What features of classicism are inherent in the comedy of Fonvizin Nedorost.

home There, in the old days, the brave ruler of Satire, Fonvizin, the friend of freedom, shone... A. S. Pushkin Classicism - literary direction , which existed in the XVIII - early XIX century. It was characterized by a high civic theme, which demanded that everything personal be sacrificed in the name of national goals; strict adherence to certain norms and rules. Classical writers found examples of beauty in monuments ancient art , unchanged for all times. In classicism there was a clear division of literary genres into “high” and “low”. The subject of high genres (poems, odes, tragedies) was supposed to be a higher, spiritual life, the characters being only kings and aristocrats. The content of low genres (satire, comedy, fable) was reduced to depicting private, everyday life. The characters were representatives of the lower classes - the small nobility, bureaucrats, serf servants. “High” and “low” have never been combined in one work. The character of the hero was dominated by a single trait - positive or negative. As a result, the characters were either completely vicious or completely noble. Classicism solved the problems of educating a citizen. The behavior of others has a decisive influence on the child's personality. Virtuous or vicious, it serves as an example, a role model. The ideal of the era is proclaimed to be a person capable of bringing public benefit, for whom the interests of the state are above personal interests. The comedy's attention was drawn to the negative phenomena of reality. The purpose of comedies, according to classicism, is to educate, ridicule shortcomings, and educate with laughter. The most outstanding work dramaturgy of classicism in Russian century is Fonvizin’s comedy “The Minor.” In constructing his play, Fonvizin strictly followed the rules of classicism. "Minor" consists of five canonical acts. In each, the rule of trinities is observed - action, time and place. The events depicted by Fonvizin take place over the course of one day and in one place - in the house of the landowner Prostakova. According to the rules of classicism, the characters in the comedy are divided into vicious and virtuous, and in the finale of the play the evil ones are punished, the good ones triumph. Comic heroes disgraced. Prostakova was deprived of her rights over the peasants for abusing her power, and her estate was taken under guardianship. The clash between “evil” and “virtuous” heroes reflects a deep social conflict advanced noble intelligentsia with reactionary feudal landowners. The playwright deliberately emphasizes negative images, thereby achieving greater persuasiveness in denouncing serfdom. The images of positive comedy characters are schematic in the spirit of classicism. Pravdin, Starodum, Milon, Sophia do not so much live and act as they talk at length and importantly on moral and political topics, teach lessons about noble virtues. Like these positive heroes of the play, its negative characters are endowed with “talking” names, by which one can immediately judge each of them: Prostakov, Vralman, Skotinin. Three themes run through Fonvizin’s dramatic work: the theme of education, serfdom and government structure Russia. The problem of upbringing and education of young nobles deeply worried the playwright, who dreamed of a new generation of enlightened Russian people. According to Fonvizin, the only reliable source of salvation from the spiritual degradation of the nobility is rooted in proper education. Fonvizin posed the question of what a true nobleman should be and whether he answers Russian nobility to its purpose. Starodum expressed the following thought about this: “A nobleman, for example, would consider it the first dishonor to do nothing when he has so much to do: there are people to help, there is a fatherland to serve!” Another problem of “Minor” is the problem of serfdom: the terrible situation of Russian serfs, given over to the full ownership of the landowners, the monstrous arbitrariness of the nobles. The writer, speaking out in favor of curbing the ignorant landowners who abused their power over the peasants, shows that faith in Catherine II is meaningless. In response to Pravdin’s words that with such rules, “as they are with Starodum, people should not be released from the court, but they must be called to the court... for what a doctor is called to the sick for,” Starodum replies with complete conviction: “My friend, you are mistaken. It is in vain to call a doctor to the sick without healing: here the doctor will not help unless he himself becomes infected.” The author puts another thought into Starodum’s mouth: “It is unlawful to oppress one’s own kind through slavery.” Thus, the comedy “Nedorosl” reflected the most important and pressing problems of Russian life. Fonvizin believed that the main weapon of a comedian is laughter and vice can and should be portrayed as funny.

