Less love, more irritation. Signs that a man wants to leave. Psychological help online

Probably, every woman, deep down, is afraid of being abandoned, holding her partner in all ways that do not always work. Let's figure out what to do if the man still left.

A woman seeks to bind a man to herself: responsibility, conditions, marriage and a child. Then a man can stop wanting variety in sex. However, than stronger man kept in check - the more likely that he wants freedom. Or a woman will bring up a weak man who is afraid of even a hint of loneliness.

Every man can leave

It is reasonable to assume that any man can leave, and it is important for a woman to understand this at a time when a simple acquaintance goes into a more serious stage of a relationship. Therefore, the ridiculous question "Do you love me?" a woman asks much more often, fearing to lose a person, “acquired” by hard sensual labor. Answering this question, one type of man will swear that he will never leave and love only his beloved. Another type of man will shrug his shoulders: “Yes, someday we can break up. We don't know what our relationship will be like." And the third type of men will immediately slam the door. This means that the relationship that was worth cherishing did not work out in this pair. Resigning herself to the fact that a man can leave, a woman will not rush with him like with a written bag, check pockets and phone daily for SMS messages from mysterious strangers.

So why is the man leaving?

Bad sex is a reason to break up

If in a marriage or partnership there is understanding, support, trust, responsibility, common life, a child ... but at the same time big problems in sex - a man will surely leave. Or even the first woman to run away. This is commonly referred to as treason. Cheating due to unsatisfactory or lack of sex may be forgiven, but it signals the need to speak frankly with your partner - not only about sex, but also about relationships outside of bed.

The man surrendered under the weight of responsibility

The reasons for surrender are as follows: the man was not mature for the family, he married out of a sense of duty, he did not finish his walk, his life wavered ... and in general, he is a free bird. Romance, passion and falling in love were replaced by routine and everyday work, and if there is common child, then a man has a difficult choice. An insecure, infantile person runs away, while an “honest” one, under the weight of guilt, can remain. Sometimes in the second case, the man matures, but at great cost to the woman, who has a large “child” instead of her husband.

A man needs fulfillment

He strives to implement two programs laid down by nature: social recognition and success with women. If the wife interferes with his career, if she is jealous and belittles male pride, or feels pity, then the man will leave if he is not a loser who is extremely dependent on his wife. Although even a weakling can go over to an even tougher and more powerful woman. So, adults, being in the registry office, in the depths of their souls understand: a marriage can end in divorce. However, the main values ​​​​of their union - love, understanding and support - can be preserved even after the termination of the marriage contract. And then the children will not be left without a father, but former spouses will help each other.

How to move on after a breakup

And then the man leaves. The woman tries to hold him back: with a stick and a carrot (often in literally), blackmail and even offers a threesome with a friend. The man left, and the woman runs to the hereditary sorceress - to ask if anyone bewitched him? With a probability of 90% she will be told that yes, she was bewitched, and with the same probability it will not be true. The lover, most likely, attracted the man in more earthly ways: flirting, sex, subtle psychological manipulations. “Turning” a man back is a loss of money and extremely unreliable. Then he will run away again - and again he will have to pay for the love spell. Because to bind a man forever is to put him in a golden cage, close it with a barn lock, and throw the key into the river. And feed him for marital debt, and replenish the family budget by working from morning to evening and on weekends. You can find out the truth about the causes of the crisis in the family by contacting a psychologist or a specialist in fortune-telling services (tarologist, runologist, astrologer, palmist). And you can talk frankly with a man and find out whether he loves or has fallen out of love. Yes, it will be unpleasant, but a painful separation is better than enduring the agony of a falling apart relationship for years. It happens that women cling to a man to the end and demand to immediately return (or stay), promising to forgive him everything. However, forgiveness is unlikely to happen - resentment will go into the unconscious and will slowly corrode the somehow restored relationship. A man is unlikely to appreciate female sacrifice and will use his wife as household appliance to live in comfort. In addition, without analyzing the reasons for the changed behavior of a man, a woman will not learn the lesson, and in the following relationship she will step on the usual rake. Finally, the woman begins to blame herself for what happened. She does not believe that she will be happy in the future, find another and get a life full of pleasant troubles. And now she has disappointment and collapsed hopes. Life is not lived without mistakes, separations and losses. An unsuccessful first marriage is not a reason to disown the idea of ​​​​marriage, but a motivation in order to learn a lesson and understand how not to build a relationship. During the stress associated with the departure of a man, a woman must enlist the support of loved ones and find positive moments in parting (the Prince will appear in the vacant seat, and the previous man was just a page). So it's time to buy Nice dress, put on makeup and go out. Life is just beginning!

