudes are entirely determined by other persons. Woland “extracts” him from the hospital room to connect him with Margarita; Azazello “frees” him by poisoning him, and the liberated hero, together with his beloved, who has also become free, go to where eternal refuge awaits them. Almost all events happen to M, but are not produced by him. Nevertheless, he is the protagonist of the novel. The fate of M. and Margarita connects the disparate “episodes” of the narrative, holding them together in plot-events and/or symbolically.

Bulgakov's hero is a man without a name. He renounces his real name twice: first, accepting the nickname of the Master, which Margarita gave him, and then, ending up in the clinic of Professor Stravinsky, where he remains as “number one hundred and eighteen from the first building.” The latter is associated, presumably, with literary reminiscence: a reference to another “prisoner” of contemporary Bulgakov novelism - the hero of the novel by E.I. Zamyatin's "We", whose fate has a number of coincidences with the fate of M. (Both are engaged in writing, not considering themselves writers; each has a lover capable of courageous deeds.) The semantics of M.'s name is difficult to understand and cannot be read unambiguously. Leaving aside the obscure question of the origin of this name, it can be noted that in Bulgakov’s texts it appears several times, is always endowed with an emphatic meaning and at the same time is used, at least, inconsistently. Bulgakov calls the hero of “The Life of Monsieur de Molière” a “poor and bloody master”; among the options for the title of the play about Stalin (later “Batum”) appears “Master”.

In the symbolism of the novel, M.'s name appears in opposition to the craft of writing. The famous answer to Ivan Bezdomny’s question: “Are you a writer?” -- "I am a master". If we take into account that before these words there was a conversation about a novel about Pontius Pilate, written by the hero, then the semantic, value modulation is obvious. The hero became M. because he literary activity went beyond its boundaries, turned into a task that he was called to fulfill, to which he was crowned, like a king to a kingdom. M. even has a crown - a black cap sewn by Margarita with a yellow letter “M”. Then the word "master" means "initiated."

M.'s image represents a development lyrical hero Bulgakov, connected with his creator through intimate family relations and a common literary pedigree, on the family tree of which the names of Hoffman and Gogol stand out. From the first, Bulgakov's hero inherited the title of "thrice romantic master", from the second - portrait features (a sharp nose, a tuft of hair hanging over his forehead) and the fatal circumstance of his fate. In a moment of despair, M. burns the novel he created, like Gogol, who destroyed the second volume “ Dead souls“, like Bulgakov himself, who threw the manuscript of a novel about the devil into the fire. According to I.L. Galinskaya, the hypothetical prototype of M. is the Ukrainian philosopher XVIII" G.S. Skovoroda, who, like Bulgakov’s hero, did not publish any of his works during his lifetime and in certain circumstances was forced to pretend to be crazy. Besides philosophical issues The novel can be considered as a reflection of Skovoroda’s philosophy in some of its important points.

In Bulgakov’s work, the image of M. is correlated with such characters endowed with autobiographical features as the hero of “Notes of a Young Doctor,” Turbin (“ White Guard"), Moliere (novel and play "The Cabal of the Saint"), Maksudov ("Notes of a Dead Man"). The plot parallels with the latter are the most obvious. (Bulgakov’s commentators pay attention to them first of all.) Both heroes are minor employees (one of the editorial office, the other of the museum), unremarkable in any way. everyday life. Writer's talent suddenly awakens in both. Both of them write a novel that brings them happiness and sorrow. Like Maksudov, M., faced with his “brothers in literature,” becomes an object of persecution. Both “in the wide field of literature” are destined to be “literary wolves” (Bulgakov’s words about himself). Meanwhile, Maksudov’s work has been published and is being staged by Independent theater. M.'s novel did not reach the readers and spiritually broke him. Hunted and persecuted, M. renounces his creation, throwing the manuscript into the fire.

Maksudov composes modern novel, describing in it the events of which he was an eyewitness. M. is endowed with the gift of insight, the ability to see the history of two thousand years ago as it really was. “Oh, how I guessed right! Oh, how I guessed everything,” exclaims M., when, thanks to Ivan Bezdomny, who remembered the conversation with Woland, he gets the opportunity to compare what is described in the novel with the story of a living witness.

