Personal life of Dima Bilan. Dima Bilan: biography of one of the most successful Russian pop artists. Is Bilan married?

Dima Bilan's real name is Victor Belan. The winner of the Eurovision Song Contest, the idol of millions of women, carefully hides his personal life. He is credited with dozens of love affairs, but the artist himself does not talk about them.

Novels by Dima Bilan

The charming brunette has always been popular with the opposite sex. The artist stated several times in an interview that he has not yet met a woman with whom he is ready to live his whole life.

The public believes that he was in relationships with models, show business and television stars.

Dima Bilan and Anastasia Vinokur

As soon as Bilan arrived in Moscow, he met Vladimir Vinokur’s daughter Anastasia. Dima was 22 years old, the girl was 18. The celebrities were young, but their feelings were sincere. Things were heading towards the wedding, but suddenly the couple broke up.

They say that humorist Vladimir Vinokur was against their romance. He refutes these rumors: “I did not interfere with their relationship, this is the speculation of journalists.”

Dima Bilan and Inna Andreeva

Journalists saw the singer several times social events accompanied attractive girl athletic build named Inna. She is a yoga instructor. From Krasnodar region, but has been living in Moscow for many years.

He has been friends with Bilan for more than 10 years. The musician assures that there is no love between them: “Inna Andreeva is a very close person to me, but she is not my beloved.”

Elena Kuletskaya

TV presenter and model Elena Kuletskaya is one of the few “official” lovers of Dima Bilan. They dated for many years, even before Eurovision. The musician promised that if he won, he would marry the girl, but this never happened.

Followers say that their romance was short, and after the competition the relationship turned into a smart PR move. Bilan himself confirmed this in 2011.

Bilan and Anna Moshkovich

There is almost no information about Anna Moshkovich. She is said to be an aspiring model and singer.

She often went out with Dima, but the young people did not say anything specific about their relationship.

Yana Rudkovskaya

Yana Rudkovskaya is the producer of Dima Bilan. They began collaborating in 2007. Many say that the girl made an invaluable contribution to the singer’s victory at the Eurovision music competition in 2009. Dima himself admits that without Rudkovskaya he would not have been able to achieve such recognition.

There was never a romantic connection between them - only collaboration And strong friendship. By the way, Dima Bilan - Godfather Sasha, son of Yana and figure skater Evgeni Plushenko.

Dima Bilan and Yulia Volkova

A member of the formerly famous Tatu group, Yulia Volkova, confirmed that she had a short relationship with Dima Bilan: “The romance began during the Eurovision qualifying round, but we soon realized that we could not be together.”

It is very difficult for two hot-tempered artists to build love, but they were able to maintain a friendly relationship after the breakup.

Victoria Dayneko

Two celebrities Russian show business worked together on music project In Los Angeles. Victoria was then still married to Dmitry Kleiman.

Bilan and Pelageya

Dima Bilan and Pelageya are judges of the popular project “The Voice”. They speak well of each other. The singer once said that Bilan is very attractive and an interesting man: “We are constantly in touch, texting, exchanging videos. He's so funny!

Dima had to give a detailed comment to the press: “There is only sincere friendship between us. This girl deserves the best." Let us remind you that Pelageya is now married to hockey player Ivan Telegin.

Ksenia Sukhinova

Model Ksenia Sukhinova is another alleged girlfriend of Dima Bilan. They filmed the artist’s video “Girl, Don’t Cry” together. This is not their first collaboration.

In the film, the young people play the role of lovers so convincingly that fans were confident in their romance. Celebrities do not confirm this.

Dima Bilan's wife and children

There are several photographs on the Internet of supposedly secret wedding ceremony Dima Bilan and Elena Kuletskaya. Most likely, it was an ordinary staging at a fashion show.

By official information Dima has never been married and has no children.

