The devil is in the details. The devil is in the details...

Once again about the causes of the tragedy that happened a year ago in Belgorod and shook up not only the whole country, but the whole world.

We have already had our fill of what the “health care reform” has brought us. That's what he calls new government the collapse of the Soviet medical care system - one of the best in the world! Previously, people went into medicine to save people, now they make money.


The tragedy that happened in Belgorod on the very eve of the new year, 2016, shook not only the whole country, but the whole world! Still would! Doctor Ilya Zelendinov beat to death a 56-year-old patient brought by ambulance in the hospital emergency room. Alas, only this publicity allowed a righteous judgment to take place.

They tried to get rid of the beloved son-in-law of a high-ranking local official, Alexander Kulabukhov, to the last, almost blaming the murdered man for his own death.

Now, more than a year after that tragedy, we are forced to return to it again precisely because it was simply silenced in Belgorod at that time. But in addition to the deceased, there were many more victims. We are talking about the team of the 2nd city hospital.


The killer doctor took away the only true value from his colleagues - a good name. It was earned by common hard work over a period of for long years, but they lost it instantly.

As punishment for what? For the best eye department in the region? For the best gynecological? Because the chief physician and city council deputy Vladimir Lutsenko pushed for the construction of a perinatal center at the hospital? For the fact that for the first time in modern history region, it was the 2nd city, with the help of the regional authorities, that managed to build a residential building for its employees? Just in time for that new year, the house - 75 apartments, kindergarten on the ground floor - was completed...

Everything collapsed. The team - almost one and a half thousand people - found themselves trampled into the mud. And after Deputy Governor Elena Batanova demanded and received a statement “on her own” from the chief physician, the 2nd City Hospital was simply left to the mercy of fate.

It’s hard to believe, but... The chief doctor of the regional hospital, Zhanna Chefranova, was at the same time (!) appointed chief doctor of the 2nd city hospital. Someone came up with something like this!

Alas, to correct the mistake, to return to his place the head physician, who was not allowed to remain in his hospital even as an ordinary surgeon - this did not occur to anyone. Although all the doctors with whom I had to talk about this topic during this year nodded in agreement: the man suffered innocently, he was treated unfairly...


The worst thing is that it happened not only at Zhanna Chefranova’s new place of work complete bummer. In her native regional hospital, too, everything has not been working for a long time, thank God.

It should be said right away: 49-year-old Sergei Karachevtsev was a very healthy person. He died in the regional hospital for three weeks: he underwent one unnecessary, senseless operation, a second, and a third was already scheduled...

As the head of the department, Alexander Soloshenko, said, “we decided to look with our eyes.” They didn't even see anything. After the second operation, the patient developed peritonitis. He slowly bled to death, almost 20 liters of blood were transfused to him... He even endured a flight to the capital when his relatives found 2 million to pay for air ambulance...

Before this, the relatives, and not the doctors, organized the visit of a consultant from Moscow; they were in the hospital and were against transporting the patient to the capital (apparently, believing that the end was near and it would be better to do the autopsy themselves?). The hospital did not have the reagents needed to carry out a special analysis. And my brother took the blood to Moscow for analysis...

At 2 a.m. on March 19, Sergei Karachevtsev was taken to the Sklifosovsky Institute, where he was immediately given a diagnosis that could not be made at the main Belgorod hospital for three long, painful weeks. But it was already late, too late.

Sergei was very healthy man. Not everyone in his place would have lasted so long...

And I remembered how the former head physician of the regional hospital, Vladimir Kulikovsky, answered my question: why is the mortality rate in the regional hospital the same, or even lower, than in some areas; How can this be, since the most seriously ill patients from the entire region are taken there?

He replied: “They treat well, that’s why they die less often.” But other doctors unanimously told me something completely different: the regional department either doesn’t take the most severe cases, or sends them back to the districts to die so that the indicators don’t spoil.


I had many reasons to meet Kulikovsky: the doctor himself, the former head of the regional hospital, heads the local medical center, and a deputy of the regional Duma. And in response I unexpectedly heard:

Why are you getting into this? Write about something else... Talk to others in this case. What am I obliged to do... I don’t owe anything to anyone! I don't owe anything!

However, unexpectedly he called back. He innocently explained such a drastic change in his views: he reported to the chairman of the Duma, and he reminded him that he was a public figure and still obliged...

Alas, our long conversation did not really yield anything. Or vice versa? It turns out that I “asked questions that have no answers,” and also “I myself must see that everything is leading to the collapse of healthcare.”

It remains to be fair to add that no one wanted to discuss the medical situation in the region with a journalist! And Elena Batanova, who recently became a former deputy governor, and the current deputy Natalya Zubareva, and the head physician of the regional hospital Zhanna Chefranova, and...

