Synthetic forms of organizational culture include: Elements of organizational culture

1.1 The concept and essence of organizational culture

Organizational culture is a set of values, opinions, standards of behavior, sentiments, symbols, attitudes and ways of doing business shared by members of an organization that determine the individuality of the company. The main elements of organizational culture are: a set of traditions designed to strengthen the internal structure of the organization, the human factor, and employee loyalty to the company.

Firm culture is not synonymous with climate. Culture itself generates climate, values, style, relationships in a given organization. Its concept includes certain constantly recurring characteristics of people’s behavior, for example: rituals, forms of respect, behavior, norms of self-regulation of production groups; philosophy that determines the organization's policy towards employees and clients; internal “rules of the game” 1.

Russian firms and enterprises, even at the level of competent management, are not yet clearly aware of the fact that ideas about values ​​are dynamic, that “classical” generally accepted ideas such as discipline, obedience, hierarchy, power are being replaced by others: participation, self-determination, collective, personality revelation, creativity— and this requires new social technologies, gentle but significant cultural changes. The company that develops and evolves the fastest is the one whose team has a well-developed corporate culture.

The second general category included by the authors in the definition of organizational culture is the values ​​(or value orientations) that an individual may adhere to. Values ​​guide a person in what behavior should be considered “correct” or “should”, and what behavior should be considered unacceptable or incorrect. An accepted value helps an individual understand how he should act in a particular situation.

The third attribute of the concept of organizational culture is considered to be “symbolism,” with the help of which value orientations are “inherited” by members of the organization. Many companies have special, publicly available documents that detail the organization's value orientations. Meanwhile, the content and meaning of the latter are revealed to workers in full and, most importantly, in an accessible form through “walking” stories, legends and myths. They are told, retold, interpreted by members organizational group. Sometimes, as a result, they have an incomparably greater impact on individuals than the values ​​​​described in the company's advertising materials.

Many “key” issues related to organizational culture are not new in themselves. This is evidenced by a lot of publications, and only some of them have a purely scientific aspect. In addition, there are empirical studies, practical guides for analyzing approaches to organizational culture, reporting on “cultural transformation” projects, and articulating patterns of behavior that are, to varying degrees, understandable. Over the past one and a half to two decades, a variety of disparate ideas, models and theories have been brought together and summarized by the rather capacious and universal concept of “organizational culture” 1 .

Most scientists call the main elements of organizational culture: the human factor, employee loyalty to the company, a set of traditions, the task of which is to strengthen the internal structure of the organization.

Organizational culture can be defined as a set of shared opinions, standards of behavior, sentiments, symbols, attitudes and ways of doing business that determine the individuality of the company.

When considering the problems of organizational culture, researchers inevitably need a certain “unifying” theoretical scheme that would fit the main approaches to the study of the phenomenon of organizational culture. Moreover, such a scheme should in no case undermine the integrity of each position or push towards their assimilation.

One of the most popular typologies of organizational culture is S. Handi’s classification:

    Power culture.

    Role culture.

    Task culture.

    Personality culture.

    For a more complete picture of the area under study, we present a classification consisting of four types of organizational culture, proposed by K. Cameron and R. Quinn.

    Cla new culture(the types of leaders characteristic of her are “accomplice” - a consultant person and a “mentor” - a teacher person). Enterprises of this type of organizational culture include Japanese organizations (zaibatsu).

    Adhocratic (from the Latin “ad hoc” - “on occasion”, i.e. special, intended for a given purpose) culture. The leader in this type of culture is an innovator-experimenter, constantly working to improve the products produced or services offered. Typical examples of organizations of this type of culture are Apple, Google, Microsoft, i.e. representatives of innovative business areas.

    Hierarchical culture. A leader in such a culture is a coordinator who maintains the structure, distributes resources and responsibility, and an instructor who manages information support for employees, combining the qualities of a highly qualified specialist and teacher. The hierarchical type of organizational culture includes enterprises of natural monopolies, banking, and heavy industry.

    Market culture. The connecting factors are competition production process, the desire of organization members to win, reputation and success. Leaders here are a “fighter” (an aggressive, decisive, purposeful leader) and a “director” (focused on solving problems and making management decisions, using persistent and reasonable arguments in favor of getting things done, encouraging productivity).

    1.2 Goals and functions of the organizational culture of a modern organization

    Organizational culture implements the following main social functions 1:

    identification: gives employees an organizational identity, determines the intragroup idea of ​​the company, being an important source of stability and continuity in the organization, creates in employees a feeling of reliability of the organization itself and their position in it, contributes to the formation of a feeling social security;

    cognitive: knowledge of the basics of the organizational culture of your company helps new employees correctly interpret events occurring in the organization, identifying everything that is most important and significant in them;

    – stimulating: activates self-awareness and high responsibility of the employee performing the tasks assigned to him; recognition and encouragement of such people within the framework of the norms of organizational culture standardizes their role models (role models).

    The importance of organizational culture for the development of any organization is determined by a number of functions performed by this culture during the period of its existence. So G.V. Yashchenko considers the following functions of organizational culture 1:

    giving employees an organizational identity, defining an intragroup image of the company, organizational culture as an important source of stability and continuity in the organization. This creates in employees a feeling of reliability of the organization itself and their position in it, and contributes to the formation of a sense of social security. This function can be described as identification;

    knowledge of the basics of the organizational culture of your company helps new employees to correctly interpret events occurring in the organization, identifying the most important and significant points in them, - cognitive function of organizational culture;

    intra-organizational culture, like nothing else, stimulates self-awareness and high responsibility of the employee performing the tasks assigned to him. By recognizing and rewarding such people, the organizational culture identifies them as role models; Thus, the third function of organizational culture is stimulating .

    Thus, organizational culture can be defined as a set of opinions, standards of behavior, sentiments, symbols, attitudes and ways of doing business shared by members of an organization that determine the individuality of the company. In turn, the main elements of organizational culture are: a set of traditions designed to strengthen the internal structure of the organization, the human factor, and employee loyalty to the company. The main functions of organizational culture are: giving employees an organizational identity, defining an intragroup idea of ​​the company, is a source of stability and continuity in the organization, the cognitive function of organizational culture, stimulates self-awareness and high responsibility of the employee performing the tasks assigned to him.

    1.3. Basic elements of the organization's organizational culture

    An organization's culture represents two organizational levels. At the top level are visible, external factors such as clothing, symbols, organizational ceremonies, work environment, and cultural elements that have an external visible representation. At a deeper level, there are values ​​and norms that define and regulate the behavior of employees in the organization. The values ​​of the second level are closely related to visual patterns (slogans, ceremonies, business clothing style, etc.), they naturally follow from them and indicate their internal philosophy. These values ​​are supported and developed by the organization’s employees; every employee of the company must share them or at least show their loyalty to the accepted corporate values. 1

    From the perspective of managers, social scientists and management and organizational culture consultants, corporate values ​​and norms include:

    the purpose of the organization, its “face” (leadership in its industry; high level of technology; highest quality; dedication to the spirit of the profession; innovation, etc.);

    seniority and authority (the powers inherent in a position or person; respect for seniority and authority; seniority as a criterion of authority, etc.);

    the importance of various leadership positions and functions (the importance of leadership positions, the roles and powers of departments and services, in general - the hierarchy of the organization);

    treatment of people (concern for people and their needs; impartial treatment and favoritism; privileges; respect for individual rights; training and development opportunities; careers; fairness in pay; motivating people);

    selection criteria for leadership and supervisory positions (seniority or performance; priorities in internal selection; influence informal relations and groups, etc.);

    work organization and discipline (flexibility in changing roles; voluntary or forced discipline; use of new forms of work organization, etc.);

    dissemination and exchange of information (ease of information exchange; employee awareness);

    decision-making processes (who makes the decision, with whom consultations are held; individual or collective decision-making; the need for consent, the possibility of compromise, etc.);

    the nature of contacts (preference for the form of contact: personal or written contacts; the degree of rigidity in the use of established channels of official communication; the importance of formal aspects; the possibility of contacts with senior management; the use of meetings; who is invited and to which meetings; norms of conduct during meetings);

    the nature of socialization (existing barriers; special conditions of communication; who communicates with whom during and after work);

    ways to resolve conflicts (preference for using formal or informal means; participation of top management in resolving conflict situations, desire to avoid conflict and compromise);

    assessment of work effectiveness (what it is: real or formal; hidden or open; by whom it is carried out; how the results are used).

