Life of rich people: how billionaires live. Elite interior design, or How do rich people live in Russia? How rich girls live their lifestyle

It seems that my mother told everyone in childhood that it is not good to brag. But the temptation can be so great! Collective farm glamor betrays even the most influential people in this world. For the rich, this is a way to emphasize wealth and abundance, but in reality it is banal bad taste. And our rich people have bad taste in full measure.

Editorial "So simple!" I came across a statement scandalous Lena Miro, with which we will probably agree. Surprisingly, domestic moneybags have no taste at all...

How the rich live

“Still, our billionaires for the most part - notorious collective farmers with little imagination. There is a ton of money, but the taste is like that of the audience of “Let Them Talk” and “Dom-2”. Got married the other day son of billionaire Karapetyan. His fortune is $4 billion, and the wedding turned out to be at the level of the director of a provincial cement plant. The reason is those who entertained the guests: Brezhnev, Basque, Sobchak.

All these singing and mouth-talking characters can be afforded by any provincial peasant with a relatively tight wallet. Is there a candle factory in Samara? Enough for Ksyusha and Kolya.

Anyone who is not a redneck in spirit is unlikely to want to see Andryushka Malakhov at his wedding, poking around in the “Let Them Talk” studio cotton buds into the mouths of the “raped” Zinks to find out from whom they got knocked up.

Anyone who is not a redneck in spirit may want to see Sting at his party, but not Ksyusha. Anyone who is not a redneck in spirit appreciates the ability to sing in an artist, and not the silicone lifted by the “push-up” that falls out of Vera Brezhneva’s neckline. But, unfortunately, our rich not burdened with good taste. Instead - show-offs from the 90s. It's a pity.

I would really like to see a class of people who set elegant trends emerge in Russia. But, since our “elite” consists of rich collective farmers and rural discotheques led by Ksyushka and Andryushka, this cannot be expected.”

We must say that Lena Miro herself does not have particularly elegant taste and certainly does not set elegant trends. Nevertheless, there is truth in her words. As sad as it may be, the pattern is sad: the more money a person has, the less aesthetic taste he has.

As they say, you can take a person out of the village, but you can never take the village out of the person. All the show-offs and quirks of rich people They look rather funny and disgusting. And faith in God is, of course, commendable, but a thinner chain can withstand a cross. A person is blessed with modesty, no matter how full his wallet is.

What is taste? Innate abilities or good upbringing? We must say one thing: the sense of beauty can and should be trained, forged and improved. Taste is harmony and a sense of proportion. Develop your intellect and surround yourself with beauty, and then taste and style will appear by themselves. As Coco Chanel said: "Bad taste has limits, only good taste infinite".

What do you think, does it depend

If you are a billionaire, then you can definitely afford more than just spending on necessities. Rich people drive expensive cars, eat in elite restaurants and, of course, live in luxurious houses. Moreover, the last point is not just private cottages, but real mansions.

Mark Zuckerberg

The owner of Facebook lives in huge house with a swimming pool and five bedrooms. In fact, the building seems to consist of several apartments - it even has separate entrances.

Alice Walton

One of Sam Walton's daughters not only lives in a luxurious building, but also shows her interest in the art of its design. The entire mansion is a complex, decorated with the most wonderful design. Distinctive feature home - a huge swimming pool right on its roof. This unusual solution was the fruit of Alice’s own imagination.

Christy Walton

Unlike her sister, who was discussed earlier, Christie prefers classics in the design of the interior and exterior of buildings. So, on the territory of her huge mansion there is an artificial pond, and above it there is a stone bridge. In addition, the building is surrounded by interesting landscaping and plenty of foliage. In this interpretation, the billionaire’s home resembles an amazing and at the same time mysterious mountain house.

Dmitry Rybolovlev

Russian businessmen are not lagging behind their foreign colleagues. Dmitry Rybolovlev's abode costs as much as $95 million and is located in Florida. Moreover, this mansion delights not only with its impressive size and stunning landscape, but also with the view from the windows. Going out onto the balcony, you can admire the spacious beach washed by the waters of the ocean.

George Soros

This mansion is valued at $23 billion. It is not just a building, but a real residential complex. Here the owner of the house placed a tennis court and a swimming pool, and also emphasized the surrounding environment with exquisite landscaping. Surprisingly, the businessman recently made an addition to his already huge mansion: he decided to add another floor with 19 rooms. Who knows, maybe this isn't the end yet.