There in the old days,
Satire is a brave ruler,
Fonvizin, friend of freedom, shone...
A. S. Pushkin

Classicism is a literary movement that existed in the 18th - early 19th centuries. It was characterized by a high civic theme, which demanded that everything personal be sacrificed in the name of national goals; strict adherence to certain norms and rules. Classical writers found examples of beauty in the monuments of ancient art, unchanged for all times.

In classicism there was a clear division of literary genres into “high” and “low”. The subject of high genres (poems, odes, tragedies) was supposed to be a higher, spiritual life; the characters were only kings and aristocrats. The content of low genres (satire, comedy, fable) was reduced to depicting private, everyday life. The characters were representatives of the lower classes - the small nobility, bureaucrats, serf servants. “High” and “low” have never been combined in one work. The character of the hero was dominated by a single trait - positive or negative. As a result, the characters were either completely vicious or completely noble.

Classicism solved the problems of educating a citizen. The behavior of others has a decisive influence on the child's personality. Virtuous or vicious, it serves as an example, a role model. The ideal of the era is proclaimed to be a person capable of bringing public benefit, for whom the interests of the state are above personal interests. The comedy's attention was drawn to the negative phenomena of reality. The purpose of comedies, according to classicism, is to educate, ridicule shortcomings, and educate with laughter.

The most outstanding work of classicist drama in Russian literature of the 18th century is Fonvizin’s comedy “The Minor.” In constructing his play, Fonvizin strictly followed the rules of classicism. "Minor" consists of five canonical acts. Each follows the rule of the trinities - action, time and place. The events depicted by Fonvizin take place over the course of one day and in one place - in the house of the landowner Prostakova.

According to the rules of classicism, the characters in the comedy are divided into vicious and virtuous, and in the finale of the play the evil ones are punished, the good ones triumph. Comic heroes are put to shame. Prostakova was deprived of her rights over the peasants for abusing her power, and her estate was taken under guardianship.

The clash between the “evil” and “virtuous” heroes reflects the deep social conflict between the advanced noble intelligentsia and the reactionary feudal landowners. The playwright deliberately sharpens negative images, thereby achieving greater persuasiveness in denouncing serfdom.

The images of positive comedy characters are schematic in the spirit of classicism. Pravdin, Starodum, Milon, Sophia do not so much live and act as they talk at length and importantly on moral and political topics, teach lessons about noble virtues.

Like these positive heroes of the play, its negative characters are endowed with “talking” names, by which one can immediately judge each of them: Prostakov, Vralman, Skotinin.

Three themes run through Fonvizin’s dramatic work: the theme of education, serfdom and the state structure of Russia.

The problem of upbringing and education of young nobles deeply worried the playwright, who dreamed of a new generation of enlightened Russian people. According to Fonvizin, the only reliable source of salvation from the spiritual degradation of the nobility is rooted in proper education. Fonvizin raised the question of what a true nobleman should be and whether the Russian nobility meets its purpose. Starodum expressed the following thought about this: “A nobleman, for example, would consider it the first dishonor to do nothing when he has so much to do: there are people to help, there is a fatherland to serve!” Material from the site

Another problem of “Minor” is the problem of serfdom: the terrible situation of Russian serfs, given over to the full ownership of the landowners, the monstrous tyranny of the nobles. The writer, speaking out in favor of curbing the ignorant landowners who abused their power over the peasants, shows that faith in Catherine II is meaningless. In response to Pravdin’s words that with such rules, “as they are with Starodum, people should not be released from the court, but they must be called to the court... for what a doctor is called to the sick for,” Starodum replies with complete conviction: “My friend, you are mistaken. It is in vain to call a doctor to the sick without healing: here the doctor will not help unless he himself becomes infected.” The author puts another thought into Starodum’s mouth: “It is unlawful to oppress one’s own kind through slavery.”

