Associated with instilling certain feelings in people. Instilling in people certain feelings and thoughts through art

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    Suggestor is a source of suggestion or a suggestive subject - any individual, group, media. Suggestion - object of suggestion (suggestible) - individual, group, social layer Contagion - 1) the process of transferring an emotional state from one to another at the psychophysiological level of contact in addition to or in addition to the actual semantic impact; 2) a method of influence based on the common experience of a large mass of people of the same emotions. Contagion can have varying degrees of randomness. In the presence of feedback, it can increase due to mutual induction, taking on the form of a circular reaction. (Manifestation of the reaction of sports fans) Imitation is a mechanism of socialization, following a model. There are different psychological mechanisms behind imitation: in infancy - imitation of movements and sounds is an attempt to establish contact in childhood - insight into the meaning of human activity through modeling in play in youth - identification with an idol, belonging to a group in adulthood - learning in professional activity

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    The “placebo effect” (racial lat. placebo - I’m getting better, I’m satisfying) is an externally positive therapeutic effect that is associated with the authority of doctors, the authority of drugs and the degree of self-hypnosis of the patient. A placebo is a fake medicine (for example, regular lactose) that was given to you under the guise of the real thing. It is used when the real cause of the disease is not medical, but psychological (for example, gastritis caused by long-term depression). The placebo effect is when this ascorbic acid really helped you. Pathology - (from the Greek παθος - suffering, pain, illness and λογος - study) - a painful deviation from the normal state or development process. Pathologies include processes of deviation from the norm, processes that disrupt homeostasis, diseases, dysfunctions. Affect - (from the Latin affectus - emotional excitement, passion) - a strong, quickly arising and rapidly flowing mental state, characterized by a strong and deep experience, a vivid external manifestation, narrowing of consciousness and decreased self-control. Affect (psychology) is an emotional process characterized by short duration, intensity and pronounced physiological manifestations.

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    Suggestion is a conscious, unreasoned influence on a person or group of people, with the goal of changing their state, attitude towards something and predisposition to certain actions. Psychological influence on a person’s consciousness, in which an uncritical perception of his beliefs and attitudes occurs. It represents specially formed verbal (sometimes emotional) constructions. The main means of suggestion is the word. Facial expressions and gestures have an additional impact

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    The effectiveness of suggestion

    Firstly, the characteristics of the one who carries out the suggestion (suggestor) are of great importance - his social status, attractiveness, volitional and intellectual characteristics. Secondly, the characteristics of the one to whom the suggestion is directed (suggestor), in particular, his ability to include mechanisms of psychological defense The third significant factor is the characteristics of the relationship between the suggestor and the suggestor - trust, authority, dependence Fourth, the effectiveness of suggestion depends on the method of constructing the message - the level of argumentation, the nature of the combination of logical and emotional components, reinforcement by other influences

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    According to V.M. Bekhterev, suggestion acts by directly instilling mental states, i.e. ideas, feelings and sensations, without requiring any evidence at all and without the need for logic. Suggestion is a much more widespread and often more powerful factor than conviction. It plays a particularly prominent role in our upbringing, at least until the child’s logical apparatus will not reach a certain degree of development that allows him to assimilate logical conclusions. Suggestions gain strength through repetition. A person can reject an offer made once, but if he listens to the same one for a while, he will accept it. In addition, the suggestion may not produce a noticeable effect immediately, but may appear after a certain time. When the conscious mind is interested and distracted, the subconscious mind is left unprotected and absorbs everything that is told to it.

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    TYPES OF Suggestion

    Direct - influence with words. a) commands and orders. They are authoritarian and directive in nature. These are sharp, short phrases, accompanied by appropriate facial expressions, gestures, and intonation. Usually phrases are repeated several times. b) instructions that influence emotions, attitudes and motives of behavior. These are soft soothing phrases, they are repeated several times in a calm tone. Indirect - hidden, disguised suggestion. An intermediate effect or stimulus is used to enhance the effect, for example, a pill that has no medicinal properties (“placebo effect”). Indirect suggestion is learned unconsciously, involuntarily, imperceptibly.

