Is it possible to return tickets to the Bolshoi Theater? Rules for the sale of theater tickets

You purchased tickets at Alexandrinsky Theater, but your plans suddenly changed and you couldn’t go? Then you probably remembered the announcement that “purchased tickets cannot be returned or exchanged.”

But is this really so? Is it possible to return theater tickets, and what are the deadlines for this?

The procedure for returning theater tickets is legally regulated by the following legislative acts:

  • Regulations of the Ministry of Culture Russian Federation about theatrical and entertainment enterprises;
  • Law on Consumer Protection;
  • Civil Code of the Russian Federation (Article 782).

They say that the buyer has the right not only to refuse the services of a particular theatrical organization (for example, from going to Mariinskii Opera House), but also return the ticket to the box office. The return period is no more than 5 days before the start of the performance.

In 2019, the main condition for return theater tickets is reimbursement of expenses incurred by the contractor. These include printing the ticket itself, booking a seat, etc.

Step-by-step return instructions

How to return a theater ticket purchased through the box office? This procedure is carried out in several stages. Let's look at each of them.

To return your ticket to the box office you need to have:

  • Addressee details – full name and position of the theater director;
  • Applicant details – full name and passport details;
  • A request to return money for an unused ticket (it is not necessary to indicate the reason for the return);
  • Ticket details (series and number);
  • Payment amount;
  • Contact telephone number or address for contacting the applicant (for example, Mossovet Theater, Moscow, Bolshaya Sadovaya St., 16);
  • Personal signature with transcript;
  • Date of application.

Tickets must be original. If there is corrected, corrected or sealed information, they are considered invalid and cannot be accepted for return.

Having collected everything Required documents, the consumer must contact the box office of the theater where he bought the ticket (for example, the box office of the Sovremennik Theater).

In this case, you should definitely register the application, asking the receiving employee to sign it and indicate the date of receipt. This will help you prove the fact of timely contact in the event of a controversial situation.

If you are unable to submit an application for a ticket refund in person, send it by registered mail with notice.

It is better to do this in advance - the letter must be delivered to the addressee no later than the date of the performance. And don’t forget to make photocopies of the ticket and receipt - they will be needed for safety net.

The theater management has from 10 to 30 days to consider an application for a ticket refund. At the end of this period, the administration is obliged to inform the applicant about its decision.

If it is positive, the consumer can count on full or partial compensation Money.

The retention percentage ranges from 5 to 50% and depends on the period of contact with the administrator:

Refunds can be made either in cash or by bank transfer.. It all depends on how exactly the payment was made.

Each theater organization sets its own rules for handing over tickets. To ensure that everything is in accordance with the law, check whether the return conditions are fixed in the Charter or any other legal document establishments.

IN otherwise The buyer can claim compensation for the full cost.

Is it possible to return theater tickets on the day of the performance? Most often it is impossible. Remember, the minimum period for applying to the cash desk is 3-5 days, so in all other cases the application will be rejected.

If you want to get back at least part of the money spent, try reselling the ticket to another viewer or exchanging it for another date.

This period is individual in each specific case, so do not forget to clarify the details with the event organizers.

Delivery of electronic tickets

With the advent of new technologies, everything large quantity people prefer to make purchases online. Theater tickets were also no exception to the rule.

In this case, the consumer receives an electronic version, which must be printed independently.

How to return an electronic theater ticket? In this case, in addition to the traditional package of documents, the buyer must provide a photocopy of the internal passport of the Russian Federation. The return period is no more than 5 days before the start of the event.

Refunds will be made within 3-45 days to the same bank card from which they were written off. The commission amount ranges from 2 to 8% - it all depends on the conditions of the electronic wallet or bank.

Knowing how to return theater tickets purchased online, remember one more thing. Almost all organizations involved in the remote sale of theater tickets charge a fairly large service fee. It is impossible to compensate for it.

Purchasing tickets is an agreement between the viewer and the event organizers. The terms of this transaction (including information about the possible return of the ticket) must be reflected both on the ticket itself and on the theater’s Internet portal or in a special brochure provided by the cashier.

For example, on the official website of the Mikhailovsky Theater it is clearly stated that refunds or exchanges of tickets are not possible in any form. This rule also applies to the Bolshoi Theater.

