How to draw coniferous trees with a pencil. How to draw trees? Drawing oak, pine and weeping willow step by step


Start with the trunk, which in pine trees growing in the forest or in open space is straight and fairly thin. Draw in the middle album sheet a very narrow and long rectangle, tapering at the top. In a field pine, the trunk can bifurcate in the first quarter from the ground.

Start drawing the branches growing from the pine tree almost perpendicular to the trunk. However, you should not depict branches with straight lines - it looks unnatural. Draw broken, intricately curved lines and do not forget to divide a large branch into several small ones as it moves away from the trunk. Remember that a pine tree grown in the forest is very different from a field pine - the latter has a dense crown starting one and a half to two meters from the ground, while a forest pine has most of the trunk devoid of branches.

Place branches not only on the sides of the trunk, but also on the back and front. The branches located directly in front of the trunk will appear the shortest and at the same time the densest, and the branches behind can not be drawn in detail, limiting yourself to shading with a pencil. Also note that the pine branches become shorter and thinner as they approach the top of the tree.

Draw the pine needles. Using confident pencil strokes, go over the ends of the branches, making the tree “fluffy.” Branches that are far from the viewer do not need to be drawn in too much detail - the needles can simply be indicated by shading. An old tree may have lower branches that are dry and bare or broken.

Add shadows. Try to place them correctly in one direction, focusing on an imaginary light source. Using deeper shading on the sides of the trunk you can show it cylindrical shape. Shadows from the branches will add expressiveness to the picture.

Video on the topic

Helpful advice

Celebrate individual characteristics trees: broken branch, hollow, bird's Nest. Such details will make your drawing more realistic and interesting.


  • how to draw a pine tree step by step

While creating cartoon drawings the artist is faced with the need to paint nature so that it looks at the same time quite natural and at the same time does not stand out from the general plan. You can draw tree bark using Photoshop, even if you do not fully master all the tools.

You will need

  • - Photoshop program;
  • - photo of a tree.


Create a new document in Photoshop program. Select a standard round brush (size 40 px, opacity 40%) and paint the trunk, making many long strokes. At the same time, change the pressure on the pen to get a slight “striation”. If necessary, make branches; the strokes should extend slightly into the trunk.

On the side where the sun will be, make a few strokes with a lighter brush (of the same shade), and on the opposite side darken the trunk a little. At the very edge dark side You can draw the darkest strokes - use photographs of real trees as a guide.

Create a new layer for the fibers. Using an opaque round brush (size 8 px), paint the wood fibers in the form of a rhombic network. The color you need is the darkest one used previously. Select the optimal transparency using the Soft Light blending mode.

On the same layer, using a 4 px brush with 60% transparency, fill each cell of the network with fine shading. Try to ensure that the shading in adjacent fibers is consistent. different directions. You can add a few cracks between the fibers.

Master class for children 4-6 years old: “Drawing a pine tree using watercolor technique”

Author: Knis Anna Nikolaevna, senior teacher.
Place of work: MBDOU " Kindergarten No. 3 "Smile", Kalach-on-Don.
Description of work: I offer you a master class: “Drawing a pine tree using watercolor technique for preschoolers. The material may be useful for educators and teachers additional education, teachers, children and their parents.

Purpose: The drawing will serve as a wonderful gift and can be used for interior decoration.
Target: Drawing a pine tree using watercolor technique.
Tasks: Develop creative thinking and imagination;
Teach children to draw a pine tree, accurately conveying the structure of the trunk and branches; Continue to strengthen children’s skills in drawing with a dry brush and poking;
Cultivate accuracy during work;
Improve skills and techniques for working with watercolors.

Pine is loved in Russia no less than birch. Stately, stern, she stands against all the winds. Pines are always not far from us. If there is no pine tree in the nearest forest park, then you just have to drive a little away from the city, and there it is, a stately beauty. It stands, stretches its branches and thin needles towards the sun, and gently sways in the wake of the wind.
Pine is considered a true “tree of life”, which always looks green and fresh even at a very advanced age. It is highly valued as a symbol of long life and lasting marital happiness. Particular attention is paid to pine as a symbol of inviolability and resilience in Chinese art, because even in cold winter she keeps her needles, and the fact that they always appear in pairs means life together, as is the case in marriage.
Pine is the oldest healer. Its healing needles were included in medicinal compositions five thousand years ago. Pine extract for baths, essential oil, and ointments for treating burns are obtained from pine needles.
Pine is a very valuable forest species. Produces industrial ornamental wood. Pine wood is permeated with resin passages, as if impregnated with resin, which protects the tree from rotting. It is used to obtain resin, from which turpentine and rosin are obtained. Cellulose is obtained from fresh ridges.
Pine forests are magnificent at any time of the year. Mighty trees with crowns rising high above the ground, with slender trunks covered with reddish bark, attract you under their canopy. The beauty of pine trees is a source of inspiration for many artists, poets and writers.
Materials and tools:
- watercolor paints;
- brushes No. 12, No. 2, squirrel;
- drawing paper A-4;
- a simple pencil, eraser;
- watercolor paints;
- palette, sippy cup.