Thus, the comedy “Nedorosl” reflected the most important and pressing problems of Russian life. Fonvizin believed that the main weapon of a comedian is laughter and vice can and should be portrayed as funny.

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During the reign of Peter the Great in Russia, the foundations of a new direction in literature began to be laid. Signs of classicism originated in Italy in the 16th century. A hundred years later, the trend reached its highest development in France during the reign of Louis 14, who claims

The origins of classicism and general characteristics of the era

The ideological basis for the formation of a literary movement is the affirmation of a strong state power. Classicism set glorification as its main goal absolute monarchy. Translated from Latin, the term classicus means “exemplary”. The signs of classicism in literature draw their origins from antiquity, and theoretical basis becomes the work of N. Boileau " Poetic art"(1674). It introduces the concept of three unities and speaks of the strict correspondence of content and form.

Philosophical basis of classicism

The metaphysics of the rationalist Rene Descartes influenced the formation of this literary movement. The main conflict among the classics is the confrontation between reason and passions. In accordance with the division of all genres into high, medium and low, styles of the artistic system were created.

The main features of classicism involve the use of (time, place and action) and normative poetics, which is why the natural development of the class-feudal hierarchy began to slow down, which is reflected in the aristocratic character of classicism. The heroes are mainly representatives of the noble class, who are bearers of virtue. High civic pathos and a sense of patriotism subsequently become the basis for the formation of other literary movements.

Signs of classicism in literature. Features of Russian classicism

In Russia, this literary movement began to take shape at the end of the 17th century. Despite the fact that the works of Russian classicists show a connection with N. Boileau, classicism in Russia is significantly different. It began its active development after the death of Peter the Great, when the clergy and nobles tried to return the state to pre-Petrine times. The following signs classicism is unique to the Russian movement:

  1. It is more humane, since it was formed under the influence of the ideas of the Enlightenment.
  2. Affirmed the natural equality of all people.
  3. The main conflict was between the aristocracy and the bourgeoisie.
  4. Russia had its own antiquity - national history.

Odic poetry of classicism, the work of Lomonosov

Mikhail Vasilyevich was not only a natural scientist, but also a writer. He strictly observed the signs of classicism, and his classical odes can be divided into several thematic groups:

  1. Victorious and patriotic. “Ode to the Capture of Khotin” (1739) was attached to a letter about the rules of Russian poetry. The work makes extensive use of symbolism and introduces a collective image of a Russian soldier.
  2. Odes associated with the accession to the throne of the monarch, in which the signs of classicism are especially clearly visible. Lomonosov wrote works addressed to Empress Anna, Elizabeth, and Catherine II. The laudatory ode seemed to the writer the most convenient form of conversation with the monarch.
  3. Spiritual. In the 18th century they called the transcription of biblical texts with lyrical content. Here the author spoke not only about personal experiences, but also about universal issues.

Odes of Lomonosov

Mikhail Vasilyevich adhered to writing works exclusively high genre, which was characterized by solemn language, use and addresses - these are the main signs of classicism in ode. Lomonosov turns to heroic and patriotic themes, glorifies the beauty of his homeland and calls on the people to engage in science. He had a positive attitude towards the monarchy and in “Ode on the Day of Elizabeth Petrovna’s Accession to the Throne” he reflects this idea. Being an enlightened person, Mikhail Vasilyevich directs his efforts to educate the entire population of Russia, and therefore gives his followers a rich literary heritage.

How to distinguish a classic work? Signs of classicism in the comedy "Minor"

Conditional division of characters into positive and negative

Using speaking surnames

Skotinin, Vralman - negative characters; Milon, Pravdin - positive.

The presence of a reasoning hero

Rule of three unities (time, place, action)

Events take place in Prostakova’s house during the day. The main conflict is love.