If a man decided to return after parting

However, it is worth mentioning another version of the development of events. The fact is that the man can return!

You have a loved one, you are in a serious relationship. Or not very serious? Do you know what happens in the life of your loved one when you are not around? Why is he sometimes irritated or wondering what he's doing? Or maybe he has another? To understand this issue, the Tarot layout “Is he cheating on me?” will help us.

A man born under the sign of Aries belongs to impulsive people, and therefore he can decide to leave without thinking at all, regardless of the possible consequences. It is possible that everything will start with a quarrel over a trifle. In a fit of feelings, he can shout that "he's tired of everything, he's had enough, everything is not good", in general, "you need to leave, it will be better." However, you should not take everything seriously: for him it is only a kind of way to give vent to aggression. Most likely, he will quickly forget what he said in a temper, offending you greatly.

He will act completely differently if he really decides to leave you. He will not scream loudly or behave aggressively, but, on the contrary, will be quieter than water, lower than grass. You will notice that he has changed his usual habits: he has stopped disturbing you and himself with new ideas, he has become suspiciously calm. There is only one conclusion - the fire of his love is extinguished. Your partner does not admire you, does not ask how you are going to spend the weekend. He will begin to go on business trips more often than usual, meet friends in whose company he will feel better. This is how he will move away from you more and more until he completely disappears from your life.

But even if it comes to parting, you will not acquire an enemy in his person. On the contrary, only then will he truly show you friendly attitude. He will be happy to come to you, especially in difficult times for him, when he needs support and support.

Most women in this situation think that behind such behavior is a desire to return, and regard it as a kind of request for forgiveness. Nothing like this! He just values ​​the spiritual connection and understanding that has developed between you - it's not so easy to find in a new love union.

Aries can keep visiting for quite some time, missing the rapport rather than you as a partner. Do not flatter yourself and consider them purely friendly, especially since after a while they will stop. A man born under the sign of Aries, once gone, never comes back...

For Taurus, there is nothing worse than a breakup. If the rupture of your union seems to him more acceptable than the continuation life together, he will delay the solution of the issue for a long time and look for other ways out. In the presence of children, Taurus will be reluctant to divorce. Even if he makes such a decision, this situation will surely be very painful for him, because he is terribly attached to the house, children and, above all, to you.

When Taurus thinks about divorce, which means that irreparable mistakes were made in your relationship, and, in his opinion, nothing can be changed. Immediately the thought of your betrayal or such behavior that touched his sore string jealousy comes to mind.

What happens to your partner in such a situation is quite simple to understand Taurus, suffering because of you, subconsciously wants to punish you, even at the cost own life. When deciding to leave, he does not think that he is equally punishing himself. He is so jealous, so possessive that he goes berserk at the slightest suspicion of the existence of another man or if he sees that you allow yourself to be taken care of. The anger that gripped him quickly turns into a desire to run away from the one who hurt him. However, he will not leave immediately. At first, he will reprimand you, make scandals, in order to eventually come to the conclusion that your union does not make sense. With a careless word or some gesture, you can add fuel to the fire, and this will be enough to make his decision to divorce final. In one minute he will gather his things, slam the door and leave. Do not expect that having calmed down, he will return - his decision is well thought out and did not arise under the influence of a momentary impulse. If you ever meet him later, you won't see him as a friend or at least a friend who can talk to you normally. No - the gap was too heavy a blow for him, leading to mental trauma. No matter how hard you try, normal relationships will never return to you. IN best case your former partner will give you a slight nod and walk by, indifferent to your condition.