Although he considers Yana Rudkovskaya’s child to be his son, which he constantly says on Instagram: “I’m already a father, albeit a spiritual one.” Life

Dima Bilan today

The 36-year-old singer continues to actively tour, record new compositions and shoot videos. He considers his home a luxurious mansion in the near Moscow region, west of the capital.

They say he bought it for a million euros. Housing located in pine forest, not far from the highway.

Bilan has a spacious apartment in the very center of Moscow. The musician bought it a long time ago. Apartment with an area of ​​100 sq. m. cost the artist half a million dollars. The interior is simple but sophisticated. Dima spends most of the year in the apartment, but often goes to his mansion.

For the first time, the media started talking about Dima’s serious romance in the context of Elena Kuletskaya. The singer met the model on the set of his video, and since then they have been in a relationship for several years. Many were We are sure that the matter will end in a wedding, but this did not happen.

It is known that this romance did not end in anything, and the couple broke up. It is unknown who owns the heart of the eligible groom. Fans often attribute the man to relationships with prominent representatives of show business, and some also suggest that the singer has returned to ex-girlfriend, but does not report this publicly.

Maybe Bilan is trying not to deviate from the style of a favorite of women. Maybe his heart is already taken? Most recently, the singer was seen in a campaign for the charming model Leila. But still Dmitry denies all kinds of novels. And at 31 years old, the musician is already ready for family life, all that remains is to find your favorite one.

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but I like Dima Bilan and I love him sometimes I dream of growing up faster and at least hugging him, I haven’t seen him live, I want him to come to our city and sing songs for his birthday in the city of Raduzhny in the Neftyanik cultural center

Rumors were spread about Bilan that he was having an affair with model Lena Kuletskaya. But it turned out to be PR. Sometimes the singer appeared with Krylova. He filmed his “Safety” video with her. However, Dmitry stated that they were just friends.

Little is known about the personal life of 34-year-old Bilan. For a long time he dated model Elena Kuletskaya, but it later turned out that the affair was fake. In 2012, Dima was also credited with tender feelings for Yulia Volkova, but the couple quickly broke up. Now, according to the artist, he puts all his strength into his work. Dmitry emphasizes that no matter how much he dreams of a strong relationship, he understands that he is not yet ready for such responsibility.

Personal life of Dima Bilan. News today 02/27/2018

And if many fans thought that this photo was taken exclusively as part of joint creativity, it soon became clear that this was not entirely true. It turns out that the young people went to America, where had fun time. In particular, they visited a flea market together, which, according to Bilan, they were “defeated.”

Dima Bilan was born on December 24, 1981 in the family of an engineer and a social worker. On appeared in small town Ust-Dzhegut (Karachay-Cherkessia). Dima Bilan's real name is Viktor Nikolaevich Belan. In addition to Victor, the Belan family had two daughters - Anna and Elena. Later family future star moved to Kabardino-Balkaria and settled in the city of Maisky.

Dima Bilan's health status. Main news today 02/27/2018

Dima Bilan gets along well with children, which is confirmed by his participation in the show “The Voice. Children". The singer admitted that he really wants to start a family and become a father, but is not ready for this yet.

Despite the fact that 35-year-old Dima Bilan is considered one of the eligible bachelors of domestic show business, nothing is known about the singer’s personal life. The last novel, who is known to the press, was with model Elena Kuletskaya back in 2011: then the couple promised to get married, but the matter never came to the registry office. Over all these few years, Dima appeared in public only with girlfriends, but now the media are sure that his heart popular singer busy.

Journalists claim that Bilan himself fueled interest in his possible gay. The guy said that he has a positive attitude towards holding a gay pride parade in the Russian capital. He sincerely wished happiness and success in relationships for this kind of couples.

2016 was a fruitful year for the singer. The artist is touring with solo concerts throughout Russia, as well as abroad, acts in films, and still participates in many festivals and television projects.

The next rumor was the news of non-traditional sexual orientation young singer, since fans began to notice that Bilan happily wears an earring in his ear and jewelry that emphasizes the “blueness” of his owner. And in response to all the questions about orientation and strange jewelry, Dmitry only smiled in response.

