Anatoly Yarmolenko and his family. Belarusian pop singer Alesya Yarmolenko: biography, creativity and personal life

Unfortunately, I could not find any information confirming this fact anywhere.

Could youVwrite about how our personal life turned out Belarusian star after the divorce from Sergei Lipen?

Who became a worthy companion to the popular singer?

Or is the second marriage just a rumor?

Sincerely -



This letter came to the editorial office of Narodnaya Volya more than a month ago. At that time, the soloist of “Syabro” Alesya Yarmolenko was just in America. Singer in Lately She often traveled to the States, either on tour or on vacation, which may be why there were rumors that the singer’s second husband was American. Since Alesya was not in Belarus for some time, Narodnaya Volya first asked the People's Artist of Belarus about her personal life Anatoly Yarmolenko.

The fact that Alesya got married is for sure, said Alesya’s father. — The husband is not American, but Belarusian. But I cannot give any information on this topic - if my daughter wants, she will tell the journalists everything herself. You see, we have been separating our personal lives and creativity for a long time. And when it comes to some family details, we don’t promote ourselves - we simply don’t need it...

By the way, just recently Anatoly Ivanovich and Alesya prepared a “star breakfast” on the ONT TV channel. And the director of the Syabry ensemble said that his new son-in-law is an excellent cook, and often invites the whole family to taste his culinary delights. Anatoly Ivanovich did not tell any other details about his daughter’s husband on air.



“First you talk about your happiness, and then these high-profile divorces begin...”

The singer herself keeps her personal life under seven locks, and she does not yet intend to tell the general public about her female happiness with her new husband.

“As for personal matters, everything is prohibited,” Alesya said immediately.- I won’t tell you anything and don’t ask. This topic For me it has long been prohibited. It just happens that the more you tell, the worse it gets. Don’t get me wrong: this is my personal life, I don’t want to dedicate anyone else to it.

And the fact that I got married a second time is no secret. Many people already know about this. But some details, what and how - sorry! At first you talk about your happiness, and then these high-profile divorces begin... Therefore, you don’t want to talk about anything. I can only say that I am in a state of absolute happiness, awe and care, which is what I wish for everyone...

Caption under the photo: On November 13 last year, a post appeared on Alesya’s page on the social network Facebook: “Married.” And next to it is this photo.

“I can only say that I am in a state of absolute happiness!”


"We were very different..."

The singer separated from her first husband Sergei Lipen in 2009.

“We walked and walked towards something, and at some point I realized that it was time to call it a day,” Alesya told me a couple of years ago in an interview with Komsomolskaya Pravda.“I can’t say that there was such an obvious reason, understandable to everyone.” We didn't fight. There was no betrayal on either side. There was no outside push. But there was no longer a happy life either. We breathed the same air, but looked at different sides. Some families live together for years for no apparent reason. “I don’t understand why” I didn’t want to live. Everything must develop. And when some specific point and you understand that there is nowhere to develop together, you want to preserve what you have acquired. Then it’s better to separate and remain just friends. It is very difficult to decide on something. But once you have made a decision, it becomes easier. For me everything happened in one day. I came and said: “Sergey, let’s think about how to make sure that we remain just friends.” For a man to hear this is probably offensive. In any case, I saw that he was offended. But what was the point of further ruining each other’s lives? Our opinions on some issues began to diverge. We also had different opinions about raising a child. Probably because of the child I decided to take this step. Of course, we had other mutual grievances, but these are purely personal issues, I would not like to discuss them.

Yes, the problem is probably that we are fundamentally very different. We had different upbringings. We come from different social backgrounds. Since childhood, we have had different lifestyles. Sergei could resolve some issues from a position of strength, I was against this. I am very a positive person, an optimist in life. Sergei is a pessimist. He is quite a complex person. There is such a category of people - a lone wolf. When I met him, I immediately understood it. I was 20, he was 29. We taught each other a lot, at least he did me. He helped me grow up, for which I thank him very much...”



“I got divorced four times and always left in my underpants!”

For some, divorce is a real tragedy. The artist Evgeny Kryzhanovsky is married to his fifth marriage.

“Narodnaya Volya” asked which divorce was the most difficult for the comedian.

The word “divorce” no longer makes me feel negative emotions , says Evgeniy Anatolyevich. — I am a fatalist and I believe that what is written in fate is what should be. And there’s nothing wrong with divorces either—you just have to get used to them. I'm used to it...

The matter never came to the division of property in all Kryzhanovsky families.

There was always nothing to share, - the artist admits. — And even if it was, I always left everything to my wives. I had a period when I had to live in a car for a couple of months. But I believe that if a man leaves the family, he should leave everything to the woman. In my opinion, this is correct. Because she gave you a part of her life. And you will find someone else, but she may not.

Not all ex-wives of the famous artist have a personal life. Two of them got married and had children.

All ex-wives and I are very supportive a good relationship, and especially with Tamara, my penultimate wife, with whom I have three children,- Evgeniy Anatolyevich shares the secret of family happiness. — We live nearby, we have a common dacha. Ex-wives They accepted my current wife into their circle - they even help her manage me, since they know my weaknesses very well... And most importantly, Tamara, my ex-wife, became godmother my last daughter Ksyushki.

Kryzhanovsky is convinced that he developed such wonderful relationships with his ex-wives because he always acted “like a decent man.”

- I left the apartment, and always helped, and gave the salary, - shares almost intimate details Evgeny Anatolyevich. — We never started talking about alimony, because I always brought everything to the family. And now, when my daughters have already become adults, I still support them: I pay for their studies, repairs, and trips. You know, it's not even about the money. I just didn’t leave them - they’re all mine! And even my mother-in-law, who, it would seem, should have cursed me for abandoning her daughter, said: “Zhenya, I still love you!”

Therefore, to all the men who read “ People's Will“, I want to say: don’t humiliate yourself for pennies, don’t humiliate yourself and your wife first of all with divisions, if you leave the family, start everything with a blank sheet of paper. Otherwise they start going to court, taking away last names, dividing children - then this is a tragedy for everyone.

Just the other day we all got together at the dacha, ate barbecue, picked berries, laughed, I looked at it all and thought: God, this is the very harmony that one can only dream of!..


Anatoly Ivanovich Yarmolenko(born November 15, 1947) - soloist of the Gomel Regional Philharmonic. (1969-1990.) Since 1990 - soloist and director of the Syabry ensemble at the Minsk, Belarusian State Order of the Red Banner of Labor Philharmonic).

