Amy Winehouse, husband. Amy Winehouse's ex-husband fell into a coma Amy Winehouse was a difficult child

On September 10, the film "Amy" - a biopic about the life of the British singer - will be released. Amy Winehouse, who passed away four years ago. The premiere of this documentary evoked applause from critics and the indignation of her father. Amy's story is in a special material HELLO!.

Amy Winehouse was found dead on July 23, 2011 at her home in Camden, north London. She died at four o'clock in the evening and for several hours after her death she lay alone, surrounded by empty bottles of whiskey. She was 27 years old.

A simple Jewish girl from the outskirts with a beautiful contralto voice, who can sing with a black accent, became a European star of white soul. She was recognized even in America - the homeland of true black soul. True, they didn’t want to let her into America for bad behavior (they don’t give drug addicts a visa to the States, even if you’re at least a three-time star), and she accepted her five Grammy awards for the album Back to Black virtually - via teleconference from London. Amy Winehouse's album Back to Black was released in 2006, but she hasn't released one since then.

The last years of her life looked, alas, sad: it was already difficult to determine what Amy Winehouse became more famous for - achievements in pop music or photographs yellow press, in which she appeared ugly and drunk. The newspapers regularly described her clashes with her husband, video editor Blake Fielder-Civil (until he was imprisoned for theft), reported how she disrupted concerts, how she disrupted an entire tour because she could barely stand on her feet... To her terrible end, Amy Winehouse flew at full speed. Everyone understood this, but no one could (or maybe they didn’t try enough) to stop her.

Amy Winehacks' style, which is now called iconic, was not formed all at once: Amy began to draw bold arrows immediately, and the famous babette grew on her head gradually

The authors of the documentary film "Amy", director of Indian origin Asif Kapadia and producer James Gay-Rees, interviewed a whole crowd of people who knew the singer in one way or another - relatives, friends, promoters, managers... They all express on the screen confidence in their innocence To tragic fate Amy Winehouse and they find their own versions of why, even being in a deranged state, she continued to go on stage - she earned money. The most poignant moment of the film is connected with the personality of Amy's father, Mitchell Winehouse, whose role in the fate of the pop diva is presented by the authors as quite contradictory.

It is known that Mitch Winehouse was one of the most important people in Amy's life: on her forearm she wore a tattoo of Daddy's Girl - " Father's daughter". An ordinary London taxi driver, an amateur singer, obsessed with jazz and classic American pop, Mitch passed on his passion to Amy, and all these musical styles- soul, rhythm and blues, gospel, swing - entered her flesh and blood. Mitch was always by Amy's side: he took her to hospitals, protected her from drug dealers, and was both a friend and a nanny for her. In an interview with The Guardian, Mitch recalled that his relationship with Amy was sometimes too trusting. For example, she told her dad about her attempts to conceive a child with Reg Traviss, her new boyfriend (shortly before Amy's death thought she was pregnant), and one day, while lying in the hospital, she sent her elderly father to the Agent Provocateur lingerie store, and he went and bought her what she asked for. While caring for his famous daughter, Mitchell never forgot about himself. Next to her, he himself became a celebrity: he often appeared on television, created own show on the Internet and released solo album. ("Amy always told me, 'Dad, you're great singer", he explained.)

During Amy's lifetime, Mitch Winehouse was going to launch a reality show about her touring activities, and after the death of his daughter, he published his memoirs, and this book stayed at the top of sales in the UK for two whole weeks. Mitch, however, claims that the proceeds from the sale of the memoirs did not go into his personal pocket, but into the Amy Winehouse Foundation, which he heads (the foundation supports drug rehabilitation programs). “Amy’s family only took her personal funds and nothing more,” he said.

Mitch Winehouse has big complaints about Asif Kapadia's film about the white soul star, which received a harvest of positive reviews from viewers at the Cannes Film Festival. He willingly took part in the work on the painting, but last stage abruptly stepped aside. In his opinion, the filmmakers chose a false perspective in covering Amy’s troubled life and completely distorted his, Mitch Winehouse’s, worthy image, presenting him as a vain and greedy man, putting money and fame above his daughter’s health.