    1.4 Company credo, ideology and mission of the organization

    A modern highly qualified employee wants to receive more from the organization than just a salary. The emergence and impact of a number of social factors have led to the formation of a significant layer of the modern workforce, the expectations of which are very different from those that prevailed among the previous generation of workers. Modern employees not only expect to be financially successful, but also prefer to feel psychologically comfortable in an organization whose cultural values ​​correspond to their personal value orientations.

    The value system is reflected in the formulation of the organization's credo. The company's credo includes the purpose of its activities, basic principles, style, and certain obligations towards clients, shareholders, business partners, personnel, and society. Clearly presented, articulated and recorded in the company's documents, these principles and commitments help unite employees around common, clearly defined goals and values. 1

    Business credo of the organization— it is a concentrated expression of its philosophy and policies, proclaimed and implemented by senior management and shared by the company's employees.

    Full identification of an employee with the company means that he not only understands the ideals of the company, clearly follows the rules and norms of behavior in the organization, but also internally fully accepts corporate values. In this case, the cultural values ​​of the organization become the individual values ​​of the employee, occupying a strong place in the motivational structure of his behavior. 1

    The core values ​​of modern companies are perceived through visible embodiment in the form of symbols, stories, heroes, mottos and ceremonies. The culture of any company can be explained using these factors.

    Developed corporate cultures develop quite diverse mythologies. The mythology of enterprises exists in the form of anecdotes, metaphorical stories that constantly circulate in the enterprise. They are usually associated with the founder of the enterprise and are designed to convey the company’s values ​​to employees in a visual, lively, figurative form.

    A prominent place in the mythology of the enterprise is given to “heroes”. These “heroes” provide possible models of behavior; they determine the type and norm of achievement.

    Visible manifestations of organizational culture are rituals. Ritual— it is a repeating sequence of activities that expresses the core values ​​of any organization. Rituals serve as a means to clearly demonstrate the company’s value orientations; they are designed to remind employees of the standards of behavior and norms of relationships in the team that the company expects from them. 2

    Thus, the fundamental element of organizational culture is the values ​​of the organization. It is the values ​​shared and declared by the founders and most authoritative members of the organization that often become the key link on which the cohesion of employees depends, the unity of views and actions is formed, and, consequently, the achievement of the organization’s goals is ensured. Organizational culture is a set of the most important assumptions accepted by members of an organization and expressed in the organization's stated values ​​that give people guidelines for their behavior and actions. Organizational culture (sometimes called organizational culture) consists of the ideas, attitudes, and core values ​​that are shared by the members of an organization. It is generally accepted that values ​​are the core that determines the corporate culture as a whole. Values ​​determine behavioral styles, communication styles with colleagues and clients, level of motivation, activity, and more.

    1.5. Mechanism for the formation, implementation and maintenance of organizational culture

    The conditions for the emergence and functioning of organizational culture are determined by the chosen management strategy of communicative interaction at enterprises. In turn, they are based on the interactions of leaders and managers at different levels in the process of implementing them. functional responsibilities. Management strategies significantly influence the formation of organizational culture and are differentiated into “shared vision of the future”, “motivation based on the social mission of the enterprise”, “definition of achievable goals”, “independent management and positive self-perception” 1.

    The basis of organizational culture are the values ​​of the organization, which give rise to mottos, slogans, symbols, rituals of social action, organization of events, production of myths, legends and heroes. The study revealed that the previous rigid hierarchical “mechanistic” structure of companies is being replaced by a new management culture based on a system of corporate values. The mechanistic approach to managing an organization is being replaced by corporate regulation on an ideological and cultural basis.

    The socio-psychological content of the formation of intra-organizational organizational culture is integration, differentiation and adaptation. Integration is carried out in the procedures of communication, establishment of division boundaries, power and status, reward and punishment. Differentiation occurs in identifying the uniqueness and specialization of the control object on a particular task assigned to it by the control object. Adaptation provides an organization with stability in a constantly changing environment and gives it flexibility to quickly respond to changes.

    The most important factor in an effective organizational culture is employee engagement.— involvement in achieving results. To ensure and maintain engagement, the organizational culture must have autonomy and voluntariness, an element of tension, fair comparison and prompt communication of results. The mission of the organization, being a verbalized embodiment of the goals, objectives and ideas of the company, is determined by its social purpose. The main difficulties in the formation and implementation of the organization's mission are the discrepancy between external goals and internal ones, excessive formalization and idealization of the tasks set for the company by its management, as well as the disproportion of the company's scale, its potential and the formulated mission of the company.

    Motivation and demotivation of employees, as drivers of behavior, are one of the most important parameters in measuring the effectiveness of organizational culture. Intrinsic motivation involves the fulfillment of a need leading to personal satisfaction, while extrinsic motivation—
    receiving remuneration that is not personally necessary. It was revealed that in the case of the development of intracorporate relations, demotivation is inevitable; Therefore, the social task of the company’s management is to identify demotivation and apply countermeasures to minimize it Negative consequences. 1

    The effectiveness of making management decisions related to the transformation of the intra-organizational climate, as well as the effectiveness of their subsequent implementation in the process of enterprise management, directly depends on how clear, complete and reliable information the subject of management has. Thus, the importance of analyzing data obtained during the study of the socio-psychological environment of an organization implies dividing the analysis of subjective indicators of organizational culture into relative, differentiated and complex stages. Based on the data obtained as a result of all three stages, the ground is created for strategic and operational changes in the organizational culture of the enterprise.

    The conditions for the emergence and functioning of organizational culture are determined by the chosen strategy of communicative interaction at enterprises. In turn, they are based on the interactions of executives, managers at different levels and ordinary employees in the process of performing their functional duties. Before considering the essence and characteristics modern strategies of communicative interaction at foreign enterprises, it is necessary to pay attention to the differences inherent in the main functional purpose of the above categories of workers.

    Foreign researchers have identified the following strategies for the above interactions in the formation of organizational culture:

    Shared visions.

    Vision is a highly future-oriented idea, a valid tool for focusing attention, motivation, and the will of employees to certain points in production activities.

    There are 3 stages of vision:

    Development of vision - by studying information sources and, above all, contacts with people who are also leaders, managers, etc. think future-oriented.

    Determination is the ability to find the most commensurate among all alternative visions of the future.

    Search for agreement - search for followers; constant awareness of the organization about the new direction; establishing an appropriate time frame for the phased implementation of the vision.

    2. Meaningful communication.

    Some employees manage to realize their ideas about values. At the same time, the growth of needs can be reduced as a result of targeted actions, based on the use of motivation theories that give an idea of ​​the range of needs that employees of a given enterprise may have. It is important to note here that real work content and an atmosphere conducive to genuine self-expression have now come to the fore. Whether this will be true in the future remains to be seen. The fact is that complaints may increase in the future, as a result of which the difficulties of aligning the culture of employees with the culture of the enterprise will increase. In this case, employees face three most critical questions that require resolution: 1) about the enterprise’s contribution to the social process; 2) about the goals and values ​​of the enterprise; 3) about obstacles to achieving goals.

    3. Clear position of the enterprise.

    As the basis of communicative interaction in organizations, it proclaims the need to form achievable goals in them. Depending on the timing, several appropriate strategies can be used to determine the location of the enterprise:

    1) Reactive strategy. It is based on the expectation of a significant change in external conditions until a favorable situation arises, and only then the time comes to act.

    2) Active internal strategy. It involves conscious preparation for the future, implying prevention from outside influence by conducting entrepreneurial activities within.

    3) Active external strategy. Similar to the previous one, but the promotions are focused on the external environment.

    4) A strategy aimed at integrating internal and external processes - by conducting various intra-organizational seminars, objectivity of data on both the internal and external environment is achieved.

    4. Through self-management to positive self-perception.

    This strategy is based on the decisive role of the leader in shaping the culture of the organization. We can also say that there is a transfer to the whole organization of psychopathological criteria inherent in individuals, which determine the parametric state and development of the organization’s culture. In this regard, a corresponding classification of organizations has been developed, according to which it is necessary to distinguish between:

    a) paranoid organizations (managers transfer their mistrust and fear of the possibility of being persecuted in the broad sense of the word to the organization they lead);

    b) coercive organizations (increased importance of hierarchy, strict adherence to management instructions, clear and global planning of actions are the basis of this type of culture);

    c) dramatic organizations (the predominance of the form of the production process over the content, forecasting the development of the situation is practically absent, there is difficulty in developing strategies due to the constant replacement of one market niche by another);

    d) depressed organizations (the survival factors of such organizations are primarily the stability of the situation, the conditions of a supported and regulated market, without significant competition);

    e) schizoid organizations (leaders of such organizations limit themselves in communication with subordinates, integrating functions in relation to employees are not taken into account, organizations exist in a kind of “vacuum”).

