Who is the father of Nelly Ermolaeva's husband? Kirill Andreev, husband of Nelly Ermolaeva

Kirill Andreev spoiled his beloved woman. Now Nelly Ermolaeva is the owner of a brand new luxurious Lexus. The TV presenter was delighted when she discovered a surprise from her husband in the garage.

Nelly Ermolaeva and Kirill Andreev

Nelly Ermolaeva and Kirill Andreev are rightfully considered one of the most standard couples in show business. After several years happy marriage the stars became parents for the first time - their son Miron was born in one of the elite clinics in Miami. The spouses travel a lot, staying only in expensive and trusted hotels, beautifully declare their love for each other and do not skimp on luxurious gifts.

For example, today Kirill gave Nelly another surprise. In the morning, the TV presenter looked into the garage and found a huge black luxury car there, decorated with a large red ribbon. There was a bouquet of scarlet roses at the door of the foreign car.

“A surprise from my husband. The day started off great! I am so glad! Damn, such a cool smell, such new skin,” Ermolaeva admired the gift.

Nelly received an expensive car as a gift from her husband

The TV presenter was delighted with the surprise

But Nellie was not the only one who was delighted with the gorgeous gift. Ermolaeva’s fans could not contain their words of admiration for the TV presenter’s husband, showering him with another ton of compliments.

“Well done, Nelly! For the right, promising and, most importantly, loving husband got married! That’s how it should be, girls, take an example”, “ Good husband“, a nice car for a beautiful wife, class”, “I’m happy for Nellie, but I can’t understand where so much money comes from? I don’t know how much it cost to give birth three months ago abroad, but it was a lot. We have 6,000 euros for five days in a private center in Spain. And then there is the birth in Miami and accommodation before and after the birth of the baby. Then we flew to the island on a private flight. Then from Moscow to the sea (I don’t know which one we went to, but I don’t think it was cheap either). Then they flew in balloons. Moreover, they are furnishing a house outside the city. Tell me, Nellie, what's the secret? I don’t think you can’t earn that much on eyelashes and nails,” said Internet users.

Most subscribers are sure that it is Andreev who provides the family with money. He himself is a successful businessman and restaurateur, his father is a popular Tomsk poet who wrote the words to such song hits as “ Poplar fluff", "Tram Pyaterochka", "Why are birch trees so noisy in Russia" and others.

The marriage of one of the main characters of the famous show “House 2” quickly fell apart. Nelly Ermolaeva’s husband, Alexey Kuznetsov, was not found common language with his wife and it was decided to turn the page on them life together.

Nelly Ermolaeva became popular on the “House 2” project. Viewers fell in love with the bright brunette with the same bangs and were upset when she was about to leave the project. However, Nellie soon returned to television, now as the TV presenter of the “Order Table” on the RuTV channel. Besides television career, Ermolaeva has her own beauty salon.

First husband of Nelly Ermolaeva

Nelly's marriage to Nikita lasted about a year. They had a brilliant romance, a beautiful wedding in Venice, but a quick divorce due to misunderstanding. Different tempers husband and wife relationships do not always strengthen.

  1. Nikita was very worried about the divorce. Long-term depression led to memories, Kuznetsov got caught up in pleasures nightlife.

  2. Nellie continued to devote all her strength to the implementation creativity. Things were going well in the beauty salon, the girl was pleased with herself and rejoiced at her freedom. There was no urgent need to find a new husband, everything free time were taken away from doing what they loved.
  3. First time ex-husband he was sure that Ermolaeva loved him and sooner or later they would be together again. He desperately tried to make peace with his wife, but the girl was adamant.
  4. Rumors spread that Nellie was hiding her chosen one, although at that time this was not reality.

Nelly Ermolaeva and Kirill Andreev

The loneliness of the charming brunette did not last long. Smiling sweetly at a closed social party, she made her current boyfriend fall in love with her. common-law husband— Kirill Andreev. The flames of the storm flared up love story, Nellie fell head over heels in love, which soon became known to the public.

  1. Nelly Ermolaeva’s new husband, as fans call him, dreams of a luxurious wedding and the birth of a baby.
  2. Charming Andreev is engaged in the restaurant business and lives in Moscow. Parents have high hopes for the guy, since the range of his hobbies is quite wide. Kirill wrote several songs, and recorded a video for one of the compositions. True, wealthy parents took on all the financial expenses.

