The secret meaning of Russian fairy tales. What does a fairy tale mean for children?

Since childhood, we have all been sure that Russian folk tales are intended for children. Their simple plots and simplicity of presentation are uninteresting to an adult. Meanwhile, “Kolobok”, “Turnip” and “Ryaba Hen” are not children’s fairy tales at all...

Let's start with the fact that the word “fairy tale” itself comes from the verb “kazat” and means “list”, “list”, “exact description”. Exactly, exactly! So the fairy tale is not a lie at all, as it claims famous proverb, and the most the real truth. It is in Russian folk tales that knowledge about the structure of man, nature and even the entire Universe is hidden.

Chicken Ryaba

To adults, this fairy tale may even seem stupid. Well, it would seem that the grandparents are hitting the golden egg, but their efforts do not bring any results. Suddenly a mouse appears and finally breaks the egg. What the old people wanted is happening. But no! They both start crying. And they calm down only when the hen promises to lay them a new egg, and a simple one at that. However, everything becomes clear if you try to see in this fairy tale not just the actions of the heroes, but the deeper meaning.

Let me immediately note that in ancient times gold symbolized death, and the egg symbolized peace. And therefore, this is nothing more than the end of life, the world, the universe. Old people try to fight death - they beat an egg. But nothing works out for them: they remain elderly and frail. When the mouse breaks the egg into pieces, the grandfather and grandmother realize that the end has come and, of course, cry. However, the hen assures them that she will soon lay not a golden egg, but a simple one. Which means the old people are waiting new life, renewal, rebirth.


In the original version of the fairy tale “Kolobok” there were much more animals. Moreover, each of them, when meeting a kolobok, bit off some part of it. Thanks to these details, the fairy tale takes on a completely different look. So main character becomes like the moon. And its gradual decrease from the teeth of hungry animals is lunar phases. So the fairy tale “Kolobok” is an astronomy lesson for the little ones.


This one also had more characters initially. In particular, in addition to grandfather, grandmother, granddaughter, Bugs, cat and mouse, father and mother also took part in it. The fairy tale "Turnip" is philosophical reflection about the human race and its connections. The turnip was planted by the eldest in the family, the grandfather. These are the roots of the family, carrying some knowledge. The entire clan will be able to use this knowledge only if the connection between generations is not interrupted. It is clear that only everyone together, ancestors and descendants, constitutes strength. And members of a living family cannot exist without each other. Grandfather is roots, grandmother is traditions, father is support, mother is love, granddaughter is continuation of the family, Bug is security, cat is a favorable atmosphere in the house, and mouse is the well-being of this very house, prosperity. If at least one component disappears, the whole house (genus) will collapse.

Swan geese

The main character of the fairy tale goes in search of her brother, who was carried away into the forest by geese and swans. However, in fact, the girl does not follow her brother into the forest at all, but into the kingdom of the dead. Along the way, she encounters many symbols of life that can keep her in the world of the living: an apple tree, an oven, and bread. However, the heroine refuses all of the above. Then it approaches a milk river with jelly banks. It is jelly and milk that are ritual dishes served at funerals. The river is the border of two worlds, the world of the living and the world of the dead. There is no turning back now.

Soon the most entertaining character of this fairy tale appears -. In ancient times it was called Yoga. Yoga was a goddess and was engaged in transporting people to another world. She did this with the help of her hut, which could spin in all directions. Due to what? Due to chicken legs. In any children's book we will see that the grandmother's hut actually has chicken feet. Only our ancestors, speaking about chicken legs, did not mean chicken at all. The adjective “smoking” comes from the verbs “to smoke”, “to smoke”, “to smoke”. So the hut had no legs at all. She hung in the air, above a pillow of smoke.

Baba Yaga invites the children to sit on the shovel and puts the shovel into the oven. What a horror, isn't it? However, such a ritual actually existed in Ancient Rus' and was called over-baking. If the baby suddenly became restless, cried a lot and was sick, this particular ritual was performed with him. They placed the baby on a bread shovel and shoved it into the oven. After which the child seemed to be born again, rebooted, if you say modern language. So in the fairy tale “Geese and Swans” the brothers and sisters are baked in order to return back to the world of the living.