    Having gone through all the stages, from inception, characterized by a certain novelty of attributes and opposition to previous forms, through stabilization, culture goes beyond the framework of the organizational culture itself and becomes an interorganizational culture, and then business culture as a whole. In conditions of a lack of resources of one company to implement projects, management has to move to the level of interorganizational culture, i.e. promptly adjust the system of values, norms, forms of communication, etc. All this contributes to the development of the trend of transition from competition to partnership.

    In modern conditions, the former rigid hierarchical “mechanistic” structure of companies is being replaced by a new management culture based on a system of corporate values. Previously, during periods of “quiet market existence,” organizational culture was formed under the influence of two factors: the hierarchical structure inherited by organizations and the modern myth of the organizational “mechanism.” Treating business as a “mechanism” and employees as interchangeable “cogs”— it is a legacy of the industrial age. The creation of communities, rather than systems of “mechanisms,” has enabled companies operating in the innovative technology industry to quickly achieve success. Let us note that today, when forming an organizational culture, a strict hierarchy is not welcome, although it is not advisable to completely deny its importance. Vertical management is necessary where there is no creativity in the work, where work is standardized and requires discipline. 1

    An important area of ​​managing organizational culture is the personnel system. Employees of recruiting agencies have extensive information about the specifics of approaches to personnel selection, the system of requirements for professional and personal qualities of personnel. They note that at present, along with professional skills, employers’ requirements for the psychological, image, and behavioral characteristics of the applicant are dictated by the specifics of the company’s organizational culture, its value orientations, ethical restrictions, features national mentality. However personnel policy must be “spiritualized”, “revitalized” by the organizational culture, and become part of the emotional world of all company employees. Only when both employees and managers clearly understand the non-randomness and usefulness of this or that provision of personnel policy, only then can we say that personnel policy has become part of the organizational culture.

    Thus, the strength of an organizational culture is determined by at least two important factors: the extent to which organizational members accept the company's core values ​​and the extent to which they are committed to those values. It is obvious that even successful foreign companies with a strong organizational culture also need to constantly maintain and develop their cultural values. Becoming a member of the organization, each of its employees gradually learns its rules and norms of behavior, as well as ideals, which can later become the value and life guidelines of the individual. Undoubtedly, the organizational culture of the organization, within which socialization and personality formation continues, bears a huge responsibility for future fate its members.

    1.6. The role of the manager in the mechanism of formation of organizational culture

    Leaders (managers) are persons who manage all aspects of the activities of an association, organization, enterprise, structural unit to achieve established goals (making a profit, producing goods, providing services, increasing production efficiency, entering new markets, etc.) 1.

    There are groups of managers - linear and functional. Linear workers include heads of associations and enterprises, heads of workshops, districts, sections, and foremen. Functional managers (heads of departments and services) perform one or more management functions assigned to them.

    The main tasks of managers are preparing and making decisions and their implementation.

    In work linear and functional managers Qualified specialists who have special knowledge and perform specific work help. Support workers provide technical and information services to the management apparatus.

    The main responsibility of a manager is to achieve the goals of the enterprise.

    At an enterprise there are groups of people who have different statuses and pursue personal goals: owners (shareholders) are interested in receiving profits and dividends; executives (managers) who are not owners - personal income (including unofficial income); employees of the enterprise - fair wages and social protection.

    Connecting the goals of the enterprise and the personal goals of various groups of people in the enterprise is one of the most important and difficult tasks of a manager. In the sphere of activity of managers, three main areas of activity can be distinguished: production and economic, socio-psychological and management itself.

    The manager must ensure normal production activities, development, and economic sustainability of the enterprise. In the socio-psychological sphere, the tasks of a manager are to develop labor and social activity the team, the individual, in the coordination of social relations in the team. When solving organizational and managerial issues, the manager acts as the organizer of the management system. Only an integrated approach to solving production, economic, social, management and organizational problems can ensure the sustainable existence and development of an enterprise. 1

    Compared to other types of work in an organization, managerial work has a number of specific features:

    – it is mental work consisting of three types of activities: organizational, administrative and educational, analytical and constructive, information and technical;

    – participates in the creation of material goods and the provision of services indirectly, through the labor of other workers;

    – the subject of work is information;

    – means of labor - organizational and computer technology;

    – the result of labor is a management decision.

    To perform their functions, managers must have specialized knowledge and be able to use it in the day-to-day work of running a business.

    Requirements for them professional competence can be roughly divided into two groups. The first consists of knowledge and skills to perform professional work in management. These include:

    – ability to justify and make decisions in situations characterized by high dynamism and uncertainty;

    – awareness of the development of the industry in which the enterprise operates: the state of research, technology, competition, dynamics of demand for products;

    – acquaintance with management experience in other organizations and industries;

    – the ability to manage resources, forecast and plan the operation of an enterprise, knowledge of ways to improve management efficiency;

    – ability to use modern information technology, means of communication and communication. 1

    The second group of requirements is related to the ability of managers to work with people and manage themselves. Managers must have personal qualities that enhance trust and respect from others. This group includes:

    – high sense of duty and dedication;

    – honesty in relationships with people and trust in partners;

    – the ability to clearly express one’s thoughts and persuade;

    respectful attitude to people, regardless of their position in the organizational hierarchy;

    – the ability to quickly restore one’s physical and mental strength and critically evaluate your own activities.

    The head of an enterprise in his activities relies on the management apparatus (team), with the help of which he carries out all management functions. At the same time, he bears full personal responsibility for the timeliness and correctness of decisions made and their implementation.

    Each leader has (chooses) a certain leadership style - this is a set of unique management techniques, the manner of daily behavior of the leader in relation to subordinates. Leadership style develops ways to influence subordinates. The leadership style is determined by the nature of the tasks facing the team, the level of its development, and the personality of the leader. A leadership style that works well in one environment may not be appropriate in another. There are generally four leadership styles:

    – autocratic (directive, strong-willed, authoritarian) – excessive centralization of power, commitment only to unity of command;

    – democratic (collectivist, partnership) – respect for subordinates, minimal participation of the manager in decision-making, the desire to gain authority by providing subordinates with benefits and concessions, shifting responsibility for failures in work to others;

    – liberal-anarchist (permissive, neutral) – on the one hand, super-democratic, on the other – a minimum of control, as a result of which decisions made are not fulfilled, work results are low, the psychological climate in the team is unfavorable, conflictual;

    – situational – the level of development of subordinates and the team as a whole is flexibly taken into account; the effectiveness of leadership is mediated by the degree of control the leader has over the situation in which he operates. 1

    No leadership style exists in its pure form.

    Different styles can be used in different combinations depending on the circumstances. The real style of a particular leader is always some combination of many styles, but, of course, with a predominance of one of them. It should be said that choosing the optimal style in the range of “authoritarianism - democracy” is not an easy task. In each specific case, a good leader will be the one who can take advantage of the situation that has arisen. To do this, you need to know the abilities of subordinates, the ability to perform the task at hand, your abilities and powers. In the process of completing a task, the situation may change, which will require a different way of influencing subordinates, i.e. changes in leadership style.

    A manager must be a leader. Leadership is the ability to activate people in an organization, the ability to set an example to follow and influence people to achieve the organization's goals. Thus, leadership is an art. An effective leader is one who is able to adjust his leadership style when necessary, i.e. focus on real production conditions and environment. A leader inspires people and instills enthusiasm in them, conveying their vision of the future and helping them adapt to the new and go through a difficult stage of change in the organization. Leaders are able to achieve more in an organization by selecting a team of people who understand and share their views, possess and know how to use their emotions and intuition.

    A leader can be anyone in an organization, not just those who manage it. Leadership can also be demonstrated at the lowest levels of the hierarchy; leaders can be a foreman, a foreman, or a worker, who, with their attitude to work and to people, serve as a role model.

    Organizational culture can be formed, and there are methods to maintain and strengthen it. In essence, we should talk about what the philosophy and practice of management should be and what management should pay attention to in order to maintain the desired organizational culture, that is, an organizational culture that will support the developed development strategy of the company. A number of methods can be distinguished here.

    Leader behavior . Of course, a leader should start with himself. It has long been proven that people best learn new behavior patterns through imitation. A leader must set an example role model, showing an example of such an attitude to business, such behavior, which is expected to be consolidated and developed in subordinates.

    Statements, appeals, declarations of leadership. We must not forget that in order to consolidate desirable work values ​​and patterns of behavior, it is of great importance to appeal not only to reason, but also to emotions, to best feelings employees: “We must be the first!”, “The highest quality is the key to our victory over competitors”, “Our organization employs the best specialists!”, “This year will be a turning point for our company.”

