Complex plan to the story pantry of the sun. Encyclopedia of Fairytale Heroes: "Pantry of the Sun"

Analysis of the work

M. M. Prishvin entered literature not only as a talented writer, but also as an ethnographer, geographer, cosmographer. However, his works were not in demand in Soviet society. Ideal for the literature of that time were works full of high civil and revolutionary pathos, saturated with the socialist slogans of those years. Prishvin's work was considered an attempt to get away from real life, from solving pressing problems to building a brighter future. Prishvin's discovery talented artist words took place only in recent decades. Today he is one of the most unsolved writers.

A huge influence on all his work was the nature of his native land. Was born future writer at the Khrushchevo estate. It was here that he learned to listen and hear the sounds of nature, its sometimes quiet, and sometimes loud speech. Prishvin was very gifted with hearing "to the whistle of birds, the breath of herbs and the murm of animals." He tried his best to convey the voice of nature, to translate it into the language of man. We are amazed at this ability of his, reading the story "Pantry of the Sun."

The plot of this piece is quite simple. This is a story about the life and adventure of two little children left orphans in a difficult time. post-war years. But Prishvin envelops his heroes with such a poetic shell that everything that happens becomes like a fairy tale. It is this genre that Prishvin chooses for his work - a fairy tale. The concept of "fairy tale" will become central in the work of Prishvin in the 20-50s. For the writer, this concept was that form of artistic narration in which he could freely embody his ideals, portray the unshakable laws of nature. In "The Pantry of the Sun" he creates the image of an ideal village where everyone lives peacefully, amicably, okay. And a small family - brother Mitrasha and sister Nastya - are everyone's favorites, these are two little suns.

“Nastya was like a Golden Hen on high legs. Her hair, neither dark nor light, shone with gold, freckles all over her face were large, like gold coins ...<…>Only one nose was clean and looked up. Mitrasha was two years younger than his sister.<…>He was a stubborn and strong boy. “The little man in the pouch,” the teachers at school called him with a smile. “The little man in the bag,” like Nastya, was covered in golden freckles, and his nose, also clean, like his sister’s, looked up. The author lovingly describes his characters and endows them with cute names. And this is also partly reminiscent of a fairy tale.

And now our little heroes are going on a long journey to the Palestinian woman, whom they know about from the stories of their father. This is reminiscent of the saying: “go there, I don’t know where.” Children fall into a huge fairyland where every bush, every bird has the ability to speak and think. The author places us in the wonderful world of nature, while he tries his best to show the kinship of man with this natural world: “poor birds and little animals, how they all suffered, trying to pronounce something common to all, one beautiful word! And even children, as simple as Nastya and Mitrasha, understood their effort. They all wanted to say only one beautiful word. You can see how the bird sings on a branch, and each feather trembles from her effort. But all the same, they cannot say words like we do, and they have to sing, shout, tap out.

— Tek-tek! - a huge capercaillie bird in the dark forest taps a little audibly.

— Swark-shvark! - a wild drake flew over the river in the air.

- Quack-quack! - wild mallard duck on the lake.

- Gu-gu-gu ... - a beautiful bird bullfinch on a birch.

The author appears here as a person with subtle hearing, able to hear and understand the wonderful language of birds, plants and animals. Prishvin uses a wide variety of means of artistic expression. But the most main reception, with the help of which the heroes of the natural world come to life on the pages of the work, is the personification. The ability to think is possessed in a fairy tale - there were not only animals, but also birds, and even trees. This is a raven and a crow talking, and cranes announcing the coming of the sun and its sunset, and the groan of fused pine and spruce.

Nature is not idle, it actively comes to the aid of man. Mitrasha is also warned of trouble by the old ate woman, in vain they try to block his way to the destructive spruce. And the black raven frightens him with his cry. What can we say about the smart, quick-witted and loyal dog Travka!

Thus, main topic in were - the theme of the unity of man with nature. In his works, Prishvin "condenses goodness", he embodies his ideals and thereby calls for good readers.