People's Artist of the Republic of Belarus.


As a musician, he began his career in the Song and Dance Ensemble of the House of Officers of the Baku Air Defense Military District (1967-1969). In 1969, Anatoly Yarmolenko was accepted as a soloist-vocalist in the Gomel regional philharmonic society, worked in the pop groups “Souvenir” and “Songs over Sozh”, and since September 1972 - the soloist of the pop group “Syabry”.

Graduate music school named after Sokolovsky (Gomel). Yarmolenko’s work is inseparable from the work of the Syabry ensemble. The beginning creative biography“Syabrov” is considered to be 1974, when the ensemble was presented at the pop artist competition in Minsk, where Yarmolenko, as a soloist, was awarded the title of Diploma holder of the First Republican Variety Artist Competition.

He headed Syabry after Valentin Badyarov left them. According to the memoirs of soloist Vitaly Chervonnay, who also soon left Syabry, A. Yarmolenko began to focus on his own songs, and Syabry gradually became an accompanying ensemble of one soloist.

In 1985 artistic director ensemble "Syabry" Anatoly Yarmolenko was awarded the title "Honored Artist of the BSSR". A. Yarmolenko, as part of the Syabry ensemble, took part in numerous festivals: “White Nights” (Leningrad, 1975), “Kiev Spring” (Kyiv, 1974-1975, 1981-1995); “Crimean Dawns”, “Slavic Bazaar in Vitebsk” and many others; Days of Belarusian Culture in Moscow, Tallinn, Tashkent, Kyiv, Riga, St. Petersburg, Alma-Ata, etc. Anatoly Yarmolenko, as one of the soloists of the Syabry ensemble, frequent guest popular music and entertainment programs and television competitions central television“Wider Circle”, “Song of the Year”, “Morning Mail”, “With a Song through Life”, “Slavic Bazaar”, etc.

Anatoly Yarmolenko with the songs “Alesya”, “Stoves-Lavochki”, “Noise the Birches”, “Holidays”, repeatedly reaches the finals of the most popular television competition “Song of the Year” (1981-2014). Yarmolenko is the performer of such popular songs as “Glukharinaya Zarya”, “At the Krinitsa”, “Kalinushka”, “Walk and Walk”, “Kakhanaya”, “Drink Beer, Guys”, “Belarusian Polka”, “We Will Survive”, “Our Songs! »


  • wife Raisa
  • son Svyatoslav
    • granddaughter Ulyana
  • daughter Olga (Alesya)
    • grandchildren Anatol and Makar


Discography of Anatoly Yarmolenko as a soloist of the Syabry ensemble:

  • 1978 - Syabry - To Everyone on the Planet
  • 1979 - Syabry - You - One Love
  • 1982 - Syabry - Living Water
  • 1984 - Syabry - Make noise with birches
  • 1985 - Syabry - Thanks to fate
  • 1986 - Syabry - Distant Light
  • 1995 - Syabry - Songs of Oleg Ivanov
  • 1995 - Syabry - The Best
  • 2000 - Alesya
  • 2000 - From Alesya to Alesya
  • 2000 - Our songs
  • 2001 - Valery Ryazanov - Syabry - Look back
  • 2001 - Syabry (series “Variety Stars”)
  • 2001 - Your favorite songs
  • 2002 - Syabry - (series “Names for all times”)
  • 2003 - Live and Hello
  • 2004 - Syabry (series “Grand Collection”)
  • 2005 - Syabry (Grand Collection DVD series)
  • 2006 - Syabry - Path to a Star (DVD)
  • 2008 - Works by Igor Luchenok performed by the Syabry ensemble
  • 2009 - Syabry - From Alesya to Alesya
  • 2010 - “Svayak” Anatol Yarmolenko and Syabry


  • April 10, 2006 Order of Francis Skaryna (Republic of Belarus) - For significant personal contribution to development national culture, preservation and promotion of the best musical traditions.
  • March 11, 2008 Order of Friendship ( Russian Federation) - For his great contribution to the rapprochement and mutual enrichment of cultures of nations and nationalities, the development of cultural cooperation within the Union State.
  • 2008 - national music award in the region patriotic education"Voice of the Fatherland".
  • The Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Belarus awarded Anatoly Yarmolenko and all members of the Syabry ensemble with honorary badges “For their contribution to the development of the culture of Belarus.”
  • Anatoly Yarmolenko and artists of the Syabry ensemble by decision of the Board Charitable Foundation St. Nicholas the Wonderworker were awarded the Order of St. Nicholas, Archbishop of Myra, Wonderworker, in recognition of works of mercy and charitable activities.
  • Honorary resident of the city of Minsk (2007).
Anatoly Ivanovich Yarmolenko
Anatol Yarmolenka
basic information
Birth name

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Full name

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Date of Birth

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Place of Birth
Date of death

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A place of death

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Years of activity
A country

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Singing voice

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Anatoly Ivanovich Yarmolenko(born November 15) - soloist of the Gomel Regional Philharmonic. (1969-1990.) Since 1990 - soloist and director of the Syabry ensemble at the Minsk, Belarusian State Philharmonic of the Order of the Red Banner of Labor).

People's Artist of the Republic of Belarus.


As a musician, he began his career in the Song and Dance Ensemble of the House of Officers of the Baku Air Defense Military District (1967-1969). In 1969, Anatoly Yarmolenko was accepted as a soloist-vocalist into the Gomel Regional Philharmonic, worked in the pop groups “Souvenir” and “Songs over Sozh”, and since September 1972 - soloist of the pop group “Syabry”.

Graduate of the Sokolovsky Music College (Gomel). Yarmolenko’s work is inseparable from the work of the Syabry ensemble. The beginning of the creative biography of the Syabrs is considered to be 1974, when the ensemble was presented at a competition of pop artists in Minsk, where Yarmolenko, as a soloist, was awarded the title of Diploma holder of the First Republican Competition of Variety Artists.

He headed Syabry after Valentin Badyarov left them. According to the memoirs of soloist Vitaly Chervonnay, who also soon left Syabry, A. Yarmolenko began to focus on his own songs, and Syabry gradually became an accompanying ensemble of one soloist.