Ira Rennert

Oh, this delightful house can easily be called a “place in the sun.” It looks very cozy and attractive even to casual passersby. In addition to the large area, the territory of the mansion is distinguished by many green spaces. Looking at the beautifully laid out paths, along which neat trees are planted, you just want to hide in the shade and relax a little.

David Koch

A person who earned a fortune in a fairly short time simply could not live in a modest house. His abode is a mansion, the territorial area of ​​which occupies almost 3000 m2. It has two tennis courts, and, of course, a huge swimming pool.

Charles Koch

Another representative of the Koch family is also known as the most successful billionaire of our time. He is David's brother, Charles. Unlike his relative, the businessman limits himself to more modest real estate. Its building occupies a much smaller area and is located in a forest area. Although this mansion also has its advantages. For example, the windows at the back of the house offer stunning views, and the pool located on its territory is buried deep in the ground.

Bernard Arnault

The businessman admitted in an interview that all his life he dreamed of having his own ski resort. Finally, at the age of 65, Arnault purchased a mansion in Belgium, which allowed him to fulfill his dream. Now the billionaire has a home on the territory special zone for skiing.

Larry Ellison

At first glance, you might think that this building is more of an amusement park than someone's residence. There are ski slopes and even a boat station here. The territory occupied by the businessman’s mansion is so picturesque that it captivates the eye.

Warren Buffett

As this man's principles show, not all billionaires are outrageously wasteful. The entrepreneur, despite his enormous income, continues to live in Omaha (Nebraska). At the same time, Buffett's frugality does not make him less famous or successful.

Amancio Ortega

The living space of one of the richest people in the world truly corresponds to his status. The building is located in Spain and is simply immersed in an atmosphere of eternal relaxation. The grounds of the mansion are dotted with palm trees, and a few meters away there is a magnificent view of the beach.

Phil Knight

The founder of Nike is very modest compared to his fellow businessmen. He lives in a house off the coast of California. Those around were only able to appreciate the exterior of the building and the landscape rich in green spaces, since the interior layout was not visible to passers-by.

Jeff Bezos

The exact cost of the building is unknown, only there is an opinion that it exceeds $30 billion. This mansion harmoniously combines indoor space and a multifunctional courtyard. On its territory there are several swimming pools and neat stone paths.

Carlos Slim Helu

At one time, this businessman held the status of the richest man in the whole world. He owns property in Mexico, which many designers have called a real architectural miracle.

Michael Bloomberg

Wealth can also manifest itself in elegant restraint. It was this rule that Michael Bloomberg used when decorating his mansion. The interior design of the building resembles English classics, and the floor with tiles resembling a chessboard adds to its charm.

Bill Gates

It is impossible not to mention the richest man of our time, who founded the Microsoft company.

His house has a huge indoor aquarium filled with various sea creatures: whales, sharks, etc. In addition, the building is located on the Pacific coast.

Zulu huts worth millions

On February 15, it became known that South African President Jacob Zuma agreed to voluntarily resign. One of the reasons for this was the accusation that the politician and his entourage were embezzling state property.

The scandals surrounding Zuma did not start yesterday. Several years ago, human rights activist Thuli Madonsela accused the head of state of wasting funds from the treasury on the reconstruction of his own residence. In his 444-page report, Madonsela called the politician’s mansion a “showcase of flashy luxury” amid widespread poverty. On the territory of Zuma's ancestral village, where he lived with his wives (polygamy is legal in South Africa), houses appeared in the form of traditional Zulu huts with bulletproof glass, a helicopter pad, a swimming pool, an amphitheater, a candy store and cattle pens, The Guardian reported. In total, $23 million was spent on furnishing the housing of the president and his family.

The private estate of South African President Jacob Zuma in Nkandla.

Another luxury home was discovered by Jacob Zuma in 2017 in Dubai. Villa L35, with 10 bedrooms, 13 bathrooms, a swimming pool and an 11-car garage, decorated with marble, mosaic and gold, is located on Lailak Street, which is called the street with the most expensive postcode, The Sunday Times reported. By the way, another former African leader, Robert Mugabe, became Zuma’s Dubai neighbor.