Breaking up with a woman is not difficult for a Gemini and is not a big experience. He does not intend to suffer over such an insignificant event, believing that no woman can hurt him.

If he decides to leave, it means that his partner made a cardinal mistake: she limited his freedom too much. He will never tolerate this and, since he is not too attached to women, he decides to leave without thinking for a long time and without analyzing the situation. He will even dream about how, after returning from work, he will find the house empty, without his constantly dissatisfied, eternally reproaching wife, although he has lived with her for many years.

How to recognize that he is tired of you and he is thinking about a divorce? You will immediately notice that he more and more often disappears without warning, does only what he wants at the moment, does not try to explain his behavior - in a word, does not pay attention to you at all. And, finally, he will disappear completely, as if dissolving in the air, leaving you not the slightest opportunity to establish contact with him. Do not hope that someday you will suddenly see him at the door: he will change his mind, get bored and return. He will sooner than you think forget about your existence, and even more so he will not remember that something once connected you ... At best, in the company of a friend over a glass, he will sigh that once in his life there was a woman who constantly poisoned his life, and wonder how he could endure so much ...

If you had a short romance, if it was just an adventure that did not affect him emotionally in any way, he will behave differently. Having decided to put an end to your meetings, he will not stop dating and will prefer to remain friends with you. From time to time he will visit you to talk and remember the past. This is a sign that he treated you well. The connection, which did not affect his feelings, has a more pleasant ending ...

You should know that of all the representatives of the signs of the Zodiac, Cancer is the most difficult to accept the idea that love ends, regardless of who is to blame and what is the reason for the breakup. Gap... The word has already been said! For Cancer, there is nothing worse than the thought that he will again have to live alone, have dinner alone and spend evenings without loved one next to you. Due to the psychological characteristics of his character, Cancer is less likely than men born under other signs to initiate a breakup with his partner, he is abandoned much more often.

If Cancer decides to leave his partner, it is because he is convinced that the connection with her does not live up to his expectations or becomes a source of constant suffering. This happens if, in response to his love, he meets coldness, rudeness, harsh remarks, and also, and even in the first place, because his chosen one does not strive to create a family hearth.

This situation easily leads Cancer to despair. The longer the partner delays making the final decision about marriage, the more depressed this behavior causes him. In the end, he decides to look for a woman who will share his opinion regarding the family and numerous offspring.

A signal warning that the thought of leaving is born in the soul of your beloved Cancer can be considered the frequent “withdrawals into yourself”, unwillingness to answer your questions and respond to attempts to start a conversation. Instead of keeping up the conversation, he will soar in the clouds, not paying any attention to you and all your tricks. Symptoms of a breakup will also be sudden changes in mood: either he is unusually gentle, or, on the contrary, dry and cold, picky over trifles and irritable. It can become so unbearable that you yourself want to part with it. If it eventually comes to this, your ex-partner will not be easy to get rid of!

He is used to the fact that you were involved in all the organizational matters in your life and in his life, and he will not be able to cope with everyday problems alone. Therefore, get ready for constant phone calls, unexpected visits and conversations, during which he will hint: they would like to return back , ask for forgiveness and threaten alternately. He will tediously complain that he feels bad without you, offer to start all over again ... If you still decide on this, get ready: departures and returns will be constantly repeated.

Usually Leo breaks off relations if he is finally and irrevocably disappointed in his beloved. In this case, it is difficult to change anything, since he is a supporter of extreme measures. The worst thing for him is when his pride and honor are under attack.

If you treat him condescendingly, neglect his opinion, publicly criticize, or, even worse, ridicule in public, you can be sure that Leo will quickly come to the idea of ​​a break. He will not tolerate such an attitude for more than a minute!