Stages of work:
Using a simple pencil on a vertical sheet of paper, draw a pine trunk. The trunk of the pine tree is tall and straight.

Next, draw branches from the trunk up and slightly to the sides.

Around the branches we outline the silhouette of the tree crown, in the form of clouds. We will leave the lower branch without a crown - a dried twig.

Add a horizon line.

Using a wide brush, paint the sky with blue watercolors.

We paint the ground with light green watercolors, and the crown of the pine tree with emerald.

Paint the trunk with brown watercolor.

Use dark green watercolors to paint over the grass in the foreground and the edges of the crown.

There is a wide variety of trees in nature, as well as a wide variety of animals or birds. All this huge variety is classified according to different criteria. But features are important for an artist appearance tree. And in order to learn how to draw it, you need to observe the shape of the trunk, the shape of the branches, leaves, and the shape of the entire crown of the tree. After all, each breed has its own characteristics. Therefore, we will discuss these features in 6 types of trees - maple, birch, pine, spruce, willow and oak (but I recommend reading first).


  • The maple trunk can bend and branch, which gives it a sinuous shape.
  • Bark dark color, is generally similar to the bark of most trees.
  • The top of the crown of this tree is rounded, but may also have an irregular shape.
  • The maple leaf is known to have a pointed shape, similar to a star. Large masses maple leaves create a “spiky” texture of the crown surface.
  • When shading the crown, you can also use longitudinal strokes, but to show the character of maple foliage, it is better to add a “clumsy” or “prickly” textured stroke to the drawing, similar to maple leaves (I wrote about the texture of shading). The same principle should be followed in painting, painting the canvas with strokes that would create the illusion of foliage. Considering that leaves and branches combine to form separate groups, the texture of shading and painterly strokes should be varied.


  • Birch comes in different varieties. IN middle lane The trunk of birches is usually straight and “slender”. In other areas, a birch trunk can form a “slingshot”, bifurcating at the root.
  • The crown of a birch often has an elongated shape, directed upward. However, there are also birches with a spreading, squat crown.
  • Birch bark is white on the surface. But it has dark “strokes”, which are essentially cracks through which the dark inner layer is visible. The closer to the ground, the more often these “strokes” appear on the bark. “Black lines” are present on the trunk at the base of the branches, i.e. in those places of the trunk from where the branches grow. They can have a triangular or rectilinear shape.
  • Small birch branches are so thin and flexible that they hang down, rushing down. The leaves growing on these branches form vertically directed rows. The branches bending towards the ground bend, giving the appearance of birches a special awe and lightness.
  • In pencil drawing or painting, the graceful character of birch trees can be conveyed by longitudinal vertical shading or appropriate strokes of paint. Pencil movements or brush movements can follow the movement of the branches described above.


  • The pine trunk is straight. However, there are pine trees with a trunk that bends at the top and have a “stocky” character. Often there are ship pines in which the crown is located at the top of the tree, and the trunk is straight and tall.
  • The bark of this tree has a red color, which, as it approaches the ground, becomes much darker, turning into gray-brown. In the middle of the trunk, the pine bark resembles a flaky, scaly structure. Closer to the ground it becomes coarser and forms a dense, cracking layer.
  • The crown of young pines has a triangular, cone-shaped shape. But the crown of mature trees will already be more rounded.
  • The branches of perennial old pine trees can be twisted and gnarled. As a rule, pine branches do not point very upward. IN to a greater extent they are directed away from the trunk.
  • Pine needles are longer than spruce needles. Therefore, they create the feeling of a fluffy crown, which needs to be displayed by graphic means, or painting techniques, if this is not a drawing, but a painting. It is necessary to use a textured stroke or appropriate strokes in painting. Each branch has light and shadow, so the artist needs to think about how to draw the volume of individual branches in total mass crowns

