Helping a student. Images of “new people” in the novel by N.G.

"What to do?" - "from stories about new people" - such a definition of this work gives the subtitle of the novel. Chernyshevsky was not an innovator in depicting the "new people", he was the successor of the tradition, but he draws his own ideal of a harmonious society.

The novel is utopian in its content: the author believed in the victory of the ideal, an optimist by nature, he was convinced that in the end humanity would come to great universal happiness, to wonderful life. So far, the triumph of the foundations of the old world reigns in the world, but the belief that the "new people" will turn the river of life into right direction and radically change it, fills this work with faith in a brighter future.

The “new people” are distinguished by a non-violent change of their views, for the construction future life all that is required of them is the pursuit of happiness. They are opposed to the old world by what for them " main element reality" is labor. They themselves arrange their lives, subordinating circumstances to themselves. Main life principle, which they are guided by - "the theory of calculation of benefits."

Chernyshevsky ironically describes the people of the old world, their ignorance, deceit and hypocrisy. The representatives of the old world in the novel are people of the nobility: Storeshnikov, Anna Petrovna, Storeshnikov's "actual councilor of state", Jean and Serge, Julie, Serge's kept woman, Storeshnikov's friends. The way of life of these heroes shows all the vices of the old world, which has long outlived its own. In the suffocating atmosphere of this society, they could not be different, all the good that was in a person was initially ruined by the way of the old world.

Serge - "by nature a man and not stupid, and very good," but the environment ruined everything best qualities, forcing them to adapt to themselves. A prime example Vera Pavlovna's mother, Marya Alekseevna, who herself confesses her vices, can serve such subordination to the environment: “they began to live well, all because I became dishonest and evil.” She is aware of the wrongness of her actions and way of life, but is unable to change anything: “Where can you establish good order with such people! So we will live in the old way. And here Marya Alekseevna proclaims: Golden Rule":" the old order is to rob and deceive.

All representatives of the old world strictly follow this rule, guided in their actions only by base satisfaction of needs at the expense of others. An example of such behavior is Storeshnikov's unsuccessful matchmaking with Vera Pavlovna, prompted to such a step not by feelings, but by "irritated pride and voluptuousness."

Representatives of the “new world”, the builders of the future life, take opposite positions in relation to them. The author portrays the ideal of a socialist society and looks for ways in which people can come to this ideal. He finds a way to resolve the contradiction between the general and the personal, which prevents the beginning of a new life. Chernyshevsky "with his own hands" and faith in happiness sculpts the image of a "new" person.

All people are selfish, but following the principles of “do not do to others what you do not wish for yourself” and “love your neighbor as yourself”, you can live, benefiting yourself and doing good to others. “The personal benefit of new people coincides with the common benefit,” this is the solution to the contradiction that arises on the way to a brighter future. The "new people" in the novel are led by "benefit calculation theory". Lopukhov and Vera Pavlovna build their family life, following the theory of "reasonable egoism", the principles of equality and mutual respect, they lay the foundations on which the future life will be created.

IN family life with Vera Pavlovna, Lopukhov does not change these principles and, realizing the failure of his marriage, leaves the stage. He realizes that their marriage cannot exist based on violence and submission, without equality and freedom it becomes meaningless. The hero “wants to live himself, wants to love”, and he finds a solution family drama for the benefit of himself, Vera Pavlovna and Kirsanov.

"New people" - Vera Pavlovna, Lopukhov, Kirsanov, Katya Polozova - are depicted in the novel as ordinary people who want happiness for themselves. Presented in a different way special person” Rakhmetov, who sacrifices all his desires and needs to the ideal and leads “the most severe way of life.” Rakhmetov, man noble origin, goes against the norms of morality and beliefs of his environment, not because of circumstances, but because of his convictions. This altruist renounces his personal life and all sorts of benefits, donating his fortune to the needs of others.

Rakhmetov has a great potential of the “new people”, he possesses such qualities that the rest of the representatives of the new world should also develop. He motivates his way of life with one of his phrases, which characterizes a person striving for universal happiness and well-being: “We demand for people the complete enjoyment of life, we must testify with our lives that we demand this not to satisfy our personal passions, not for ourselves. personally, but for a person in general ... ".

The idea of ​​female emancipation is also widely developed in the novel. Chernyshevsky reconsiders the position of women in society: in the new world there must be complete equality. A woman acquires freedom in love, marriage, strengthens her position in life in every possible way. The life of a woman is depicted as completely opposite to the position that she occupied before.