The characters behave according to the specifics of the genre - low and mean

Speech by Prostakova and others negative heroes vile, simple, and their behavior confirms this.

The work consists of actions (usually 5 of them) and phenomena, and the subject of conversation in classical comedy is the state. The author also observes these signs of classicism in “The Minor” and “The Brigadier.”

The innovative nature of Fonvizin's comedies

My literary activity Denis Ivanovich began with translations of European texts, and at the same time managed to play roles in drama theater. In 1762, his comedy "The Brigadier" was presented, and then "Corion". The signs of classicism are best seen in “The Minor,” the author’s most recognizable work. The peculiarity of his work is that he opposes government policies and denies existing forms of landowner domination. He sees the ideal monarchy, fenced by law, which allows the development of the bourgeois class and allows the importance of a person outside of class. Similar views were reflected in his journalistic writings.

"Brigadier": idea and summary

Fonvizin shows himself as a playwright when creating his comedies. The production of "The Brigadier" was a huge success with the audience due to its presentation collective image an entire class. The basis is a plot-love conflict. It is not easy to identify the main character, since each does not exist on its own, but complements the collective image of the Russian nobility. The love plot, traditional for classical comedy, is used by the playwright for satirical purposes. All the characters are united by stupidity and stinginess; they are strictly divided into positive and negative - the main signs of classicism in comedy are clearly preserved. Comic effect The playwright achieved a complete discrepancy between the behavior of the characters and common sense and moral norms. "The Brigadier" was a new genre phenomenon for Russian literature - it is a comedy of manners. Fonvizin explains the actions of the characters by the everyday situation. His satire is not specific, since he does not identify individual carriers of social vices.

The head of the brigade and his wife decide to marry their son Ivanushka to the smart and beautiful Sophia, the adviser’s daughter, who, observing the behavior of this family, does not want to become related to them. The groom himself also does not have feelings for the bride, and when he finds out that she is in love with Dobrolyubov, he convinces his mother of this idea. Intrigue arises in the house: the foreman falls in love with the adviser, and the adviser falls in love with the foreman’s wife, but in the end everything falls into place and only Sofya and Dobrolyubov remain happy.

"Minor": idea and summary

The main thing in the work is the socio-political conflict. "The Minor" is the most recognizable comedy of classicism, the signs of which are three unities, a strict division into positive and negative heroes, speaking names- Fonvizin successfully complies. For the author, there are two categories of nobles: malevolent and progressive. The theme of the misery of serfdom in Russia is openly heard. The playwright's innovation is manifested in the creation positive images, which, according to the plan, were supposed to have an educational effect, but he continues to retain the signs of classicism. In the comedy "Minor" the character of Prostakova was a kind of discovery for Fonvizin. This heroine represents the image of a Russian landowner - narrow-minded, greedy, rude, but loving her son. Despite all the typicality, it reveals individual character traits. A number of researchers saw features of educational realism in comedy, while others drew attention to the normative poetics of classicism.

The Prostakov family plans to marry their incompetent Mitrofanushka to the clever Sophia. Mother and father despise education and claim that knowledge of grammar and arithmetic is useless, nevertheless, they hire teachers for their son: Tsyfirkin, Vralman, Kuteikin. Mitrofan has a rival - Skotinin, Prostakova's brother, who wants to get married out of a desire to become the owner of villages with pigs. However, the girl finds a worthy husband, Milon; Sophia's uncle, Starodum, approves of their union.

1. Conflict of the comedy “Minor.”

2. Traditions of classicism and innovation by D. I. Fonvizin.

3. “The Minor” is a realistic comedy.

Literature of the 18th century, during the general national upsurge, formed civic consciousness in society. The classicists propagated the ideas of equality of people, humanism, the principle of common benefit, and the responsibility of authorities to the people. They considered it their duty to benefit their fatherland. The classicists strived for true portrayal life, talked about current problems society, they are characterized by civic pathos and patriotism. But the dramaturgy of that time was also enriched with works that went beyond classicism. This is the comedy by D. I. Fonvizin “The Minor”. The comedy was completed in 1781. Its pathos was determined by Fonvizin’s political acuity and commitment to the ideals of human freedom.

