Natasha Koroleva has a sister. Where did the singer Rusya disappear: Natasha Koroleva spoke about the tragic fate of her older sister

Irina was born in the city of Kyiv in the family of conductors of the Svitoch choir of the House of Teacher Vladimir and Lyudmila Poryvay. From an early age she sang in a choir, then studied piano at a music school, and later graduated from the Glier Kiev Music College in choral conducting. It was at this time that she met the musicians of the Kyiv group “Mirage”, who at that time worked with the famous Kyiv composer Vladimir Bystryakov.

In the summer of 1986, all of the above, with the light hand of Vladimir Bystryakov, went to rest and work in Dagomys, not far from Sochi. It was there on the dance floor that Irina Osaulenko’s career as a singer began.

In 1987, the group “Mirage” with Irina’s sister, Natalya Poryvay, went to Moscow, where they participated in the all-Union competition “Golden Tuning Fork” and received a diploma from this competition. Irina and her mother were also present there.

In 1989, Natalya left for Moscow, where the famous composer and singer Igor Nikolaev recorded a number of songs with her. She becomes known to the public as Natasha Koroleva. It was 1989 that became decisive and significant for the start of the successful career of Natalya Poryvay’s older sister, Irina. In the summer of 1989, the idea of ​​creating a solo project “Rusya” arose. It was this stage name that Irina decided to take for herself. At the same time, the band’s musicians took part in the recording of the first songs of the album “Vorozhka”.

Rus' first concerts took place in Lvov in October 1989. Upon returning to Kyiv, inspired by success, Rus recorded her second album, “Christmas Night.” In the summer of 1990, the album “Forgive Me, Mom” was released. It was at this time that she was the first Ukrainian pop star to hold a sold-out concert at the Sports Palace in Kyiv.

At the beginning of 1991, Rusya went on tour to the UK, and at this time her new albums “Cinderella” and the Russian-language “Little Happiness” were released. In May of the same 1991, three solo concerts of Rus' took place on the main stage of the country, the Palace of Culture “Ukraine” in Kyiv. In the summer of 1991, Rusya worked in stadiums for the first time.

At the end of 1991, the singer signed a contract with a Canadian recording company to publish her album in Canada. For two years, Rusya leaves for Toronto, where she records the album of the same name “Rusya”.

Upon returning to Ukraine, Rusya records two new albums “Kievlyanochka” and a retro album “Cheremshina”. Then again concerts in Canada and the USA, participation in famous music festivals. In 1997, she recorded the albums “My American” and the Russian-language “White Lace”. And in 1998, Rus’s big concert tour took place together with her sister Natasha Koroleva “Two Sisters”. Tours as part of this tour took place in Russia and Ukraine.

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After this, Russia disappeared from the musical life of Ukraine for a long time. And in 2007, an album of the best songs of Rus' was published. This is the singer's first album that can be purchased in the iTunes Store. In 2008 it was published in Russia. In March 2009, she released a completely new album, “Little Gifts.”


Father - Rush Vladimir Arkhipovich

mother - Rush Lyudmila Ivanovna

sister - Natalya Vladimirovna Koroleva

husband Konstantin Osaulenko

son Vladimir (1988) suffered from cerebral palsy, died in 1999 at 11 years old

son Matvey (2004), his godfather Igor Nikolaev

Few people know, but the famous singer Natasha Koroleva has a sister who was once a sought-after singer. In their family, they “bet” on their older sister Ira, dreaming that she would become a star. But it happened a little differently.

Long before Natasha Koroleva’s star lit up on the musical horizon, Ukrainian audiences were captivated by the singer Rusya (Irina’s pseudonym). She was very bright, like two peas in a pod and similar to her own sister Natasha. They even performed together - they traveled around cities with the “Two Sisters” tour program.

Irina at one time easily filled entire stadiums. She squeezed everything she could out of her popularity: she gave several concerts a day. But none of her many fans suspected that her sick son was waiting for her at home. And all the concerts were needed only to pay for his expensive treatment.

The singer's husband Konstantin Osaulenko was also her producer - he came up with the stage name and was the author of all her hits. From the outside it seemed that they were cloudlessly happy. But when Volodya’s son was born, it became clear that not everything was so rosy. The boy had cerebral palsy; his treatment required a lot of money.

In 1991, Rusya and her producer were invited to Canada to record their first album. They went abroad only to show foreign doctors.

Then the couple entered a “dark period”: money was becoming catastrophically short, the former star began giving private piano lessons. This did not bring much income. But a job turned up: Irina was offered to become a conductor at St. Andrew’s Church in Toronto, which belongs to the Ukrainian Orthodox Church.

So eleven years passed - all this time the family fought for the life of the sick boy. But due to illness, he could not cope with growing up. Volodya died.