Director Kapadia, naturally, does not share this opinion. "When we made the film, we knew a lot of people weren't going to like it, but it's all about Amy, what was going on around her, about the people around her," he says. The assessments of the film by its participants (and there are dozens of them) also vary quite significantly. Even among Amy Winehouse's beloved men there is no consensus on this matter. Amy's dear friend Reg Traviss found himself in the camp of the film's enemies, and her ex-husband and main love Blake Fielder-Civil, on the contrary, considers the film to be completely objective, reflecting the events as they really were.

It's interesting that Amy's favorite men who have different look to the events of the past, and personal fate turned out differently. Blake Fielder-Civil, after leaving prison and Amy's death, unexpectedly became a respectable everyman: he gave up drugs, acquired common-law wife and children and lives quietly in provincial Leeds. Reg Traviss has not yet found his family happiness. He had several girlfriends, and one of them accused him of rape in 2012 (but Reg managed to prove in court that it was consensual sex).

Which of these two unreliable types the viewer can trust is, of course, a moot point. In “Amy,” in addition to the revelations of the singer’s loved ones, dozens of other evidence (photos, amateur and home videos) are provided that should help Amy’s fans draw their own conclusions. The Russian premiere of the film will take place on September 2, the opening day of the Contemporary Documentary Film Festival "Center" at the Documentary Film Center.

In 2014, Amy Winehouse's parents, Mitch and Janice, unveiled a bronze statue of their daughter in the market square in Camden, the area of ​​London she loved most. Mom and Dad divorced when Amy was ten (Mitch left for another woman), and it is believed that this trauma affected her entire life. later life. However, Amy was equally close to both her mother and her father. In an interview, Mitch Winehouse said that he still cries about Amy. “When we get together as a family, we cry and then laugh, because she always made us laugh,” recalled the singer’s father.

At the unveiling of the bronze monument to Amy Winehouse, her parents, Mitch and Janice, tried to look cheerful

Amy and Blake

They met in a bar in Camden in 2005 and married in 2007. Amy Winehouse and Blake Fielder-Civil were a troubled couple. Shortly after the wedding, a photographer accidentally photographed them together on the street - battered, bruised and bruised. It was assumed that the spouses had gotten into a fight. When fame came to Amy, many temptations arose. A year after Amy's death, in 2012, Blake admitted that he introduced her to hard drugs. This revelation became fatal for him - the public did not forgive such an atrocity. Blake is now persona non grata in the UK. He admitted to the Daily Mail that he couldn’t find a job because everyone blamed him for Amy’s death. "Amy wouldn't approve of the way I'm being treated," he complained. In 2012, Blake visited the grave for the first time ex-wife(Amy's parents were against his presence at the funeral), but this also turned into a scandal. After seeing the report in the newspaper, Mitch and Janice said that having a photo op at their daughter's grave was disrespectful to Amy's memory.

Blake Fielder-Sivel finally visited his ex-wife's grave, nearly three years after her death. The singer died in July 2011 from alcohol poisoning at the age of 27, but Blake did not find the courage, he said, to come to her burial site.

And so, having prepared well, taking a photographer with him, he visited the cemetery Edgwarebury Lane in North London, where Amy is buried next to her grandmother Cynthia Levy. To his credit, he spent about two hours near his wife’s grave, sometimes sitting right on the asphalt.

The only thing that confuses me is that I passed straight through the cemetery. photoshoot .

Blake posed for a photographer right in the cemetery

It should be noted that the marriage of Amy and Blake has always caused controversial feelings among the singer’s fans. They were arrested several times, caught with drugs. And it was he who put Amy on heroin, which Blake honestly spoke about in one of his interviews last year on the Jeremy Kyle Show.

Amy and Blake married in 2007 after two years of dating.

“Yes, it happened through my fault. I myself gave her the first try of heroin after visiting one of the nightclubs. At that moment, I didn’t think that she would start taking it without me, I didn’t think about anything at all. Subsequently, we got used to using heroin after going to clubs..." Interestingly, Amy's parents do not blame him for their daughter's death now. According to them, they have forgiven him and consider him only indirectly responsible for the tragedy.