The main theme of the comedy, its conflict is indicated by the author at the very beginning, this is the arbitrariness of the landowners and the lack of rights of the serf. The struggle of the progressive nobility against the serf owners is the dramatic conflict of “The Minor.” On the side of the progressive nobility are Pravdin and Starodum, the serf owners are the Prostakovs and Skotinins. Fonvizin convinces us that serfdom is destructive and must be fought. It corrupts the serf owners themselves, who lose their human qualities in dealing with serfs, they feel omnipotent. The author wanted to show in his work the actions and morality of serf owners generated by serfdom. It is serfdom's tyranny, and not the struggle for Sophia's hand - main topic"Undergrown." The depiction of the suitors for her hand is another opportunity to carefully consider the representatives of the “noble class” depicted in a comic light. A love plot, according to Fonvizin, cannot be the basis dramatic work. It was based on the conflict of the era.

Literary critic G.P. Makogonenko believes that “The Minor” is a political comedy, since the innovative features in it were determined precisely by the political beliefs of the author. There is a plot here that conveys a real historical conflict; positive heroes with the features of noble enlighteners.

The play continues the traditions of classicism. According to G. A. Gukovsky, Fonvizin’s artistic thinking always “retained a clear imprint of this school.” “Nedorosl” is a phenomenon of late Russian classicism, which was influenced by Enlightenment ideology. This work combines the touching and the comic and destroys the usual genre forms. The characters of the heroes are complex, contradictory, they are not divided only into positive and negative, as required by the principles of classicism. But the positive heroes, following the canons of classicism, in “The Minor” have one characteristic feature. The power of the traditions of classicism was preserved in the speaking surnames of the heroes, in maintaining symmetry in the distribution of negative and positive characters. The speech of the heroes in the play conveys the characters of the characters, but the hero-reasoner, in classic works - the bearer of the author's opinion, is also present, this is the noble Starodum. main idea classicism - the idea of ​​enlightenment. In “The Minor,” she receives a different interpretation: enlightenment is important, but virtue is more important than intelligence. The trinity of time, place and action is broken: instead of one problem, the author addresses whole line equally important.

Fonvizinsky realism - truthfulness, historical concreteness of images, especially clearly manifested itself in the creation of the characters of Eremeevna and Prostakova, showing the complexity of their nature. The images of Starodum and Pravdin are also living characters; readers even “recognized” their prototypes, noble enlighteners. Realism helped Fonvizin move away from literary cliches; the author was the first to take a step towards creating a leading figure hero. Starodum, Pravdin and Milon were discharged to general outline, without biographical details, inner world. But the image of Starodum is more significant in this regard.

Fonvizin created new type realistic comedy: he based it not on a ready-made plot, but on a real one historical conflict, which affects all heroes. Conflicts in the house, according to the author, are a reflection of conflicts in the country. Prostakova’s behavior, for example, comes from the decree on the liberties of the nobility. Condemning her means that serfdom is condemned in her person. But high content does not mean for the author a rejection of the comic. But this is an accusatory comedy, and sometimes with bitter irony. Russian begins with “Nedoroslya” social comedy. Fonvizin gave the comedy social depth and a sharp satirical orientation. The author denounces the vice - serfdom, noble "evil morality" and seeks to show its causes: improper upbringing, ignorance of people.

According to G. A. Gukovsky, “The Minor” is “half comedy, half drama.” Genre originality The work is that the basis of the play is a classic comedy, updated with serious and touching scenes: Pravdin’s conversation with Starodum, Starodum’s conversations with Sophia and Milo. The ending combines moralizing and touching. Prostakova suffered punishment, but I feel sorry for her.