For two weeks I called their reception desks every day to no avail. Probably, on a business trip to Belgorod you should come for a couple of months or even better for a year at once...

By the way, only two agreed to the meeting - the former head physician of the 2nd City Hospital, but he really could not answer my questions, and her current one.


The new chief physician Anton Bondarev - there is no newer - we met on the 21st day after his appointment - at first he surprised me with his spontaneity. Who sent you? And he surprised me even more by sternly warning me: if I don’t like what you write about me... And then I stopped being surprised. The gentleman came from business.

The main pride of the new boss is that he was appointed governor! “So you are a thieves? Did you get this position through connections?” - I clarified. Yes, Zotov personally asked and Savchenko personally appointed.

It’s worth explaining: Vladimir Zotov is a local oligarch and deputy of the regional Duma. At the end of last year, he was included in the Forbes list in 190th place with a fortune of $400 million.

Zotov's surname was repeated in the chief physician's speech like a password. Would you like to get another review and life would be good?

And it also constantly sounded: I, my... The remark that it was he who came to someone else’s team, which had been formed over the years, and not she who was hired to work for him, seemed to surprise my interlocutor. So we surprised each other...

Anton Bondarev and his subordinates seemed to be talking not about the same hospital, but about two different ones.

He: “The main thing is that I have extensive experience in leadership.”

They: “But he’s not a doctor, he doesn’t understand basic things, how can you appoint a person in charge who didn’t work in a hospital?!”

“I don’t touch anyone, let everyone work.”

“Yes, the deputy chief of surgery has not yet been officially fired, but there is already another one sitting in his office.”

"I'm modernizing..."

“How dare he mock people - leak planning meetings with offensive comments about doctors onto the Internet?! Why did he come? What does he want?

So far, it seems that only one thing is clear to the team: we are not his soldiers, and he is not our general.

Olga Kitova,

columnist weekly

"New Tuesday"



“The devil is in the details” - so says an old French proverb, and it, like no other, expresses the full range of emotions of the book by the immortal author Johann Wolfgangt von Goethe.
I decided to read this book spontaneously, just like that, because before I had never, except school curriculum I haven’t read it. It was like a sudden impulse that brought me to the library to a bookshelf, to a nondescript book, in a nondescript cover, saturated with sadness and homeliness. But...
“The devil is in the details” - something in this book hooked me, either its poetic form, or the author of the book, or the desire to show off that I had read “such a cool book.” There was mistrust, there were internal disputes, but everything I took it anyway.
And I was not mistaken. Hiding behind the monochromatic and gloomy cover, a wonderful plot, subtle emotional torment and completely unusual images for that time awaited me. Faust - main character books - this is a completely unusual person, thirsting for discoveries, experiments, thirsting to be on a par with God, it was not for nothing that he tried to summon the Spirit at the beginning of the book, but was disappointed in his gray and boring life, disappointed in science, in himself. He became the center of tangled lines fates, tangled in such a tangle, for the explanation of which you must read the book itself. He was surrounded by a rut of events, his beloved and the most charismatic, and by the way my most favorite character in the poem - Mephistopheles.
If we take into account that Faust means life and a symbol of a new era in the tragedy, then Mephistopheles, on the contrary, is death and simple. He is like a tenacious weed, trying to stop the restless Faust and say: “Stop, lie down, eat, kill life in your heart, break through “You are breaking your heart” - but Faust remembers that as soon as he stops, the cunning and insidious devil will capture his soul and drag him forever to Hell. And he fights, fights, fights.
In fact, Goethe’s tragedy is not a tragedy at all, but.....a comedy! Although it is not immediately obvious, and many will argue with me, comedy = tragedy + time, and time, as well as truthfully accurate injections, with a satirical slant Faust has enough of the devil.
“The devil is in the details” - Goethe’s tragedy is full of them. Is it possible, if you don’t look at the details, to notice that a person like Faust is dissatisfied with something? Is it possible not to notice in the details that it is precisely because of Satan’s cunning pricks , Faust lost his beloved? Really? In everything, in all of this, a piece of Mephistopheles is hidden. He is everywhere, he: "... is hidden in the details." - the devil is omnipresent and insidious, but nevertheless, he, with his eternal, often truthful conversations about the imperfection of everything that God created, and especially man, helped Faustus to understand - everything that God created is perfect. Man is perfect, nature is perfect, Mephistopheles is perfect too - Faust understood this, and for this he was lifted up to heaven by angels, but they were lifted up as equals, because God, who in ordinary literature after the death of Faust would have left him to be torn to pieces by hellish creatures, in this tragedy appeared as an all-forgiving God, who is like a small child taught Faust to understand the Essence. The essence of his existence. And he forgave him, as a mother or father would forgive a child who had been playing too hard.
This book opened the world of literature to me, became a door into deep world books and now, thanks to this book, you are sitting and reading my essay.
This book should be read by everyone at any age, but you need to grow into it. Grow up spiritually.
You may not agree with me
You may not like my essay
Or maybe you just don't want to read Faust?
But you can read immortal creation Johann Wolfgangt von Goethe? Yes?
And take a closer, deeper look at this world.
Dig deeper into the deep-rooted foundations and principles that Faust so greatly shook
Notice what I didn’t notice and build my own picture of the universe.
After all....
As is known...
The devil is in the details...

