American male surnames in English. English surnames

established in late XVIII V. The American nation unites not only the descendants of settlers from all parts of the world, but also indigenous people- Indians. For a long time, under the influence of the traditions of other countries and peoples, the culture of the American people was formed, which was reflected in the names of the Americans themselves. Many common American names take their origins from Greek, Italian, Latin, Asian, and ancient Germanic origin.

Very popular among the American population rare names, which originate not only from the reduction geographical names, related to history, but also the names of famous people, combining several names into one, etc.

Let us conditionally divide American names by origin into the following groups:

  • names associated with a person’s character traits (cheerful, smart, brave, courageous);
  • names associated with the names of animals and plants, natural phenomena; - names meaning different professions;
  • names borrowed from the Bible.

America is a colonial country, so the same names enjoy different popularity in different states of the country. For example, in Spanish villages the popular male name is Federico (Federico), in Irish regions - Patrick (Patrick), in Italian - Paulo (Paulo).

Choosing a name for a newborn also has great importance. When choosing a name for a child, Americans are guided by the following principles: the combination of first and last names, the origin of the name and its secret meaning. To pay tribute to family traditions and the memory of ancestors, parents give the child the name that was borne by the father, grandfather or great-grandfather. If there is already a person in the family with the same name, then the prefix “senior” or “junior” is added at the beginning of the name.

The desire of Americans to add a “zest” to a child’s name is not limited to simply choosing a beautiful and memorable name. The parents' imagination knows no bounds - a child can become the “lucky” owner of the name of the brand of the parents’ favorite car, a politician whose speeches did not leave the parents indifferent, another celebrity, a favorite city, etc. In this situation, the choice falls on the most unexpected objects. You can meet children named Lexus, Madison, Infinity.

Surely not everyone knows that Sarah Jessica Parker, Mary-Kate Olsen or Sean William Scott are double names. What is the tradition behind giving a child a middle name at birth? The tradition of the second (or middle name) developed in the 19th century. European immigration in the 1830s and 1840s caused the population of the United States to grow, and as a result, the number of people with the same first and last names increased. How additional remedy identification began to use a second name. Children were given middle names in honor of famous political, religious, social and military figures (for example, George Washington, the first president of the United States, or John Wesley, one of the founders of Methodism).

Another version is to protect the child from evil spirits and death. At baptism, the child was given several names in order to confuse death in case of danger that threatened the child during an outbreak of fatal diseases.

Sometimes the middle name is associated with a certain area or the names of ancestors, as well as the surnames of other people.

This tradition still lives on in modern American families.

The most popular modern American names

  • Alex(Alex) - from Greek, “protector.” James (James) - from English, “invader”.
  • Anthony(Anthony) – from English, “invaluable”, “competing”.
  • Brandon(Brandon) – from German, “prince.”
  • Christopher(Christopher) - from English, “follower of Christ.”
  • David(David) – Hebrew, “beloved”, “beloved”.
  • Dillon(Dilon) - Welsh origin, "big sea". Philip (Philip) - from Greek, “horse lover.”
  • Ethan(Ethan) – from English, “durable.”
  • Fred(Fred) - from English, “peaceful ruler.”
  • Josh(Josh) – Hebrew, “god, salvation.”
  • Justin(Justin) – from English, “fair”. Matthew (Matthew) - from English, “gift of God,” “God’s man.”
  • Kevin(Kevin) – from Irish, “beautiful”, “cute”.
  • Ryan(Ryan) - from Arabic, “little king.” Nicholas (Nicholas) - from French, “conqueror of nations.”
  • Thomas(Thomas) – Polish, “twin”.
  • Tyler(Tyler) – from English, “stylish.” Caleb (Caleb) - from Hebrew, “loyal, brave.”
  • William(William) – from English, “desired.”

List of common American surnames

Modern American surnames have changed over the years.

Immigration of representatives of different nations to America, their gradual mixing with local residents, and as a result, change and reduction (shortening) of surnames in the American way.

