Daniel Craig - biography and personal life. Daniel Craig's public statement that he is gay: Daniel Craig is no longer a bond

It was definitely Daniel Craig who came to the club with a friend. All films with Daniel Craig from the Bond series are distinguished by record box office receipts. Daniel Craig played his next main role in the film "Archangel" based on the novel by Robert Harris. Daniel Craig, whose filmography received the first picture from the "Agent 007" cycle, is ready to continue the "James Bond".

fans adventure films about James Bond are literally shocked by the news about the sexual orientation of actor Daniel Craig, who played Agent 007 in the last two tapes. The paparazzi caught Daniel Craig in the company of a handsome young man in a gay bar in Venice, California. Damn Craig!

Daniel tightly pressed his friend to him during the kiss, ”says an eyewitness of the event to the National Enquirer. When Daniel and his friend entered the club, one might have thought that these two friends had come in to listen to music and drink something. We add that until recently, Craig met with producer Satsuki Mitchell. I'm shocked, is the British film actor who played the role of 007, Daniel Craig, really gay? I don't understand why all the hotties in Hollywood change their orientation abruptly and unexpectedly.

Daniel Craig now

And now Daniel Craig is gay, what can I say, James Bond is gay! The strangest thing is that he was married and also had love affairs with women, and then such news. But honestly, I can’t even imagine Craig as a homosexual. No one changes their orientation dramatically. Rather, they are cover-wives (I'm not talking about Craig, but in general).

Daniel Craig biography, photos - find out everything!

Who would have thought that the brutal Daniel Craig, who has already been recognized as one of the "hottest" 007 agents in the history of Bondinana, would be embroiled in a high-profile gay scandal! Daniel and his friend behaved like a couple of real homosexuals, - says the first source, - A friend patted Craig on the thigh, then on the shoulder - and Daniel did not mind at all. At the same time, Craig was listed as an “exemplary family man” for two years, married to Fiona Loudon (from whom he has a daughter), and now he is “officially” dating Satsuki Mitchell.

Daniel Craig was born on March 2, 1968 in the family of a steelworker and artist in Chester, England. Thus, Daniel plunged into the bohemian environment early, from the age of six he studied music. In 1992, Daniel married Fiona Loudon, and a year later they had a daughter, Ella. But already in 1994 they parted ways.

Daniel Craig impressed with his sexual orientation

From 1996 to 2004, Daniel dated German actress Heike Makatsch. Shortly after Daniel's birth, his parents divorced, and his mother, a little later, married famous artist Max Blond. Daniel Craig, whose height, weight and developed muscles were ideally suited for playing rugby, played until it was time to go to university. Daniel moved to London and started studying. Craig Daniel height weight strong muscles whose role was determined - modern hero overcoming any difficulties.

Is Daniel Craig gay or straight?

The first significant film role for Daniel Craig was the character of Alex West in the adventure super movie Lara Croft: Tomb Raider. Daniel played the role dangerous competitor Lara Croft, who does not recognize any moral principles and therefore applies to historical values exclusively as a means of profit.

Daniel Craig - Latest News 2015

In 2004, Daniel Craig starred in a film directed by Matthew Vaughn under the rather innocuous title Layer Cake. However, the events that take place during the development of the plot are far from harmless. In 2007, Warner Bros. produced a fantasy horror film starring Daniel Craig. male role. Nicole Kidman played the female lead.

It's free and always will be free. This is not the first reason for the emergence of rumors about non-traditional sexual orientation. famous actor. A few months ago, Western tabloids wrote that Craig was seen kissing a man.

The other day Daniel was seen in a gay club. The 23rd film in the Bond series and Daniel Craig's third film as James Bond was released under the title 007: Skyfall. In 2002, Daniel Craig, whose filmography was gradually replenished with new pictures, starred in the gangster action movie The Damned Road, directed by Sam Mendes.

The first rumors that Daniel Craig is gay, or at least, appeared in 2010 during the actor's work on the third film from the James Bond series "007: Skyfall" and with new force erupted at the news that in the next part the role of the invincible superspy will again be played by a charismatic Englishman.

Is it true that Daniel Craig is gay?

Daniel Craig's career has never been more questioned than when he was cast as the irresistible James Bond, although there were roles in his career where he appeared as a lover of men. Yes, at the beginning acting career in the play "Angels of America" ​​Daniel got the role of a homosexual Mormon, and later in the film "Love is the devil" he again performed the controversial part of a gay man.

