Fashionable surnames for VK for girls. The most beautiful surnames for girls, Russian and foreign variants of surnames

Do you think you are lucky with your last name?

If not, then you are one of the more than 70% of girls who think the same. Ivanovs, Petrovs, Pistrunkins - girls often think about changing their personal data due to the prevalence or dissonance of the surname. But how to choose a new one? Use our list!

Note! When selecting new data, it is important for you to be 100% confident in this step. A change means a new life, and you need to think carefully about whether this fact will affect your work in a team or communication with your closest relatives.

List of beautiful surnames for girls

It’s worth starting with a list of beautiful data for girls. For ease of reading, they are placed in a table:










































Last names for girls on VKontakte

Changing your last name on VKontakte is an excellent chance not only to highlight your personality, but also to conduct a “fitting” for official changes. Personal data for a social network should be selected depending on hobbies, nationality, nickname and other factors that are important to you.

The most popular last year were surnames with an original and noble sound, for example: Preobrazhenskaya, Lyubimaya, Skazka and similar others.

There were also such interesting options:

  • Arman.
  • Banshee.
  • Gabriel.
  • Vansai.
  • Vivaldi.
  • Ditto.
  • Iskander.
  • Ingul.
  • Farin.
  • Carat.
  • Caprice.
  • Kalina.
  • Cupid.
  • Lucifer.
  • Xilana.
  • Minora.
  • Rasputin.
  • Donut.
  • Picasso.
  • Figaro.
  • Topaz.
  • Silver.
  • Gold.
  • Lancelot.
  • Lizanchuk.
  • Berry.
  • Okkervil.

Personal data taken from movies and TV series were also popular, for example: Smith, Snow, Targaryen, Lannister and the like.

Foreign surnames (foreign)

They often look beautiful with Russian names foreign names. When choosing such a surname, it is important to remember that it must be combined not only with the name, but also with the patronymic. Agree, Faina Antonovnaya Takahashi sounds strange, if not ridiculous.


Personal data originally from England in most cases suits European girls perfectly, so the choice often falls on them.

Among the most beautiful are:

  • Alexander.
  • Alison.
  • Baker.
  • Barlow.
  • Barrett.
  • Hall.
  • Bentley.
  • Beverly.
  • Bradley.
  • Black.
  • Hunt.
  • Xbyuz.
  • Jean.
  • Harris.
  • Joy.
  • Brooke.
  • Love.
  • Knight.
  • Meredith.
  • Moore.
  • Phillips.
  • Ray.
  • Cole.

English surnames are in many ways similar to American ones.


Personal data of German origin especially suits girls with sonorous names like Anastasia, Elena, Sophia and the like.

The most popular:

  • Becker.
  • Hertz.
  • Kaufman.
  • Klee.
  • Kopp.
  • Lehmann.
  • Mayer.
  • Mobius.
  • Milch.
  • Ohman.
  • Preyer.
  • Rauch.
  • Rieger.
  • Reuss.
  • Till.
  • Fin Feuerbach.
  • Schultz.
  • Schuppe.
  • Erkert.
  • Junghans.


Japanese surnames are distinguished by the fact that, in addition to their beautiful sound, they carry a sacred meaning.

The table presents the most prominent personal data and a decoding of their meaning:



bell + tree

middle of rice field

go + surroundings


small forest


young tree



pure water

what's in the shadows

stone + river

small island

3 bays


golden child

tall tree

big hill

Japanese cedar


American personal data is distinguished by its sonority and solidity. The one who took American surname the girl will show herself not only original, but also serious.

The most popular among girls are:

  • Smith.
  • Moore.
  • Jones.
  • Brown.
  • Taylor.
  • Harris.
  • Clark.
  • Hall.
  • Robinson.
  • Wilson.
  • King.
  • Wright.
  • Scott.
  • Baker.
  • Adams.
  • Perez.
  • Mitchell.
  • Green.

Almost any word translated into English can serve as the basis for new personal data, for example: Snow - Snow.

Russian maiden names

Beautiful Russian personal data is often formed from proper names, for example: Romanova, Pavlova, Illarionova and others. Although they work great with all European names, it is important to ensure that your full name does not seem overloaded, as in the case of Yana Romanova Romanova.

Some surnames are formed from Orthodox traditions: Rozhdestvenskaya, Voskresenskaya - they seem noble and bright.

Often girls select new personal data based on meaning, noble families or the names of graceful animals:

  • Generous.
  • Homeland.
  • Obolenskaya.
  • Sokolova.
  • Heyden.
  • Lebedeva.
  • Moscow.
  • Orlova.

It is not recommended to take personal data based on patriotic reasons: Bykap, Vlapunal, Natsilip or Slaveput, although they were popular in 2015. The fact is that preferences can change, but the surname remains for life.

The most beautiful and popular

Among the most beautiful and popular surnames recent years there were both Russian and foreign:

  • Alexandrova.
  • Korolkova.
  • Blooming.
  • Serebryanskaya.
  • Romero.
  • Flores.
  • Garcia.
  • Leroy.
  • Bonnet.
  • Bouquet.

When choosing, as statistics show, girls focus more on the sound than on the meaning.

Cool examples of surnames for girls

Do you like to stand out? Try on one of the original surnames from the list:

  • Starry.
  • Solar.
  • Malinovskaya.
  • Beautiful.
  • Rare.
  • Darling.
  • Great.
  • Portman.
  • Akhmatova.
  • Larina.
  • Karenina.
  • Grass.

And remember, no matter what surname you choose, you should like it, and not anyone else!

Beautiful foreign names for girls - in the photo:

Do you think you"re in luck with the last name?

If not, then you treat more than 70% of girls who think the same way. Ivanov, Petrov, Pistrunkiny - girls often think about the change of personal data due to the prevalence of surnames or cacophony. But how do you choose a new one? Use our list!

Note! When you select the new data is important to you to be 100% confident in this step. Shift - means a new life, and you need to think well, will not affect whether a given fact at work in a team and communicate with their closest relatives.