    Management's response to employee behavior in critical situations. The attitude towards people and their mistakes cultivated in the organization is especially pronounced in critical situations. This is well illustrated by the example of an employee whose mistake cost the company millions of dollars. Having been invited to management, he wrote a letter of resignation in advance. Imagine his amazement when he was offered a new responsible direction of work. “Your training cost us too much for us to waste such employees,” he heard from the company president.

    Training. Training and advanced training of personnel is intended not only to impart the necessary knowledge to employees and develop their professional skills. Training is the most important tool for promoting and consolidating the desired attitude towards the business, towards the organization and explaining what behavior the organization expects from its employees, what behavior will be encouraged, reinforced, welcomed.

    Incentive system. The principles of constructing an incentive system and its main focus should support exactly that behavior, exactly that attitude to business, those norms of behavior and work results in which the content and main focus of the organizational culture cultivated and supported by management finds the most complete expression. Inconsistency and discrepancies between words and deeds are unacceptable here, since even a single violation of the established principles of incentives will immediately cause a sharp drop in confidence in the policies pursued by management.

    Selection criteria for the organization. What kind of employees do we want to see in the organization: professionals who have the necessary knowledge and experience, or is it of no less importance to us that the new employee’s ability to accept the values ​​and norms of behavior that have already developed in the organization and form the core of its organizational culture?

    Maintaining organizational culture in the process of implementing basic management functions. Organizational culture is significantly influenced by what personnel behavior is supported and what is suppressed by current management practices. How much management welcomes manifestations of independence and initiative on the part of subordinates.

    Organizational traditions and practices. It is known that organizational culture is consolidated and transmitted in the traditions and orders operating in the organization. At the same time, even one-time deviations from the established (or declared) order can affect the organizational culture. For example, if suddenly, for some reason, management once or twice failed to conduct a monthly summing up of work with congratulations and rewarding the best employees, then this not only violates established rules, but also shows the unwillingness of management to share the declared values, which naturally reduces the enthusiasm and desire of the staff to “give all their best” at work.

    Widespread introduction of corporate symbols. The experience of the best organizations shows that the widespread introduction of corporate symbols (in the packaging of finished products, in advertising materials, in the design of the enterprise, vehicles, work clothes, souvenirs) has a positive effect on the attitude of staff towards the company, increases the commitment of employees to their organization and the sense of pride in your organization.

    2 Formation of the organizational culture of the cafe-club “Joni”

    Management concepts are forced to abandon the “homo economicus” model and take into account the personality of employees in all its diversity. A person’s search for the subjective meaning of activity is the most important here - personal comprehension possible options behavior. The first steps in forming the “organizational culture” of a company should be associated with clarifying and consolidating the highest values.

    To diagnose and study the organizational culture of this department, a technique based on the typology of Kim Cameron and Robert Quinn was used as the main methodology. These authors identify two main parameters: flexibility - stability, internal focus - external focus, which form four quadrants, each of which corresponds to its own ideas about effectiveness, values, leadership styles and forms its own culture.

    Thus, four cultures are distinguished: hierarchical, market, clan and adhocratic. The questionnaire for assessing organizational culture presented four parameters, among which it was necessary to distribute 100% depending on the degree of manifestation of a particular characteristic. Based on the data obtained, organizational culture profiles were drawn for managers and their subordinates.


    1) Market 21%;

    Hierarchical 22%;

    Adhocracy 31%;

    Clan 26%.

    According to the parameter of employees' perceptions of organizational culture "preferably":

    Market 29%;

    Clan 27%;

    Hierarchical 21%;

    Adhocracy 23%.

    A graph of these relationships according to employees’ ideas about types of cultures is presented in Graph 1.

    We see that in terms of the “now” parameter the adhocratic type of culture predominates. They prefer the adhocracy to a greater extent and the clan type to a lesser extent.

    Now let's turn to the results of the survey of bosses.

    Now option

    Market 43%;

    Adhocracy 23%;

    Clan 19%;

    Hierarchical 16%.

    Preferred option

    Market 40%;

    Clan 23%;

    Hierarchical 20%;

    Adhocracy 17%.

    A graph of these relationships according to the manager’s understanding of the types of cultures is presented in Graph 2.

    Now let's turn to the results of the survey of bosses and employees.

    Now option

    Market 32%;

    Adhocracy 23%;

    Clan 25%;

    Hierarchical 21%.

    Preferred option

    Market 34%;

    Clan 25%;

    Hierarchical 21%;

    Adhocracy 20%.

    A graph of these relationships according to the manager’s understanding of the types of cultures is presented in Graph 3.

    Managers are not satisfied with the current state of affairs, and they would like to radically change them. As you can see in the graph, market culture is dominant, but in the future, they would like to change it to adhocracy.

    In terms of the “now” parameter, the opinions of employees and managers regarding the leading type of organizational culture differ quite clearly. And employees defined it as adhocracy 31%, and managers as market 43%. Clear differences appear when comparing the remaining two types of organizational culture, because employees have equal positions in importance - hierarchical (22%) and market (21%), and managers - market (43%), at a time when hierarchical 16%. There are differences in determining the place of other types of organizational culture.

    Regarding the “preferred” parameter, the opinions of employees and managers also differ greatly. Managers want the organization to have a clan type of organizational culture. I think that managers lack warm, friendly relationships in the team. Employees have different preferences in this regard. They want their market and clan types to be expressed approximately equally, but still with a predominance of the market type. Employees want the team to be united and goal-oriented, while maintaining a friendly atmosphere.

    We will assess the psychological atmosphere in the team using the method of A.F. Fiedler.

    The table shows the calculation of the average scores for the study, including all employees.

    Table 1 – Results of calculation of average values

    Vice president
    Average value











    We will introduce rounding of points upward. On the “friendliness-hostility” scale, the work atmosphere in the team should be characterized as friendly, there is harmony in the team, the employee is not fully productive, there is some coldness, there is some inconsistency, although there is mutual support, there are elements of hostility. It is very bad that the team is characterized by indifference, boredom and failure.

    Now let’s analyze the research questionnaires using Fiedler’s method for managers.

    Table 2 – Results of calculating average values ​​(managers)


    Vice president


    Average value

    Table 3 – Results of calculation of average values

    Average value

    As we see, managers and employees assess differently psychological team In the organisation. Thus, managers consider the team to be more friendly; in terms of “agreement,” the opinions of managers and employees almost coincided and differed greatly in terms of satisfaction. Employees perceive the team as more unsatisfactory. Managers consider the psychological team to be colder. At the same time, if managers do not find the presence of indifference, boredom, and futility in the team, but employees, on the contrary, believe that there is indifference, boredom, and futility in their work team.

    Let's analyze the questionnaires using Solomanidina's method (Appendix 1).

    For employees, maximum points for

    – hierarchical culture 2,8,9,11,19,34,36,42(8)

    – by clan culture 5,12, 15,20,25,26,27,31,32,35,40,43,44,45 (13)

    – market culture 4, 7,13,16,18,21,28,30,34,41 (10)

    – adhocratic culture 3,10,16,17,22,24,30,37,38,41,43(12)

    For managers, maximum points for

    – hierarchical culture 1,2,8,9,11,19,23,29,34,36,33,42(12)

    – by clan culture 5,12,14,15,20,25,26,27,31,32,35,40,43,44,45(15)

    – market culture 4,6,7,13,16,18,21,28,30,34,41 (11)

    – adhocratic culture 3,10,16,17,22,24,30,37,38,41,43(11)

    For the entire team, maximum points for

    – hierarchical culture 2.8, 9,19,34,42 (6)

    – by clan culture 5,12,25,26,31,32,35,1,43,45(10)

    – market culture 4,7,13,16,18,21,1,30,34,41(10)

    – adhocratic culture 10,16,17,22,24,30,37,38,41,43(10)

    As we see, the collective as a whole gravitates towards clan, market and adhocratic culture, and avoids hierarchical culture. The work team as a whole gravitates towards clan and adhocratic cultures, while managers gravitate towards clan culture.

    3. Improving the organizational culture of the enterprise

  1. The manager needs to analyze the core values
    department, emphasize adhocratic values.

    Provide an opportunity to realize creative potential,
    for example, involve in the development of slogans and mottos.

    3. Develop systems of incentives and rewards for innovation
    attitude to business at all levels organizational structure.

    4. Improve the planning system, deal with how
    short-term and long-term planning.

    5. The system must be maintained and monitored by management
    communications in the organization.

    6. Must be monitored and, if necessary, promptly
    resolve conflicts, including horizontal conflicts between specialists.