However, the viewer never doubted that this was just part of the script, because Daniel Craig had strong and fairly long relationships with women. His first wife was the Scottish actress Fiona Loudon. They got married in 1992, and a year later a daughter was born in the family of actors, who was named Ella. Unfortunately, this marriage did not last long. The couple divorced in 1994.

Daniel Craig had a longer relationship with an actress German descent Heike Macatch. They met since 1996 for eight years, but their relationship was not formalized.

In 2010, that is, at the time when there were rumors that Daniel Craig gay, the actor was officially single and was not in a relationship with anyone. It was then that he was caught by the paparazzi in one of the famous gay clubs, where he allegedly kissed a guy. A huge scandal erupted, there were even rumors that Daniel could be removed from his role in his third James Bond film "007: Skyfall", especially since the shooting had been suspended by that time due to the financial difficulties of the production companies. This was especially insisted on by those who initially did not accept Craig as an elegant and exemplary English special agent. After all, his appearance was strikingly different from the image created by other James Bonds in the earlier parts of the picture. Craig was the shortest of all, besides, he is blond, and all previous Bonds had dark color hair. In addition, Craig's films have been criticized for a large number of fights, which was not in the previous parts. By the time of the scandal, two films with Daniel Craig had already been released: Casino Royale and Quantum of Solace, and a third was being prepared for filming. And such a scandal could force the producers of the picture to revise the contract with the actor.

However, there were no comments or denials from either Daniel Craig himself or from the film company, as well as a revision of the list of actors then. Daniel Craig has not admitted to being gay. Craig brilliantly played his role in the third part of the James Bond, and the picture was a great success.

Craig's personal life now

To remove all questions about the orientation of the actor was his secret marriage in 2011 to actress Rachel Weisz. The couple is still together. The actors are raising their son Rachel from their first marriage. Moreover, the actor received an offer to appear in another part about James Bond, which, most likely, would not follow if Daniel Craig made a confession. After all, Bond for many is the personification of masculinity, elegance, intelligence and strength - all that women would like to see in men. That is why, if the producers had even the slightest suspicion of the actor's unconventional orientation, they would have refused further cooperation.

Read also
  • Daniel Craig and pregnant Rachel Weisz in New York: new photos of the spouses
  • Rachel Weisz and Daniel Craig are officially confirmed to be parents again

However, the film "007: Spectrum" with Daniel Craig in leading role appeared on big screens in 2015.

These Hollywood actors rightfully considered one of the most handsome men in the world - at least that's what their many fans think, as well as the directors who shoot them in the roles of heroic lovers. But the difficulty is that all these beauties in different time declared their homosexuality. Let's see who the spectators are crying about in vain and who plays "for another league."

Daniel Craig

Actor Daniel Craig did not make an open confession of his homosexuality, but the yellow press did its job - a few years ago former James Bond was noticed in the company strong man in one of the Californian gay bars. What a blow for lovers of the British special agent!

Kevin Spacey

Kevin Spacey broke women's hearts twice in 2017 - first with the message that he was not at all interested in them, and then with his participation in the scandal with sexual harassment. To be honest, we at the editorial office don’t know how to treat him now - the train of a disgusting scandal will follow the star of “House of Cards” and “American Beauty” for many years to come.

Neil Patrick Harris

The main ladies man of the sitcom How I Met Your Mother, Neil Patrick Harris, is in fact a faithful husband and doting father. He has been in a relationship with his partner, actor David Bartka, for over a decade. And a few years ago, following the example of another star, Sir Elton John, they used the services of a surrogate mother and became the parents of two children.

Luke Evans

The star of The Hobbit movie and the Fast and the Furious franchise, actor Luke Evans has never hidden his orientation. And in 2017, he appeared in a small role as Gaston in the children's fairy tale Beauty and the Beast, starring Emma Watson. The editors of uznayvse.ru recall that a scandal erupted in Russia (fueled by the famous zealot of traditional values ​​Vitaly Milonov) - the character of Luke Evans had a homosexual admirer.

Ben Whishaw

Magnificent British actor Ben Whishaw became famous for his role in the film adaptation of Patrick Suskind's novel The Perfume. Despite the fact that his character was far from moral norms, the hearts of women around the world melted from the beauty and talent of Whishaw. Alas, the young actor turned out to be openly gay. Fortunately, this did not interfere with his career at home and in Hollywood - Ben Whishaw starred with the Wachowski sisters in Cloud Atlas, in addition, he works a lot in the theater.

