Heaven: a unique game! Heaven is the rules of the game.

Good day to all!

I recently started playing the game "Heaven" and immediately began to have a lot of questions. I tried to find some more or less intelligible guide, but to no avail, so after a week(!) of the game)), despite still having questions, I decided to cover those moments that have become more or less clear. So, let's begin.


The first thing you do after registration is select a CULT (race). There are 6 cults in the game:

1) Cult of the Holiday

2) Cult of Destruction

3) Cult of Sorrow

4) Cult of the Virgin

5) Cult of the Terrible

6) Cult of the Protector

The difference between them lies in the special abilities that one or the other can use. I won’t describe the abilities because... there is no point, it will mean absolutely nothing to a new person, but for those who have already played a little, I think they have made their choice, I will only say that at the moment the leading positions are occupied by: 1 - Cult of Sorrow; 2 - Cult of the Terrible; 3 - Cult of the Virgin.


There are three types of resources in the game, each of which is important, so:

ENERGY - Needed for: construction/improvement buildings, studies/improvement spells, battles, using racial spells.

Extraction method:

1) Receiving Medals (achievements/achievements)

2) Win in the Slot machine

3) Get it in a cave

4) Buy with diamonds

5) Collect on other islands

7) If it drops below 100 units, it generates 1 unit every 3 minutes

8) Regularly attend the game

This resource is extremely important, so if you are not a donator, and donation is not considered in this guide, then from time to time you will experience a shortage of this resource, as well as with the others)). Therefore, I do not recommend draining it in a cave.

CRYSTALS - Required for: construction/improvement buildings, studies/improvement spells, as well as for purchases from other players things/elixirs/recipes/ingredients

Extraction method:

1) For won battles

2) For selling things/recipes/elixirs/ingredients

3) Win in the Slot machine

4) Get it in a cave

5) Collect on other islands

6) Win a gladiator tournament (only with 5lvl!)

7) Getting achievements

8) Buy with diamonds

DIAMONDS - what can I say.... for them you can buy anything, instantly complete construction, buy an achievement, buy energy or crystals, etc., etc. I’ll add that you can’t do without them when improving racial spells, repairing items, expanding your backpack and chest.

Extraction method:

1) Buy for real money (well, of course, how could we not do without it)))

2) For selling items/elixirs/ingredients (only to other players!)

3) In a cave (very low chance)

4) Win in the Slot machine

5) Getting achievements

6) Win the gladiator/adept tournament (only from lvl 5!)

7) Regularly attend the game

Guide to the game "Heaven"

Guide to the game "Heaven"


Actually, your land, like that of other players, is an island floating in the sky where you are on)) A total of five buildings are available on the island, each of which can be upgraded to lvl 10

1) TREE- gives treasure hunter licenses once a day in a quantity equal to his level, i.e. if the tree is lvl 5 then you will receive 5 licenses. Not a single building on the island can be a level higher than the tree, in other words, if you want to upgrade (upgrade) the cave to lvl 5, then you will not be able to do this if the tree is lvl 4. I'll tell you about treasure hunter's licenses; they are necessary to collect energy/crystals from other islands and, if you're VERY lucky, diamonds.

2) SCHOOL OF MAGIC- In this building you learn new or improve learned spells, as with the tree, you cannot learn a spell higher lvl than the school of magicians itself.

Regardless of your race, 8 spells will be available to you, four of which are racial, and the other four are common (everyone has them, regardless of race). I will not describe in detail how these or those work in this guide, because... this is a separate topic.

3) CAVE- Well, it’s a cave and it’s a cave in Africa, so I won’t call it a building. You need this enticement to carry out excavations there, each of which can bring a certain amount of energy/crystals/diamonds as well as things and recipes, but besides this you will periodically run into mobs (monsters) that will need to be beaten or driven away, which will cost you precious energy, the battle will also cost you energy, but much less by the way to say that each excavation will cost you 10 energy! The higher the level of the cave, the more valuable the loot.