At the behest of the pike

In the fairy tale "Po pike command“Emelya, sitting on the stove, personifies self-contemplation. That is, the main character does not interact with the outside world and ancestors. However, willy-nilly, he has to go for water, where he meets the pike. Pike is the ancestor, the ancestor who gives Emelya miraculous powers. Now the main character can control his destiny, grow and develop. But only if he wants it himself. It’s not for nothing that the spell sounds exactly like this: “At the command of the pike, at my will!”

These are the secrets hidden in ordinary children's fairy tales. It's time to re-read them again!

Lena Grigorieva
Article “The importance of fairy tales in the lives of our children”

Article on the topic: « The importance of fairy tales in the lives of our children

Not long ago, I was on a professional development course and at one of the lectures I heard very scary: “It’s time to move away from Russian folk fairy tales, because ours It is already very difficult for modern children to explain some words that have not been used for a long time life. There is a lot of modern literature and modern fairy tales, where there is also a repetition of actions, etc. We need to move away more from desires our children and be interested in what they prefer.” I fundamentally DISAGREE that it is necessary "get away from reading fairy tales» . I AGREE, only with what a modern teacher should know modern literature and just like fairy tales use in your work.

Fairy tales have great importance in the development of our modern children.

The child's world is full of fantasies, miracles and fairy tales. The entire vast outside world comes to life in the child’s perception.

Telling tales a child is a very important stage in a child’s development! Thanks to fairy tales, we can teach a child to distinguish between good and evil, we instill in him a desire for beauty. Thanks to fairy tales the child develops creative thinking and memory. Mentally, he creates images of previously unseen countries, large castles, valiant knights and beautiful princesses.

Korney Chukovsky wrote - the goal storyteller, and first of all the folk one - “to cultivate humanity in a child - this marvelous ability of a person to worry about other people’s misfortunes, to rejoice at the joys of another, to experience someone else’s fate as if it were his own.”

Through games, a child learns a lot and develops. Games with peers and adults allow you to acquire the necessary skills of communication and interaction with other people. Role-playing games ("mothers and daughters", "war", "shop") promote absorption social roles. Playing with yourself develops sensations and inner world child. But any such game has elements fabulousness, where much depends on the power of imagination. Fantasy and imagination are integral components of a child’s perception.

Of course, a child receives a lot of information about the surrounding reality through interaction with adults, in particular with parents. But still, the child receives most of the information about the values, culture and traditions of the society in which he lives from fairy tales. Fairy tale introduces him to our world, our value system in the most accessible form for him. It allows you to understand and master the laws life in the most accessible way for the child.

Fairy tale important not only for understanding the world around us, but also as an educational moment. IN fairy tales there are warnings, instructive morals, demonstration of a positive style of behavior. For example, in " fairy tale about sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka":

1. Listen to your elders.

2. You cannot drink water from unfamiliar bodies of water.

Fairy tales“Morozko” and “Kroshechka-havroshechka” indicate the value of politeness, kind attitude towards people, hard work, and respect for elders.

Mothers often protect their own warning children -“don’t talk to unfamiliar adults, etc. teaches the child the same thing fairy tale"Little Red Riding Hood".

Thousands of such examples can be given, because each fairy tale carries with it a hidden teaching moment.

Throughout life we ​​tend to believe that good defeats evil and injustice will be punished. We absorbed this hope in childhood, when we listened to fairy tales. After all, this principle is their main postulate.

I am sure for my children I'm telling a story, let's try to compose the fairy tales themselves, they fall asleep faster in the evening, plunging into a wondrous sleep fairy world, full of secrets and miracles. Often, I notice that they smile in their sleep. They probably dream good, colorful dreams, where kindness and love reign!

