Large biographical encyclopedia. The meaning of fam tuan in the modern explanatory dictionary, BSE

The Meaning of FAM TUAN in Modern explanatory dictionary, TSB


(Pham Tuan) (b. 1947), cosmonaut of Vietnam, Hero of the Armed Forces (1972), Hero of Labor of Vietnam (1980), Hero of the Soviet Union (1980), colonel. The first citizen of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam (SRV) to fly into space. Flight on the Soyuz-36, -37 spacecraft and the Salyut-6 orbital station (July 1980).

TSB. Modern explanatory dictionary, TSB. 2003

See also interpretations, synonyms, meanings of the word and what FAM TUAN is in Russian in dictionaries, encyclopedias and reference books:

    (Pham Tuan) (b. 1947) cosmonaut of Vietnam, Hero of the Armed Forces (1972), Hero of Labor of Vietnam (1980), Hero of the Soviet Union (1980), colonel. First …
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    (Vièt-Nam). I.General information V. is located in South-East Asia, on the Indochina Peninsula. The territory of V. is a narrow strip up to 600 km wide on ...
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    NGUYEN TUAN (Nguy/n Tu0n) (1910-87), Vietnamese. writer. In the book. short stories and essays “Shadows and Echoes of Time” (1940), “Essays on the Resistance and ...
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    W.-Tuan? cm. …
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    ? After the war between China and Japan (1895), the island of Formosa went to the latter; then in 1898 ceded by special treaties...
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    (marine) ? A special type of military operations at sea, through which the warring powers try to block the seas, bays, rivers and...
  • BIN-DIN in the Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedia:
    (Binh-Dinh) ? a city in Annam and the capital of the province of the same name. Has a beautiful fortress built in 1800?20 by French officers...
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    Annam, or Anam, actually Ngan-nam (peace of the south), since 1802 bearing the official name Viet-nam (brilliance of the south)? state on...
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    I'm sniffing, I'm sniffing, I'm not. 1. what. rub, wipe (reg.). Smear the rope with shoe polish. 2. than. Move something quickly, shuffle, rub (colloquial...
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    skins, f. 1. Skin and hair removed from a killed animal. He tanned my skin so well that it lasts for a hundred years. Nekrasov. ...
  • NECK
  • ENOUGH in Ushakov’s Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    grab it, grab it, Sov. 1. Sov. to grab in 1 value). Grab someone. by the sleeve. The dog grabbed my leg. 2. ...
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    whoop, whoop, owl. (to hoot) (colloquial). 1. without additional make a loud, sharp sound, make a loud noise. Suddenly there will be thunder. Veresaev. Somewhere...
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    I'll drag you away, you'll drag me away, owls. (to drag away). 1. what. Carry away with force, drag away. Carry bales into the warehouse. || In general, Carry away (colloquial fam.). ...
  • DOT in Ushakov’s Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    points, g. 1. Mark, badge, trace of an injection with something. sharp tip of a pen, needle, etc.), a small round spot. The dotted line consists...
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  • THERE in Ushakov’s Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    1. adv. In that place, in those places, not here. where it’s hard to breathe, where grief is heard, be the first there! Nekrasov. ...
  • EAT in Ushakov’s Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, pov. eat, please ate, Sov. 1. Sov. k there is 2 in 1 meaning. Cheesecake...

Pham Tuan (b. 1947) - cosmonaut of Vietnam, Hero of the Armed Forces (1972), Hero of Labor of Vietnam (1980), Hero of the Soviet Union (1980), colonel. The first citizen of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam (SRV) to fly into space. Flight on the Soyuz-36, -37 spacecraft and the Salyut-6 orbital station (July 1980).

  • - In the mythology of the Irish Celts, Tuan Mac Cayrell is the son of Starn, brother of Parthalon. According to legend, he alone managed to survive the pestilence that destroyed all of Parthalon’s fellow tribesmen, and in his new life he took on the form of a deer...

    Encyclopedia of Mythology

  • - See partalon, tuan mak...

    Encyclopedia of Mythology

  • - cosmonaut of Vietnam, Hero of the Armed Forces, Hero of Labor of Vietnam, Hero of the Soviet Union, colonel. The first citizen of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam to fly into space...
  • - Pham Tuan, Vietnamese cosmonaut, Hero of the Soviet Union. Flights on the Soyuz-36, -37 spacecraft and the Salyut-6 orbital station ...

    Big encyclopedic Dictionary

  • - Vietnamese writer. The book of short stories and essays “Shadows and Echoes of Time”, “Essays on Resistance and Peace”, “Essays”, “On Mastery” - a combination of narrative beginnings with lyricism, romantic mood...

    Large encyclopedic dictionary

  • - Nguyen Tuan, Vietnamese writer. In the books of short stories and essays “Shadows and Echoes of Time”, “Essays on Resistance and Peace”, “Essays”, “On Mastery” ...