  • Spruce and pine have much in common, but they are different trees with their own characteristics. For example, if the trunk of a spruce tree is as straight as that of a pine tree, then the nature of the branches will already differ from the nature of pine branches. The branches of the spruce are slightly curved upward. IN lower tiers old branches droop down and resemble “paws”.
  • Spruce needles are shorter than pine needles, so general invoice The crown of this tree will be different from that of a pine tree.
  • The crown of the spruce tree is shaped like a triangle or a cone and consists of tiers.
  • When an artist paints a landscape, he paints trees in volume. To do this, you need to monitor how the entire tree is illuminated and how individual branches or tiers of branches are illuminated. For example, going inside the crown, the spruce “paw” plunges into the shadow. From the outside, it can remain light because it receives more daylight.
  • The color of spruce needles is dark and rich. Therefore, both individual spruce trees and the spruce forest as a whole will differ in color from other types of trees.

  • Willow trees can look different depending on the variety. For example, the weeping willow has branches that are more flexible and flexible than the common willow. Because of this, its branches hang down, rushing to the ground.
  • Willow is characterized by constant branching of the trunk, as well as large branches.
  • Willow leaves are narrow and oblong. This greatly affects the appearance of the tree. Therefore, this feature must be reflected through shading or brushwork in painting.
  • The color of willow foliage is complex. On one side of the leaf the color is green. And on the other - light, gray-green. Therefore, the overall color of the tree is distinguished by gray-blue shades.

  • The oak trunk is powerful. In old trees it can reach a large diameter at the base. But in dry areas, oaks can be less stocky, looking like slender young oaks.
  • The branches and trunk of the oak tree are twisted and gnarled.
  • The shape of the leaves is wavy. Therefore, the general appearance of the foliage as a whole will be “clumsy-curly.”
  • The bark is rough and dense.
  • The foliage color is dark green, rich.

Here I looked at the appearance features of only six varieties of trees. In nature there are a huge variety of trees and other plants. How can you learn to draw, if not all of them, then at least a couple of dozen varieties? To do this you need to develop observation skills. If an artist has a good eye and good powers of observation, then it doesn’t matter what he draws. The main thing is to understand nature and notice key points. And what points you need to pay attention to are discussed in educational material. For those who want to learn how to draw landscapes with trees well, it will also be useful to study the diagrams and technique called (I mentioned it at the beginning of this article).

In this lesson I will show you how to draw a pine tree with a pencil. This is a coniferous plant, but if you try to draw every needle, you will waste a week. In this way you can draw a pine branch with cones. No more. A whole tree simply won’t fit on paper. Moreover, from a distance the needle is still not visible. The human eye sees only contours.

But pine is different from deciduous trees. Below I will tell you why:

How to draw a pine tree with a pencil step by step

Step one. I am drawing a tree trunk. At the bottom, at the root, it is wider, and towards the top it becomes narrow and completely disappears. I use circles to show the places where the leaves will be. Step two. From a distance, neither needles nor leaves will be visible. But coniferous trees will have vegetation similar to green clouds. I draw clouds. Step three. I draw thin pine branches. I'll make the clouds fluffier. Step four. If you add shadows, it will be even more beautiful: I've also made drawing lessons for you on other trees. Try to picture it.

/ Nature

Learn to draw a pine tree step by step with STABILO Trio A-Z colored markers.

Felt pens with a triangular grip area and a fine tip. For right-handers and left-handers.

The ergonomic shape of the grip zone develops the skill of holding a writing instrument correctly and prevents hand fatigue even during long-term work. The body of the markers is decorated with the Latin alphabet and funny drawings, they will help in learning to draw and write.

STABILO Trio A-Z markers are holders of the German quality mark for toys, which confirms their highest quality and health safety.

Line thickness 0.7 mm. Ventilated cap. Water-based ink is non-toxic, odorless, and can be easily washed off any type of fabric and washed off hands.

We will draw the pine tree using STABILO felt-tip pens on drawing paper.

Felt-tip pen Brown We outline the pine trunk with two vertical lines, converging at the top into one line.

Using the same brown felt-tip pen, we draw horizontal branches above the middle height of the trunk. From above, the branches decrease in length and form a rounded crown.

Using a brown felt-tip pen, add small branches closer to the edge. All ends of the branches are directed upward. Shading the trunk.

Shade the needles with short strokes from the branches upward green. We form separate groups of needles in the crown.

We go through the upper needles with strokes of light green color. We form a crown pattern in the form of a semicircle.

Shading with a brown felt-tip pen bottom part pine trunk. Then we refine the drawing of the trunk and branches with a black felt-tip pen.