  3. Nellie persistently pushes the guy forward, inviting all her acquaintances. Her goal is to make Andreev a mega star modern show- business.
  4. Ermolaeva became a member of one of the pop groups and is actively involved in filming videos and recording new songs. This does not interfere with their relationship with Kirill at all; husband and wife are happy and even manage to travel around the world.

Social networks do not sleep, and recently news surfaced about the imminent birth of a child for the couple. Nelly Ermolaeva’s husband only smiled when he heard the gossip. Nelly, in turn, denied the information, noting that pregnancy is possible in the near future.

Brief biography of Nelly Ermolaeva

I'll start my story with a charming bride. Nelly was born on May 13, 1986. According to the zodiac sign - Taurus, according to eastern horoscope- tiger. It is clear that with such a date of birth, a girl is simply obliged to be purposeful and successful in life. After school she entered the Academy of Arts of her hometown Samara. After finishing her studies, Nellie tried to build a modeling career. She also worked in a beauty salon. When she turned 23, she decided to become a participant in the youth project DOM-2. This show took up two years of her life. On the project, the “bright brunette with bangs” (as her fans called her) began relationships with different guys, but it was Nikita Kuznetsov who became her husband in real life. The couple left the show to continue building a family, but, as it turned out, this marriage was a mistake.

Curious fans claim that Nellie was not sad at all after the divorce. She plunged headlong into work and building her career.

Soon, at one of the parties, she met her future husband, Kirill Andreev. Who is he?

What did I manage to find out about Kirill Andreev

Second husband of Nelly Ermolaeva Kirill Andreev born in the city of Tomsk. His father is the popular poet Mikhail Andreev, who wrote the words to such famous hits as “Tram Pyaterochka”, “Poplar Fluff”, “Why are the birches making so much noise in Russia”, “Samovolochka”, “Because you can’t be beautiful like that” and many others. many others.

It’s clear that Kirill simply has to be with such a dad creative personality. But the smart young man is trying to prove himself not only in this field. Kirill's interests are quite varied. The main range of his activities is the restaurant business.

At the same time, Kirill writes songs, and even managed to shoot a video for one of them. The young man has already received three higher education. His young wife never tires of boasting about this, posting photos on her Instagram...

How the relationship between Nelly Ermolaeva and Kirill Andreev developed

The young people dated for about four years. During this time, they got to know each other very well and realized that it was time for them to switch to new stage. All this time, Kirill pleased and spoiled his beloved in every possible way. Nelly enthusiastically tells how future husband secretly checked into the plane in order to be in the adjacent seats with her and fly together. One day he surprised her with a gorgeous bouquet of roses when she had just gotten out of her morning shower. On the eve of the wedding, Kirill gave the bride a black SUV tied with a pink bow. Well, Nelly stopped keeping track of small surprise gifts from her beloved))

This behavior of Kirill aroused the envy of some of Nelly’s friends, who tried in every possible way to cause a rift between the couple. Fortunately, the girl realized in time who was right and who was wrong.

Path to glory

The main goal of Nelly coming to the project at Dom-2 is to make the necessary contacts, and maybe even find a husband. After all, before the project she was no one famous girl from Samara. She tried to make a career as a model, but she could hardly be called successful.

But after the show, things went uphill sharply. Nellie opened hers nail salon which has become a major beauty salon. Together with another participant in the show, they organized a group and even recorded several songs.

After Nellie went solo and continued performing on stage and filming videos.. She also tried herself as a presenter on a music channel and as a clothing designer.

Love on the project

As for the relationships on the project, they were also very diverse. Having appeared on the project, she decided not to waste her time. The first to come into her sight and desire was Rustam Solntsev. But the relationship with him did not work out.

After him, the brunette switched to Vlad Kadoni. But he also turned out to be not the person Nelly expected to see around her. Very quickly she found a replacement for him. The girl’s new lover turned out to be Nikita Kuznetsov.

Here the relationship was already much more interesting. Nikita on the project was known as a ladies' man. Not a single girl escaped his attention. He even started some kind of game with the participation of several girls and Nellie.

But according to the classics of the genre, Nikita himself fell into the trap. He fell in love with Nellie and since then has not paid attention to other girls.

