All about the flower business. How to open your own flower shop in a small town

The advantages of the flower business include the relatively small size of the starting investment; markups on goods reach up to 300%. Disadvantages: goods deteriorate quickly, are damaged during transportation, seasonal sales.

Scale matters

The flower salon is no exception, its location. size significantly influence business development.

Small shop or pavilion

The size of the business premises plays an important role. A large store will expand the range of products. In addition to cut flowers, they sell flowers in pots, souvenirs offered as gifts, soil mixture, and other related products, which reduce costs in the store.

To start a store, it will take approximately 20 thousand dollars of investment. It pays off slowly, but due to the large assortment and regular customers, it turns out to be a stable business.

A pavilion with a good location brings good profit, daily, despite its smaller area. The costs of opening it are negligible. But if the retail space is located on an unprofitable site, then the income will decrease significantly.

Profit in the pavilion depends mainly on turnover. They sell mainly cut flowers with a small assortment of 20–25 items, which quickly spoil. Ancillary income comes from packaging flowers.

Specialized florist boutique

The sale of flowers in salons is gaining recognition. Elegant interior design in florist boutiques emphasizes the beauty of the flower business. A flower salon has significant advantages, but the required amount to open it is 80 thousand dollars. Typically, boutiques have corporate clients with whom they constantly cooperate and deliver flowers to them.

Profit from corporate clients is equivalent to weekly profit in retail sales.

Business development will be stable with great prospects, opening a network of salons and developing new areas.

How to open a flower shop

Opening a flower salon does not have any special legal requirements: it is not subject to licensing and has no special rules for taxation. Therefore, it is worth starting it in the same way as any other business - with registration and registration with the relevant authorities.

Registration, documents for opening

The store will not be able to carry out its activities without registration with government agencies. What do you need to open a flower shop? First, prepare documents and register, having decided on the organizational and legal form of the legal entity, or register as an individual entrepreneur.

The list of documents includes:

  • the charter of the company, signed by the founders in two copies with an electronic copy;
  • a certificate from the bank confirming the presence of an authorized capital;
  • receipt of payment of state duty;

Then you should submit an application to the tax office. A sample of filling out documents can be found on the Internet or at the inspection itself.

Equipment purchase

Photo: example of the arrangement of flower racks.

The initial cost of purchasing equipment can be kept to a minimum. It would be reasonable to purchase everything you need from specialized companies from wholesale suppliers.

Furniture purchased:

  • tables,
  • a few chairs,
  • racks and display cases,
  • stands,
  • stem cutting tool,
  • several plastic buckets, containers for flowers.

Mobile refrigeration units are purchased when there is an urgent need. During the hot months, you can use a regular household air conditioner; for the cold winter months, purchase a portable electric heater.

Purchase of goods

When purchasing goods, you need to focus on wholesale suppliers with experience and a good reputation, then there will be no problems with the reliability of delivery and quality of the goods.

Fresh flowers can be stored at properly selected temperature conditions for up to 20 days.

After this period, the flowers lose their marketable appearance. To reduce costs from goods that have become unusable, you need to plan the range and timing of purchases.

The assortment should include roses and carnations - they are in constant demand. Roses attract with grace and beauty. They are in demand at any time of the year; during non-seasonal periods prices double and on holidays triple. Strict and sophisticated carnations are no less attractive, although they are inferior in price to other colors.

The assortment is usually based on gardenias, tulips, daffodils and orchids. From them you can create compositions that will become not only a profitable product, but even a business card and interior decoration of your store.

Brief business plan for a flower shop

How much does it cost: basic and associated costs

Business starts with calculations. Having decided on the premises, you can calculate how much you need to invest in the flower shop. The table calculates costs without taking into account funds for preparing documents and paying state duty.

Estimated costs:

Is it profitable?

The flower business, despite the time, effort and money invested, will bring good profits.

Factors influencing potential income:

  • market scale,
  • choice of scale of activity: store, pavilion or boutique, costs are commensurate with the area;
  • choosing the right location for trading;
  • organization of reliable delivery, advertising of goods;
  • professional sales methods, good-natured, gentle and respectful customer service;
  • the amount of initial investment taking into account the energy and effort that was put into the business, including personal attitude.

Taking into account all the listed nuances, the net profit in a small store will be from 5 to 45 thousand dollars a year, and in a florist salon the amount doubles.

Video about the realities of working in a flower shop

Specifics of the flower shop

Where to open your store: choosing a location

Flowers are bought by succumbing to impulsive feelings that are uncontrollable, so the location of the store will solve the issue of sales by 80%.

Despite fierce competition, the store should be located in the busiest places. The space near the store should be as spacious as possible, and the place should be open, so that there is an overview and the store can be seen from all sides.

Potted (indoor) or cut flowers?

Indoor flowers have always been in demand, and with the development of interior design, they have acquired a special status: they are varied, beautiful, colorful. The niche with potted flowers has not yet been fully developed.

Many entrepreneurs sell potted flowers as an additional product to existing cut flowers. Specialized flower shops selling indoor flowers are rare, but if combined with the sale of cut flowers, large areas will be required.

March 8, September 1 and other “red dates” are the best time to open a store

The opening can be timed on a specific date corresponding to holidays.

For example, open it in early March and make a decent profit over several holidays, which often reaches 20% of annual income.

Opening costs will pay off almost immediately. But you can start activity at the beginning of September, then trade continues steadily until the beginning of January. The right time must be chosen, taking into account the peculiarities of trade, which is characterized by pronounced seasonality.

Seasonality in this area

The flower business is seasonal, especially in a small town. Basically, the period of decline in the flower trade occurs in the summer: May - September, winter: January - February. The summer decrease in activity is explained by a large outflow of the population - the holiday season. In winter, trade continues, but not so briskly; flowers are mainly purchased for special events, anniversaries, and birthdays.

But the end of summer and autumn is the height of weddings. Flower shop services are in great demand during this period.

It is quite acceptable to provide an additional source that will support the flower business by selecting something close to the flower business, for example, landscaping offices with artificial flowers.