List of the most famous surnames in America

Bearers of the surnames Jones (Jones), Smith (Smith), Williams (Williams), Wilson (Wilson) according to statistics, more than a million. The following surnames are no less popular:

  • Allen
  • Anderson
  • Brown
  • Clark
  • Davis
  • Garcia
  • Hall
  • Harris (Harris)
  • Hernandez (Hernandez)
  • Jackson (Jackson)
  • Johnson
  • King
  • Lee
  • Lewis
  • Martin
  • Martinez (Martinez)
  • Miller
  • Moore
  • Robinson
  • Rodrigues
  • Taylor
  • Thomas (Thomas)
  • Thompson
  • Walker
  • White
  • Wilson
  • Young

The melody and beauty of the sound of a surname is another reason for the pride of its bearers. A person’s desire for changes in life could not but be reflected in the desire to change his last name or first name to a first name famous person in the entertainment industry or politics. Sources for inspiration can be found by those interested in the names of natural phenomena, representatives of flora and fauna, and names of geographical objects. Looking for more beautiful name or surnames, improvisation is not a hindrance.

Some of the most beautiful and common American surnames are:

  • Beverly (Beverly)
  • Collins
  • Daniels
  • Evans
  • Ford (Ford)
  • Gilmore (Gilmore)
  • Harris (Harris)
  • Holmes
  • Labert (Labert)
  • Moore
  • Newman
  • Riley (Riley)
  • Stephenson
  • Wallace
  • Washington (Washington)

A person’s respectful attitude towards his name as the heritage of his ancestors is a kind of valuable relic, which its bearers pass on from generation to generation, preserving their history and family traditions in the family name.

English female names

Every nation has names and surnames unique to it. They all have some kind of roots that may indicate occupation, character traits, or famous ancestors. Below are surnames in English that, for one reason or another, have become very popular.

American names and surnames

Every nation has a certain principle according to which a person received his middle name. For example, in some countries, the city from which the man or woman was born served for these purposes. In some cases, the paternal method was used to indicate noble origin and a famous family. American first and last names also have cultural traditions in this matter. It becomes difficult to track them because peoples sailed to America from various parts of the planet.

For this reason, many American surnames take their roots from Italian, Greek, Latin or some European people. Over time, the form of the sound changed, some changes were made, and a certain historical list of popular surnames in America was formed. Some of them have a direct meaning, for example, Smith - blacksmith. Others simply sound beautiful, while others were originally a nickname. The origin of all middle names can be divided into several categories:

  • those that indicate a specific occupation, profession;
  • obtained from some special character traits of a person;
  • religious options that were taken from the Bible;
  • related to trees, animals, natural phenomena, flowers.


If you hear male American names and surnames on the street, you will be almost 100% able to guess the person’s nationality. They went through certain stages of development and have much in common with the English variants. People from all corners sailed to the new continent and, in order to pass as Americans, they deliberately modified, shortened or altered their surnames. The most famous foreign middle names open:

  • Williams;
  • Smith;
  • Jones;
  • Wilson.

These options can be compared with the familiar ones Ivanov, Petrov, Kuznetsov, Popov. According to US statistics, there are over a million such families registered each. Other popular male surnames- This:

  • Young;
  • Hall;
  • Thompson;
  • Jackson;
  • Brown;
  • Anderson;
  • White;
  • Clark;
  • Davis;
  • Jackson;
  • Thomas;
  • Harris;
  • Miller;
  • Garcia;
  • Hernandez;
  • Rodrigues;
  • King.


It cannot be said that American surnames for girls are somehow different from men’s. Unlike names, you cannot choose them and there is no clear gender identity here. American surnames are devoid of gender or change of form (ending) if we're talking about about a girl. For this reason, the list of beautiful, popular female middle names is the same. However, the Americans themselves identify several surnames that are more suitable for girls.

  • Williams;
  • Moore;

Beautiful American surnames

Citizens of Russia and America have the right to change their first and last name. Some people use this opportunity to get a more harmonious combination. Singers and actors often do this to make them more memorable. There are recognized beautiful American surnames that are different from all the others. Often their origins come from completely different peoples, professions, animals or flowers. According to Americans, the most beautiful men and women women's surnames become:

  • Evans;
  • Collins;
  • Gilmore;
  • Daniels;
  • Moore;
  • Wallace;
  • Newman;
  • Harris;
  • Labert;
  • Washington;
  • Beverly.

Americans really value and respect their history, their ancestors and the legacy they left them. Family ties means a lot to them, so their middle name is a valuable heirloom that should be protected, worn and proudly passed on to their children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren. This is one of the factors that makes this nation united, confident and strong.

Popular American surnames

All countries in the world keep records, population censuses, so there is accurate data about the most popular surnames in America. In first place proudly flaunts Smith, which literally means “blacksmith.” There are more than 2 million 700 thousand “blacksmiths” in the country. Slightly less popular surnames in the USA are Jhonson (Johnson, 2 million 200 thousand). Next on the list, Williams, Davis, Brown, Miller, Jones lead in approximately equal numbers (about 1 million 500 thousand).