When making a purchase, both the seller and the consumer agree to all the clauses of the contract and cannot violate them. It follows from this that the obstacle to refunding money for an unused ticket is a strict violation of Russian legislation.

What to do if this or that organization persistently refuses to accept the ticket back to the ticket office?

To resolve the situation, the buyer needs to write a statement either to the Consumer Protection Society or to Rospotrebnadzor. You can also make a corresponding entry in the Book of Complaints - it should be issued upon the client’s first request.

Since a witness will be needed to confirm the fact of contacting the theater administration, it is better to come to the box office with a relative or friend.

Consideration of the complaint takes about 2 weeks. If the documents are drawn up correctly, and the fact of refusal to provide funds is fully confirmed, the buyer can count on 100% compensation for damages. If the application was ignored, you need to go to court.

There are situations in which the organizers of a theatrical performance have the right to refuse a client a refund of his ticket.

Such situations include:

Such forethought will avoid problems and litigation in the future.

And remember, the sooner you contact the organizer of the event (for example, the management of the Musical Comedy Theater), the higher your chances of making a positive decision on the return of money.

Seeing a poster for your beloved’s tour music group or program theater season, the majority of those who want to attend such events prefer to pay for admission to them in advance. At the same time, few people think about whether it is possible to return tickets purchased for a theater, concert or film show. What are the cases when such a return is made by default? How to return electronic theater tickets? In fact, everything can be very simple. Let's consider all the options.

Ways to purchase tickets

Previously, the only way to purchase the right to attend an event was to purchase a paper ticket. Modern technologies made their own adjustments, making the whole procedure more convenient and faster. The following purchase options are available today:

  • through intermediary agents;
  • electronically through official websites and representative offices of institutions where the event is planned;
  • traditionally at ticket offices.

To get to some events, you need to take care of purchasing an entry document in advance. Otherwise, you can either completely miss an important premiere, or get best places. It is the agents who may have tickets available even in last hours before the event. Of course, such an offer will be much more expensive.

Electronic method Purchasing tickets saves a lot of time. There is no need to go anywhere or stand in line. Most online services have a clear interface. They allow you to select a specific location, price and make a purchase in a matter of minutes.

General rules for returning tickets

Each institution hosting events may set its own rules for returning tickets. It is better to clarify them before purchasing the latter. So, when figuring out whether tickets to the Bolshoi Theater can be returned, the necessary information can easily be found on the official resource of this institution.

Most often, this action is provided only in case of cancellation, replacement, or postponement of the event. But is it possible to return theater tickets for reasons other than those stated? After all, as in everything, obstacles periodically arise in our lives that completely ruin all plans. The cost of attending some concerts and premieres is quite high. It can account for a considerable portion of the monthly family budget.

Ticket refund legislation

The administration of the institutions, refusing to answer the question of whether it is possible to return theater tickets for personal reasons, is being somewhat disingenuous. The actual implemented input document is a contract paid provision services. And like any other, it can be terminated. In this case, one should be guided by Article 782 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation and the “Law on the Protection of Consumer Rights,” in particular its Article 32.

Application procedure

Entry documents in case of cancellation, replacement or postponement of an event can most often be handed in immediately at the cash desk of the enterprise. The procedure is simplified as much as possible. The main condition is to apply before the start of a concert, performance, or session. But is it possible to return theater tickets in the same way in other cases? Definitely, it will not be possible to pass it after the missed event. And if you apply in advance, most likely, you will receive a refusal from the cashier. Therefore, you need to contact the administration of the institution.

The return application must be submitted in writing in official style in two copies. When submitting it, the administration should have with you a passport, a ticket and a document indicating payment of its cost, if any. Copies of the last two papers must be attached to the submitted copy of the application, and on the one that remains with the submitter, the accepting responsible person must make a note about the fact of receipt of the petition.

If the application is refused to be registered or accepted at all, then it can be sent by mail. Only in this case it is best to arrange the shipment by registered mail.

The application must be reviewed by the administration within 14 days. Refunds may not be issued in full. The law stipulates that the establishment has the right to deduct actual expenses from the ticket price. They may not always be confirmed, but the rules often provide for the withholding of some kind of fine as a percentage of the cost of the ticket. How closer date activities, the more significant the retained portion.

How to make a refund if the ticket was purchased through an agent?

