How to place bets in bookmakers and win? We bet on sports! How to deceive a bookmaker: all known methods Register with a bookmaker.

British sports columnist Ben Halls prepared for VICE Sports a study of how major bookmakers struggle with successful players who regularly win large sums. “Bookmakers Rating” translates the material for its reader. The thoughts and points of view expressed in the material belong to its author and are not necessarily shared by the editorial staff of RB.

I came across indignant messages on several gambling resources. They claimed that bookmakers began to more often limit players on bets. When players tried to bet a ten on one horse or another, the bet was rejected and they were only asked to bet a few pounds. Some even wrote about how they were suddenly informed that they could no longer place bets - their accounts were closed by the decision of traders. Many such people were asked to show everything from their passport to bank statements before they could withdraw their winnings.

Most cases had a banal explanation. Some players have become innocent victims of bookmakers' crackdown on fraud; others were caught in difficult terms and conditions user agreement, which are commonly found with bookmakers (and some of which are currently being investigated by the UK Competition and Markets Authority).

A minority, however, believed that their accounts were closed simply because they were winning.

These are professional bettors who take risks large sums, and, as I managed to find out, are at the center of the confrontation with bookmakers. Every week they bet thousands and sometimes tens of thousands of [pounds sterling. - approx. ed.] through a network of accounts registered to friends' bank details, in an ongoing game of cat and mouse with bookmakers.

But this war is just a flashpoint for a much more damaging change in the industry: how bookmakers identify and screen out winners to seemingly ensure that bets are accepted only from losing players.

There is one group of people [we are talking about the information space of the West. - approx. ed.], which firmly stands on the side of those who fell under the restrictions of bookmakers - Justice for Punters. This is a group of experienced bettors who are disappointed with the current state of the industry, and, as the name of their association suggests, want more consumer rights for bookmaker clients.

“Our group was created for two main reasons,” Brian commented to VICE Sports. chief representative groups. - One of them - abuse of people's personal data. What I mean: bookmakers use anti-money laundering and anti-underage gambling rules to avoid giving people away free bets to which they are entitled."

Confirmation of this, according to him, is that every time he contacted a bookmaker with a specific case of non-payment, and the media were ready to talk about the result of the proceedings, he had to wait a maximum of 48 hours for payment. Otherwise, the payment could take months, which the bookmaker took to check the player’s documents. Brian said that in one case, the bookmaker agreed to an immediate payment, but set the condition that an article about this dispute with the player should not be published: “isn’t this evidence?”

The principle of gambling is changing... Now you can only lose, and if you win, they won’t let you play.

“Another reason [for creating the group Justice for Punters. - approx. ed.] - unfair terms and conditions that allow bookmakers to allow people to open accounts, and then allow them to make only two or three bets. This is a change in the principle of gambling,” he added.

This seems to particularly upset Brian.

“The principle of gambling is changing,” he says. - Now gambling is no longer about winning or losing. Now you can only lose, and if you win, they won’t let you play ».

What he means is main problem successful players: their accounts are closed or limited by bookmakers beyond a reasonable limit. Now it's completely legal. There is no "right to bet" in the UK and bookmakers can and do weed out players at their discretion.

Of the five leading bookmakers I contacted, only one commented. Betfred said simply: "Ultimately we are a business and therefore seek to protect ourselves by managing our liabilities with certain customers." The result of this is a system in which bookmakers have every right to block winning customers and deal only with those who are prone to lose.

“If you study in any other area of ​​life, if you work hard at any job, if you are talented, you are not prohibited from doing it,” explains Brian, who claims to have observed many examples of this behavior from bookmakers.

…if you only bet singles, don’t bet expresses, you will be noted

“They [bookmakers. - approx. ed.] are very suspicious of those who bet on horse racing. I think more than those who bet on any other sport,” he continues, “and if you only bet single bets, don’t make double bets, don’t bet express bets, don’t bet Lucky 15, then they’ll immediately take note of you.” If you bet on horses at high odds, then you will be taken note of... If you regularly bet on horses whose odds drop after your bets, then they will take note of you.”

However, it is not only bets on horse races that attract the attention of bookmakers, and not only the winning ones for that matter. According to one major player who spoke with VICE Sports, no matter whether the score is okay, even just profitable bets may attract attention to you.

Kevin (this is not the real name of the interlocutor, used by him in order to protect himself and those whose bank accounts he uses in the game of bets) said: “At the moment when they feel - and they just need to feel, they don’t even need to prove anything, my “negative” accounts were closed - when they think “this guy might know that he does... Okay, he loses, but he can start winning...". If they have this feeling, then your account is closed.”

