Performance “The Little Prince. "The Little Prince" in the "Circus of Miracles": reviews, tickets, plot Circus show the little prince

On September 30, the official premiere of the circus musical “The Little Prince” will take place - the first big show program in Russia based on legendary history. Star boy with golden hair, the touching and beautiful Rose, the faithful Fox, the unusual inhabitants of distant asteroids... All the heroes of the book by Antoine De Saint-Exupéry are looking forward to you to celebrate this grand holiday together! The celebration program includes: the premiere of the show, a festive buffet, a colorful photo shoot, gifts and surprises from the Circus of Miracles and the event’s partners. Guests of the evening will be representatives of leading media and Internet portals, famous bloggers, stars of the world of theater, cinema and television. “The Little Prince” at the Circus of Miracles is a show that will inspire you for a long time and will remain in your memory for a lifetime! main feature this performance is a symbiosis of various genres: a large circus show-musical is accompanied by laser, sand, light and music show. Spectators can expect real hits and new performances from circus stars, including juggling, acrobatics, aerial gymnastics, Sir's wheel, clownery, training (on stage: trained ferrets, roosters, bears, dogs, pigeons, a monkey and a donkey) and much more. The main roles on September 30 are stars of the world of music and theater: (finalist of “The Voice. Children”, representative of Russia at Junior Eurovision), Irina Ukhanova (host of “Revizorro”) and Evgeny Egorov (vocalist of the group “Epidemic”). Other performers of the role of the Little Prince are, and

From childhood, people try to believe in miracles, goodness, true friendship and sincere love. Faith in all these wonderful feelings is shattered by modern realities, which are sometimes very cruel. Only the most strong personalities These wonderful feelings remain inside. Many will agree with this. Judging by the reviews of “The Little Prince” from the “Circus of Miracles”, such a performance promotes these important feelings for a person of any age.

About the circus itself

“Circus of Miracles” is a new phenomenon in such art. It was founded quite recently. Such a circus positions itself as a multiplex. In other words, it includes various show programs for the widest audience. Such performances include circus tricks, trained animals, light and Laser show, bright suits, fiery dances, high quality sound.

There are no similar analogues both in Moscow and throughout Russia. Therefore, it is definitely worth visiting at least one performance of the “Circus of Miracles”. After all, children will visit the world of magic, and adults will return to childhood for a few hours. Perhaps, at first glance, it will seem to the viewer that the repertoire of the described circus is not so large, but all the performances will amaze you with their quality and professionalism.

“Circus of Miracles” is ready to please with the following performances: “The Big Show of Illusions”, the circus musical “How much does love cost?”, science show"The power of thoughts" interactive show“Dreams that change the world - 2” and family circus show “ New Year through the looking glass."

"A little prince"

The circus show of the same name is based on a work that is familiar from childhood - French writer Antoine de Saint-Exupéry. This is not just a touching creation with philosophical overtones. This the whole world fantasy and magic created on paper.

This tale exposes all the problems modern society: callousness, spiritual blindness, inability and unwillingness to open your heart to loved ones and the whole world. The author wanted to show that true wisdom lies in the purity of a child’s thoughts and the directness of his statements. The work teaches you to be open to the world around you, to show care for those who are nearby: when you listen to the call of your heart and thereby open the boundaries of your soul.

Plot of the play

The circus show “The Little Prince” is based on the story of little boy with golden hair: about how he managed to change the world in the head of an adult. With the help of light, laser, music, dance, and even sand shows, you can plunge into the world of fairy tales and miracles. It's not just interesting. This is amazing.

It should be emphasized that the use sand drawing in circus performances is a new phenomenon that helps to penetrate even further into the world of childhood and magic. Judging by the reviews of “The Little Prince” from the “Circus of Miracles”, the performance involves jugglers, acrobats, aerialists, Sira’s wheel (an acrobatic attraction using a large wheel), clowns and trainers with their charges, starting with ferrets and ending with a bear. You will meet all the main characters famous fairy tale: The little prince, the beautiful Rose, the faithful Fox. In addition to the action itself, there is an interactive experience on stage for the audience, thanks to which you will become part of the production.