The couple got married in the homeland of Romeo and Juliet. Everything was very romantic. But it didn't last long. Soon scandals began and the couple divorced.

Love with a fashionable restaurateur

After the divorce, Nellie did not grieve for a long time. She completely devoted herself to her career, and I must say, she reached no small heights. She was no longer a little-known girl from Samara, but became socialite from the capital.

The girl was frequent guest at receptions, presentations and festivals. At one of the social events she met her future husband. It was Kirill Andreev. In addition to the fact that he is the owner of a fashionable restaurant in Moscow, he is also a creative person.

Kirill inherited his creative spirit from his father Mikhail Andreev, who is known as a songwriter. His songs are performed by well-known groups in Russia and abroad. They say that it was by selling the lyrics of songs that Andreev Sr. became a millionaire.

His son followed in his footsteps. Although he has not written many songs, his lyrics are popular. A video was even shot for one of the songs. In addition, the guy has three higher education degrees.

Wedding of Kirill and Nelly

Many envied the relationship of the young people. Kirill never tired of repeating that his beloved was the best, and was ready to blow away the dust from her.

Interesting notes:

Nellie on the pages social networks constantly bragged about his gifts, which he gave with or without reason. Ill-wishers tried in every possible way to quarrel between the young, but they did not succumb to provocations. Nellie and Kirill were simply in love and happy.

After two years of relationship, Kirill proposed to his beloved. She agreed to him. Everyone was waiting for a quick wedding. But the wait dragged on. First, the young people decided to arrange their own apartment in Moscow. Afterwards, Nelly and Kirill’s busy schedules did not allow them to find time for the ceremony.

But the wedding still took place. The celebration was bright and magnificent. It was invited to a large number of guests, among whom one could see famous personalities. Wedding ceremony broadcast even as part of the show “Dom-2”.

Many photographs from the celebration were posted online, where everyone could appreciate the scale of the holiday and its beauty. The restaurant where the wedding was celebrated was decorated in pink and black. The bride wore a beautiful dress with a long train.

The long-awaited firstborn

But pregnancy did not become a reason to behave less active image life. The couple continued to travel a lot and film for various magazines. Only once did Nellie cancel her trip to the Maldives because she was afraid for the baby’s health.

Nellie took part in various shows, including the show "Pregnant 4". The only thing I complained about future mom, so this bad dream in the last stages.

And while young parents accept numerous congratulations, they can only wish that such feelings accompany them throughout their lives and for many more children.

Good afternoon, my beloved reader. Today I accidentally came across the news that Nelly Ermolaeva married Kirill Andreev back on June 7, 2016. I admit, for several years in a row I followed with interest the lives of the participants of DOMA-2, but then my son was born, and I abandoned this activity. The last thing I watched was the development of Nelly’s relationship with Nikita Kuznetsov. As it turned out, the couple even registered their marriage, but it lasted just over a year. What is the second husband of the sexy TV presenter like? Do you want to know the details of their lives? Then go ahead...

Brief biography of Nelly Ermolaeva

I'll start my story with a charming bride. Nelly was born on May 13, 1986. According to the zodiac sign - Taurus, according to the eastern horoscope - tiger. It is clear that with such a date of birth, a girl is simply obliged to be purposeful and successful in life. After school, she entered the Academy of Arts in her hometown of Samara. After finishing her studies, Nellie tried to build a modeling career. She also worked in a beauty salon. When she turned 23, she decided to become a participant in the youth project DOM-2. This show took up two years of her life. On the project, the “bright brunette with bangs” (as her fans called her) began relationships with different guys, but it was Nikita Kuznetsov who became her husband in real life. The couple left the show to continue building a family, but, as it turned out, this marriage was a mistake.

Curious fans claim that Nellie was not sad at all after the divorce. She plunged headlong into work and building her career.

Soon, at one of the parties, she met her future husband, Kirill Andreev. Who is he?

What did I manage to find out about Kirill Andreev

Second husband of Nelly Ermolaeva Kirill Andreev born in the city of Tomsk. His father is the popular poet Mikhail Andreev, who wrote the words to such famous hits as “Tram Pyaterochka”, “Poplar Fluff”, “Why are the birches making so much noise in Russia”, “Samovolochka”, “Because you can’t be beautiful like that” and many others. many others.