The unexpected death of a 27-year-old British singer Amy Winehouse, who was found dead in her north London apartment, became a tragedy for Western show business. The most famous contemporary performers Blogs, microblogs and the media expressed condolences over the death of the outstanding singer.

According to the Daily Mail newspaper, the singer was found dead at about 16.00 local time on Saturday. According to British media, two ambulances were called to the scene in the Camden area at about 16.00 British summer time (19.00 Moscow time), but they were no longer able to help. According to preliminary data, Winehouse committed suicide. According to other sources, the singer died from a drug overdose.

Amy Jade Winehouse was born on September 14, 1983 in Southgate, Enfield, London, to Jewish family taxi driver Mitchell Winehouse and pharmacist Janice Winehouse (née Seaton). Her father is the son of Benjamin Winehouse and Fanny Grandish (b. 1895), daughter of an emigrant from Russia Jewish origin Abraham Grandish. The Winehouse family (now divorced) had two children: Amy and older brother Alex.

Biography of 27-year-old Winehouse, who suffered from alcohol and drug addiction, for a long time was at the center of public scandals and litigation. She appeared in court several times for fighting and assaulting people. In the spring of 2008, Winehouse was caught by the police twice - at the end of April she was detained on suspicion of assaulting two men, and in May she was detained on suspicion of illegal possession and use of drugs.

In the summer of 2008, Winehouse was hospitalized - doctors discovered she had emphysema and cardiac problems. However, the singer did not refuse to participate in concerts, combining them with courses of treatment and rehabilitation therapy.

IN last years Amy Winehouse had serious drug problems. Moreover, she experienced difficult divorce with Blake Fielder-Civil (married May 18, 2007), who, by his own admission, got her hooked on illegal drugs.

In January 2009, the singer's husband, Blake Fielder-Civil, who was serving a prison sentence at the time, filed for divorce, accusing his wife of infidelity. The High Court in London formalized the divorce of Winehouse and Fielder-Civil in mid-July.

Parents Mitch and Janice Winehouse tried desperately to save their daughter Amy.

Back in 2009, in an interview with ITV News, Mitch said: "I want my daughter to be a whole person again. I tried everything, I told her: 'Amy, you have to do this, you have to go to this doctor, you need to do this, you need to do that, you’re killing me, you’re killing your mom.’ Nothing worked.” Janice added: "The need to save her is huge. I just want her to be okay and I will do whatever it takes to make it work. Amy is constantly in denial about her addiction. She may feel trapped. But I know , with addiction you have no choice because the substance controls you. I want to tell her, “Amy, what are you doing? Don’t you see what you’re doing?’ But by then she had brought it up so we could help her cope, and I understand.”

Mitch blamed Amy Winehouse's ex-husband Blake Fielder-Civil for all her troubles. He explained: "The possibility of them being together is too terrible to consider. They are going to get a divorce and who knows what will happen in the end. Amy and Blake have decided that they want to continue their lives apart from each other and if they get back together in the future, they will get rid of bad habits and will still be in love with each other, that's their business."

Shocking revelations from ex-husband Blake Fielder-Civil

At the same time, Blake Fielder-Civil, in a shocking interview with the News of the World admitted that he “introduced” the scandalous diva to drugs such as heroin, crack and amphetamine. And so he decided to file for divorce in order to protect her from death. A former prisoner admitted that the cause of all the troubles of one of the most talented singers in modern times musical world, he began. In addition, he talked about how he invited her to try crack and heroin, how he taught her how to cut wrists correctly, and how Amy cheated on him with her manager’s assistant.

"Now I need to let her go so she can save her life," he says, "I do this out of sincere love for her. I made a big mistake when I started using heroin in front of her. I 'introduced' her to heroin, crack, cocaine and suicidal tendencies. I feel guilty. I started using hard drugs at 22 and they got the better of me. They made me ignore the problems of the woman I loved more than anyone in my life.