In 1985, the artistic director of the Syabry ensemble, Anatoly Yarmolenko, was awarded the title “Honored Artist of the BSSR.” A. Yarmolenko, as part of the Syabry ensemble, took part in numerous festivals: “White Nights” (Leningrad, 1975), “Kiev Spring” (Kyiv, 1974-1975, 1981-1995); “Crimean Dawns”, “Slavic Bazaar in Vitebsk” and many others; Days of Belarusian Culture in Moscow, Tallinn, Tashkent, Kiev, Riga, St. Petersburg, Alma-Ata, etc. Anatoly Yarmolenko, as one of the soloists of the Syabry ensemble, is a frequent guest of popular music and entertainment programs and television competitions of the central television "Wider Circle" , “Song of the Year”, “Morning Mail”, “With a Song through Life”, “Slavic Bazaar”, etc.

Anatoly Yarmolenko with the songs “Alesya”, “Stoves-Lavochki”, “Noise the Birches”, “Holidays”, repeatedly reaches the finals of the most popular television competition “Song of the Year” (1981-2014). Yarmolenko is the performer of such popular songs as “Glukharinaya Zarya”, “At the Krinitsa”, “Kalinushka”, “Walk and Walk”, “Kakhanaya”, “Drink Beer, Guys”, “Belarusian Polka”, “We Will Survive”, “Our Songs! »


Discography of Anatoly Yarmolenko as a soloist of the Syabry ensemble:

  • 1978 - Syabry - To Everyone on the Planet
  • 1979 - Syabry - You - One Love
  • 1982 - Syabry - Living Water
  • 1984 - Syabry - Make noise with birches
  • 1985 - Syabry - Thanks to fate
  • 1986 - Syabry - Distant Light
  • 1995 - Syabry - Songs of Oleg Ivanov
  • 1995 - Syabry - The Best
  • 2000 - Alesya
  • 2000 - From Alesya to Alesya
  • 2000 - Our songs
  • 2001 - Valery Ryazanov - Syabry - Look back
  • 2001 - Syabry (series “Variety Stars”)
  • 2001 - Your favorite songs
  • 2002 - Syabry - (series “Names for all times”)
  • 2003 - Live and Hello
  • 2004 - Syabry (series “Grand Collection”)
  • 2005 - Syabry (Grand Collection DVD series)
  • 2006 - Syabry - Path to a Star (DVD)
  • 2008 - Works by Igor Luchenok performed by the Syabry ensemble
  • 2009 - Syabry - From Alesya to Alesya
  • 2010 - “Svayak” Anatol Yarmolenko and Syabry


  • April 10, 2006 Order of Francis Skaryna (Republic of Belarus) - For significant personal contribution to the development of national culture, preservation and promotion of the best musical traditions.
  • March 11, 2008 Order of Friendship (Russian Federation) - For his great contribution to the rapprochement and mutual enrichment of cultures of nations and nationalities, the development of cultural cooperation within the Union State.
  • 2008 - national music award in the field of patriotic education “Voice of the Fatherland”.
  • The Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Belarus awarded Anatoly Yarmolenko and all members of the Syabry ensemble with honorary badges “For their contribution to the development of the culture of Belarus.”
  • By decision of the Board of the Charitable Foundation of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, Anatoly Yarmolenko and the artists of the Syabry ensemble were awarded the Order of St. Nicholas, Archbishop of Myra, the Wonderworker, in recognition of works of mercy and charitable activities.
  • Honorary resident of the city of Minsk (2007).

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Lua error in Module:External_links on line 245: attempt to index field "wikibase" (a nil value).


  • Official site International Festival arts "Slavic Bazaar in Vitebsk" 2010
  • Newspaper "Russian America" ​​2009
  • Project ""
  • Newspaper "Izvestia", 2004
  • “Novaya Gazeta”, March 13, 2006
  • Newspaper “Evening Minsk”, 1997
  • STV, 05/03/2010
  • 16.07.2010