Vera Pavlovna organizes a sewing workshop, women begin to work, lead a certain public life. New life helps young girls break out of the vicious circle of the old way of life: the sewing workshop of Vera Pavlovna gives shelter to girls from brothels, Nastya Kryukova is redeemed from bondage and goes to work. The workshop is not only a solution moral problem, but also the problems of the significance of one person in society and the material well-being of each.

Ideal social life, which Chernyshevsky tries to reflect in his novel, finds figurative expression in the fourth dream of Vera Pavlovna, where utopian dreams of a society of the future are embodied.

“Work without knowledge is fruitless, our happiness is impossible without the happiness of others. Let us be enlightened and enrich ourselves; we will be happy - and we will be brothers and sisters - this will go on - we will live, we will live ... ". This "brisk and bold" song calls for all the builders of the universal happy life, captivating the Russian people with something distant and unknown, eternal martyrs who want happiness and hope that someday it will nevertheless warm their sinful souls with its warmth. But when that “someday” will come, no one knows.

Kind and strong, honest and
able, recently you began to arise
between us, but you already
a lot and it's getting fast
N. G. Chernyshevsky

The “new people”, about whom Chernyshevsky wrote in his novel, were representatives of a new phase in the development of society at that time. The world of these people was formed in the struggle with the old regime, which had become obsolete, but continued to dominate.

The heroes of the novel at almost every step faced the difficulties and hardships of the old order and overcame them. "New people" in the work are commoners. They were determined, had a purpose in life, knew what they should do, were united by common ideas and aspirations. "Their main desire is for the people to be free, happy, to live in contentment." The "new people" believed in their people, saw them as resolute, powerful, capable of fighting. But in order for him to achieve his goal, he must be taught, inspired and united.

The raznochintsy, who are the heroes of Chernyshevsky's novel, have a developed sense of dignity, pride, and the ability to stand up for themselves. The author writes: “Each of them is a brave person, not hesitating, not yielding, who knows how to get down to business, and if he takes it, then he already firmly grasps it, so that it does not slip out of his hands. This is one side of their properties; on the other hand, each of them is a person of impeccable honesty, such that the question does not even come to mind, is it possible to rely on this person in everything, of course? It is as clear as the fact that he is breathing from his chest; as long as this chest breathes, it is hot and unchanging, boldly lay your head on it ... ”Chernyshevsky was able to show their common, typical features but also features of each of them.

Lopukhov and Kirsanov always relied only on themselves, worked together for the sake of a lofty goal - to develop and improve science, selfless, help those who need help, who deserve it. They did not look for benefits in the treatment of patients. But Dmitry Sergeevich is more calm, Alexander Matveevich has an emotional and artistic nature.

Vera Pavlovna found it difficult to live in her own house because of the constant harassment and reproaches of her mother, but she did not break under the yoke, did not surrender to the mercy of the old order. This heroine was strong by nature, with early age had her own views on life, she always wanted freedom and life without lies. It was not in her habit to prevaricate in front of people and, most importantly, in front of herself. She could not build her happiness on the misfortune of others, she could not stand it when she was treated like a thing. Vera Pavlovna tried to understand the rational structure of society, so she created a sewing workshop with fair procedures and conditions. She is not interested in money, she wants to see the process itself. Doing good for yourself does good for others. Vera Pavlovna, creating a workshop, aims to educate "new people". She thinks that good people many, but they need help, and they will help others, there will be more “new people”. Vera Pavlovna is a different character than Katerina Polozova.

Rakhmetov is a special person, of all the others he is the most active. Understands that the struggle for new world will not be for life, but for death. By all means he prepares himself for it. This hero is "the salt of the salt of the earth, the engine of engines." He renounced his personal interests for one purpose. It has great energy, endurance, clarity of thought and behavior. As Chernyshevsky writes: "Rakhmetov is an ebullient nature, he was a master of business, he was a great psychologist."

“And Lopukhov, and Kirsanov, and Vera Pavlovna, and Polozova, and Rakhmetov are people strong passions, great experiences, rich temperament. But at the same time, they can control their feelings, subordinate their behavior to the great tasks of the common cause. "New people" - people of high ideals. activity for them was the realization of these ideals. All the "new people" lived according to the theory of rational egoism. By doing things for themselves and for themselves, they also benefit others. According to Chernyshevsky, the “new people” behave in the same way in all situations: they remain people under any circumstances. The "new people" are not duplicitous. The heroes of Chernyshevsky's novel respect their loved one, do everything to make his life better, and treat each other as equals. That is why their love is pure and noble.