Kevin is a successful handicapper. He followed his chosen sport closely and found that he was good at betting on a handicap to win. Ten years ago, Kevin started playing and invested £1 thousand ($1.2 thousand) in a system he developed. Gradually, as profits increased, he increased the rate. A few years later he was playing at full strength, betting £2.5 thousand pounds (more than $3 thousand) on average per game. Every week Kevin could easily risk more than £30 thousand ($36.6 thousand), and betting this money with bookmakers was a problem. He placed about half of the amounts on exchanges, and made the remaining bets through a network of accounts registered to friends who provided him with their personal data.

He is forced to use these fake accounts because, due to his betting history, he has either been blocked by every major online bookmaker or his maximum amount the bets were so cut that he could not bet the required £2.5 thousand per match in total. He has turned the creation of these accounts into a real art.

“When I ask them to give me data debit card, I also ask them to give a copy of the passport or driver's license and then the bill for public utilities, and on the same day I go to open accounts in all the offices where I play, and there are about 20 of them,” explains Kevin.

After opening an account, he makes a small deposit and withdrawal in an attempt to preempt any major identity checks later on when there is more, much more money in the account.

"Usually I I test each account to understand what they expect from me, to make sure that everything suits them. Then, after placing a bet of the desired amount, if I win, I withdraw £2,000 and at the same time I want to make sure that there are no problems.”

Kevin isn't the only one using this strategy. Another professional player the person I spoke to does the same thing.

John (again, not his real name) bets on horse racing, and this is his constant source of income. He was worried about his business, so he was not ready to talk about it in detail. John only agreed to speak on the record about general essence what he does.

In a conversation with him, however, the modus operandi of the players making high stakes. He also operates a network of fake bookmaker accounts and uses the personal information of trusted friends in exchange for a share of the profits. He even makes the point that they technically “put together.” If he had to pay them for access, this could be classified as a taxable service, whereas in the UK all winnings are gambling ah are exempt from tax.

Talking to people like John and Kevin, you understand that their attitude to their work is somewhere between impudence and indifference. Much like people smoking weed, they don't think about the fact that they are breaking the law because they believe they are doing something that shouldn't be illegal. Blocked winning bettors seem to believe that they are doing so only because the bookmakers themselves are pushing them to do so.

They also agree that they wouldn't do it, but they have to do it, and can offer a solution to the problem. Justice for Punters, for example, wants the Australian “Fair go” principle. According to this rule, bookmakers are required to accept bets with potential winnings up to a fixed amount and cannot refuse to accept such a bet. The magic sum announced in the circles of large players is potential winnings up to £500 ($611), that is, a bet of £250 ($305) on equally likely events and £50 ($61) on events with odds of 11.0.

At present, however, there is nothing of the kind either in the books or in research work, and it doesn't look like there will be any changes. The UK Gambling Commission, which issues gaming licenses, compares weeding out winning players to other businesses that refuse to deal with high-risk customers.

In a statement to VICE Sports, the regulator said: " Companies are free to choose with whom to do business" Gambling operators who reject bets from individual customers act in the same way as other types of businesses, e.g. Insurance companies who may refuse to enter into a contract with a client based on an assessment of commercial risk. At the same time, the CMA says that since no current law against blocking winning players, they can't do anything.

Bookmakers are free to choose with whom to do business

Both also condemned the use of accounts registered under other people's documents to continue betting after blocking as a “commercial risk.”

The Gambling Commission is entitled to this view. Even Brian and Justice for Punters don't count on endless payouts from bookmakers and, interestingly, when they hear about the problem of a person who can't bet £30,000, they don't show much sympathy for him. It all comes down to the issue of fairness.

Bookmaking is very profitable business. Profit, according to the latest accounts, is approximately £450 million ($550 million), and they report profits of £260-280 million ($318-342 million) for 2016.

With the amount of money that bookmakers can make - far more than any group of winning gamblers could ever scrape for themselves - it's definitely wrong to target smart gamblers.

Of course, adopting the Fair Go rule will not benefit most casual players who are not subject to the restrictions imposed on large players. For us mere mortals, betting £30k on a weekend and living off it looks like paperback fluff - escapism in its own right. at its best. Talking to those for whom this is a reality, you can understand that they apply the “everyone argument” in the same way as politicians do: measures that are actually intended to help the elite are presented as necessary for all ordinary people.