Buying a ticket through an agent is an opportunity to purchase it at the last minute before the premiere, get the best seats, and do this operation without having to go to the theater box office. The buyer gets the coveted ticket, the theater gets the seats filled and the main benefit from the sale, and the agent gets his percentage.

Despite the fact of purchase through an intermediary, the ticket will still be returned by the institution where the event will be held. You just need to know that after its delivery, only its nominal value will be received. The agency fee is non-refundable, since the intermediary has fulfilled its obligations in full, the service has been provided, and therefore must be paid.

Purchasing an input document electronic form occurs most often on the official website of the institution where the event will be held. In some cases, if the event is of a particularly grandiose scale, a special website may be created that sells tickets.

The return of an electronic ticket is carried out on the same basis as in the case of a regular one. Information about necessary procedure listed on the website. You just need to follow the instructions. The transfer of funds will be made to the same means of payment through which the payment was made.

Problems often arise. For example, a person wants to return an electronic ticket to the Bolshoi Theater. How to do it? According to information on the official website, refunds are not provided for reasons other than standard situations. By purchasing a ticket, the buyer automatically agrees to this condition. But it fundamentally contradicts Article 16 of the Consumer Protection Law and can be challenged.

If a return is refused

Not all theater establishments are loyal to their visitors and are ready to return tickets for reasons other than those specified in the rules developed by the administration. Often people are refused even a written application.

Protection in this case can be obtained from Rospotrebnadzor, the consumer protection society or in court. In any case, it will be necessary to provide a number of documents confirming not only the purchase of the ticket, but also the fact that the administration refused to voluntarily satisfy the request.

Is it possible to return theater tickets? Of course you can. You just need to know your rights and laws governing relationships in this area.

One of cultural events Leisure activities include visiting the theater. In order to choose a convenient seat in the hall and purchase an entrance document at a cheaper price, the consumer often makes a transaction in advance, several weeks, and sometimes months before the start of the performance. The risk of no-show is high; during this time, plans can change dramatically: a person may get sick, or have an urgent business trip at work. In such cases, when setting priorities, you have to refuse a ticket to a play or movie. How to do this will be discussed in this article.

How to return theater tickets - step-by-step instructions

However, the buyer has the right to cancel the session at any time by paying the administration the costs incurred associated with organizing the cultural event.

Such expenses include:

  • cost of printing the form;
  • booking a seat in the hall;
  • rental of premises.

Announcements posted in the theater lobby stating that it is prohibited to return tickets are unfounded and have no legal force.

So, the buyer decided to refuse to visit the theater. To do this, he needs to do the following:

  • go and contact the theater box office;
  • present your passport and, accordingly, purchased document for the performance;
  • write a statement requesting a refund, indicating the reason for the refusal;
  • expect a refund.

Funds must be returned to the consumer no later than thirty days. If at the time of application there is money in the cash register, then generally the cashier issues it on the same day, immediately.

If the session was paid for using a bank card, then the funds will be transferred to it to the person who made the payment.

There are situations in which the ticket amount is subject to a full refund. These include:

  • cancellation of performance;
  • transfer to another number;
  • provision of services of inadequate quality, for example, destruction of scenery, failure of an actor to appear, etc.;
  • replacing a scheduled performance with another.

In all these cases, the money is returned to the client in full.

How many days in advance can I return a theater ticket?

According to current legislation, this must be done before the start of the performance at any time. As soon as the viewer has received information, you must immediately submit the document to the concert.

IN various theaters Various rules have been established for submitting documents for submission. When returning a ticket, you must hand over to the administration of the establishment the money spent on expenses associated with organizing the event. These expenses must be specified in the institution’s Charter or other regulations. If there is no such written provision, then you can safely claim a refund of the full amount paid.

The rules apply both to theater services and to cinemas and other cultural and entertainment institutions.

Sometimes it happens that, for a number of reasons, you need to cancel an event only on a specific day, but it is possible to attend it on another day. For these purposes, you can try to contact the theater administration with a request to exchange for another convenient number. The cashier should tell you how to do this correctly. will come to the rescue Magic word"Please". If it is not possible to make an exchange, then you can purchase a new document to replace the old one.

Is it possible to return theater tickets on the day of the performance?