The list of beautiful names for girls

You should start with a list of these beautiful girls. For ease of reading, they are placed in the table:






































Teplova South Gold twinkle

The names for the girl VKontakte

Change Vkontakte names - this is a great chance not only to identify his person, but also to "fitting" for the official changes. Personal data for social network is selected depending on lifestyle, ethnicity, nicknames, and other important factors for you.

The most popular names began with the original and noble sound in the previous year, for example: the Transfiguration, favorite, Tale, and similar others.

There were also such interesting options:

  • Arman.
  • Banshee.
  • Gabriel.
  • Vansay.
  • Vivaldi.
  • Ditto.
  • Iskander.
  • Ingul.
  • Farin.
  • Carat.
  • Caprice.
  • Kalina.
  • Cupid.
  • Lucifer.
  • Xylan.
  • Minor.
  • Rasputin.
  • Donut.
  • Picasso.
  • Figaro.
  • Topaz.
  • Silver.
  • Gold.
  • Lancelot.
  • Lizanchuk.
  • Berry.
  • Okkervil.

Also popular were personal data, taken from movies and TV shows, for example: Smith, Snow, Targaryen, Lannister, and the like.

Foreign names (foreign)

With Russian names often look beautiful foreign names. In the selection of such names is important to remember that it should be combined not only with the name, but also the middle name. Agree Faina Antonovny Takahashi - it sounds strange, if not absurd.


Personal data from England, in most cases, perfectly suited to European girls, so the choice often falls on them.

Among the most beautiful are:

  • Alexander.
  • Alison.
  • Baker.
  • Barlow.
  • Barrett.
  • Hall.
  • Bentley.
  • Beverly.
  • Bradley.
  • Black.
  • Hunt.
  • Hbyuz.
  • Jean.
  • Harris.
  • Joy.
  • Brooke.
  • Love.
  • Knight.
  • Meredith.
  • Moore.
  • Phillips.
  • Ray.
  • Cole.

English names are very similar to the US.


Personal data of German origin are especially girls with the sonorous names like Anastasia, Elena, Sofia, and the like.

The most popular are:

  • Becker.
  • Hertz.
  • Kaufman.
  • Klee.
  • Kopp.
  • Lehmann.
  • Mayer.
  • Mobius.
  • Milch.
  • Ohman.
  • Preyer.
  • Rauch.
  • Rieger.
  • Reuss.
  • Till.
  • Fin Feuerbach.
  • Schultz.
  • Schuppe.
  • Erkert.
  • Yunghans.


Japanese names are different in that in addition to the beautiful sound of the bear a sacred meaning.

The following table shows the most sonorous personal data and deciphering their meaning:

Example Meaning
Suzuki Bell + wood
Tanaka the middle of a rice field
Watanabe + navigate neighborhood
Yamamoto mountain
Kobayashi small forest
Matsumoto Pine
Aoki young tree
Yoshida happiness
Saito purification
Shimizu pure water
Abe that the shade
Ishikawa River Stone +
Kojima small island
Miura 3 bay
Harada steppe
Kaneko The golden child
Takagi tall tree
Ootsuka big hill
Sugiyama Japanese cedar


US personal details are different sonority and solidity. Who took the name of American woman will not only original, but also serious.

The most popular girls are:

  • Smith.
  • Moore.
  • Jones.
  • Brown.
  • Taylor.
  • Harris.
  • Clark.
  • Hall.
  • Robinson.
  • Wilson.
  • King.
  • Wright.
  • Scott.
  • Baker.
  • Adams.
  • Peres.
  • Mitchell.
  • Green.

The basis for the new personal data can serve almost any word translated into English, such as: Snow - Snow.

Russian maiden names

Beautiful Russian personal data are often formed from proper names, for example: Romanova, Pavlova, Illarionov and others. Despite the fact that they are perfectly suited to all European names, it is important to make sure that your name does not seem overloaded as in the case of Yana Romanova Romanova.

Some names are formed from the Orthodox traditions: Christmas, Resurrection - they seem to be noble and bright.

Often the girls pick the new personal data based on the sense of noble birth or the name of graceful animals:

  • Generous.
  • Rodina.
  • Obolensky.
  • Sokolova.
  • Heiden.
  • Lebedev.
  • Moscow.
  • Orlova.

It is not recommended to take the personal data on the basis of patriotic reasons: Bykap, Vlapunal, Natsilip or Slaveput, although they were popular in 2015. The fact that preferences may change, but the name remains forever.

The most beautiful and popular

Among the most beautiful and popular names of recent years have been both Russian and foreign:

  • Alexandrov.
  • Korol"kova.
  • Tsvetaeta.
  • Serebryanska.
  • Romero.
  • Flores.
  • Garcia.
  • Leroy.
  • Bonn.
  • Bouquet.

When selecting, the statistics show that women are oriented more on the sound rather than meaning.

Steep examples of names for girls

Do you like to stand out? Try on one of the original names from the list:

  • Starry.
  • Solar
  • Malinovskaya.
  • Beautiful.
  • Rare.
  • My favorite.
  • Great.
  • Portman.
  • Akhmatova.
  • Larina.
  • Karenina.
  • Grass.

And remember, no matter what name you choose, it must be like for you, not a pleasure to someone else!

Beautiful foreign names for girls - on the photo:

How do you respect it, were you blessed with a nickname?

If it doesn’t, then you are placed above 70% of girls who think so. Ivanovs, Petrovs, Pistrunkins - girls often think about changing special data through broadness or discordant nicknames. Ale yak vibrati novo? Check out our list!

Increase your respect! When choosing new data, it is important for you to be 100% committed to everything. Change means a new life, and you need to think carefully so that this fact does not apply to your work in a team or group with your closest relatives.

List of the most beautiful nicknames for girls

Start with the list of the most beautiful gifts for girls. For ease of reading, the stinks are placed in the table:

Mayer Werner Lehmann Bailey Brett
Cole Day Ellis Mills Valevska
Gordon Koval Levandivska Levitska Belska
Sokolovska Dobrovolska Ostrovska Savitska Kovalchuk
Apostolova Angelova Vladova Blagoeva Nikolova
Weber Brown Evans Grant Taylor
Stone Norman Yaguzhinskaya Vitkovska Galonskaya
Chaikovska Poplavska Gurska Snezhinskaya Kirilenko
Larchenko Toneva Vorontsova Heyden Preobrazhenska
Words "yanska" Teplova Pivdenna Gold vognik

Nicknames for girls VKontakte

Changing your name on VKontakte is an excellent chance not only to see your person, but also to carry out a “fitting” for official changes. You can select specific data for social media depending on your occupation, nationality, name and other factors that are important to you.

