Interesting facts of Ancient India (15 photos). Ancient India - a land of fairy tales and amazing wonders - A brief history of creation






in history in 5th grade per course

"Ancient world history"

2015 – 2016 academic year

Information and creative projects.

Using additional literature and online resources, collect information on one of the topics you have chosen:

    Inventions and discoveries of primitive people. What role did these discoveries play?inventions in the life of primitive people? Are they still in use today?

    The most ancient types of writing. When, where and why did writing originate? How did ancient writing differ from our writing? What is the origin of our alphabet?

    India – the birthplace of many fables and tales about animals. Get to know them. Which ones did you like best? How? What beliefs are associated with the fact that in ancient Indian literature the characters are often animals?

    Ancient culture of China. What achievements of the ancient culture of China can living Chinese have the right to be proud of?

    Religions of the world. Followers of which ancient religions worshiped many gods? What religions are characterized by monotheism (worship of a single god)? Do not forget that one of these religions arose later than the others, in that historical era called the Middle Ages.

    The sages of ancient times about the rules of behavior. What do these rules have in common? Why are the instructions of the biblical sages, Buddha, Confucius, Socrates valuable for people of our time? What are the teachings of Jesus Christ?

    The structure of ancient states. How did governance in Athens under Pericles and the Roman Republic differ from governance in Ancient Egypt, Persia, and China?

    Patriotism of the Greeks in the wars with the Persians. Why did democracy foster love for one's fatherland? What battles with the Persians and why can serve as an example of Greek patriotism?

    Spectacles that arose in ancient times. Which ones are still loved today? What spectacles were prohibited at the request of Christians? Why?

    Famous buildings and buildings of antiquity. What did they look like? Where and for what purposes were they created? Which of them have survived to this day?

Present the results of the project in the form of a presentation or prepare a detailed colorful message.

Interaction between teacher and students in the educational process


Teacher activities

Student activity

1. Development of design specifications

1.1 Selecting a project topic

The teacher selects possible topics and offers them to students

Students discuss and make a general decision on the topic

The teacher invites students to jointly select a project topic

A group of students, together with the teacher, selects topics and proposes them to the class for discussion.

The teacher participates in the discussion of topics proposed by students

Students independently select topics and propose them to the class for discussion.

1.2 Identification of subtopics in project topics

The teacher preliminarily identifies subtopics and offers them to students to choose from.

Each student chooses a subtopic or proposes a new subtopic

The teacher takes part in a discussion with students about the subtopics of the project

Students actively discuss and propose options for subtopics. Each student chooses one of them for himself (i.e., chooses a role for himself)

1.3 Formation of creative groups

The teacher carries out organizational work to unite students who have chosen specific subtopics and activities

Students have already defined their roles and are grouped according to them into small teams.

1.4. Preparation of materials for research


If the project is voluminous, then the teacher develops assignments, questions for search activities and literature in advance

Individual high school and middle school students take part in developing assignments.

Questions to find answers can be developed in teams followed by class discussion

1.5. Definition

forms of expression

results of the project


The teacher takes part in the discussion

Students in groups and then in class discuss forms of presenting the results of research activities: video, album, natural objects, literary living room, etc.

2. Development


Students carry out search activities

3. Design


The teacher advises, coordinates the work of students, stimulates their activities

Students, first in groups, and then in interaction with other groups, formalize the results in accordance with accepted rules

4. Presentation

The teacher organizes an examination (for example, invites senior schoolchildren or a parallel class, parents, etc. as experts)

Report on the results of their work

5. Reflection

Evaluates his activities in the pedagogical management of children’s activities, takes into account their assessments

They reflect on the process, themselves in it, taking into account the assessment of others.

Group reflection is desirable

Project evaluation criteria are

    Significance and relevance

    Correctness of methods

    Participants' activity

    Depth of penetration into the problem

    Evidence of conclusions

    Registration of results

Project content:

    title of the project topic;

    relevance of the project, problem;

    fundamental and problematic issues;

    goals and objectives of the project;

    problem solution hypothesis;

    form for presenting the results of the project and materials prepared in accordance with it;

    used literature and information resources;

    problems that the authors encountered while working on the project, how they solved them, and what they learned.

Defense of the history project
"INDIA is the birthplace of many fables and tales about animals."
We are students of grade 5 “B”, Anastasia Lozhechnikova and Daria Borodina. We present to your attention a history project: “India is the birthplace of many fables and tales about animals”
Project manager: Svetlana Ivanovna Repinskaya - history teacher
The OBJECT of our research is the country of India
The SUBJECT of the study is animal heroes of fairy tales and fables of India
We have put forward a hypothesis: The veneration of sacred animals in India is the reason that India is a country of many fairy tales and fables about animals
When preparing for the project, we set ourselves the following GOAL:
Find out what beliefs are associated with the fact that in ancient Indian literature the characters are often animals. We have set ourselves the following TASKS:
Get acquainted with Indian fairy tales and fables about animals
Find out which ones you liked best and why.
Find out what beliefs are associated with the fact that in ancient Indian literature the characters are often animals
Find interesting information in additional literature and the Internet about India, and what animals Indians consider sacred.
Research methods:
Reading literature
Poll - questionnaire
Analysis of results