M. M. Prishvin entered literature not only as a talented writer, but also as an ethnographer, geographer, cosmographer. However, his works were not in demand in Soviet society. Ideal for the literature of that time were works full of high civil and revolutionary pathos, saturated with the socialist slogans of those years. Prishvin's work was considered an attempt to get away from real life, from solving pressing problems about building a brighter future. The discovery of Prishvin as a talented artist of the word took place only in recent decades. Today he is one of the most unsolved writers.

The nature of his native land had a huge influence on all his work. The future writer was born in the Khrushchevo estate. It was here that he learned to listen and hear the sounds of nature, its sometimes quiet, and sometimes loud speech. Prishvin was very gifted with hearing "to the whistling of birds, the breath of grasses and the murm of animals." He tried his best to convey the voice of nature, to translate it into the language of man. We are amazed at this ability of his, reading the story "Pantry of the sun."

this piece is pretty simple. This is a story about the life and adventure of two little children left orphans in the difficult post-war years. But Prishvin envelops his heroes with such a poetic shell that everything that happens becomes like a fairy tale. It is this genre that Prishvin chooses for his work - a fairy tale. The concept of "fairy tale" will become central in the work of Prishvin in the 20-50s. For the writer, this concept was that form of artistic narration in which he could freely embody his ideals, portray the unshakable laws of nature. In "The Pantry of the Sun" he creates the image of an ideal village where everyone lives peacefully, amicably, okay. And a small family - brother Mitrasha and sister Nastya - are everyone's favorites, these are two little suns.

“Nastya was like a Golden Hen on high legs. Her hair, neither dark nor blond, shone with gold, freckles all over her face were large, like golden coins ... Only one nose was clean and looked up. Mitrasha was two years younger than his sister. He was a stubborn and strong boy. “The little man in the bag,” the teachers at the school called him among themselves, smiling. “The little man in the pouch,” like Nastya, was covered in golden freckles, and his nose, also clean, like his sister’s, looked up. The author lovingly describes his characters and endows them with cute names. And this is also partly reminiscent of a fairy tale.

And now our little heroes are going on a long journey to the Palestinian woman, whom they know about from the stories of their father. This is reminiscent of the saying: “go there, I don’t know where.” Children find themselves in a huge fairyland, where every bush, every bird has the ability to speak and think. The author places us in the wonderful world of nature, while he does his best to show the kinship of man with this natural world: “poor birds and animals, how they all suffered, trying to pronounce some common to all, one beautiful word! And even children, as simple as Nastya and Mitrasha, understood their effort. They all wanted to say only one beautiful word. You can see how the bird sings on a branch, and each feather trembles from her effort. But all the same, they cannot say words like we do, and they have to sing, shout, tap out.

- Tek-tek! - a huge capercaillie bird taps in a dark forest a little audibly.

- Swag-shvark! - a wild drake flew over the river in the air.

- Quack-quack! - wild mallard duck on the lake.

- Gu-gu-gu ... - a beautiful bird bullfinch on a birch.

The author appears here as a person with subtle hearing, able to hear and understand the wonderful language of birds, plants and animals. Prishvin uses a wide variety of means of artistic expression. But the most important technique by which the heroes of the natural world come to life on the pages of the work is personification. The ability to think is possessed in a fairy tale - there were not only animals, but also birds, and even trees. This is a raven and a crow talking, and cranes announcing the coming of the sun and its sunset, and the groan of fused pine and spruce.

Nature is not idle, it actively comes to the aid of man. Mitrasha is also warned of trouble by the old ate woman, in vain they try to block his way to the destructive spruce. And the black raven frightens him with his cry. What can we say about the smart, quick-witted and loyal dog Travka!

Thus, the main theme in were - the theme of the unity of man with nature. In his works, Prishvin “condenses goodness”, he embodies his ideals and thereby calls for good readers.