However, bookmaking used to be about taking bets, balancing winners and losers, giving customers a chance to win. Now, as Brian correctly noted, bookmakers have reconsidered their behavior.

With the ability to limit the winners and deal with the persistent losers, companies don't have to worry about creating a balance sheet. They just have to print money, selling the dream of “the Ladbrokes life” or “join the world's largest community sports betting” before excluding those who get too close from this dream.

This is not bookmaking because it is unfair, although it is legal. Should an industry that gets so much from so many have unlimited power to ensure a perpetual one-way market?

We created MetaRating so that you don't have to collect scattered information about bookmakers all over the Internet. Now, to find out the weighted average rating of a particular company and read all the reviews about it, you only need to go to one site. will give you the most objective numbers based on data from all leading betting sites, as well as player reviews and ratings.

Main directions of the Metaratings site

Bookmaker rating based on meta-evaluation- an objective and regularly updated top of the best bookmakers according to Runet experts. The rating is designed to help players choose a reliable site for betting on sports on the Internet, having received comprehensive information about the bookmaker.

Bookmaker reviews— the most complete digest of reviews of bookmakers from around the Internet. All reviews are divided into positive, negative and neutral. Based on player reviews and ratings, we have created a custom meta rating of bookmakers.

Forecasts for Sport— the brain center of our site. Here specialists and experts regularly share best forecasts and bets on upcoming matches and sporting events. analysts provide free forecasts for football, hockey, tennis, basketball, volleyball, boxing MMA and other sports.

Betting school— educational materials about proper game in bookmakers' offices. Not only beginners, but also experienced betters can learn something new. Explanation and types of bookmaker bets, operating principles of bookmakers, formation and movement of odds in a line, strategies, useful tips online betting and much more.

Sports news and analytics— review of upcoming and past sporting events, current news from the bookmaker industry. Betting on football and analysis of football tournaments is the main focus of greatest attention. Other sports also do not go unnoticed, like any other important information about betting.

Make sports betting safer for yourself with!

Many sports fans already place bets at bookmakers. Want to join? “Bookmakers Rating” will help you figure out how to start betting on sports and not lose the entire bank at once.

When a person first comes to a bookmaker, he finds himself in a world of incomprehensible numbers, abbreviations and specific designations. However, not everyone dares to even look into a betting office or register with a bookmaker. There is something forbidden about this.

Remember: It's okay to bet on sports. The main thing is to approach the game correctly.

Set the right goal

Sports betting is entertainment. You have to pay for it, like you pay for a roller coaster ride or going to a bar for a beer. You will win and lose. Moreover, you will almost certainly lose more than you earn. Treat losing as payment for entertainment.

The question that worries every newbie: Is it possible to make money betting on sports?? Yes, you can. For example, they bring profit. Although now this activity is more difficult than 10 years ago. Those who assess the probability of events also make money at a distance better than the bookmaker and does.

There are other ways that at a minimum contradict the rules of bookmaker companies, and at a maximum, the law. Such classes have one thing in common: it is a full-time job that takes a lot of time. If you bet occasionally, do not have deep knowledge of narrow leagues or insights from athletes, are not savvy in mathematics, it is better to immediately accept that in sports betting you will pay for adrenaline.

Determine your betting bank

You need to immediately decide how much you are willing to risk with the bookmaker. Don't exceed your limit no matter what. Those who make money on bets have large funds in circulation in numerous accounts. If you want to enjoy the game, get by with the amount you are willing to spend on beer at a Friday night bar.

Forget about betting bank deposits or money received from the sale of a car or apartment. Gambling addiction clinics around the world are full of those who do this.

Learn the terminology and rules of sports betting

Understanding the types of bets and the rules for calculating them is the main thing you need to do before crossing the PPP threshold or registering on the site.

Helps you learn the terminology and types of bets. You will learn how to play in a bookmaker's office with ours. You will find the rules of each individual bookmaker on its website - you should study them carefully before making your first bet.

Choose a bookmaker

Every bookmaker company welcomes a new client. There is no need to rush into choosing. Offices differ in such parameters as:

  • the value of the coefficients;
  • line: selection of sports, tournaments and events;
  • painting: selection of bets;
  • available payment and withdrawal methods;
  • legality and accessibility in Russia;
  • richness of live;
  • site convenience, bonuses, support service and so on.

This will help you figure it out. Play only in bookmakers with a rating of 5 or 4! We recommend that Russians place bets with legal online bookmakers. Roskomnadzor will not block them, and the state will not block payments: you will have peace of mind for your money.