It is easy to learn about his desire to leave by his behavior. He will become more aggressive, rude, will begin to speak in an indisputable tone, and more and more often it will come to the scandals he has provoked. If he rarely considered your opinion before, now it will cease to exist for him at all. He defiantly begins to praise the virtues of other women in your presence.

When he finally decides to part with you, he will call you for a conversation, shout out, throw out his pain on you, then pack his bags and leave, slamming the door. From this moment on, you can not even count on the formal maintenance of relations. When you meet, you will not hear a word from him, he will pass by without turning his head, as if you had never met at all.

The pain he carries within himself will not leave him. Even if you happen to be together at some reception or, for example, at the wedding of your grown child, he will pretend as if you are not there. For children, he will remain a father, and you will no longer exist for him ...

If it’s not you who is to blame, but he let another woman seduce him, then your relationship will not cross the boundaries of politeness. He will save for you deep respect and will try to instill the same feelings in your children.

If it comes to a break, do not drop your authority. Even in such a difficult, unpleasant and sometimes dramatic situation, you must maintain your dignity, if you still value his respect...

For a Virgo man, a breakup is an unusually dramatic situation, one might even say a tragedy, so with all his might he will try to avoid it. He can make the decision to leave a woman only under the influence of some emergency circumstances.

The situation is quite different if we are talking about simply about the end of an ordinary romance, a fleeting adventure that pursued well-defined, but very superficial goals. If you were connected by just a few meetings or a night spent together, Virgo will simply experience a certain appreciation for you. This can be guessed even after many years: just see how he looks at you! When parting, you do not hold evil against each other and remain friends. He doesn't feel obligated to explain why everything happened this way, and he's sure you understand everything anyway.

Thus ends the usual romance. But sometimes the Virgin decides to leave the woman with whom he was connected by something more, with whom he spent more than one year of his life, which once meant a lot to him. And although this happens extremely rarely - he is not one of those men who can easily leave the woman he loved - it is better to be prepared for this.

Your relationship can end in a break if you constantly let him know that you don’t have special feelings for him, you don’t have respect for him. This state of affairs will force him to soberly analyze the situation that has arisen, after which the conclusion will follow: if your feelings “evaporated” somewhere, then there is no need to be together.

If your chosen one leaves you for another, he, as a rule, understands that he is hurting you, and will try to do everything to somehow mitigate the offense. He can, for example, continue to come to you, bring gifts, compliments at every opportunity. However, do not flatter yourself: this does not at all indicate his desire to return. He just feels like a scoundrel in some respects and wants to prove to you and himself by all available means that this is not so. You should “read” his behavior like this: “The fact that our paths have diverged does not mean anything; you can always count on me." Therefore, when you lose him, you lose a lover, but not a friend.

As has been repeatedly said, Libra is a sign for which the most important thing in life is peace and harmony. And, as you know, the situation when two people part loving people, not only violates harmony, but can also cause severe mental trauma. Therefore, the Libra man will do everything to avoid this.

Unfortunately, often for a variety of reasons, a breakup is inevitable, and in the end one has to make such a decision. In what cases will your beloved decide to do this? Only if life with you becomes unbearable and turns into a living hell for him. If you are connected only by a romance or a short adventure, which he decided to end, then by his polite, gentlemanly tricks and excuses, it will be easy for you to understand hints of resignation.

But it also happens that the Libra man decides to leave the woman with whom he was connected by something more, with whom he lived for several years and who meant a lot to him. If it comes to this, then his partner, in this case you treated him badly. It may not occur to you, because he never voiced his grievances out loud. He did not drop a word that would hint about his intentions to end your relationship.

If he is going to leave for another woman, he will constantly doubt whether he is doing the right thing, pondering whether it is worth trying to start all over again in principle. He will be afraid that he can fall from the fire into the flame, and hesitate for a long time, not wanting to make a new mistake.