    In conclusion, it should be noted that only 23% of Russian companies have special departments involved in the formation and implementation of intra-organizational values. A wide field of improvement opens up for other companies. They have yet to realize the importance of corporate culture, which is increasingly called the intangible basis for the development and success of any organization. The modern definition of corporate culture implies a system of organizational values ​​embodied in different sides its activities (microclimate, atmosphere, leadership and business style, norms and regulations, production traditions, etc.). Regardless of the presence of special departments, corporate culture in one form or another exists in almost any company from the moment of its formation.

    Creating a strong organization with a strong personality and shared values ​​is possible only as a result of the consistent formation and implementation of a coherent system of views. And you need to start with the personal internal culture of the staff.

    The main stage of developing a corporate culture is the most difficult, primarily because the culture will go beyond the boundaries of the organization. It will be felt and appreciated by clients, business partners, and investors. In this case, incivility can be very costly for the company. At this stage, culture comes from above. To form it, top management has the right to create a special working group, which should include the director, HR manager, department heads, and possibly ordinary employees. Together they describe and implement the company’s value system, the principles of its work, analyze the current environment in the company, and develop standards of behavior. Let us emphasize that in practice main role The HR manager is almost always responsible for shaping corporate culture. Often it is he who is the leader of the entire process - from developing ideas to obtaining feedback with ordinary personnel.

    Among the most important elements of organizational culture are: approval or adjustment of a certain management style;

    developing staff responsibility for their work with clients;

    development and implementation of regulations, norms, procedures (internal regulations, standards for quality customer service, information materials for onboarding new employees), solving other technical issues.

    But it is not enough to form a corporate culture and leave it to its own devices, hoping for the autonomous existence of this system. Pace modern business can quickly dispel such illusions. Main characteristics corporate culture—its variability. As practice shows, the need to reform corporate culture arises when there is a quantitative change in personnel, in any direction. The processes of mergers and acquisitions of companies, the consolidation of assets within a single holding, and staff reductions are constantly taking place in the modern economy. Each of them involves dramatic changes in organizational culture. The appearance of new people in a company who carry a different corporate culture leads to a clash of civilizations and, as a consequence, to serious complications. A new model of corporate culture, adapted to possible changes, can solve the problem. Unfortunately, often the main method of a new cultural policy is the dismissal of personnel at various levels. Changing an organization and its culture is achievable through replacing people - this is one of the technologies of a market economy. However, there are also less radical ways associated with selective changes in business strategy and methods, improvement of technology, or retraining of old employees.

    In conclusion, let us recall that organizational culture as a whole is built from the potential of each employee. Companies that give it due importance use it much more effectively. human resources. The person is the main reference point and the basic unit of effectiveness of a properly formed culture. Its capabilities and business qualities rise to the top thanks to corporate culture. This is its main purpose and guarantee of overall success.

    List of used literature

  1. Ansoff I. Strategic management. – M.:Delo, 2008.- 250 p.

    Blake R., Mouton D. Scientific methods of management. – Kyiv: Potential, 2000. – 240 p.

  2. Valuev S.A. Ignatiev A.V. Organizational management. – M.: Delo, 2007. – 540 p.
    Classification of organizations by industry, by the type of tasks they solve, features of organizations in market conditions in Russia Ways to improve the culture of production management


A characteristic model of behavior and its own system of values, relationships and interactions at a particular enterprise is an organizational culture, which is determined by beliefs and cultural norms shared by almost all employees, and the basis of its structure is levels. It invariably helps to work efficiently and harmoniously, to complete the most complex production tasks, and promotes team cohesion and unification into a team. Levels of organizational culture are formed already during the formation of an enterprise. In the first years of an organization’s existence, certain rules are created, not always written down somewhere in orders, and a set of values ​​appears that fully corresponds to the ideas of the founders of the enterprise. Organizational culture never stagnates; it develops, changes and gains depth of meaning.


The following levels of organizational culture are distinguished: deep, subsurface and superficial. If we see logos and slogans relating to a given enterprise, and any other paraphernalia, which is only an external way of interaction with the superficial level observed by everyone at the first contact with this institution. It should be noted that all levels of the organizational structure have their own artifacts. The superficial easily detects all the phenomena inherent in him, but few people interpret them correctly. The artifacts here are those events where the degree of emotionality and involvement of all workers is highest. And of course, the rules are quite strictly defined for them. All levels of an organization's organizational culture can be characterized as behaviorally normative, the difference being in the direction and degree of awareness.

The second, subsurface level always reflects the values, norms, beliefs, and ideas of a given organization shared by all employees. It is here that the desire to choose a goal and mission and determine the means to achieve them is revealed. From the outside it is quite difficult to recognize this level; close contact with this organization is needed. It is the prevailing ideas and values, recognized by the team, that regulate their behavior. And finally, the levels of organizational culture of an organization represent its deepest level, reflecting in its entirety and accuracy every element of the collective organism. This is the way of leadership, the behavior of colleagues, and the methods that are used as encouragement and punishment. Basic settings here are used on an unconscious level, but they clearly guide the behavior of all employees and determine the attitude of the team towards the enterprise. The deep level is hidden from an external observer; it reflects the general psychology of the company’s employees. It should be noted that national culture most strongly influences basic ideas.

Edgar Shane

American psychologist Edgar Schein most clearly explained the levels and structure of organizational culture. Moreover, he was the founder of a new scientific direction organizational psychology. Being a theorist and practitioner of modern management, he created a model that explains exactly this structure of organizational culture. It is sometimes called the iceberg model, since a truly outsider will see only the most a small part what the levels and structure of organizational culture are.

The model is three-stage: the first contains artifacts, the second contains proclaimed values, and the third contains basic assumptions. And this is how Shane described the levels of organizational culture. The superficial will show the observer only visible facts. These are the architecture, the technologies that are used, the form of the structure, the visible behavior, the ceremonies, the language, the rituals, the myths, the manner of communication and the like.

Surface level

All phenomena and things at this level are easily detected. However, they also need to be deciphered and interpreted using the terms of this particular organizational culture. The history established in the collective and the values ​​of this organization formed on its basis will require extensive explanations, partly turned into myths, creating unique customs and rituals, again characteristic only of this collective.

All this is characterized by a huge degree of involvement, emotionality, which colors all events and all joint actions that take place according to the initially established rules. This promotes team cohesion, which through joint efforts ensures stability and preservation of common values. Rituals can be very different: communication (rules of communication - formal and informal), work (routine, everyday life), management (meetings, voting procedures, decision-making), official (rewarding the best, supporting basic values).

Second level according to E. Shein

Levels of organizational culture are not the only distinct segments in the structure. There are an indefinite number of subcultures and countercultures invisible to the prying eye among the monolith of the main organizational culture, which either weaken or strengthen the cohesion of the team. What level of organizational culture is represented by the values, perceptions and beliefs that are shared by the entire diverse team? Subsurface, of course. People's behavior is regulated by these values ​​and ideas. Here is an example: there is a decline in production, management decides not to fire anyone, but to lay off everyone working week(as happened at one of the divisions of the Russian furniture giant). If this step leads to good results and the enterprise will “straighten out”, the attitude towards the company’s management should be consolidated as a common, even universal idea of ​​corporate values.

However, unfortunately, this is not always the case, and the behavior of the team most often does not correspond to the proclaimed values. The latter are rarely clearly articulated, and therefore diagnostics may not provide an answer to how high the level of organizational culture is in a given enterprise. When studying the values ​​of a team, it is necessary to pay attention to such aspects of collective life as the “face” of the organization, its purpose (what is more important - quality or innovation, for example); how power is distributed (is everyone happy with the existing degree of inequality); how employees are treated (do they care and respect each other, do management have favorites, are the rewards fair); how the work is organized (is discipline strict enough, how often is employee rotation used); what is the management style (democratic or authoritarian); how decisions are made (individually or as a team) and so on.

Deep level

Even more secret is the last, deep level. This includes basic assumptions that even members of the organization may not realize unless they specifically focus on the issue. However, although these are just taken for granted, they are such strong assumptions that they are basically what guide people’s behavior, as Edgar Schein wrote about in his works. The levels of organizational structure are a set of basic ideas that give meaning to objects and phenomena that guide actions in certain situations. Shane calls this integrated system a "map of the world." This is probably a contour map, without precise definitions of the location of objects, because people experience comfort only when they are in the atmosphere of their own ideas; in another system they inevitably feel discomfort because they are unable to understand what is happening, most often distortedly perceiving another reality and giving it a false interpretation. All three levels of organizational culture are encrypted for outsiders, but the third - deep - especially.