1. Friendly life of Nastya and Mitrasha in the village.

2. Children gather for cranberries.

3. The guys quarreled and went different paths.

4. Nastya finds a Palestinian woman covered in cranberries, and Mitrasha, due to her mistake, ends up in a swamp.

5. The forester's dog Antipych Travka helps Mitrasha out of trouble.

6. The little hunter kills the old wolf robber Gray Landlord, and the children return home.


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  • Prishvin pantry of the sun analysis of the work
  • pantry of the sun work analysis
  • pantry sun plan
  • analysis of the pantry of the sun

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Prishvin M., fairy tale "Pantry of the sun"

Genre: fairy tale

The main characters of the fairy tale "Pantry of the Sun" and their characteristics

  1. Nastya Golden Hen. Girl 12 years old. Household, homely, caring, reasonable and cautious. I succumbed to greed and forgot about my brother.
  2. Mitrasha. Man in a bag. Boy 10 years old. Calm, confident, determined, a little reckless. He did not listen to his sister and ended up in a swamp.
  3. Grass. Hound, greatly missed her dead master. She recognized Mitrasha as the owner.
  4. Gray landowner. Mother wolf.
Plan for retelling the fairy tale "Pantry of the Sun"
  1. Mitrasha and Nastya run the household
  2. Fees for cranberries
  3. On the Ringing Borin
  4. Spruce and pine near Lying Stone.
  5. The children are separated.
  6. Raid on wolves
  7. The gray landowner hunts Grass
  8. Grass hunts a hare
  9. Mitrasha is drowning
  10. Nastya is greedy
  11. Hare hunting again
  12. Saving Mitrasha
  13. End of the Gray Landlord
  14. triumphant return
  15. The pantry of the sun.
The shortest content of the fairy tale "Pantry of the Sun" for reader's diary in 6 sentences
  1. Orphans Nastya and Mitrasha decide to go to Palestine for cranberries.
  2. On the way, they quarrel and Mitrasha goes straight, and Nastya bypasses Blind Elani.
  3. The gray landowner is stalking Grass, and Grass is stalking the hare.
  4. Mitrasha falls into the Blind Elan and drowns, and Nastya enthusiastically collects cranberries.
  5. Grass saves Mitrasha and the boy kills the gray landowner.
  6. The children return with cranberries and a dog, and the villagers are surprised at the courage of the children.
The main idea of ​​the fairy tale "Pantry of the Sun"
Love and harmony are the greatest human values which cannot be forgotten.

What does the fairy tale "Pantry of the Sun" teach
This story teaches us to trust each other. Listen smart advice, do not forget that there are close people nearby. Teaches to act together, teaches not to be greedy and proud. Learn to love animals and nature.

Review of the fairy tale "Pantry of the sun"
The author called this story a true story for a reason. It is intricately intertwined with the fabulous and the real. In it, trees act as living beings, and animals and birds act very intelligently. But of course, I liked the courage of the children most of all. They made mistakes, they deeply repented of them, and the ability to admit when you are wrong is very important for a person. And I also really liked the dog Grass, real devoted friend a person who knows great truth life - that our whole life is a great struggle for love.

Proverbs to the fairy tale "Pantry of the sun"
Where there is agreement and harmony, there is a treasure.
There is agreement, there is happiness.
A good dog will not be left without an owner.
The dog is man's friend.
What is difficult for one is easy together