In such a situation, he will give the impression of a person hovering in the clouds, become thoughtful and inattentive. Sometimes he will try to improve your relationship using a variety of methods. If, in response to his efforts, you begin to treat him more cordially and tenderly, it will be even more difficult for him to decide on a break.

When children bind you, it is completely difficult for him to decide. His paternal love and affection for offspring is of great importance. It may happen that, before you find out everything, he will let his children know about his secret, convincing them: his decision will not affect their relationship in any way, he, as before, will love them, because he is their father ... How see the developments in more it is up to you - you can help or prevent him from making a decision to break up.


Keep in mind that a Scorpio man, much more often than representatives of other signs of the Zodiac, makes a decision to break up on his own initiative. This is one of the manifestations of his complex nature. At the same time, sometimes he only pretends that he wants to break up with you, trying to achieve any specific concessions with the help of this maneuver. When you do what is required of you, he will return as if nothing had happened.

Therefore, first of all, try to find out: is this a simulation on his part or is he seriously going to leave. Dangerous if after stormy romance your relationship becomes friendly - since he treats you like a good friend, it means that he no longer sees a woman in you. It's not easy to deal with this problem..

However, do not lose heart and try to find the advantages of your new role good friend. You can become confidant your Scorpio - of course, if you do not make scandals due to a change in your relationship, which would be a gross mistake on your part. Scorpio - a friend will share his problems with you and ask for advice. He tends to support a good relationship With former lovers. He understands that he left an indelible mark on their lives, and prefers not to burn all the bridges, in order to be able to return to the "verified" girlfriend if necessary.

Sometimes, having decided to leave for another woman, he feels guilty and behaves very carefully. His coldness in intimate relationships should serve as an alarm for you - this is completely atypical for him. It is possible that he will "slip" you a new acquaintance - in your taste, as it seems to him, and will observe what will come of it. And then he will try to catch you at the scene of the crime in order to have a plausible excuse for breaking up. His efforts to put the blame on you speak in your favor, you are too dear to him for him to leave just like that. When it comes to a random woman, he does not waste time explaining.

In the life of a Sagittarius, something is constantly happening: he often changes his place of residence, leaves, then to return unexpectedly. Consequently, the very thought of parting for him does not have any dramatic connotations. Much worse when it comes to breaking up, especially long-term relationships.

It is much easier for him to endure the denouement of a novel or love adventure, if both partners did not set themselves a goal other than achieving mutual satisfaction. If you were connected only by a fleeting passion, the Sagittarius man will treat parting as something completely natural. At first, he frankly admits that under no circumstances is he going to bind himself with a permanent, serious relationship. He will not hide his intention to meet with another woman or even women. At the same time, you will be more like a mistress-girlfriend or mistress-sister for him.

He will declare that he would like to maintain friendly relations with you, and at the same time make it clear that you cannot count on anything more. But if Sagittarius does not feel special sympathy for you, then he will simply disappear from your life as quickly as he appeared. Without consulting with anyone and without warning you - he is sure that you will understand everything yourself ...

Sometimes Sagittarius decides to leave a woman with whom he was connected by a serious feeling, with whom he spent more than a dozen years and who once meant a lot to him. If he made such a decision, it means that his partner limited his personal freedom in some way or encroached on his independence.

He simply cannot bear it and therefore decides to leave. Another reason is also possible: the fire of love has gone out, and he sees no point in continuing your relationship. Although pain grips his heart, he is unable to endure the monotony of life, intuitively feeling that this everyday life will destroy him. And he will really leave, but he will warn you about it, saying that he is bored and there is no incentive for life and new goal. Most often, in this case, the Sagittarius man goes to another woman who offers what he lacked in a previous marriage.

The gap for Capricorn is a heavy emotional drama. He feels like on a sinking ship, it seems to him that his life is over, that something immeasurably important is leaving and leaving forever. He painfully endures the unfortunate end of even a short romance, and if we are talking about serious relationship, in which he has invested so much love, strength, years of his life, is just a tragedy.