If you yourself have at least a little creative streak, you can try to compose for your child yourself fairy tale or together with your child with the moral that you want to convey to your baby. Fairy tales, you can compose at any age, even if at first they are not entirely formulated and understandable. For this, your baby will develop memory, thinking, speaking, imagination, etc. This is very exciting if, after your own fairy tales, you and your child will draw, sculpt or make work using unconventional technology in drawing or appliqué.

Read and compose fairy tales! Grow together with your children.

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This year we read a lot of Russian folk tales. Do other nations have such works? Are they similar to our fairy tales and how are they different? We have such questions.

What is a fairy tale?

Fairy tale - narrative folk piece about fictitious persons and events, mainly involving magical, fantastic forces. Folklore genre, seeking, on the basis of fantastic conventions, to give the most complete, generalized image of the world in which man lives. A fairy tale accompanies us all our lives. Analyzing actions fairy-tale heroes, we learn to think, to look for answers to many of our childhood questions in fairy tales. A fairy tale helps prepare for a meeting with the huge world around us. Fantasy and magic contribute to understanding the reality of life and human relationships. Through a fairy tale, the original history of peoples, as well as their traditions, customs and superstitions, is revealed to us.

Relevance of this work is that the study of folk tales allows us to better understand traditions and customs different nations, especially for children, the language of presentation of data in fairy tales is very clear to them.

Object of study became Russian and German folk tales.

Subject of research are common and distinctive features Russian and German folk tales.

Goal of the work:

comparison of Russian and German folk tales.

To achieve this goal, it is necessary to solve the following tasks:

1) get acquainted with the content of German fairy tales;

2) find out the structure of folk tales and their types;

3) identify common and distinctive features of Russian and German fairy tales;

4) compare and contrast Russian and German fairy tales;

Hypothesis: I assume that every fairy tale, no matter how similar it is to the fairy tales of other peoples, is national.

The following were used in the study methods:

1) literature analysis;

2) compare and contrast;

3) generalization;

The material for the study was Russian folk tales and German folk tales from the collections of the Brothers Grimm.

Chapter I.

1.1. What is a fairy tale?

The most popular online dictionary, Wikipedia, gives the following definition:

A fairy tale is one of the genres of folklore or literature. Epic, mostly prose work magical, heroic or everyday character. The tale is characterized by the absence of claims to the historicity of the narrative and the undisguised fictionality of the plot.

And in the dictionary S.I. Ozhegov about the fairy tale we read the following:

Fairy tale - 1. Narrative, usually folk poetic work about fictional persons and events, mainly. with the participation of magical, fantastic forces. 2. Fiction, lie (colloquial). 3. fairy tale. The same as a miracle (in 3 meanings) (colloquial).

In one of the very first dictionaries, the dictionary of V.I. Dalia, the fairy tale is described as follows:

A fairy tale, a fictional story, an unprecedented and even unrealizable story, a legend. There are heroic tales, everyday tales, and joker tales.

All fairy tales can be divided into the following types:

1. Folk, or folklore;

Folk tales, in turn, are divided into three types:

Animal Tales: Animals have lived alongside humans for centuries, so it is not surprising that they are often the main characters in folk tales. Moreover, in fairy tales, animals often have human qualities. Such fairy tale character immediately becomes clearer to the reader. And the role of a person in the plot of a fairy tale can be primary, secondary or equal

Fairy tales differ in that their heroes act in a fantasy setting, unreal world who lives and acts according to his own special laws, different from human ones. There are many magical events and adventures in such a fairy tale.

Fairy tales are classified by plot:

    heroic tales involving the struggle and victory over a magical creature - a snake, an ogre, a giant, a witch, a monster or an evil wizard;

    tales related to the search or use of some magical object;

    tales related to wedding trials;

    tales about the oppressed in the family (for example, about a stepdaughter and an evil stepmother).

Everyday tales. A feature of everyday fairy tales is the reflection of everyday folk life And everyday life. They rise in them social problems, negative human qualities and actions are ridiculed. IN everyday fairy tale Elements of a fairy tale may also be present.