It’s clear that with such a dad, Kirill is simply obliged to be a creative person. But the smart young man is trying to prove himself not only in this field. Kirill's interests are quite varied. The main range of his activities is the restaurant business.

Kirill Andreev, husband of Nelly Ermolaeva

At the same time, Kirill writes songs, and even managed to shoot a video for one of them. The young man has already received three higher educations. His young wife never tires of boasting about this, posting photos on her Instagram...

How the relationship between Nelly Ermolaeva and Kirill Andreev developed

The young people dated for about four years. During this time, they got to know each other very well and realized that it was time for them to move to a new stage. All this time, Kirill pleased and spoiled his beloved in every possible way. Nelly enthusiastically tells how her future husband secretly checked into the plane in order to be in the next seats with her and fly together. One day he surprised her with a gorgeous bouquet of roses when she had just gotten out of her morning shower. On the eve of the wedding, Kirill gave the bride a black SUV tied with a pink bow. Well, Nelly stopped keeping track of small surprise gifts from her beloved))

Nelly Ermolaeva’s husband Kirill Andreev never tires of pleasing her with gifts

This behavior of Kirill aroused the envy of some of Nelly’s friends, who tried in every possible way to cause a rift between the couple. Fortunately, the girl realized in time who was right and who was wrong.

Wedding of Nelly Ermolaeva and Kirill Andreev

TV presenter Nelly Ermolaeva is used to living openly and sharing all her secrets and news with the public. Probably, the “school” of HOUSE-2 is taking its toll)) After the wedding, the girl wrote on social networks that about twenty million rubles were spent on the celebration! This is not surprising. Judging by the photos and videos posted for everyone to see, this wedding was truly luxurious.

The formal hall was decorated in pink and black tones. The bride's dress was powder-colored with an amazingly long train. There were many stars among the guests Russian show business and other influential people. After looking at the photos, I would like to sincerely wish: “May these guys never lose their feelings for each other! Let their love grow stronger! And let Nellie become the mother of the desired twins, as she wants!”

Wedding of Nelly Ermolaeva and Kirill Andreev

Did you like the wedding? Nelly Ermolaeva and Kirill Andreeva? What can you say about this beautiful couple?

In the summer of 2009, she almost immediately amazed everyone with her beauty and self-confidence.

A girl from the Samara region literally from the first minutes of her stay on the television project attracted the attention of young people.

They were especially interested in her, then still a participant in “House-2”, and.

But Samara model Nelly Ermolaeva came to. It was to him that she gave preference at that time.

Surprisingly, the girl never received a response from him and accepted the advances of the black magician Kadoni. The relationship turned so round that in the heat of quarrels and partings, one day, unexpectedly for everyone and especially for Nelly herself, an offer was made to marry him!

But the fatal beauty considered another participant in the reality show - Nikita Kuznetsov. And again - a serious relationship! And there is a storm of emotions, and crazy love! After spending some time on a television project, a girl with her boyfriend, in the midst of the “Person of the Year”, hears the cherished words.

Nikita Kuznetsov made a touching marriage proposal to the girl. Bright participants TV project “Dom-2” - Nelly Ermolaeva and Nikita Kuznetsov, holding hands, will leave the TV project on the same day and play a beautiful wedding.

But the fairy tale will not last long. Nikita was not so ready for serious relationship and real life. Unfortunately, this marriage did not last long and former members project "Dom-2" separated, remaining just friends.

Nelly Ermolaeva did not remain for long without a marriage proposal. And if usually girls only dream of a real prince on a white horse, then the self-confident former participant in the television project Nelly Ermolaeva found him. More precisely, he is hers.

The son of a millionaire, handsome Kirill Andreev, not having had time to really get to know Nellie, immediately lost his head over her and fell in love with her beauty, intelligence and decency. Once they met, they never parted. The young man did not let his beloved out of his sight for a long time.

Nelly successfully got involved in television, hosted programs, and became interested in modeling and design. Her chosen one, Kirill, has his own actively growing business. Despite both being busy, they spent a lot of time together, relaxing and traveling.

After two years of marriage, in 2016, the young millionaire made his girlfriend... former member“House-2”, a marriage proposal and heard the cherished “Yes!” from her mouth. The celebration itself was thought out to the smallest detail. Nelly Ermolaeva personally selected the ideas, developing in detail all the subtleties and nuances.