Later, Dmitry Bilan's songs appear quite often on music channels and fashion radio stations, consistently becoming hits. Singer participates V music competitions « New wave" and "Eurovision", where he took first place the second time.

A real sensation on the Internet was caused by a video depicting how Alla Pugacheva and Dima Bilan performed the hit “Loving Do Not Renounce.” The performers received applause from the guests of the evening and enthusiastic comments from users. But fans paid attention not so much to the song and its original presentation, but to the photo where Bilan’s trousers are too tight.

While still a student, Dima Bilan met his future producer Yuri Aizenshpis, he had talent and began working with him. In 2002, Dima Bilan made his debut on the stage of the Russian festival in Jurmala - “New Wave”, where he presented his composition “Boom” and took fourth place. After the competition, the filming of a video for this song followed, and then also for the composition “I night hooligan", "You, only you" and "I was wrong, I got it." The video for the song “I love you so much” featured the daughter of Igor Krutoy.

In 2013, answering a journalist’s question about his attitude to the events at Euromaidan, Bilan said that he had not yet understood what was happening: “It would be enough to understand what is happening in Russia, and then open my horizons wider. I can not say anything. I’m probably sorry, right?” In 2016, the singer performed at the “We Are Together” concert-rally, dedicated to the anniversary of the annexation of Crimea to Russia. Later, due to his touring activities on the peninsula, he was included in the database of the Myrotvorets website, which compiles lists of citizens accused of “illegally crossing the border of Ukraine.”

The personal life of Dima Bilan has haunted his fans for many years. They want to know all her details, especially if he has a girlfriend.

But the singer carefully hides any details about his relationship from the eyes of strangers. Because of this Bilan is credited with numerous affairs with stage colleagues and models. and wards of the “Voice” competition. But despite these numerous rumors, Dmitry is in no hurry to comment on his personal life or refute the information.

Perhaps this is a PR move to increase his popularity, or perhaps he believes that if details about his life become known, he will become less interesting to his fans. While the singer remains silent, there is information in the press about his most high-profile novels.

Almost a wife

When Dmitry was about 20 years old, he set out to conquer Moscow. Dima became a student at the Gnesensky School, and then a student at GITIS. At the same time, he met Anastasia Vinokur, the daughter of the famous comedian. At the time they met, she was 18 years old.

Perhaps for them it was first love. Few doubted the sincerity of their feelings and it was getting closer to the wedding. But this event was not destined to happen. The couple separated. The reason for this decision is still unknown. There is an opinion that Anastasia’s father was against marriage with the singer, but he denies this in every possible way.

Dima Bilan had another serious relationship that could have ended in marriage with model Elena Kuletskaya.

The relationship between this couple lasted quite a long time, and after Bilan’s performance at the Eurovision Song Contest, journalists noticed a ring on the model’s finger.

Immediately information appeared in the press that Bilan would soon tie the knot. But time passed, and there was no news about the wedding. It turned out that the young people decided to separate.

There were several reasons for this. Firstly, for Bilan and Elena, their careers were at first place, and they each achieved success in their own field. Secondly, their relationship was easy and devoid of responsibility, which did not strengthen it.

Over time, romantic relationships developed into friendships. Now Elena is happily married to another man, but remembers her relationship with the singer with warmth.

A few more novels

After breaking up with Elena Kuletskaya, there were several contenders for the heart of Dima Bilan. The relationship with them did not last long and did not end with a wedding. Immediately after breaking up with Kuletskaya, the singer had an affair with another model.

The girl's name was Yullianna. They met on the set of a video. The singer's friends still remember this passionate romance between Dmitry and Yullianna. But soon the passion subsided and the couple separated.

Then they talked about the star’s romance with another model. But there are very few details about him. This time, the singer’s sister spoke to reporters. She asked not to interfere in the couple’s personal life, since the girl does not like excessive attention to yourself. This relationship also ended in nothing.