The most popular in the past have become nicknames with original and noble sounds, for example: Preobrazhenska, Kohana, Kazka and similar others.

There are also several options:

  • Arman.
  • Banshee.
  • Gabrielle.
  • Wangsan.
  • Vivaldi.
  • Ditto.
  • Iskander.
  • Ingul.
  • Farin.
  • Carat.
  • Caprice.
  • Kalina.
  • Cupid.
  • Lucifer.
  • Xilana.
  • Minora.
  • Rasputina.
  • Donut.
  • Picasso.
  • Figaro.
  • Topaz.
  • Silver.
  • Gold.
  • Lancelot.
  • Lizanchuk.
  • Yagidna.
  • Okkervil.

There were also popular specific data taken from movies and TV series, for example: Smith, Snow, Targaryen, Lannister and the like.

Foreign nicknames (foreign)

Foreign nicknames often look beautiful with Russian names. When choosing such a nickname, it is important to remember that you have to follow not only him, but also your father. Wait, Faina Antonivna Takahasi - it sounds wonderful, as if it’s not foolish.


Characters from England are in most cases suitable for European girls, so the choice often falls on them.

Among the most beautiful ones you can see:

  • Alexander.
  • Elison.
  • Baker.
  • Barlow.
  • Barrett.
  • Hol.
  • Bentley.
  • Beverly.
  • Bradley.
  • Black.
  • Hunt.
  • Xbyuz.
  • Jean.
  • Harris.
  • Joy.
  • Brooke.
  • Love.
  • Knight.
  • Meredith.
  • Moore.
  • Phillips.
  • Ray.
  • Cole.

English nicknames are similar in many ways to American ones.


The peculiarities of this German tradition are especially suitable for girls with sonorous names like Anastasia, Olenya, Sophia and the like.

Most popular:

  • Becker.
  • Hertz.
  • Kaufman.
  • Klee.
  • Kopp.
  • Lehmann.
  • Mayer.
  • Mobius.
  • Milch.
  • Ohman.
  • Preyer.
  • Rauch.
  • Rieger.
  • Reuss.
  • Till.
  • Finn Feuerbach.
  • Schultz.
  • Schuppe.
  • Erkert.
  • Junghans.


Japanese nicknames are striking because, in addition to their fiery sound, they carry a sacred sense.

The table presents the most detailed data and their interpretation:

butt sense
Suzuki jingle + tree
Tanaka middle of rice field
Watanabe go + around
Yamamoto mountain
Kobayashi small forest
Matsumoto pine
Aoki yune tree
Yoshida happy
Saito purification
Shimizu clean water
Abe what's in the shadows
Ishikawa stone + river
Kojima small island
Miura 3 bays
Harada step
Kaneko gold child
Takagi temple tree
Ootsuka great pagorb
Sugiyama Japanese cedar


American characteristics are distinguished by sonority and solidity. The girl took the American nickname to show herself not only original, but also serious.

The most popular among girls are:

  • Smith
  • Moore.
  • Jones.
  • Brown.
  • Taylor.
  • Harris.
  • Clark.
  • Hol.
  • Robinson.
  • Wilson.
  • King.
  • Wright.
  • Scott.
  • Baker.
  • Adams.
  • Perez.
  • Mitchell.
  • Green.

The basis for new special data can serve as a practical word, translated into English, for example: Snow - Snow.

Russian girl nicknames

Beautiful Russian specialties are often presented in the form of names, for example: Romanova, Pavlova, Illarionova and others. Regardless of the fact that it’s wonderful to go up to all European names, be careful so that your PIB doesn’t seem to be outdone like the one with Yana Romanova Romanova.

Some nicknames are created in accordance with Orthodox traditions: Rizdvyana, Voskresenskaya - the smells seem noble and bright.

Often girls pick up new special tributes from their place, noble families or names of graceful creatures:

  • Generous.
  • Batkivshchyna.
  • Obolenska.
  • Sokolova.
  • Heyden.
  • Lebedev.
  • Moskovska.
  • Orlova.

It is not recommended for brothers especially from patriotic markets: Bikap, Vlapunal, Natsilip or Slaveput, although they were more popular in 2015. On the right is that achievements can change, and the nickname is lost for life.

The most beautiful and popular

Among the most beautiful and popular names of recent rocks were both Russian and foreign:

  • Alexandrova.
  • Korolkova.
  • Blooming.
  • Serebryanska.
  • Romero.
  • Flores.
  • Garcia.
  • Leroy.
  • Bonnie.
  • Bouquet.

When choosing, as statistics show, girls focus more on sound and less on place.

Cool butt nicknames for girls

Do you like to see each other? Try on one of the original nicknames from the list:

  • Zoryana.
  • Sonyachna.
  • Malinovska.
  • Beautiful.
  • Redkisna.
  • Kohana.
  • Great.
  • Portman.
  • Akhmatova.
  • Larina.
  • Karenina.
  • Grass.

And remember, if you hadn’t chosen a nickname, the blame belongs to you, and not to anyone else!

Beautiful foreign names for girls - in the photo:

A surname is a way to identify any person. It reveals information about nationality, and some can indicate the occupation of their ancestors.

Here you can exchange personal information, contacts, and share your own views on life. You can post photos and video materials in your personal profile.

Important! During registration, the program asks you to indicate your last name.

The user needs to provide data, but it does not need to be confirmed or undergo a complex verification procedure. This is why it is allowed to put fake surnames and names for VK.

The reasons for the action are hidden in the following:

  1. There is no desire to disclose your personal data. Sometimes people create fake pages to remain incognito.

    Friends and family will not be able to find the person via search.