4) Shop- This shack allows you to sell items to other players. As the level increases, additional slots (cells) are added and the amount received for sales also increases. Now I’ll tell you about the sale of things itself. All things or resources are sold and bought for crystals or diamonds. This can be done in two ways. Sell ​​to a vendor (game merchant), with such a sale you will receive 10% of the cost of the item (except for diamonds), but instantly, or put it up in the store and get more crystals or diamonds, but it is not a fact that someone will buy something from you)) On Any item or recipe and anything has a price always written on it; when displaying it in a store, this parameter cannot be changed!

5) ARENA- Allows you to participate in adept/gladiator tournaments, but only when you reach 5lvl!!! Improving the arena increases the experience gained; by the way, there are no quests (tasks) in the game, so experience comes only from battles. I don’t recommend upgrading the arena, because... fast character leveling is absolutely harmful (exceptional game)))

Guide to the game "Heaven"

Guide to the game "Heaven"

Guide to the game "Heaven"

Guide to the game "Heaven"


In this regard, the game is truly unique. What exactly is going on here and how does it work? Surely you have played games where multi-colored cubes/balls or something else are randomly scattered on the field, which can be moved and when building three or more of one color vertically/horizontally in a row, they are reset, bringing us points, and new ones wake up on top, filling the empty cells , played right? So, it's the same here. The playing field is 6x6. There are five types of “cubes” in total: green spheres- for each destroyed sphere you get +1 mana, yellow spheres- for each destroyed sphere you get +3 mana, red spheres- for each destroyed sphere you get +5 mana, ankh- each destroyed ankh restores 1 unit of health and skulls- for each destroyed skull you deal 5 units of damage to the enemy.

Guide to the game "Heaven"

Guide to the game "Heaven"


The game has 9 stats (characteristics), each of which is very interesting. Stat numbers 7-9 are not constant, each unit adds a certain %, and depending on the enemy’s lvl this % will be more or less. So:

1) Health - is something not clear?!

2) Mana - what is this FAQ?

3) Damage - I’ll explain here. The best explanation is an example. For example, you have 150 dmg (damage), you break 3 skulls (each of which deals 5 units of damage), in total the enemy receives 165 units of damage. The same thing happens with spells, if your spell basically deals 10 units of damage, then with dmg150 you will hit 160 units. True, I have not yet figured out whether the damage is added to the next reset that occurs within the same move, i.e. For example, I broke a number of skulls, new ones woke up on top, lined up in a row, broke, DMG will be added to them or it will be stupid number of skulls x5, if anyone knows, write plz.

4) Healing - works the same as damage, i.e. for each broken ankh, one unit plus your stat.

5) Add. mana - the scheme is the same as with damage and healing

6) Armor (armor) - 10 units of armor absorb 1 unit of damage, i.e. if you have 1k (1000) armor, then you will absorb 100 units of damage from the damage dealt, respectively, if the blow is 100 units or less, you will not receive damage. It’s worth saying here that only direct damage is absorbed. In the game there are elixirs and spells that belong to the class of “pillboxes” (spells that cause damage over a certain time, in this game over several turns), but the damage from them is not absorbed by armor!

7) Luck - this indicator increases your chance of walking twice. The turn transition occurs after you have performed some action as a result of which spheres were broken on the field; using elixirs/casting spells does not end your turn.

8) Rage - gives a chance to deal x2 damage, does not work on pillboxes.

9) Block - gives a chance to completely avoid damage, does not work on pillboxes.

Guide to the game "Heaven"

Guide to the game "Heaven"


Achievements - they are also achievements from English. Achievements, but in this game they are called MEDALS (!), most likely the game developers decided to be unique here too)) For me (since I don’t donate) they are the most reliable and reliable way to get energy, in addition to basic bonuses (energy, crystals , diamonds, HP, DMG, etc.) for each achievement you will additionally receive 50 units of energy, provided that your account is linked to social media. network.