He suffers in any case, regardless of who made the decision to leave - himself or his partner. Perhaps even worse, if he himself is the initiator of the gap - the entire burden of responsibility for this irreparable step falls on his shoulders.

Going to end his acquaintance with the woman with whom he had a fleeting romance, he is tormented by the fact that he deceived her hopes ... If you met him several times and you were already close, take a closer look at him. He is depressed, silent - even more than usual? This bad sign! Get ready for the fact that your connection may soon end ...

Well, how does your Capricorn behave when he is about to leave a woman with whom he was connected not by an affair, but by several years of marriage, which at one time meant so much to him? This can happen for only one reason: if his partner inflicted a serious offense on him. In no case will he maintain a close relationship with a woman who has caused him suffering. He prefers to solve this problem surgically: a radical break instead of a painful showdown that exhausts both partners. Parting with a woman for whom he had a deep feeling causes him great pain. If you failed to prevent this drama, at least take comfort in the fact that his sadness is evidence of his serious feelings for you, now gone.

Leaving for another woman, he realizes that he makes you suffer, dooms you to loneliness. Therefore, he will try his best to help you cope with this grief - say, ask your mutual friends to take care of you. Most likely, suffering from feelings of guilt, he will hardly find the words of farewell. But in any case, he will not try to shift the blame for what happened on you, as many other men do, in order to justify their act.

He leaves either because he fell in love with another, or because you offended him greatly. And yet, the most typical reason for the gap is the desire of Capricorn to enjoy the much-needed loneliness...

Aquarius perceives the gap as a great tragedy only if his hopes for a happy future, which he associated with his chosen one, are deceived. For the same reason, he does not experience serious emotional problems after the end of the episodic novel.

He does not attach much importance to flirting or fleeting infatuation and thinks that his partners share his opinion. However, he never takes the trouble to verify this. Into one beautiful evening he becomes a passionate lover, and in the morning behaves like a friend or brother, forgetting about the love joys experienced together. He won't waste time letting you know it's over - in fact, before it even starts.

This is the ending of the novel. But it happens that our hero decides to leave the woman with whom he has been connected by several years of marriage. Only one thing can push him to this step: he came to the conclusion that his partner made too many mistakes in relation to him. More than once he received painful blows from you, but endured suffering silently, without showing any sign. And when the bitter cup is overflowing, his patience comes to an end.

Aquarius has an emotional discharge reminiscent of a volcanic eruption: for no apparent reason, for no apparent reason, he decides to break up ... Leaving for another woman, he feels guilty before you. He will try to shift the burden of guilt onto your shoulders: he will collect information about who you meet, what you say - in order to catch you in the act if necessary. This will free him from further searches for a suitable pretext, and, having dumped the whole burden of worries on you, he, with a clear conscience, will go into the arms of another!

However, if it is not about a rival, but simply he decided to enjoy freedom, his behavior will be no less cruel! Having already made a firm decision to leave, he will surround you with love and attention. He needs to make sure you mourn him after the breakup. Only after making sure that he made you unhappy, he will leave with a sense of true satisfaction.

If it comes to a breakup, the Pisces man is very worried about him. As a rule, he is not able to understand why this happened, and what mistakes on both sides led to the collapse of your union.

Often his reaction is throwing, fruitless attempts to explain to himself what happened, but at the same time he cannot draw the necessary conclusions. When it becomes clear to him that your relationship is nothing like the imaginary union that he created in his dreams, he begins to understand that someone must initiate the breakup, but rarely takes this burden on his shoulders. He usually finds himself in the role of abandoned and abandoned.

If it's only a passing crush that connects you, don't expect him to be open about his decision to leave. No, he will maneuver, get out, blame everything on circumstances: they, they say, prevent him from staying with you, but he still wants to be around. He may also offer you his friendship, which he says will bind you stronger than love...