India is an ancient country approximately 8 thousand years old. The amazing Indian people lived on its territory. Which were divided into several social castes. Where priests played an important role. Although historians do not know who ruled such an amazing state. The Indians had their own language and writing. Scientists cannot decipher their letters to this day.
The ancient Indians gave humanity such agricultural crops as cotton and sugar cane. They made thin chintz fabric. They domesticated the largest animal in the world, the elephant.
They revered and believed in different gods. Animals were deified. Along with the gods, the Vedas, the Sanskrit language and the Brahmins were revered as guardians of culture and sacred knowledge. Brahmins were considered living gods.
This is a very interesting state and people.
The elephant is the personification of wisdom, strength and prudence. The image of an elephant serves as an emblem of royal power, because this animal symbolizes all the qualities necessary for a good ruler: dignity, insight, intelligence, patience, peacefulness. In ancient India, the elephant was considered a symbol of sacred wisdom and invincible power. Due to its longevity, the elephant also symbolizes overcoming death.
According to Hinduism, the monkey is considered a sacred animal belonging to the god Hanuman and killing them is prohibited.
They are simultaneously revered as an incarnation of the Hindu god Hanuman and hated as aggressive barbarians.
Snakes are considered sacred and are treated with respect and care. Temples were erected in their honor; images of reptiles carved from stone are often found near roads, reservoirs and villages.
There are countless legends and tales about snakes in India, but the most unexpected signs are also associated with them. It is believed that the snake personifies eternal movement, acts as the embodiment of the soul of an ancestor and the guardian of the home. That is why Hindus put the snake sign on both sides of the front door.
Why do Indians revere these animals so much? Firstly, cows here are equated to the status of a mother, because this animal is characterized by such maternal qualities as modesty, kindness, wisdom and calmness. In India, a cow is called “Gau Mata”, which literally translates as “MOTHER COW”.
Secondly, cow urine is widely consumed in India. In Ayurvedic medicine (Indian doctors), cow urine is considered a very powerful remedy for treating serious diseases, especially the liver. Ayurveda also recognizes human urine as a potent remedy for the treatment of many diseases.
Killing a cow is punishable by twenty years in prison.
We found and read fairy tales in additional literature: About a dog, a cat and a monkey. Golden fish. Cunning jackal. Golden antelope. Jackal and partridge and others.
Indian fables are collected in the collection “Panchatantra”
Tales about animals in India were common among forest tribes, whose life was closely connected with wild nature.
Most fairy tales have something in common with Russian ones.
“Make me laugh and make me cry, feed me and get me out of trouble,” demands the capricious jackal from his friend the partridge (“The Jackal and the Partridge”). But the same motifs are also combined in Russian fairy tales about a fox: a blackbird rescues it from a hole, feeds it and gives it water. Only he does this not out of friendship, but out of coercion.
Indian fairy tales and fables feature animals - jackal, tiger, monkey, crocodile, crab.
In many of these fables and tales it is easy to recognize people of different social status. These stories, fables and fairy tales are written in prose, and the teachings contained in them are usually written in verse. Some of them preserved satire on kings, nobles and brahmins, portrayed as unjust, greedy and hypocritical.
We conducted a SURVEY-questionnaire, in which 15 people took part, students of MKOU Secondary School No. 2
He's in front of you
1. What animals of India do you know about? Cow, elephants, cobras, monkeys, cats, dogs, fish, jackal, tigers.
2. What Indian fairy tales do you know? About the raj and the bird, about the dog, cat and monkey, the golden fish, the cunning jackal.
3.What have you heard about the animals of India? Some animals in India are sacred.
4. What sacred animals of India do you know? Elephant (12 people), cow (7 people), monkey (5 people)
Results of our research:
The Indians believed that animals, birds and insects thought, felt and talked to each other, just like people.
Therefore, they composed fairy tales and fables in which animals were the main characters.
Thus, as a result of our research, we confirmed the hypothesis: the veneration of sacred animals in India is the reason that India is a country of many fairy tales and fables about animals.
We found out that cows, elephants, monkeys, and snakes were and remain sacred animals in India.