Basic assumptions include such inexplicable concepts as the nature of time, the nature of space, the nature of reality, the nature of man. Naturally, the most encrypted are human activities and human relations. The levels of organizational culture include numerous layers of attitudes and relationships, including religious factors, which also have a strong influence on organizational relationships, especially in some regions. This also includes ethical attitudes - gender relationships, adherence to work schedules, the appearance of employees and the like - seemingly trifles, but the world is made up of them. Such artifacts are quite easy to observe, but difficult to interpret. To understand organizational culture separate group people need to be reached at their conceptual level to take a close look at their values ​​and artifacts. And it is necessary to take into account that it is at a deep level that national culture has the greatest influence.


Edgar Schein thoroughly worked out the concept, and the levels of organizational culture obediently divided the monolith of human relationships in the team. The study must begin from the very first, superficial level of artifacts. It probably cannot happen otherwise. After all, a new employee, for example, begins to get acquainted with the team and the company with the most visible signs of him.

In the process of immersing himself in the level of values, he tries to dive, to penetrate from subsurface ideas to the deep ones. But the formation of levels of the organizational structure proceeds in the opposite direction. First, the deep level develops; without this, creation and creativity itself are impossible. Then, gradually, valuables and, finally, artifacts appear.

Relationships and rejection

As has already been said, organizational culture is not a monolith. It consists of (predominantly), many groups of subcultures and countercultures that either strengthen or weaken the overall culture of the organization. The basic principles of a subculture are usually not too contradictory; they most often accept almost all the values ​​of the dominant culture, but from them the organization receives some specificity, difference from the rest. These are both gender and territorial or functional subcultures. There are a great many of them. But counterculture may well act as direct opposition to the dominant culture and its values, including patterns of corporate behavior.

The counterculture denies all the declared basic goals of this organization, and in this case a deep level of development of organizational culture is often reached, that is, counteraction is carried out almost reflexively. In real life, these could be shareholders who have formed a group to remove management or change the company's strategy, as well as managers who lack power, or unions fighting for justice. If an organization is undergoing some kind of transformation, the role of countercultures can increase significantly, and the dominant organizational culture will have to fight for its territories, where its priorities are shared.


Organizational culture can and should be managed. This process, of course, is very complex, relationships occur among a large number of people who constantly replace each other, and even permanent members of the team necessarily change their internal ideas under the influence of certain circumstances that cannot be predicted or prevented. Phenomenologists completely deny influence on organizational culture. However, supporters of the rational pragmatic approach are sure of something else. They insist that there can be a purposeful influence on people's ideas, and through this their behavior will change. Leaders influence fundamental collective values ​​the most and inspire employees and their dreams and aspirations.

Provided, of course, that leaders have a clear and sincere commitment to universal values, which they must certainly share. Great attention on their part to what is happening in the organization, to all the details, even minor ones, guarantee the success of influencing the organizational culture. Smart leaders skillfully manipulate things and symbols and create new patterns of behavior by personal example. Even surface-level attributes with such manipulation begin to work more and more effectively over time, thus influencing the subsurface level of the organization’s culture. In this way, even the basic assumptions of the team can be changed. However, it is almost impossible to predict the results here, since the process is long and difficult, and by influencing one variable, you can achieve irreversible changes in another. Usually only the initiator believes in good changes.

Influencing factors

Organizational culture is the basis of the potential of every enterprise; it is what determines its success in the long term. This is exactly what distinguishes one organization from another, this is the soul of each team. The formation of organizational culture is influenced by many internal and external factors. Internal ones include the goals and mission of the enterprise, its strategy, as well as the nature of the work and content. An important role is played by the education and qualifications of workers, their level of general development. And, as was said, the personality of the leader is of particular importance. TO external factors influencing organizational culture include the economic conditions of a given time and given circumstances, national characteristics, as well as features of the business environment in the organization and the entire industry.

If we move away from Schein’s research, we can find another division into levels of organizational culture - objective and subjective. This version itself is much simpler and has much less to do with management. At the objective level there are visual things: from the design of premises, furniture and equipment to the organization of catering and the appearance of employees. It can be said to refer to the purely physical environment of the organization. The subjective level is a little more complicated: this is the language of communication and the communication system, the relationship between employees. These are norms and values, rituals and traditions. This attitude to time, motivation and the basis for the formation of levels of organizational culture is precisely its subjective component. This depends almost entirely on the management culture, leadership style and problem solving skills of the leaders, which certainly helps to maintain the organizational culture in the team.


Methods that managers use to maintain organizational culture include the following:

  • Attention to objects and subjects, to assessments, to monitoring the activities of employees.
  • Quick response to crises and critical situations.
  • Properly developed criteria for statuses and rewards, hiring, dismissal and, conversely, promotion.
  • Initiative in the formation of traditions and symbols of the organization.

Organizational culture cannot exist on its own; it is always in the context of the culture of a geographic region and the entire society, and it is also influenced by national culture. But without organizational culture, not a single corporate enterprise can exist, since with its help the culture of individual divisions, teams, groups - both workers and management - is formed.

Organizational culture is understood as a system of collectively shared values, symbols, beliefs, and behavioral patterns of members of an organization that have stood the test of time.

Culture imparts uniformity to the joint actions of people and forms a common psychology for all.

The concept of firm culture was developed in the early 1980s.

In the USA, under the influence of research in the field strategic management, theories of organization, individual behavior.

There are several main characteristics of organizational cultures that differentiate them from each other. A special combination of such characteristics gives each culture its individuality and allows it to be identified in one way or another.

The main features of organizational culture include:

1) reflection in the mission of the organization of its main goals;

2) focus on solving instrumental (i.e., production in the broad sense) tasks of the organization or personal problems of its participants;

3) degree of risk acceptance;

4) a measure of the relationship between conformism and individualism;

5) preference for group or individual forms of decision-making;

6) the degree of subordination to plans and regulations;

7) the predominance of cooperation or competition among participants;

8) devotion or indifference of people towards the organization;

9) orientation towards autonomy, independence or subordination;

10) the nature of management’s attitude towards staff;

11) focus on group or individual organization of work and incentives;

12) orientation towards stability or change;

13) source and role of power;

14) integration tools;

15) management styles, relationships between employees and the organization, methods of evaluating employees.

Culture is usually developed and changed in the process of human activity. People, interacting with each other, over time form and develop norms and mutual expectations that have strong influence on their future behavior.

These processes can also be caused by external influence, including purposeful influence. From the outside, organizational culture is influenced by the social and business environment, national, state and ethnic factors.

The culture of an organization contains both subjective and objective elements. The former include beliefs, values, rituals, taboos, images and myths associated with the history of the organization and the life of its founders, and accepted norms of communication. Objective elements reflect the material side of the life of the organization. These are, for example, symbols, colors, comfort and interior design, appearance of buildings, equipment, furniture, etc.

Let us consider in more detail some of the subjective elements of culture.

Thus, values ​​are understood as the properties of certain objects, processes and phenomena that have emotional appeal for the majority of members of the organization. This allows them to serve as models, guidelines, and a measure of behavior.

Values ​​include, first of all, goals, the nature of internal relationships, orientation of people's behavior, diligence, innovation, initiative, work and professional ethics, etc. According to research conducted in Western companies, today values ​​such as discipline, obedience, power play an increasingly lesser role , and increasingly - collectivism, consumer orientation, creativity, the ability to make compromises, and serve society.

It is believed that today it is necessary not only to rely on existing values, but also to actively form new ones. Therefore, it is important to carefully monitor everything new and useful that others have in this area, and evaluate it fairly and impartially. At the same time, old values ​​cannot be completely destroyed or suppressed, especially if people have become attached to them (despite the fact that the values ​​are illogical and irrational). On the contrary, they need to be treated with care, used as a basis for the formation of new values, including appropriate mechanisms, including joint creativity.

Core values, when combined into a system, form the philosophy of the organization.

She answers the question of what is most important to her. Philosophy reflects the organization’s perception of itself and its purpose, the main directions of activity, creates the basis for developing approaches to management (style, motivational principles, information guidelines, procedures for resolving conflicts), organizes the activities of personnel on the basis of general principles, facilitates the development of administration requirements, and forms general universal rules behavior.

A ritual is a standard, recurring event held at a specific time and on a special occasion. The most widespread rituals are honoring veterans, seeing off people for retirement, and initiating young workers.

A ritual is a set of special events (rites) that have a psychological impact on members of an organization in order to strengthen loyalty to it, obscure the true meaning of certain aspects of its activities, teach organizational values ​​and form the necessary institutions. Employees of many Japanese companies, for example, begin their work day by singing hymns.