Rules of the florist salon

The requirements for a florist salon increase depending on the client’s requests.

There are rules to follow:

  • excellent service that can satisfy the client;
  • interior of the salon, its layout, cleanliness, arrangement of colors;
  • a varied range of goods. In addition to roses, lilacs, gladioli, peonies, lilies of the valley, and daffodils are included. Reflect in the interior elements that highlight the special charm of the colors available;
  • the presence of all kinds of greenery for flowers, elegant ready-made bouquets.

Business development

Online store of flowers and gifts

To improve and develop the business, it is logical to open an online store in parallel, which will generate profit and promote the product in networks. With the development and accessibility of the Internet, the popularity of online projects has increased, opening costs are minimal, and there are more amenities.

It is worth considering flower delivery on the site as an additional service option.

By ordering flowers, you save time and money, delivery is carried out quite quickly. Flowers are delivered to the addressee at the request of the customer. Payment and delivery are made according to the established procedure - prepayment or using a bank card. Convenient navigation helps you make a choice of colors.

The online store operates, for example, around the clock. Then it will be possible to increase trade turnover by expanding the list of services. In addition to flowers, you can sell souvenirs, gifts, greeting cards, since many clients, when buying flowers, order a gift to accompany the bouquet.

Advertising and Marketing

When you decide to start a business, you are faced with the question: where to start? It is necessary to develop a marketing plan, advertise the product and form a base of likely customers who can become potential customers. The costs associated with advertising are not so significant, but the effect is amazing.

  • articles about business in networks, in magazines,
  • radio and television alerts,
  • on street billboards. This way, more people will know about the existence of the business, and the number of potential customers will increase.

Store interior and exterior design

When decorating, it is better to stick to warm colors, which do not particularly attract attention, but can emphasize the special atmosphere inherent in flowers. Divide the store into zones taking into account the goods sold, set aside an area for cut flowers and potted flowers. Use different attributes to increase the space of the room, such as mirrors.

You should create a good lighting system and install original furniture. Exterior decoration must be ordered from a company dealing with this issue. Usually, the catalogs of such companies provide an example of design: after viewing, you can choose the best option, which will become the business card of the store.

The flower business often arises from a hobby, which is why its owners are often women. However, representatives of the stronger sex, who know the value of money, are also not against making money on beauty. This is exactly the case when money smells, and it’s very pleasant.

Flowers are one of the most popular gifts, as they are relevant for absolutely any holiday. They come in a variety of shapes and forms, and there are many unique varieties that vary in appearance and cost. The flower business is considered profitable, stable and interesting, which is why it is of interest to many entrepreneurs. In the first stages, it can be organized even at home, and if you promote it correctly, you can receive passive income in the future, since no effort will be invested in the business.

The flower selling business has both positive and negative sides. It is important to know about all the parameters before opening a business in order to start a profitable activity from scratch.

The advantages include:

The disadvantages of the job include:

  • sales are uneven as they depend on the season and are also affected by various holidays;
  • to get started, you need to create a correct, thoughtful and reliable business plan for a flower shop with calculations, and you can view a sample, but each store must have its own individual project;
  • for high-quality business operation, a cash register is required, the use of which complicates the procedure for accounting for activities and requires registration of equipment with the tax office, and the device itself has a significant cost;
  • flowers are perishable goods that require specific care, so optimal and specific conditions must be created for them;
  • To get started, an entrepreneur must have complex and unusual knowledge and skills in the field of floristry in order for the flower business to be profitable and promising.

Initially, you need to register, and you can choose either an individual entrepreneur or an LLC. The most optimal choice of legal form is considered to be an individual entrepreneur. For this purpose, the following documents are prepared and submitted to the tax office:

  • an application that must contain the correct OKVED codes for the selected area of ​​activity;
  • a flower business can operate under a simplified taxation system, which must be switched to immediately after registration;
  • a copy of the citizen’s passport and his TIN.

Trade will be reliable and controlled if a cash register is used in the process. Therefore, it is recommended to initially purchase this equipment. The device must be registered with the tax office, after which it can be used for its intended purpose. It is also advisable to obtain a stamp and open a bank account.

Choosing a store location

Where to start a flower business? It is important to decide where exactly the activity will take place. To do this, it is necessary to carry out marketing research, on the basis of which a special project will be made, and an example of it can be easily found on the Internet. It will contain basic information and nuances of opening and running a business.

You should not completely take a ready-made project, since it will not take into account the specifics of a particular region and store.

The flower business must be favorably located, since the location for this particular activity is considered a key point. The best choices are the following premises:

  • next to the wedding palace;
  • near high-traffic areas, which include public transport stops, large supermarkets or universal markets;
  • close to a train station or bus station.

There should be parking spaces next to the store so that every client has the opportunity to comfortably drive up to the outlet. It should be possible to place outdoor advertising that will attract the attention of potential buyers, as a result of which a business from scratch can generate good income. There should be no competitors nearby who can entice customers with different promotions or other advantages.

Arrangement of the premises

Competent trading presupposes that a unified and unique concept must be formed inside the store, which will be pleasant and interesting for customers. All costs for these purposes must be included in the business opening project. An example of an interesting and exclusive design can be found on the Internet or you can go to the most famous and popular flower shops.

The following styles are considered an excellent choice:

  • Rococo or Provence if the flower business is intended for high-income clients;
  • hi-tech is considered an ideal solution when specializing a store for customers who prefer to constantly purchase unique new items and exquisite items;
  • if not only flowers are sold in bouquets, but also flowers in boxes and pots, then such a store can be decorated in an eco-style, and only natural and safe ingredients should be used here, and such a design will act as an interesting advertisement for the business.

The store should be well lit, and natural lighting should be combined with artificial lighting, which can favorably highlight the products presented.

An important point in the arrangement is the acquisition of equipment and furniture. For this you buy:

  • showcases and racks for flowers in boxes, pots or other containers;
  • freezers in which you can prolong the freshness of cut flowers, which will increase the store’s income;
  • a table designed for the work of a florist;
  • table and cash register for efficient and correct payments to clients;
  • To ensure that customers wait for their orders in comfort, it is recommended to place a sofa in the store.