Select sport and tournaments

When you win your first money, you feel the urge to bet on everything. Even what I first learned about on the bookmaker’s website. This will waste money and is unlikely to bring satisfaction.

Choose to play those sports and competitions that you are interested in outside the bookmaker's office.

If there is only the Saudi Arabian Basketball Championship live, you should wait for games involving teams whose strength you can assess.

We figured out how a beginner can start betting on sports. Now we will share with you tips that will come in handy during the game.

Avoid betting unaffordable amounts

The beauty of sport is that it is unpredictable. No matter how ironclad the rate may seem, don’t get too excited and don’t put half your salary on it. Think about the situation you will be in if she loses.

Don't bet on everything

Carefully analyze the most attractive matches and betting options, instead of “shoving” one after another. This way you are more likely to save the bank, and even remain in the black at the end of the day.

Don't make hasty bets

This is especially dangerous in live. Time is running, the coefficients change. How can I sit here? It's hard, but it's necessary. Be prepared to wait at the monitor for half an hour or an hour until you “catch” a really good offer.

Listen to, but decide for yourself

In every field there is someone who knows better. However, do not rush to blindly follow the advice of experts. They only share their opinion on how the match will turn out. Your task: collect the opinions of experts you trust, identify trends in forecasts and take them into account in your analysis.

Don't act out

The temptation to instantly return what you missed minutes earlier is terribly strong. Don't give in! You can't act out. Betting in the heat of the moment will not bring you any pleasure, and it will definitely not be profitable over the long haul. Wait worthwhile bets and act gradually, without going all-in to compensate for all the minuses at once.

Do not believe in agreements and win-win strategies

Sports betting strategies that guarantee winnings are as much a myth as match-fixing from online sellers. Yes, that too. Does not exist win-win strategy for gambling, otherwise this business would not flourish. Betting on forks or counting cards in blackjack is no longer a game, but a job. And it also comes with risks.

If you depend on chance, there can be no guaranteed winning strategies. These are fairy tales for the gullible.

Should you bet on sports?

If you love sports and don't need money, this activity will help you have fun and combine watching matches with gambling.

If you are thinking about how to survive until payday or pay off a loan for an iPhone, then it’s better not to. You will almost certainly make your financial problems worse.

Homer Simpson said: “I know where you can get money with almost no risk! At the bookmaker's." Don't be a Homer - bet wisely.

Before placing bets in bookmakers, a novice player needs to learn a number of concepts, without which it will be difficult to comprehend the basics of sports betting.

By betting 100 rubles on Arsenal, you can win 400 rubles.

In turn, the outcome can be for one event ( single bet or single), and maybe an “express” - this is also a bet, but on several events independent of each other. A participant wins an express when all the events in it were correctly predicted, but if at least one of them did not come true, this means a loss.

Team 1 Team 2 Victory 1 Draw X Victory 2
Spartacus Zenith 2.0 2.5 2.6
Dnieper Dynamo K 2.8 3.2 3.5
Bayer Bavaria 2.1 2.6 3.4

For example, by placing a bet of 100 rubles on three outcomes: the victory of Zenit, the victory of Dynamo K and Bayern - the player can win: 2.6 * 3.5 * 3.4 * 100 = 3094 rubles, but if one of the specified teams plays a draw or loses - the entire bet also loses.

  • A system is a combination of several express bets. The participant places bets on several different games, if more than half of them win, then he will be in the black.
  • Total is a bet not on the result of the match, but on a certain event in it, for example, the total number of goals scored, yellow cards etc. There are three total betting options: over, under and equal. In other words, the participant, depending on the odds, determines what is better to bet on at the bookmaker - either both teams will score more goals than the number indicated on the line, or less, or perhaps by the exact number of goals.

Basic designations

To place a bet at a bookmaker, you also need to know how to mark it correctly. In most bookmakers, the outcomes are indicated as follows:

  • victory of the first team (hosts) – 1;
  • winnings of the second team (guests) – 2;
  • draw – X;
  • victory of the first team or draw – 1X;
  • guest win or draw – X2;
  • bet on a game taking into account the advantage – F. A handicap is a win (positive) or loss (negative) of a team, expressed in the number of goals scored, goals, sets played, etc., which the office provides to the bettor. In simple words, after the result of the game, the participant adds the specified handicap to the goals or points. If in the end the total of goals matches the bet, then he wins.