President Jacob Zuma and his wives Nompumelelo Ntuli, Thobeka Madiba and Gertrude Sizakele Khualo.

Nardus Engelbrecht/Gallo Images/Getty

I take my entire treasury with me

In January 2017, former Gambian President Yahya Jammeh, who lost the election, left the country he had ruled for more than 20 years since 1994. True, the politician did not fly away empty-handed. AND we're talking about not about the copy of the Koran that he kissed while standing on the steps of the gangway. Along with him, Jammeh took $11.4 million from the state treasury, effectively bringing the country to the brink of financial disaster. In addition, a cargo plane took off from the airport in the capital Banjul, carrying several expensive cars and luxury items, The Washington Post reported.

Ex-president Gambia's Yahya Jammeh is leaving the country after 22 years in power.

Andrew Renneisen/Getty Images

Yahya Jammeh was born in poor family in a small Gambian village, but, having taken the presidency in 1994, he did not deny himself anything. For example, a politician owned a fleet of Rolls-Royce cars, each of which had his name embroidered on the headrests. At the same time, the average annual income of Gambians, according to the World Bank, is $460.

In 2008, the issue of homosexuality attracted Jammeh's attention. “Homosexuality is Antichrist, Antiman, Anticivilization. Homosexuals have no place in The Gambia. If we catch a gay man, he will regret that he was born,” the president said. In 2012, Jammeh purchased a mansion in Washington for $3.5 million, and his daughter attended a private school in Manhattan, where a year of education cost more than $40,000. By the way, same-sex marriage is legalized in the states of Washington and New York.

Gambian President Yahya Jammeh and First Lady Zeinab Jammeh.

Mark Wilson/Getty Images

All the best to loved ones

In November 2017, 93-year-old Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe was placed under house arrest and resigned, and his wife Grace, considered the most likely successor, fled the country. Mugabe ruled for 37 years, and today his country is one of the thirty poorest in the world. At the same time, the wife of the ex-president was famous for her extravagance. Shortly after her wedding in 1996, the First Lady of Zimbabwe was nicknamed Gucci Grace for her passion for expensive things and decorations.

According to The Daily Mail, in 2014, Grace Mugabe spent almost $3 million on luxury purchases. The first lady of Zimbabwe acquired 12 new diamond rings, 62 pairs of Salvatore Ferragamo shoes, several dozen new Gucci items and a Rolex watch worth $112 thousand. During one of her visits to London, where Mugabe stayed in a suite at the 5-star Claridge's Hotel, she was asked how she could explain spending so much on designer shoes. “I have very narrow feet and I can only wear shoes Ferragamo,” responded Grace Mugabe.

© Alessandra Benedetti/Corbis via Getty Images

© AP Photo/Tsvangirayi Mukwazhi

Also in 2014, the Mugabe couple married their daughter Bona. The party with 4,000 guests cost more than $4 million. Only $700 thousand was spent to repair the road in the capital Harare leading to Mugabe's mansion.

The President of Equatorial Guinea, Teodoro Obiang Nguema Mbasogo, who has ruled the country since 1979, pampers his son no less. Incumbent Vice President Teodorin Obiang officially earns less than $100,000 a year, but he owned millions of dollars in property: a mansion in Malibu and in the prestigious 16th arrondissement of Paris, a collection of sports cars, a private Gulfstream jet and items from the collection of Michael Jackson. for $2 million. Part of Obiang’s property, however, was seized and sold after a trial on corruption and misappropriation of public funds.


Rich rulers of poor African countries can afford not only luxurious mansions and expensive cars, but also entire harems. The king of Swaziland, Mswati III, can boast of the most extensive - he has several dozen wives. At the same time, in 2001, he issued a decree on chastity in the country, prohibiting girls from having sex under 21 years of age. Those who violated it were fined one cow. By the way, the king himself also paid a fine when he married an 18-year-old girl shortly after the right to chastity came into force.

King Mswati III of Swaziland (center).

Ihsaan Haffejee/Anadolu Agency/Getty Images

Almost all people dream of living richly and not denying themselves anything. Having a lot of money, a person gets a large number of opportunities for self-realization, business development, and the implementation of his most daring endeavors.

How to live richly?

Money solves not only practical issues, but also gives self-confidence and creates a sense of security. Possessing big amount money, a person stops worrying about tomorrow and about the many small financial problems that for total mass people form the basis of them Everyday life(paying bills, saving for children’s education and vacations, planning large purchases, etc.).