  2. Creating a special image. If the surname is beautiful, it helps create an original image among subscribers and friends. Interest in this page is constantly increasing.
  3. Confidentiality and complete anonymity. Some companies government agencies begin to monitor their employees, take an interest in them life position and friends.

    Photos from a party or noisy gatherings with friends can cause you to lose your job.

  4. Protection from intruders and scammers. Many people imagine persecution and danger everywhere.

    They protect their own information so that fraudsters do not obtain it for financial gain and their own gain.

Note! According to statistics, it is teenagers who use fake names. They increase their own self-esteem and attract interest from subscribers.

Below is a list of interesting and original surnames:

  1. Girls who like to stand out from the general list of friends. They can choose options such as Malinovskaya, Tsareva, Naughty, Solnechnaya, Star, Fairy Tale, Ogonyok, Rainbow or Yuzhnaya.
  2. You can use the last name of famous people. These are Tsvetaeva, Mayakovskaya, Pushkina, Boyarskaya.
  3. The surname of literary characters is perfect for the VKontakte social network. This is Larina, Bolkonskaya, Karenina or Dubrovskaya.

You need to select options that are consonant with the name and read correctly. In this case, subscribers and friends will definitely pay attention to your subscribers.

Top Russian cool surnames and names

Girls will be able to choose a last name for their account from the following list:

Meaning List of the most unusual and popular options
Education from proper names. The data must be harmoniously combined with the name. If the design sounds overloaded, you should abandon the idea Romanova, Grigorievna, Pavlova, Semenova or Vasilyeva
Beautiful and noble options that have more roots in Orthodox traditions Voskresenskaya, Preobrazhenskaya or Rozhdestvenskaya
Last name with meaning. Here you can not limit your own imagination and write different cool options Moscow, Rodina, Slavic
Surnames that are borrowed from the names of beautiful animals and birds Orlova, Solovyova, Sokolova, Lebedeva and others
Surname of the count dynasty Vorontsova, Obolenskaya, Heyden
Neutral with good pronunciation Vlasova, Svetlova, Batalina, Krasnova, Lavrova

What surname can you give a girl in English?

Girls often put an English surname with their Russian name. It is important to use common sense when choosing. It should be harmoniously combined with the patronymic and first name.

Personal information for a girl in English is perfect for people of European appearance and origin. You can put different options in English.

Thanks to this solution, you can attract a huge number of subscribers and friends.

They will immediately pay attention to the bold step. The most beautiful and original: Elison, Barlova, Hall, Bentley, Beverly, Black, Jane, Lavlai.

You don’t have to limit your own imagination and come up with your own options.

The most unusual names for a fake

Many people who use Everyday life social networks know what a fake page is.

Users maintain their anonymity and introduce a certain mystery. At the beginning of the Internet, everything was anonymous and encrypted.

People used fictitious nicknames, names, nicknames, pseudonyms. Instead of their own photographs, they often posted the best pictures of animals, as well as natural landscapes.

Today the situation has changed, and people openly publish their personal information and share photos.

You can convey your mood or experience to your subscribers using interesting statuses. But there are still people who create fake pages. A fictitious first and last name is placed here.

Note! There are several interesting options for girls: Lisa Forget-Me-Not, Olga Odintsova, Nastya Kraeva, Veronika Otradnaya, Alexa Leonova and many others.

When choosing a fake first and last name, you can choose any options. Such pages appear for various reasons. Some people do not want to share their own information, facts about themselves.

They wish to remain anonymous. Another reason for creating a fake page is to copy the profile of a famous and famous person.

Thanks to this, you can make many new acquaintances, gain communication and popularity on the Internet.

Teenagers often choose original and cute options that will help them rise to the TOP of the ranking.

Useful video

A beautiful surname evokes positive emotions, attracts attention and even helps to form a unique image. However, not all people have euphonious generic names. Funny and difficult to pronounce surnames become a cause of ridicule, which makes people want to change them. The legislation allows this to be done easily and quickly: you will need to submit an application to the registry office indicating your full name, pay a fee, replace your passport and other documents. The list of the most beautiful surnames in the world will allow you to choose a new one.

The most beautiful surnames in the world

Last name translated from Latin language means "family". This term is used to describe a hereditary name indicating that a person belongs to a clan or family.

Most surnames are derived from place names and activities.

A rating compiled by the international research center Gallup will help determine which surnames are the most beautiful in the world. This is an institute founded in America in 1935, specializing in the study of public opinion.

Based on the results of the research, a list of names was compiled:

  • Spanish - Rodriguez.
  • Romanov is a surname whose roots go back to the Roman Empire. In the old days, it symbolized power and greatness. Representatives of the family are the royal persons of the Romanov dynasty.
  • Francois - adds a romantic touch characteristic of France. Its representatives are found far beyond the borders of this country.
  • Fitzgerald is an example unusual surname, has British roots, but is also common in other parts of the world.
  • Werner is a discreet option, the founder of which is a noble German family that founded the family over eight centuries ago.
  • Beranger - of French origin, the previous form is Berenzon.
  • Japanese - Yamamoto.
  • Anglo-German - Miller.
  • King - gorgeous aristocratic surname, which is worn by many scientists, directors and writers.
  • Lehmann is of German origin and has a businesslike sound.

The listed examples were chosen due to their euphony.


In Russia, identification using a surname began in the 12th and 13th centuries. The formation dragged on until the 19th century. Initially, medieval surnames were assigned to boyar and noble families. In the 18th century, they were received by representatives of the clergy, and then by artisans and peasants.

At first, a nickname was assigned to a person based on the names of his parents, occupation, character traits or appearance, and place of residence.

Then peasant and noble families were formed. During this period, the families of the Kobylins, Travins, Gorbatovs, Trusovs, and Shuiskys appeared.

Church ministers were given surnames from the name of the parish or upon graduation from the seminary: Velikiy, Pokrovsky, Dubrovsky, Uspensky. But they could have been invented to achieve euphony. This is how variations that inspire confidence appeared: Dobrolyubovs, Dobromyslovs. Generic names associated with animals are also interesting. These are Zaitsev, Karpov, Medvedev, Sobolev.

