What is the color black in samp. Color Codes in Minecraft

Minecraft color codes, or Minecraft formatting codes, allow any player to add flowers and format text in every possible way directly in Minecraft. Color codes from &0-9 - to &a-f. Add them before your text. Messages from players can contain color codes that allow you to add color to your sentences.

Colors and formatting codes

The ampersand sign (&) followed by a hexadecimal number in messages signals the client to switch colors when displaying text. Additionally, text can be formatted with an & followed by a letter. You can add different colors to books, command blocks, server name, server description (motd), world names, signs, and even player names.

It's very easy to format your text in configs or in game using the color chart below. &r is used to reset all codes, i.e. &mAAA&rBBB will be displayed as AAA BBB.

We present a table of color codes in Minecraft for your convenience:

CodeNameTechnical NameSymbol colorSymbol shadow color
&0 Blackblack0 0 0 000000 0 0 0 000000
&1 Dark bluedark_blue0 0 170 0000AA0 0 42 00002A
&2 Dark greendark_green0 170 0 00AA000 42 0 002A00
&3 Dark blue-greendark_aqua0 170 170 00AAA0 42 42 002A2A
&4 Dark reddark_red170 0 0 AA000042 0 0 2A0000
&5 Dark purpledark_purple170 0 170 AA00AA42 0 42 2A002A
&6 Goldgold255 170 0 FFAA0042 42 0 2A2A00
&7 Greygray170 170 170 AAAAAA42 42 42 2A2A2A
&8 Dark greydark_gray85 85 85 555555 21 21 21 151515
&9 Blueblue85 85 255 5555FF21 21 63 15153F
&aGreengreen85 255 85 55FF5521 63 21 153F15
&bBlue-greenaqua85 255 255 55FFFF21 63 63 153F3F
&cRedred255 85 85 FF555563 21 21 3F1515
&dLight purplelight_purple255 85 255 FF55FF63 21 63 3F153F
&eYellowyellow255 255 85 FFFF5563 63 21 3F3F15
&fWhitewhite255 255 255 FFFFFF63 63 63 3F3F3F

Sometimes it is necessary underline, cross out, highlight some text. This is done using text formatting. It is used in exactly the same way as colors (we put before the text code, for example &lMinecraft = Minecraft.

For your convenience, below is a table of formatting codes:

&kMagic text
&mStrikethrough text
&nUnderlined text
&oItalic text
&rText without formatting

SA:MP is a cooperative Action from the 3rd person, or rather an online client, created on the basis of the famous game from Rockstar Games - Over time, the game began to lose its popularity, which is understandable: after all, it is more than 15 years old. But the developers breathed new life into it by adding a multiplayer mode in 2010. Hundreds of thousands of players continue to download and buy GTA. The SAMP game is distinguished by a huge number of servers that have different genres, which gives the game the opportunity not to get boring.

ID is an abbreviation that is used quite often in the vocabulary of SA:MP players. A lot of different data is marked with this word. ID is an identifier that is used in almost all information systems. In the game SA:MP ID marks skins and cars. Each number from 0 to 299 marks one of the skin numbers. Each number from 400 to 599 marks a vehicle. Simple calculations can show that in this game there are 300 types of different models for the player and exactly 200 cars (this includes tanks, planes, and even boats).

Car color IDs in SAMP

Not only a certain model is selected using the identification system - ID. It is also worth choosing, taking into account the correspondence of the coloring to his identification code, which is usually provided by sites and forums of the servers on which the player is located, but if suddenly the forum/site was not filled with this useful information, then you should contact one of the search engines that will definitely write out the color chart for the cars, as well as how these colors will look in the game, because it’s difficult to determine what kind of color “Marble Coral” is, isn’t it? The SA:MP game and its developers provided players with a new version of the client at the beginning of 2014, thereby solving the problem of many servers and introducing a couple of interesting updates. SA:MP 0.3z was the name of the new game client. It was released very urgently, because just before the New Year, absolutely all the servers in the SA:MP game began to be in a fever from attacks. A DoS attack is a hacker's machinations that are designed to overload the hosting on which the server is running, so that its functionality is compromised. Again, simply put, DOS hackers overload the server (hosting) with various commands, and it, in turn, begins emergency reboots due to too much information being received. It was with this version that the DOS attacks were stopped (at least such massive ones), but what else deserves attention are the new car color ids in SAMP.

Color combination

Many car models in the game have distinctive unique colors that can decorate the appearance of the owner's car and add respectability to it. Some organized crime groups, like street racers, may require a certain coloring. Different works are staged using combinations of car color ids in SAMP of two color schemes, example: 226/0 (lime-black). Each individual car model receives different designs. For example, Bullet and Phoenix get one main paint job, and the player chooses the color of the stripe that runs down the center along the car as a second color. There are, of course, those whose painting in two colors is impossible at once, since it is not provided for by the game developers (the problem is solved with the help of a replacement mod)


ID is exactly what is the basis of all information that everyone can use based on the SA:MP client. All of these are in the public domain, so the numbers of the same skin are not a secret even for an ordinary player. A huge plus of SA:MP is its universal accessibility. Perhaps this is what makes the game so popular among modern gamers, because only such projects as Dota 2, Counter Strike and the like compete with it. How to use car color IDs in SAMP is now extremely clear, and the game will only be a pleasure.

Computer games are one of the most popular ways to spend your free time. Immersing ourselves in the world of a video game, we forget about real problems and troubles, relax and have fun. And if this is an online game or a game in multiplayer mode, then its main advantage is that here you can meet many people from all over the world and find not just like-minded people, but also best friends. Want to know how game settings, down to the color in MTA, can affect your interactions with other players? Read on!

Features of the multiplayer mode

Have you ever wondered: how to adjust colors in MTA or some other game? None of the people who have ever had the opportunity to play an online game with a large number of players will deny that they want to show themselves in the best light in front of others. You can show off your character’s special, expensive things, stand out in your knowledge of gaming terminology, or simply customize the interface of your game so that it works better than that of inexperienced gamers.

Colors in "MTA" - what do you need to know?

If we talk about one of the versions of the multiplayer mode of the game "GTA: San Andreas", "MTA", then color plays a very important role here. The ability to customize the color of your nickname in MTA is one of the best skills that every beginning player should acquire.

So, to set up your nickname color, go to the "MTA: SA" application and click on the Settings option, then select your name, and then enter the desired color code right before it. In "MTA" there is a large palette of colors for nicknames. In the article we have included sample palettes from which you can choose the shade you like.

Now you know how you can stand out and make your nickname different from the nicknames of beginners and inexperienced players. Bright, it will distinguish you from ordinary gamers and attract more attention to you. Enjoy your game!