In the image of M. the author put his understanding of the writer and his life purpose. For Bulgakov, writing is theurgy, but not in V.S.’s interpretation. Solovyov and the Russian symbolists, which implied “ascension” to “transcendental thrones” and the reverse life-building action produced from there. Bulgakov's theurgy is an insight into the truth sent down from above, which the writer must “guess” and about which he must tell people “so that they know...”. (“So that they know” - last words the dying Bulgakov, which his wife heard.) The concept of the writer, personified in the image of M., is fundamentally different from the doctrine of the Symbolists, according to which the artistic gift provided its bearer with a kind of indulgence.

In the poem by F.K. Sologuba “I have experienced the vicissitudes of fate,” the poet, who sinned a lot in life, was allowed by the Apostle Peter to “listen to the holy rejoicing” only on the grounds that he was a poet. For Bulgakov, being a poet or prose writer in itself does not mean anything. It's all about how the artist used his talent. Berlioz, for example, exchanged his talent for everyday comfort and for this he must go into oblivion. M. fulfilled his duty, but only half. He wrote a novel. However, he could not bear his burden, chose to flee, and thus violated the second part of his purpose: so that they would know what he had recognized. (In this context, it is significant to compare the fates of M. and Yeshua Ha-Nozri, who had the opportunity to avoid the cross, but did not take advantage of it.) That is why M. “did not deserve light, he deserved peace.”

The tragic image of M., discovered by Russian readers in the late 60s, when M.A.’s novel was first published. Bulgakov, became for the domestic intelligentsia the personification of the dilemma of escapism and heroism, a symbol of the choice between these two existential possibilities.

7. Margarita

The main character of the novel, the Master's beloved. I'm ready to do anything for love. She plays a very important role in the novel. With the help of M, Bulgakov showed us the ideal image of the wife of a genius.

Before meeting Master M, she was married, did not love her husband and was completely unhappy. Having met the Master, I realized that I had found my destiny. She became his "secret wife". It was M who called the hero Master after reading his novel. The heroes were happy together until the Master published an excerpt from his novel. The shower of critical articles ridiculing the author, and the strong persecution that began against the Master in literary circles, poisoned their lives. M swore that she would poison her lover’s offenders, especially the critic Latunsky. For a short time, M leaves the Master alone, he burns the novel and runs away to a psychiatric hospital. For a long time, M reproaches herself for leaving her beloved alone at the most difficult moment for him. She cries and suffers greatly until she meets Azazello. He hints to M that he knows where the Master is. For this information, she agrees to be the queen at Satan's great ball. M becomes a witch. By selling her soul, she receives a Master. At the end of the novel, she, like her lover, deserves peace. Many believe that the prototype of this image was the writer’s wife Elena Sergeevna Bulgakova.

8. Ivan Bezdomny

This is the creative pseudonym of Ivan Ponyrev. I.B. - a character who undergoes evolution throughout the novel. At the beginning of the work we see him as a member of MASSOLIT, a young poet writing poems on given topics. In the very first chapter, B. and Berlioz meet Woland at the Patriarch's Ponds. Later Berlioz dies under the wheels of a tram. B. blames the mysterious foreigner for everything and starts chasing Woland and his retinue. Subsequently, B. is sent to a psychiatric hospital. So B. is punished for passing off a thirst for fame and eminence as true creativity. At the hospital, B. meets the Master. He tells him his story. B promises not to write poetry anymore, having realized the harm that pseudo-creativity brings. Having reconsidered all his moral ideals in the hospital, B. becomes a completely different person. In the future, he will become a great historian.

9. Yeshua Ha-Nozri

This is the main character of the novel written by the Master. This hero means the biblical Jesus Christ. Yeshua was also betrayed by Judas and crucified. But Bulgakov in his work emphasizes the significant difference between his character and Christ. Yeshua is not shrouded in an aura of mysticism. He looks like an absolutely ordinary person, capable of experiencing fear of physical violence. Yeshua is a wandering philosopher who believes that every person is good, and soon there will be no power in the world except God. Of course, Yi has great power. He cures Pilate of a headache. The forces of light are concentrated in I, but Bulgakov emphasizes that everything in fact was not at all like in the Bible. Ivan himself speaks about this. He notes that he once looked into the parchment of his student Levi Matthew and was horrified. It was not at all what he actually said. So Bulgakov notes that you should not unconditionally believe the Bible, since people wrote it. And he died innocent, without lying, without betraying his convictions. For this he was worthy of the Light.