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    Intentional and unintentional suggestion

    Intentional suggestion - the suggestor tries to achieve a specific goal, knows what and to whom he wants to suggest, makes efforts to achieve his goals. For intentional suggestion, it is not necessary to put the suggestor into a state of sleep, there is no need for any subordination of the will of the person being suggested. Suggestion is unintentional (involuntary) - the suggestor does not set the goal of instilling something in the suggestor and does not make any effort. Occurs during natural communication of one person with another. Perhaps if the suggerend is predisposed to what is being suggested. (That is, the suggestion “You won’t succeed!” will only work if it is expressed at a time when something has not worked out for the suggestend). This suggestion occurs unnoticed by the person on whom it acts, and therefore usually does not cause any resistance on his part. It rarely acts immediately, more often it slowly but surely strengthens in the mental sphere. Involuntary suggestion affects us everywhere in everyday life. Without noticing it ourselves, we acquire to a certain extent feelings, superstitions, prejudices, inclinations, thoughts and even character traits from the people around us with whom we most often interact

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    Intentional suggestion. Hypnosis

    Hypnosis is an artificially induced sleep-like state in which inhibition covers not the entire cerebral cortex, but its individual sections; the so-called “guard points” maintain excitability, ensuring contact of the hypnotized person with stimuli. Hypnosis is a temporary state of consciousness, characterized by a narrowing of its volume and a sharp focus on the content of suggestion, which is associated with a change in the function of individual control and self-awareness. For anyone interested in the problems of hypnosis, it is mandatory to fulfill two requirements: 1. It is strictly forbidden to influence, let alone treat, hypnosis by persons who do not have special medical education. 2. Hypnosis treatment is contraindicated for children under 10-12 years of age. The general conditions for entering a hypnotic state are as follows: - deactivating effect of any of the monotonous stimuli; - complete relaxation (relaxation) of the patient; - setting the patient to perceive the dominant stimulus and reject all extraneous stimuli.

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    Susceptibility to hypnosis

    To hypnotize means to influence in the sense of putting to sleep. Every non-mentally ill person can sleep and to some extent succumb to spiritual influence, almost all normal people - experienced hypnotists have seen this in practice - can be hypnotized Bernheim considered a doctor involved in hypnosis to be insufficiently experienced if he was not able to hypnotize, at least 80% of their patients. Liebeau found, on average, among 100 people only three who were completely unaffected by hypnosis; Wetterstrand in Stockholm accounted for 3%, Belander in Jonkoping - 2%, Van Renterghem in Amsterdam - 6%, Notzing - 10%, Tukkay - 14%, Trout accounted for 6%. Among those who cannot be influenced there are many nervous people, while in general people with healthy nerves are susceptible to deeper sleep than nervous people. Mentally ill people cannot be hypnotized.

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    SELF-Suggestion is the instillation of mental states caused not by extraneous influences, but by internal reasons, the source of which lies in the personality of the person undergoing self-hypnosis. Self-hypnosis develops without external influence and can manifest itself in the form of a pure idea; for example, the ideas: “now I’m tired,” “now I’m dizzy,” may arise in someone while walking and produce the corresponding action. Such self-hypnosis is not formed through healthy thinking, but as a result of an imaginary idea, a mental “infection” or a false interpretation of physical perceptions. From a scientific point of view, it would be more correct to call an erroneous idea the result of imagination, which is easy to suppress with conviction. And the concept of “auto-suggestion” should refer to such mental processes that manifest themselves in the form of suggestion, cause physical actions and cannot be pushed aside by beliefs or willpower

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    Mass indoctrination

    It is easier to hypnotize any person if he has seen other people's hypnosis. Children especially take a big part in this; psychologists have seen children fall asleep while hypnotizing others. And this contagiousness of suggestions - it can be called psychic induction - is also revealed in reality. The stronger the suggestion, the greater the number of people who have already obeyed it: of course, if we assume that everyone in the group has approximately the same predisposition to suggestion. The more people are internally or externally similar to others - by clothing, by age with peers, by education with people of the same profession, or by views or intentions at political meetings - the stronger the mutual spiritual influence develops. Involuntarily, thoughts and feelings take a common direction, attention is directed in the same way, we are ready for common perceptions, identical views. The more uncultured the masses, the greater the influence of suggestions.