Natasha Koroleva once talked about this: “We were just on tour in Canada, Ira and Kostya came to our concert. And they call me from Kyiv and say that Vova is no more. Not only do I have to go on stage after this, I also have to tell my mother that her son has died... I then went out and sang a song about a swallow. So on Vova’s tombstone it is written “Swallow, swallow, say hello...”

After the death of her son, Irina could not come to her senses for a very long time; her relatives were afraid for her life. But Irina’s mother managed to calm her down a little and persuaded her to give birth to a second child. This is how Matvey was born, absolutely healthy physically, but diagnosed with autism. Now the boy is twelve years old. “One can only sympathize with the parents of such children, I know this from myself. Physically, he is a normal, handsome boy, but he is completely unsuited for life, he has a completely different perception,” Irina Osaulenko says now.

In the Poryvay family, their older sister Ira was expected to become a singer, and the star, paradoxically, was the younger Natasha.

Before a star rose on the Russian stage under the name Natasha Koroleva, her older sister Irina Poryvai was already a famous singer in Ukraine, performing under the pseudonym Rusya. Her stage name (short for Irusya) was invented by her husband Konstantin Osaulenko, who was her producer and the author of all her hits.

The happiness of Irina and Konstantin seemed cloudless. They got married, their joint work began to bear fruit - their popularity grew. Two years after they met, their son Volodya was born. Unfortunately, the boy had a terrible congenital disease - cerebral palsy. Serious money was required for his treatment.

Russia squeezed everything it could out of its popularity: it gave several concerts a day. In 1991, Irina and Konstantin were invited to Canada to record their first album. They jumped at this chance to take the child abroad and show it to foreign doctors.

To earn money for her son’s treatment, she began giving private piano lessons. This did not bring much income. Failures fell on the spouses one after another, and real poverty “knocked” on the door. And then Ruse was suddenly offered a job as a conductor at St. Andrew’s Church in Toronto, which belongs to the Ukrainian Orthodox Church.

The church servants saw that something was bothering the woman, but they didn’t ask, they understood that if necessary, she would tell her herself. And then what they were so afraid of happened.

“The doctors told us that all his functions were impaired, and when he started to grow up, nature would simply kill him,” said Natasha Koroleva’s sister Irina Osaulenko on the “Tonight” program with Andrei Malakhov. “But we didn’t want to believe that the most irreparable thing could happen to our son.”

For eleven years the family fought for Volodya’s life. “We were just on tour in Canada, and Ira and Kostya came to our concert,” recalls Natasha Koroleva. “And they call me from Kyiv and say: “Natasha, Vova is no more.” Not only do I have to go on stage after this, I also have to tell my mother that her son has died... I then went out and sang a song about a swallow. So on Vova’s tombstone it is written “Swallow, swallow, say hello...”

After Vova’s death, Irina could not come to her senses for a long time; her relatives were afraid that she might commit suicide. And then Irina’s mother Lyudmila Poryvay persuaded her daughter to give birth to a second child. Matvey was born as an absolutely healthy baby, but at the age of four, doctors diagnosed the boy with autism. Now the boy is twelve years old.

“Natulya-darling! With this photo shoot, you brought me back to my youth, to my favorite songs, to my creative life, where I was so happy! Thank you! Your Rusya,” Irina Osaulenko, who performs on stage under the pseudonym Rusya, commented with gratitude on such a gift from her sister.

While everyone is at home 1998 family of Natasha Koroleva sister Rusya mother Lyuda Igor Nikolaev

“One can only sympathize with the parents of such children, I know this from myself,” says Natasha Koroleva’s sister Irina Osaulenko now. – Physically, he is a normal, handsome boy, but he is completely unsuited for life, he has a completely different perception. It's terrible, of course."

Irina Osaulenko photo now

Despite such difficult trials that befell her, Irina took the risk of becoming a mother again. Ten years ago, she and her husband gave birth to a daughter, Sonya. She is an absolutely healthy girl. “It’s so good that this happened! - says Irina. – Motya now has Sonya, and she loves him terribly. And I understand that if something happens to me, my son will not be left alone in this world, he has a sister.”

Few people know that Natasha Koroleva’s older sister, Irina Poryvay, was once a sought-after singer and sold out stadiums.
However, at one point the artist, performing under the pseudonym Rusya, disappeared.
Irina and Natasha are like two peas in a pod. At one time they even performed together with the “Two Sisters” program.

But none of the fans then even knew that Irina had a sick son waiting for her at home. Numerous concerts were needed only to pay for expensive treatment for the boy.

Before the star Natasha Koroleva appeared on the Russian stage, Irina Poryvai was already a famous singer in Ukraine. Her stage name (short for Irusya) was invented by her husband Konstantin Osaulenko, who was her producer and author of all the song hits.