There was a period in Dmitry's life when he lost his head from love. He was ready to devote his entire life to his beloved and sacrifice a lot for her. It is known that the girl was an artist and her name was Lyalya.

Dmitry was in love. He tried to spend every minute with his beloved and even missed rehearsals. But Lyalya did not appreciate his sacrifices. One fine day she just packed her things and left without saying goodbye.. Afterwards, they met with Dmitry at one of the resorts, relaxed together, but did not resume their relationship.

Romantic relationships with colleagues

Devoting all his time to work, it is not surprising that the singer had several affairs with his stage colleagues. Known about them romantic relationships with Yulia Volkova, former member group "Tatu".

Interesting notes:

Yulia herself spoke about a short-term romance that began during the Eurovision qualifying round. But two creative people it was hard to find mutual language. Moreover, both artists had strong and independent characters. As a result, the couple broke up after several months of dating.

Information has repeatedly appeared about Dima Bilan’s affair with singer Pelageya. Perhaps the relationship arose during the “Voice” competition, where both artists were judges. Pelageya spoke very well of the singer in all interviews and more than once said that he was a very interesting man. What happened between them remains a mystery to fans.

Dima and Ksenia?

After the release of Dmitry Bilan’s video “Girl Don’t Cry,” only the lazy did not talk about the possible romance of the singer and model Ksenia Sukhinova. The girl starred in several of the singer’s videos, but the last one was the most frank.

Dmitry and Ksenia have a long-term relationship. They met more than 7 years ago. Then she also took part in the filming of one of the singer’s videos. And then there was also a wave of gossip about a possible romance. There were no comments on this matter.

And this year, filming in Ksenia’s video gave rise to a new wave of rumors. Some fans consider them perfect couple and are waiting for a logical conclusion, but someone thinks that the girl is not suitable for the singer. The couple remains stubbornly silent regarding their relationship. And it seems that rumors do not cause them the slightest concern.

Photos of the artist with girls

Winter began with a loud premiere: on December 1, it was released in digital stores new album Dima Bilan "Egoist".

Dima Bilan: “Having crossed the threshold of my 35th birthday, I gave myself over to reflection, listened to myself and felt the need to “reset to zero” and start over with a new leaf. And this, as I feel, succeeded! And “egoism” here is only a necessary measure of avoidance from everyday life and bustle, so that nothing distracts from the main thing. After all, as F.S. Fitzgerald said, “It is the egoists, oddly enough, who are capable of great love.”

The album that I offer to the judgment of my devoted like-minded people is musical journey inside yourself, searching for your true self. As soon as I “dig out” these important answers, I will definitely share them with everyone! And now I am in the midst of this exciting search and invite everyone who is interested to travel together. Yes, I’m still a romantic, but not as much as before: the style, sound, and performance have become new. And I myself like absolutely all the tracks from the new album! I didn’t write it down to prove something to anyone, I wrote it down primarily to prove something important to myself.

Respect to my friendly team, my faithful friend Yana Rudkovskaya, Archer Music Production and everyone who created the album tracks with me - steps along this path. I was glad to work with faithful colleagues - such as Denis Kovalsky (dance hit “Derzhi”, which broke all the charts this fall), Anton Shaplin (stylish “horror” “Monsters”), David Todua(bewitching " White magic"), Arkady Alexandrov (sensual and rhythmic "Girl, don't cry") and I welcome new creative unions, for example, the author of the title track of the album is the young and talented Vladislav Ramm. And, of course, the album contains songs of my own composition (“Horror”, “Paradise”), because composing is a very important part of my life, without which I simply cannot imagine myself.

The album was enthusiastically received by the public, instantly soared to the top of the iTunes charts and other platforms, also entered the top 200 of European iTunes, and the album track “Sorry” was included in Apple’s international New Year’s playlist.