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    Suggestion transmitters

    The main transmitter of suggestion from one person to another is the organ of hearing, since verbal suggestion is both the most common and the most effective. Visual suggestion - including the use of images of persons, objects or phenomena. Suggestion through tactile and muscular senses. Direct transmission of mental states due to pathology

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    Autogenic training (AT) is a method of influencing a person on himself through self-hypnosis formulas in a state of complete relaxation (relaxation) in order to influence his mood, feelings, intentions, and will. The key point of AT is the ability to achieve a state of autogenic immersion - a kind of half-asleep, in which figurative, emotionally charged ideas influence that part of the human nervous system that is not controlled by conscious will. In other words, it is in this situation that conditions are created for the training of the unconscious psyche. Here is a complete diagram of AT classes, consisting of a sequence of formulas for achieving the state of autogenic immersion: To exit the state of immersion, the phrase is used: “Hands are clenched. Breathing is deep. Open eyes. Relax your hands."

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    Thank you for your attention!

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    TEST. Are you easily influenced?

    1. After each new message about some kind of diet or more rational lifestyle, you... A. Immediately review or even change your lifestyle and diet. B. You are wondering what of all this might be useful to you. Q. You never pay attention to it (in your opinion, humanity survived because it never thought about it). 2. If a rash appears on your face or you hurt your face while shaving, then you... D. Do not leave the house until your face heals, because it seems to you that if you go out like this, everyone will pay attention to you . D. You try to hide it somehow, and as soon as you meet someone you know, you immediately explain what happened to you. E. You will not pay attention to this; the curiosity of strangers does not interest you. 3. If you feel that someone is following you and is almost stepping on your heels, you... B. Speed ​​up your pace. Q. You don't care, but out of curiosity you look around and see who it is.

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    4. You have an important decision to make, and you... D. Don't talk to others because you're afraid of getting conflicting advice that will confuse you. D. Seek advice, but end up doing things your own way. E. You obey only yourself. 5. You are sick, but you don’t go to the doctor because... A. There are a lot of sick people there who will talk about their ailments, and this irritates you. B. You simply don’t have time for this, you are sure that everything will go away on its own. B. The doctor may tell you something unpleasant. 6. If at a new place of work or study everyone suddenly starts saying that you are a very nice person, but in your previous place you had problems communicating with people, then you will think that... D. New colleagues (students) are right, in the old place they simply didn’t understand you. D. They are less demanding. E. They are calmer and have a philosophical attitude towards everything. 7. You go to the theater or cinema immediately as soon as you understand that the hero in question... A. He is similar to you, he has the same problems, and you are interested in how he will solve them. B. The hero and the setting are completely different from yours, so you are interested in comparing it all with yourself. Q. You watch films and plays with equal pleasure, without comparing the characters with yourself.

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    8. If they say that your work has not improved for the better lately, then... D. This will greatly traumatize you, you will begin to work even worse. D. Since you yourself do not notice such a decline in your work, you will decide that they want to confuse you. E. You yourself will try to sum up your work and notice that, although it is not perfect, you work with interest and are no worse than others. 9. If the taxi driver looks at you with poorly concealed annoyance, then you... A. Decide that he just didn’t like you. B. That maybe he was very tired. B. Decide that he is probably always unhappy with everything. 10. As soon as you remember your grandparents, with whom you do not live together, or your elderly parents, then... D. First of all, you remember the smell in their house, you literally “feel” it. D. You even sometimes “hear” their voices. E. You see the arrangement of rooms and objects in their house.

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Art amazes us with its skill and sophistication. Or rather, not only art, but also the people who create it. Naturally, everyone can draw, sing, dance, play musical instruments, but they can’t do it skillfully and beautifully. Not everyone is able to portray something beautiful, to convey the spirit of a song, to convey the image, the meaning of a dance, to play beautifully and not strum. It turns out that in relation to art there are two roles: the role of the creator and the role of the viewer. Sometimes, of course, both can be in one person.