The wedding of Nelly Ermolaeva and Kirill Andreev took place at the Royal Bar restaurant, where Vlad Sokolovsky and Dakota recently had their wedding. One of the best establishments in Moscow is located right on the banks of the Moskva River, with a gorgeous view of it.

At the request of the newlyweds, the wedding was organized in a sophisticated style famous brand Agent Provocateur underwear. Needless to say, the hero of the occasion, the bride, wore a chic, perfect dress like a real beauty queen. The beautiful bride holds a bouquet of pink peonies in her hands.

The restaurant was decorated by a whole team of experienced professionals. The guests were unexpectedly surprised by the pink and black tones, and an unexpected and very pleasant surprise awaited all the guests on the huge open veranda. Small white rabbits were running around in a beautifully decorated pen.

With indescribable pleasure, the relatives and friends of the couple took pictures with these amazing tame animals!

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It must be said that Nelly Ermolaeva, who is used to doing everything perfectly, managed to create an unforgettable atmosphere at her almost fairy-tale wedding! The newlyweds themselves called their celebration “Provocation of Love.”

We should also talk about the choice of rings for newlyweds. Nelly Ermolaeva and Kirill Andreev chose precious items from the famous jewelry house Uvelir Moscow. Naturally, the rings were made to order and in a single copy. On the surface of each there was an engraving of the initials of the couple.

Bride Nelly spent the pre-wedding night in a luxurious Lotte Hotel room, separate from the groom, as it should be according to wedding traditions, which Nelly, as a decent girl, honors.

The wedding of Nelly Ermolaeva and Kirill Andreev was magnificent and many stars were present there. Singer Cornelia Mango and her chosen one Bogdan Durdem, touchingly congratulating the couple, presented a painting painted by Cornelia herself.

Former participants of the reality show were also invited to the celebration: strong married couple and, the now famous TV personality, as well as singer Tatyana Tereshina together with Slava Nikitin, the Kostyushkin couple: Stas and Yulia, Anna Kalashnikova, Alexey Kabanov, Yana Rudkovskaya, and Pynzari with their newborn son and many others.

Many unexpected surprises awaited the participants of this extraordinary event! At the wedding, video congratulations from famous artists show business, who for objective reasons could not come to the celebration itself. Among them: , . The congratulations from Nikolai Baskov sounded touching.

Photo by Nelly Ermolaeva and Kirill Andreev

It can be assumed that Nelly Ermolaeva and Kirill Andreev will be together for a long time. The couple’s strong relationship was confirmed by baby Miron, who was born to Nelly and Kirill in February 2018.

TV presenter Nelly Ermolaeva went down the aisle with her chosen one, Kirill Andreev. Two years ago, the young man proposed to his beloved, and since then fans have been waiting for the couple to get married. However, Nellie and Kirill were in no hurry to go to the registry office. But this year Ermolaeva and Andreev finally decided to register their relationship, after four years of dating.

Today, in the restaurant on the banks of the Moscow River Royal Bar, where a year ago they celebrated the wedding of Vlad Sokolovsky and Rita Dakota, the wedding ceremony of Nelly and Kirill took place. The TV presenter and the son of a millionaire invited numerous guests - relatives and friends of the young people.

The hall is decorated quite unusually - in pink and black colors. The young people decided to have a holiday in style famous brand Agent Provocateur lingerie. But in Nelly and Kirill’s interpretation, the celebration is called “Provocateurs of Love.” The surprises for the guests did not end there. Snow-white rabbits housed in a playpen awaited guests on the veranda. Some guests enjoyed holding the animals in their arms and taking pictures.

Nellie and Kirill began to prepare for the wedding long ago. The couple chose rings from the Uvelir Moscow jewelry house. They were made to order, and the surface is decorated with the initials of the newlyweds. Nellie did not neglect some wedding traditions. As befits a bride, the TV presenter spent the night before the wedding not with the groom, but in a luxurious room at the Lotte Hotel.

Singer Cornelia Mango and her fiance Bogdan Durdem were among the first to appear at the event. They prepared a painting as a gift, which was painted by the Star Factory 7 graduate herself. Mango wished the newlyweds to live in harmony with each other throughout their lives.