    Large encyclopedic dictionary

"PHAM TUAN" in books


From the book 100 great military leaders author Shishov Alexey Vasilievich

TRAN HUNG DAO (THAN CUOC TUAN) 1226-1300 Vietnamese commander, leader of the repulse of the invasion of Mongol troops on Dai Viet (Vietnam). History has preserved very little evidence of the personality of the commander, who became famous for organizing the armed resistance of the Vietnamese

Tran Hung Dao (Tran Quoc Tuan)

From the book 100 great commanders of the Middle Ages author Shishov Alexey Vasilievich

Tran Hung Dao (Tran Quoc Tuan) Vietnamese commander who repelled three invasions of the Mongol troops of Kublai Khan on Dai Viet (Great Viet) Tran Hung Dao. Modern monumentHistory has preserved very little evidence about the personality of the great commander of Vietnam. Under him


From the book 100 Great Heroes author Shishov Alexey Vasilievich

TRAN HUNG DAO (CHAN KUOC TUAN) (1226-1300) Vietnamese commander of the 13th century. Leader of the repulse of the invasion of Mongol troops in Dai Viet (Vietnam). They were the winner of the Mongols, who had long tried to annex Indochina to the power created by the great conqueror Genghis Khan, to this day


From the book Suggestion and its role in public life author Bekhterev Vladimir Mikhailovich

THE CHINESE EPIDEMIC OF THE YI-HE-TUAN SECTION There is no doubt that sectarian and religious epidemics are still not without important political significance. An example of this is the gigantic epidemic of the Yi-he-tuan sect, which recently broke out with terrible

10. Anti-corruption in the tax sector Review by Tuan Minh Le

From the author's book

10. Combating corruption in the tax sector Review by Tuan Minh Le As the analysis shows, in developing countries and countries with transition economies, tax authorities are considered one of the most corrupt government institutions. Corruption in tax and customs areas

The first Vietnamese astronaut. Born on February 14, 1947 in Quoc Tuan village, Kien Suong district, Thai Binh province, into a peasant family. His childhood and school years were also spent there. Graduated in 1964 high school. In 1965 he was drafted into the Vietnamese People's Army. For some reason, his health was considered unimportant and they decided that he was only fit to be an aviation technician. He was sent to study in the Soviet Union. However, the Soviet medical commission determined that he was quite fit for flying work and sent him to study at military school pilots. Due to the outbreak of the Vietnam War, the course of study was shortened and Pham Tuan graduated from college in 1967. He returned to his homeland and served in the Vietnamese fighter aviation. He was sent to the famous Red Star regiment, where he was able to fully demonstrate his talent as a military pilot. First I flew the MiG-17, then the MiG-21. His skill is evidenced by the fact that Pham Tuan had the right to land at all airfields in North Vietnam. This right was granted only to the most experienced Vietnamese pilots. He independently mastered night flights. In 1972, during one of the missions, an American B-52 bomber was shot down. This was the only time in the entire history of the Vietnam War that a strategic bomber was shot down by a Vietnamese fighter pilot. After the end of the war, he continued to serve in the aviation units of the Vietnamese People's Army. In 1979, together with another pilot BUI THANH LIEM, he was selected to undergo training for a flight on a Soviet spaceship under the Intercosmos cooperation program of socialist countries. In the same year, he began training at the Yu. A. Gagarin Cosmonaut Training Center. He completed an accelerated course in general space training and preparation for flights on Soyuz-type spacecraft and the Salyut-6 orbital station. On July 23, 1980, he launched into space together with the Soviet cosmonaut Viktor Vasilyevich GORBATKO as a research cosmonaut spaceship"Soyuz-37". For seven days, the cosmonauts worked on board the Salyut-6 - Soyuz-36 - Soyuz-37 orbital complex together with Leonid Ivanovich POPOV and Valery Viktorovich RYUMIN. On July 31, 1980, he returned to Earth aboard the Soyuz-36 spacecraft. The flight duration was 7 days 20 hours 42 minutes. After the flight, he returned to his homeland for a short time, and then returned to the Soviet Union and studied at the Yu. A. Gagarin Air Force Academy. Graduated from the academy in 1982. Subsequently, he served as the head of the political department of the Vietnamese Air Force.

Hero of the Soviet Union (Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated July 31, 1980). Hero of the Armed Forces Democratic Republic Vietnam. Hero of Labor of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam (Resolution of the Standing Committee of the National Assembly of Vietnam dated August 1, 1980). Awarded the Soviet Order of Lenin, the Vietnamese Order of Ho Chi Minh 1st degree, and other orders and medals.

According to information taken from the website, Pham Thuan was born on February 14, 1947 in Thai Binh Province. He graduated from a flight technical school in the USSR in 1967 and served as a pilot in the Red Star fighter regiment. He saw action in defense of northern Vietnam during the Vietnam War.

In mid-1972, he served with a night fighter squadron preparing to destroy B-52 bombers.

On the night of December 27, 1972, B-52 bombers carried out airstrikes on Hanoi. Pham Thuan fired two missiles, shot down one B-52 bomber, and landed safely.

Pham Thuan was selected as a member of the sixth international crew under the Intercosmos program. Photo: Beryozka Magazine

In 1977, Pham Tuan was sent to study at the Yu. A. Gagarin Air Force Academy in the USSR. On April 1, 1979, Pham Thuan was selected as a member of the sixth international crew under the Intercosmos program.

On July 23, 1980, at one hour and 33 minutes Hanoi time, the Soyuz-37 spacecraft was launched with a crew consisting of USSR cosmonaut V.V. Gorbatko and cosmonaut Pham Thuan. They returned to Earth on July 31 on the Soyuz-36 spacecraft. They, together with two other Soviet cosmonauts, completed tasks at the Salyut 6 orbital station.

The Nyanzan newspaper dated July 24, 1980 published an article about the space flight of astronaut Pham Thuan. Photo: Beryozka Magazine

On the flight he took with him a photo of his family, wife and children, a letter, a photo of President Ho Chi Minh, Secretary General Le Duan, a handful of Ba Dinh soil, the Declaration of Independence, the will of President Ho Chi Minh, the flags of Vietnam and Russia, etc. All these things, which were stamped with the orbital station, were brought back to Earth.