Fonvizin’s traditions were continued by his followers - A. S. Griboyedov with his “Woe from Wit” and N. V. Gogol with “The Inspector General”. Gogol called the comedies of Fonvizin and Griboyedov the most striking works: “They no longer contain light ridicule of the funny aspects of society, but the wounds and illnesses of our society... Both comedies took two different eras. One was struck by illnesses from lack of education, the other from ill-understood enlightenment.”

The comedy "The Minor" is rightly considered the pinnacle of Fonvizin's creativity and all Russian drama of the 18th century. While maintaining connections with the worldview of classicism, the comedy became a deeply innovative work.

How does the comedy "The Minor" correspond to the provisions of Russian classicism? First of all, the author retains all the signs of the “low” genre.

The play ridicules vices (rudeness, cruelty, stupidity, lack of education, greed), which, according to the author, require immediate correction. The problem of education is central to the ideas of the Enlightenment and is the main one in Fonvizin’s comedy, which is emphasized by its name. (Minor - a young nobleman, a teenager who received home education). The specificity of the depicted reality also corresponds to the language of the work (one of the rules of classicism). For example, Prostakova’s speech: rude in addressing the servants (“fraudster,” “cattle,” “thief’s mug” - tailor Trishka; “beast,” “scum” - nanny Eermeevna), caring and affectionate in conversation with her son Mitrofanushka (“century live and learn, my dear friend", "darling"). The “correct” bookish language forms the basis of the speech of the positive characters: it is spoken by Starodum, Pravdin, Milon and Sophia. Thus, the speech of the heroes, as it were, divides the characters into negative and positive (one of the rules of classicism).

Observed in comedy and rule of three unity The action of the play takes place in the estate of Mrs. Prostakova (unity of place). The unity of time also seems to be present. Unity of action presupposes the subordination of the action of the play to the author's task, in in this case- solution to the problem of true education. In the comedy, the unenlightened (Prostakova, Skotinin, Prostakov, Mitrofanushka) are contrasted with the educated (Starodum, Sophia, Pravdin, Milon) characters.

This is where the adherence to the traditions of classicism ends. What was the innovation of comedy? For Fonvizin, unlike the classicists, it was important not only to pose the problem of education, but also to show how circumstances (conditions) influence the formation of an individual’s character. This significantly distinguishes comedy from works of classicism. In "Nedorosl" the foundations were laid for a realistic reflection of reality in Russian fiction. The author reproduces the atmosphere of landowner tyranny, exposes the greed and cruelty of the Prostakovs, the impunity and ignorance of the Skotinins. In his comedy about education, he raises the problem of serfdom, its corrupting influence on both the people and the nobles.

Unlike the works of classicism, where the action developed in accordance with the solution of one problem, "The Minor" is a multi-dimensional work. Its main problems are closely related to each other: the problem of education - with the problems of serfdom and state power. To expose vices, the author uses such techniques as telling names, self-exposure negative characters, subtle irony from the side goodies. In the mouths of positive heroes, Fonvizin puts criticism of the “depraved age,” idle nobles and ignorant landowners. The theme of serving the fatherland and the triumph of justice is also conveyed through positive images.

The common meaning of the surname Starodum (Fonvizin’s favorite hero) emphasizes his commitment to the ideals of the old, Peter the Great times. Starodum's monologues are aimed (in accordance with the tradition of classicism) at educating those in power, including the empress. Thus, the scope of reality in comedy is unusually wide compared to strictly classic works.
The system of comedy images is also innovative. Characters However, they are traditionally divided into positive and negative. But Fonvizin goes beyond classicism, introducing characters from the lower class into the play. These are serfs, slaves (Eremeevna, Trishka, teachers Kuteikin and Tsyfirkin).

What was also new was Fonvizin’s attempt to give at least a brief background to the characters, to reveal different faces the characters of some of them. So, evil, cruel fortress