The first time Amy tried crack, we were having fun and she asked me "can I try some?" Crack is the most terrible drug. After it you become paranoid, angry and completely out of control. I could not refuse her and must bear responsibility for this. After we switched to heroin, we went down different paths. I was with her when she had her first overdose and died before my eyes. I still can't forget it. We were doing heroin and crack all day, we didn't even think about stopping. Then my wife, who I love truly and unconditionally, just started shaking. I started to cry and put her on the floor to do artificial respiration and put the spoon in her mouth so she wouldn't swallow her tongue. It was terrible to see the person you love more life, the man you would die for, the man you would kill for, lies helpless on the floor in a seizure. When she woke up, she didn’t recognize me. Then I realized that I had destroyed something beautiful. It was my fault."

Blake also claimed that he knew in advance that he would have to go to prison. Let us remind you that the court found him guilty and sentenced him to 27 months in prison.

“I knew that I would go to prison,” he says, “I thought that I would go to prison for five years, no less. I just couldn’t believe that after our wonderful marriage, after the most happy days in my life, I will have to part with her for a long time. I knew I wasn't right for Amy - she should be dating some pop star or famous actor, not a drug addict boy. I cut my hands when I started to realize that we had crossed the line with drugs. Amy was very upset when she saw me covered in blood. And, since she is loyal and crazy about our love - like Romeo and Juliet - she decided to cut her hands too."

While Blake was serving his sentence in prison, Amy admitted that she slept with her manager's assistant, Alex Haynes.

"They started taking heroin together," Blake continues. "They broke me when I was in prison. It was terribly hard and painful. I could tell it was Alex's fault. When Amy admitted that she cheated on me, she cried hysterically “I asked her if she loved me and she whispered through her tears, “yes, yes, yes.” I forgave her and tried to calm her down, saying that I would soon leave prison and we would never part.”

Blake claimed he filed for divorce “for her own good.”

“Now I have to act not like an egoist and a drug addict, but like a person who is capable of sacrificing himself for the people he loves,” he says, “I have to let her go. When I saw those terrible photographs in which it is impossible to recognize Amy, my heart broke. I I realized that I have to help her. But I can't, since I am the person who brought her into this. All I can do is leave her. In order to be completely healed, she must be left alone with herself. I I will never stop wanting Amy, loving her with all my heart and caring for her. I am dependent on Amy. And I will do everything I can for her - including breaking up. I am not interested in her money, I will divorce her and leave with the one with than I came. I offered her to sign a marriage contract before the wedding, but she refused."

Blake also claimed that he had overcome his addiction and gotten clean:
“Yes, I’m clean,” he says, “I live without drugs. But I don’t deserve this. I don’t deserve that now I’m undergoing treatment in rehabilitation center and it goes well. This should have happened to Amy, not to me. She deserved it new life, With clean slate. Without crack and heroin, Amy would be writing great music and I would be doing my job in the production industry. But because of drugs, we lost our normal life. Amy has lost her way. I know she doesn't realize how unhappy and lonely she is. She is only 25 years old, she is a fantastically talented singer and she should be doing well. I know drug dealers won't stop stalking her. It's incredible how the police turn a blind eye to their work."

At the end frank interview, Blake spoke about his dream:
“I dream that one day Amy and I will be brought together again when she is drug-free,” he adds. “In my ideal world, Amy and I would live in a nice house with our two children. Nobody.” I can't even imagine that this girl is actually a wonderful wife, a great housewife and an incredibly beautiful person. Sometimes I looked at her when she was just preparing breakfast for me. But because of drugs, we cannot live a normal life together. And that's why I have to let her go."

In March 2011, after undergoing a course of rehabilitation therapy, the singer in her last interview stated in an interview with Look magazine that she managed to quit drugs and after a three-year break she is ready to release a new album.

Amy Winehouse admitted in an interview that she finally managed to cope with her destructive addictions - alcoholism, drug addiction and smoking. The singer had been actively engaged in music for several months and was ready to release a new record, her first in three years.

"I finally escaped from hell. When I saw my photo in the newspaper, I became scared... My skin was covered in spots, I was very pale and thin. And I thought: my girl, you have to get yourself in order, otherwise “You’re going to die soon,” Amy Winehouse admitted honestly.

“I’m a difficult person, if only because, for the most part, I don’t give a damn about anything.
I don't need anyone's help. Because if I can't help myself, no one can help me.