Badges that the hero Pham Tuan attached to his clothes during his space flight. Photo:

Pham Thuan was also involved in Azolla's biological plant growing experiment on board the international space station. He photographed Vietnam from Earth orbit. The hero Pham Tuan spent a total of 7 days, 20 hours and 42 minutes in space and made 142 orbits around the Earth.

In 1980, Lieutenant Colonel Pham Tuan, at the age of 33, was awarded the title of Hero of Labor of Vietnam and awarded the Order of Ho Chi Minh. In the same year, he became one of the first foreigners to be awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union and the Order of Lenin. He is the only Vietnamese who was awarded the title of Hero three times (Hero of the Armed Forces, Hero of Labor of Vietnam, Hero of the Soviet Union).

Hero Pham Thuan set two records: the first fighter pilot to shoot down a B-52 strategic bomber in aerial combat, and the first Asian to fly into space. The two above-mentioned records that surprised the whole world are the extraordinary efforts of Pham Thuan and the great merits of the Soviet Union.

1980 23 VII - 31 VII

The flight of an international crew with the participation of citizens of the Soviet Union and Socialist Vietnam is a shining example fraternal friendship and close cooperation between the peoples of the USSR and Vietnam. This achievement reflects the unity of interests and goals of all countries of the socialist community

From a TASS message

USSR - SRV. V. Gorbatko - Pham Thuan "Soyuz-37"

Working in space

New flights of international crews under the Intercosmos program were planned for the summer and autumn of 1980. International crews with the participation of cosmonauts from Vietnam and Cuba had already completed their training at the Cosmonaut Training Center by the beginning of summer.

Simultaneously with the implementation of the Intercosmos program, the implementation of the domestic program of manned flights at the Salyut-6 orbital station continued. The plans provided for testing the improved Soyuz T series spacecraft in a manned version.

The launch of the Soyuz T-2 spacecraft, piloted by cosmonauts Yuri Vasilyevich Malyshev and Vladimir Viktorovich Aksenov, took place on June 5, 1980. The next day they docked with the Salyut-6 station, where L. Popov and V. Ryumin had been working for almost two months. The flight of the Soyuz T-2 spacecraft lasted about four days.

And at this time, at the Baikonur Cosmodrome, another ship was being prepared for launch, on which the Soviet-Vietnamese crew was supposed to go on a space flight.

July 23. According to the Intercosmos program

At the cosmodrome, the complex of pre-launch preparation and post-flight readaptation facilities for cosmonauts includes a Soyuz spacecraft simulator. The operations of docking, descent, and maneuvers are “played out” on it. The crews, together with methodologists, scientists and specialists, conduct a final analysis of the specifics of conducting in-flight operations and performing scientific research. These days, astronauts do not stop playing sports. In general, measured, well-planned work is underway.

Following a long-standing tradition, at exactly seven o’clock in the morning local time, two days before the launch, the rocket and space system was transported to the launch position on a transport and installation unit. On the same day, a meeting of the State Commission took place. She had to consider questions about the readiness of the rocket and space system for launch, and make a decision about the crew of the ship.

The main crew was confirmed as V.V. Gorbatko and Pham Tuan, the backup crew included V.F. Bykovsky and Bui Thanh Liem.

Let's introduce the main crew of the Soyuz-37 spacecraft. The commander of the ship is twice Hero of the Soviet Union, pilot-cosmonaut of the USSR, Colonel Viktor Vasilyevich Gorbatko. He was born on December 3, 1934 in the village of Ventsy-Zarya, Caucasus region Krasnodar region. After graduating from the Bataysk Military Aviation School in 1956, he continued to serve in the Air Force. Viktor Vasilyevich was one of the first to enlist in the cosmonaut corps in 1960; he was in the “Gagarin” recruitment. Years of hard training and study of new “space” sciences began. In 1968, without interruption from work at the Cosmonaut Training Center, he graduated from the Air Force Engineering Academy named after N. E. Zhukovsky. Since 1959, V. Gorbatko has been a member of the CPSU. Gorbatko made his first space flight in October 1969 - he was a research engineer on the Soyuz-7 spacecraft. (Crew commander - A. Filipchenko, flight engineer - V. Volkov.) In February 1977, V. Gorbatko headed the crew of the Soyuz-24 spacecraft (flight engineer - Yu. Glazkov) and after docking with the Salyut-5 station, he worked on the orbital complex. The total duration of V. Gorbatko's space flights is about 23 days.

Cosmonaut-researcher of the Soyuz-37 spacecraft, Hero of the Armed Forces, Lieutenant Colonel Pham Tuan was born on February 14, 1947 in the village of Quoc Tuan, Thai Binh Province. After graduating from an aviation school in the Soviet Union, he served in Vietnamese fighter aviation. People's Army. Since 1968, Pham Tuan has been a member of the Communist Party of Vietnam. Military pilot Pham Tuan took part in the fight against the American aggressors in Vietnam. In December 1972, while repelling a raid on Hanoi in an air battle, he shot down an American B-52 strategic bomber. It was the first aircraft of this type to be shot down by a Vietnamese pilot in the skies of Vietnam. In 1977, Pham Tuan began his studies at the Yu. A. Gagarin Air Force Academy. In 1982, Pham Tuan graduated from the academy. By the decision of a special commission, Pham Tuan was included in the group of cosmonaut candidates from Vietnam and in April 1979 began training at the Cosmonaut Training Center. Hard training began, studying space technology and theoretical disciplines.

At the starting position are the flags of the Soviet Union and Vietnam. The party and government delegation of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam arrived to see off the astronauts. Soviet and Vietnamese scientists and specialists in the field of research and use of outer space are present here.