As I did before, asking about the devil, which is in the details, attracts a certain number of people. Only they are a little different :-)

A common interpretation of the idiom “the devil is in the details” (“the devil is in the details”) - in any plan there are a couple of little things that are worth paying attention to, otherwise, in the future, you will not end up with problems. Just as an option, when implementing a plan, an oversight in seemingly insignificant places can lead to collapse.

My beloved Wikipedia (which, they say, has become bad manners to refer to) says this:

The idiom “The devil is in the details” refers to something unplanned, and goes back to “God is in the details”, which expresses the idea that every task must be done carefully (every detail matters).

The authorship of the expression "God is in the details" is attributed to different people. The New York Times, in a 1969 obituary, associated the phrase with the architect German origin Ludwig Mies van der Rohe (1886–1969). On this moment It is already generally accepted that the authorship does not belong to him.

This expression is often mentioned by the German art historian Aby Warburg (1866–1929). Although, Warburg's biographer Ernst Hans Gombrich doubts the authorship.

An early form of "Le bon Dieu est dans le détail" (the good God is in the details) is attributed to Gustav Flaubert (1821–1880).

Bartlett's Familiar Quotations marks this expression as anonymous.

Google Ngram Viewer (funny service, didn't know about it) claims that the phrase "the devil is in the details" does not appear in the collection until 1975. In Google Books, the phrase is mentioned in a 1969 book as an established expression.

Sometimes there are modifications: “Management is in the details”, “Truth is in the details”.

Also, William Safire (1929–2009) mentions this phrase in an article for The New York Times (July 30, 1989) and quotes the editor of Bartlett's Familiar Quotes: "We are still not clear with 'God (or the devil) is in the details." We know that Mies van der Rohe used it when discussing architecture; it is assumed to be Flaubert's authorship, but confirmation has not yet been found in his notes. I think John Ruskin might have said this ( John Ruskin), the phrase is exactly in the style of his statements about the quality of performance, but we still don’t have enough quotes to confirm it.”

The bill on protecting the feelings of believers has undergone a facelift.

The draft law on “protecting the feelings of believers,” adopted by the State Duma on May 21 in the second reading, has already been analyzed twice in Novaya Gazeta - and both times with disappointing results. Judging by what the deputies accepted, they continue to persist in the harmful misconception that “insulting feelings” is, firstly, possible, and secondly, should be punishable. But only if we're talking about on religious feelings: the bill does not protect the feelings of non-believers.

The main consequence of the appearance of such a law will be not only the strengthening of the clericalization of the country, but complete immunity for public criticism of both the top of the Russian Orthodox Church and the leadership of other “traditional faiths.” And of course, increased repression against citizens disliked by the authorities: it will be extremely easy to attribute to them “insulting feelings” - due to the extreme vagueness of the wording, which leaves extraordinary scope for judicial arbitrariness.

The concept of the bill is only cosmetically changed compared to the original one. And now she does not introduce it into the Criminal Code new article about punishment for “insulting feelings”, but changes old article- 148th.

It will henceforth provide for liability “for public actions that express clear disrespect for society and committed with the aim of insulting the religious feelings of believers” in the form of a fine of up to 300 thousand rubles, or compulsory labor for up to 240 hours, or forced labor for 1 year, as well as possible imprisonment for a year.

If this is committed in places specially designed for worship, other religious rites and ceremonies, the fine will increase to 500 thousand rubles, the term of compulsory labor will be up to 480 hours, forced labor will be up to 3 years, and the term of imprisonment will be up to 3 years.

Changes are also being made to the Administrative Code: the maximum fines for violating legislation on freedom of conscience, freedom of religion and religious associations for citizens are increased from 10 to 30 thousand rubles, for officials - from 50 to 100 thousand rubles. Finally, for “deliberate public desecration of religious or liturgical literature and objects of worship” you can receive a fine of up to 200 thousand rubles.