Municipal state educational institution secondary school No. 2
History project 5th grade
"India is the birthplace of many fables and tales about animals"
Completed by students of class 5 “B” of MKOU secondary school No. 2
Lozhechnikova Anastasia
Borodina Daria
Project Manager:
Repinskaya Svetlana Ivanovna - history teacher
g Plast
year 2014
The theme of the project is “India, the birthplace of many fables and tales about animals”
Object of study: India
Subject of research: Animals - heroes of fairy tales and fables about animals
Objective of the project
Research methods
Sacred animals

Interesting facts about Ancient India. A magical and fabulous country, one of the most ancient. India is full of secrets and mysteries; many facts about this state seem incredible. It is from India that many human achievements originate. Let's learn more about some of them.
  1. The favorite game of many, chess, came to the modern world from India..
  2. Even in ancient times, the inhabitants of India made crystalline sugar from cane. Many people who lived at that time were amazed at how honey could be made without bees; it was artificial honey made from sugar.
  3. India is the birthplace of the world famous hookah. They taught the Persians to smoke, the Persians taught the Egyptians, and so gradually the whole world learned about it.
  4. There are as many religions as in India, no other civilization has. In religion, Indian culture has no equal. Since ancient times, Hindus have worshiped many gods and composed a lot of legends and stories about the origin of humanity. The religion of India has left its mark on many modern creeds.
  5. The people of Ancient India did a lot for the development of science. Indian sages achieved enormous success in mathematics, medicine, astronomy, and also in linguistics. They knew the meaning of the number “pi”, and came up with the decimal counting system, the numbers we use are also their merit. Many mathematical terms were also invented by the people of India. In astronomy, they guessed about the rotation of the earth around its axis. Even in those distant times, doctors performed operations using special instruments. Doctors treated serious diseases with herbal remedies. While in other civilizations they had no idea about this.


  6. Hindus are not inferior in literature. The Vedas are the most ancient literary heritage. They were created 2 thousand years ago BC. Later came the Ramayana and Mahabharata. Next came the Panchatantra. It was a collection of fables, fairy tales, parables and legends, its contents were instructive.
  7. Surely everyone associates India with songs and dances; without this it is impossible to imagine this culture. Indian dances and theater have their origins in the ancient rituals of Indian tribes. Hindus consider Shiva to be the king of dance, and also give preference to Krishna.
  8. There are quite a few achievements in chemistry. Ancient Hindus were knowledgeable about various metals and alloys. They knew how to create dyes, glass, jewelry, aromatic substances, and even poisons.
  9. In ancient India they knew human anatomy well. Doctors knew all the organs of the human body. They were able to correctly diagnose and prescribe treatment.
  10. Hindus were able to tame a huge animal - the elephant. These animals served to transport heavy loads and carry logs. They also took part in battles, warriors sat on them and shot arrows at enemies. Elephants trampled enemies. Hindus believed that elephants were of divine origin; one of their gods had the head of an elephant. Buffaloes served them to dig up the fields, and the cow was considered a sacred animal, she was called the mother and nurse. Killing a cow was considered a sin.


  11. People built their homes along rivers or on the edge of the jungle. Ordinary Indians were engaged in growing wheat, vegetables and barley. They knew how to grow cotton, from which they made yarn, and made comfortable clothes. Over time, these clothes have colorfully transformed.


  12. The cities of ancient India had sewerage systems. The sewage system was simply exemplary in those days. It was collected from a network of channels. Everything was done very thoughtfully and carefully. The channels were cleaned from time to time. Outside the city they made drains from bricks.
  13. There is information in history that Indians fought unusual wars. They used some kind of “weapon of the gods.” What is most interesting is that the effect of this weapon is similar to nuclear weapons; at that moment, humanity was still very far from such achievements.
  14. In the last century, a unique archaeological discovery was made. Near the Indus River, a huge city was excavated. Its length was 5 km, the city itself was divided into 12 parts. The streets were level and straight. The houses are built of clay and brick.
  15. In ancient India there were schools of sculpture. The largest of them are Gandhara, Mathura, and Amaravata. The sculptures of India are religious and cultural in nature. The Hindus have come up with a special manual for making sculptures.

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The ancestors of the Indian population came to this land from different parts of the world. Therefore, today Indian fairy tales are told by hundreds of nationalities inhabiting the country.

How to distinguish an Indian fairy tale?

Despite all the diversity of cultures, religions and even languages, the best Indian fairy tales for children have some peculiarities. The main focus of most stories are:

    desire to gain knowledge;


    preference for a righteous lifestyle;

    placing family values ​​at the forefront;

    inclusion of poetic forms.

Religious quotes and teachings are directly put into the mouths of some characters.

Brief history of creation

Old Indian legends date back to before our era. Then they were created as teachings for the sons of the ruler of the country. But they already had a fairy-tale form, they were written on behalf of animals. The oldest collection of fairy tales itself is “Kathasaritsagaru”, based on the most ancient beliefs in traditional Indian gods.

Gradually all the folklore stories took shape. Magical, everyday, love, and heroic tales arose. In the country's folk art, many stories were written about ordinary people who defeated all the adversities of fate. Fairy tales about animals possessing all human qualities were spread. They interacted with each other, denounced vices, and praised virtuous behavior. Often the narrative included short advice given by the wisest hero. This is how fairy tales remain today.

What attracts you to the amazing legends of India?

The fairy-tale fantasies of India attract with their amazingly colorful oriental flavor, storytelling style and, of course, the abundance of magical plots. At the same time, the child unobtrusively receives wise advice and forms a correct vision of the surrounding world of people and animals.