1.2.Features of Russian and German folk tales.

Russian folk tales extremely diverse, but all fairy tales have a common composition of construction.

Fairy tale composition:

    The beginning (“Once upon a time, in a certain kingdom, in a certain state”),

    Main part. (Interesting, unpredictable plot development),

    The ending. (Climax, with goodness always triumphant)

The most common tales performed in Russian are the tales of the snake fighter, the three kingdoms, magic ring, about miraculous deliverance from misfortunes. In fairy tales, triplicity of repetitions is often used: three roads, three brothers, 33 years, etc. At the end of a fairy tale, as a rule, they use sayings: “and I was there, they began to live and get along and make good things.”

In Russian fairy tales there are often repeated definitions: good horse; Gray wolf; red maiden; good fellow, as well as combinations of words: a feast for the whole world; go wherever your eyes look; the riotous man hung his head; neither to say in a fairy tale, nor to describe with a pen; soon the tale is told, but not soon the deed is done; long or short, the chambers are white stone.

The language of fairy tales is characterized by the use of nouns and adjectives with various suffixes, which give them a diminutive and affectionate meaning: little, brother, cockerel, sun... All this makes the retelling smooth, melodious, emotional. Since ancient times, fairy tales have been close and understandable to the common people. Fiction intertwined with reality in them. Living in poverty, people dreamed of flying carpets, palaces, and self-assembled tablecloths. And justice has always triumphed in Russian fairy tales, and good has triumphed over evil. The fairy tale form is ideal. The tale provides a pattern human relations. It senses the desire of the people to restore justice.

Russian folk tales are characterized by certain images of heroes: the image of a fool, a kind, cheerful, successful winner of all life's adversities; the image of a clever, brave soldier, a conqueror of death itself; the image of a wonderful worker; images of an insidious and vengeful king, scary monster, which must be defeated; images of wonderful helpers, be it a wolf, a faithful horse, an old man grateful for your greetings.

German folk tale.

In 1812-1815. "Children's and Household Fairy Tales" by the Brothers Grimm were published. This publication became an example of the collecting activity of German folklorists throughout the 19th century. The collection of the Brothers Grimm gives a complete picture of German fairy tales and their characteristic features. German folk tales, both in their motives and plots, echo the tales of other peoples of Central Europe.

Folk tales reflected ancient periods history of mankind. In fairy tales we encounter ideas about the transmigration of the human soul into the body of an animal or a plant. The images of Germanic mythology, known to us from folk sagas, are also characters in fairy tales (especially giants and dwarfs, mermaids, kobolds and ghosts).

Stories from classical antiquity were first brought to Germany in the 9th and 10th centuries. traveling actors and jugglers. These were riddle tales, fables, tales about animals and schwanks. From the 13th century In legends, fairy tales and schwanks there are stories about the poor and the rich, about the tailor in the sky, about the devil's brother.

Later, the tales of “A Thousand and One Nights” penetrated into Germany through France, which influenced big influence on the development of the German fairy tale. Perrault's fairy tales had no less influence. Some of the most famous and popular fairy tales The Brothers Grimm originate from these sources.

In the Middle Ages, fairy tales were told in all levels of society. Later, fairy tales continued to be told mainly among artisans, peasants, farm laborers, shepherds, servants, soldiers and beggars. They reflect their lives most clearly. Increasingly, the heroes of fairy tales were tailors, shoemakers, peasants, retired soldiers, and itinerant artisans.

By composition in German fairy tale As a rule, there is a contrast between good and evil, poor and rich, high and low. It is characterized by the numbers 3, 7 (9) and 12. There are traditional beginnings and endings. Sometimes poetry is inserted into the narrative. At the beginning of a fairy tale, such poetic insertions are rarely made; more often they are found in the middle of the story or at the end, as a final formula.

Chapter II

2.1. Comparison and analysis of fairy tales.

I read several German folk tales, and they reminded me of our Russian folk tales. These are fairy tales: " The Bremen Town Musicians" is similar to the Russian folk "Winter quarters of animals", the German "Runaway Pie" - the Russian "Kolobok", "Mistress Blizzard" and "Moroz Ivanovich".

