The most beautiful male Hollywood actors. Rating of the sexiest men of all time

Beauty, of course, is a subjective concept. What excites admiration among some, sometimes does not seem surprising to others. However, the history of mankind knows many examples when beautiful people became standards for the vast majority of their contemporaries. Today, the birthday of one of the main sex symbols of the 80s, Australian Mel Gibson, is celebrated - an excellent occasion to remember the birthday boy and other impeccable handsome men who, with their charisma and charm, deserved the title of the most attractive men of the era. ELLE's ranking of the sexiest men of all time.

He officially received the status of a sex symbol in 1985, topping the first rating of male attractiveness in People magazine. The blue-eyed Australian was 20 years old at the time, but had already appeared in a dozen solid blockbusters and, accordingly, earned the fame of a brutal handsome man.

He was one of the brightest heroes of his time. Legendary actor XX century was doomed to become an object of worship of women: he also possessed unconditional external beauty, and boundless charm and strong-willed character. Both girls and men went crazy about him, and in return he generously showered them with attention, thereby fueling rumors about his bisexuality. As a result of the actor’s incredibly stormy personal life, 11 children were born! Beckham or Pitt never dreamed of this!

Hollywood's leading gentleman on screen was the epitome of masculinity, elegance, charm and irresistible sex appeal. He created the image of the playboy in the films of the 30s long before the word itself came into use. It is not surprising that it was Grant who became the prototype of the legendary special agent James Bond.

Before ascending to the Hollywood horizon, the laurels of the sexiest man in the world belonged to Robert Redford. In the 70s and 80s, the actor basked in the glory and enjoyed the massive adoration of fans who followed him on his heels. And after the release of the film “Indecent Proposal” in the 90s, millions of women simply lost their minds, and Radford was bombarded with an unprecedented number of those same “proposals” from wealthy ladies. In case of refusal, the ardent ladies threatened to ruin the actor’s career. Oh, the life of a playboy is hard!

The owner of fatal blue eyes has always been incredibly photogenic. From the very beginning of his public career, he had everything to become a superstar and get into ratings such as “The Sexiest Men in the World”: beauty, masculine charm, talent, kindness (the actor was a famous philanthropist). Millions of women were ready to fall at his feet, but all his life he was faithful to one and only one - actress and wife Joanne Woodward.

No comments are needed here: the very name of this French actor has become synonymous with male beauty. At the mere mention of him, women came into sacred awe. His co-stars, among whom were the world's leading beauties: Claudia Cardinale, Romy Schneider, Ornella Muti, Monica Bellucci and many others, could not resist the actor's magnetic charm. The dramatic love story of Alain Delon with Romy Schneider completely became fatal for the actress - Romy experienced the breakup with a sexy man very painfully, to say the least: until the end of her days, Schneider was never able to recover from this suffering.

The ranks of the most sexy men Birmingham theater actor Timothy Dalton joined the ranks in the 80s - after appearing on BBC series"Jane Eyre", where the handsome English man, of course, played main role. He subsequently became James Bond number four, which won him over larger number ladies' hearts. Vanessa Redgrave herself could not resist the charm of the burning brunette: Dalton had a serious affair with her that lasted 10 years.

“Clooney, like a Chanel suit, never goes out of style,” the heroine of the famous TV series Carrie Bradshaw very accurately noted. One decade follows another, and Clooney is still listed in the sexiness ratings on a par with young handsome men. It seems that time has no power over this man: over the years, his magnetism and charm only increase. For just one characteristic look of seductive brown eyes, ladies are ready to sell their souls to the evil one. There are countless novels on the Don Juan list of sex symbols, but only one Amal Alamuddin forced Clooney to settle down. It really is: gray hair in the beard, devil in the rib!