December 2, 2017 Dima Bilan’s grand concert took place at “35 Again” Ice Palace in St. Petersburg - the success of this show in Crocus was consolidated: 10 thousand spectators supported the artist and his team in a single impulse.

The most talked about duet of the year - Dima Bilan & Sergey Lazarev, “Forgive Me”, fulfilled the dreams of their fans and visualized this undisputed hit (MOZGI production company). And it is symbolic that for inspiration our Eurovision heroes went not just anywhere, but to the capital of Eurovision 2018, Portugal - a land of wonders and fairy tales. The city of Sintra, lost in time, its remote corners, beaches, cliffs and forests turned out to be the ideal place to realize the idea for the video.

The director of the video, Leonid Kolosovsky, says:

“A touching and sensual song “Forgive Me” performed by two superstars modern scene Dima Bilan and Sergei Lazarev herself suggested the plot of the video - this is a story about two travelers. The element to which the heroes strive is stronger than their feelings. They sing about forgiveness from loved ones for this difficult choice. This road is like life path each of us. Our heroes make their way through impenetrable landscapes filled with purity, freedom and monumentality that nature has created. They will walk this path in order to achieve their goal and reunite with their element. At some point they will meet each other and then each go their own way.

This duet will go down in history modern music, therefore, a black and white image is rather an appeal to the classics. The best male portraits in history, photographs are made in black and white, noir emphasizes the anxious state of the characters, and landscapes in such images look amazing.

In order to convey the mood of our video, we needed a special location. Having identified the ten most colorful places on the planet, we settled on two - Portugal and Iceland. But in Iceland on the dates of our filming there was rainy weather, and the choice was determined by itself. We didn’t regret for a second that the filming took place in Portugal, a country rich in its nature and landscapes. We traveled 3,000 kilometers in order to determine future filming locations. We greedily photographed every corner we saw. But we only chose the number that we could physically overcome in three days of filming.

It was very easy to work with the guys. We reached absolute mutual understanding long before arriving in Portugal, even at the project development stage. The whole team was so united that it seemed like one organism, so even if someone talks about some kind of stardom, we didn’t have to feel it. Dima Bilan and Sergey Lazarev worked very hard on the site to make this work happen. They had to burn in the scorching sun, suffer from heavy winds that blew their ears dangerously, be pricked by the thorns of bushes, make their way through the jungle, and even drown in the icy ocean. So, I don’t know what they say about the stars, but they know how to plow.”

The artists also shared their thoughts.

Dima Bilan: “For me this is special, standing out from the flow of my music videos story. Several came together here powerful energies: creativity from top professionals at Mozgi production (I was glad to work again), Sergei’s acting charisma, and mine, which is completely different. And the main thing is that these elements did not drown each other, but merged in a single stream of creativity. We were united and inspired by this noble dramatic story and the unique poetry of the surroundings of the city of Sintra, their windswept, wild coastal beauty.

There are many subtexts to be found in the story itself. And there is a subtext that perhaps everyone can hear. The track is called “Forgive me” - and perhaps this is some kind of our meeting at “zero latitude” with Seryoga. We were "butted heads" a lot in different periods time. And in this clip we can tell each other: “Sorry, dude, everything is fine!”

Sergey Lazarev: “Such duets do not happen often, they have a high concentration of nerve, feelings and emotions. It so happened that our creative path started with Dima in the same year, in the same place - we were both participants in the New Wave 2002 competition in Jurmala. Since then, our paths have been parallel, sometimes intersecting, sometimes moving away from each other. We were compared, pushed against each other, quarreled, but, in the end, time put everything in its place. Each of us has become an independent successful solo artist with our own audience of millions of fans, each of us has gone through many trials, ups and downs. This video clip is our journey."