How are these tales similar and how are they different?

Comparison of Russian folk tales “Kolobok” and German folk tales “The Runaway Pie”. The type of fairy tales is everyday.

Main characteristics

Russian folk tale "Kolobok"

German folk tale "The Runaway Pie"

Characters fairy tales

Kolobok, grandmother, grandfather, bear, wolf, hare, fox.

Two women, pie, fox, people, hare, pig

Kolobok - fox

Pie - pig

Kolobok escapes, and everyone else satisfies their hunger.

The pie needs to run away, each woman wanted to get the whole pie without sharing, and for everyone else to satisfy her hunger.


Kolobok, Kolobok, I will eat you!

Pie, where are you running?


Kolobok rolled along the road in the forest, and all the other heroes met him.

The pie rolled along the road.


The bun jumped on the fox's nose.

The little pie ran up to say everything in the pig's ear..

Fairy tale composition


The ending of a fairy tale.

Once upon a time there lived an old man and an old woman

and his Fox - am! - and ate it.

Two women in the village were baking a pie.

And here the fairy tale ends!


The fox ate Kolobok.

The pig ate the pie.

    The main villain in the Russian fairy tale is the fox, since in all fairy tales the fox is the personification of cunning, and in the German fairy tale it is the pig, as an ignorant, uneducated person.

    In the fairy tale “Kolobok” all the compositional aspects of the fairy tale are observed, from the first words it is clear that this is a fairy tale: “Once upon a time...”, and the German fairy tale begins as a simple everyday story “Two women baked a pie...”

    The Russian fairy tale has songs included, which makes it more interesting.

Comparison of the Russian fairy tales “Moroz Ivanovich” and the German “Mistress Snowstorm”

Main characteristics

Russian folk tale "Moroz Ivanovich"

German folk tale "Mistress Blizzard"

Fairy tale characters

Stepmother, natural and adopted daughter, dog, Mrs. Metelitsa, stove, apple tree.

Needlewoman, Sloth, nanny, Moroz Ivanovich, stove, apple tree

Oppositions (strong-weak)

Mrs. Metelitsa is her own daughter.

Moroz Ivanovich - Lenivitsa.

Problems that heroes solve

The stepdaughter does everything not to be scolded, to be fed; The main goal of the stepmother and her own daughter is profit.

The needlewoman works a lot, helps everyone, the Sloth does nothing.



Here the lazy woman was delighted. “Well,” she thinks, “now gold will rain down on me.” Metelitsa led her to the large gate. The gates swung open

Moroz Ivanovich gave Lenivitsa a huge silver bar in one hand, and a large, large diamond in the other.

Fairy tale composition


The ending of a fairy tale.

One widow had a daughter, and she also had a stepdaughter.

And this resin stuck to her so tightly that it remained on her skin for the rest of her life.

Once upon a time there lived a Needlewoman and a Sloth, and a nanny with them.

And you, kids, think and guess what is true here, what is not true, what is said for fun, and what is said for instruction...


My own daughter was left with nothing.

Sloth was left with nothing.

In terms of plot, main characters and construction, the tales are very similar to each other. There are also differences:

    In the fairy tale “Moroz Ivanovich” all the compositional moments of the fairy tale are observed, from the first words it is clear that this is a fairy tale: “Once upon a time...”, and the German fairy tale begins as a simple everyday story “A widow had a daughter,...”

    In the German fairy tale, the resin remains forever on the skin of her own daughter, she has to live with her shame all her life, but Lenivitsa’s gifts from Moroz Ivanovich have melted and she has a chance to improve.


After spending research work On this topic, we came to the following conclusions:

1) The results of the study allowed us to trace what qualities and traits human character were considered the most important, the best, and which ones required censure.

2) These tales helped us better understand the culture of the Russian and German people and find a lot in common between them. It is obvious that these peoples were in contact with each other, this explains the similar plots of fairy tales.