When there were about three hours left before the launch, the Soviet-Vietnamese crew arrived at the launch position. Report from the crew commander to the Chairman of the State Commission on readiness for the flight, parting words in response, wishes for successful completion of the flight program and safe return to native land. The last steps on the Earth, and in the yellow elevator cabin the astronauts climbed to the top of the rocket - to the spaceship.

The crew worked on Earth for about two more hours, working together with numerous specialists. The launch vehicle and spacecraft systems were checked and prepared. In their statements before the launch, the cosmonauts said that they would make every effort, experience and knowledge to successfully complete the honorable task.

21 hours 33 minutes Moscow time. The rocket with the Soyuz-37 spacecraft lifts off from the launch pad.

And soon the long-awaited information was transmitted to the observation post: “The Soyuz-37 spacecraft has been launched into orbit of an artificial Earth satellite.” The orbital flight of the Soviet-Vietnamese crew began. The first representative of the countries of the Asian continent, a citizen of Socialist Vietnam in space.

July 24. Four in a starry house

The first stage - launch and insertion of the spacecraft into orbit - was completed successfully. And immediately the working hours began for the international crew. Only at six o'clock in the morning of the next day did the astronauts go to bed. Their rest lasted about ten hours.

The docking of the spacecraft was planned for the night. And therefore, in one of the communication sessions, the flight director, USSR pilot-cosmonaut A. Eliseev, once again warned “Terekov” (the call sign of the Soviet-Vietnamese crew) that it would be necessary to more carefully monitor the position of the signal lights at the Salyut-6 station. The reference point for “Dnepr” (the call sign of the crew of the orbital complex) during this period will be the light of the powerful headlight of the Soyuz-37 spacecraft. V. Gorbatko and Pham Tuan should turn it on when the ship is about two kilometers from the station.

At the scheduled time, at 23 hours 2 minutes Moscow time, the Soyuz-37 spacecraft docked with the Salyut-6 orbital station. And at 2 hours 15 minutes (July 25 had already arrived) the hatch cover connecting the ship with the station opened, and Pham Thuan “floated” into the orbital house, followed by Viktor Gorbatko. A joyful meeting in space. The guests brought gifts from Earth to the station owners: letters, newspapers, parcels from relatives were given by V. Gorbatko, and Pham Thuan presented them with souvenirs. Among the newspapers was a special issue prepared for Dnepr by the editors of Izvestia and the Vietnamese party newspaper Nyan Zan (The People). Of course, the parcel with fresh vegetables and fruits caused great joy among the space centenarians. Cases for the Malachite biological installation were delivered with beautiful orchids, which are intended not only for conducting scientific experiments, but also to decorate the life of astronauts.

The sixth international crew began work on the Salyut-6-Soyuz orbital complex.

July 25. First experiment - "Azola"

On the first day of work of the international crew at the station, the cosmonauts transferred cargo from the ship to the orbital station. One of the primary tasks was the conservation of the Soyuz-37 spacecraft. Many of its onboard systems were turned off by V. Gorbatko and Pham Tuan, the rest were switched to power supply from Salyut-6. The crew of the main expedition assisted them in this work. And then, from four to five o’clock in the morning, a joint festive “dinner” of the two crews took place. Despite the late hour, in one of the communication sessions the astronauts were given the opportunity to watch a TV report from olympic games, held in Moscow. After this, the astronauts rested.

The first scientific research began at three o'clock. The purpose of this joint experiment, called " Azola", - obtaining data on the effect of weightlessness on the processes of growth and development, as well as the morphological structure of the higher plant Azola pinnata.

The research object proposed by Vietnamese scientists is a plant widespread in Vietnam - aquatic fern. Azola is one of the smallest of them - an adult plant has the appearance of a disk with a diameter of several millimeters. imitator sunlight In this experiment, special lamps were used that ensured the onset of photosynthesis. Note that the nitrogen-fixing alga Anabena lives in the air sinuses of azola and on its roots. This makes it possible to simultaneously study in zero gravity not only the main plant, but also its companion plant, as well as this entire simple ecological system.

Azola has very high nitrogen fixation (due to the algae anabena) and rapid growth, and is therefore of interest for possible inclusion in closed ecological systems. The experiment studied the growth, gas exchange and development of azole in weightlessness to obtain objective data on the prospects for its practical use.

The experiment was carried out in IFS-2 instruments, used in the Soviet-Czechoslovak Chlorella experiment. The astronauts determined how intensively the process of photosynthesis occurs in zero gravity. Before returning to Earth, the ampoule with the fixative was opened, and the plants, preserved, were transferred to the scientists' laboratories.

The working day at the orbital complex began at 14:00. After completing morning procedures and sharing lunch, the international crew continued their research program.

During the flight of the Soviet-Vietnamese crew, a set of experiments was carried out, which received the general name " Circulation", to study the response of the circulatory system to weightlessness using several methods, for each of which a separate experiment was provided. One of them " Test using the Pneumatic-1 kit", started in the Soviet-Hungarian flight. At first, this research was carried out by Pham Tuan, and V. Gorbatko assisted him, and then they switched roles.

The main crew carried out research in the field of space biology, prepared the Kristall installation for operation, and worked on technical maintenance orbital station. From 11 p.m. the crews rested.

26 July. Attention to medicine

The flight program stipulated that the Soviet-Vietnamese crew should return to Earth in the Soyuz-36 spacecraft, which delivered the previous international crew - cosmonauts from the USSR and Hungary - to the orbital station. Therefore, one of the first jobs of the crew of the orbital complex was the transfer of documents, seat supports and personal equipment from the Soyuz-37 spacecraft to the Soyuz-36 spacecraft.