Occupy a special niche Slavic surnames. They are valuable because they are based on ancient names or deities of pagan mythology. After the adoption of Christianity, these surnames were banned. And the people who wore them were renamed as a result of the baptismal ceremony. Examples of such generic names: Dovbush, Dobrynin, Lada, Yarilo.

Ancient surnames are also important. They are based on words that have already emerged from speech. These are the names of household items, monetary units, crafts, and family nicknames. Today you can find such old surnames: Bandurov, Kalita, Kozhemyaka, Pryalkin. In former times, family names were changed to Latin variations. As a result, the Bobrovs turned into the Kastorskys, the Orlovs into the Aquilevs, and the Skvortsovs into the Sturnitskys.

Best options for girls:

  • Abramova;
  • Anisimova;
  • Belova;
  • Vladova;
  • Galaktionova;
  • Demidova;
  • Dmitrieva;
  • Dobrovolskaya;
  • Zotova;
  • Illarionova;
  • Kulikovskaya;
  • Menshova;
  • Merkulova;
  • Ostrovskaya;
  • Protasova;
  • Safronova;
  • Sofia;
  • Sazonova.

Female representatives can change their surname after marriage.

For guys you can also choose sonorous forms:

  • Vasnetsov;
  • Vyazemsky;
  • Kuznetsov;
  • Nikitin;
  • Potapov;
  • Preobrazhensky;
  • Prokhorov;
  • Christmas;
  • Chernyshov.

Sociologists report that surnames starting with the first letters of the alphabet are lucky. They increase self-esteem. Many successful people had such surnames.

Foreign (foreign)

Non-Russian surnames appeared at the end of the 15th century. This process was influenced by two factors: Russia’s interaction with the peoples of eastern and western countries and the borrowing of words from the language of Turkic peoples.


Many people are interested in different foreign surnames, which can be put on VK or used to create a mysterious image.

These include variants of American origin:

  • Allen;
  • Adams;
  • Abramson;
  • Brown;
  • Watson;
  • Daniels;
  • Jones;
  • Cooper;
  • Clark;
  • Morris;
  • Turner;
  • Scott;
  • Smith;
  • Thompson;
  • Taylor;
  • Walker;
  • Harris;
  • Hayley;
  • Erickson.

Modern Americans create surnames based on two given names or using their own and family names. Some US residents use only initials. Men's and female surnames in this country the same shape. Among American generic names there are also Canadian ones.


Some European surnames are relatively difficult to pronounce due to the peculiarities of the language. These include French variations. Correct reading is only possible if you know the rules. Some surnames are based on proper names.

You can select the appropriate option from the following list:

  • Andre;
  • Harcourt;
  • DuBois;
  • Julien;
  • Michelle;
  • Aubin;
  • Richard;
  • Sorel;
  • Senier;
  • Freel.

Among the surnames of French origin there are pretentious and simple options: Bernard, Bertrand, Lambert, Thomas. And forms descended from royal dynasties: Braganza, Montpensier.


The Japanese value family names very highly. She is considered more significant than her name. If it is necessary to write a combination of first and last names in the European manner, capital letters are used for the generic name. In the traditional version it is written first.

Anime surnames:

  • Asano;
  • Araki;
  • Asayama;
  • Wada;
  • Ishihara;
  • Kawasaki;
  • Kitamura;
  • Miyazaki;
  • Matila;
  • Maruyama;
  • Narita;
  • Oyama;
  • Ootsuka;
  • Sato;
  • Takeuchi;
  • Ueno;
  • Fujiwara;
  • Hirai;
  • Tsuji;
  • Yamashita.

The number of surnames reaches 100 thousand.


Female generic names in England do not differ from male variants. Exceptions are surnames with the suffix “son”, the translation of which sounds like “son”. But some female variations also contain it. But they end in "s". Common English surnames contain American roots: Blake, Harrison, Collins, Smith.

Also known:

  • Adamson;
  • Benson;
  • Blackshear;
  • Blomfield;
  • Wilson;
  • Dalton;
  • Clifford;
  • Carroll;
  • McAllister;
  • Oldridge;
  • Rider;
  • Richardson;
  • Spencer;
  • Taylor;

In England, the surname Law, unique to this country, is also found.


A common generic name in this country is Müller. Second place according to this criterion is taken by Schmidt, and Schneider completes the top three.

The list also includes:

  • Becker;
  • Wagner;
  • Hertz;
  • Kles;
  • Mayer;
  • Kaufman;
  • Krieger;
  • Lehmann;
  • Neumann;
  • Rieger;
  • Sommer;
  • Ergard.

The most desirable surnames for German citizens that bring good luck. One of these is Hoffman, whose meaning is “yard owner.” In Germany, there is an opinion that feudal lords bore this surname.


The Caucasus is inhabited by several national-ethnic groups. Chechen and Dagestan family names have Arabic roots.

Surnames also have Muslim characteristics:

  • Akhmedov;
  • Abdurakhmanov;
  • Dzhabrailov;
  • Ibragimov;
  • Kadyrov;
  • Kerimov;
  • Magomaev;
  • Makaev;
  • Radjabov.

U Chechen people there are eastern family names with a Turkic or Georgian imprint: Aleroev, Dudaev, Maskhadov.


Frequent surnames in Spain are variants of family names containing the suffix -es. These are Gonzalez, Lopez, Ramones, Fernandez. Colombian surnames also have this form, which is explained by Spanish colonization.

Also found:

  • Alonso;
  • Blanco;
  • Calvo;
  • Duran;
  • Gallego;
  • Lozano;
  • Ortega;
  • Santana.

Spanish women changing Family status, they don’t take their husbands’ surnames. But they can add it to theirs. Children are assigned the first surname of their father and mother.


The typical form of family names for citizens living in Ukraine is a surname with the ending –enko. These are Butenko, Guzenko, Leshchenko, Pisarenko.

But many surnames coincide with Russian and Belarusian family names:

  • Aksenov;
  • Buteyko;
  • Burlachko;
  • Batechko;
  • Geico;
  • Geletey;
  • Glebov;
  • Kalatay;
  • Shcherbakov;
  • Osokin.

Separately, mention should be made of the surnames that arose on the basis of Cossack nicknames: Golota, Kuibida, Likhoded, Novokhatko, Stodolya.