In conclusion, I would like to note that knowledge national characteristics plays fairy tales from different countries important role, allows us to better understand the characteristics and culture of different peoples.

Summarizing all of the above, it can be noted that the goal of the study has been achieved: similarities and differences between Russian and German fairy tales have been identified.

List of used literature

    Brothers Grimm. Collected works in one volume/trans. with him. St. Petersburg: Leningrad publishing house, 2011.

    Grechko V.K., Bogdanova N.V. German for children. Fairy tales and entertaining stories. St. Petersburg: Comet, 2000.

    Russian folk tales. From the collection of A.N. Afanasyeva. M.: Fiction. 1991.

    Tales of the peoples of the world in 10 volumes. Tales of the peoples of Europe. M.: Children's literature. 1988. T. 4. Children's fairy Fairy tales. Network library

In our modern, technogenic world, the traditions of the people and the moral rules of the family have faded into the background, and kindergartens, hobby groups and studios, and general education schools are involved in raising children. Until recently, mothers and grandmothers told fairy tales to their little children, and thereby raised them. When putting the child to bed, the mother or grandmother began to tell different fairy tales, the essence of which was a simple worldly wisdom, i.e. in other words, Russian folk tales acted as a kind of socialization tool in modern world. Listening to fairy tales in detail, the child comprehended the relationships between people, looked for a way out of difficult situations and overcame various difficulties, and most importantly, learned to distinguish good from evil, believe in the power of truth and justice, which was very important in the moral development of the child.
Tongue artistic images, on vivid examples, a fairy tale helps children understand the characters of the characters, their actions, their relationships with other characters in the fairy tale, teaches children about life, and shows the good and the bad. All these points make fairy tales valuable material for raising children. preschool age.
Fairy tales develop imagination, thinking, attention and memory. Almost all children like to repeat phrases from fairy tales three times, they like to add endings to phrases when reading fairy tales, they like songs and short rhymes from fairy tales. This process of repetition contributes to the development of the child’s spirituality, his morality, develops the baby’s speech, Creative skills. And then, on specific examples It’s better to learn fairy tales with your mind than just listen to your mother’s moral teaching.
Everyone knows that a fairy tale plays a very important role in the development of a child’s emotional qualities, and these, in turn, influence the formation of the child’s moral assessments. Psychologists say that childhood impressions will remain in the child’s mind for a very long time, and at the same time they influence the behavior and mood of an adult. Children do not forget those readings and discussions of fairy tales that they shared with their mother or grandmother. evening hours. Despite the fact that in our time there are fairy tales in audio files, in media files, no one can replace live communication between an adult and a child. No one is demanding that we abandon modern technical means of using fairy tales, but old-fashioned reading of fairy tales with the family should not be forgotten. After all, a tape recorder or computer cannot ask a child a question, understand incomprehensible words, or compare the actions of the characters. This can only be done by a living person, primarily a mother.
Children who often listened to fairy tales in childhood adapt much faster and less painfully to kindergartens and schools. These children find it faster mutual language with unfamiliar children, adults, and they are the ones who have practically no complexes in life. It is necessary to take into account the child’s condition and choose the right time for reading fairy tales. It is necessary that the baby is in a good mood and not excited; in this state he is most inclined to listen to a fairy tale, to communicate with his mother or other adults.
The optimal time is to read a fairy tale before bedtime, since at this time the child is relaxed, in a calm mood and ready to receive fairy-tale information. Adults should remember that a fairy tale should be read with pleasure, with good mood- in this case, your emotions, your mood, your pleasure will be transmitted to the baby.
When reading a fairy tale, remember that your attitude towards it is also important. If you feel a fairy tale world, if you want to believe in the miracles that are described in a fairy tale, then the fairy tale you read will become even more interesting for your child.
You need to read fairy tales with good diction: pronounce all sounds clearly, as the child listens and repeats what he hears. If a child likes a fairy tale, he can listen to it for several days in a row.
Properly selected fairy tales, taking into account the age and psycho-emotional characteristics of children, can not only positively influence emotional condition kids, but also correct their behavior.
What fairy tales should you tell (read) to your child?
The choice of a fairy tale for a child, especially a small one, should be approached consciously. To choose the right fairy tale, you need to take into account both the child’s age and the characteristics of his temperament. A fairy tale should make your child’s soul feel joyful. But books that will cause him emotional stress and make him noisy and irritable should be abandoned.
It is known that parents know their baby very well; they can accurately predict his reaction to each specific story and feel whether a given fairy tale is suitable for him or not. Of course, when choosing any fairy tale, if you are unfamiliar with it, you should first familiarize yourself with its content and analyze: how much your child will like the characters, whether they will scare him, etc.
You need to start with short and simple tales so that the baby can follow the plot. The main characters of the first fairy tales are people and familiar animals. For example, the fairy tales “Kolobok”, “Hen Ryaba”, “Teremok”, “Turnip” will definitely appeal to a child aged 1-3 years: there are few characters, the plot is simple and there are elements of repetition.
When starting to read a fairy tale to your child, you need to interest him. Fairy tales for little ones should be read slowly, in a sing-song voice. During the reading process, mom or dad can imitate the voices of the characters, intone, gesticulate, and grimace. It is very important to be able to show surprise, curiosity and other emotions, and rejoice with the child. For small children, you need to choose beautifully designed books. Large and bright pictures, not overloaded with details.
Older children (3-6 years old) can read fairy tales with more complex content, but they should still have a specific plot, and the characters should be well known to your child.
Children of this age really like to read fairy tales in verse - poems are easy to understand, children subconsciously like them, and soon the baby, following you, will begin to repeat lines from “Moidodyr”, “Mukha-Tsokotukha”, “Doctor Aibolit” or Marshak’s poems. A child of this age can begin to be introduced to such fairy tales as “The Three Little Pigs”, “Cinderella”, “Pinocchio”, “Dunno”. Many fairy tales from around the world, Russian folk tales, as well as fairy tales by Andersen, the Brothers Grimm, Bazhov, and some fairy tales by Pushkin are perfect for preschoolers.
A fairy tale at this age should not only please the child, but also be instructive and benefit him. The most important thing for a child is a correct understanding of the meaning of what he read.
Therefore, if you want your child to perceive life positively, to easily accept failures, while learning the proper lesson from them, to rejoice at success and move towards his goal, read fairy tales to him. Read fairy tales as often as possible and for as long as possible: remember, fairy tales are not just a pleasant, interesting pastime, but it is also one of the most powerful tools helping children to develop correctly and harmoniously.