Rich people have influential friends and move in certain circles, visit social events, often travel around the world, constantly go to expensive restaurants and buy clothes only in branded stores. Rich people invest in luxury real estate, cars, and jewelry.

Where do the rich live?

Rich people live in luxury city apartments located in prestigious areas, or in their own mansions. Typically, they have both. A wealthy person will definitely buy an apartment in an elite quarter, in a house with all the amenities and large area apartments The mansion will be built or purchased in a prestigious gated community, where the neighbors will be equally successful people.

Rich people often purchase real estate abroad, the availability of which allows them to make a profitable investment and increase the level of comfort while vacationing in another country.

Where do the rich vacation?

Wealthy tourists prefer to vacation in civilized European countries, characterized by a comfortable, quiet life and high level service. Most popular destinations holidays for rich people Cote d'Azur France, Caribbean countries. Vacations in Bali are very popular among wealthy tourists, where you can rent a villa with individual service.

Wealthy people prefer to travel comfortably to their vacation destinations. Availability large quantity money allows them not to think about how much it will cost to rent a private jet, the price of which is unaffordable for ordinary people. A rich person can also easily afford to purchase a yacht or travel on an expensive liner.

According to the editors of the site, rich people live in special world, in which there are no small everyday problems And financial difficulties.
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Public divorces with division of joint property, demonstration of rich content to reporters, publications in in social networks and the press of photographs taken during their travels - it would seem that their life has long ceased to be a secret behind seven seals. And yet, interest in gossip column characters and billionaires from the Forbes list continues to grow. And the more the media quenches this thirst for new knowledge about behind-the-scenes life richest people in Russia, the stronger our impatience to taste the next “sip”.

In the photo: Ruslan and Maria Green in a house renovated according to a design project by designers

And this is understandable, because watching the lives of people drowning in luxury is as pleasant as tasting Chateau Margaux from 1982 or drinking Calvados aged 50 years: the effect may be the same as from ordinary vodka, but the taste and ambiance are not at all That.

Where and how do rich people live in Russia?

In the photo: Interior of a luxurious living room with a fireplace and panoramic glazing

How do rich people live in Russia? Where do they prefer to buy property? What do their houses, and most often their entire residences, look like? And, in the end, who are these people who can afford not only to buy an apartment in an elite residential complex in Moscow, but also to order such an interior design project that all the grandeur of Versailles and even the scale of the Burj Al Arab skyscraper in Dubai fades? compared?

In the photo: Elite interior of a house after renovation according to a design project

The questions that arise in the mind of the average person when he watches another program on TV about the lives of the rich and famous are usually very standard. For a person with an average income, for whom even a one-room apartment 20 kilometers from the Moscow Ring Road seems like a pipe dream, it is very difficult to imagine that someone can simply pay $50 million for a house, for example. Even if this very house is the mansion of the Sheremetyev counts in St. Petersburg.

In the photo: The interior of the house inside - a beautiful living room

It’s not difficult to guess where rich people live in Russia. In addition to the notorious Rublevka, people from the Forbes list also often choose other cottage villages along Rublevo-Uspenskoye Highway. Novorizhskoe and Mozhaiskoe highways are popular among the rich. Among the leading villages in terms of the number of rich mansions and houses are Barvikha, Zhukovka and Gorki-2.

In the photo: House in an elite cottage village in the Moscow region

But the answer to the question of how rich people live in Russia is not so simple. Oligarchs, as a rule, carefully hide their closed residences from prying eyes. High fences, trees and bushes that hide the facade of the house as much as possible, our own security service - these are the three “pillars” on which inviolability is based privacy Russian oligarchs. So how do rich people live in Russia? What do they hide behind tall fences and carefully fortified castle walls?

In the photo: Lighting, sconces, stained glass and onyx in the design of the staircase hall

Many of us understand that it is unlikely that anyone will want to order an elite one for a tiny apartment in a Khrushchev-era building in one of the residential areas. Expensive interiors are the prerogative of wealthy and simply very rich people who choose to live in premium residential complexes or countryside villages. Therefore, as a rule, luxury interior design is associated with large houses (or even entire estates and residences) and spacious city apartments (duplex apartments, spacious studios, etc.).