An example of the proper arrangement of all elements in a room can be easily viewed on various websites on the Internet.

Compilation of product assortment

How to open a flower business from scratch that will bring good income, will be stable, sustainable and promising? To do this, a special activity project is drawn up with detailed and accurate calculations, which should indicate the nuances of compiling the assortment of goods.

When compiling the assortment, the following elements are taken into account:

  • Cut flowers, the varieties of which should be numerous. The most popular are roses and chrysanthemums, tulips and mimosas, orchids and lilies, as well as many other varieties.
  • Flowers in pots or boxes are in demand, but less popular compared to cut goods. An example of an excellent store suggests the presence of a large number of varieties of such flowers.
  • Cultivated plants that are of interest to many potential customers. As a rule, they are purchased by retirees or people who like to spend a lot of time gardening or working with crops in the garden.
  • Related products that are very profitable to sell due to a good margin. With their help, you can significantly increase profits, and this includes fertilizers, pots, literature about flowers, candles and ribbons, cards and packaging, stands and elements for creating a unique landscape design.

If you choose the assortment wisely, you can count on good demand for the store, which can generate passive and high income.

How to make a store popular?

It is important to know not only how to start a flower business, but also how to properly promote it. The following methods are used for this:

  • finding corporate regular customers who will regularly order decoration for various celebrations;
  • design of various portfolios, for which unique flower arrangements are created, and in the future it will be possible to create original bouquets for weddings, dates, anniversaries or other significant dates;
  • advertising on radio, television or other media;
  • cooperation with holiday agencies, restaurants or other establishments that can become regular customers;
  • creating your own website on the Internet.


How to organize a flower business that will be popular among buyers? To do this, it is important to find suitable workers who will be professional florists who know how to properly care for flowers and create unique and inimitable compositions from them.

Salaries should depend entirely on revenue.

Pitfalls in starting a flower business

Starting this business from scratch is not difficult if you look at an example of a successful store in advance. However, for promising and profitable work, you need to know all the possible difficulties and pitfalls, which include:

  • if you hire non-professionals, they will not be able to make unusual bouquets, so the store will not be able to compete with other establishments;
  • you should not purchase a ready-made store, since a profitable business will never be sold;
  • flowers need to be properly cared for and kept in optimal conditions, otherwise they will quickly lose their presentation, which will lead to constant write-offs;
  • you should not skimp on creating an original store design, because otherwise it will not differ from standard retail outlets, and therefore will not attract the attention of customers;
  • trade must be conducted honestly, therefore it is unacceptable to make a bouquet of fresh and half-withered flowers, since you can easily lose customers;
  • on holidays, you need to clearly understand how many bouquets and flowers can actually be sold, so as not to let down buyers on pre-orders;
  • It is advisable to use a cash register while working, which will simplify control over sellers.

If you know all the pitfalls, you can expect to successfully open a profitable and efficient store.

Financial calculations

The project of opening a flower business involves investing the following amount of money:

  • creation of a unique design – 150 thousand rubles;
  • purchase of equipment and furniture – 320 thousand rubles;
  • investments in business advertising – 40 thousand rubles;
  • business registration – 1 thousand rubles.

The total initial investment is equal to 1 million 51 thousand rubles. Monthly expenses:

  • rent of premises per month – 40 thousand rubles;
  • purchase of goods for a month – 500 thousand rubles;
  • employee salaries – 105 thousand rubles;
  • business advertising – 5 thousand rubles;
  • taxes and utility bills - 40 thousand rubles.

Total – 690 thousand rubles. With a markup of 80%, you can expect an income of 900 thousand rubles, of which net profit is 210 thousand rubles. Profitability is at a very high level, since it is equal to – 210/900*100=23.3%.

Thus, if you open a business wisely, pay a lot of attention to its advertising, offer a good assortment and hire professionals, you can get a profitable business that will be stable and developing, and therefore can bring constant passive income in the future.

is an idea that comes to many people who dream of having their own business and finally starting working for themselves. The advantages of this type of activity include minimal initial costs, ease of organization and great prospects for development. If you register your business correctly and have a business plan, you can achieve good success and recoup your expenses within a year.

In what direction can you work?

Before you start registering, formalizing and purchasing equipment, you should understand the formats of the flower business. The following options are possible here:

  • Small flower tent. There is high competition here, but with the right choice of place for trading, there is no shortage of buyers. To count on big profits in business, it is important to know the peculiarities of storing flowers, taking into account their fragility and fragility. On average, twenty types of flowers are enough for such a business. The packaging of the product plays a major role.
  • Small flower shops. Such retail outlets should be based in busy areas where there is a large flow of people. Unlike a tent, here the entrepreneur has a large area at his disposal, which allows him to expand the assortment by adding flowers in pots, souvenirs, soil for flowers and other goods for sale. This format implies higher investments. The average payback period depends on the time of year when the store was opened. If this happens before the holidays, expenses will be recovered faster.
  • Online flower shop. This type of business is suitable for people who have experience in trading in real life. The question is Is it profitable to open a flower shop? online. With the development of the Internet, this direction has become really popular and brings stable profits. People get the opportunity to place orders without leaving home. The advantage of this method is that there are no large expenses, because there is no need to spend money on purchasing (renting) premises and equipment, as well as finding employees.
  • Specialized boutiques. Such a flower shop is located on the first floors of buildings or in shopping centers. Everything here should be at the highest level, from the external design to the preparation of the bouquet. Opening such a boutique will require higher costs (about $80,000). With a competent approach to doing business, you can count on stable profits and quick payback. On average, such a salon can bring in 5-7 thousand dollars.

Subtleties of registration

The next stage is the official registration of the business. Here it is important to consider options for the form of ownership - individual entrepreneur or LLC. The first type is suitable for a flower pavilion or a small store. There are no problems with obtaining a certificate from the authorized bodies. The optimal tax system for individual entrepreneurs is the simplified tax system, thanks to which you can reduce tax expenses (you will have to pay only from actual profits). This option comes in handy in the off-season, when the flower shop brings in less profit.