This type includes foreign options middle names that clearly indicate belonging to a particular nationality. This is not to say that these American surnames are rare, but they are much less common than others. Every person has the right to come up with any word at all that will serve as their second surname, but according to statistics, the least (less than 300 thousand) are registered in America:

  • Simmons;
  • Alexander;
  • Foster;
  • Butler;
  • Russell;
  • Bryant;
  • Griffin;
  • Hayes;
  • Gonzales;
  • Washington;
  • Diaz.


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American common surnames


Sites and blogs have appeared on the Internet that are not our official sites, but use our name. Be careful. Fraudsters use our name, our email addresses for their mailings, information from our books and our websites. Using our name, they lure people to various magic forums and deceive (they give advice and recommendations that can harm, or lure money for performing magic rituals, making amulets and teaching magic).

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Sometimes people write to us that they saw information on some websites that we allegedly deceived someone - they took money for healing sessions or making amulets. We officially declare that this is slander and not true. In our entire life, we have never deceived anyone. On the pages of our website, in the club materials, we always write that you need to be an honest, decent person. For us, an honest name is not an empty phrase.

People who write slander about us are guided by the basest motives - envy, greed, they have black souls. The times have come when slander pays well. Now many people are ready to sell their homeland for three kopecks, and it is even easier to slander decent people. People who write slander do not understand that they are seriously worsening their karma, worsening their fate and the fate of their loved ones. It is pointless to talk with such people about conscience and faith in God. They do not believe in God, because a believer will never make a deal with his conscience, will never engage in deception, slander, or fraud.

There are a lot of scammers, pseudo-magicians, charlatans, envious people, people without conscience and honor who are hungry for money. The police and other regulatory authorities have not yet been able to cope with the growing influx of "Deception for profit" madness.

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So much is told about the culture or traditions of England, but it is quite rare to learn about english names. And the topic, by the way, is very interesting. After all, the naming system is globally different from what we are used to.

If we have a first and last name, then in England it is somewhat different. They have a first name, a middle name and a last name. In addition, in England it is considered normal to give diminutive forms of a name. For example, even in formal negotiations a person may be called Tony, although he full name sounds like Anthony. If desired, the child can be immediately registered with a diminutive name and the state will not object. Moreover, you can take almost any word or name as a name - for example, the name Brooklyn. But if they tried to name their son, for example, Novosibirsk, they would hardly give permission.

System of English given names and surnames

Each of us is already accustomed to the fact that he is the bearer of a surname, name and patronymic. But for the English this scheme is not suitable; their system of names is absolutely unusual and therefore curious. The main difference between our systems is the absence of a middle name. Instead, they have a surname, first name and middle name. Moreover, as either of these two names, an Englishman can bear the surnames of some stars or even his ancestors. Although there is no strict requirement that a person have only these three points. Any Englishman can give a child a name from several names or surnames. For example, if you want to name it after an entire football team at once.

This tradition of giving a person a surname as a first name has survived to this day from noble families. Although the history of the English name system developed quite actively, borrowings were made from various countries, and names were also mixed from the Angles, Celtic tribes, and Franco-Normans. Since the Anglo-Saxons initially had only one name, they tried to attach special significance to it. Therefore, in ancient names one could find words such as wealth or health. Old English female names were most often formed using adjectives, the most common variation being Leof (dear, beloved). And after the Norman invasion of England, a surname was gradually added to the name, making it already close to the system of names existing today. The old Anglo-Saxon names gradually began to disappear and due to the influence Christian religion, Christian schools that opened everywhere actively stimulated the registration of newborns who received a name at baptism, so the names changed slightly: from Mary to Mary, from Jeanne to Joanna.

English first and last name generator

(including Anglo-Irish and Anglo-Scottish surnames)

Male name Female name

Here are the most common ones British names . For convenience, they are divided into parts of the country, because in each corner some individual names are most popular. Some of them are the same, some are different. The names are ranked by popularity.