During December, every Friday on Channel 1 there were live broadcasts of the show “/Voice”. Dima’s team’s numbers surprised with their quality and creative approach, and Anastasia Zorina’s composition Polaroid produced the effect of a bomb exploding - not everyone accepted this avant-garde number, but the originality and talent of the presentation were recognized unconditionally - this had never happened before either on “The Voice” or on Channel 1 ! And the Chinese Yang Ge (actress of the Gogol Center film and theater) reached the final in Dima’s team; the audience really loved her performances for her charisma, warmth and spontaneity.

The premiere took place on December 7 feature film“Burn.” (dir. - Kirill Pletnev), where Dima played a cameo role. Critics and the public noted that, despite the fact that Dima was on the screen for a very short time and played only himself, the role turned out to be bright and memorable. Dima's emotional tirade in the film is indignation at the fact that filmmakers do not see deep individuality in him and do not offer roles worthy of his talent. The result was both a manifesto and a postmodernist pun at the same time. We are waiting for the reaction of the film world and interesting roles!

On December 13, the ceremony of the Russian National Music Award, Dima is an academician of the Academy of Music that founded her and a member of the Prize jury. At the ceremony, Dima, together with P. Gagarina and A. Lorak, performed the composition “In Memory of Dmitry Hvorostovsky,” and this piercing number was met with tears and applause from the public.

From New Year's performances Dima’s broadcasts “What, where, when” (“When the ice melts”), “ New year's night on the first” (“Hold” with Ksenia Sukhinova), New Year's concert on the Russia-1 channel (“Forgive me” with S. Lazarev). Also, according to tradition, Dima performed in ice show Evgeniy Plushenko - “The Nutcracker” at the Olimpiyskiy, where he performed the songs “Star” and “When the Ice Melts” together with children who are students of the Stars Academy.

In the New Year's issue of Telenedelya magazine, Dima's interview with the cover was published, Dima also supported his small homeland- took part in the award project " The best people Kabardino-Balkaria", giving an interview to the magazine and online platforms of the award.

The year turned out to be extremely busy, and in January Dim was glad to enjoy a well-deserved vacation, which he spent in warm regions, gaining strength in solitude with nature on the ocean.

In January, the newspaper "MK" traditionally summed up the results musical year. Dima became the winner in two categories of the ZD awards 2018: “Clip of the Year” - “Labyrinths” and “Song of the Year” - “Hold”, which confirmed a genuine triumph "Hold", not only broke all records in Russia, but also entered the international iTunes rating for the first time. Dima was also noted good results voting in nominations “Artist of the Year”, “Album”, “Concert”, “Duet”.

The new working year began with a whole cascade of Dima’s performances at the Big Love Show: in St. Petersburg, Moscow and Novosibirsk. This year this popular show from Love Radio was held for the 10th time, and Dima, as its regular participant and headliner, happily supported the holiday concerts.

After this, Dima began a big tour of the cities of Russia: Yekaterinburg, Perm, Kirov, Izhevsk...

Name: Dima Bilan

Age: 36 years

Place of Birth: Ust-Dzhegut, Karachay-Cherkessia

Height: 182 cm

Weight: 75 kg

Activity: Russian singer

Family status: not married

Dima Bilan - biography

You can go on and on towards your goal for years, resulting in momentary fame, and then into history. And our hero is like the chosen one. Whether it’s a matter of talent or a lucky coincidence of circumstances, the fact remains: Dima Bilan pleases us more and more.

Dima Bilan - Little Kabardian

The future singer was born exactly at midnight on December 24 in the town of Ust-Dzheguta, in Karachay-Cherkessia. My father worked as a mechanic and design engineer, my mother worked in greenhouses and in the social service. Their daughter Lena grew up, and then the long-awaited son appeared - he was named Victor. Soon the family moved to Kabardino-Balkaria. Vitya went to school there, and at the age of 11 he began studying music. The parents did not attach much importance to the emerging talent and did not immediately send their son to music school. But literally from the very beginning of his studies, success fell upon him!