The Australian continent is inhabited by people from Scotland, England and Ireland.

This left an imprint on the generic names of its inhabitants:

  • Brown;
  • Jones;
  • King;
  • Kelly;
  • Martin;
  • Robinson;
  • Williams;
  • Harris.

There are Australians with a Greek or Jewish surname.


In the Argentine Republic, generic names of Italian origin are common:

  • Bernardello;
  • Billia;
  • Bianchetti;
  • Janetti;
  • Gentiletti;
  • Callery;
  • Lucchetti;
  • Migliore;
  • Mascherano;
  • Passarella;
  • Rulli;
  • Sabella;
  • Forzinetti.

But there are Spanish options: Gallego, Gallardo.


Some Italian family names end in “I”:

  • Avancini;
  • Bernardi;
  • Guards;
  • Dorigoni;
  • Degasperi;
  • Colombini;
  • Christelia;
  • Mattevi;
  • Franceschini.

There are also wonderful variations: Colombo - dove, Marino - sea, Pelaratti - rats.


The appearance of surnames in Africa is associated with the period of colonization. Before this there were only names. In Morocco, a surname is assigned when you move. The name of the tribe is used for this. Residents of West Africa own name receive the name of their great-grandfather and the name of the village or city.

Popular options:

  • Bikilu;
  • Mbia;
  • Nkono;
  • She is on;
  • Semoko;
  • Traore.

The surnames of the Hausa people represent the names of Muslim prophets.


Korean residents have short surnames containing one, rarely two vowels:

  • Moncut;

The number of Korean generic names does not exceed 250.

Cool for VKontakte

A third of social network users use fake - fictitious variations - instead of last names. This is explained by the desire to emphasize strengths character, place of residence, nationality or status. A pseudonym helps to hide personal information, for example, dissonant surnames.

Fake youth options for VK for boys:

  • Auer;
  • Bitner;
  • Burkhard;
  • Vlah;
  • Hirsch;
  • Hartwig;
  • Ghislain;
  • De Jong;
  • Kirchner;
  • Langen;
  • Mauthner;
  • Pearl;
  • Zipser;
  • Diamond;
  • Vortex;
  • Needle;
  • Prince;
  • Scythian;
  • Queen;
  • Yartsev.

Top for girls:

  • Alpina;
  • Wang;
  • Krams;
  • Lantsova;
  • Miller;
  • Masterson;
  • Ogun;
  • Preobrazhenskaya;
  • Rosenthal;
  • Romenskaya;
  • Tatara;

Fictitious maiden names will help to emphasize positive qualities. For a girl with a modest character, “Dobronravova” is suitable. Cool options can be formed by swapping the first and last names: Nastya Ivanova - Ivanna Nastina.

For VK they use gothic and vampire variations:

  • Azazel;
  • Hades;
  • Merlin;
  • Striga;
  • Tisifonov;
  • Faust.

Mystical and scary surnames create an aura of mystery.


Popular options include not only Russian, but also foreign:

  • Alexandrova;
  • Bouquet;
  • Bonn;
  • Garcia;
  • Korolkova;
  • Leroy;
  • Romero;
  • Serebryanskaya;
  • Flores.

Sounding surnames are popular.


Original surnames attract many girls.

Therefore, you should consider what their options are:

  • Adrianova;
  • Almazova;
  • Balmont;
  • Bryullov;
  • Weiner;
  • Volskaya;
  • Goranskaya;
  • Demidova;
  • Elagina;
  • Zhemchuzhnikova;
  • Zapolskaya;
  • Insarova;
  • Ladygina;
  • Markelova;
  • Oginskaya;
  • Saburova.

Men also have plenty to choose from:

  • Almazov;
  • Block;
  • Witte;
  • Grabar;
  • Zlatov;
  • King;
  • Fire;
  • Struve.

Among the listed options you can choose fashionable and cool names for social networks.


There are up to 500 common Russian family names.

But the following top this list:

  • Ivanov is a patronymic from the canonical masculine John.
  • Smirnov reflects the quality of character. Since a quiet, easygoing disposition was valued in peasant families, this trait was highlighted through the surname.
  • Kuznetsov comes from his father’s occupation.
  • Popov - formed on the basis of the word “pop”, which characterized an Orthodox priest. But it also acted as a nickname for a person who had nothing to do with the clergy.
  • Vasilyev - based on a proper name.

An interesting fact is that English translation the generic name "Kuznetsov" sounds like "Smith". 4,000 million people have this surname.


A rare surname was preceded by a nickname, which characterized a person’s trait that distinguished him from the main mass. Then it took the form of naming and was assigned to his family.

Selection of rare surnames:

  • Astrakhan;
  • America;
  • Water;
  • Crusoe;
  • Moscow;
  • Pozharsky;
  • Razdobudko.

The list contains surnames that are consonant with geographical names and literary characters. Among them there are normal and strange forms for perception.


Short generic names consist of one, two or three letters. There are An, Ge, Do, En, Ye, Kim, O, To, Tsoi, Yu, Yuk. Some of them are based on foreign language variants.


Such surnames are rare. Their owners can be found in various countries. Arkis considered a long Russian surname. It belonged to a Soviet gymnast. An American boxer of Russian origin bore the surname Thrice of the Order of the Red Banner.

In the state of Hawaii lives Janice Keihanaikukauakahihuliheekahaunaele, and in Turkey - Aiyiltsikirmitsibayraktaziyankagramanoglu.


Famous surnames arose on a Turkic basis:

  • Bulgakov;
  • Kutuzov;
  • Karamzin;
  • Michurin;
  • Rachmaninov;
  • Suvorov;
  • Saltykov;
  • Tyutchev;
  • Turgenev;
  • Ulanov.

There are up to 500 surnames with this origin.


Noble family names belonged to representatives of the upper class. They indicate the aristocratic past of their owners.

Counts and princely families had the following names:

  • Apukhtin;
  • Belozersky;
  • Vyazemsky;
  • Vorotynsky;
  • Gavrilin;
  • Godunov;
  • Karamzin;
  • Minin;
  • Obolensky;
  • Suzdal;
  • Tverskoy;
  • Yusupov.