Art has the ability to captivate people, to “capture” them into their world. It seems to interfere with a person’s subconscious and prompts certain thoughts and feelings. Everyone among the people judges this or that work of art in their own way. Self-hypnosis also arises. A person considers different aspects of a work, listens to the opinions of others. Either he changes his attitude or remains the same.

Often the authorities interfered in art. After all, there were authors who wanted to convey the whole truth, and it was that power was considered harsh and deceitful in art, since power imposed its will, and people had no choice but to obey it. Of course, there were those who went against the authorities. But power could not do without art. Art in many ways helped to reflect everything that existed in a given era.

Art helps to influence the human body. Pictures can influence a person. Color has the ability to change people's mood, for good or bad. Such energy emanates from the paintings that a person can feel better or worse, depending on the painting. Music, as we know, puts us in a good mood. And classical music, in general, has a beneficial effect on the body. For example, if children listen to Mozart’s music, they will develop intellectually faster.

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9. Suggestive function (art as suggestion)

Art is the instillation of a certain system of thoughts and feelings, an almost hypnotic effect on the subconscious and the entire human psyche. Often the work is literally mesmerizing. Suggestion (suggestive influence) was already inherent in primitive art. The Australian tribes, on the night before the battle, evoked a surge of courage with songs and dances. An ancient Greek legend tells: the Spartans, exhausted by a long war, turned to the Athenians for help, who, in mockery, sent the lame and frail musician Tyrtaeus instead of reinforcements. However, it turned out that this was the most effective help: Tyrtaeus raised the morale of the Spartans with his songs, and they defeated their enemies.

Understanding the experience of the artistic culture of his country, Indian researcher K.K. Pandey argues that suggestion always dominates in art. The main effect of folklore incantations, spells, and laments is suggestion.

Gothic temple architecture inspires the viewer with sacred awe of divine grandeur.

The inspiring role of art is clearly manifested in the marches, designed to instill cheerfulness in the marching columns of fighters. In the “hour of courage” (Akhmatova) in the life of the people, the inspiring function of art takes on a particularly important role. This was the case during the Great Patriotic War. One of the first foreign performers of Shostakovich's Seventh Symphony, Koussevitzky, remarked: "Not since Beethoven has there been a composer who could speak to the masses with such power of suggestion." The focus on inspiring influence is also inherent in the lyrics of this period. This is, for example, Simonov’s popular poem “Wait for Me”:

Wait for me and I will come back,
Just wait a lot.
Wait when they make you sad
Yellow rains,
Wait for the snow to blow
Wait for it to be hot
Wait when others are not waiting,
Forgetting yesterday.
Wait when from distant places
No letters will arrive
Wait until you get bored
To everyone who is waiting together.

In twelve lines, the word “wait” is repeated eight times like a spell. All the semantic meaning of this repetition, all its inspiring magic are formulated in the finale of the poem:

Those who were not waiting for them cannot understand,
Like in the middle of fire
By your expectation
You saved me.

(Simonov. 1979. P. 158).

A poetic thought is expressed here that is important to millions of people separated by war. Soldiers sent these poems home or carried them close to their hearts in their tunic pockets. When Simonov expressed the same idea in a film script, the result was a mediocre work: it contained the same topical theme, but the magic of suggestion was lost.

I remember how Ehrenburg, in a conversation with students at the Literary Institute in 1945, expressed the opinion that the essence of poetry is in the spell. This, of course, is a narrowing of the possibilities of poetry. However, this is a characteristic misconception, dictated by a precise sense of the trend in the development of military poetry, which sought immediate effective intervention in spiritual life and therefore relied on folklore forms developed by the centuries-old artistic experience of the people, such as orders, vows, visions, dreams, conversations with the dead, appeals to rivers, cities. The vocabulary of spells, vows, blessings, anachronisms of ritual figures of speech are heard in the military poems of Tychina, Dolmatovsky, Isakovsky, Surkov. Thus, the folk, domestic character of the war against the invaders was manifested in the poetic style.