Their happiness seemed cloudless: they got married, Irina’s popularity grew every day, and two years after they met, their son was born.

Unfortunately, the boy had a terrible congenital disease - cerebral palsy. Huge sums of money were required for his treatment.

Rusya gave several concerts a day, and when in 1991 she was invited to Canada to record her first album, she was also very happy about the opportunity to show her son to foreign specialists.
To earn extra money for her son’s treatment, Irina gave private piano lessons, but this did not bring much income.

A streak of misfortune awaited the couple: real poverty knocked on the door. Unexpectedly, Ruse was offered a job as a conductor at St. Andrew's Church in Toronto, owned by the Ukrainian Orthodox Church.
The servants saw that something was seriously bothering the woman, but did not question her. Something happened that Irina Osaulenko was so afraid of.

“The doctors told us that all of our son’s functions are impaired, and when he starts to grow up, nature will simply kill him,” said Natasha Koroleva’s sister on the “Tonight” program with Andrei Malakhov.

For eleven long years the family fought for Volodya’s life. “We were just on tour in Canada, and Ira and Kostya came to our concert,” recalls Natasha Koroleva.
“They called me and said that Vova was no more. Not only do I have to go on stage after this, I also have to tell my mother that her son has died... I then went out and sang a song about a swallow. So on Vova’s tombstone it is written: “Swallow, swallow, say hello,” the singer added.

After the death of her son, Irina could not come to her senses. She had terrible depression, her family was afraid that she might commit suicide.

Then the mother of the Poryvay sisters persuaded Irina to give birth a second time. Matvey was born - an absolutely healthy boy. But at the age of four he was diagnosed with autism. Now the son of Rus is already twelve years old.

Despite all the troubles that befell Irina, she decided to become a mother again. Ten years ago, she and her husband had a daughter, Sonya.
“It’s so good that this happened! - says Irina. - Matvey now has Sonya, and she loves him terribly. And I understand that if something happens to me, my son will not be left alone in this world, he has a sister.”

In 2014, Natasha Koroleva published a photo shoot of her sister. “Natulya-darling! With this photo shoot, you brought me back to my happy youth,” Irina thanked her sister.

Irina’s husband believes that all difficulties are given to us only so that we change for the better.
Star Aunt Natasha pays for Matvey’s expensive treatment and hopes that Irina’s life will finally get better.

Arkhip Glushko became interested in the Japanese language and Japanese culture.

Serious changes have occurred in the life of Natasha Koroleva; her 15-year-old son Arkhip found a Japanese mother. The guy has already flown to new relatives in Tokyo. Natasha Koroleva was always proud of her son. Two years ago she sent Arkhip to study in America. Her famous mother Lyuda insisted that the guy study abroad, seeing that her grandson could not speak English fluently.

During his studies, Koroleva’s son achieved good success. " Of course, it was not easy for me to send my child to study in America, says Natasha Koroleva. – But I understood that it would be better for him, first of all. We were in constant contact: we talked on the Internet, called each other several times a day. I'll tell you: when children are born, any mother has a constant fear. I want the child to do well».

Now the singer has more worries. Her Arkhip unexpectedly found a Japanese family for himself. He has already flown to new relatives in Tokyo. " Yes, my child is now in Japan, - admitted Koroleva - There he found a local family, a Japanese mother. I personally don’t know her: I’ve seen great people, and that makes me very happy».

In Japan, Arkhip does not waste time. He attends a local school, where he actively studies Japanese. It is possible that in the near future he will leave for Tokyo forever. " My son flew away on his own for the first time in his life, Natasha continues. – It's his choice! We didn't insist on anything. He likes it there: he was inspired by the idea of ​​learning Japanese perfectly. Goes to school by metro! Arkhip has been interested in Japanese culture for several years now. Last year, even we went to the Land of the Rising Sun for reconnaissance. And my son really liked it there».

Arkhip will stay with a Japanese family for three weeks. He will return to Moscow in August, but not for long. " I just can’t understand: where does he get such a love for Japan?- continues the Queen. – I’ve even asked my husband more than once: “Seryozha, how could a Belarusian and a Ukrainian girl make a child who adores Japan?»

While the son is in Japan, his star parents went to Ibiza. However, Koroleva does not lose contact with Arkhip and keeps her finger on the pulse. The singer has admitted more than once: for her son, she is the best friend who will explain and advise everything. She encourages her son to do good deeds more often, because then life will be easier. " The boomerang exists, and everything you do in your life will certainly come back., says the singer. – Sometimes we do some wrong things that bring pain and suffering to other people. Then they will definitely come back to you. I have also sinned in my life. And she paid for it in full. But I don't regret anything».