Guide to the game "Heaven"

Guide to the game "Heaven"


A very important point in the game is visiting other people's possessions. Regardless of whether you are on your own island or on another, to the right of the main island there will always be a smaller one visible, when you hover with the mouse, it will be “highlighted”. On all islands the location of the buildings is the same, only the appearance may differ (depending on the lvl of the building), so, what interests us most is the store and the mob (monster). You can always (!) find very good things in stores to your lvl, from mobs we will also receive the things/recipes/ingredients we need, it is also worth noting that many monsters and drops (loot) go to achievements, and as we already understood, achievements are very good)

Guide to the game "Heaven"

Guide to the game "Heaven"

Guide to the game "Heaven"

Guide to the game "Heaven"

Guide to the game "Heaven"

Guide to the game "Heaven"

Guide to the game "Heaven"

Guide to the game "Heaven"

Guide to the game "Heaven"

Guide to the game "Heaven"


Well, it’s gear and it’s gear in Africa. In this aspect, the game cannot be called unique, however, it is worth noting that for high (high) lvl players this is not critical, but we won’t look that far, we are homeless stunted people, who die from the first bun, and for us gear is everything!

The first and very important point is that almost all things have such a characteristic as strength, it varies from 10 to 500 units. For each battle won, the item loses 1 unit of strength, and if lost, 2 units. The game provides for repairs, but they are carried out only for diamonds(!), I don’t recommend it, you can always find a new one, it will cost much less. Second point Even though things may have the same name and look, they will almost certainly have different stats and correspond to different levels, so when buying something in a store from another player, we always look at the stat and lvl (!), you shouldn't buy something to grow, well, unless the thing is very rare and very good, for example I’ll say (I’m lvl 5 right now), in my chest I have a lvl 6 ring (I bought it because it’s of perfect quality with durability 500 and with very good stats) and a trident (this weapon is found not often, but what pushed me most to buy was DMG, on this item it’s 669, before that I’ve never seen more than 400 and a kopeck) The main way to get things is to buy from other players, as already written above, you can always find cool things for quite a modest number of crystals (we are not interested in things for diamonds), for example, from lvl 2 to 5 the price will be up to 10k, there are, of course, much more expensive ones, but this will be a pointless waste of crystals, believe me, they (crystals) will still be useful to you !

HELLO WORLD, here I come

In this section I will describe a little how best to start (in my opinion!), so that the game brings as many positive emotions as possible). So, you have registered, linked your account to social media. network (this is important!), you chose a cult and now your island with its newly-made hero (under the nickname “everyone.. izdets”))) floated out into the vast expanses of the gaming universe. First of all, we start building buildings, in the “School of Magicians” we study spells (racial 12 hours), we carry out 10 excavations in the cave, we kill a mob on our island, then we go to other islands, we find mobs of lvl 1-3, we slowly get dressed, we get lvl 2 , we farm (earn) crystals, we get recipes from the running gear, we now break things that are worse than what you are wearing (when you click on the item, select the item to disassemble), you can only break things with a full safety margin, i.e. if you went into battle, you won’t be able to break the thing, only after renovation, but this is stupid. We collect zircon and emeralds, and sell the rest immediately. Recipes will drop from mobs; I didn’t create a separate section about pros, because... it is the same here and is the same for everyone), this action is located in the “character” tab (top left) and then “workshop”. For a long time we will be interested only in gray recipes (green, blue, etc. we immediately sell to the vendor), by the way, the pro level is very (!) not fast)), we also need to take into account that for any action in the workshop, you will need energy and crystals!!! Now you have reached lvl 2, cool!, we are growing slowly). Surely you can’t wait to enter the arena and show who’s boss, but don’t delude yourself, if at lvl 1 almost everyone is dressed the same, then starting from lvl 2 the situation changes radically. So as not to fall at the very first serve and not to shout something like “I’ll give it to you” at the monitor.., how can this be?!, what the hell are these cheaters, etc. I need to dress up a little. First of all, you need to get an item called "demon wings", this item gives from 500 to 2000(!) armor, 100+ health and a few more useful stats, this item drops from the “little devil” mob, but at lvl 2 you are unlikely to kill it, so we look for it in stores from other players, all sorts of them There is no need to buy chests of 100k crystals, their strength is 25 units, this is a waste of crystals, so we dress in blue clothes, spread our wings, go to the arena, we still get lyuli, o5 we shout into the monitor, cool down and go on to walk around the islands, look at shops, beat mobs, examine other players (you can do this by going to another island in the character tab), so that know what things are better than those on you, well, let’s gain gaming experience. Don’t forget to spin the slot machine, 2 free attempts are given 2 times a day (updated at 00:00 and 12:00 Moscow time). Don’t forget to collect energy/crystals from other islands (for example, I only collect energy), visually determining that there is a sufficient amount of it, as a rule, I collect at least 40 units from one island, if less, then for me it’s a failure)