Read summary, brief retelling fairy tales "Pantry of the sun" by chapters:
In one village, which lay near the Bludov swamp, there lived two orphaned children. Nastya, whom everyone called the Golden Hen on high legs, and Mitrasha, whose name was Muzhichok in a bag.
Nastya was tall, her hair was red, her face was covered with freckles, and her nose looked up. Mitrasha was ten years old and also covered in freckles.
After the death of their parents, the children got a large farm - a cow, a goat, a heifer, sheep, chickens, a rooster and a piglet. And the children coped with this household surprisingly well. Yes, and in public life villages participated. Nastya from morning to night was busy with the housework, Mitrasha learned how to make wooden utensils.
If it were not for Nastya, Mitrasha would soon become arrogant, but Nastya easily upset her brother.
In the swamps, a very tasty cranberry grows, which is harvested in late autumn or spring. Spring cranberries are especially tasty. And so, having learned that the swamps had already cleared of snow, Nastya and Mitrasha began to gather for cranberries.
Mitrasha took his father's gun, a compass and asked Nastya if she remembered Palestine, about which her father spoke. It was the most berry-filled place in the whole swamp, but it lay near Slipaya Elani, the very dangerous place swamps.
Already before leaving, Nastya grabbed a pot of boiled potatoes, just in case.
The children quite quickly passed the swamp and went to the borin, a low hill overgrown with pine forest, called the Zvonkaya borin. The first cranberries have already appeared here. The children remembered the Gray hunter, the seasoned wolf, the thunderstorms of these places, but Mitrasha lovingly stroked the gun.
Morning came. The birds sang loudly. There were well-known voices among them, but some Nastya did not know, and Mitrasha explained to her that the hare cries in the spring, the bittern hoots, and the cranes greet the sun so joyfully. Then the children heard wolves howling in the distance, but they didn't need to go that way.
Mitrasha immediately suggested turning the compass onto a small path, and Nastya suggested going along a large path. But Mitrasha said that where people often walk, there are few berries, and they turned onto the path indicated by the compass.
Two hundred years ago, the wind threw two seeds, pine and spruce, into one hole, and both seeds sprouted. Their roots were intertwined, the trunks stretched towards the sun nearby, piercing each other with branches, and when the wind ruffled the trees, pine and spruce howled in pain. So much so that this howl was picked up by a feral dog, missing a man and a wolf, just out of anger.
To these trees, to the Lying Stone, the children came and sat down to rest. Above them, a black grouse greeted the sun. A lot of scythes flocked to this place, who were not averse to fighting, and from above they were watched by a crow sitting on eggs. And when her male flew in, she shouted to him: "Help me out."
At this time, the scythes began to fight, and the male crow began to get close to the scythe sitting on the branches.
Mitrasha, pointing to the compass needle, began to offer to move along a barely noticeable path, but Nastya objected.
The male crow crept closer and closer to the scythe.
Mitrasha insisted that they should go straight to Palestine, but Nastya reasoned with him, saying that in this way they would get to Blind Yelan.
Mitrasha got angry and went alone along his path. And Nastya went the other way.
The male crow caught up with the black grouse and rushed at him. He pulled out a tuft of feathers from a black grouse, and the trees howled and groaned.
Hearing this howl, the hound Travka crawled out of the pit near Antipych's lodge. Two years ago old Antipych died and that was with great grief for a dog.
No one knew how old Antipych was, maybe eighty, or maybe all a hundred. But he kept promising the hunters to tell what the truth is when he dies. And Antipych also said that he would send Grass for people when his time came.
But the war began, Antipych died, and Grass had to get used to a lonely life. Out of habit, she dragged the caught hares to the house, but even that was gone - somehow fell apart in an instant.
And Grass howled with grief, and the wolf Gray landowner had long listened to her howl.
The hunters knew for sure that a brood of wolves lives near the Dry River. They surrounded the wolves with flags and rounded up. Almost all the wolves died, but the Gray Landlord survived, one shot tore off his ear, the second his tail, but during that summer the Gray Landowner slaughtered cows no less than a whole flock.
The gray landowner became a thunderstorm of those places and the peasants tried to bypass them.
That morning, hearing the howl of the trees, the Gray Landowner crawled out of the lair and, hungry and angry, also howled.