  1. Harry– Harry (diminutive of Henry – rich, powerful)
  2. Oliver– Oliver (from ancient German – army)
  3. Jack– Jack (diminutive of John, from Hebrew – Yahweh is merciful)
  4. Charlie– Charlie (from ancient German – man, husband)
  5. Thomas– Thomas (from ancient Greek – twin)
  6. Jacob– Jacob (simplified version of the name James)
  7. Alfie– Alfie (from Old English – advice)
  8. Riley– Riley (from Irish – courageous)
  9. William– William (from ancient German – desire, will)
  10. James– James (from Hebrew – “heel-holding”)


  1. Amelia– Amelia (from ancient German – labor, work)
  2. Olivia– Olivia (from Latin – olive tree)
  3. Jessica– Jessica (the exact meaning is unknown, perhaps the name comes from the biblical name Jescha)
  4. Emily– Emily (feminine form of the male name Emil – rival)
  5. Lily– Lily (from the English name of the lily flower)
  6. Ava– Ava (variant of the medieval English name Evelyn)
  7. Heather– Heather (from English – heather)
  8. Sophie– Sophie (from ancient Greek – wisdom)
  9. Mia– Mia
  10. Isabella– Isabella (Provençal version of the name Elizabeth)

Northern Ireland


  1. Jack– Jack
  2. James– James
  3. Daniel– Daniel
  4. Harry– Harry
  5. Charlie– Charlie
  6. Ethan– Ethan
  7. Matthew– Matthew (from Hebrew – gift of Yahweh)
  8. Ryan– Ryan
  9. Riley– Riley
  10. Noah– Noah


  1. Sophie– Sophie
  2. Emily– Emily
  3. Grace– Grace (from English – grace, elegance)
  4. Amelia– Amelia
  5. Jessica– Jessica
  6. Lucy– Lucy (from the male Roman name Lucius - light)
  7. Sophia– Sofia (variant of the name Sophie)
  8. Katie– Katie (from Greek – pure, purebred)
  9. Eva– Eve (from Hebrew – breathe, live)
  10. Aoife– Ifa (from Irish – beauty)



  1. Jacob– Jacob
  2. Oliver– Oliver
  3. Riley– Riley
  4. Jack– Jack
  5. Alfie– Alfie
  6. Harry– Harry
  7. Charlie– Charlie
  8. Dylan– Dylan (according to Welsh mythology, this was the name of the God of the sea)
  9. William– William
  10. Mason– Mason (from a similar surname meaning “stone carving”)


  1. Amelia– Amelia
  2. Ava– Ava
  3. Mia– Mia
  4. Lily– Lily
  5. Olivia– Olivia
  6. Ruby– Ruby (from English – ruby)
  7. Seren– Seren (from Latin – clear)
  8. Evie– Evie (from the English surname Evelyn)
  9. Ella– Ella (from ancient German – all, everything)
  10. Emily– Emily

Modern English names

IN English names very often there are affectionate and diminutive forms as the official name. In our country, this form is allowed only in personal, close communication. For example, take people familiar to everyone - Bill Clinton or Tony Blair. They are called by such names even at world negotiations, and this is absolutely acceptable. Although in fact Bill's full name is William, and Tony is Anthony. The British are allowed to register a newborn child by giving him diminutive name as first or second. Although there are no special prohibitions on choosing a name in English-speaking countries, you can give your child a name in honor of a city or region. For example, this is what the star couple Beckham did: Victoria and David gave their son the name Brooklyn - it was in this area of ​​New York that he was born.

Gradually, fashion began to change and names in English-speaking countries began to be often borrowed from different languages. Since the 19th century, many female names have appeared, such as Ruby, Daisy, Beryl, Amber and others. Names originally from Spain or France were readily used - Michelle, Angelina, Jacqueline. But the tendency of some people to give their children unusual names has not disappeared anywhere. Bill Simser, vice president of Microsoft, named his daughter Vista Avalon. The first part of the name is in honor of Windows Vista, and the second part is in honor of the codename of the Avalon system. But director Kevin Smith decided to name his daughter Harley Quinn - that was the name of the girl from the Batman comics.

By the way, not every owner likes such unusual names. Many children are embarrassed by this and eagerly wait until they reach adulthood to officially change their name. Little Pixie Geldof, who is the daughter of musician Bob Geldof, was very embarrassed by the prefix “little” at the beginning of her name and in adulthood chose to call herself simply Pixie. But it’s hard to even imagine what a resident of New Zealand, whose name is Bus No. 16, will do with his name. One can only envy his parents’ imagination.