A caring father and head of the family - it is now customary to talk about this in this way. And in the old days, the actor was considered the main conqueror of women's hearts. Pitt's status as a Hollywood sex symbol was secured in 1995: he was at the height of his beauty, fame and literally bathed in the love of the audience. At the same time, Empire magazine included the actor in the list of the 25 sexiest stars in the history of cinema, and the actor deservedly bears this title for almost 30 years, continuing to confirm it year after year. There were many lucky women who were his ladies before Angelina Jolie: Juliette Lewis, Gwyneth Paltrow and ex-wife Jennifer Aniston, with whom Pitt drove millions of fans crazy, watching with interest ideal life perfect couple.

As a child, he suffered a lot from his classmates because of his pretty appearance: he even had to change schools. Years later, “handsome Alfie” turned into the most desirable man on the planet, becoming the British Alain Delon.

Ryan Gosling

The title of sex symbol throughout recent years credited to Ryan Gosling. He is not a canonical handsome man, he is not brutal, however, according to surveys, it is this lanky blond with an ironic squint that most girls would like to have as their lovers. Women's worship of Gosling was ensured not by the reputation of Don Juan or steel biceps, but rather by a sense of humor, special masculine energy and, undoubtedly, the image of a dream man created in

We are accustomed to the fact that such ratings are compiled mainly from the fair half of humanity, but there are many wonderful men in the world. So why not write about them? I thought about it and decided to correct this misunderstanding by making my own top most handsome men in the world. So let's get started.

5. Channing Tatum

The world-famous publication People in 2017 came to the conclusion that Channing Tatum is the sexiest man in the world. And, frankly, it’s very difficult to argue with that. The courageous look, clear and harmonious constitution of this macho simply amazes the beautiful half of the world. But, at the same time, despite the huge crowds of their fans and world fame, Channing is quite modest and incredibly happily married to his beloved wife. In my top The most handsome men peace this actor is in fifth position.

4. Daniel Radcliffe

The film adaptation of all seven Harry Potter books made Daniel Radcliffe a popular actor. This film brought him just mega fame. Today the world talks about Daniel as one of the most beautiful men. And, of course, it’s hard to disagree with this. That is why, and according to my personal sympathies, Daniel Radcliffe takes fourth place in my top The most beautiful men.

3. Johnny Depp

Incomparable, handsome, sexy Johnny Depp and third place in my top list of the most handsome men in the world. Famous actor He played both eccentric characters and brutal macho characters in films. And the painting "Pirates" Caribbean Sea"raised him even higher to the Olympus of world fame. During his life, Johnny has mastered many stellar professions, such as actor, screenwriter, director, producer, musician and singer. And his name is included in the Guinness Book of Records as the highest paid actor.

2. Richard Gere

And now we are gradually approaching the most interesting part. In second place in my rating is the sex symbol of the 80s and 90s, talented actor Richard Gere. Oh so much women's hearts he conquered in his time, and now he continues to do so successfully. Throughout this time, Richard was accompanied by incredible popularity. The fans dreamed that someday Gere would invite them on a date. Incredible charisma, attractive magnetism and attractiveness - this is the credo of Richard Gere.

1. Brad Pitt

Heads my top most handsome men William Bradley Pitt. Yes, yes, you heard right, this is his real name. Excellent appearance and acting talent opened the way for Brad Pitt into the world of big cinema. Brad Pitt has long been a household name. The owner of probably the largest multimillion-dollar number of fans.

Not only famous women dream of being included in the list of “The Most sexy women stars,” it turns out that handsome men are also not averse to receiving such a very high-profile title.

Every year, well-known publications such as the British glossy Heat World, Empire magazine, Glamor, People and other authoritative resources publish on their pages the top ranking of the most handsome men among world famous this.

Many of the most beautiful men in the world, whose photos you can see below, still remain single and have the status of the most enviable and most desirable suitors of starry Olympus.

The TOP 10 most beautiful, sexy and desirable men of 2018-2019 included such movie and show business stars as Harry Styles, Jamie Dornan, Campbell Bower, Benedict Cumberbatch, Tom Hiddleston, Theo James, Jamie, Jared Leto, Pharrell Williams, Henry Cavill, Robert Pattinson.