It seems to me that I have conveyed the basics to you, all that remains is to wish you great opponents in the arena and may the god of randomness be favorable to you, in general GOOD LUCK TO YOU!

P.S. Sorry for the spelling and syntax, I wrote everything in a hurry, otherwise the game is minimized, and as they say, “while you sleep, the enemy is swinging,” so you have to run)

P.S.S. Huge request, there is no need to write criticism here in any form, if I missed something or made a mistake, just briefly add or correct! Thank you!

Tired of online games and want something new? There is a solution. The free online game Heaven will come to the rescue - unique in its kind. In it you will not meet many soldiers with machine guns, tanks or ships on the battlefield. In this game everything is different and completely different from what you are already accustomed to.

What makes the game Heaven so unique and inimitable? Namely because it represents only one battle. Having won just one battle, the game can intrigue you for a long time. But the combat in the game Heaven is different from many other online games. Combat in this game is more of an intellectual than a hand-to-hand battle.

The essence of the game

In the game you have to burn identical pieces, while counting on bringing yourself the maximum benefit or inflicting significant damage on your opponent. The game Heaven is quite simple, but very exciting.

The game Heaven also captivates because you have to play with real opponents located, say, on the other hemisphere. It can be played by several people at the same time, which is why it is considered an online multiplayer game.

A positive aspect of the game is the well-introduced RPG elements. The game is full of a lot of different magic, a variety of different abilities, the ability to level up a character and his uniform. All this turns a monotonous battle of intellects into an exciting adventure that beckons with its versatile capabilities and interesting features.

The game pleases the eye with its wonderful graphics and high-quality depiction of all individual moments in the game. So playing the game is not only interesting, but also beautiful.

Secrets of the game Heaven

To avoid problematic situations in the game, you need to know its features:

  • Attack priority should only be given when attacking. It should be remembered that it is not effective to burn Ankah crosses. The attack will become much more effective when attacking and connecting three or more skulls.
  • Magic must be researched and used immediately after it appears in your possession. To increase the effectiveness of an attack, as well as obtain mana and treatment, magic spells are simply irreplaceable.
  • The battle taking place in the game is built on the order of moves, since recently games of this kind are gaining more and more popularity. This way, it is very convenient to make a move, and while your opponent makes a counter move, you will have time to calculate your next move in advance. This is what the Battle of Heaven is based on.
  • It should also be noted that when attacking, the things your character wears will inexorably bring you closer to victory. Because thanks to these things, you can increase the damage inflicted on your opponent.
  • Anyone can play the game Heaven absolutely free. You can get things that you can dress your hero in for free. To do this, you just need to fight monsters and, if you win, take their things for yourself. The higher the monster’s level, the “cooler” its “clothes”.

Heaven is exactly the online game that can change your gray everyday life into colorful ones. So you definitely won't regret it when you start playing it. You can play Heaven, which has a constantly growing audience of fans, not only from the VKontakte application, but also on the official website of the game.

“Heaven” is an exciting online browser game that has already become popular among many users. The action takes place in a magical airspace in which all players have their own island in their possession, on which they can build various buildings, collect resources and learn new skills. The game "Heaven" is based on the use of tactical moves, which must be made after carefully considering the decision.