It is also worth highlighting 3 points that always worry viewers. Firstly, the age limit for the performance is 0+, which expands the audience and gives even the youngest viewers the opportunity to visit a world of wonders. Secondly, the duration of the musical “The Little Prince” at the “Circus of Miracles” is 2 hours 30 minutes. Thirdly, the circus building is located at the address: Ivan Franko Street, building 14. If you get to the performance by metro, then you need to go to the Kuntsevskaya station.

"The Little Prince" in the "Circus of Miracles": actors

Concerning cast, then it is very colorful and varied. This can be explained by the fact that both adult actors and children, and even trained animals, take part. The show features famous people circus performers(acrobats, animal trainers and the funniest clowns), professional actors, graceful dancers, vocalists who masterfully know how to use in your own voice. As for animal performers, trained monkeys, dogs, a donkey, pigeons and even a bear take part in the play “The Little Prince” at the “Circus of Miracles”.

Buying tickets

You can buy a ticket for the circus show “The Little Prince” in two ways. The first is standard, namely through the circus box office, and the second is through the official website circuschudes.rf.

When purchasing tickets through the box office, everything is very clear. You can carry out a similar action at the address of the circus itself, which was indicated above. They can also be pre-booked and paid on the day of the performance. Don't worry, your tickets will be waiting for you.

The second method deserves a little clarification. When you go to the official website of the “Circus of Miracles”, there is a line “Buy tickets”. If you click on this field, you will be presented with the available dates and a layout of the hall, which you can easily navigate and purchase the seats you like.

Unfortunately, there are no other ticket sales sites among the production’s partners. Therefore, most likely, you may encounter a markup on such resources. Be carefull.

Prices for the performance of “The Little Prince” are minimum 450 rubles, and maximum – 3500.

"Circus of Miracles": reviews of "The Little Prince"

On the Internet you can find both positive and negative opinions about the described production. Basically, the audience is satisfied with this performance.

IN positive reviews about the circus show “The Little Prince”, satisfied spectators do not skimp on words, and also do not forget to attach photographs that confirm all the arguments presented. Children and adults are amazed by the quality of the laser, music and dance accompaniments of the production. Viewers also note that the use sand paintings It was not superfluous at all and fit into the actions of the performance.

Unfortunately, you can also read a sufficient number of negative reviews about “The Little Prince” from the “Circus of Miracles”. Firstly, viewers noticed the disadvantages in the infrastructure - the lack of parking spaces. As for the production itself, in the opinion of adults, the performance is oversaturated with numbers that are not even always performed properly. professional level. And the circus, and the features of a musical, and dance numbers They don’t allow us to put together a whole picture about this performance.

From May 12 to July 28, the Circus of Miracles will host a large show program based on the legendary story “The Little Prince.”

This fall, the book, translated into 250 languages ​​and published with a total circulation of more than 140 million copies, will find a new incarnation in a grandiose theatrical and circus show. A whole universe of real miracles, unique tricks and amazing songs awaits the audience.

"The Little Prince" is:

  • A great circus show + an incredibly beautiful musical. The combination of two large-scale colorful genres in one program delights viewers of all ages.
  • Meeting with your favorite characters and new adventures of the heroes of the book by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry. A star boy with golden hair, a touching and beautiful Rose, a faithful Fox, unusual inhabitants of distant asteroids.
  • Circus, multimedia, laser, sand, music and interactive show in one program.
  • Professional artists and theater stars. The show features famous circus performers, acrobats, trained animals and truly funny clowns. As well as famous theater actors, amazing vocalists and young stars world of music and dance.

You can buy tickets for the event

This fall, the book, translated into 250 languages ​​and published with a total circulation of more than 140 million copies, will find a new incarnation - in a grandiose theatrical and circus show! Spectators will be treated to a whole universe of real miracles, unique tricks and amazing songs.