There are also double ones: Lobanov-Ostrovsky, Bagration-Davydov.


There is an opinion that the declension depends on the language that is used as the basis for the surname or on the gender of its owner. This is a common misconception. According to cases, surnames ending in e, i, o, u, ы, e, yu, and the endings -ih, -ih are not changed.

  • White;
  • Gramigny;
  • Kovalenko;
  • Loye;
  • Maigret;
  • Dry;
  • Ceausescu.

Forms with a zero ending cannot be declined: Bondar, Ponomar.


There are variations among surnames that make you smile:

  • Ram;
  • Flea;
  • Badger;
  • Fool;
  • Good afternoon;
  • Goddess;
  • Baygate;
  • Zashechimane;
  • Kostogryzov;
  • Sausage;
  • Hen;
  • Mozgoedov;
  • Netudykhatko;
  • Rzhach;
  • Grab it;
  • Kill it.

The appearance of dissonant generic names is associated with pagan beliefs. In the old days, people were convinced that terrible surnames would distract the attention of evil spirits from them and protect them from the evil eye.

Any surname emphasizes individuality. But not all family names are pleasing to the ear. At the same time, there is no need to fall into despair. Dissonant surnames can be changed to suitable variations. A list of Russian and foreign family names will help with this. It’s not difficult to find cute and cool last names for social networks. They will create a positive impression of the owners. For this purpose, take your own or random (random) surname.

The surname is a reflection of the person himself. People are not always happy with their last names. This is especially true for the female half of the population. After all, a girl should be beautiful in everything. Her first and last name should speak of positive qualities. Many people dream of an unusual original surname, having the most ordinary. This can be corrected at the passport office, but there is an easier way - take a pseudonym on a social network.

Unusual surnames

For some girls, the beauty of the sound of their name is not so important as the originality of the idea itself. For example, a surname may end in -ova or -eva, but be identical to some adjective. So, the surname Sweet is suitable for a glamorous girl who cares about her image. The surname Shchedraya will delight the owner of this quality, and the surname Kholodnaya will add a touch of arrogance, like the Snow Queen. On the contrary, the surname Teplaya will add charm and tenderness to the young lady.

Eccentric surnames

The surname Luxurious will demonstrate to envious people the greatness of their rival. By the way, such a choice can significantly increase the self-esteem of young women with complexes. Constantly hearing such epithets, she will feel better from a psychological point of view. Superstitious girls can easily become Happy or Bright. The Great surname will make the girl a queen in the eyes of her friends. It’s so nice to realize that your last name makes you successful in absentia and makes your interlocutors smile after the first minutes of meeting you. You can come up with the most beautiful surnames for girls yourself.

Undeclinable surnames for girls

Many people like it when their last name is not declined. That is, the surnames Trava or Us, common in some CIS countries, will appeal to young fashionistas. Such surnames can become a continuation of the girl’s nickname. For example, there are cases when a girl took the surname Beauty, Excellent Student or Cat, based on her past in university and school years. Beautiful surnames for girls is easy to find on the Internet. On a number of forums, people discuss the names of their acquaintances and friends. From this list, girls can choose the perfect nickname for themselves. The inflexible surname Roof or Zvon will add piquancy and a foreign touch to any owner.

The craving for everything foreign has long become common. Russian girls think that everything produced abroad is better than in their homeland. That is why they like to take “VKontakte” for girls; they often have a foreign tint. For example, Adamson or Archers, Laird or Mackenzie can often be found on this social network. A lot of Page, Palmer and Addams covered VKontakte. In addition, the use of the names of famous literary authors is becoming popular. For example, Austen is suitable for a lover of novels. There is also a place for sophisticated admirers of Bradbury's talent. For true detective connoisseurs, the surname Fleming is suitable. A lot of Hardy or Flaubert can be found on the Internet. Such surnames are good to combine with bright ones, for example, Aurora or Giselle.

Surnames from the world of cinema

Another one for girls is the world of cinema. Famous actresses and the directors give food for thought. Fans of Audrey Hepburn are happy to take the name of the famous Holly from Breakfast at Tiffany's.

Those who have watched “Gone with the Wind” will certainly choose O’Hara. Fans of The Thorn Birds will prefer Irish Cleary to any other. And connoisseurs of alternative Spanish cinema will not disdain Almodóvar. The same applies to the surnames Starling and Marple for fans detective genre and thriller. A suspense classic takes on a new twist if you take the name Hitchcock. The same can be said for the common but significant surname King. Sexy and successful actresses also influence the list of beautiful surnames for girls. Many have already reached the passport office with a request to become Jolie or Johansson. Luxurious Cruz and Diaz are already walking along the streets of Russian cities.

In addition, such heroines of films and books as the panther Bagheera from Mowgli can also become an outstanding source for choosing a surname, as proven by numerous girls from social networks.

Beautiful for girls

Many models and actresses change their last name when they start their careers. So, the most popular, from a statistical point of view, are surnames of German origin. Among the classics in this vein, the names Müller and Wagner can be distinguished. The surname Richter, meaning “judge,” is suitable for fair and self-confident girls. The surname Kruger is usually chosen by fans of the famous Diana. Her creativity inspires them. Oddly enough, short girls most often choose the surname Klein. It translates as "small". It looks very nice. The surname Koenig elevates girls to royal blood. This variation is usually preferred by those with good self-esteem. The most common surnames are Koch and Fischer. In translation, they do not mean anything pleasant, but for their euphonious sound they remain the most profitable.

Beautiful Russian surnames

It is not necessary to take a surname of foreign origin, because even among Russians there are very beautiful options. For example, the list of beautiful surnames for girls can easily be supplemented by the surnames of Russian writers and poets. Nekrasova, Lermontov, Pushkin, Tolstaya - all this sounds noble and historical. Akhmatova, Tsvetaeva - it’s so romantic and creative. Almost any female name will go with the surname Dostoevskaya. In addition, you can take a surname in honor of any season. So, Spring or Summer sounds very bright and encouraging. And the surname May will become more of a permanent nickname. In fact, if you have such a beautiful surname, they may even forget about your name, constantly using the surname and its derivatives (May-Mayka, Oreh - Oreshek). In addition, do not forget about the Russian surnames Bereza or Drevesnaya, which is very impressive.