The gray landowner went to Antipych's lodge, intending to eat Grass. But a little earlier, Grass stopped howling, and went hunting for a hare.
It so happened that one hare went out to the Lying Stone, where the children had recently rested, and galloped straight to the Blind Elani.
Grass immediately smelled people and the smell of a hare, and she faced a difficult choice. Follow the hare, in the direction where the smallest of the people left, or follow the one who went around the Blind Elani.
The wind blew from the side where Nastya went and the dog decided. On the other side, it smelled of bread and potatoes, and Grass, reasoning that the hare was not going anywhere, went after Nastya.
Mitrasha at that time made his way through the Fornication swamp. The hummocks spring under his feet, and the layer of grass barely bears his weight. The branches of the trees seemed to be trying to warn, not to let the boy go forward, but Mitrasha stubbornly walked forward.
The birds raised a hubbub, but Mitrasha was not afraid and even began to sing. The singing cheered him up and the boy noticed that the path was turning west. And in front lies a small flat space, completely without bumps, on the other side of which one can see white-bearded grass - clear sign human path.
And Mitrasha decided to go straight ahead.
Blind Yelan was called blind because the water in it was overgrown with grass from above and it was not visible. And Mitrasha went straight through this Yelan.
At first it was even easier for him to walk, but gradually he began to sink deeper and deeper into the water, already up to his knee. Mitrasha decided to return, to escape from Elani, but literally saw white-bearded grass nearby and decided that he would jump. He lunged forward and fell to his chest. He had only one thing to do - to put the gun on the swamp and hold on.
The wind carried Nastya's cry to him and Mitrasha answered, but his sister did not hear him. Some magpies jumped around Mitrasha and the boy began to cry.
At this time, Nastya was enthusiastically picking cranberries. First a berry, then a whole handful. She forgot about her brother, about herself, about time. She even left the path and went where her berry led.
But having come to her senses, she turned and began to look for the path. I darted in one direction, in the other, and suddenly I saw something behind the juniper bushes that I instantly forgot about everything in the world. A whole clearing, bright red from a berry, that same Palestine, opened up to her eyes.
In the middle of Palestine was a hill on which stood an elk. Elk contemptuously looked at Nastya, crawling on all fours and did not understand the greed of a person, and he did not recognize a person in Nastya. And right in front of Nastya, a stump appeared, on which a black viper was basking.
Seeing the viper, Nastya came to her senses and got to her feet. The elk finally recognized the man and ran away. And very close by stood Grass, a dog that Nastya immediately recognized. She even tried to remember the dog's name, but the stupid "Ant" popped into her head.
Nastya wanted to give the dog bread, but the bread was at the very bottom of the basket, completely filled with berries. And Nastya was scared. How much time has passed and where is her brother. She fell to the ground screaming and sobbing. This cry was heard by Mitrasha.
Grass went up to Nastya and licked her hand. She sensed human grief and howled. This howl was again heard by the Gray landowner and understood where the dog was.
And Grass heard the yelping of the fox, and realized that she had taken the trail of the hare. She ran to the Lying Stone and began to guard the hare. But while jumping, Grass missed and the dodging hare rushed straight to Blind Elan. The weed followed.
The hare led Grass straight to Blind Yelan, where the magpies teased Mitrasha. The hare jumped aside and lay down in his own wake. But Grass was no longer up to him.
The weed looked at little man in Elani and thought it was Antipych. She timidly wagged her tail and suddenly heard the most native word for her: Seed. So Mitrasha called her.
Grass immediately lay down, recognizing Antipych. And Mitrasha was forced to be cunning and call the dog, because he could not explain his plan of salvation to her. He called Grass closer and when she crawled very close, he suddenly grabbed Grass by the hind leg.
The dog rushed, not understanding how a man could deceive her like that. She would have escaped, but Mitrasha managed to grab Grass by the other paw. And now Grass has already pulled Mitrash ashore.
She ran away, but Mitrasha again affectionately called her, and Grass squealed with joy. Now she no longer doubted, before her was her Antipych. Both man and dog embraced and kissed each other.
After that, things went smoothly. Grass remembered the hare and quickly found his trail. Mitrasha changed the cartridges in his gun and hid in a juniper bush, hoping to shoot a hare. The Gray landowner also came out here and Mitrasha shot the wolf right in the head. The gray landowner was killed.
Nastya heard this shot and quickly found her brother. Travka still got a hare and the children warmed themselves by the fire, cooked dinner and prepared for the night.
In the village, having learned that the children did not spend the night at home, they became alarmed and was going to go look for them, but then they appeared on their own. They told about their adventures, and despite the fact that there was a full basket of cranberries, people did not immediately believe in the death of the Gray Landowner. But the hunters went to the indicated place and found the corpse of a wolf.
Mitrasha became a hero in the eyes of his fellow villagers. And soon he grew up, stretched out, became a stately handsome guy.
And Nastya also surprised her fellow villagers. She gave all the collected cranberries to the evacuated children.
Peat is a real wealth that is stored in swamps. Peat is a canned solar energy, which is why geologists call swamps the pantries of the sun.