N. G. Chernyshevsky wrote his novel What Is to Be Done?, being imprisoned in the Peter and Paul Fortress. In this novel, he wrote about the "new people" who had just appeared in the country.

In the novel "What is to be done?", in all its figurative system Chernyshevsky tried to present in living heroes, in life situations those standards, which, as he believed, should be the main measure of public morality. In their affirmation, Chernyshevsky saw the lofty purpose of art.

Heroes "What to do?" - " special people”,“ new people ”: Lopukhov, Kirsanov, Vera Pavlovna. Their so-called rational egoism is the result of a conscious purposefulness, a conviction that an individual can be completely fine only in a rationally arranged society, among people who are also well. These rules, as we know, were adhered to in life by Chernyshevsky himself, they are followed by the "new people" - the heroes of his novel.

The "new people" do not sin and do not repent. They are always thinking and therefore only make errors in calculation, and then correct these errors and avoid them in subsequent calculations. In the "new people" goodness and truth, honesty and knowledge, character and intelligence turn out to be identical concepts; the smarter a person is, the more honest he is, because he makes fewer mistakes. "New people" never demand anything from others, they themselves need complete freedom of feelings, thoughts and actions, and therefore they deeply respect this freedom in others. They accept from each other what is given - I do not say voluntarily, this is not enough, but with joy, with full and lively enjoyment.

Lopukhov, Kirsanov and Vera Pavlovna, appearing in the novel What Is to Be Done? the main representatives of people of a new type, do not do anything that would exceed ordinary human capabilities. They are ordinary people, and the author himself recognizes them as such people; this circumstance is extremely important, and it gives the whole novel a particularly deep meaning. Describing Lopukhov, Kirsanov and Vera Pavlov, well, the author claims: these can be ordinary people, and they must be like that if they want to find a lot of happiness and pleasure in life. Wishing

to prove to readers that they are really ordinary people, the author brings to the stage the titanic figure of Rakhmetov, whom he himself recognizes as extraordinary and calls him "special". Rakhmetov does not participate in the action of the novel, and he has nothing to do in it. People like him are needed only when and where they can be historical figures. Neither science nor family happiness satisfies them. They love all people, suffer from every injustice that occurs, experience in their own souls the great grief of millions and give everything they can to heal this grief. Chernyshevsky's attempt to introduce a special person to readers can be called successful. Before him, Turgenev undertook this business, but completely unsuccessfully.

Chernyshevsky's "new people" are the children of city officials and philistines. They work, are engaged in natural sciences and early began to make their way in life. Therefore, they understand the people of labor and go on the path of transforming life. They are engaged in a business that is necessary for the people, refusing all the benefits that private practice could give them. Before us is a whole group of like-minded people. The basis of their activities is propaganda. Kirsanov's student circle is one of the most effective. Young revolutionaries are brought up here, the personality of a “special person”, a professional revolutionary, is formed here.

Chernyshevsky also touches upon the problem of the emancipation of women. Escaping from her parents' house, Vera Pavlovna also frees other women. She creates a workshop where she helps poor girls find their place in life. Chernyshevsky thus wants to show what needs to be transferred from the future to the present. This and new labor Relations, and fair wages, yes, and the combination of mental work with physical.

Thus, Russian literature as a mirror reflected the emergence of "new people", new trends in the development of society. In the same time literary heroes became models for worship, for imitation. And the social literary utopia “What is to be done?” in the part that talks about the fair organization of labor and remuneration for work, became guiding star for several generations of Russian revolutionaries.