Most people my age spend a lot of time thinking about what they will do in the next five or ten years. So: the time they spend in these thoughts, I spend drinking.

At some point I got too caught up in alcohol. After all, everything looks better with booze. Like: watching TV - a glass of wine, cooking dinner - a glass of champagne.
I only write about things that happened to me. About things that I can't just drown in the past. Thank God, I am prone to self-destruction, so I will always have topics for songs.

I'm not religious. Although I know that faith gives people strength. But I believe in fate and I believe that everything happens for a reason, but for a reason. However, higher power are not required for this.

Making music is like going to a dinner party: you have to take things one step at a time instead of rushing into everything.
I'm not one of those who tries to grab my fifteen minutes of fame. I'm just a musician and I'm trying to be honest.

I agree that she is talented. But - and this is absolutely certain - I was not born to sing. I was born to be a wife and mother. And look after the family.

I don't condemn casual sex. I understand that there is nothing good in the fact that I approve of cheating. But it seems to me that it’s like smoking marijuana - nothing serious. Oh, damn, I screwed up!

There is no point in saying anything other than the truth.

Sex is just sex. But you don't need to let anyone get too close to you.
I had my first kiss when I was 11 or 12. It was a boy named Chris - Greek by birth - and he is gay now.

The world is full of straight men who are like petty little sluts, and just as many gay men who are like, “let me carry it” or “put on my jacket.” And you start thinking, “Why the hell do they like guys?”
Don't hesitate. I hate myself when I say things like: "I will never make myself plastic surgery!" After all, maybe I’ll have to do it - when I get old and all that.

If I put too much makeup on, I'll just end up looking like someone's aunt. And I want to remain myself!

I'm actually not a wrestler. But if you push me against the wall, I’ll break anyone’s head.
It seems to me that being able to fight has nothing to do with how big you are. It depends on how much rage is concentrated in you.

There's a lot around evil people, and all because they have no friends. Communication with people - with your mother, grandmother, dog - is the best thing that happens to you in this life. Minus shoes and bags, of course.

You can never have too many tattoos.

Women talk to each other the same way men talk to men. But women always pay attention to details.

If aliens have anything like a sense of humor, perhaps the thing that makes them laugh the most is the way we have sex.

The biggest mistake parents can make is conceiving a child while listening to bad music.

I can't even believe that I actually received all these awards.
Controlling madness is not difficult at all."

But again there was a scandal...In June 2011, Emmy Winehouse canceled her European tour after a scandal in Belgrade. About 20 thousand spectators attended the concert. The singer was on stage for 1 hour and 11 minutes, but did not sing. At the beginning of the concert, she greeted Athens, then the audience in New York, stumbled, talked to the musicians, tried to sing, but...could not perform a single song...

Amy Winehouse was one of the successful British pop stars. The singer gained worldwide fame thanks to the multi-platinum albums Frank and Back to Black. She has received five Grammy awards, including awards for best song of the year, debut and best pop album (Back To Black). According to the Sunday Times, Winehouse was ranked tenth on the list of Britain's richest musicians under 30. Her fortune was estimated at 10 million pounds sterling (about 16.5 million dollars). Despite her scandalous behavior and problems with the law, Amy was called the “voice of a generation” and one of the most talented vocalists of our time.

Amy Winehouse was a difficult child. She was expelled from both regular and theater school.

The reasons were rude behavior, bright appearance, singing in class, poor academic performance and drugs. Amy wasn't worried. She planned to become a singer, and if that didn’t work out, a waitress. Together with a friend, she came up with the duet Sweet"n"Source, the girls came up with songs in the style of r"n"b.

The only one in the family who understood Amy Winehouse was her grandmother. She took her granddaughter to a tattoo parlor for the first time in her life, drank beer with her on the porch of the house and listened to her songs.

The beginning of Amy Winehouse's career began with her acquaintance with singer Tyler James - thanks to him, she signed a contract with EMI studios, and already in 2003 her first album Frank, named after the favorite performer of the singer’s father Frank Sinatra, was released. However, the singer herself remained dissatisfied with her work, despite the fact that the public received the record very positively. Amy Winehouse became a discovery in the world of music and quickly gained fans both among critics and ordinary listeners.