Hello, dear readers! As I already said, any methods and forms are suitable for learning a language. Today, American names and surnames have come to our attention. After all, from the point of view of linguistics, these are also just words. And you can replenish your vocabulary by, among other things, memorizing English surnames and given names. Moreover, this way you will practice pronunciation and learn to perceive English by ear. first and last names in English It’s better to start with the most popular American names. For example, based on the most common ones or the names of popular actors and actresses. At the same time, learning these words is much easier than regular vocabulary for several reasons:

  • Easy to find in the text as they are written in capital letters
  • In oral speech they are pronounced with a different intonation than other words
  • No need to translate
  • Pronunciation is not so difficult, especially if these are the initials of famous personalities, then they are always heard

But sometimes the pronunciation is different from the spelling. As a rule, in such rare words the pronunciation depends on the genesis.

Origin of American names and surnames

American surnames (given names) and given names (name) today can have many sources of origin.

Names, for example, are most often borrowed from other languages:

  • Celtic – Airic, Dylan, Ryan
  • Arabic – Omar, Sarah, Jamal
  • Germanic - Arnold, Ebrina, Herwin
  • Aramaic – Joseph, Bethany, Simon
  • Jewish - Adam, Rose, Samuel
  • Greek – Andrew, Selina, Christopher
  • Indian – Dilip, Alicia, Beryl
  • Italian – Alonzo, Mia, Gabriel
  • Slavic – Ivan, Anna, Boris
  • Latin – Patrick, Veronika, Cordelia
  • Turkish – Akay, Ayla, Nourhan
  • Old English - Loyd, Lindsay, Jason
  • Phoenician - Al, Esther, Hannibal
  • Scandinavian – Eric, Helga, Sveinbjorn
  • Persian – Jaspen, Roxy, Xerxes
  • Spanish – Federico, Dolores, Elvis

Like this in beautiful words are called children in the USA.

But the genesis of surnames depends on several other factors:

  • Occupation or Profession: Cheeseman, Proper, Smith
  • Personal names: Atkins, Williamson, Hughes
  • Place of residence: Green, Garden, Wood
  • Nicknames: Cruikshank, Makepeace, King

You should also know that the English, unlike the Russians, always write the First Name and Patronymic first, and then the Last Name: Elvis Aaron Presley. By the way, the middle name may either not be named at all or designated by one letter.

The easiest way is to learn the names of your favorite actresses or actors. Therefore, memorize the male and female initials of famous people.

List of popular female names

Monica Bellucci We can start with the list of the most beautiful Hollywood actresses. To date, the most beautiful and sexy girls have been recognized:

  • Angelina Jolie Voight
  • Charlize Theron
  • Jessica Alba
  • Megan Denise Fox
  • Salma Valgarma Hayek
  • Keira Christina Knightley
  • Katherine Marie Heigl
  • Nina Dobrev
  • Monica Anna Maria Bellucci
  • Penelope Cruz

Fashion names change over time. But there are those that, for decades, have not lost their relevance when naming girls:

  • Isabella
  • Emily
  • Sophia
  • Olivia
  • Abigail
  • Hannah
  • Samantha
  • Madison

The data is constantly changing, the first place alternates from one name to another, but in general the situation does not change much.

List of famous male names

Jensen Ackles Here, too, it’s worth starting to learn the list of the most attractive Hollywood actors.
Famous male names:

  • Armand Douglas Hammer
  • Henry William Dalgliesh Cavill
  • Jensen Ross Ackles
  • José Antonio Domínguez Banderas
  • John Christopher "Johnny" Depp II
  • William Bradley Pitt
  • Orlando Jonathan Blanchard Bloom
  • Robert Thomas Pattinson
  • George Timothy Clooney
  • David Patrick Boreanaz

Well, ordinary male names are less changeable. But for many years now it has been in first place:

  • Jacob
  • Jason
  • Michael
  • Christopher
  • Ethan
  • Daniel
  • Matthew
  • Andrew
  • William
  • Joshua

But the world is changing and, perhaps, very soon this list will change dramatically.

List of common American surnames

You already know that English given names can come from variety of options. Since there are a lot of migrants in the USA, the surnames are accordingly very diverse.

I have prepared a list of the 10 most common of them:

  1. Smith - about 3 million US residents bear this surname
  2. Johnson - just over 2 million speakers
  3. Williams - almost 2 million people
  4. Brown - 1 million and 700 thousand
  5. Jones - about the same
  6. Davis - about 1.3 million
  7. Taylor - approximately 1 million
  8. Wilson - 900 thousand population
  9. Robinson - just over 800 thousand inhabitants
  10. Wright - 800,000 speakers

What English surnames do you like?

You can independently make a list of your favorite actors or actresses and memorize it. I hope this material will be not only educational for you general development, but also useful for learning English.