After lunch together, both crews continued their research program. One of the main experiments of this rich working day was " Negative pressure test on the lower half of the body". This experiment, like the test performed the day before, provides for medical research into the reaction of the cardiovascular system when exposed to functional load under space flight conditions. It is part of the set of experiments "Blood circulation".

The results obtained in ground-based experiments with weightlessness simulation showed that to normalize the condition of astronauts on the first day of a space flight, means can be used to ensure the distribution of blood across vascular areas characteristic of terrestrial conditions. One of the methods of artificial redistribution of blood is the effect of negative pressure on the lower half of the body, which in weightlessness causes hemodynamic shifts and provides a state similar to that observed when a person is in an upright position in conditions of Earth gravity. To resolve the issue of choosing the optimal regimen for using negative pressure as a prophylactic agent, it is necessary to conduct targeted research.

Such studies were carried out using the Chibis vacuum suit. After the astronaut puts on the corrugated “pants” and seals them, a pump creates a vacuum around the legs of about 25-35 mm Hg. Art. In this case, the blood moves into the vessels of the legs. Rarefaction tests make it possible to study the peculiarities of the functioning of the cardiovascular system and predict the orthostatic stability of an astronaut after a flight.

To obtain comparable data on the condition of the crew, the same medical parameters are monitored as during a functional test using dosed physical activity. In this experiment, V. Gorbatko was examined for an hour, and Pham Tuan helped him, then they switched roles.

In the interval between the two stages of the work described above, the Soviet-Vietnamese crew conducted an experiment for forty minutes." Biosphere-B"(index "B" means Vietnam). It was part of a complex of works on remote sensing of the Earth. They are carried out using a large-format topographic camera KATE-140, a multispectral camera MKF-6M, a spectrometer "Spectrum-15", cameras "Praktika-EE2" , "Pentacon-BM" and others. Note that the automatic high-precision camera KATE-140 was developed by Soviet specialists. Let us give some of its characteristics. The precision lens has a focal length of 140 mm. The length of the film placed in the cassette is up to 120 m, its width is 190 mm. From the flight altitude of the Salyut-6 station, one picture taken with the help of this device covers a surface of about 200 thousand sq. km. In five minutes of its operation, more than 1 million sq. km is captured. The viewing width reaches about 450 km Using KATE-140, black-and-white, color and spectrozonal surveys are performed.

The program of joint Soviet-Vietnamese experiments on remote sensing of the Earth was developed at the State Center "Nature" and the Institute of Space Research (USSR), at the Space Research Center (SRV).

This experiment was described in detail earlier.

The purpose of the Biosphere-B experiment is visual and instrumental research of the natural environment in the interests of geosciences, the national economy of Vietnam and other socialist countries, as well as further improvement of remote sensing methods and means. The astronauts were also supposed to receive the materials necessary to map the territory of Vietnam.

It is known what enormous damage was caused to the nature of Vietnam by the American aggressors who used napalm and pesticides. Surveys and observations made by the Soviet-Vietnamese crew will help identify the extent of this damage and outline the development of reforestation work. The experimental program included surveying the Central Plateau. Studying river flows will help determine the degree of pollution of coastal sea waters by their discharges. The subject of the study was the Mekong River Delta.

During the flight of the Soviet-Vietnamese crew in Vietnam, it was the rainy season. In this regard, observations of tropical cyclones were included in the program.

In the evening, the cosmonauts conducted a television report on experiments in the field of space materials science, and after a joint dinner, V. Gorbatko and Pham Tuan began performing one of two experiments " Simulator"The purpose of the experiments is to measure temperatures at different points in the heating chamber of the Kristall installation.

Experiments on growing various single crystals of semiconductor and other materials have already been repeatedly carried out using the Kristall installation at the Salyut-6 station. Naturally, during long-term operation of the heating chamber its thermal characteristics could change. At the same time, targeted crystal growth requires precise knowledge of the temperature profile of the chamber.

The preparation of the experiment was carried out jointly by specialists from the USSR (Institute of Space Research), Vietnam (Institute of Physics) and the GDR (Martin Luther University, Institute of Electronics, A. Humboldt University).

The measurements were carried out by two independent methods. In the first experiment (“Simulator-1”), a set of special reference wires was used, which were placed along the axis of the temperature profile of the chamber. Depending on the temperature, the wires melted differently. The nature of the melting of the wire was determined in advance under terrestrial conditions. This experiment was carried out for several initial temperatures of the Kristall installation. It was done after dinner together.

In the second experiment (“Simulator-2”), instead of a melted wire, a number of thermocouples were used. A special container was inserted into the installation and then pulled out of it at low speed. This simulated the real cycle of growing crystals. The local temperature distribution in the installation was determined by measuring the electromotive force on thermocouples using an electronic measuring device. The data obtained in flight were then compared with the results of measurements in a facility operating under ground conditions.

At the end of the day, the Soviet-Vietnamese crew performed the “Interrogation” experiment. For this purpose, we used a questionnaire developed by specialists from the USSR and Poland, and an additional section proposed by specialists from the Socialist Republic of Vietnam.

From 11 p.m. the cosmonauts rested.

July 27. Medicine, geophysics, technology

The volume of research performed by the crew of the orbital complex increased every day. The next working day began at 8 o'clock with medical experiments.

V. Gorbatko and Pham Tuan determined breathing parameters and vital capacity of the lungs using the Pneumo-test-78 equipment. The research was carried out by the commander, and the Vietnamese astronaut helped him. This experiment was called " Breath".