Drawings and illustrations for the fairy tale "Pantry of the Sun"

M. M. Prishvin entered literature not only as a talented writer, but also as an ethnographer, geographer, cosmographer. However, his works were not in demand in Soviet society. Ideal for the literature of that time were works full of high civil and revolutionary pathos, saturated with the socialist slogans of those years. Prishvin's work was considered an attempt to get away from real life, from solving urgent problems about building a brighter future. The discovery of Prishvin as a talented artist of the word took place only in recent decades. Today he is one of the most unsolved writers.

The nature of his native land had a huge influence on all his work. The future writer was born in the Khrushchevo estate. It was here that he learned to listen and hear the sounds of nature, its sometimes quiet, and sometimes loud speech. Prishvin was very gifted with hearing "to the whistle of birds, the breath of herbs and the murm of animals." He tried his best to convey the voice of nature, to translate it into the language of man. We are amazed at this ability of his, reading the story "Pantry of the Sun."

The plot of this piece is quite simple. This is a story about the life and adventure of two little children who were left orphans in the difficult post-war years. But Prishvin envelops his heroes with such a poetic shell that everything that happens becomes like a fairy tale. It is this genre that Prishvin chooses for his work - a fairy tale. The concept of "fairy tale" will become central in the work of Prishvin in the 20-50s. For the writer, this concept was that form of artistic narration in which he could freely embody his ideals, depict the unshakable laws of nature. In "The Pantry of the Sun" he creates the image of an ideal village where everyone lives peacefully, amicably, okay. And a small family - brother Mitrasha and sister Nastya - are everyone's favorites, these are two little suns.

“Nastya was like a Golden Hen on high legs. Her hair, neither dark nor light, shone with gold, freckles all over her face were large, like gold coins ...<…>Only one nose was clean and looked up. Mitrasha was two years younger than his sister.<…>He was a stubborn and strong boy. “The little man in the pouch,” the teachers at school called him with a smile. “The little man in the bag,” like Nastya, was covered in golden freckles, and his nose, also clean, like his sister’s, looked up. The author lovingly describes his characters and endows them with cute names. And this is also partly reminiscent of a fairy tale.

And now our little heroes are going on a long journey to the Palestinian woman, whom they know about from the stories of their father. This is reminiscent of the saying: “go there, I don’t know where.” Children find themselves in a huge fairyland, where every bush, every bird has the ability to speak and think. The author places us in the wonderful world of nature, while he does his best to show the kinship of man with this natural world: “poor birds and animals, how they all suffered, trying to pronounce some common to all, one beautiful word! And even children, as simple as Nastya and Mitrasha, understood their effort. They all wanted to say only one beautiful word. You can see how the bird sings on a branch, and each feather trembles from her effort. But all the same, they cannot say words like we do, and they have to sing, shout, tap out.

Tek-tek! - a huge bird grouse taps in a dark forest, barely audibly.

Shvark-shvark! - a wild drake flew over the river in the air.

Quack-quack! - wild mallard duck on the lake.

Gu-gu-gu ... - a beautiful bullfinch bird on a birch.

The author appears here as a person with subtle hearing, able to hear and understand the wonderful language of birds, plants and animals. Prishvin uses a wide variety of means of artistic expression. But the most important technique, with the help of which the heroes of the natural world come to life on the pages of the work, is personification. The ability to think is given in a fairy tale - there were not only animals, but also birds, and even trees. This is a raven and a crow talking, and cranes announcing the coming of the sun and its sunset, and the groan of fused pine and spruce. material from the site

Nature is not idle, it actively comes to the aid of man. Mitrasha is also warned of trouble by the old ate women, but in vain they try to block his way to the destructive spruce. And the black raven frightens him with his cry. What can we say about the smart, quick-witted and loyal dog Travka!