Xavier Dolan

Director Xavier Dolan is almost the main hope of the European art house. Before reaching the age of 30, he received several important prizes at film festivals. His films often touch upon the problems of the LGBT community, in particular, in 2016, the winner of the Cannes Film Festival, the film It's Only the End of the World, about the relationship of a young gay man with his family, was released. We highly recommend watching.

Ricky Martin

Who would have thought that this hot Hispanic guy is not interested in girls at all? But the fact remains: Ricky Martin is openly gay.

True, he began his career at a time when sexual orientation could affect sales and concerts (for example, coming out spoiled George Michael's career), so until 2010 the artist refused to talk about his orientation.

Jim Parsons

Strictly speaking, Jim Parsons' character in The Theory big bang You can't call it a ladies' man. But be that as it may, the brilliant physicist with Asperger's syndrome still has a girlfriend - she is played by Mayim Bialik. Jim Parsons himself came out on the eve of his fortieth birthday, saying that he had been happy with his partner Todd Spivak for many years. In 2017, the couple married according to Jewish religious canons.

Zachary Quinto

An American with Italian-Irish roots, Zachary Quinto has acted in films a lot, but his role of Captain Spock in the revived series " Star Trek". And in 2015, Vogue magazine recognized the actor and his partner, fashion model Miles MacMillan, as "an influential couple whose position is important for cinema, art, fashion and social life."

Wentworth Miller

The star of the series "Prison Break", Briton Wentworth Miller for several years remained the embodiment of the female dream of a brutal jock in tattoos. What was the surprise of the fans when in 2013 he made a coming out. It happened when Miller, in protest against the adoption in Russia of a law banning propaganda non-traditional relationships refused to come to the film festival in St. Petersburg. According to him, in his youth, Wentworth Miller tried to commit suicide - because of the intolerant attitude towards gays in society.

Note that homosexuality is sometimes attributed to actors who simply appeared on the screen in female images. In reality, a role is a role, and reality can be as far from the screen image as possible.

He has played hundreds of roles - from brutal macho to passionately in love gay. The yellow press is constantly trying to catch him in relationships with men, and he took and married a beauty. Daniel Craig, agent 007, the star of the films "Casino Royale" and "Quantum of Solace", was secretly married to Rachel Weisz, although since 2005 he had an affair with producer Satsuki Mitchell.

More recently, newspapers and magazines were full of vivid pictures of Craig and his beloved Satsuki Mitchell. Craig met Satsuki in 2005 at film set the film "The Jacket", in which Daniel played Rudy Mackenzie, a psycho from a lunatic asylum.

The thing is that the actor is trying with all his might to protect his personal life from prying eyes and not to add acting popularity to it. Therefore, very little is known about Daniel's love biography, and it cannot be called abundant.

At the beginning of his serious acting career - during the filming of The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles in 1992, Daniel Craig married actress and singer Fiona Loudon, who literally immediately after the wedding gave birth to his daughter Ella. Two years later, once whirlwind romance came to its lyrical finale and the marriage of Craig and Loudon fell apart.

In 1996, on the set of the film Obsession, he met the German actress Heike Makatsch, who played the role of Miriam in the film. The diva in the form of a real bitch and a fatal beauty pierced through the heart of a very romantic Craig and he was sucked into new sensations. Heike soon became civil wife Daniel - they appeared everywhere together and lived in a civil marriage for seven years.

Then Craig had a short romance with Kate Moss. And in 2006, the press finally started talking about their relationship with Satsuki. Their open romance was good news for the fans. Miss Mitchell began to accompany her beloved on all his trips and quickly found mutual language with his daughter from his first marriage.

So, in the fall of 2006, at the London premiere of Casino Royale, Daniel openly appeared arm in arm with Mitchell. And when the actor was asked: who could be the ideal girl for your James Bond, he replied: “My ideal is here!” - and hugged Satsuki around the waist.

And during the filming of "Quantum of Solace" Craik decided to make an official proposal to his beloved. Tabloids around the world exploded with messages: "James Bond is getting married!" Once the paparazzi photographed the couple on the street, and the pictures clearly showed how a platinum ring with a huge diamond from Cartier shone on the finger of 29-year-old Satsuki.