Alas, the deputy is either disingenuous or does not know the law well.

Firstly, the Civil Code (as well as the corresponding decisions of the Plenum of the Supreme Court) defines moral harm as “moral or physical suffering caused by actions (inaction) encroaching on intangible benefits belonging to a citizen from birth or by force of law, or violating his personal moral rights or violating the property rights of a citizen.”

That is, the moral suffering of a citizen is punishable only when it is caused by a violation of his specific rights. In all other cases, they are not subject to state protection. And the fact that this or that citizen considered himself “offended in religious feelings” - was it because of the conduct of something he did not like? art exhibition, showing a performance he doesn’t like or holding an action to protect the LGBT community from violence by neo-Nazis or pseudo-Orthodox fanatics has absolutely no legal significance.

Secondly, how will they establish the presence of “intention”, that is, the fact that the actions were committed specifically for the purpose of “insulting”?

Thirdly, the law (unlike the Constitution, which guarantees citizens the right not to profess any religion) does not protect atheists in any way: “worldviews” have nothing to do with religious feelings. But attempts to spread atheistic views (which is again guaranteed by the Constitution) will become simply impossible - they will be dragged through the courts for allegedly insulting feelings...

While the law has not yet been adopted, I want to declare: I am an atheist. I have every right to believe that any religion is nothing more than fairy tales. That there are no gods. That man descended from the monkey. That Jesus Christ did not resurrect after death.

And I have the right not only to think so, but also to speak - wherever I see fit.
Without a doubt, any person has every right to think differently. Believe in any god, pray to him along with those who believe the same as him, and freely talk about it wherever he wants. But his religious feelings do not and cannot have any advantages over my atheistic feelings, and they cannot be subject to special protection.

Who owns the natural resources in Russia? Today I became interested in understanding one “obvious” question, namely: “Who owns the national wealth of our country?” To be honest, like many people, I thought that it was for the people. But alas, as it turned out, the truth is much more surprising than it seemed at first glance... Let's get started. Russia and “national wealth” The term “national wealth” is usually considered to include all the resources of our country: land, oil, gas, coal, timber, raw materials and everything that is located on Russian territory and may have some value or utility. More than 1/3 of the Russian budget consists of revenues from oil and gas activities, the so-called mineral extraction tax. Mineral extraction tax - taxes on income from mineral resources And it seems that everything is quite obvious who owns the natural resources in Russia. If more than a third of the Russian Federation’s budget comes from revenues from the oil and gas industry, then the state receives the money. And the state spends it on the people and national programs. That is, it would be quite logical to say that indirectly (through the state), income from oil and gas in Russia is controlled by the people. But it's not that simple. Let's see what is written about this in the Constitution of the Russian Federation. Natural resources of Russia and the Constitution of the Russian Federation This is where I encountered a slight dissonance when I began to collect information on this issue. In theory, Russia's natural resources should belong to the people, and accordingly, all proceeds from the sale of oil and gas should go to us. But, in the Constitution of the Russian Federation, everything is written rather strangely in this regard: Taken from the Constitution of the Russian Federation. Chapter 1, Article 9, paragraph 2. “Land and other natural resources can be in private, state, municipal and other forms of ownership.” In simple words it is written that land and resources can be owned. And there is a listing of forms of ownership. The key word here is "can". This means that land and resources, a priori, do not belong to the people. But when the rights of ownership are formed, they can receive such a right. Taken from the Constitution of the Russian Federation. Chapter 2, Article 36, paragraph 1-3. But in Article 36 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, there is a decoding to the ninth: “Ownership, use and disposal of land and other natural resources is carried out freely by their owners...” That is, in Article 9 it is written that there are forms of ownership in which land and resources may be in someone else's hands. And in Article 36 it is written that the rights to own, use and dispose of this land and resources belong to their owners (reference in Article 9 and forms of ownership). So much for “national wealth belongs to the people.” Land and resources in Russia belong to their owner (who acquires the rights of ownership, use and disposal), as written in the Constitution of the Russian Federation. Conclusion This is how it turns out, land and resources can belong to the people if they form a certain company that can acquire such property rights. But such a form of ownership as “people’s”, “civil” or “national” does not exist. In reality, rights to land and resources belong to their owner, no matter what form of ownership we are talking about. And accordingly, profits from the sale of oil and gas go to the owners of this land and resources, and not anyone else. Another thing is that the state takes taxes, excise taxes and fees from these “owners” for the extraction and sale of “national wealth” and indirectly receives income from the owner of the land and resources. Therefore, the statement that “Russia’s natural resources belong to the people” is incorrect; they belong to their owner (which may be citizens of the Russian Federation).