How to choose a surname

The list of beautiful surnames for girls is constantly expanding. By typing a similar query into an Internet search engine, you can find many options on how to change your life. In addition, various forums constantly create such topics. Therefore, you can ask for the opinions of many advanced people from different cities or even countries around the world. At your service are also users of social networks who constantly change their first and last names to something unusual and sonorous.

For example, you can "become" a person-city or other object cultural significance, animals, trees and their derivatives. This is not a joke at all, since according to statistics, the most popular names are still nouns. Children are not only named after Asia, Africa, America, Italy and many other places. Now surnames are becoming like that. Among singers and singers, drinks or drinks are also used. English words. The main thing is that you must understand exactly what you want from your surname: for it to make you more confident or luxurious, sweet or unforgettable, funny or strict.

A list of beautiful surnames for girls is a way to become better and brighter. You can change everything in life, including your name.

Beautiful surnames for girls have always been an interesting topic of discussion. Sometimes we don't get the best ones. Surely, everyone in the class had at least one student with a funny last name, for which he was teased by the whole class. Sometimes, this remains a stumbling block, causing an irresistible desire to change your last name at the first opportunity.

Today it is easy to change data by choosing any family name you like. There is an opinion that the meaning hidden in a surname can greatly influence a person’s character. Some people claim that their lives have changed radically after its change. It is unlikely that it will be possible to verify the authenticity of such statements, however, a surname can really store mysterious story and talk about ancient ancestors. Before you are tempted by beautiful female names, we recommend that you find out your family history.

Guaranteed - this is an interesting and fascinating journey into the past, which can change the attitude towards both the surname and family values.

Where did Russian surnames come from?

The curious history of Russian surnames goes far back to the 13th century. Previously, they were more like nicknames or nicknames given to each other based on the type of craft or occupation. Later, by the 16th century, real surnames began to appear, but this only concerned families of aristocratic origin.

The origin of such surnames mainly came from the names of localities or possessions of wealthy gentlemen. Ordinary peasants did not have surnames until the beginning of the 19th century, but after the abolition of serfdom they became mandatory for everyone. Nicknames given by occupation began to be written down as surnames.

It is likely that your last name carries some very interesting historical meaning that can completely change your past opinion about yourself. Along with the way Russian surnames arose and changed in the course of history, in other countries the history is slightly different.

Origin of German surnames

For example, the first German names are found in chronicles of the 6th century BC. They consisted of two parts and had a magical meaning, that is, the name endowed its bearer with certain powers and character traits. Much later, they began to “merge” into the German language Italian names, carrying Christian meaning, for example, the name Adam meant “first-born.”

With the development of Christianity in the 15th century, they began to bear the names of saints or names of biblical characters. German surnames began to appear in the Middle Ages, they were formed from the names of the bearer’s birthplaces. Many surnames also came from nicknames, but here they reflected a characteristic physical trait of a person, for example, Frederick Barbarossa - Redbeard.

Origin of English surnames

English ones also have a very interesting history. They were built from a person’s belonging to a certain family. As in most countries, the English did not have surnames until a certain time. In England, the same names were often used, creating a huge number of namesakes.

For example, in the 11th century, about 25% of the male population of England bore the name John. This created the need to give individuality to each John by adding a nickname to his name. Historical analysis has revealed the main 4 groups of occurrence of English surnames:

  1. Genealogical origin. Many surnames were derived from the father's name and did not change their form - Mark Anthony. There are also English surnames containing an additional explanation, such as - son (son). The result was: Thompson is Tom's son.
  2. Place of Birth. The family name was determined by the name of the locality, city or country. For example, Wales, Langley, Ingleman.
  3. Profession or position. Depending on what activity a person was engaged in, he was given a family name that reflected this occupation: Spencer is the manager, Sayers is the one who tastes food before serving it to the royal table.
  4. Descriptive. This group surnames reflect the physiological characteristics of a person, originating in nicknames. For example, Cudlipp is a cleft lip.

Read also: Parents' mistakes that can ruin their daughters' lives

As we can see, a surname can tell very interesting information about its bearer. Perhaps you are a descendant of some aristocratic family - or your ancestors are from overseas countries, then the history of the surname can have multinational significance and an interesting history.

However, we are talking specifically about beautiful surnames that the fair sex would like to have. Here are the top 10 most beautiful, forcing their bearers to walk with their heads held high:

  1. Tsvetaeva;
  2. Lebedeva;
  3. Voskresenskaya;
  4. Zolotareva;
  5. Obolenskaya;
  6. Romanova;
  7. Tverskaya;
  8. Volkonskaya;
  9. Illarionova;
  10. Sheremetyev;

It is equally important for boys to have a strong family name that can build confidence and determination in them. Beautiful male surnames contain power, dignity, nobility and many other magnificent qualities that a man should have.

We present only small list the strongest male surnames in terms of energy and sound:

  1. Gromov;
  2. Almazov;
  3. Derzhavin;
  4. Majors;
  5. Lyubimov;
  6. Sobolev;
  7. Morozov;
  8. Bogatyrev;
  9. Vorontsov;
  10. Admirals.

As a result of a little analysis, you can see how interesting and informative it is to find out the origin of the surname. Such analysis can lead to respectful and responsible treatment of family history. Most grandparents have a rich history of their own origins, the origins of surnames and family traditions.

The family tree may well turn out to be a luxurious historical chronicle. Changing your last name is quite a serious step that can change the life of the person himself. If you decide to take a new one, make sure it goes well with your name and patronymic. The surname should be in harmony, sound and resonate with him.

By the way, I would like to note one more interesting fact. Any family probably has a unique history of the origin of the name.

It is interesting to find out who exactly gave the name - the mother or the father, or maybe both parents came to a unanimous opinion. What names sounded initially and why the choice fell on one specific name. It often happens that a name is given in connection with family history, carrying a completely unique meaning. Some parents name their child after a deceased close relative as a tribute in memory of him.