It’s a different matter if we are talking about a large salon or boutique. Influential people and companies make purchases here, so registering an LLC is indispensable. A special feature of this organizational and legal form is the possibility of making payments by bank transfer, through a specially opened bank account. Here, the optimal form of taxation is UTII, when the calculation is made according to average parameters, and payment can be made in installments.

The next stage after registering an LLC or individual entrepreneur is the purchase of a cash register and its registration with the Federal Tax Service. If you do it yourself, it will take about two weeks. If you use the service of cash register sellers, the procedure will take about three days. According to the law, an individual entrepreneur can work without a cash register. The problem is that not all suppliers are ready to cooperate without a stamp.

What documents will be required?

The flower shop must have the following documentation:

  1. Review book.
  2. Conclusion of the SES.
  3. Trade permit (issued by municipal authorities, taking into account Federal Law No. 381).
  4. Price (optional).
  5. Trade invoice (may not be shown to customers).

All papers must be correctly completed and available to clients. Other documents include a lease agreement, a cash register, as well as a certificate confirming the registration of the cash register machine. It must be kept at the point of sale. Employees will also be required to have health certificates.

To open a flower shop , certificates are not needed, but their presence increases buyer confidence. If you work with experienced suppliers, they will definitely have certificates. All you have to do is make a copy of the document and keep it handy.

Search for a place

Choosing the location of a flower shop is an important and not the easiest task. In this type of business there is always competition, so you will have to work hard to find suitable premises. The average cost of retail space with a large flow of customers is 60-100 thousand rubles per year. If difficulties arise in finding a place, you can invite a specialist.

There are several options for setting up a store:

  • In a small house (tonar, trailer).
  • In the mall.
  • In an already rebuilt house (first line by the road).
  • In a separate building (best option).
  • In a pavilion consisting of modular elements.

From a cost perspective, it is more profitable to rent premises in a shopping center, while the “pavilion” option will cost more.

Remember that the success of a business largely depends on the correct choice of location, so it is not advisable to rush in this matter.

Purchase of equipment

Now let's consider what you need to open a flower shop. The minimum set includes work tables, display cases, shelves, racks and refrigeration equipment. You will also need a tool for florists, which includes:

  • Secateurs.
  • Scissors.
  • Wire cutters and stuff.

Purchasing a cash register for an individual entrepreneur is optional (as mentioned above), but if you choose an LLC, you will have to fork out more. With this form, you cannot do without printing receipts and other documents confirming the purchase.

Selection of assortment

When compiling step-by-step instructions for business development, it is worth taking into account one more factor - the product range. If you deal only with cuts, you can’t count on big profits. It is impossible to do without expanding the range. Fresh flowers, green spaces, and various compositions of dried flowers should be on sale. Among the additional products with which you can expand your assortment, it is worth highlighting:

  • Pots of various shapes and sizes.
  • Decorations for bouquets.
  • Toys, cards and souvenirs.
  • Figurines made of marble, plaster or plastic.

It is advisable to replenish and update the product selection regularly, which guarantees a stable flow of profits and covers customer needs.

Personnel selection

Don’t underestimate the importance of another stage—the selection of employees. A small store can get by with three employees, namely an administrator, a florist and a salesperson. If you have an online resource, as well as a delivery service, you will need one more person.

You can’t take people into the store who previously worked only on the street. Experienced entrepreneurs assure that the taste of such people has already been spoiled, so instead of beautiful bouquets they end up with “wreaths”. In addition, when selecting people, you should not pay attention to documentary evidence of experience - the presence of certificates, diplomas or other papers confirming the completion of courses. Experience plays a key role in this line of work.


It’s not enough to open a flower shop - you need to promote it, convey to people information about the emergence of a new outlet. The size of the profit at the initial stage depends on the success of this stage. There are many promotion options:

  • Creating a beautiful sign.
  • Well-designed window display.
  • High quality product.
  • Creation of advertising posters and submission of advertisements.

You can create your own website on the Internet, which will perform two functions at once - bring new customers and provide information about the outlet, promote the brand. If funds are available, you can advertise on radio or TV. A good option would be to cooperate with large companies, which can be offered wholesale sales at a more affordable price. If you make regular expenses for promoting a flower shop and choose the right strategy, the results will come.

Basic costs

Now consider the main dilemma, how much does it cost to open a flower shop from scratch?. The expense items are as follows:

  1. Renting premises. Costs depend on many criteria, from area to location of the outlet. To set up a store, 45-50 square meters are enough, which will cost 20-100 thousand rubles in rent every month. When opening a boutique in the city center, you will have to pay more, but it is not advisable to immediately invest a lot of money (in the absence of experience).
  2. Room renovation. The rented space is not always suitable for trading (unless it is a place in a shopping center). So costs can increase by another 20-30 thousand rubles with regular cosmetic repairs. If you hire a designer, the costs are much higher.
  3. Equipment. Equipment costs depend on the type of business. So, the purchase of a cash register will cost 10-15 thousand rubles, and the total costs will be (based on the list above) about 150-200 thousand rubles.
  4. Staff. If you have four employees, you need to be prepared to pay 80-100 thousand rubles a month. At the initial stage, you can get by with one seller and take on the rest of the issues. If you take a professional approach to organizing your business and hiring an experienced florist, you will have to spend a lot of money. The services of such specialists cost 30-40 thousand rubles per month. In addition, you will have to send employees to advanced training courses, which also costs a tidy sum - approximately 5-30 thousand rubles (depending on the regional location).
  5. Primary purchase. Already at the beginning of the activity, it is necessary to purchase goods so that you can offer something to customers. An average of 40-50 thousand rubles will be spent on purchasing a cut (for the capital). In the regions, prices are lower. The total cost of filling the store is 350-400 thousand rubles.

Total monthly expenses average about 700-800 thousand rubles. This amount can be significantly reduced if you save on equipment, repairs, rent and other cost items.

How to increase profits?