Thus, the main theme in were - the theme of the unity of man with nature. In his works, Prishvin "condenses goodness", he embodies his ideals and thereby calls for good readers.


  1. Friendly life of Nastya and Mitrasha in the village.
  2. Children gather for cranberries.
  3. The guys quarreled and went different paths.
  4. Nastya finds a Palestinian woman all covered with cranberries, and Mitrasha, due to her oversight, ends up in a swamp.
  5. The forester's dog Antipych Travka helps Mitrasha out of trouble.
  6. The little hunter kills the old wolf robber Gray Landlord, and the children return home.

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Retelling plan

1. Orphans Nastya and Mitrasha run the household themselves.
2. Children go for cranberries to the Fornication swamp.
3. The guys are arguing about which road to take, and each goes his own way.
4. The story of the wolves that lived in this forest and died at the hands of man. Only the wolf Gray landowner survived.
5. Mitrasha gets bogged down in the Blind Elani (the very furnace and scary place Fornication swamps).
6. Nastya, having gone to the cherished "Palestinian", picks up a lot of cranberries. Remembering her brother, she screams throughout the forest.
7. Dog Grass saves Mitrasha, who, holding on to her, gets out of the swampy place.
8. Mitrasha kills the Gray landowner, hunting a hare with Grass. Meets her sister.
9. Children spend the night in the forest and return to their village in the morning.


MM. Prishvin said that his books are not addressed to children, but to that inner child that is preserved in the soul of every adult. Prishvin lovingly describes the children - the heroes of his work. He gives them poetic nicknames: Nastya - "a golden hen with high legs", Mitrasha - "a little man in a bag".

The children lost their parents early. Their mother died of an illness, and their father died on Patriotic War. They, who have matured so early (Mitrasha is 10 years old, and Nastya is 2 years older), manage to run the household themselves: look after the cattle, work in the garden. They are serious beyond their years, and naive, like all children.

Of course, they have disputes. Sometimes, when Mitrasha, suddenly remembering how his father instructed his mother, also decides to teach his sister, she only smiles condescendingly, and her brother is ready to be offended because he is not taken seriously. Even more friendly people should be compliant, attentive to each other. Stubbornness, unwillingness to agree almost led to irreparable trouble. Wishing to find the treasured "Palestinian" with sweet cranberries, the children quarrel without choosing one path. They leave each other, as if forgetting that the ruthless wolf Gray landowner is wandering in the forest, that there is a fatal place in the swamp - Blind spruce. Pride, the desire to insist on their own take over.

Everyone gets into trouble. Mitrasha, not wanting to go around the swamp, falls into the Blind Elan. He, so serious and resolute, suddenly becomes completely defenseless. Nastya forgets about her brother for a long time, having found a “Palestinian woman”, she picks everything and picks berries, seeing nothing in front of her but this abundance of cranberries. Then she herself is surprised at her greed.

We do not see, but we feel the presence of another hero of the work - the forester Antipych. By the time the story is about, he has been gone for two years. However, his words about the ability to live among people, his wise attitude to life remained. It is Antipych's dog, the almost feral Grass, that saves the boy from inevitable death. She, also orphaned by the death of her master, finds a new happiness to be needed, loved. Thanks to her, Mitrasha was also killed by the Gray landowner - an evil hardened wolf, who mercilessly slaughtered the cattle of the villagers.

"Pantry of the sun" - the name is poetic. The narrator calls such a pantry the Fornication swamp, which has huge reserves of peat. Every blade of grass, every bush was grown by the sun, and, dying, turning into fertilizer, they passed on their vitality new plants. Peat goes to a person as an inheritance of great value. In the title of the work there is another, more deep meaning. All the love, wisdom of the people does not go away irrevocably with each person, but remains in the world, helping to maintain warmth in souls, nourishing friendship, mutual understanding and the ability to forgive.