How can you replace it: the sexiest handsome men do not always have only beauty. Most of these men created their own successful career, smart and talented, armed not only with piercing looks, but also with incredible charisma. They never cease to be the center of attention. Millions of women dream and desire them.

So, let's look...

The sexiest male celebrities - 2018-2019. Top rating of the most seductive men: photos

Sexiest Male Musicians: Adam Levine - American singer, vocalist of the pop rock band Maroon 5, actor, guitarist.
Sexiest Male Movie Stars: Al Pacino
The sexiest male celebrities in the world: Antonio Banderas - Spanish actor, dancer, film director, singer.
The sexiest handsome men in Hollywood: Ben Affleck - American actor, film director, screenwriter, producer.
The most charismatic sex symbols of Britain: Benedict Cumberbatch - British film and theater actor. Commander of the Order of the British Empire. One of the top ten handsome men.
The most desirable men among Hollywood actors: Brad Pitt is an American actor and producer.
Sexiest Male Actors: Bradley Cooper
The most desirable handsome men are celebrities. James Bond - Daniel Craig
The sexiest male stars sports: David Beckham is a British football player.
The sexiest musicians: Jared Leto - American rock singer and vocalist of the rock band Thirty Seconds to Mars ( alternative rock), actor, music video director.
The most beautiful singers: Justin Timberlake- American pop and R&B singer, composer, producer, dancer and actor. Former lead singer of the boy band 'N Sync.
The most handsome men in cinema: Gerard Butler is an actor from Scotland.
Sexiest movie actor: Jake Gyllenhaal comes from a family of film director and screenwriter.
The sexiest and most desirable male stars: Jamie Dornan is in the top 10 sexiest celebrities.
Sexiest movie actors: Jamie Campbell Bower - actor from England
The most handsome men - celebrities: James Franco - film actor, screenwriter, director, producer, writer, artist, teacher.
The sexiest stars in Hollywood: Johnny Depp - film actor, film director, screenwriter, musician, producer
The most handsome and charismatic men in the film industry: George Clooney has been the sex symbol of cinema for many years. Producer, screenwriter, director.
The most desirable handsome men of cinema and theater: Brittany Jude Law
The most famous handsome men of the film industry: Edward Norton
The most handsome male celebrities: Ewan McGregor - film actor from Scotland
The sexiest men in show business: Pharrell Williams is in the TOP 10 sexiest men of 2018 - 2019.

The cutest men in show business: Harry Styles - singer from England, lead singer of the group One Direction
Sexiest British Celebrities: Guy Ritchie - famous director, producer, screenwriter
The sexiest and most handsome men: Henry Cavill enters - British film star, one of the TOP 10 most desirable celebrity men.
The sexiest men in show business: Kanye West - popular rapper. Also involved in project production and design.
The sexiest men in the world: Javier Bardem is a film actor from Spain, winner of several prestigious film awards.
The sexiest film actors: Hugh Jackman is an actor from Australia, acting in films, theater, and television. Known for his role as Wolverine
Sex symbol of British cinema: Hugh Laurie is a talent rolled into one. Actor, director, screenwriter, writer, pianist, producer, singer
The most gorgeous handsome men of British cinema, theater and television: Colin Firth
The sexiest movie hunks: Chris Hemsworth - actor from Australia
The sexiest men in show business: Chris Martin - known as the lead singer and keyboardist of Coldplay
The sexiest male celebrities in the world: Jean Reno - an actor from France with Spanish roots
The most handsome male stars: Jean Dujardin - film actor and comedian from France
The most handsome men in Hollywood: Zac Efron - film actor from America
The most handsome men in cinema: Ian Somerhalder - an actor from the USA and just a handsome man
The sexiest male actors in France: Vincent Cassel
British film, theater and television actor Tom Hiddleston is among the TOP 10 sexiest men of 2018 - 2019.
Handsome Tom Ford is a famous American designer and film director.
Sexiest British Celebrities: Theo James - TV and Film Actor. Included in the TOP 10 most handsome men of 2018-2019
The most beautiful and sexy men in sports: Cristiano Ronaldo - football player from Portugal
Lars von Trier, a film director and screenwriter from Denmark, also made it into the top 100 sexiest male celebrities.
Michael Fassbender is included in the list of the most handsome male stars among film, theater and television actors
The most desirable men in Hollywood: Matt Damon - film actor, screenwriter, producer
The sexiest movie celebrities of the past: Mickey Rourke - actor and former boxer
The most beautiful and desirable men in cinema: Owen Wilson - comedian
One of the most beautiful tormented stars Ryan Gosling from Canada
The sexiest men of 2018-2019: actor Ryan Reynolds
The sexiest men in show business, cinema, fashion: Robert Pattinson is among the ten most desirable men of 2018-2019.
The sexiest handsome men of cinema: Robert Downey Jr. The sexiest male celebrities TOP 10: Jamie Dornan