10. Pontius Pilate

This is truly a historical figure. In the Bible, it was this man who condemned Christ to crucifixion. In the work, this is the main character of the novel written by the Master. Through the image of P, the author reveals the problem of conscience in the novel, the problem of cowardice and the need for every person, regardless of position and rank, to bear responsibility for their mistakes. After talking with Yeshua during interrogation, P understands that he is innocent. He is even drawn to this person, he would like to discuss a lot of things with him. And he makes weak attempts to save I., inviting him to lie. But I. feels that he is not guilty and is not going to tell a lie. Then P tries to save I. in a conversation with the high priest Caiaphas. P tells him that in honor of Easter, one of the prisoners must be saved, and he wants to free Yeshua Ha-Nozri. Kaifa vs. Having become cowardly, afraid of losing his place, P sentences I. to death. Thus, P. sentences himself to eternal suffering.

Only after many centuries, the Master frees his hero from torment and gives him freedom. Finally, P.'s dream comes true: he rises with his faithful dog Banga up the moonbeam. Walking next to him is the wandering philosopher I., and they have an interesting, endless conversation ahead.

11. Levi Matvey

Yeshua's most devoted disciple. This is a former tax collector who renounced everything and followed a wandering philosopher. L.M. follows Yeshua everywhere and records his speeches. But Ga-Notsri himself claims that L.M. What he writes is not at all what he says. Allegedly, from this moment the confusion that is reflected in the Bible began. When Yeshua is led to execution, L.M. wants to kill him, thereby saving him from torment. But he doesn’t have time to do this, so L.M. He only removes Yeshua’s body from the cross and buries him. Pilate offers L.M. work as a clerk, but he refuses, arguing that the procurator, after what he did to Yeshua, will be afraid of him and will not be able to watch L.M. in gas. After the death of L.M. becomes a messenger of Yeshua.

As in the Bible, Yeshua betrayed. He turned him over to the authorities for money. And - a handsome young man, ready to do anything for money. After Yeshua surrenders to the authorities, Pilate orders the head of the secret service Afranius to kill Judas from Kiriath. As a result, Judas is killed. He took responsibility for his actions.

13. Moscow of the 20s

This is a collective image that Bulgakov paints. He satirically conveys to us portraits of his contemporaries. It becomes funny and bitter from the images drawn by the author. At the very beginning of the novel we see Mikhail Alexandrovich Berlioz, chairman of MASSOLIT (the union of writers).

In fact, this person has nothing to do with real creativity. B. is completely faked by time. Under his leadership, the entire MASSOLIT becomes the same. It includes people who know how to adapt to their superiors and write not what they want, but what they need. There is no place for a true creator, so critics begin persecuting the Master. Moscow of the 20s was also a Variety Show, run by the lover of carnal entertainment Styopa Likhodeev. He is punished by Woland, just like his subordinates Rimsky and Varenukha, liars and sycophants. The chairman of the house management, Nikanor Ivanovich Bosoy, was also punished for bribery.

In general, Moscow of the 20s was distinguished by many unpleasant qualities. This is a thirst for money, a desire for easy money, satisfaction of one’s carnal needs at the expense of spiritual ones, lies, servility to superiors. It was not in vain that Woland and his retinue came to this city at this time. They punish the hopeless severely, and give those who are not yet completely morally lost a chance to improve.

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Age not determined. Approximately close to 38 years old.

“...A man about thirty-eight years old...”

A person without a name or surname. He gave them up voluntarily.

“I no longer have a surname - I abandoned it, like everything else in life...”

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Brown-haired with the first glimmers of gray at the temples. Sharp facial features. Brown eyes, restless, alarmed. It looks painful and strange.
The Master did not attach any importance to clothes. Despite the abundance of suits hanging idle in his closet, he preferred to wear the same thing.