Dima Bilan's first success

He participated in all local competitions and festivals, and if he did not win, he was different and memorable. After graduating from music school in accordion class, Victor went to Moscow. There in 1999 at the festival children's creativity"Chunga-Changa" at the beginning of it creative biography the first success happened: Vitya Belan received a diploma from the hands of Joseph Kobzon himself! The boy was not going to stop there, so he stayed in the capital and entered the Gnessin School. Three years of study - and here it is, the long-awaited qualification in vocal performer!

In his third year at Gnesinka, Vitya met his future producer Yuri Aizenshpis. Yuri saw a star in the guy and decided to see what would happen if he took him seriously. He told Vita to take a pseudonym - they decided to call the project “Dima Bilan”. Dmitry is the name of Vita’s grandfather; the boy liked it all his life. He began to perform under it. To begin with, I took 4th place at the New Wave competition in 2002, and then, as if from under a factory machine, songs, videos, projects began to appear...

Popularity in the biography of Dima Bilan grew exponentially. In the fall of 2005, he was nominated for an MTV award as the best Russian performer. And then, at the very peak of his ward’s fame, Yuri Aizenshpis died. Dima received an award, and later another one, but the producer was no longer with him.

The contract with the company owned by Aizenshpis was terminated and they demanded that he not perform under that name. The country could have been left without Dima Bilan, whom everyone loved so much. But then it appeared. Taking Bilan under her wing, she helped solve the problem with the name. In order not to change the promoted brand “Dima Bilan”, she advised me to register this name at the registry office as my real name, according to my passport. Now the singer could easily perform under it further - both in Russia and, as planned by the new producer Yana Rudkovskaya, abroad.

Dima Bilan first at Eurovision

In 2006, Dima Bilan went to conquer Eurovision. His famous number for the song “Never let you go” is not remembered except by babies. Then, at Eurovision 2006 in Athens, Bilan performed his signature jump from the piano, which later became his business card. But victory was still not given: the Europeans liked the Finnish one more group Lordi. In the end - second place. But Dima is not one of those who gives up easily! After waiting another year, he again goes to the most prestigious song competition in Europe.

At that time, the popularity of figure skating was growing with all its might. After the success of Russian athletes at the Olympics in Turin, a real boom began in our country! The creative Rudkovskaya played on this. To perform at Eurovision 2008, she decided to invite the brightest among the skaters -. It’s a win-win option, because the Olympic champion was well known and loved in Europe. And as a musical addition, Yana invited the Hungarian violinist Edvin Marton. With such a company they decided to conquer capricious Europe. This time no one could stand in the way of the glorious team! Bilan was declared the winner, placing the Ukrainian Ani Lorak a step lower.

Biography of Dima Bilan's personal life: I'm getting married, oh, I'm getting married!

Europe was taken. The treasured microphone was in Dima’s hands, it literally became national hero, after all, no one before him domestic performers didn't win this competition! The ladies staged a real hunt for the eligible groom. But Dima promised reporters that he would marry his girlfriend. According to rumors, his chosen one, model Lena Kuletskaya, had been waiting for a marriage proposal for a long time, and it was promised to her if she won Eurovision. But time passed, and no offer was received.

Their common path diverged into different paths; more and more often at social events, Lena was noticed in the company of other men. Soon Dima and Lena announced their breakup. And then it turned out that the romance was not real: the couple only portrayed the relationship and everything that happened was nothing more than a PR stunt. After this, Dima began to carefully hide his personal life. This did not stop journalists: they wrote with all their might about his wedding and even put up photographs of the couple in the attire of the bride and groom. It turned out that it was a duck again: in this form, pseudo-wife Yulia Sarkisova starred in Bilan’s video “The Hours.” In fact, she has a billionaire husband and children.

There are many beauties hanging around who work with him, star in his videos, and Dima is credited with having an affair with almost every one of them. And he even supposedly has a wife - Anna Moshkovich. But he shrugs it off and insists that his heart is free. He seems to enjoy the role of being the favorite of women.