An excerpt characterizing Yarmolenko, Anatoly Ivanovich

I realized that it would be very difficult for my father to somehow understandably explain to this little person - his daughter - that life had changed a lot for them and that they would return to old world it won’t happen, no matter how much she wanted it... Father himself was in complete shock and, in my opinion, didn’t less than daughter needed consolation. The boy was holding up best of all so far, although I could clearly see that he was also very, very scared. Everything happened too unexpectedly, and none of them were ready for it. But, apparently, some kind of “instinct of masculinity” kicked in for the boy when he saw his “big and strong” dad in such a confused state, and he, poor thing, in a purely masculine way, took over the “reins of government” from the hands of the confused father into his own small, shaking children's hands...
Before that, I had never seen people (except my grandfather) in currently their deaths. And it was on that ill-fated evening that I realized how helpless and unprepared people face the moment of their transition to another world!.. Probably the fear of something completely unknown to them, as well as the view of their body from the outside (but without their presence in it!) , created a real shock to those who did not suspect anything about it, but, unfortunately, were already “leaving” people.
- Dad, dad, look - they are taking us away, and mom too! How can we find her now?!..
The little girl “shaked” her father’s sleeve, trying to attract his attention, but he was still somewhere “between worlds” and did not pay any attention to her... I was very surprised and even disappointed by such unworthy behavior of her father. No matter how frightened he was, at his feet stood a tiny person - his tiny daughter, in whose eyes he was the “strongest and best” dad in the world, in whose participation and support she was this moment really needed it. And, in my opinion, he simply had no right to become limp in her presence to such an extent...
I saw that these poor children had absolutely no idea what to do now or where to go. To be honest, I had no such idea either. But someone had to do something and I decided to intervene again. It may be completely none of my business, but I simply could not calmly watch all this.
- Excuse me, what is your name? – I quietly asked my father.
This simple question brought him out of the “stupor” into which he “went headlong”, unable to come back. Staring at me in great surprise, he said in confusion:
– Valery... Where did you come from?!... Did you die too? Why can you hear us?
I was very glad that I managed to somehow return him and immediately replied:
– No, I didn’t die, I was just walking by when it all happened. But I can hear you and talk to you. If you want it of course.
Now they all looked at me in surprise...
- Why are you alive if you can hear us? – the little girl asked.
I was just about to answer her when suddenly a young dark-haired woman suddenly appeared and, without having time to say anything, disappeared again.
- Mom, mom, here you are!!! – Katya shouted happily. – I told you that she would come, I told you so!!!
I realized that the woman’s life was apparently “hanging by a thread” at the moment, and for a moment her essence was simply knocked out of her physical body.
– Well, where is she?!.. – Katya was upset. - She was just here!..
The girl was apparently very tired from such a huge influx of various emotions, and her face became very pale, helpless and sad... She tightly clung to her brother’s hand, as if seeking support from him, and quietly whispered:
- And everyone around us doesn’t see... What is this, dad?..
She suddenly began to look like a small, sad old lady who, in complete confusion, looks with her clear eyes at such a familiar White light, and can’t understand in any way - where should she go now, where is her mother now, and where is her home now?.. She turned first to her sad brother, then to her father, who stood alone and, it would seem, completely indifferent to everything. But none of them had an answer to her simple childish question, and the poor girl suddenly became really, really scared...
-Will you stay with us? – looking at me with her big eyes, she asked pitifully.
“Well, of course I’ll stay, if that’s what you want,” I immediately assured.
And I really wanted to hug her tightly in a friendly way, in order to warm her small and so frightened heart at least a little...
- Who are you, girl? – the father suddenly asked. “Just a person, just a little different,” I answered, a little embarrassed. – I can hear and see those who “left”... like you now.
“We died, didn’t we?” – he asked more calmly.
“Yes,” I answered honestly.
- And what will happen to us now?
– You will live, only in another world. And he’s not that bad, believe me!.. You just have to get used to him and love him.
“Do they really LIVE after death?..,” the father asked, still not believing.
- They live. But not here anymore,” I answered. – You feel everything the same as before, but this is a different world, not your usual one. Your wife is still there, just like me. But you have already crossed the “border” and now you are on the other side,” not knowing how to explain more precisely, I tried to “reach out” to him.
– Will she ever come to us too? – the girl suddenly asked.
“Someday, yes,” I answered.
“Well, then I’ll wait for her,” the satisfied little girl said confidently. “And we’ll all be together again, right, dad?” You want mom to be with us again, don’t you?..
Her huge gray eyes shone like stars, in the hope that her beloved mother would one day also be here, in her new world, not even realizing that this HER current world for her mother would be nothing more and no less than just death ...
And, as it turned out, the baby didn’t have to wait long... Her beloved mother appeared again... She was very sad and a little confused, but she behaved much better than her wildly frightened father, who, to my sincere joy, was now came to his senses.
It’s interesting that during my communication with such a huge amount essences of the dead, I could almost say with certainty that women accepted the “shock of death” much more confidently and calmly than men did. At that time I could not yet understand the reasons for this curious observation, but I knew for sure that this was exactly the case. Perhaps they bore deeper and harder the pain of guilt for the children they left behind in the “living” world, or for the pain that their death brought to their family and friends. But it was the fear of death that most of them (unlike men) were almost completely absent. Could this be to some extent explained by the fact that they themselves gave the most valuable thing that was available on our land - human life? Unfortunately, I didn’t have an answer to this question back then...

Almost an anniversary. Anatoly Yarmolenko is 69. He became Marat Markov’s interlocutor. He will speak frankly about himself and about “Syabra” National artist Belarus.

M. Markov: Anatoly Ivanovich, November 15 is your birthday, so thank you for agreeing to participate in the program in this regard. I would like to make things clear right away. Some sources say that you started working at Syabry in 1972, but at the same time the team dates back to 1974. How is it really?

A. Yarmolenko: In 1972 there was no “Syabro” as such. Was variety group“Souvenir”, before that there was “Song over Sozh” at the Gomel Philharmonic. In general, I have been working at the Gomel Philharmonic since 1969. After demobilization from the ranks Soviet army brought several young guys from there, and here we are, starting with the orchestra folk instruments, transformed a little, took guitars, keyboards and gradually made variety ensemble"Souvenir". Before that, Gradsky and Buinov worked in this team.

M. Markov: So you worked with them?

A. Yarmolenko: Yes, I was appointed as a foreman. So, what is a foreman? Then the foreman was the owner, this was the artistic director, the music director, and everything else.

M. Markov: That is, he was responsible for all questions?

A. Yarmolenko: For everything, yes. Then in 1973, on my birthday, exactly in 1973...

M. Markov: In November.

A. Yarmolenko:...yes, in November, friends, graduates of the Gomel College, gathered: what should we call it? Well... You need to name it succinctly and clearly. “Syabry,” I say, we are Syabry. “Syabry” echoes, “Pesnyary” were in favor then. And using, so to speak, proximity...

M. Markov: It was then “Syabry”, “Verasy”, “Pesnyary”.

A. Yarmolenko:...we called it succinctly “Syabry”, and whatever you call the ship, that’s how it sails.

M. Markov: Is it true that you knew both Magomayev and Polad Bulbul-ogly?

A. Yarmolenko: Of course yes. With Magomayev, he was in the Song and Dance Ensemble, he served as a civilian there, and I was a soldier there.

M. Markov: Where was this?

A. Yarmolenko: In Baku. Baku Air Defense District, I was in this ensemble. At first I served in the unit, then they auditioned me and accepted me into the Baku Song and Dance Ensemble of the Baku District. Magomaev worked there. And so he came to the dressing room, we were there somewhere next to the soldiers, he was very famous then, popular. And he sang: “People of the world, stand up for a minute,” and we stood: “Listen, soldiers.”

“Rock and roll at that time was present in the soul of every musician, everyone listened to signature bands”

M. Markov: Why were you expelled from the music school then?

A. Yarmolenko: The tours then lasted for six months. So we went on tour, we arrived, and I wrote: for absence, so to speak, for the fact that you did not show up, you are expelled for failure.

M. Markov: That is, you were simply presented with a fact.

A. Yarmolenko: Yes, but then I came, repented, and realized that I had to answer only for myself. He came, the director said: “Well, you yourself should, you are an adult, you should have come to an agreement with the teachers, with the teachers.” I say: “I understand, I will negotiate with the teachers.” And so it happened, they expelled me, then they went to the department, they reinstated me, I just lost this year.

M. Markov: They say that they initially wanted to make you a jazz band?

A. Yarmolenko: There was another director of the philharmonic society, there were a lot of directors changed, and he said that someone from the ministry told him: “We have “Pesnyary”, “Verasy” vocal and instrumental ensembles, why does Belarus need another vocal and instrumental ensemble. You know, we don’t have Dixieland, let them be Dixieland.”

M. Markov: I found a video on the Internet from 1986, where the Syabry performed rock and roll.

A. Yarmolenko: These are my words, by the way.

M. Markov: Your words? Anatoly Ivanovich, was this a creative experiment, a joke, or did you really want to pursue this field?