When developing step-by-step instructions for business development, it is important to focus on increasing profits in the future. Profit depends on the following factors:

  1. Selecting the scale of activity (boutique, pavilion, store).
  2. Location.
  3. Reliability of supplies.
  4. Product advertisements.
  5. Selling methods used.
  6. The size of the initial investment.

How to increase income?

To increase your profit level, you should use the following tips:

  • In addition to a bouquet for a young girl, you can offer chocolate or other sweets. The recipient will be pleased, and the flower shop will receive additional income.
  • Having chewing gum or special candies can be useful for a young couple who may be kissing during a date.
  • It is possible to sell alcohol along with flowers. At the same time, there is no need to buy a license - it is enough to conclude an agreement with one of the stores selling alcoholic beverages.


The flower business is considered a profitable area. Its advantages include:

  • Small starting capital. You don’t have to start right away with opening a store. At the start, you can limit yourself to the pavilion near the metro. In this case, the costs will be about 300-400 thousand rubles.
  • Ease of closing a business. If necessary, you can close down your activities and sell the equipment.
  • Large trade margin. The average markup in the flower trade is 120-150 percent (not counting the cost).

Among the disadvantages, it is worth highlighting the fragility of the product and the seasonality of the business. But such disadvantages are not a reason to refuse such an attractive way of earning money.

The flower business seems attractive to many aspiring entrepreneurs. In order to start earning money, you need very little starting capital. And income during the holidays can be impressive. However, everything seems simple at first glance. The flower business requires a lot of time and effort. And for the business to really be profitable, it is also necessary to understand the plants offered.

The basic principle

People most often enter a flower shop in a good mood. The task of a business owner is not only to maintain a positive mood of the client, but also to nourish it. Flowers in the salon should always have an attractive aroma and appearance. The seller must be friendly with the client. The ability to attract a buyer is a good trait. You need to be able to guess consumer desires and recommend to the buyer the most suitable bouquet for a particular occasion.

The flower business is graceful and sophisticated. There is no place for bad mood and unkind treatment. If an entrepreneur behaves correctly, he can also earn good money. The markup on flowers is usually 90-150%. And to open a small store you will need no more than 7,000 USD. e. You can quickly develop a flower business. Where to begin? First of all, you need to decide on the format of your own business. There are several options for making money from flowers. It could be a small flower stall on the street, a small shop, a real boutique, or an online flower shop. All four business formats have their advantages and disadvantages. Let's try to figure them out.

Flower pavilion on the street

Small stalls or pavilions with flowers can be found near almost every metro station, in passages and on crowded streets. The disadvantage of this format of running your business is the huge competition. Two sellers can be just a meter apart. But there will always be plenty of clients. After all, you usually have to work in this format where there is always a huge flow of people. It is not always possible to acquire regular customers. At the same time, flowers sell well not only on weekends and holidays, but also on weekdays. The main segment is young people who are in a hurry to go on a date. Based on this, you can place a flower pavilion near a small square or park. After all, this is where you can most often meet lovers.

It will take a little effort if you need to open a flower business from scratch. Feedback from entrepreneurs shows that all preparatory work takes no more than a month. All you need to do is agree to rent a place, find flower suppliers and purchase a tent or pavilion. Here you should definitely take into account the choice of place where the sale will take place. If you have to sell flowers on the street, preference should be given to a heated pavilion. Otherwise, the flower business will turn into a seasonal one. In harsh winters, plants require special care. And the seller will not be able to stay outside for a long time at temperatures below zero.

It is worth remembering that flowers are a product that very quickly loses its attractiveness. Therefore, the trade pavilion can stand for quite a long time if the entrepreneur ensures good turnover. The more people pass by the outlet, the better. And it’s worth starting work on the eve of the holidays. Sales will be greatest at this time. Then people will already know about the flower pavilion and will return to it again next time. To further increase the number of customers, you can run advertising. During the first month of work, have the hired employee hand out leaflets to passers-by with detailed information about the store.

Full florist shop

This option is suitable for those entrepreneurs who have a starting capital of at least 7,000 USD. e. It is worth choosing a room with an area of ​​at least 30 m2. The more space there is in the sales area, the better. This allows us to significantly expand our product range. Additionally, you can offer customers flowers in pots, artificial decor, and related materials for caring for garden plants. The larger the range of products, the more income the flower business will generate. Feedback from owners shows that buyers come for one plant, but take away much more goods.

If one salesperson can work in a pavilion, then there should be several in the store. One specialist should be responsible for arranging bouquets. This could be a trained employee who has innovative thinking. Both ready-made bouquets for sale and made to order can be created. The most popular segment is floral arrangements for weddings. This is not only a bridal bouquet, but also decorations for the banquet hall. Additionally, you can create a catalog with works completed previously. The client, upon coming to the store, will be able to choose the most suitable option.

Opening a flower business in a store format will require some effort and financial costs. As in the previous case, you will have to find a suitable place for trading. It is also necessary to pay attention to the activities of competitors. You shouldn’t open a store if there is already a similar one a hundred meters away. People will certainly turn to a florist who works longer.

Florist boutique

The most interesting flower business ideas involve opening a florist boutique. Everything here must be perfect. This is not only the arrangement of flowers in the room, but also the design of the interior itself, the appearance of sales consultants, a catalog for selecting products, etc. A ready-made flower business will generate huge income if the boutique is located in a big city. This format is not entirely suitable for the provinces. The fact is that professional florists work in such places. They create their masterpieces from expensive varieties. It is clear that the finished work will also cost a lot. Only a few are willing to pay an impressive amount of money for a perishable product. In a small town, working on this principle will not be profitable.

In order to open a florist boutique, you need to have a starting capital of at least 20,000 USD. e. To work, you will have to rent a large premises. The sales area must be at least 60 m2. For a business to be truly profitable, you need to carefully select employees. To work in a boutique you will need: an administrator, an accountant, several florists, sales consultants and a cleaner. If everything is organized correctly, it will bring in about 3000 USD per month. e. net income of the flower business. Owner reviews show that this is enough for the investment to pay off within a year of fruitful work.