Circus of Miracles, Kuntsevskaya metro station.

What is the price

Ticket prices range from 450 to 3500 rubles

Description of the event

"The Little Prince" is:

– A big circus show + an incredibly beautiful musical.
The combination of two large-scale colorful genres in one program delights viewers of all ages!

– Meeting with your favorite characters and new adventures of the heroes of the book by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry.
A star boy with golden hair, a touching and beautiful Rose, a faithful Fox, unusual inhabitants of distant asteroids... All of them are already waiting to meet you!

– Lots of shows for the price of one!
Circus, multimedia, laser, sand, music and interactive show - in one program!

– Professional artists and theater stars!
The show features famous circus performers, acrobats, trained animals and truly funny clowns. ?And also famous theater actors, amazing vocalists and young stars of the world of music and dance!

- The show we've been waiting for!
Like legendary book, the show “The Little Prince” breaks down language and age barriers, filling the hearts of all viewers with inspiration and real joy!

Who is it suitable for?

For children and adults of any age. A bright and varied show will appeal to the general public.

Why is it worth going

  • Varied performance format
  • New production of the famous work
  • Participation of theater stars

Background.(Maybe more for myself.)
For me, it all started with Aquamarine, which was still in Izmailovo at that time. I went there with my husband, already pregnant with Ira. It was a complete delight, which continues to this day from the performances of Aquamarine. The second time I was with Ira, she was about 2.8 then. "Aquamarine" has already moved to sad famous center on Dubrovka, where it is still located. "AQUAMARINE" circus of dancing fountains.(01.05.14)

Then the Ivanhoe spectator club appeared, which made it possible to accumulate points and spend them on a discount. So we got to Aquamarine again when my daughter was 3.2.
New trip to "Aquamarine" (review and photo) 11.20.14

The next was the musical “Treasure Island” at the then Aquamarine Theater, but in Kuntsevo. Ira 4.1.
"Treasure Island" Aquamarine (10/14/15).

“The Ballad of a Little Heart” has already been presented by the Ivanhoe theater company in Izmailovo. “Aquamarine”, in my opinion, was still part of this company at that time. My daughter was 4.7.
"The Ballad of a Small Heart" (05/25/16)

But when we went to the show “Dreams that change the world”, also in Kuntsevo, he had already turned from “Aquamarine” into “Ivanhoe”. My daughter was 5.3
"Dreams that change the world" (12/24/16).

“Aquamarine” no longer belonged to “Ivanhoe” and it became impossible to spend spectator points for a discount at “Aquamarine”. Now there are no discounts at Aquamarine.
For most, all these changes went unnoticed. But for me there was a residue. Moreover, “Aquamarine” remained for me best show of all that the Ivanhoe company represented, which appeared on its basis.

Nevertheless, we were also at “Carlson, who lives on the roof” in Izmailovo, also from the Ivanhoe company. Ira was 5.6.
"Carlson on the Roof" theater "Ivanhoe" in Izmailovo (30.03.17).

And today we went to the Circus of Miracles show “The Little Prince”. The discount won me over.

In the foyer you could ride a horse, which Ira had already done there once. But we only managed to buy tokens and went to the hall.

There were projections of airplanes on the curtain.

There were also screens with sand drawings, some of which copied drawings by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry.

When I bought tickets to this performance, I wanted to buy a book so that I could already be up to date with events. But at first I couldn’t understand why all the books had the same drawings, until I found out that these were drawings by the author. I never bought the book. But so that Ira could understand this idea more clearly, we went to Nizhny Novgorod for the performance of the same name, which I still can’t write about. The author's drawings were also used there.

The story about the little prince has always been somewhat strange for me. It turns out Antoine de Saint-Exupéry wrote it for an adult.

⁣But circus show its creators made it for children. Moreover, in their opinion, there is a child in every adult. And for it to appear, you just need to smile or laugh.

To be continued...