“Happiness, love, so that there are many children, as cheerful and positive as they are,” Cornelia addressed her warm wishes.

Also among the guests were singer Tanya Tereshina, colleague Nelly Sam, as well as former participants in the Dom-2 project Olga and Ilya Gazhienko, as well as Alena Vodonaeva. All those present are in in a great mood. They chat, take pictures and are ready to have fun all evening.

The wife of the popular performer Stas Kostyushkin, Yulia, is heading to the wedding celebration.

Despite the fact that Tanya Tereshina broke off relations with her common-law husband Slava Nikitin last year, they nevertheless sit next to each other at Nelly and Kirill’s wedding.

Apparently, the guests thought through their entire image in advance. The women chose sophisticated dresses, while the men wore classic suits.

The wedding ceremony began with the host introducing the registry office employee Yulia, who would register the marriage of Nelly and Kirill. She promised that the ceremony will take place actually high level, and bad weather will not be able to darken the mood of all those gathered, and, of course, the newlyweds. Kirill was asked to come up first. And then the bride approached the altar to the stormy applause of the guests.

Nellie's dress was truly unusual. A snow-white outfit with a chic long train turned Ermolaeva into a real princess. The veil covered the bride's loose hair. Kirill appeared before the guests in a turquoise suit. The train of Nellie's dress was also decorated turquoise flowers. The TV presenter holds a bouquet of pink peonies in her hands.

Kirill and Nelly made vows to each other eternal love and loyalty.

“I will always be by your side, love you, care for you and understand you. I, Kirill, promise you to be yours best friend and head of the family. “I dedicate my life to you,” said Kirill.

After these solemn promises, Nellie and Kirill exchanged rings to the incessant applause of the guests. A surprise for everyone was that the girl who registered the marriage began to sing, and Andreev picked up his wife. The guests were touched by this manifestation of feelings and shouted: “bitter!”

After Nellie and Kirill were declared husband and wife, numerous guests rushed to congratulate the newlyweds on this important event in their lives. Friends and relatives began to take pictures with Ermolaeva and Andreev, and also give gifts.

"I wish them Great love, mutual understanding, trust, and may they live together in love and harmony for the rest of their lives,” Alena Vodonaeva wished the newlyweds.

After all the guests were settled in the cozy tent of the Royal bar restaurant, the first toast was made, and those gathered unanimously raised their glasses of champagne. Then the parents of the newlyweds came on stage. The parents said parting words.

“There will be love, there will be success, there will be everything,” after these touching words, Nellie hugged her parents.

Numerous celebrities congratulated the newlyweds. True, some of them could not come, and therefore sent their warm wishes to Nelly and Kirill. Among them were Svetlana Loboda, Alexey Vorobyov. They also showed a video of Nikolai Baskov.

“I would like to join all the congratulations that are now addressed to you. You are amazing, beautiful young guys. “Two hearts now beat as one,” Basque said from the screen, and then suddenly he himself appeared at the celebration. He presented Nelly with a bouquet of white roses and then performed several of his hits.

Numerous guests continued to come to the luxurious celebration of Nelly and Kirill. Among them were Daria and Sergei Pynzari with their newborn son, Anna Kalashnikova, Alexander Berdnikov, Alexey Kabanov, Vlad Kadoni. Yana Rudkovskaya invited children from her academy, who gave all the guests a very touching performance. Nelly Ermolaeva was touched to the depths of her soul and could not hold back her tears of happiness.

Stas Kostyushkin gave Nellie and Kirill new song, which he performed together with the newlywed. At the end of the song, the singer passionately took off his shirt, exposing his muscular torso.

The most anticipated event of the evening was the dance of the newlyweds. Nellie changed her outfits several times during the evening. During the performance, she appeared in a short light dress. The dance turned out to be passionate and hot and delighted the assembled guests.

Nelly and Kirill were helped to organize such a noisy celebration by: Anna Gorodzhay’s agency Svadberry, host Maxim Markevich, decorator Yulia Shakirova, CEO Royal Bar Yulia Tikhomirova, Arfa Sound quartet, Bar for you drinks bar, Miami dance cover band, Uvelir Moscow jewelry salon. The holiday ended with a cryo show, a fire show from “Andrameda” and “Best Artist”.