Entrepreneurs who have a flower boutique can reach corporate clients. In this case, the income will increase by an order of magnitude. Just decorating a banquet hall for a wedding can replace a week of work in a simple flower shop. All you need is to establish connections with restaurants that regularly host events. In the future, the flower business can be expanded. A chain of boutiques in a big city will bring really good profits.

Online flower shop

With the development of information technology, more and more businessmen are abandoning the traditional way of running their own business. The floristry industry is no exception. Several flower shops are already successfully operating, offering their products in real time. Today, the bouquet delivery service is in great demand. This is due to an acute lack of time. People are constantly in a hurry to get somewhere. And some are simply too lazy to go out to the store again. You can place your order in advance using your home or office computer.

This type of flower business is the least expensive. Where to begin? First of all, you need to choose a room in which flowers will be stored for future bouquets. This can be a room with an area of ​​10 m2. An important point is the room temperature. In order for plants to live longer, the air temperature should be no more than 18 degrees Celsius.

Potential customers will be able to place an order via the Internet. Without your own website, you cannot start a flower business from scratch. Feedback from entrepreneurs shows that the portal should be colorful. Only in this case can it attract a large number of visitors. You should entrust the creation of an Internet resource to a real professional. You can find many interesting offers to create any website for a minimal price. You shouldn't trust them. It’s better to contact a good web studio that has been working on the market for several years. For a high-quality website you will have to pay about 1500 USD. e. This is the largest expense item. Next, the entrepreneur only needs to purchase flowers to create bouquets and begin work.

Equipment for a flower shop

First of all, you will need high-quality furniture on which vases with flowers and ready-made bouquets will stand. There are special companies that offer commercial equipment for various types of businesses. It is worth remembering that starting a flower business involves attracting a large number of visitors. And you can interest people only with a colorful interior and professionalism of sellers. The highlight of a retail space can be designer shelves with flowers. It is better to entrust the production of furniture for a store to a creative person or a team of professionals.

It is worth remembering that cut flowers have a limited shelf life. To extend their life, you will need to purchase special refrigerators and freezers. You can buy a budget option - an industrial refrigerator. Such equipment is widely used in grocery supermarkets for storing meat, cheese, sausages and milk. The refrigerator in a flower shop should be located in a storage area hidden from visitors. People prefer to think that the rose came on sale directly from Holland or Sweden. However, few people realize that the plant requires special storage conditions.

Flower shop specialists

The personnel issue in the flower industry is quite acute. Personnel selection should be given special attention. How quickly the investment can pay off depends on the professionalism of the sellers. Only people with unconventional thinking and developed imagination can work in a flower shop or boutique. In addition, employees must have certain skills and knowledge in caring for various plants. The seller not only creates custom-made designer bouquets, but also advises buyers. If the consultant is friendly, the client will definitely want to return to the store again.

You can get a special education through floristry courses. They are held in almost any major city. The necessary information can also be found in real time. But a certificate indicating that a person has completed a course does not guarantee professionalism. A specialist must love his job. Flowers require gentle and careful handling.

The ability to sell is another positive quality of a specialist working in a flower shop. The consultant must be able to attract the visitor. And to stimulate sales, an entrepreneur can use a special payment scheme. Not only is the standard rate per working day established, but also the percentage of products sold. The employee will want to sell more to get more money for their work.

A flower business from scratch should be started not only by selecting qualified florists and sellers. You will also need an accountant and an administrator. If this is an online store, you cannot do without a courier and driver. The main qualities of any employee should be decency and honesty. An entrepreneur must also behave kindly towards workers. Mutual understanding between worker and employer is the key to successful business in any field.

Choosing an assortment

Depending on what format of work was chosen by the entrepreneur, it is worth choosing an assortment. First of all, any store, pavilion or boutique will display live cut plants. Without them, the flower business is impossible. Is it profitable to sell plants if there is no suitable place to store them? There will be a good income only if good trade turnover is ensured. Otherwise, there is no point in purchasing expensive cut roses, asters and lilies.

How to open a flower business from scratch? Initially, it is worth negotiating with suppliers. It is much easier to work through intermediaries. These are special organizations that purchase flowers in large wholesale abroad and organize delivery to their own warehouse. An entrepreneur has the opportunity to come here and select the most suitable plants for sale. This type of cooperation can be beneficial for owners of small pavilions and shops. But owners of florist boutiques who plan to sell a large number of products should make a deal with foreign partners directly.

The assortment of a flower shop or boutique may not only include cut flowers or ready-made bouquets. Many buyers are interested in indoor plants. Such products should also be offered. The seller must know complete information about the flower in the pot, as well as how to properly care for it. After all, many plants have an impressive price. And a flower can die in just a few days if it is placed in the wrong place or if you forget to water it several times.

Additionally, the flower shop can sell postcards, soft toys, special chemicals for plant care, fertilizers, decor, artificial bouquets, etc.

Special means against plant wilting

Even with high-quality refrigerators and freezers, flowers can fade quite quickly. This is due to the rapid proliferation of pathogenic bacteria in a humid environment. You cannot do without special chemicals for caring for plants in a store environment. How to open a flower business without knowing about special probiotic powders? Initially, it is worth studying all the information about caring for plants, even if the work will be carried out by specially hired employees. Probiotics are beneficial microorganisms that can be used to control pests. A special powder can be purchased at a price of about 600 rubles per 100 g. This amount is enough to care for flowers for a month.

In addition to probiotics, the store can use special mineral supplements, antibacterial agents, potassium permanganate, Aspirin, and citric acid. However, you cannot overdo it when it comes to caring for plants. The problem is that all of the above remedies can kill the flower’s native immunity. After the buyer places the plant in regular tap water, it quickly wilts. Therefore, special chemicals can be offered to the client during sale. Moreover, the cost of the powders is very low.

Let's sum it up

So, how to start a flower business from scratch? To begin with, it’s worth making an action plan. We must remember the advantages and disadvantages. The markup on flowers is more than 100%. This allows you to earn good money in the first months. However, plants are perishable goods. In addition, experts note the seasonality of this type of business. Flowers sell well before the holidays and in the summer months. In winter it can be very difficult to earn money even to rent a room.