They say “beauty will save the world” - and this is partly true, but how to recognize that fine line When does beauty turn into sexuality and vice versa? Everyone's concept of beauty is different, but when it comes to sexuality, everyone agrees on the same criteria, and these are: passion, desire and unearthly attraction.

Today we want to figure it out and see what the sexiest men in the world are. Our article is largely addressed female, because in it we will talk about the sexiest men in the world, and women, as you know, love not only with their ears, but also with their eyes. Men will also be interested in seeing who they should look up to.

To avoid hateful comments as much as possible, this list is based on the annual rankings from GLAMOR magazine.

Here we go?

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Will Smith

And the first from the end in our list of the sexiest men in the world is the famous Hollywood “Mr. Hitch” and this is Will Smith himself. His dark skin tone, smile and self-confidence simply drive the female sex crazy. Impeccable style and manner of communication cannot leave any woman indifferent.

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Gregory Rutherford

It is not for nothing that British athlete, long jump champion, record holder, and simply handsome Gregory Rutherford takes his well-deserved 99th place in the top sexiest men on the planet. The British athlete is wildly popular among women, and it’s all because of his red curls and sunny smile.

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Kanye West

On next place The American rapper, producer, and in his free time from music, also designer, the dizzying Kanye West, has firmly established himself at the top. And this is not surprising, because socialite Kim Kardashian couldn't resist such a seductive man.

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Gavin Rossdale

This place rightfully belongs to the British musician, leader of the band Bush, Gavin Rossdale. And this is not surprising, because not everyone can look so sexy at over 50 years old, for which we congratulate him.

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Eric Dane

How, how? Yes, this is Eric Dane himself, the sexiest doctor Mark Sloan from Grey's Anatomy. Yeah! There is no doubt about this guy’s sexuality, although he only uses it on screen. In life, Eric Dane is a devoted husband and loving father two beautiful daughters.

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Jason Momoa

On the next 95th step of the top of the hottest men, settled the American actor, the legendary “Conan the Barbarian”, Jason Momoa. With such an exotic appearance, long curls and bottomless eyes like a pool, he simply could not help but get into the top of the sexiest, and you can simply go crazy from his smile.

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Sergio Pizzorno

Another representative of Britain is placed in 94th place in the sexuality rating. This time it is British musician, producer, founder of the Kasabian group, Sergio Pizzorno. The surname reveals the Italian origin of the musician and answers the question of where so much sexuality comes from in him.

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Nicholas Hoult

The handsome English actor Nicholas Hoult, despite his young age, managed not only to dream with Hugh Grant, but also to win the sympathy of millions of girls around the world. And it's all because of his cute face.

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Chris Martin

In 92nd place sits the musician, leader of the band Coldplay, as well as a part-time vocalist and keyboard player. His extraordinary eyes charmed not only ordinary women, but also such a beauty as Gwyneth Paltrow, the husband that he is.

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James Franco

Well, who doesn’t know a charming American actor with a surname similar to the surname of the great Ukrainian poet? Before us is James Franco himself, an American actor who plays the role of Peter Parker's inveterate enemy, Spider-Man. James is also a screenwriter, producer, artist, teacher, and this is not the whole list of achievements of this charming man.