In the photo: Elite bedroom design in an apartment in the Monteville residential complex

Naturally, the large areas of such facilities during the work on a design project make it possible to organize many additional premises for relaxation and entertainment: saunas, hammams, home cinemas, bars, fireplace rooms.

For example, in this one, located in the village of Barvikha, popular among rich Russians near Moscow, the designers of the Ruslana Green Studio organized a billiard room, a swimming pool with a sauna, and even a winter garden:

In the photo: Design of a billiard room in a house in Barvikha

And in the interior design of this house, in the attic there is a relaxation area with a real dance floor, decorated with disco balls and lighting.

In the photo: Elite interior design project for an attic in a house

In the photo: Dance floor in the attic of an elite house

Of course, the set of functional areas is unique for everyone. Everything is determined by the nature of the hobbies and wishes of the customers themselves. If someone is interested in studying the stars, then why not organize their own observatory in their home, for example?

In the photo: Elite bedroom design in an apartment in the Skolkovo Park residential complex

The interior design of luxury houses and apartments is always characterized by the use of high-quality and expensive finishes. If we use wood, then only natural wood. Do we want to add a stone? Please, but no imitation: exclusively natural marble and onyx. In luxury interiors, combinations of expensive textures of stone, glass, crystal, and mirror inserts are almost always observed.

In the photo: Elite interior design of a house in the Ruza Family Park community complex

However, no matter how impressive the size of your wallet, it is still important to observe moderation when selecting finishing elements. The Amber Room is, of course, beautiful as a work of art. But why live in it in the 21st century? If we continue to experiment in interiors with the theme “expensive, bokhato,” then it is quite possible that in the minds of foreigners, the image of fabulously rich Russians in sables, inevitably snacking on vodka and black caviar, will be supplemented by the royal throne.

Of course, luxury and at home, given its high cost, allows you to experiment with complex architectural elements. Columns, pilasters, all kinds of rosettes, vaulted ceilings - modernity knows a lot of ways to make an interior composition more complex and unique.

In the photo: Dining room design with ceiling paintings

But when it comes to architectural solutions, the approach is the same as in the case of . You shouldn’t open an architectural dictionary and try to cram all the elements you see there into one room. After all, your apartment is not the facade of the Cathedral Notre Dame of Paris and not Winter Palace. The task of a private apartment is not to become part of history, but to provide comfortable living for all its inhabitants.

In the photo: Tasteful luxury in the interior of a country house kitchen

But even if such ambitions to put your mansion on a par with the apartments of the grand dukes have a place to be, then believe that your interior has much more more chances gain recognition from posterity if it reflects the characteristics of modernity, and does not parody the Regency era in France.

In the photo: Luxurious decoration in the interior of a kitchen with a bar counter

An elite design project for an apartment or house also involves careful, scrupulous work with light. If for a typical interior a pair of built-in lights on the ceiling can be considered the pinnacle of lighting art, then in an expensive design you won’t get away with just a few light bulbs.

On the picture: Different types lighting in the kitchen interior

Blue ribbons of lights running along the perimeter of the ceiling vaults, expensive chandeliers, cascading lamps with a waterfall of crystal threads flowing almost to the floor, illuminated stones and - the arsenal of means by which lighting is built in an elite interior is very rich:

In the photo: Stained glass, onyx and built-in lighting in the design of the staircase hall

Who creates the interior design of luxury apartments and houses?

Interior design is always done by professional studios and renowned designers. Agree that it is not so easy to imagine an oligarch whose day is scheduled minute by minute, hanging pictures on the walls and hammering nails into the wall. However, it is difficult to imagine that a representative of the elite would prefer a sports tights from the Chinese market to a suit from Dior or Armani. The rich and famous love to surround every aspect of their life with exclusivity. Therefore, when selecting a design studio, they focus on both the professionalism of the contractor and famous names designers.

In the photo: Ruslan and Maria Green - famous TV presenters and video bloggers

The design studio of Ruslan and Maria Green has extensive experience working with luxury properties. Our portfolio includes many interiors of apartments and houses located in prestigious residential complexes of the capital and premium cottage villages. For each of these objects, famous designers Ruslan and Maria Green develop an original interior.

Today, the Design Studio of Ruslan and Maria Green offers customers several packages of services, the price of which already includes not only the design sketches themselves, but also renovation work, finishing materials, and furniture.