Ask anyone if they would like to become a businessman, and they will probably answer that they would like to. Firstly, it is very prestigious, secondly, any businessman is his own boss, and thirdly, business, as a rule, has no restrictions on profitability. But what kind of business should you open so that it brings income and success? Today it is not difficult to find, it is much more difficult to invent them yourself. However, you shouldn’t reinvent the wheel either; you can simply choose one of the most cost-effective and to your liking.

Business ideas are completely different. There are those that can work for a person without special knowledge and skills, there are those that require virtually no investment (for example,). Your desire, analysis of your capabilities and the amount of start-up capital (or its actual absence) will help you make your choice. One of the most profitable and interesting types of business can be opening a flower shop.

How to open a flower shop from scratch?

You don't have to be a florist to open a flower shop. However, it is advisable to have experience in running a business or at least in sales. In addition to routine things like choosing premises and purchasing assortment, you need to register your business. Registration must be completed with the relevant authorities as an individual entrepreneur with OKVED (code 52.48.32 - Retail trade in flowers and other plants, seeds and fertilizers). After purchasing a cash register, you must register it.

You will need the following package of documents:

  • Conclusion of the SES;
  • Trade permit;
  • Invoices for goods.

In addition, you will need a cash register, a rental agreement for the premises, and a price list.

What do you need to open a flower shop?

It's no secret that to successfully open any business you need desire, a business plan and some start-up capital. Specifically, the flower business requires the purchase of flowers and materials for arranging bouquets, the presence of a warm room, employees, and, of course, a beautiful and memorable name for the store.

Choosing a location for a store

The profitability of your business can largely depend on the choice of place to open a flower shop. The most profitable places can be considered near the registry office or the park. The location will also have excellent transport links. In addition, the accessibility of the store for both pedestrians and motorists is important.

Selecting a room

The premises must first of all meet the requirements of the SES, and also be comfortable, warm and cozy. By the way, on the basis of a regular store you can open an online store with delivery.

Types of premises:

  • Flower kiosk;
  • Floristry salon;
  • Flower shop.

The choice may depend on the profile and starting capital. For a flower kiosk, a room of 8-10 square meters will be enough; for a large-scale store, about 30-40 square meters will be required.

Purchase of goods

To establish connections with good suppliers, just find them on the Internet. Pay attention not only to their advertising and portfolio, but also to reviews from their clients. As a rule, the work is coordinated 2-3 weeks before the actual deliveries, and before the holidays - 3-5 weeks.

Advice: try to cooperate with at least two or three suppliers. This will help to avoid supply problems, even if some of your partners suddenly encounter force majeure circumstances.

Selection of assortment

You don't need to be a florist to start a flower business. But you need to understand which plants should be included in the assortment and how to sort them.

In addition to standard cut flowers, you should keep potted plants, seeds, fertilizers, soil, roots, packaging materials, soft toys, cards and souvenirs in the store.

The most popular flowers are roses, chrysanthemums, tulips, lilies, hyacinths, orchids and other popular plants. It is not worth purchasing flowers in large quantities. And in the salon it is necessary to maintain a special microclimate, especially for capricious plants.


Properly selected staff is very important, especially in the first stages of developing your flower business. It will be enough to hire two experienced or at least simply certified specialists with medical books. The training of florists is very important, especially when working with capricious plants and flowers.

Advice: Over time, you will be able to hire workers and train them from scratch so that they know all aspects of work in your store, and you have confidence in them as specialists.


First of all, a flower shop or salon needs to have an industrial refrigerator in which you can store plants without damaging them. Shelves for souvenirs, packaging materials and potted flowers, stands, shelves and counters are also needed. The design of the store should be aesthetically beautiful, it is necessary to maintain cleanliness and fresh air in the room.

Flower shop name

Whatever you call a ship, that’s how it will sail - an old but very true truth. But it's not always easy. You can turn to advertising professionals, or you can name a flower salon after your beloved wife or daughter, as well as after the name of a strange flower. The name should be stylish, memorable and fashionable. The flower shop “Romashka” can only remind you of relics of the Soviet past, but if you call the flower salon “Azalea” or, for example, “Magnolia”, even the sign itself will catch your eye. If a store delivers flowers along with fruit baskets and gifts, it can be called “Eden”, which will be associated with beauty and luxury. The name of the flower shop can also be associated with the location. For example, if it is located at an intersection, it can be called an “Oasis.” If you call the flower salon “Eternal Summer” and make a themed interior, it will be very bright, stylish and memorable. You should not give names that are trivial and have no meaning. Then he will automatically doom himself to little popularity. The most important thing is that the name is not only beautiful, but also sonorous and memorable. This is important both for word of mouth and for the store to be well known among the townspeople.

Flower shop advertisement

Today there are a huge number of ways to advertise any product or service. This could be advertising on television, advertisements in newspapers and on bulletin boards, and jingles on the radio... It all depends on the budget and taste. It would be a good idea to create your own website and groups on social networks. Towards the opening of the store and for the holidays, you can organize promotions and distribute flyers. The brighter the store opening, the more likely it is to be popular.

Advice: The idea of ​​opening a flower business is not new, and there are quite a lot of competitors in this business. Therefore, the approach to the store must be creative. It is advisable to come up with some of your own zest or know-how that will be unique to your salon. Moreover, in this way you can not only attract attention, but also force the store to be constantly heard.

Is the flower business profitable?

Today, business has become very popular, and they have also begun to open everywhere. Flowers are grown in the same way. This type of crop production has recently become not only popular, but also very profitable. But is selling flowers really that profitable?

People have been buying flowers since time immemorial. Both before and now they are given to artists, wives, loved ones, teachers, and some buy bouquets for themselves, just to put them in a vase at home. Therefore, flowers have not lost their popularity, and their sales will be profitable for many years to come.