If you have lived together for many years, and it came to a divorce, then your paths have long diverged. You should know: you are in a hopeless situation and, although you live nearby, you have nothing to say to each other.

Pay attention - your partner does not even try to talk to you, wanders aimlessly around the rooms, sits for hours, thinking, over old photographs that remind him of the best, irrevocably gone times.

For you, this is a bad sign, indicating the beginning of the end ... If he leaves for another, then he does it in secret from you. In this case, he is oppressed by a sense of guilt, he may even suffer mentally. But he would feel better at heart if he knew that you also have someone on the side.

But in any case, the decision to leave is not easy for him. He is torn apart by contradictions when he is about to make final choice. He would like to leave both: you, his longtime life partner, and your rival, who gives him what he can no longer get from you.

He will meet with that woman, assuring you that nothing serious is happening, that you and the children are still in the first place for him. She, in turn, will help him finally figure out their relationship, and he will move on to her, experiencing a sense of relief. But in the end it is you who must help him decide - he will never do it himself.

You are a wife

1. Wind of change.

A man is increasingly saying that it's time for you to change. He does not like your character, what you do and how and what you talk about. Everything starts to annoy him. However, Samon is not going to change under any pretext and does not even think about it.

How to understand that a man wants to end a relationship

2. Any, even the most insignificant problem has become a disaster.

The only thing that comes to your mind is how could you exist under the same roof with him before? Today, everything has changed and what he did not pay attention to before, now causes a fit of rage in him. It can be said that a man inflates an elephant out of a fly, and as if he is specifically looking for a reason. The worst thing is that now you have to look for ways to solve problems alone.

3. Communication on the side.

The mistress who appeared in his life after some disagreements is far from a reason to dissolve the marriage. But to some extent, this is an indicator that a man is able to leave, or at least prepares for this. But if a man is determined to leave, he will not keep everything in the strictest confidence, unless he has financial problems.

4. Regular accusations against you.

The husband by hook or by crook is trying to make you guilty of his troubles. He constantly repeats that because of you he could not build a career, he does not succeed, you are not the woman he wanted to see next to him. And in general - you demand a lot from him and he is tired of it.

5. He didn't like you.

As it turns out, he is no longer satisfied with what he saw before him before. He begins to pay attention to everything - "you eat a lot", "what hairstyle?" “Dressed up again like I don’t know who?” In general, you are doing everything wrong.

You are a lover

1. He gets scared.

During one of your regular meetings, he suddenly says that he is afraid to continue a relationship with you. Explains everything by the fact that not your man and you deserve more. Says "I'm worried that I can't give you what you want."

2. Remembers children.

Children can be used as an excuse to end a relationship. You start talking about them more and more often, and at one fine moment, he says that he is not able to destroy his family. The question - how the children used to do without their father's attention, does not play a role.

3. Understands that he has committed a betrayal.

The man's behavior changes. Previously, he preferred not to talk about his wife, but now he begins to feel that he behaved inappropriately and betrayed his spouse. Can start a heart-to-heart conversation, where he goes into all serious.

4. Subscriber in the network.

Now, when he comes to you again, his phone is no longer in vibrate mode. He constantly answers the phone calls of his wife, tells her tenderness and lisping, and one gets the feeling that he has come to the wrong place. You do not understand what he is doing in you at all.


1. Life becomes monotonous.

Nothing new is happening in your life, everything is as it was a few months ago. Sex becomes a marital duty and less and less gives joy and new experiences. The novelty goes into oblivion every day, and the man does nothing to solve the problem. It's time to be alert and prepare for the worst.

2. Conversations concerning strangers women.

A serious test falls on your lot. Every day you have to listen to conversations about what kind of girls appeared at his work - slender, beautiful, exciting, impressive. The idea that you, too, would not hurt to go to the gym and become more attractive is not pronounced, but everything is clear.