For example, the handicap for the game is set as follows: Team 1 (-1.5) 1.7 - Team 2 (+1.5) 1.8. If you bet on the second team, it turns out that the team will lose a maximum of one goal, win or draw. The match ends with the score 2:1. By adding the second team's handicap of 1.5, we get 2:2.5 and win the bet.

A few rules for beginners

Before placing bets at a bookmaker's office, it is recommended to set some rules for yourself.

First of all, set a strict limit on the amount of money you don’t mind spending on bets. You should constantly monitor all events and be aware of all possible nuances regarding the games where you plan to place bets.

Don’t forget to look at the statistics of teams or athletes, read articles about them, because the more information you know about the participants in the competition, the more knowledge you have to correctly predict the outcome of the match. The main thing for a beginner to remember is that you cannot always be 100% sure of the outcome. Moreover, if you bet on the favorite, you won’t earn much, since low odds will always be given for it.

Another reason why you shouldn’t bet on obvious favorites: firstly, the odds are low, and secondly, the leader does not always win, he can play a draw or even lose. Therefore, experienced players recommend not to do it right away big bets on the favorite, because the loss may be too big.

It is recommended to play at large and well-known bookmakers. They value their reputation greatly and will not disappear the next day, taking the players’ money with them. In this regard, remember, seeing high odds in little-known offices, that free cheese only comes in a mousetrap.

Beginners should not immediately start with express bets, but first need to learn how to place and win simple bets on one event. If the player believes that he is ready to place a bet at a bookmaker on several events (express), then it is recommended to first select a small chain of events, no more than 2-3, with a coefficient of no higher than 2.

Never be led by your emotions. If all the bets are winning, that’s good, you can continue to play, but if on the contrary, one bet didn’t work, then the second, you don’t need to lose your composure and continue, because in this case you can lose absolutely everything and never win back.

It is recommended to always adhere to the chosen strategy - bet no more than a certain amount, increase the bet by so many percentages, play a certain number of times a week, etc. If a player begins to deviate from his own rules, this can end in disaster for him. There is no need to bet on your favorite athletes or favorite teams. If you look at things realistically, they don’t always win; as a result, you can lose your entire bank.

And most importantly: you should not allow yourself to be “drawn” into the game when it is already impossible to live even a day without betting. This could end very badly. You must always remember about family and friends. When do the first signs begin to appear? psychological problems, you need to find strength and take a break, forget about the bets for a while, be distracted by something else.

How to start playing

  • methods for replenishing your account and withdrawing funds. Are there any restrictions minimum amounts balance, what fees are set for transactions, etc.;
  • once again pay attention to the reliability and reputation of the company;
  • a list of events on which you can bet, the number of sports presented for betting;
  • additional services – poker, casino, etc.;
  • How the company implements a loyalty system for regular customers (bonuses for cooperation).

If the bookmaker’s office is satisfied with all of the above, then you can register on its website. To do this, you will need to spend a few minutes and fill out the appropriate form on the office’s page. There you will need to provide contact information, after which a password will be sent to the user’s e-mail to access your personal account.

With the development of the Internet, the vast majority of bookmakers moved their work to the World Wide Web, which simplified the gaming process and made it more accessible to inexperienced users. Many players, especially beginners, ask this question: “How to place bets in a bookmaker’s office?” The advice of numerous “experts” who offer to use their “super strategies” for a lot of money is intended mainly for gullible beginners, and does not at all guarantee success.

"Secrets" of bookmakers

There is no doubt that even if one had its own secrets, it clearly would not want to reveal them to the players. Bookmakers are obliged to carefully hide all their secrets, in otherwise they are simply facing ruin. If every gambler knew how to be sure to beat the bookmakers, then no one would be in the betting business.

Under no circumstances should you believe various charlatans who, for a lot of money, offer to reveal the secrets of bookmakers and get rich from it. The network is now confused a myriad of all kinds of “professional forecasters” and “cappers” who are only interested in the money of inexperienced players.

In order to trust all kinds of paid forecasts, you need to be completely sure that the person allegedly revealing the “secrets” himself has had a regular income from betting for a long time. All other options for placing bets at bookmakers - clean water quackery and fraud.

Secrets of successful bets

Unlike the secrets of bookmakers, many successful players, on the contrary, strive to tell everyone about the secrets of their success, and thanks to the widespread use of the Internet, almost everyone can easily get acquainted with and adopt them.

Of course, the secrets of players cannot guarantee that every bet made will be winning, since these are simply proven strategies and systems that only help to significantly reduce risks and increase the likelihood of winning, but do not guarantee it at all.