So, what should be the starting capital to open a profitable business? This type of activity does not belong to the methods, so you will have to either earn and accumulate, or turn to the state for subsidies. However, you can get by with an amount of 500-600 thousand rubles. The expenses will be as follows:

  • Registration of an enterprise – 30 thousand rubles;
  • Rent of premises plus its repair (if required) – 100 thousand rubles;
  • Purchase of equipment (including a refrigeration unit) – about 200 thousand rubles;
  • Salary to employees – 30-40 thousand rubles;
  • Advertising – 20-30 thousand rubles;
  • Purchase of goods (first batch) – 50-70 thousand rubles;
  • Associated expenses – 30-60 thousand rubles.

Profit from the flower business

A flower business, like any other, must endure a period when there is virtually no income, and its owner will have to wait for some time until the costs are recouped. Usually it takes about 3-4 months, but sometimes six months or a year. You shouldn’t expect big revenue either; it increases gradually month after month. The price for the product should be set at no less than 200% of the purchase price, otherwise there will be no profit at all. It’s also not worth purchasing huge quantities of products for the first month.

With the most conservative calculations and taking into account all expenses, you can get the following picture:

  • The loss for the first month will be about 80-70 thousand rubles;
  • Loss for the second month - 40 thousand rubles;
  • Loss for the third month - 10 thousand rubles;
  • Profit for the fourth month will be 10 thousand rubles;
  • Profit for the fifth month - 20 thousand rubles;
  • Profit for the sixth month is 30 thousand rubles.

As we can see, in the first 3-4 months you will have to invest funds without making a profit. You will have to invest, in particular, in the purchase of products and wages for employees. In the future, revenues will grow, and their growth will depend on advertising, demand and many other factors.

Flower business from scratch - reviews

Many people open manufacturing businesses. Including today there are many owners, whose reviews can be found on the Internet in huge quantities. Flowers can also not only be sold, but also grown, as some people do. However, if you do not understand growing flowers, it is better not to undertake such an activity. However, there are also a lot of positive reviews from people who specialize only in sales.

I have loved flowers since childhood. Moreover, both potted and garden ones. Probably this love is hereditary, because it is passed on from generation to generation. My mother once ran a small flower stall, and from early morning, after cutting flowers at home (of which we had entire plantations), she sold them in the city in a small square. Her father helped her, transported all the products. Mother's hands were often chapped, but she loved her job. I decided to follow in her footsteps. First, I received a florist certificate while studying to become a manager at the institute, then, after working for some time in a flower shop and saving some money, I opened my own small stall. Only mine was already furnished and warm. Mom was already retired by that time, and it turned out that she was the supplier of the products. And I'm glad. Together with her, we organized a small business with all the certificates. Gradually we began to expand. They opened another similar stall and hired a salesman. They saved money. Today, together with my mother, I own a whole network of small flower salons and shops. My growing daughter also wants to become a florist. After all, flowers are wonderful! I will be happy to help her in her endeavors.

It’s not that I always wanted to be in the flower business. I had my own car wash, which my parents helped me open when I was 25 years old. And it brought in very good income. When I got married and had a son, I brought a huge bouquet of roses to my wife's hospital as a token of gratitude when I took them home. We drove and talked, she admired the bouquet all the way. Then she told me: “let’s open a flower salon? I did a little floristry and I’m ready to work there!” Before this, my wife did not work because there was no need for it. I told her so at first, because the income from car washes (of which there were already three in the city by that time) met all my expectations. After two days of almost endless persuasion, I finally agreed to open a small salon, in which my wife appointed herself the chief artist and manager. You could say that I gave it to her. To my surprise, in just a couple of weeks there was such a huge demand for bouquets and arrangements from my wife that we didn’t even have time to purchase products! From under her light hand, entire works of art were born from ordinary flowers and decorations, which buyers used not only at weddings and various holidays, but also gave as gifts to their women. Two months later, the wife began to recruit workers and train them herself. Her salon moved to a more spacious and beautiful premises, and in addition to them we opened two more such premises in which her students worked. Perhaps it’s time for me to close the car wash and open a whole chain of flower shops across the country.

During my student years, I worked in a flower shop on the night shift. I already wanted to sleep terribly, but the demand was very small. I didn’t understand at all why I was sitting in the pavilion from the evening until the morning if there was practically no profit. I decided to talk to the owner of the store, I wanted to offer her some tricks and promotions to attract customers. Firstly, the bouquets they sold were terribly boring! I wanted to diversify them with artistic compositions. Secondly, she didn’t have any discounts or discount cards, she had to do it. Thirdly, it wouldn’t hurt to simply distribute flyers for products. For some reason, my conservative hostess flatly refused my proposals, and everything remained the same. However, I firmly decided to save money and open my own pavilion. Two years later I did just that. During this time, I studied the entire market and the nuances of opening my own store. I found profitable suppliers with excellent products and worked on my own floristry skills. So, being a 4th year student at the institute, I have already become a businesswoman. I didn’t do night shifts, but, having agreed with the teachers, I worked in the store all day long and was very happy about it. Not only did I sell standard bouquets, but I also dyed white flowers in different shades, up to all the colors of the rainbow. I bought a variety of jewelry, even went to the studio to buy it. There were no bouquets like mine in the whole city. There was a lot of talk about my store. I sold bouquets in huge quantities and made them to order. One day before March 8, I came up with the idea of ​​opening a second pavilion, because I was sure that my bouquets would sell with a bang. So I did. I hired an employee and told her what was what in my showroom. She was immensely happy to be my subordinate, as she said herself, and glad to learn what I can do. A year later, she became my partner, and now the two of us own a whole chain of flower salons and several stores in two cities.

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Where can you start any business? From a business idea. And the choice of a business idea depends, as a rule, not only on demand, but also on the desire of the person who decided to open his own business. A flower shop, salon or stall have different scales and sizes of different importance. But it is not always necessary to open a huge store that will pay for itself in several months. It is quite possible to start small, gradually expanding and developing yourself and your employees. The flower business is very profitable, especially during holiday periods. Although, thanks to these holidays, it can be characterized to some extent as seasonal, which means that income will be different all the time. Like any business, a floral business requires care and accuracy not only in documentation, but also in the sales process. After all, flowers are a very fragile product that requires special conditions of maintenance and care.

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