When submitting a document for a performance on the day of the performance, it is important to put the date and time in order to record the moment of submission before the start of the acting. The regulations of many cultural institutions state that tickets will not be accepted on the day of the performance.

Despite this, it is worth filing an appeal. In case of refusal, write a complaint to Rospotrebnadzor and the regional Ministry of Culture. The complaint will have to refer to the Law “On Protection of Consumer Rights”, and not to the internal Charter, since it has the highest legal force. Knowing the provisions of the law, you need to be able to protect your rights by all legitimate means and methods.

How to return a theater ticket purchased online?

Tickets can be purchased at the box office of the cultural institution itself, at ticket kiosks, from intermediaries, and also on the Internet. Intermediaries also have the right to sell such documents. The network sells and books electronic documents. If you refuse a session, you can submit the document by submitting an application online, or you can also contact the institution’s cash desk.

A special feature of submitting an electronic document is that the money will only be transferred to a bank card, thereby increasing the time for returning the money compared to submitting a document purchased at the cash desk.

How to return tickets to the Mariinsky Theater?

The rules for submitting documents are stated on the official website of the Mariinsky Theater. There are time restrictions: the ticket must be returned 10 days before the day of the performance.

For any unexpected issues, viewers can contact the administration of the establishment for their subsequent resolution.

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The rights of the buyer of theater services include the opportunity to return theater tickets 3 working days before the start of the performance. The timing may be different, but no more than 14 days before the actual purchased service.

Few ordinary citizens know about this. According to the Law on the Protection of Consumer Rights (ZoPP) No. 2300-1 of 02/07/92 (as amended on 06/06/18), tickets purchased in advance at the Bolshoi Theater (or another) are returned within 2 weeks. The day of purchase does not count.

During the presentation or after its completion, the offer agreement coupons are not returned. The same applies to the situation when they want to return a ticket after the start of the session. It is generally accepted that once a service has already begun to be provided, it is no longer possible to refuse it at that time.

How to return an e-ticket?

Theater ticket- this is a coupon, a completed form strict reporting, confirming the viewer’s participation in the public offer agreement, which the theater administration has the right to conclude in this way. This document allows you to make a return and purchase new ticket, if needed.

The electronic format of a ticket to an adult or children's (puppet) theater differs from a paper form only in the place and method of purchase - Internet sites. For example, one of the most popular portals in Moscow: The coupon is not provided on paper. It is issued in the form of an electronic copy. You can print this file yourself and present it at the checkpoint.

To change tickets of this type, you will need to study in detail the instructions for the procedure, which are always posted on the sites where they are sold. The package of documents is submitted exactly the same as in the case of a refund in real mode, no matter the Bolshoi Theater or any other theater will return the amount to you. The main thing to consider here is that you will have to pay an additional service fee. And such commissions on sites are usually quite large - minus 10% of the price.

Important! More often a large number of There are no ways to receive money. You can either receive it on your card account, or you will have to go to the theater box office to receive cash. The funds will be returned to the account of the exact card from which the payment was made. If you need the receipts to be made to another bank account, then this should be indicated in the application form.

How to return tickets purchased at the box office?

One spectator asks: “If I bought tickets at the theater box office for February 15, but I can’t go to the performance, where should I start to return the purchase and get my money back?”

Legal experts respond by proposing to follow the standard algorithm of actions:

  1. First contact the cash desk of the same institution where the purchase was made.
  2. Provide the necessary documents.
  3. Write an application and attach the required documents you brought with you.
  4. Give the cashier time to recalculate. If, for example, you had ordered a 2-tier balcony, then refusing it may cost more than renting another seat. A penalty for demurrage may be collected from the buyer on the basis of law.
  5. Wait for 30 days. In practice, most often money is issued immediately at the cash desk, if it is available there.
  6. Receive back the amount previously paid.

The entire package of documents to easily return your ticket before the start of the performance:

Name Peculiarities Example
Statement A request is made to return the money for an unused service, and the details are indicated bank account, where the amount should be transferred.
Civil ID card The passport can be of any nationality.
The session ticket itself One ticket is submitted, and its cost is refunded for the service in full, not in part. If you bought a ticket for 50,000 rubles each, but there are double seats (1 wide seat for 2 people), then the refund is not divided in half.
Receipt, check On demand. The St. Petersburg Maly Theater does not always ask for a check.