A. Yarmolenko: Rock and roll, in principle, at that time was present in the soul of every musician, everyone listened to branded bands.

M. Markov: But was it one try?

A. Yarmolenko: We still use elements, but only to the extent that it is woven into our creativity, and to do pure rock, we have folk rock, lyrical rock, if I can characterize it, and in pure form a rock band is somewhat different, and we didn’t do that.

M. Markov: If we go back to the very beginning. Here you are, like Mulyavin, even though you are called crazy Belarusians, you were not born in Belarus, but in the Vinnitsa region.

A. Yarmolenko: Yes, my mother is from there, my father is from somewhere in Belarus, I met my mother. I don’t know my father; in my passport, where my father is, there is a dash. There is such a Gribova Rudnya, my mother and her sisters lived there. It used to be Belarus, then Ukraine, this is the Chernigov region. Everyone spoke Belarusian there, in Gribovaya Rudna, and maybe they still do so now. Then, when I was already in the army, the director of the Gomel Philharmonic invited me. I had five options. I had Sochi, the Simferopol Philharmonic and the Gomel Philharmonic there.

M. Markov: Have you made the right choice?

A. Yarmolenko: I made the choice of what I was attracted to, what I was striving for. I came here and immediately learned the language. I bought a elephant so big and immediately began to study the Belarusian language, because I love it so well.

M. Markov: And Minsk?

A. Yarmolenko: And Minsk was already after I worked in Gomel for 22 years at the Gomel Philharmonic, when my wife became seriously ill, and they told me that I had to leave and change my place of residence.

M. Markov: And you chose Minsk?

A. Yarmolenko: I chose Minsk, but it was very difficult for me to move. It was around 1989. It was difficult to change then, even for me, being already famous artist, some solutions were needed almost top level. And here I am very grateful and will always be grateful to Luchenko, who heard that I could not exchange my luxurious two-level apartment in Gomel for Minsk due to such circumstances. Gomel did not exchange well with other cities. From Vilnius I had an option for a four-room apartment. I had already started preparing this option, but Luchenok heard and said that it was wrong for me to go there. And Anatoly Aleksandrovich Malofeev supported me, and they gave me the opportunity to buy a cooperative apartment. It was 1990.

M. Markov: That is, in principle, if you had gone to Vilnius, then, rather, we would have received a Vilnius singer after 1991 or even after 1990?

A. Yarmolenko: You know, what attracted me there, why did I choose the area there? There were a lot of Belarusians there. When I arrived there, I was already famous, there was already a song “Alesya”, there was already “And I’ll lie down and jump,” that is, I was quite popular, and they told me: “Oh, are you going to live here with us?” , we’ll get together here, we’ll trimazza adzin adnago here.” There are a lot of Belarusians there. But then I still made the right choice.

M. Markov: But have you not been to your homeland for a long time?

A. Yarmolenko: Small homeland?

M. Markov: In Ukraine?

A. Yarmolenko: Yes, I haven't been for a long time.

M. Markov: These are the events that took place in Ukraine: did your soul hurt?

A. Yarmolenko: We started there in 2014. We were just working a concert there in December, they were already burning tires there, but not shooting yet. But nevertheless, there was such a good atmosphere in a good way. Nobody handed over the tickets, although some concerts had already been canceled due to circumstances, but we worked it out. It was such a big visit to Ukraine, we never performed there again.

“I listened to Mulyavin with provincial admiration, and I still admire his talent now.”

M. Markov: Anatoly Ivanovich, you have been on the stage for 47 years. When asked who Alexander Solodukha considers to be the patriarchs of the Belarusian stage, he first of all named you. Is it flattering or, shall we say, somewhat irritating?

A. Yarmolenko: I don’t bother at all about this, because it’s everyone’s right to name whoever they want. I’m trying, just announce me - Anatoly Yarmolenko, that’s quite enough. But, of course, they always announce people's artist.

M. Markov: Etiquette demands.

A. Yarmolenko: Etiquette, yes, of course.

M. Markov: You worked at the same time and practically on the same information field with both “Pesnyarami” and “Verasami”. If we talk about Mulyavin, how was your relationship with him and Pesnyarami?

A. Yarmolenko: With provincial admiration.

M. Markov: Did you listen to him?

A. Yarmolenko: Yes, and I listened to him with provincial admiration, and I admire his talent even now. And then there was a moment when he came to me (our offices were nearby in the Philharmonic), I was struck by the fact that he began to ask: “How do you survive”? This was at the beginning of 1992, when the collapse occurred, when the Union had already left. It was difficult for him to work. He says: “Is this how you survive?” I said: “You know, it’s easier for me because I worked all the time myself, I’m not on government subsidies.” They are a state collective, and the state has always paid attention to them. And then during this period they pulled back a little, because there was no time for that. It was difficult for him. I say: “You just need to involve your guys yourself, so that they themselves provide you with concerts and work.” Then he gave me one piece of advice that I will never forget: sing your own “Alesya,” but with Alesya. I say: “Well, what are you talking about?” I didn’t say then that this was my daughter. She was just Alesya, even many didn’t know that it was my daughter, a narrow circle knew, and those who didn’t thought that Yarmolenko had found some girl and was messing around.

M. Markov: Well, you had a lot of students, at least.

A. Yarmolenko: Yes. And I went out with her and sang. She had already sung “Zhavaronachka” before, she was already famous. She says she can sing with you. And this is how the song sounded, you know, this is the touch of the master: he said it, and to this day we practically can’t sing this song without Alesya, because we get lost.

M. Markov: There was some kind of yellow stuff, as if in 1975-1976 your team was saved by a messenger from Pesnyary, Valentin...

A. Yarmolenko: Badyarov.

M. Markov:...Valentin Badyarov, yes.

A. Yarmolenko: He was, he worked for us.

M. Markov: What is the actual story? Did he really save the team? Should you have been disbanded, as some publications write?

A. Yarmolenko: Yes, no one wanted to disband us. We were on the Soyuzconcert schedule and were provided with tours. We just admire “Pesnyaro” when in Tashkent, while on tour, my musician Tolya Shchitov says: “The Singing Guitars have arrived here.” There is one person working there, this Valentin, who was in Pesnyary, he is a musician, he went with Mulyavin to some conflicts, and they separated. And he, such an ambitious guy, seemed interested in what kind of team this was. But then Valentin came to us, listened to our recordings and offered to work with him, to move to Minsk for us. I said: “We can’t go to Minsk, because we are in the Gomel Philharmonic. If you want, come to us, we will make you musical director" He had a conservatory behind him. Do you know what it’s like for a provincial team when someone who worked in Pesnyary comes...