Legends and myths reflect in the right light and in a coded form the history of the organization, inherited values, embellished portraits of its famous figures. They inform (what the main boss is like, how he reacts to mistakes; can an ordinary employee become a leader, etc.), reduce uncertainty, advise, teach, direct staff behavior in the right direction, and create role models. In many Western companies, there are legends about the thrift and diligence of their founders, who managed to get rich thanks to these qualities, and their caring, fatherly attitude towards their subordinates.

Custom is a form of social regulation of people’s activities and their relationships, adopted from the past without any changes.

The norms and behavior style of its members adopted in an organization - their attitude towards each other, external contractors, the implementation of management actions, and problem solving - can also be considered as an element of culture.

Finally, an element of organizational culture are slogans, i.e. calls that briefly reflect its guiding tasks and ideas. Today, the mission of an organization is often formulated in the form of a slogan.

Values, customs, rites, rituals, norms of behavior of members of the organization, brought from the past to the present, are called traditions. The latter can be both positive and negative. For example, a friendly attitude towards all new employees coming to the organization can be considered as a positive tradition, and the notorious hazing can be considered as a negative tradition.

The way of thinking of members of an organization, determined by traditions, values, level of culture, and consciousness of members of the organization, is called mentality. It has a huge impact on their daily behavior and attitude towards their work or official responsibilities.

Experts identify two important features of culture:

1) multi-level. The surface level consists of people's behavior patterns, rituals, emblems, designs, uniforms, language, slogans, etc. The intermediate level consists of ingrained values ​​and beliefs. The deep level is represented by the philosophy of the company;

2) versatility, multi-aspect. The culture of an organization, firstly, consists of subcultures of individual units or social groups that exist under the “roof” of a general culture (they can specify and develop the latter, they can exist peacefully alongside it, or they can contradict it). Secondly, organizational culture includes subcultures of certain areas and aspects of activity - entrepreneurship, management, business conversation, internal relationships.

The concept of culture has a long and complicated history. Non-professionals use this word to denote a certain sophistication (“a cultured person”). Anthropologists define culture as “a complex whole including knowledge, beliefs, art, law, morals, customs and any abilities and habits acquired by a person as a member of society” (). In the last ten years, this concept has also begun to be used by some organizational researchers and managers to designate the overall climate of the organization and the characteristic methods of working with people, as well as the values ​​and creeds proclaimed by it.

At all culture- this is a system of relationships and actions that stands the test of time and forms in the members of a given cultural community a rather unique common psychology for them. It is the unique general psychology that is especially important here. It is she who gives meaning to various relationships and actions. By unique psychology we recognize people belonging to the same culture. We are talking about the deep power of thinking and feeling, perception and evaluation.

Culture acts as “a specific way of organizing and developing human life, presented in the products of material and spiritual labor, in the system of social norms and institutions, spiritual values, in the totality of people’s relationships to nature, among themselves and to themselves” ().

The subject of our consideration is a kind of “middle link” of culture - its cross-section at the level of an individual organization - organizational culture(it is often called corporate culture or the socioculture of an organization).

What is organizational culture and how is it determined? First of all, the business culture of the country, which in turn is determined by the general culture of the people.

In the general culture of the country, everyday, artistic, scientific, business and other types are distinguished. Business culture exists at the level of the country, the people. It determines people’s behavior in work, in partnership, in negotiations, etc. Values ​​such as quality, time, commitment, etc., manifest themselves differently among peoples.

Of course, within the same country there is the so-called. subcultures that distinguish different ethnic, friendly, amateur, age, gender, professional groups, families. Such subcultures are also formed in organizations.

There is also a personal, individual culture. Leaders and other employees of business organizations create a unique combination of their personalities each time.

Finally, there are cultures in every social organization - organizational cultures.

In other words, organizational culture is a product of the interaction of the business culture of the macroenvironment (continent, country, region, type of business, industry, profession) and the uniqueness of the individual cultures of the organization’s participants ().

Organizational culture cannot but exist. It spontaneously develops in any organization some time after its inception, since people inevitably bring into it their individual experience gained in other subcultures; the result is a complex coalition of individual cultures that forms, so to speak, the personality of the organization, its uniqueness.

Why is this important in a managerial sense? Because culture, as G. Hofstede noted, is “ collective programming of human behavior her”, the features of their activities in the organization. So management has long been learning to influence this programming mechanism towards greater integration of workers around organizational goals.

In other words, naturally, an organizational culture that is not the most favorable for business may spontaneously form, where, for example, it is customary to work coolly and somehow, there is a high level of conflict, disrespect for technology, for the client, etc. But through the skillful definition of functions, motivation, development of relationships between employees, coordination of interests, involvement of employees in the development of common goals, etc., i.e. through special methods, develop organizational culture to the level of corporate culture, when the interests and actions of employees are maximally focused on the goals of the organization as a whole.

It turns out that corporate culture is a natural-artificial formation that characterizes the most developed personality of the organization. But the most highest level its development - the development of a company ideology that gives it spiritual and emotional uplift, high identification of personnel with the organization and corresponding labor productivity.

Thus, the development of organizational culture becomes an important (and sometimes the most important) management resource. More and more managers are discovering the possibilities of improving the manageability of their enterprises and institutions on the way to forming a corporate culture in them.

Scientists led by E. Mayo. Today there are a large number of approaches to defining organizational culture.

“The culture of a group can be defined as a pattern of collective basic ideas acquired by a group when solving problems of adaptation to changes in the external environment and internal integration, the effectiveness of which is sufficient to consider it valuable and transfer it to new members of the group as the correct system of perception and consideration of these problems" ( E. Shine) ().

French researcher of organizational culture N. Demeter emphasizes that “the culture of an enterprise is a system of ideas, symbols, values, and patterns of behavior shared by all its members.” The main function of organizational culture, in his opinion, is to create a sense of identity for all members of the organization, an image of a collective “we”.

Dutch scientists Andrel Kammel and Jochim Henthue Culture refers to the “collective programming” that distinguishes one group from another. The program mastered and accepted by the team is a kind of “ software» management of the individual’s behavior and goals. The values ​​contained in it are abstract; they form a time-stable structure of values ​​that are realized consciously or unconsciously throughout life. An individual’s daily behavior is formed on the basis of mental orientation.

Vikhansky and Naumov: “Organizational culture is a set of the most important assumptions accepted by members of an organization and expressed in the organization’s stated values ​​that give people guidelines for their behavior and actions” ().

The fundamental elements of organizational culture, in their opinion, are:

  • Assumptions that organizational members hold in their behavior and actions. They are often associated with a vision of the environment and the variables that regulate it.
  • Values ​​show a person what behavior should be considered acceptable and what should not.
  • Symbolism through which value orientations are conveyed to members of an organization.

Thus, when applied to organizations, the term “ organizational culture“covers most of the phenomena of the spiritual and material part of the team, namely: the moral norms and values ​​that dominate it, the accepted code of conduct and ingrained rituals, established standards for the quality of products, even the manner of dressing, etc.

Employees and managers constantly encounter manifestations of organizational culture, in particular when implementing a specific organizational strategy, in the forms of adaptation of young workers, and in the behavior of veterans.

There is also a slightly different approach to identifying the elements of organizational culture (practical).

Studying the experience of Japanese and American organizations allows us to identify the following main features of a developed organizational culture that form their “business credo”, i.e. a certain set of main goals facing them:

  • mission of the organization (general philosophy and policy),
  • basic goals of the organization;
  • Code of Conduct.

These three essential elements of organizational culture may be presented differently in different organizations ().

Organizational culture- This is the basis of the vital potential of the organization. This is what people become members of an organization for: how relationships are built between them; what stable principles and norms of life and activity they share; what they think is good and what is bad.

All this not only distinguishes one organization from another, but also determines the success of its functioning and survival. Organizational culture does not appear on the surface; it is difficult to “touch”. This is a kind of “soul” of the organization.

Highlight subjective organizational culture, which comes from shared patterns of assumptions, beliefs and expectations among employees, as well as from group perceptions of the organizational environment with its values, norms and roles that exist outside of the individual. This includes a number of elements of “symbolism,” especially its “spiritual part”: the heroes of the organization, myths from the history of the organization and its leaders, organizational taboos, rites and rituals, the perception of languages ​​of appeal and slogans.

There is also objective organizational culture. It is usually associated with the physical environment created in the organization: the building itself and its design, location, equipment and furniture, colors and volume of space, amenities, reception rooms, parking areas and the cars themselves. All this, to one degree or another, reflects the values ​​that this organization adheres to.

Although both aspects are very important, the subjective aspect creates more opportunities to find both commonalities and differences between people and organizations.

What is it like content of organizational culture?