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Dermot O'leary

British radio presenter, actor and host of the most famous British talent show "The X Factor" Dermot O'Leary takes an honorable 90th place in the ranking of the sexiest men on the planet, and for good reason, because he is recognized as one of the most stylish celebrities in Britain. And, as you know, style and taste are integral companions of sexuality.

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Johnny Depp

Even children know this handsome guy, because he is the legendary “Jack Sparrow and Edward Scissorhands.” Did you guess it? Of course, this is everyone’s favorite Johnny Depp - an American actor and musician, as well as one of the most desirable men not only among women in America, but throughout the entire planet.

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Jeremy Renner

But in 88th place was the American actor, nominee for such prestigious film awards as Oscar, BAFTA and Golden Globe - Jeremy Renner. Irish on his mother's side and German on his father's side, Jeremy exudes such magnetism and charm that he captivates women at first sight.

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Thomas Daly

Not only actors and musicians can boast of their sexuality, but, of course, athletes too, for example, British diver, two-time Olympic medalist Thomas Daly took 87th place in our top, not at all groundless. One has only to take one look at the photos of Thomas by the pool and his gorgeous body, and everything becomes clear.

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Ryan Kwanten

In 86th place in the ranking of male sexuality is an actor, no, this time not from Britain, but from Australia and his name is Ryan Kwanten. Is this the first time you've heard it? Then watch the film with his participation “Home and Away”, I think you will like it.

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Richard Armitage

British 45-year-old actor Richard Armitage, known for playing the role of Thorin Oakenshield, the king of the dwarves in the film “The Hobbit,” was again in 85th place in the ranking. Fans of J. Tolkien are very familiar with him. This is his most famous role so far, but the most interesting is yet to come.

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Ryan Lochte

American swimmer, gold medal record holder, six-time medalist olympic games, and also the owner of 84th place in the top sexiest men on the planet - and all this is about one person, namely Ryan Lochte. That's lucky.

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Ian Somerhalder

On the 83rd step stands an American actor who knows firsthand how to “stay alive”, because he is the same Boone Carlyle from the series of the same name, and in life his name is Ian Somerhalder and he is one of the sexiest men in the world.

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Charlie Hunnam

English actor Charlie Hunnam is charismatic and charming, and it’s not for nothing that he occupies 82nd place in our ranking. And his character Nathan Maloney from Queer as Folk drives not only girls, but also older women crazy, because he’s so cute.

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David Tennant

Now it’s Scotland’s turn to be proud of its heroes, because the famous Scottish theater and film actor David Tennant is in 81st place in our top ranking. This guy is known as the tenth doctor from the television series Doctor Who and other equally outstanding roles in films.

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Wentworth Miller

Wentworth Miller - American actor and the screenwriter, known for his role as Michael in the TV series “Prison Break,” and he has no idea how many women sigh hopelessly about him, because he is not at all interested in this. And, even if the actor’s orientation is not entirely ordinary, this does not deprive him of his sexuality and our 80th place.

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Tobias Menzies

And you Brute? What are we talking about? But the fact is that the British theater and film actor Tobias Menzies, known for his role as the traitor Junius Brutus in the TV series “Rome,” is firmly entrenched in 79th place in the top sexiest men in the world. But he really is very sexy.

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Ewan McGregor

On the step below sits the wonderful Scottish actor, film director and Officer of the Order of the British Empire Ewan McGregor. Not only is he a sexy man, the scope of his philanthropy is legendary. Well done Ewan! Keep it up!

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Jake Gyllenhaal

Jake Gyllenhaal is an American producer, theater and television actor, who has been familiar with the world of cinema since the age of 11. And this year he celebrates his 25th anniversary on screen. Despite this, he remains the same attractive and charming man in his prime, and occupies 77th place in our top.

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Taron Egerton

Taron Egerton - famous actor from the UK, at the age of 27, is already at the peak of his popularity, and all this thanks to the role of Gary Unwin in the film “Kingsman: The Secret Service. And our rating could not do without this charismatic personality.