3. Does not notify.

At some point, he suddenly disappears. He stops writing, calling, does not report any facts about himself, and after you have called all the hospitals, he suddenly appears and does not explain anything. You have to think for yourself what happened and where he was. It can start a scandal for which no reason is needed. If you hate drunks, they will get drunk on purpose to drive you crazy. In general, he will behave in such a way that you yourself file for divorce.

Not all relationships end in a happy ending in the form of Mendelssohn's march and a happy family life. No one is immune from the fading of feelings, when you consciously realize that it makes no sense to continue the relationship. Sometimes the decision is made by the man. However, not all representatives of the stronger sex have the courage to straight Talk with their once beloved chosen ones, and the relationship is still moving by inertia for some time, but no longer brings its former joy.

If a man decided to break up with you, but at the same time he cannot put an end to the relationship, he still will not behave as before. In his behavior every now and then some oddities will slip. And if you take off your rose-colored glasses and don't grasp at the lifeline, you will surely notice 10 signs that your boyfriend wants to leave you.

1. He moves away from you

Has he become somewhat thoughtful, often spends time alone and is not interested in your affairs? Perhaps the man had a nuisance that absorbs all his thoughts. But also these signs may indicate that a man wants to leave, but has not yet decided how to do it.

2. He doesn't make plans for the future.

Previously, you could fantasize for hours about your joint future, family, and even the name of unborn children, but now he does not want to make plans even for the upcoming vacation? Most likely, mentally the man has already put an end to your relationship, however, for some reason, he still cannot take the last decisive step.

3. He stopped caring about you.

Love is manifested in small things and care - in a coat filed on time, a meeting from work, delicious dinner. Surely at the beginning of the relationship, your boyfriend behaved very gallantly and helpfully, which won you over. If at some point you notice that in your relationship care comes only from you, this means only one thing - the man's feelings have faded.

4. He doesn't invite you to meet friends.

He used to gladly invite you to meetings with his friends and relatives. Still, because he loved you and wanted to demonstrate his “booty” to close people. If now a man prefers to spend time without you, this indicates that he no longer sees you as his girlfriend.

5. There is no more passion between you

Lack of passion is a sure sign that a man wants to break up. Representatives of the stronger sex express their love through physical intimacy. If he avoids intimacy, then someone else has taken over his thoughts. Of course, a man may lack desire due to fatigue or poor health. However, if it's permanent, chances are he wants to leave you.

6 He Has Secrets

He used to share everything with you, talk about the events of the day and be extremely honest, but now he hides the phone, puts a password on the computer and dodges your questions? These changes only indicate that a man no longer considers you a part of his life and, therefore, wants to expand his personal space.

7. He is often irritable

A man who no longer loves becomes very irritable and aggressive. He is ready to flare up over any little thing, and after that he does not even think to apologize. Suddenly it turns out that you don’t dress like that, don’t cook like that and don’t take care of him that way. In fact, you remained the same as before, just the feelings of the man came to naught.

8. He is looking for a reason to quarrel

Sometimes it seems to you that he deliberately invents reasons for quarrels and conflicts? Most likely, the way it is. If a man does not have the courage to end the relationship first, he will do everything possible to make the breakup supposedly happen through your fault.

9. He's lying

If you increasingly catch him in a lie, although you didn’t notice such a habit behind him before, it means that the man no longer values ​​your relationship. A total lie indicates that a man is not afraid to lose you. But this habit also indicates that your chosen one is not a very decent person.

10. You don't feel loved.

There are legends about female intuition. Indeed, our feelings are a kind of measure of happiness in a relationship. If you increasingly feel that your partner does not love you, and he is not your destiny, take a closer look at him. Perhaps he does not really plan to connect his life with you and is already planning his departure.

Parting, especially if it occurs at the initiative of a loved one, is always a painful process. However, if you understand that parting is inevitable, you should not continue a relationship that has no future, because because of them you are wasting your precious time. Remember that very soon you will be happy again, and today's torment will remain in your memory as a fleeting life episode that made you more experienced and wiser.