There are many betters who regularly win large sums even in the long term using their own or other people’s strategies. Information from these players is in free access online on specialized sites. Using the successful experience of others, you can quickly learn how to place bets correctly in bookmakers and receive a stable, regular income.

Effective management of your own bank

Every successful bet on a sporting event is determined not only by luck, but also by a number of factors:

  • Knowledge of the sport and teams.
  • In-depth analysis of the upcoming event.
  • Correct distribution of your own financial capabilities.

There are a huge number of strategies for managing the funds available on your balance sheet, allowing you to wait for the white one even when a “black streak” occurs, remaining afloat for a long time.

The most important thing is to correctly calculate the amount that you can safely spend without worrying too much if you lose. Risk everything family budget not only stupid, but also fraught with consequences. Experienced players recommend that before placing bets in bookmakers, determine maximum bet in an amount not exceeding 3-5% of the bank, which should not be increased even after a series of unsuccessful attempts.

Knowledge and analysis as the main trump cards

In order to as much as possible higher percentage bet was winning, you need to know how and what to bet on at a bookmaker's office. After all, not every sport is suitable for betting, as it is necessary:

  • Thoroughly know the rules of the game.
  • Understand the nuances and subtleties.
  • Be able to collect and correctly analyze information regarding a specific sporting event, which, of course, will take time.

The secrets to the constant profits of bookmaker companies lie in the fact that they either employ a whole staff of analysts themselves, or purchase analytical information from other companies. In addition, the odds for a particular sporting event are adjusted based on the number of bets placed on it.

Thus, having maximum information about the upcoming match, the presence of injured and disqualified players, financial condition clubs, before placing bets in bookmakers, it helps to determine the favorite of the match and win at the betting.

Betting for fun

There is no need to place a bet just to make watching the match more interesting and exciting for the following reasons:

  • If the bet doesn’t work, then you’ll hardly be able to enjoy it beautiful game and enjoy what is happening.
  • It will not be possible to evaluate and analyze the match impartially.

Based on these two reasons, we can highlight the main taboo for a successful player, how to place bets in bookmakers and win - not to bet on a match that is planned to be watched on TV.

An important factor leading to success is the player’s competence in the sport on which he bets. There is no point in betting on cricket or baseball, for example, if the player does not understand anything about these sports. Experienced players are advised to initially concentrate on one sport that is closest to the bettor, or even on any championship or club. This way you can collect the maximum detailed information, which will certainly increase the chances of success.

Teams and odds

One of the most important secrets of how to place bets correctly in bookmakers is to refuse to bet on your favorite team. Even if a player is well aware of the state of affairs in his favorite club and is able to draw the right conclusions from the information he has, most often he is not ready to restrain his emotions and place the right bet.

You should not chase high odds, as the desire to quickly win can lead to the opposite result. Play on high odds- it's too risky.

One of the most common mistakes made by novice players trying to learn how to place bets in bookmakers is following the advice of supposedly successful players. In practice, these people only collect money from beginners, without guaranteeing that they will receive truly working strategies or 100% winning bets.

In fact, successful betting requires a combination of three factors:

  • statistics;
  • knowledge;
  • analysis.

From keen eyes analysts of bookmaker companies do not miss a single detail that can influence the outcome of a particular sporting event, therefore, in order to beat the betting, you need to know as much about the match as they do.

Reasons for losses

The most common reason why a player loses a pot is bets made on emotions in favor of his favorite team. Every experienced bettor answers the question: “What is the best way to place bets in bookmakers?” will answer that this needs to be done with a cool head.

Also common reasons that prevent you from soberly assessing the situation are:

  • The influence of strangers when discussing rates. You should come to the office of the company only to place a bet, and not to discuss it.
  • Having a loved one It may well be that the odds are much higher in other bookmakers, but the player prefers to place bets in the company he is familiar with.
  • Availability of television broadcast. Many people like to bet precisely because the game can be watched on TV.

"Dark horses" and big bets

Under no circumstances should you bet on a team that the player knows nothing about. Before placing bets at bookmakers, you need to know that almost each of them allows you to choose from huge amount events, including exotic sports, mysterious championships, and teams that novice players have never heard of. Bets on the outcome of such events can only be made counting on luck, in order to tickle your nerves; counting on winning in this case is, to say the least, stupid.

There is also no point in doing too much big bet. After a series of several successful bets many players lose their heads and start taking unnecessary risks large sums. This could be the end of their career as bettors.