The battles in the game represent step-by-step moves of two warring parties, each of which must use tactics, thinking through their actions in advance. During battles, in addition to various achievements in the game (experience, crystals, weapons, armor, etc.), you can make new friends and just have a fun time.

Rules of the game HeavenFirst of all, all players need to know the rules of the battle. Each player is given one turn in turn, for which 30 seconds are allotted. There are 5 types of objects in the cellular playing field: stones (red, green and yellow), which increase mana (red restores 5 units of mana, yellow - 3, green - 1 unit), skulls - cause damage to the enemy and crosses, which heal your character 1 health unit.
Your task will be to match at least three items of the same type so that their properties take effect in battle. If you collect 5 or more items of the same type in one row, you will receive another additional move.
At the end of the battle, if you win, a window with your prize will open. If you have a full inventory of various awards and items that there is nowhere to put a new prize, then you can simply sell it.
It is worth noting that after each battle, the armor (in terms of strength) that you are wearing will wear out. Armor wears out as follows: if you win, by 1 unit, and if you lose, by 2 units. It follows from this that you need to constantly repair your armor, which will require you to spend diamonds. It is also worth noting that each game item has its own service life, and if you do not repair your armor, it will break and disappear forever.

Walkthrough of the game HeavenIn the middle of your island there is the most important structure - a tree, which you are obliged to protect and develop in every possible way. Also, over time, you will equip your island with other necessary buildings, which will also need to be improved. But the main thing you need to know is that depending on the cult you choose at the beginning of the game, one of the resources will be added to the island every day. Let's consider this point in more detail. resource.
Your main resources:
For the cult, “Protector”, “Holiday” and “Virgin” are energy.
The cults “Sorrow”, “Destroyer”, “Terrifying” have crystals.
Also, for all existing cults, diamonds are another main resource.

In order to get all these resources, you will need a treasure hunter's license, which is issued once a day. But there is also an option to purchase this license for diamonds for those who do not want to wait such a long time.
Initially, there is only a tree and a school of magicians on the island. You have to build very important structures such as Arena, Cave and Shop.
The tree is the most important building and affects the possible amount of resources collected from the island. Also in the tree you can improve all your other buildings. It is also worth noting that the level of the tree directly affects the available level of improvement for all your buildings. Also, information about the treasure hunter’s license and the influence of your tree on it - the higher the level of the tree, the more licenses you can get (according to the 1k1 principle, that is, for 1 level of the tree - one license, 2 levels - 2, and so on).
Regarding other buildings:

In the store, you can buy various items for crystals or diamonds (depending on the value of the item), and you can also go shopping with friends and purchase something from them.
The cave is the most mystical and unpredictable place on the island. You can never be sure what exactly awaits you there. These can be resources with valuable items, and even diamonds. You can also stumble upon dangerous monsters and monsters. The search of the cave is carried out using energy.
At the school of magicians you will learn new magic spells, as well as improve old ones. It's worth remembering that your friends can help you with this. Spells are a very significant element of every battle.
In addition to the store, cave and school of magicians, there will be an Arena on your island, where not only ordinary battles between players take place. In the Arena you can play for crystals and experience. It is also worth noting that tournaments are also held in the Arena, but they have bigger stakes: crystals, diamonds and energy.
In the background you can notice a small island on which nothing is visible. This island is a random player's island and you can move there and take a look. The island and its owner are constantly changing, because the system itself automatically selects players who are online. This way you can go to this island several times and there will be new players there each time.