Character. Biography.

Lonely and unhappy. No family, no relatives. Beggar, without means of subsistence.

Smart, educated. A historian by profession, he worked in a museum for several years. A polyglot who knows five languages: Greek, Latin, German, French, English.

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“In general, I’m not inclined to get along with people, I have a damn weirdness: I’m difficult to get along with people, distrustful, suspicious...”

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Changes in life

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Residential psychiatric facility

A severe mental state led him to hospital bed. He voluntarily surrendered to the doctors, realizing that all was not well with him. Ward 118 became his second home, sheltering him for four months. He developed a fierce hatred for the novel, considering it to be the culprit of all the troubles happening to him. Only Margarita had a calming effect on him. With her he shared his experiences and inner sensations. The master dreamed of one thing, to return there, to the basement, where they felt so good.


Woland (Satan) was able to fulfill his desires. Another world will become for the Master and Margarita the place where he will find eternal peace.
Bulgakov's novel "The Master and Margarita" mystical story love, arousing genuine interest in the fate of the main characters. The image and characterization of Margarita in the novel “The Master and Margarita” plays a significant role in the work. There is a theme associated with the name Margarita true love, freedom, fidelity.

Full name main character novel - Margarita Nikolaevna. Last name unknown.


Bulgakov did not describe Margarita’s appearance in detail. He tried to attract attention not to external beauty women, and to internal state souls. By focusing on the timbre of her voice, movements, manners, laughter, we can assume that she beautiful woman.

"She was beautiful and smart..."

Her low, chesty voice had velvety notes, softening the timbre of the sound.
One of Margarita’s eyes was slightly squinted, which gave her image a devilish twist.

“The witch who crosses one eye…”

Light curl on short hair. Snow-white smile. The perfect manicure with sharp-edged nails. Eyebrows, like strings, were plucked professionally and suited her face very well.

Margarita dressed stylishly, not provocatively. Elegant and well-groomed. She attracted attention, undoubtedly, but not with her appearance, but with the sadness and hopeless melancholy in her eyes.


As a young girl, at the age of 19, Margarita married a wealthy man. Ten years of marriage. Childless.

"Childless thirty-year-old Margarita."

The woman was lucky with her husband. He is ready to carry his beloved in his arms, fulfill all the whims, and predict desires. Young, handsome, kind and honest. Everyone dreams of such a husband. He even transferred the housekeeping to the shoulders of the housekeeper he hired. Stability, prosperity, but despite this Margarita is unhappy and lonely. "

She was happy? Not one minute!..”

Character. Personality of Margarita

Margarita is smart and educated. Woland (Satan) immediately appreciated her intelligence.
She is determined. Her actions have repeatedly demonstrated this. With her inner instinct, intuition, Margarita unmistakably determined what kind of person was in front of her. Ungreedy, merciful. She always helped those who needed help. Doesn't waste words. Proud and independent. From bad habits Smoking can be highlighted. She smoked often, and could not overcome this addiction.

Meeting with the Master

Their meeting was accidental. She walked down the street with a bouquet yellow flowers pensive and lonely. He, obeying some secret sign, followed. She was the first to speak. As the Master said, it was love at first sight.

“Love jumped out between us, like a killer jumps out of the ground... and struck us both at once...”

Margarita was truly happy for the first time. She loved, and it was so new to her. For his sake, the woman was ready to do anything. To endure hardships, to share joys and sorrows, to endure the hardships that befall them.

She sold her soul for the sake of her beloved. I was able to forgive when he disappeared. She remained faithful until the last. He was everything to her. Margarita couldn’t imagine life without him.

Meeting with Woland

For six months she knew nothing about the Master. It was as if he had sunk into the water. Only Woland could help bring back his beloved. To do this, she had to make a deal with him.

She must act as Satan's prom queen. Margarita had to become a witch. Satan was pleased new queen and in return promised to fulfill any desire. She dreamed of seeing the Master so that everything would return to its place. Basement, novel, He and She.

Eternal happiness

They stayed together forever. Not in this world, in another, having earned eternal peace for love and loyalty to each other.