  • Thus, F. Harris and R. Moran propose to consider a specific organizational culture based on ten characteristics:
  • awareness of one’s place in the organization;
  • communication system and language of communication;
  • appearance, clothing and self-presentation at work;
  • what and how people eat, habits and traditions in this area;
  • awareness of time, attitude towards it and its use;
  • relationships between people;
  • values ​​and norms;
  • belief in something and attitude and disposition towards something;
  • employee development and learning process;
  • work ethic and motivation.

The above characteristics of an organization's culture, taken together, reflect and give meaning to the concept of organizational culture.

There is no need to talk about organizational culture as a monolithic phenomenon. This is only one culture per organization. However, it is necessary to understand that there can be many “local” cultures in one organization. This refers to one culture that prevails throughout the entire organization and the culture of its parts (levels, divisions; professional, regional, national, age, gender and other groups). These different subcultures can coexist under the roof of one common culture.

In addition, the concept “ organizational counterculture"and its following types can be distinguished: direct opposition to the values ​​of the dominant org. culture; opposition to the power structure within the dominant culture of the organization; opposition to the patterns of relationships and interactions maintained by the dominant culture. Countercultures in organizations usually appear when individuals or groups find themselves in conditions that they feel cannot provide them with the satisfaction they are accustomed to or want.

The importance of culture in organizations is growing every year. If in the recent past all innovations began primarily with technical and organizational changes, now the number of priority problems includes issues of restructuring socio-culture. This is due to the fact that culture, being the “soul” of the organization, has a significant impact on the latter through its influence on employee behavior. Therefore, it is now the subject of close attention of management and the scientific community.

The main goal of organizational culture- ensuring external adaptation and internal integration of the organization by improving personnel management. Therefore, modern leaders and managers view socioculture as a powerful strategic tool that allows them to orient all departments and individuals towards common goals, mobilize the initiative of employees and facilitate productive communication between them.

Organizational culture enhances organizational cohesion and creates consistency in employee behavior. And in terms of the power of influence on people’s behavior, organizational culture, as a very powerful management tool, today becomes on par with such traditionally considered global management factors as organizational structure and motivation. Leaders can change the culture of their teams to increase employee productivity by replacing outdated norms, practices, and procedures with more relevant standards, practices, and technologies.

Organizational culture, however, can not only help the organization by creating an environment conducive to increased productivity and innovation, but also work against the organization, creating barriers that prevent the development and implementation of corporate strategy. These barriers include resistance to new things and ineffective communications. Therefore, with all the positive things that corporate culture brings, one cannot underestimate its possible negative manifestations, which will have a significant impact on achieving goals.

In general, when assessing the degree of influence of socioculture on the activities of an organization, experts take into account three factors: direction, breadth and strength. The first factor indicates how socioculture influences the achievement of the organization's goals - helps or hinders; the second factor indicates the widespread dissemination of the idea of ​​organizational culture among staff; the third factor characterizes the degree to which staff accept the ideas and values ​​of the socioculture. Therefore, only that socio-culture has a positive impact on the organization that supports its goals, has a wide reach of employees and finds a warm response in their hearts.

43 Gibson J.L., Ivantsevich D.M., Donnelly D.H. - Jr. Organizations: behavior, structure, processes: Trans. from English - 8th ed. - M.: INFRA-M. - XXVI. - P. 55.

44 Sociology: Dictionary-reference book. T. 1: Social structure and social processes. - M., 1990. - P. 48-49.

45 Prigozhin A.I. Methods of organization development. - M.: MCFR, 2003. - P. 693-698.

46 Shane E. H. Organizational culture and leaders / Transl. from English V. A. Spivaka. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2002 - pp. 31-32.

47 Galkina T.P. Sociology of management: from group to team: Proc. allowance. - M.: Finance and Statistics, 2001. - P. 69.

48 Udaltsova M.V. Sociology of management: Tutorial. - M.: INFRA-M, Novosibirsk: NGAEiU, 1998. P. 33-34.

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Objective and subjective elements of culture

Concept, types and functions of organizational culture

1. Concept, types and functions of organizational culture

Objective and subjective elements of culture, influencing others (clients, partners, members of the public), form in their minds image of the organization, i.e. her image. It is the result of people’s involuntary synthesis of individual manifestations of culture (as well as the achievements and failures of the company) into an elusive whole.

An important method of image formation is public relations - public relations work.

Management and organizational culture

Organizational culture is managed using the following measures:

Monitoring her condition from the outside managers ;

Promotion and training of personnel in the necessary skills;

Selection of personnel appropriate to the given culture and getting rid of those who do not fit into it;

Widespread use of symbols, ceremonies, and rituals.

Managers must take organizational culture into account in their daily work:

1) they can act strictly within its framework. If the culture is progressive, then the actions will be successful. But the backwardness of culture will lead to the fact that the effectiveness of the management process will be low.

2) managers can go ahead without paying attention to the existing culture. Even if these actions are carried out in in the right direction, they will cause resistance from people who have certain habits and traditions, and therefore are unlikely to be successful;

3) you can act within the framework of culture, but in necessary cases - contrary to it. Here you need to take into account the compatibility of changes and culture and, if possible, not “go too far”;

4) if the necessary management steps are completely incompatible with the culture, but are urgent, the question arises of transforming the existing culture. To do this, managers need a clear strategy and a good understanding of possible obstacles and difficulties along the way.

The culture of modern Western organizations places a certain social responsibility. Firm management is focused on benefiting society by using part of the profits and solving a wide range of social problems.

IN modern concept social responsibility include the organization’s orientation towards long-term social interests, reimbursement of society’s costs in the long term (for example, environmental) and optimization of future profits, preservation of the company’s capital as an element of social wealth.

The following types of social responsibility of managers are distinguished:

- economic, which consists in maximizing revenues (and, consequently, taxes going to the budget), providing society with goods and services and well-paid jobs at reasonable prices;

- legal liability, expressing the company’s obligations to comply with the law, which serves its long-term interests;

- ethical responsibility, manifested in decent behavior of the company’s management, compliance accepted standards, which may meet or exceed existing official legal standards.

Types of Organizational Cultures

Currently, there are many approaches to defining organizational culture. Let's look at the most famous ones.

I. Perhaps the most concise and accurate classification of organizational cultures was given by an American researcher William Ouchi .

He identified three main types:

1) market culture, which is characterized by the dominance of value relations and profit orientation. The source of power within such a culture is ownership of resources;

2) bureaucratic culture based on the dominance of regulations, rules and procedures. The source of power here is the position of the members of the organization;

3) clan culture, complementing the previous ones. It is based on the internal values ​​of the organization that guide its activities. The source of power here is tradition.

II. Based on such circumstances as the orientation of culture towards people or material conditions, on the one hand, openness and closedness, on the other, the following types are distinguished:

A) Bureaucratic culture— regulation of all aspects of the organization’s activities on the basis of documents, clear rules, procedures; personnel assessment according to formal principles and criteria. The source of power, concentrated in the hands of management, here is the position. Such a culture guarantees people stability, security, and eliminates conflicts.

B) Guardian culture is based on a favorable moral and psychological climate, cohesion of people, group norms and values, informal status of employees, their personal activity, mutual understanding, harmony of relationships. Culture guarantees staff stability, development, and participation in the affairs of the organization.

B) Praxeological(from Greek praktikos- active) culture is aimed at ensuring the highest operational efficiency. It rests on order, rationality, plans, careful monitoring of their implementation, and evaluation of employee performance based on results. The main figure is the leader, whose power is based on official authority and deep knowledge. It allows, within certain limits, the involvement of workers in management.

D) Entrepreneurial culture forward-looking, supports innovation and activity of the staff. The latter is assessed in accordance with the effort expended. The attractiveness of culture lies in the fact that it guarantees satisfaction of the needs of employees for development and improvement. Management in in this case is based on faith in the manager, in his knowledge and experience, and on attracting staff to creativity.

III. The most famous typology management cultures given S. Khondi.

He assigned each type the name of the corresponding Olympian god:

1. Culture of power, or Zeus. Its essential point is personal power, the source of which is the possession of resources.

2. Role culture, or the culture of Apollo. This is a bureaucratic culture based on a system of rules and regulations.

3. Task culture, or Athens. This culture is adapted to managing in extreme conditions and constantly changing situations, so the main focus here is on quickly solving problems.

4. Personal culture, or Dionysus. It is associated with the emotional principle and is based on creative values, uniting people not to solve official problems, but to achieve individual goals.

It is believed that at the stage of the emergence of an organization, the culture of power predominates in its management; the stage of growth is characterized by a role culture; the stage of stable development is characterized by a culture of task or culture of personality; in a crisis, a culture of power is preferable.