1. Swan. Russian fairy tales / Ed. N. Kuznetsova. – 3rd ed. M.: Children's literature, 1984. – 159 p.
2. Kozlova S.A., Kulikova T.A. Preschool pedagogy: Tutorial. M.: Academy, 2002. – 416 p.
3. Bunyatova, A.R. The role of fairy tales in the formation of spiritual and moral values ​​in preschool children / Bunyatova // Advances in modern natural science [Electronic resource]. -2010. – No. 6. – Access mode: article_id=7785424 – Access date: 11/01/2011.
4. Propp V. Ya. Russian fairy tale. M.: Labyrinth, 2000. – 416 p.
5. Fesyukova L.B. Education with a fairy tale. Kharkov: Folio, 1996. – 104 p.
6. Vygotsky L. S. Imagination and creativity in childhood. – 3rd ed. M.: Education, 1991. – 93 p.
7. Sokolov D. Yu. Fairy tales and fairy tale therapy. M.: Institute of Psychotherapy, 2000. – 148 p.
8. Zaporozhets, A. V. Psychology of fairy tale perception by a preschool child // Preschool education. - 1948. - No. 9. - P. 99-106.

Fairy tales play a huge role in the lives of children. This amazing world Magic. Plunging into this world, the child comes into contact with a piece of himself unknown. Direct perception at the moment of reading a fairy tale allows him to look into his own heart; deep subconscious moments will appear on the surface.