"New people" in the novel by Nikolai Chernyshevsky "What is to be done?"
Roman Chernyshevsky "What to do?" is artwork, is a "mental experiment" of the author, who seeks to understand the possible development of those situations, collisions, types of personalities and principles of their behavior that have already developed in modern life.
Chernyshevsky sees the task of his work in showing how positive ideals, far from the reality of dreams, gradually move into the sphere of real, practical activity, accessible ordinary people, in the same people of a new type. After all, the novel itself is not just called "What to do?", but has a special subtitle: "Stories about new people."
New people become, according to Chernyshevsky, a phenomenon Everyday life. Now ideals are moving from the realm of dreams into the realm of practical life, moreover, a life that is affordable. ordinary people. Therefore, the author himself builds the plot of the novel on the example of the life of an ordinary woman.
New people are significantly different from the nihilist Bazarov. Main character"Fathers and Sons" main task considered "to clear the place." Chernyshevsky, against the background of the controversy developing around Turgenev's novel, puts qualitatively new task: to show that new people build, and not just destroy, i.e. to show not the destructive, but the creative role of the new people.
Essentially new is the theory of rational egoism, or the theory of calculating benefits, proclaimed and put into practice by new people.
Chernyshevsky does not question the rationality of man, saying that man can fully rationally calculate his egoistic path to happiness. The calculation of one's own benefit, according to the author of the novel, also provides for a certain respectful attitude to other people: “In order for people to enjoy the happiness of love, they must be surrounded by the same happy people". Thus, the theory of rational egoism is manifested by the theory of revolutionary altruism.
An example of reasonable egoism is the reasoning of Lopukhov, who foresaw the need for himself to “leave the stage”, seeing that Vera Pavlovna and Kirsanov love each other: “It is unpleasant for me to lose a friend; and then - it's time for me to go underground.
Lopukhov's actions show that the moral level of the new people is very high. And Vera Pavlovna herself calms down only when Lopukhov becomes fully happy.
Creating images of “ordinary new people” in his work, Chernyshevsky shows that individual freedom does not mean a decrease in moral requirements for oneself and those around them, but, on the contrary, enable a person to reveal his mental and creative potential to the fullest and brightest.


Chernyshevsky "What to do?" captured in
their ideological and semantic problems, genre
complexity and diversity of structures
multi-channel historical movement
Russian life and literature in the 50s


do?" - a novel about "new people".
Chernyshevsky "knows not only how
new people think and reason, but also how
they feel like they love and respect each other
friend, how they arrange their family and
everyday life and how passionately they strive for
that time and that order of things,
who could be loved by all people and
trustingly stretch out a hand to everyone.”

people, according to Pisarev, are utopian socialists.”
His socialism was utopian, but he
correctly pointed out this feature of theirs. IN
novel Chernyshevsky showed images of “new
people” - Lopukhov and Kirsanova. Life on
principles of collectivism, according to the rule of “reasonable
selfishness” (make it so that others
good - there is no equal happiness) - that's the one
first step towards socialism

on which Lopukhov and Kirsanov firmly stand.
The difference between people of the era of the revolutionary situation
from their predecessors Chernyshevsky saw in active participation in serious
activities. It is clear why in their
two new words appeared in the description:

and "able". They indicate their difference from
predecessors. They were "kind" and "honest",
these became moreover "strong" and "able."
They believe that everything is created by labor. For
them bums are morally unacceptable.

they have the utmost respect for
woman, considering her a friend in, fighting for
happiness. They give her full
freedom in life, in choosing a friend. love for
them - a sublime feeling, free from
selfishness, selfishness. Vera Pavlovna love
to Kirsanov helps to grow spiritually, she
says that love is
help rise and rise.

believes in the strength of friendship, he says
Lopukhov, that I would give my
head without hesitation. Lopukhov, in turn,
“leaves the stage so as not to be in the way of
happiness ”Kirsanov, and at the same time feels
who acts like a noble person. Myself
Chernyshevsky considered positive only
someone who loves and cares for others
happiness. Lopukhov and Kirsanov -
revolutionary democrats. These are the best
representatives of progressive people

They enlighten the masses
contribute to the development and improvement
revolutionary consciousness of the people.

I really
that “honesty of the heart”, “decency” is close
new people, which focused
author. She wasn't made up, she's real
existed - it was crystal
morality of revolutionary democracy.
For me, it is important for a person to evaluate his own
actions and be able to listen to criticism from
sides of others. Such qualities are
new people, as they know what it is
necessary for the good of others. Heroes
Chernyshevsky passionately defend their right
self-respect, which is very important. None
can choose a man's life, he makes it
myself. It sounds like the law. But in order to
understand that you need to set goals and
tasks. For new people, the purpose of life is

I think there is no nobler purpose. Exactly
Therefore, new people are so dear and close to me.

Such people
were and will be “motors of engines”, “salt
salt of the earth." Without such people it is impossible
life. 'Cause she has to change
change from year to year. These days too
there is a place for new people who contribute
fundamental changes in life. And in this
regard to Chernyshevsky's novel What Is to Be Done?
valuable to modern reader. He
helps to raise the soul of a person,
desire to fight for the good of society. I
I am sure that the essence of the novel will always be
modern and necessary for society.