Amy Winehouse's talent and habits

Amy Winehouse successfully climbed the career ladder show business, but quickly fell down the ladder of drug addiction and alcoholism. In parallel with her performances and recordings of songs, the talented Winehouse disappeared in hospitals, being treated for drug and alcohol addiction.

In August 2007, she canceled all her appearances due to health reasons. Together with her husband Blake Fielder-Civil, she went to a rehabilitation clinic, from where she escaped five days later. The girl’s parents believed that the reason for her lifestyle was her husband, a musician and slacker. At the same time, Fielder’s relatives suggested that her fans organize boycotts until the couple broke up.

Concerts of Amy Winehouse, who rapidly gained popularity, were awaited all over the world. However, her lifestyle prevented her from developing in creatively. The US Consulate refused Amy Winehouse while visiting the country, when the singer was invited to the ceremony Grammy. Amy Winehouse was one of the award nominees and ultimately the winner. Amy won in five out of six categories in which she was presented.

Record of the Year - Amy Winehouse, Rehab
Song of the Year - Amy Winehouse, Rehab
Best new artist- Amy Winehouse
Best Female Pop Performance - Amy Winehouse, Rehab
Best Pop Album - Amy Winehouse, Back to Black

Amy Winehouse was included in the Guinness Book of Records in 2009 as having won greatest number Grammy awards among British performers.
During that fateful Grammy ceremony in the biography of Amy Winehouse, Amy expressed her dissatisfaction with the help of a television broadcast, without denying her alcoholism and passion for drugs. Immediately after this, she decided to take another course of rehabilitation at the villa famous singer Bryan Adams. And this did not help her, and after a short time she ended up in a clinic, where she was diagnosed with pulmonary emphysema.

Amy Winehouse and Blake Fielder-Civil: a dangerous affair

Amy met her future husband, Blake Fielder-Civil, in one of the English pubs; after two years of romance, the couple got married, but their family did not last long.

In 2008, Amy Winehouse's husband was sentenced to 27 months in prison for attacking a pub owner in Hoxton. In prison, Blake Fielder began divorce proceedings. After serving time in prison, Blake, upon his release, began to demand six million dollars from his ex-wife, believing that part of her fortune belonged to him. After a short showdown, the couple again began to appear together at parties, but after a while they separated completely.

Amy Winehouse: scandals

The next one loud scandal with the participation of Amy Winehouse was the cancellation of her concerts in Istanbul and Athens in the summer of 2011. After her first June concert in Belgrade, the organizers were forced to cancel all of her subsequent performances. The fact is that the singer, when she went on stage, behaved unnaturally and even inappropriately. She greeted Athens first and then the New York crowd. When Amy Winehouse began walking on stage, she could barely stand, staggering and constantly stumbling, trying to communicate with her musicians. While singing the song, I got confused about the words and partially forgot the lyrics. As a result, the twenty thousand audience booed the singer. According to some reports, this “concert” lasted one hour and eleven minutes, during which Amy never sang. At some point, the singer even fell on stage and immediately ran backstage, but returned back 10 minutes later. Fans of the singer noted that Amy Winehouse's behavior was caused not by alcohol, but by drug intoxication.

Just in May, a month before the start of the tour, Amy Winehouse was in a London clinic offering treatment programs for alcohol and drug addiction and providing psychological assistance.

Shortly before this, Amy Winehouse was dumped by her new boyfriend Reg Traviss. Winehouse proposed marriage to Reg, but he refused the proposal. He decided to end his relationship with the singer after he realized that he could not help her return to normal life. After such a loss, the singer lost complete control of herself.

Goodbye Amy

On July 23, Amy was found dead in her London apartment. Amy's mother admitted that she met with her a day before her daughter's death, and even then she looked as if she was “from another world.” However, the mother is still unable to comprehend the loss of her 27-year-old daughter.

A few hours after death of Amy Winehouse music fans have already contributed talented singer in the infamous "Club 27", which includes blues and rock musicians who died at the age of 27: Kurt Cobain, Janis Joplig, Jimi Hendrix, Jim Morrison and Brian Jones.

Photo: Rex Features/, globallookpress(1)