  • Look carefully at the objects that appear on the battlefield and remember that the strongest and most necessary is the skull, which causes damage to the opponent. So if you have a choice, replenish mana, health, or hit, then it’s better to choose the skull. Every player is waiting for this item and frantically hopes that when the opponent has the opportunity to make a combination of skulls, he will choose anything but them. If you do not have the opportunity to collect skulls (3 or more), make sure that your opponent cannot do the same in the next turn. This strategy helps to win the most desperate battles.
  • The moment you find one of the combinations that you can collect, don’t rush. In such cases, it is better to carefully look at the playing field, in case you can get two combinations at once, instead of one. Thus, by calculating the move in advance, you can imagine what will happen after the selected objects disappear and what will fall in their place. This way you can calculate combinations several moves ahead. It's complicated, but very effective.
  • Constantly use magic, improving it at every opportunity. The use of magic can very significantly influence the course of the battle, of course, in your favor.
  • Fight the monsters that appear on the cloud (in the beginning, these are ghosts), as they are very easy to defeat, and they give very valuable items. Experience is also added.
  • Pay special attention to your weapons and armor, as they will wear out over time in battle. Also keep track of the latest weapons and armor purchased - they are most likely better than the previous ones, pay attention to the parameters. But sometimes previously purchased items are not the best, for example if you have 2 swords in your hands, each of them deals 5 damage. damage, then this is the same as a spear, which can only be held with two hands - it deals 10 damage. damage

In the fantasy genre, combining the features of an RPG, strategy game and logic game, created by the developers of the company 2RealLife and published in 2010. The number of registered users in two years exceeded 7 million people. The game "Heaven" has officially launched in the English version. At the 2012 Runet Awards, based on the results of popular voting, the game “Heaven” was among the top three in the “Runet Game” category.

Each player is the Guardian of the Magic Tree, his task is to develop his Island as much as possible, on which the Arena, the School of Magicians, the Cave and the Shop are located.

Plot and gameplay

Defender. Adherents of this cult are convinced that all the troubles in the world are due to the disorder generated by civil strife among the Gods. Defenders believe that when they finally reign on earth and in heaven, a golden era of peace and justice will begin.

Terrifying. Otherwise called the Father of All Fears. Adepts serve him by increasing fear among mortals. The townspeople don’t know how exactly they do this, but they constantly gossip about the unheard-of damage inflicted on people and livestock, murders and kidnappings. Others say that the rumors are spread by the adepts themselves, which is why the inhabitants begin to worry even more and suspect each other of secretly serving the Terrible One.

Destroyer. Otherwise called the God of Hate. The servants of this cult worship a fierce God who sows discord and enmity everywhere.

Sorrow. The most joyless of the six cults. Adherents of this Goddess consider only suffering to be true and eternal, and all other human experiences as temporary delusions of people.

Virgo. Adepts of Virgo are famous for their good nature and beauty. They are approached by those who want to be healed of illnesses or cure livestock, increase the fertility of fields or strengthen a marriage. For such cases they always have special recipes and rituals.

Holiday. A cult that honors the Goddess of joy and fun. According to legend, when the Gods created man, Holiday put laughter into his mouth, and then taught him to play musical instruments, dance and drink intoxicating drinks. Since then, its faithful adherents have been doing just that.


Adept - the initial rank, issued to the Guardian of the Tree automatically when registering the game. The appearance of the Adept corresponds to the cult that the player has chosen.

General is the highest rank of the Guardian of the Tree. The General's appearance is selected from the list of appearances of the Adept and General of a given cult, by checking the box next to the appearance that the player has chosen.


Monsters fly in the clouds and appear to the left of the island. The higher the level of the Tree Guardian, the higher the level of the monster that will appear next to his island. By attacking and defeating monsters, the player receives crystals, experience and various items.



With the help of the Tree, the player builds and improves his knowledge. It also affects the amount of resources that can be collected. To increase his chances of finding an island with a maximum amount of resources, the player must invite friends.

School of Magicians

In the School of Magicians, the player learns new spells and improves old ones on his own or with the help of friends. There are two types of spells: neutral, which are available to everyone, and cult, which can only be learned by being an adept of the corresponding cult. The higher the level of the spell, the more effective it is, but the longer it will take to study it. You can speed up your learning with the help of diamonds.