M. Markov: From a famous group.

A. Yarmolenko:...from a famous group. It was very prestigious. I went and introduced him everywhere, went into all the offices in Moscow, and said: “Here we have someone working from Pesnyarou.” This was a different attitude.

M. Markov: That is, the name was already working.

A. Yarmolenko: This helped a lot at that time, which gave him the right to say that he saved. And he worked. He immediately began to change the team, inviting other musicians from Minsk, justifying this by the fact that those were worse and those were better. The team is somewhat higher than the musician himself. There is a spirit of the Syabry team, and the guys fulfilled their task. And such confusion began. He wanted to change almost everyone, but then it turned out that all the guys wanted to leave him. I also wrote a statement and said I won’t work with him.

M. Markov: But he said that you would die without him. Was that a line he said as he left?

A. Yarmolenko: Yes, I said right away when he left that we would die. But the team exists and lives.

M. Markov: Still. Yes.

M. Markov: Anatoly Ivanovich, starting from the 90s, when the collapse had already begun, many clones immediately appeared from “Gems”, from “Leisya, song”, and even “Pesnyarou” did not escape this fate in the future. Where are your clones? Have they ever been there at all?

A. Yarmolenko: Why are there no clones? Obviously, because we have a rather strict system for organizing work in our team. With all my natural softness, I said, we will use all these newfangled trends, styles, rhythms, sounds exactly as much as it can fit into this image - the Syabry ensemble. That is, everyone has the right to realize themselves on the material they want, and together we are the Syabry ensemble with its own traditional sound.

"If you work in this genre and you want to be loved, make sure that they really love you and come to your concerts"

M. Markov: Anatoly Ivanovich, are you a dictator in your profession?

A. Yarmolenko: I guess, yes. Definitely. And I believe that nothing can be different, in any area.

M. Markov: But for creative team Is this not an obstacle to development?

A. Yarmolenko: But I am such a lyrical, soft, democratic dictator, so to speak.

M. Markov: Anatoly Ivanovich, you said that talent must feed itself. But I heard that there was an attempt again, as it were, to go under the wing of the state. Is this reality or rumors?

A. Yarmolenko: No, we didn’t have such an attempt, we didn’t ask in principle, because we adapted to work...

M. Markov: But I just, excuse me, have a hard time imagining that some philharmonic bosses are over you now.

A. Yarmolenko: There will always be someone to lead, the main thing is not to interfere. Here I am reading ours creative artists, colleagues, they write that we lack this and that, they don’t come to see us, there are a lot of Russians there and so on. If you go on stage, if you work in this genre and you want to be loved, make sure that they really love you and come to your concerts. The viewer will never pay in rubles for something he doesn’t like, then he won’t go. If you do everything right and you are interesting, he will come and support you your creativity. But walking with an outstretched hand and asking: give me this, help me, I don’t have it there, or organize spectators - this is a path to nowhere. I know many guys who were supported in one way or another by someone there, sponsors, either Russian or ours, gave money, but the money ran out, the glory ran out.

M. Markov: Anatoly Ivanovich, here are the words from the song, I am sure that you know this song very well: “If you love our dear Belarus, you need to visit different lands.” Spiteful critics to a certain extent say: “Well, how can it be, well, in fact, Yarmolenko is a brand of Belarus, a symbol of Belarus, and his daughter, son, and grandson live abroad.” Have you ever gotten sidelong glances for this?

A. Yarmolenko: Well, first of all, this is not entirely accurate information. My son is 45 years old. He worked and now works in the Syabry team.

M. Markov: I looked on the website, they are all in your team.

A. Yarmolenko: Yes. He lived in Belarus continuously until he was 40, then he met a girl. She turned out to be our countrywoman and lives abroad. They signed, and now he lives in two countries and comes here.

M. Markov: That is, he comes here for concerts.

A. Yarmolenko: For absolutely all shootings, and more here than there happens, but for some it’s profitable to present it this way. My daughter is here, my grandson is studying at the Kizhevatov Art College, and he (grandson Anatoly) is constantly here and works with me in the team. Therefore, no matter how much I would like to present it to someone in a different color...

M. Markov: Thank you for clarifying this.

A. Yarmolenko:…absolutely. There are situations in every person's life. That's how it is with Alesya. She had such a situation that her husband was sent to work in Vienna and had a contract for three years. And he took Alesya with him because she was his wife. And Alesya says: “Dad, I’ll take the baby there.” No matter how much I would like it, the child should be with his mother.

M. Markov: Anatoly Ivanovich, have you ever thought about moving abroad?

A. Yarmolenko: I myself could leave on different occasions; I had different life circumstances. And here, not everything was smooth for me, I had some options. I am a man of my country, my people. I sing songs here and when I go out I represent my country. This is what I have done and will always do.

M. Markov: Is someone responsible for your personal image?

A. Yarmolenko: Well, this is my wife for the first time, now Alesya controls everything for me. And then, having such mentors, in this regard, I have already learned something myself.

M. Markov: But are they still demanding that there be polish?

A. Yarmolenko: In general, they taught me this, and I myself basically knew, because when you are in the public eye, you cannot afford any... Sometimes, of course, you want to relax and go out wrong, not paying attention to your appearance. But I think it should be this way. This can be done at the dacha. I have a dacha, no one knows where it is. It is simple, in a simple place, an ordinary dacha. I come there when I’m sad and want to get away from all the fuss, I calmly walk there, even in shorts, even in a T-shirt, in whatever you want, and I work on the ground, I’ll tinker with something, I’ll build something, I’ll correct something, I'll cut the grass. And this has its own thrill.

M. Markov: Does your wife help? Is she with you all the time?

A. Yarmolenko: My wife helps. Yes. She is in charge.

M. Markov: But I know such an interesting story from your youth. Have you already met future wife. You met her in Bobruisk.

A. Yarmolenko: Yes, on tour in Bobruisk.

M. Markov: You were ready to introduce her to your mother, and at the same time, returning from another tour, you find out that at home you have a completely different girl from the Kazakh Ust-Kamenogorsk.