During space flight, body fluids move to the upper half of the body. In zero gravity, relatively low pressure in the pulmonary artery and low density of lung tissue with relatively large lung sizes can create blood deposition in the lungs. This phenomenon can impair ventilation of the lungs and the supply of oxygen to the blood. This can lead to a decrease in the functional reserves of the respiratory system, primarily to a decrease in the efficiency of respiratory pulmonary ventilation. In addition, in zero gravity, lung capacity may change as it rises slightly abdomen, blood supply to the chest cavity increases. All this can affect both during the acute period of adaptation to weightlessness, and after the crew returns to Earth.

In this experiment, some indicators of the function were studied external respiration. The Pneumotest-78 equipment allows you to measure the minute volume of respiration (measurement range: 4-60 and 60-150 l/min), vital capacity, inspiratory reserve volume, respiratory rate (measurement range 0-60 breath/min); power consumption 15 W; total weight equipment - about 5 kg.

Studies of the function of external respiration were carried out at the beginning and during the final days of the flight during the rest period, while the cosmonauts were working on a bicycle ergometer and during a functional test using the Chibis suit. To study* the effect of weightlessness on respiratory functions, the experiment was carried out immediately after sleep at the so-called level of the body's basal metabolic rate. The results of the experiment were compared with data from pre-flight and post-flight surveys. These studies will make it possible to develop recommendations for increasing the physical performance of astronauts.

In the middle of the day, the Soviet-Vietnamese crew continued work on the Biosphere-B program and the Azola experiment.

After a joint lunch, which ended at about 16 o'clock, V. Gorbatko and Pham Tuan began performing a series of experiments "Polarization", "Terminator", "Atmosphere", " Contrast"In this work, L. Popov and V. Ryumin provided them with great assistance. They carried out the necessary orientation and stabilization of the orbital complex.

The Polarization experiment is a continuation of research begun by international crews with the participation of cosmonauts from the GDR and Hungary. The “Terminator” and “Atmosphere” experiments are described in the chapter dedicated to the flight of the Soviet-Hungarian crew.

In the "Contrast" experiment, quantitative and qualitative changes in the transfer function of the atmosphere were determined in areas of large cities and industrial centers, where significant air pollution is inevitable. This makes it possible to study pollution in such areas. To obtain the source material, spectrometry and photography of the earth's surface were carried out in the area of ​​large industrial facilities located near water basins, as well as “clean” areas of land near sources of pollution.

During the flight, the Soviet-Vietnamese crew carried out a number of experiments using Bulgarian equipment - the Duga spectrophotometer. It was delivered to the station by the Progress-6 automatic ship during the flight of cosmonauts V. Lyakhov and V. Ryumin (note that they carried out a cycle of studies of auroras, equatorial arcs, atmospheric emissions, which were planned in the work program of the Soviet-Bulgarian crew ). The main objective of these experiments was to study optical phenomena in the upper atmosphere of the Earth, caused both by local aeronomic processes and the influence of the magnetosphere on the ionosphere. Among them are auroras, mid-latitude and equatorial glow of the upper atmosphere, and mid-latitude red arcs.

In the experiment" Equator"Equatorial arcs were observed in a certain layer of the ionosphere, and the glow of the upper atmosphere in the equator region.

The purpose of the experiment " Pole"was the study of the vertical structure of the main emission lines in auroras. different types auroras, there are differences in the spectral characteristics and in their altitude distributions. The observations made will help to understand the physical mechanisms of the formation of certain types of auroras.

The study of the latitudinal distribution of the main emission lines in the spectrum of the atmosphere's own glow was carried out in the experiment " Emission"Some of the main emissions are present only in certain regions of the atmosphere, for example, in the polar regions, in the region of the mid-latitude trough. The experiment studied the change in the ratio of the intensities of some spectral lines with changes in latitude.

In the experiment" Glow"The glow was observed in areas of mid-latitudes. In areas of the mid-latitude ionospheric trough, sharp jumps in a number of parameters of both the neutral and ionized plasma components are observed. At approximately these geomagnetic latitudes, so-called stable mid-latitude arcs are observed.

In the afternoon, the Soviet-Vietnamese crew continued to carry out the Polarization experiment, and then in the evening the cosmonauts began preparing and conducting one of the experiments in the field of space materials science." Ha Long"on growing semiconductor crystals from a solution of the three-component system bismuth-antimony-tellurium. A series of experiments in this experiment were carried out at the Kristall installation. The experiment was named after one of the most beautiful places Vietnam - Ha Long Bay (Sunken Dragon Bay).

The Halong series of experiments was carried out over several days. Capsules with starting materials were prepared by specialists from Vietnam, the USSR and the GDR.

In the Halong-1 experiment, directional crystallization of solid solutions of the bismuth-antimony-tellurium system was carried out. Its goal is to study the influence of crystallization conditions on structural and physical properties, primarily thermoelectric ones. The particular value of carrying out this experiment in weightlessness is that solid solutions containing three elements having different atomic weights are difficult to obtain under terrestrial conditions with homogeneous composition. The experiment was prepared jointly at the Space Research Institute of the USSR Academy of Sciences and the National Center for Scientific Research of Vietnam.

The goal of the Halong-2 and Halong-3 experiments is to grow cylindrical semiconductor single crystals with a given crystallographic orientation of the bismuth-antimony-tellurium compound solid solution. Note that such crystals are the basis for thermoelectric elements and are used in refrigeration devices. During the experiments, an alloy of semiconductor material prepared on Earth was melted in the Kristall installation in special quartz ampoules. Crystal growth was ensured by slowly pulling the ampoule out of the installation furnace.