Suggestion is a function of art, close to educational, but not coinciding with it: education is a long process, suggestion is one-time. During tense periods of history, the suggestive function plays a large, sometimes even leading role in the overall system of functions of art.

Presentation on the topic: “Instilling certain feelings and thoughts in the people through the means of art” PRESENTATION ON THE TOPIC:
9th grade student
Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution "Public School of Shaturtorf"
Bychkova Elena

What is art?

Art is an image of the world and man, processed in the mind
the artist and expressed by him in sounds, colors, images and forms. IN
artistic images reflect not only reality, but also
worldview of cultural eras.
Raphael Santi "The School of Athens"
Leonardo da Vinci "La Gioconda"

Methods of suggestion

METHODS OF Suggestion
Nowadays there are a huge number
methods of instilling certain feelings in a person and
thoughts. The most common method is
- art.
Functions of art:
aesthetic function allows you to reproduce reality according to
laws of beauty, forms aesthetic taste;
the social function is manifested in the fact that art has
ideological impact on society, thereby transforming
social reality;
psychological function allows you to restore mental health
balance, solve psychological problems
the hedonic function reflects the ability of art
bring pleasure to a person;
cognitive function allows you to understand reality and
analyze it using artistic images;
the educational function is manifested in the ability of works
art of shaping a person's personality.

Kinds of art:

Literature uses verbal and written means to
building images. There are three main types of literature
- drama, epic and lyrics and numerous genres.
Music uses sound. Music is divided into
vocal (intended for singing) and instrumental.
Painting reflects reality on a plane by means
colors. Genres of painting - portrait, still life, landscape, and
also everyday and historical.
Architecture shapes the spatial environment in the form
structures and buildings for human life. It is divided into residential and
Sculpture creates works of art,
having volume and three-dimensional shape.
The theater organizes a special stage performance
through the acting. Theater maybe
dramatic, opera, puppet, etc.

Literary image and its suggestion

Literary images are not only
a reflection of reality, but also
generalization. The author not only shows
how he sees the real reality, he
creates his own new fictional world. WITH
with the help of images the artist depicts
your personal idea of ​​reality
life, perception of natural events.

How is an artistic image created?

In literature, the image of a hero is formed through the author's use of
some means that help to suggest and understand to a person whether this person is bad
character or vice versa:
1. The character must have a first name, last name and patronymic. Also
speaking first and last names are very common,
especially among the classics. For example, Mrs. Prostakova and
Mitrofan from D. I. Fonvizin’s comedy “The Minor.”
2. Portrait of a hero. The author describes the character, appearance or
some details that characterize the character.
For example, the expanded portrait of Chichikov represents
us N.V. Gogol in his poem “Dead Souls”.
3. Interior that characterizes the character. In the novel by I.A.
Goncharov "Oblomov" the author gives us a description of the apartment,
in which the main character lives.
4. The character’s actions reflect his essence.
5. Artistic details. In the novel "Oblomov" this
the hero's worn robe and his large slippers. A
in the work of I. S. Turgenev “Fathers and Sons” such
Bazarov's weathered hands without


Almost all actors are susceptible to the effects of suggestion. Every actor
tries to play confidently and truthfully. There are actors who are even at home
rehearsing in costumes. The costume inspires them with their role, concentrates
their consciousness on the role. In this sense, the environment influences even more
MEANS OF Suggestion
In pre-revolutionary Russia, leaflets and others
printed media, including posters,
were rarely used by official authorities.
But in the first years of Soviet power, this type
propaganda acquired special significance, received
rapid development and even became separate
futuristic art. The people should have
outline the joyful prospects of the new world,
create an impression of a pattern
ongoing changes and instill the idea of ​​inevitable
and a difficult bloody struggle. Required
bright and bold colors, unusual approaches to
design of these works of art.
Soviet propaganda posters of those years are different
expressiveness and revolutionary spirit not only
content, but also form. They call
sign up as volunteers for the Red Army,
beat the bourgeoisie, hand over bread to the proletarians
food detachments and do not drink raw water. To create these
masterpieces were created by famous artists and
poets (Denny, Mayakovsky and others), than
explains their high artistic
dignity. But such posters were not always carried
are positive calls.