A. Yarmolenko: Yes Yes. There were two girls.

M. Markov: And she said that you are going to get married.

A. Yarmolenko: I also met her on tour and invited her to come on tour with me, because the tour in Kazakhstan lasted 4 months. From Ust-Kamenogorsk she was supposed to come to me in Tselinograd, then she forgot, they didn’t let me in, so she decided this way... A good girl, of course. So we arrived, and Raya (not my wife at the time, but my girlfriend) did a very good job. She saw that her rival was sitting, she made a very correct everyday move. She took my mother’s arm and said: “Come on, Mom, he’ll figure it out.” And this word “mother”...

M. Markov: And this played a key role.

A. Yarmolenko: Yes. And she has already become one with her. She and I have been living together for 45 years.

M. Markov: Give me advice on how to live your whole life with one person, like you and Raisa Ivanovna. What's the secret?

A. Yarmolenko: Patience and respect for each other. It's very difficult. Because this is a university of life, of life together, this is a very complex institution in which you need to constantly study, constantly understand each other and sometimes endure. I'm actually a home builder, to be honest. I like it to be as I said. And not every woman can stand this. Here I also believe that women are to blame for everything. They do not know how to be the keeper of the family hearth, they lose this ability, they put their external forms first.

M. Markov: And the external effect.

A. Yarmolenko: And the external effect. But interest in this quickly passes, although everyone buys into it, and then it begins living together. And thus they themselves lower this bar for this family, and then they suffer.

"I dream of singing a duet with Paul McCartney"

M. Markov: Media figures often monetize their fame. You have, well, let’s say, an alternate airfield, which is not big business or maybe a big business that allows you to look into the future with complete calm?

A. Yarmolenko: Unfortunately, I do not belong to the category of businessmen, which is why my Russian friends have recently expressed bewilderment: how come you don’t have a business here... My business is what I do. This is my business.

M. Markov: As they say, you are “Syabry”, and “Syabry” is you. Do you have a real friend?

A. Yarmolenko: Actually, there is someone to turn to.

M. Markov: Can you name who?

A. Yarmolenko: No, I won't, because I will offend others.

M. Markov: Have you ever thought, following the example of your Russian colleagues with your experience, with your fame, to make a political career?

A. Yarmolenko: You need to change your profession. This is a completely different profession. As a responsible person, I would plunge headlong into this and lose this profession.

M. Markov: In your opinion, art is beyond politics?

A. Yarmolenko: Art is attracted to politics, that is, politicians use art, I would rather say so.

M. Markov: November 15 - 69 years old, and at the same time you are in amazing shape. How do you assess this yourself: is it genetics or is it still a certain diet and care of your women?

A. Yarmolenko: Well, it's just work. Because getting up and doing exercises is work, closing your mouth and not eating is work.

M. Markov: This is the hardest work.

A. Yarmolenko: Yes, hard work. But all this must be done, although not everything works out for me.

M. Markov: Anatoly Ivanovich, what could you have become if you had not become an artist?

A. Yarmolenko: As a child, I wanted to be a driver. Getting behind the wheel and driving, I still love it.

M. Markov: Have you really dreamed of singing a duet with Paul McCartney?

A. Yarmolenko: I still dream, but I didn’t sing with him. This is the dream of every musician of my generation.

M. Markov: What is your favorite Belarusian song?

A. Yarmolenko: I think it was “Zorka Venus”, which I sang first. For some reason it seems to me perfection both from the point of view of Bogdanovich’s poetry and from the point of view of melody.

M. Markov: What modern young Belarusian groups do you like?

A. Yarmolenko: It’s interesting how “J-Mors” works, I watched fragments of him with the Presidential Orchestra now.

M. Markov: Whose last concert did you go to?

A. Yarmolenko: Well, recently I was at a concert of young performers from the same music school on Kizhevatova. There are brilliant young guys there.

M. Markov: How do you assess that today there are practically no young performers and groups who could, in principle, be compared with “Syabrami”, “Verasami”, “Pesnyarami”?

A. Yarmolenko: I don't think so. I think they exist, we just haven’t discovered them yet.

M. Markov: The national selection for Eurovision is now starting, applications are being accepted. What is missing Belarusian performers to win this competition?

A. Yarmolenko: Belarusian performers are content with the fact that for the most part, that’s how I remember, when I was in the qualifying rounds, I asked: “Why weren’t you prepared?” In response: “The main thing for me is that they show it.”

M. Markov: To be shown on TV.

A. Yarmolenko: Yes, and that's enough. We are unlikely to surprise anyone with anything, because everything has already been done in a much more interesting way, with greater possibilities.

M. Markov: Maybe we should still rely on authenticity, on Belarusianness?

A. Yarmolenko: I think that we need to focus on Belarusianness. You need to be original, and that's what's missing there.

M. Markov: The question itself arose immediately. Why did Alesya never apply for the national selection?

A. Yarmolenko: And this is because Alesya has the opportunity to realize her potential with us. What is this all for? In order to be realized. In general, we made it out of Eurovision Olympic Games. No need to do this. You can perform well and not win first place, but make yourself known well. Because assessments are not always objective. You understand perfectly well.

M. Markov: Very often, especially lately.

A. Yarmolenko: Yes, even more so lately.

M. Markov: In your opinion, do Belarusian performers need a market or government support?

A. Yarmolenko: They must be able to realize themselves, present themselves and learn how to do it.

M. Markov: And don't rely on anyone.

A. Yarmolenko: And don't get your hopes up.

M. Markov: And for you modern Art Is it primarily creativity or business?

A. Yarmolenko: And here the fusion is so healthy, there should be a mixture. Because today nothing can happen without commerce. And it is right. It makes you spin, it makes you work.

M. Markov: You once said that life has taught that all sorts of expensive gifts then they come out sideways. What is the most expensive gift you have received in your life?

A. Yarmolenko: A gift of fate is that I have a wonderful family, children and grandchildren. This is the most best gift. And there is good job, where I can forget about everything. So, no matter what my mood, I really find an outlet there. I close myself in the studio, I have a lot of offers, I start singing. This is my gift from above, the fact that I enjoy it.

M. Markov: Anatoly Ivanovich, thank you for the sincere and kind conversation. I would like to once again congratulate you on your birthday and wish that your dreams, all the dreams that exist, and, thank God, that they exist, and, thank God, that they come true gradually, that they are present in your life, and Let this be a good, pleasant addition to a good family and to the love that is present there.