From unofficial sources, it became known that the lovers plan to get married immediately after the so-called royal premiere of "Quantum of Solace" in London. At the premiere, Daniel appeared with Satsuki, and with his passionate kiss at the premiere he assured: "Here is a woman from whom I lose my head", but talk of the wedding subsided.

paparazzi still for a long time they tried to catch the couple on their numerous trips in the expectation that, perhaps, the couple would still decide to legalize the relationship, but in vain. Then rumors began to circulate that the couple secretly signed and simply did not want to advertise this sensational news. However, everything turned out to be completely different.

At the end of last year, Daniel suddenly broke up with his girlfriend for no reason. The society was shocked, and, as a result, the yellow publications immediately began to pour mud on Craig.

They began to accuse him of actively attending gay clubs and even kissing men. The reason for this was the not very successful shooting of Craig in the little-known film "Love is the Devil", where he played a homosexual. The actor participated in explicit scenes, portraying love for his male partner, and even appeared in front of the cameras completely naked in candid scene in the bath.

Later, Craig commented on his not the most successful work in the cinema with a craving for unusual and scandalous projects. So, for example, in 2002, the actor accepted the offer of arthouse directors and starred in the film almanac "10 Minutes Older: Cello", consisting of ten-minute short films shot by world famous directors.

However, despite all the actor's excuses, the press did not calm down, until one day they guessed to draw a parallel with a similar sharp breakup between actress Rachel Weitz (The Mummy, The Fountain and The Constant Gardener) and director Darren Aronofsky, author of Requiem for a Dream. , "Fountain" and "Black Swan".

During the journalistic investigation, it turned out that Craig and Weitz played married couple in the thriller "Dream House", which will be released this fall. It was there, on the set, that their whirlwind romance began. A couple of Daniel and Rachel began to be noticed together more and more often. And just last week in New York, they secretly got married.

The press became aware of the modest marriage only a few days later, when this good news was confirmed by Craig's press secretary. Refusing to give details, he added that the couple tried their best to avoid the hype, so they invited only four people to the celebration: Craig's daughter from his first marriage, 18-year-old Ella, Rachel's son Henry (he is four years old) and two more friends who became witnesses.

Apparently the experience family life on the set, the newlyweds liked it and they decided to transfer it to real life. Bond's experience, no doubt, helped Craig hide such a very high-profile event from the whole world, but I would like to hope that the pregnancy of the newly-made wife will become known before she brings the child home from the hospital.

These Hollywood actors occupy the top meta in the lists of the most beautiful men in the world. And numerous fans believe that they, as the directors represent them, are real lovers-heroes. However, all these handsome men at different times confessed their unconventional orientation, breaking the hearts of millions of women.

Daniel Craig

Although the actor did not make an open confession of his homosexuality, details of his personal life repeatedly flashed in the media. Several times the former James Bond was seen in the company of a man in one of the gay bars in California.

Kevin Spacey
Kevin Spacey broke women's hearts twice last year. First, he said that he was not at all interested in the female sex. And then he was caught in a sexual harassment scandal. One way or another, it is unclear how the public will continue to relate to the actor.

Neil Patrick Harris
Chief Ladies' Man on How I Met Your Mother real life is a faithful husband and a caring father. For about 10 years he has been in a relationship with his partner, and a few years ago they used the service of surrogacy and became the parents of two children.

Luke Evans
The star of the films "The Hobbit", "Fast and the Furious" and "Dracula" has never hidden his true orientation. By the way, it is worth noting that not so long ago a scandal erupted in Russia and Luke Evans had a homosexual admirer.

Ricky Martin

Who would have thought that this hot Latino was interested in men? One way or another, the fact remains: Ricky Martin is an open homosexual, despite having two children. It is worth noting that his career began at a time when orientation could affect sales and concerts. So, for example, coming out seriously spoiled the career of George Michael at one time. Therefore, until 2010, Ricky did not talk about his orientation.

Jim Parsons
Of course, Jim's character in The Big Bang Theory is hardly a ladies' man. But unlike the actor, in the series he has a girlfriend. Jim himself recently came out and married his partner.

Zachary Quinto
Although Zachary has been acting in films for a long time, he gained worldwide popularity after filming the movie Star Trek, where he played the role of Spock. In 2015, Quinto admitted to the media about his gay orientation, which did not affect his career.

Wentworth Miller

For many years, the star of the series "Escape" remained the embodiment of a woman's dream. And what was the surprise of the fans when in 2013 he came out. At that time, a law was passed in Russia on the promotion of non-traditional relationships, and the actor refused to come to the film festival in the cultural capital, confessing his orientation. According to Wentworth, in his youth he even had a suicide attempt due to an intolerant attitude towards homosexuals.