Items displayed in the Store can be purchased by exchanging them for crystals or diamonds. New items are placed on the Store counter by the player himself. The number of goods offered for sale depends on the level of the Store. The player can go to friends' shops. Purchasing an item in someone else's Store brings profit to its owner. The higher the level of the Guardian's Store, the greater the percentage of sales he receives.


The cave is the only place on the Island that is shrouded in mystery. There you can find various resources and items, and sometimes diamonds. The level of the Cave affects the quantity and quality of the reward the player can find.


In the Arena you can fight with other players and play for crystals. When fighting in the Arena, the player receives bonus experience. It can also be improved; each new level of the Arena increases the experience that the player receives for victories. Tournaments between players for energy, crystals and diamonds are held on schedule in the Arena.

Rules of battle

The battle is divided into moves, which the participants make in turns. The player is given 30 seconds to make a move. At the end of the turn, all empty cells are filled with pebbles, skulls and ankhs from top to bottom. Stones, skulls and ankhs begin to act when a sequence of 3 or more stones, skulls or ankhs is made of them in a row. If a sequence of 5 or more stones, skulls or ankhs is made, the player is given an extra move.

A player's turn is considered over if it ends with a spell that ends the turn, or the "collapse" of stones. If the turn passes to the opponent due to a timeout, then the turn is considered unfinished and, therefore, on the next turn you will not have an active elixir or spell, since there will be no cooldown. For example, if reloading costs 1 turn, and the turn is not completed, but goes to the opponent due to a timeout, then reloading will not occur. There are many ways to win in combat. You can not only move stones, but also use spells or elixirs.

The player's turn ends:

  • from neutral spells: Magic Cross and Magic Square;
  • from the cult ones: Powerful blow from the Defenders;
  • “collapse” of stones.

After each battle, the durability of items worn by the character decreases. When winning, it decreases by 1, and when losing, by 2. The player can repair his item for diamonds.

The battle continues until one of the characters runs out of health.


This is a sporting competition in which all participants are absolutely equal. The properties of objects, images, medals do not work, the level does not matter, there are no elixirs. All participants have an equal amount of health and first level spells. Only participants with a character development level above fifth can take part in the tournament.

There are three types of tournaments: energy, crystals and diamonds. For winning tournaments, gladiators receive unique items and a prize fund, which is determined by the participants’ bets. Tournaments take place at different times, so players can participate in all types of tournaments throughout the day.


Clans are voluntary associations of players striving to achieve common goals: mutual assistance, communication, joint achievements in the game. Each Clan has a Head. Each clan also has a treasury (equivalent to a player’s account), where the clan’s monetary resources are stored, its own island with buildings that give clan members access to new gaming features and can be improved, and also takes part in clan wars.

The Clan owns a treasury and a clan store with unique items that can only be owned by clan fighters. Also, the Head of the Clan has the opportunity to use clan spells once a day, which increase the characteristics of his fighters for an entire hour.

Each clan is given its own island on which to build a ziggurat. To protect their treasures, the clan can call on a Golem - a unique creation with strength, fortitude and upgradeable characteristics.

Types of clans

Upon registration, the clan becomes a cult or factional one.

IN cult clan Only fighters of the same cult as the given clan can join. If the head of the clan was initially in the cult of the Terrifier, then when creating a clan he will be asked to create a clan of the Terrifier. In this case, only warriors of a given cult or those who wish to change their cult to one corresponding to the cult of the clan will be able to join such a clan.

Factional clans- unite clan fighters of either only the Right Hand, or only the Left Hand. Only fighters of the same cult that are part of the faction of this clan can join a factional clan. For example, you created a Left Hand clan. In this case, everyone belonging to the cults of Sorrow, Destroyer, and Terror can apply to your clan.

  • Cults of the right hand - Virgo, Protector, Holiday.
  • Left hand cults - Sorrow, Destroyer, Terrifying.

Each clan has its own Island - a playing space on which the following are located:

  • Ziggurat;
  • Tower of Mages;
  • Clan store.