A. Yarmolenko: Thank you! Very nice. To you too.

M. Markov: Thank you!

Many people scold modern music because she became the same type. The now popular club rhythms have already become boring even for young people. Alesya Yarmolenko relied on other compositions. Her songs are sensual and beautiful. That is why it has earned popularity not only in Belarus, but also far beyond its borders. This singer proves that listeners now have a demand for melodic and beautiful songs.


From childhood, Alesya (real name Olga) knew what the stage was. She often toured with her father, who led the Syabry ensemble. Singer Alesya Yarmolenko, whose biography is very interesting, has gravitated toward the stage since childhood, despite the fact that her father warned her against it in every possible way. She performed at children's festivals and competitions. The girl loves to remember her childhood and eagerly talks about it.

She was an independent girl, as she lived with her grandmother most of the time. Parents constantly toured (Alesya was born in 1976, the same time when “Syabry” received the status of VIA). Many children of celebrities talk about resentment towards their parents for their constant absence. Alesya Yarmolenko understood the reasons for the absence of her relatives. Her father remains one of the most important people in her life today.


Alesya's school years passed in a friendly atmosphere. She ended up in a friendly class and still remembers her time studying with warmth. Alesya Yarmolenko was an excellent student, despite the fact that she was bad at exact sciences. Like all children, she had periods of reluctance to study, but with the help of her grandmother she easily overcame them. In high school, Alesya toured a lot, but this was a problem only during her studies in Gomel. Later in Minsk no one was against the frequent absence of the schoolgirl.

After graduation high school before future singer there was a choice - who to be. Initially, she wanted to enter a medical institute, but one day, on her way to courses for applicants, Alesya Yarmolenko decided to find out what specialties were available at the Institute of Culture. She never showed up at medical school again. In parallel with her studies, Alesya built her career. She was already recognizable in Belarus. The dean’s grandson, who was an ardent admirer of young Alesya’s work, volunteered to present her with a diploma with his own hand.


Singer Alesya Yarmolenko calls the official start of her career the performance of the song “Larks” on Belarusian language. She recorded her first album in 1995. It was called "Alesya". The singer loves her pseudonym very much and often uses it in the titles of songs and albums. This name connects her with her father and his work. For a long time Any of the singer’s successes were associated with the presence of an influential father, but the girl’s perseverance and determination helped refute all the rumors. Today no one says that Alesya owes everything to her father.

Now she not only builds solo career, but also often performs with the Syabry ensemble. Almost every Belarusian radio station broadcasts her songs every day. Most of all, the singer loves to perform in holiday projects: filming for New Year’s broadcasts of Belarusian channels or taking part in the Russian “Song of the Year”. One of Alesya’s main achievements was receiving the national Francis Skaryna medal. She was awarded it in 2012.


In Belarus, almost everyone knows who Alesya Yarmolenko is. Her biography has been associated with VIA “Syabry” since an early age. When the girl was 14 years old, a turning point occurred. At that time, "Syabry" was not worried best time, many musicians left the band. Anatol Yarmolenko Sr., Alesya’s father, then decided to involve his daughter in one of the filmings. It was impossible to refuse this performance, but to perform in in full force the ensemble couldn't. Then the girl became the keyboard player of the famous VIA.

The pseudonym was born to Olga after listening to one of the most famous songs ensemble. It's called "Alesya". Probably everyone living in the post-Soviet space has heard it. First stage image Alesi fit the epithets from this song perfectly. The “Wizard of the Forest” was a young girl with discreet makeup and two pigtails.


Anatoly Ivanovich’s main merit is his approach to raising children. Alesya often mentions in interviews that she was never pressured. WITH early childhood the girl felt that she and her brother were loved by their parents. Anatol Ivanovich did not want his daughter to seriously pursue a stage career, but later he reconciled himself, because the girl knew how much work she would have to put into her performances.

It is thanks to her father’s upbringing that Alesya has absolutely no star fever. She happily answers all questions from reporters and agrees to take part in television programs even on small channels. Ales Yarmolenko attracts listeners with her simplicity and optimism. Her songs are loved not only in Belarus, but also in Ukraine, Russia and other neighboring countries. The singer regularly tours and attends television programs. She is an excellent cook, so she is invited not only to concert programs, but also to cooking shows, where she often appears with her father.

First husband

Alesya met her first husband, producer Sergei Lipen, thanks to her father. She was then only 20, and he was 29. Despite the fact that they were initially different in their views on life, the couple existed for 13 years. In the marriage, the singer had a son, whom she named Anatole in honor of his father. It was the child who gave impetus to the couple’s divorce. Sergei and Alesya had different methods of education, which the singer did not like very much.

In one of candid interviews the singer shared that one day she simply decided to put an end to the relationship, because she felt that family life became a heavy burden for both partners. Despite the fact that Sergei was offended by Alesya’s frankness at the time of the breakup, now ex-spouses communicate calmly. Sergei regularly sees his son.

Second marriage

Little is known about the singer’s second marriage. Fans were the first to know that Alesya had remarried and was happy. Even reporters did not know about the wedding and the identity of the singer’s new husband. In one of social networks Alesya posted her photo on her wedding day and put Family status"Married". The singer did not want to answer numerous questions from reporters. She decided that her personal life should remain secret.

You can find several photographs online showing Alesya Yarmolenko and her husband. Each of them shows that the couple is absolutely happy. Anatol Ivanovich approved this time of Alesya’s choice, in one of cooking shows he said that he would be happy to visit the newlyweds, because Leonid (the second husband) is a very good cook. Today it has become known that Alesya’s chosen one is Leonid Minets. He is the owner of the BelMuz TV channel and is engaged in own business- selling advertising opportunities.

Son Anatole

The singer's son followed in the footsteps of his mother and grandfather. He is with youth gravitates toward music and creativity. In 2013, Alesya and her new husband moved to Vienna, Anatole went with them. There the child studies guitar, arrangements and choreography. He studies at the embassy school and has excellent academic performance in all subjects.

Sergei reacted favorably to Alesya’s decision to move; he often takes his son on vacation and communicates with him daily via video calls. The family is often visited by Alesya's parents - mother Raisa and father Anatol.

In 2009, Anatol Yarmolenko Jr. won the Prize audience choice at the festival "Children's New wave" About his passion for music, he says that it is very serious. Alesya's son wants to achieve everything himself. His mother and grandfather are true role models for him.