What does a fairy tale teach?

If we look at our history, we can note that in the old days, when a child committed an offense, they did not immediately punish him, but started a conversation with him, setting him on the right path. After this, the child could think about his behavior, draw appropriate conclusions and not repeat the mistakes.

A fairy tale has the same importance for the upbringing and development of a child. Through a fairy tale, the child gains the experience of the older generation. It helps to expand the child’s perception of the world, enriches him spiritually, gives him knowledge about life and its laws, promotes the development of imagination and lays creativity . Imagination helps him to take on the role of characters from a fairy tale, to live as if own experience the plots of fairy tale realities, which makes his thinking more flexible and develops an intuitive perception of the world. The conclusions drawn after reading the fairy tale can be called the first life knowledge and experience. Fairy tale language is understandable and loved by children of any age; it is their element.

The fairy tale is useful and interesting for the child. It provides the child with the opportunity to imagine himself in the place of all the heroes of the fairy tale. From the main character to the most insignificant secondary and even a negative character. It is important that a child can identify and identify himself with the hero and, having lived through all his actions on the pages of a fairy tale, evaluate their results and consequences.

The main character of the fairy tale teaches the child by his example be active in any life situation , don’t give up, don’t step aside. He is credited with the most best qualities person: courage, boldness, resourcefulness. And the quality that is lost in Lately, - kindness.

In fairy tales, there is a clear division of heroes into positive and negative, which allows the child to understand what is bad, what is good and form the right value system.

Fairy tales are imbued with magic and shrouded in mystery. Written in poetic, figurative and metaphorical language. They give the child new sensations and impressions.

good good fairy tale always ends well, no matter what happens throughout the entire story. Good conquers evil. Negative heroes change, realize something, get what they deserve, or disappear from the world of this fairy tale. Positive heroes they also change, acquiring new qualities, and continue to live in the world of fairy tales in some other guise. All this creates an optimistic attitude towards life and a sense of justice.

All events in the fairy tale flow harmoniously and logically from one another and the child easily grasps the cause and effect of every event that occurs.

Any fairy tale basically has several layers at once and therefore, read in at different ages, will be perceived differently and solve different problems.

Skill is also an art. To ensure the effect of reading a fairy tale by parents, it is useful to take into account several points.

  • A fairy tale can be read, or it can be told. But it is important to do this with the expression, highlighting climaxes intonation or making a significant pause. This will give you the opportunity to go on exciting adventures together. full of adventure journey will strengthen your connection and, in addition, will give you the opportunity to observe the child’s reactions throughout the story.
  • You need to read quietly, slowly and clearly pronounce the words. How your child’s speech, vocabulary and correct sentence construction will be formed depends on this.
  • Try not to make any changes to the narrative of folk tales to suit our reality if you are retelling the tale. Such additions and transformations can confuse the child and make it difficult to perceive fairy world. But this in no way stops you from inventing fairy tales for your baby.
  • It is better to read original works. Shortened and simplified versions very often distort not only the meaning of the fairy tale, but also violate the integrity of the images of the heroes.
  • Don't get annoyed when your child starts asking questions. Patiently explain what worries him or what the child cannot understand.
  • Don't read more than one fairy tale at a time. After all, a child needs to pass it through himself in order to understand the meaning of the work.
  • Give the choice of fairy tale to the child himself. If he often wants to listen to the same fairy tale, then it is necessary for his consciousness in this moment, and some important work is happening in the subconscious.
  • Refrain from explaining to your child the meaning of a fairy tale you read or tell. It’s better for him to realize everything himself. But you can ask leading questions, give comparisons or examples.

Adults often forget that they were small children and how they eagerly awaited the telling of the next fairy tale. Therefore, do not waste your time and go on this exciting journey with your child more often. There you will find a world of joy, love, tranquility, courage and much that is sometimes missing in our lives. And perhaps together you can invite this into your reality.