The preparation of these experiments was carried out jointly by the Institute of Space Research of the USSR Academy of Sciences, the Vietnamese Institute of Physics, and the University. Martin Luther and the Institute of Electronics of the GDR.

In the following experiments, Halong-4 and Halong-5, single crystals of the semiconductor material gallium phosphide with different impurity contents were grown. The goal here was to estimate the growth rate of crystals in weightlessness, study the diffusion of phosphorus in liquid gallium in the absence of convection, determine the effect of weightlessness on the quality of the crystal (primarily on the perfection of its structure and morphology), and also conduct a study of the influence of crystal formation conditions on the electrical and physical luminescent properties of the material. Note that improving the characteristics of materials such as gallium phosphide has important for optoelectronics. This group of experiments was jointly developed by specialists from the Space Research Institute (USSR) and National Center scientific research (SRV).

After dinner together, the cosmonauts conducted a television report on physical and technical experiments.

From 11 p.m. they rested.

July 28th. Press conference in orbit

Even before breakfast, V. Gorbatko and Pham Tuan performed a medical experiment - they took blood samples from each other, the analysis of which will be carried out in earthly laboratories.

The purpose of the experiment" Metabolism" - study of the nature of metabolic processes and the state of the main regulatory systems of the human body. Modern biochemistry has great potential for elucidating the nature of metabolic processes. But specialists obtain especially valuable data from blood tests. Note that in the initial phase of flight, changes in a number of biochemical parameters are noted. But these changes mainly reflect the physiological processes inherent in the body when adapting to new conditions.

At 10 o'clock the Soviet-Vietnamese crew began performing the "Imitator-2" experiment. And after its completion, the cosmonauts worked for an hour according to the program of the Zarya experiment. The first research in this area was carried out in the Soviet-Hungarian flight.

Then V. Gorbatko and Pham Tuan began conducting the “Illuminator” experiment (it was described earlier). At this time, L. Popov and V. Ryumin were engaged in visual observations. The first half of the working day ended with a joint lunch between the astronauts.

The afternoon was no less tense. First, the international crew took photographs inside the station, and then the cosmonauts took turns performing a medical experiment using the Chibis suit. At the end of the day, they prepared and began executing one of the Halong experiments to grow a gallium phosphide crystal.

In implementation scientific program international expeditions there is consistency and continuity. Repeating experiments gives more reliable results, allows you to accumulate statistical data, and identify general patterns of the phenomenon being studied. One of such studies conducted during the flight of the Soviet-Vietnamese crew was the “Heat Transfer” experiment, launched by the first international expedition.

On this evening, a press conference was held in two communication sessions with the crew of the orbital complex, in which Soviet and foreign journalists accredited at the Mission Control Center took part.

V. Gorbatko and Pham Tuan told reporters about what relics and objects of symbolic activity they delivered aboard the orbital complex. There were the “Declaration of Independence of Vietnam” and the will of Ho Chi Minh, pennants dedicated to the joint flight, as well as pennants of the Federation of Vietnamese Women and the Committee of Soviet Women, the Ho Chi Minh Union of Communist Youth and the Central Committee of the Komsomol, the pioneer organization, the Federation of Trade Unions of Vietnam and the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions, Societies of Soviet-Vietnamese Friendship and Vietnamese-Soviet Friendship.

The press conference ended at about 22 o'clock, but the cosmonauts' working day still continued - the Soviet-Vietnamese crew conducted a medical experiment "Poll" (it has already been described) and a new experiment " Questionnaire". Its goal is to study the symptoms of vestibular disorders that occur during space flight, and to try to identify the connection of these disorders with sensitivity to vestibular stimuli in terrestrial conditions. In previous space flights, astronauts experienced a feeling of vestibular discomfort, which has not yet been sufficiently studied.

A special list of questions was prepared for the experiment. The astronauts had to answer them before, during and after the end of the flight. The list included, for example, the following questions: how long after the onset of weightlessness did the feeling of a rush of blood to the head arise (if there was one); what was the nature of the illusory sensations (the position of the inverted body, the displacement of objects), when they arose, what caused their appearance, what was their duration. Targeted, specific questions helped the astronauts focus on the development of sensations associated with “motion sickness,” and also try to identify the dependence of such sensations on specific flight conditions and type of activity.

At 23:00, having completed the planned work, the cosmonauts went to bed.

July 29. Work continues

Although various experiments were carried out on this day, it can rightfully be called a medical day in orbit.

Immediately after ascent at 8 o'clock, the main crew measured body weight using a "space scale." The Soviet-Vietnamese crew, using the Pneumotest-78 equipment, once again carried out studies of breathing parameters and vital capacity of the lungs according to the Breathing experiment program.

After the morning toilet and a joint breakfast, L. Popov and V. Ryumin conducted biological research and a medical experiment to monitor the condition of the muscles, the load on which is insignificant under space flight conditions. Then they did physical exercise. Together with the international crew, L. Popov and V. Ryumin performed the Biosphere-V experiment.

Before their joint lunch, V. Gorbatko and Pham Tuan carried out operations on the biological experiment "Azola" from 10 o'clock, and from 10:40 a.m. they worked for an hour according to the experimental program " Operator".

The activities of astronauts belong to one of the complex types of camera work. It is associated with the reception and processing of a large volume of various information, making and implementing decisions. Moreover, work is often performed under time pressure. All this places increased demands on the state of mental functions that determine the effectiveness of activity - perception, operational and long-term memory, thinking, etc.

Experimental data show that different external factors can have a significant impact on psychophysiological processes, lead to a decrease in the level of performance, and a change in the quality of work performance.