Note! If the same woman from the example wants to go to another performance, she can purchase a pass for December 23 or another suitable date. But to do this, you will probably have to pay extra if the opera or performance costs more. The additional payment may also include a seat reservation service.

Why aren't the full amount refunded?

Not the entire amount will be returned just because such a law exists. In Art. 32 of the Law of the Russian Federation clearly states that the consumer is given the right to return the offer agreement form to the box office to the seller. But at the same time, he does not receive his money back in full. Exactly the amount that was used to cover expenses during registration will be deducted, whether via the Internet Ticketland in Moscow or in real time. This same issue is covered in the same way in another legal provision - Part 1 of Art. 782 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

Such expenses include:

  • drawing up and printing the form;
  • reservation of the selected seat in the hall;
  • part of the premises rental.

If it is possible to purchase a ticket for another date, then the amount will be refunded in the appropriate amount for previous tickets. And only after that they make a new purchase.

Two additional payment options:

  1. In the case when the same tickets are purchased, only for a different date, you will need to pay an additional amount exactly the same amount that was withdrawn to pay off the organization’s expenses.
  2. If a session of another performance is purchased, it is more expensive (where, for example, Historical scene) then the additional payment will consist of two parts: 1) the amount of expenses incurred by the theater when issuing the returned ticket; 2) an amount that is not enough to fully cover the cost of a new coupon.

Note! The entire amount can be returned only when it turns out that the performance has been cancelled, and the blame for this lies with the organizers or the theater administration. Therefore, if the performance is cancelled, then tickets are refunded on the same day in 100% volume. Or within 14 days to which the consumer is entitled, starting from the second day of ticket purchase.

How many days before the performance can I return a theater ticket?

The law on the protection of consumer rights states that returning an online or offline purchase is allowed only within the first 2 weeks, which expires from the second day after purchase.

For example, if a reservation was ordered and paid for through the website, then the procedure can be started if there are 14 days or less between the purchase and the actual start of the session.

One more, more clear example. I bought a ticket on December 16 with a start date musical performance December 29 or 30 for the Nutcracker ballet. Then the viewer found a cheaper option to go to the same event, only in a different theater. He has the right to return the ticket for a refund of the money spent on any day before the performance begins.

But on the websites of many theater departments you can see advertisements that say that you can only return your admission ticket; you can return theater tickets only 3 or 5 days before the start of the event. This is true for the organization, which during this time will be able to make up for losses, find another buyer, so that there is no downtime in the spectator seat.

Important! Return terms must be clarified in advance. You can read about this on the theater’s website, or by calling its administration.

Can I exchange a purchased ticket for a different date or performance?

You can change your electronic ticket or its paper version before the start of the performance or musical. The scheme is simple:

  1. The old ticket is being returned.
  2. A new one is being drawn up.

There may be various nuances regarding payment and the amount of refunds. Often the opera and ballet theater (or another) imposes a kind of penalty. It is assigned depending on what time the document was submitted.

The table shows the gradation of the amount of refundable money as a percentage, taking into account time according to the tradition established by the Mariinsky Theater (St. Petersburg).

The theater administration refuses to accept the ticket - what should I do?

All refusals by the administration to return the amount paid when returning a ticket must be justified.


  1. Return your ticket right before the start of the show.
  2. The buyer did not attach all documents to the claim.
  3. The request for a refund was made after the event was completed.
  4. Amount of cost of services courier delivery cannot be returned.
  5. The ticket turned out to be counterfeit.

Oldest Volkovsky Theater in Yaroslavl practices the following refusal standards established on the basis internal regulations institutions:

  1. Does not accept refunds 1-2 hours before the show.
  2. After the end of the performance, tickets will not be accepted.
  3. Courier delivery services are not reimbursed.

People think that it is impossible to return a ticket to the box office of an arts institution until the play or concert begins. This is wrong. If, for example, you visited Mikhailovsky Theater in St. Petersburg and in the lobby we saw an announcement that tickets could not be returned - such actions by the administration are unfounded and illegal. Each viewer, in accordance with regulation No. No. 2300-1 of 02/07/92 “ZoPP”, has every right to return purchased tickets without specifying a reason and during the period of time before the start of the show. This applies to both paper and electronic format documents.