The cost of joining a particular clan depends on the level of the ziggurat. She:

  • charged to the player when applying to join the clan;
  • when a player is accepted into a clan, it goes into the clan treasury;
  • if refused, it is returned to the player.




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See what “Heaven (game)” is in other dictionaries:

    This term has other meanings, see Playing with Fire (meanings). The Rolling Stones group. Playing with fire... Wikipedia

    The Rolling Stones group. Playing with Fire LP Popular Music Archive Release date 1988 Recorded 1964, 1965 F ... Wikipedia

Online. In today’s article I want to tell you how to become stronger as a beginner in the online game “Heaven”. A review of it was published not long ago, and now I’ll probably continue talking about this toy.

After entering the game for the first time, you need to select a character, I think there should be no problems with this, since every self-respecting gamer can easily cope with this

In the game, as in other games of a similar type, the character needs to be developed, dressed and empowered. So, the first thing you do is get an island, develop a tree - this will give you the opportunity to raise the level of the magic school, store, cave and arena. We will talk about important buildings further.

The school of magicians gives you the study of spells with which you actually hit your opponent, I think everything is clear here. We learn spells by increasing their level, but first we need to increase the level of the school, then the level of the spell. In the game, everything is interconnected and in no way can the level of the main structure be higher than the secondary one and what it gives.

That is, a level 5 tree, school, arena, cave cannot be level 6, and accordingly, your skills learned at school will not exceed level 5.

When I was familiarizing myself with the game, there was no way to increase levels until the character reached the next level. This had its advantages, but also disadvantages. Now the developers have returned the ability to study and it may look like this from the outside:

Level 2 character;

Tree level 6;

School of magicians of level 6 and naturally learned spells of level 6.

Therefore, you will take out players who do not know this moment and have not studied the above described above in one or two hits of the spell

Cave, the higher the level of the cave, the more and better valuables you can find there - raise the level constantly and explore. Exploring the cave consumes energy.

Shop, I don’t think anyone understands what’s going on there, but I note that the places for selling things there are limited by the level of the store, so you should also secondary increase the level of the store to increase the places for sale, and they will be needed after you read what is written below .

The character should also be dressed with the best things and jewelry. To do this, you can spend all the energy you receive exploring the cave, wandering around the islands of other players and browsing their stores, try shopping in the chat, there are a lot of offers there.

By the way, with each new level of tree development, you receive free licenses to collect resources. For example, if the tree is level 6, then there will be 6 licenses. What does this give, for example, having collected resources from your island, you can go collect them from the islands of other players. That is, you can collect or crystals to buy things, study spells or energy to explore the cave.

Also, by viewing the islands of other players, you receive additional bonuses (medals) after viewing a certain number of islands. All medals are also bonuses, you can see them in the awards.

I digress...So things, things are better to take with the designation “unique” or “rare” since they give more properties to the character that be sure to read before you buy. Ideally, the item should also have an additional property that suits your character. This can be a buffing property for your spell. Don't buy blue things, sell them.

At the first levels, monsters give things of not very good quality, but from the third to fourth levels, you can already knock out decent things.

Where to look for them? In the cave, fighting with the monsters that fall there, bypassing the islands of other players, in the lower left corner all players have a monster that comes after a certain time, if the player has not killed it yet, look at what kind of things he will throw away after his death. Fits? You can defeat it - kill and take it, you can immediately put it on your character or sell it in your store

This way you can dress pretty decently for next to nothing

An important point is receiving medals for certain actions. In rewards, you can view what bonuses are prepared for you for this or that medal and, of course, what you need to do to get it. A must do.

Medals give different qualities to a character; first of all, it is advisable to get combat ones, those that give an increase in damage and vital energy.

Try to get the maximum number of such medals, but at the same time, do not rush to raise the level of your character, since with each level stronger players will be waiting for you and you simply will not be able to fight with them adequately.

I think everything is clear? Can you figure it out at the initial stage of the game? Well then, good luck and please share your comments on this in the comments.

Well, for liking the buttons on the left, in general, the greatest gratitude and respect