To predict the performance and reliability of an astronaut-operator, information is used that reflects his behavior when performing test tasks. The experiment was carried out using the Sredets device, developed by Bulgarian specialists. It includes two indicator blocks on which numbers are displayed, and a control and software device that serves as a remote control for the experimental cosmonaut. Device weight 5.7 kg, power consumption 25 W.

The experiment used the method of continuous counting under conditions of limit and time pressure. The astronaut operator must continuously perform simple arithmetic operations with single-digit numbers (from 0 to 9), which are displayed on the display. The nature of its operation in accordance with each of the four programs is determined by the variation of the color background (red, green, yellow) and the method of presenting numbers (in pairs or one at a time). The color background and the way numbers are presented determine the type of mathematical operation (addition, subtraction, multiplication). The exposure time of one stimulus is 0.6-2.4 s with an interval of 0.2 s. The task of the cosmonaut-experimenter is to compare the results reported by the cosmonaut-operator with the correct ones and record possible mistakes. The analysis of the experiment is carried out by specialists after the completion of the space flight.

Having completed this study, the international crew continued visual observations under the Biosphere-B program from 12 o'clock. After lunch, V. Gorbatko and Pham Tuan, with the active assistance of L. Popov and V. Ryumin, again conducted another series of experiments: “Polarization”, “Terminator”, “Atmosphere”, “Contrast”.

And then, from 15:40, medical research continued. With the help of recording equipment "Polynom-2M", "Rheograph-2" and "Beta-3" in the afternoon, a comprehensive examination of the circulatory system was carried out while the cosmonauts performed dosed physical activity on the VEL-1 bicycle ergometer. First, the examination was carried out by V. Gorbatko, and then by Pham Thuan. This experiment, part of the complex experiment "Blood Circulation", was called " Test with dosed physical activity". During the examination, the heart rate was recorded, arterial pressure, stroke and minute blood volume, indicators of bioelectrical activity of the heart and the duration of the phases of the cardiac cycle, breathing parameters.

The experiment was carried out to study the mechanisms of the body's reaction to dosed physical activity in weightlessness, to determine the possibility of using a bicycle ergometer as a tool for tests and a preventive measure in the acute period of adaptation. In addition to the reaction of the cardiovascular system, the cardiorespiratory system of the astronaut was studied when he performed a given physical activity. This is important for assessing the astronaut’s performance.

Flight practice shows that during short-term (up to eight days) orbital flights, certain changes occur in the functional state of the human cardiovascular system. This is manifested in a decrease in its resistance to physical activity. Previous experiments have shown that the use of a bicycle ergometer or a “treadmill” in the acute period of adaptation helps to a certain extent reduce a number of unpleasant subjective sensations that are associated with the redistribution of liquid media in the astronaut’s body.

July 30. Home soon

The program of work for this day mainly included inspections and preparation of the systems of the Soyuz-36 and Soyuz-37 spacecraft. But first, L. Popov and V. Ryumin carried out an experiment to study the characteristics of water-salt metabolism, and cosmonauts V. Gorbatko and Pham Tuan completed the Azola and Biosphere-B experiments.

Then work began to prepare the Soyuz-36 spacecraft for its return to Earth. The cosmonauts transferred the materials from their research to the descent vehicle. The next operation was to test the Soyuz-36 orientation and flight control system. The working day ended with a television report on the research performed.

July 31st. In a given area

After getting up at 8 o’clock, morning toilet and a joint breakfast, V. Gorbatko and Pham Tuan began a pre-launch check of the ship’s systems. Both crews then conducted a final television report.

The crews took their jobs - L. Popov and V. Ryumin in the orbital complex, and V. Gorbatko and Pham Tuan - in the Soyuz-36 spacecraft. Three hours later, the Soyuz-36 spacecraft undocked from the orbital complex and began an autonomous flight.

18 hours 15 minutes. The flight of the sixth international space crew has been successfully completed. The descent module landed 180 kilometers southeast of the city of Dzhezkazgan. Immediately in the immediate vicinity of the device, helicopters from the search and rescue complex landed. There are doctors and specialists here, Soviet and Vietnamese journalists and a sports commissar arrived here.

First, the cosmonauts were transported by helicopter to the city of Dzhezkazgan. They were greeted with bread and salt, flowers, and the space heroes were awarded diplomas conferring the title of honorary citizens of the city. And then the cosmonauts arrived at Baikonur, where they were cordially greeted by city residents and cosmodrome specialists.

Several days of their stay here were filled with medical examinations, preparing materials for a report on work in orbit, and discussing the results of the experiments with specialists. Another young elm appeared on the Alley of Cosmonauts in the park surrounding the Cosmonaut Hotel. It was landed by the first Vietnamese astronaut.

The feat of space heroes is highly appreciated. V. Gorbatko was awarded the Order of Lenin, and Pham Tuan was awarded the honorary title of Hero of the Soviet Union with the Order of Lenin and the Gold Star medal.

The honorary title of Hero of Labor of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam with the presentation of the Gold Star medal and the Order of Ho Chi Minh, 1st degree, was awarded to V. Gorbatko, the head of the training of Soviet cosmonauts V. Shatalov and the backup of the Soviet cosmonaut V. Bykovsky. Pham Tuan was awarded the honorary title of Hero of Labor of Vietnam with the second Gold Star medal and the Order of Ho Chi Minh, 1st degree, as well as the honorary title Pilot-Cosmonaut of Vietnam.

After finishing their work in space, the main crew - L. Popov and V. Ryumin - were awarded the honorary title of Hero of Labor of the Vietnamese Republic with the Golden Star medal and the Order of Ho Chi Minh I degree.