The sister of murdered Oksana Aplekaeva is being pursued by a maniac. The sister of murdered Oksana Aplekaeva is being pursued by a maniac, a Russian fashion model, film actress and TV presenter.


The body of one of the former participants in the scandalous television project "Dom-2" was found in the Moscow region. According to one version, the girl became a victim of a former lover who contracted a venereal disease from her. An unknown person threatened the deceased on the popular website

The murdered Oksana Aplekaeva worked as a model at the recent Moscow International Motor Show. In early September, the body of a 31-year-old blonde with signs of strangulation was found in the Istra district on the side of the 50th kilometer of the Moscow-Riga highway, the Komsomolskaya Pravda newspaper writes. The body of the former bride of tennis player Marat Safin was found by truck drivers.

Since the deceased did not have any documents, for a long time she was listed as unidentified. It took more than a week to establish the girl's cause of death.

Oksana Aplekaeva, a native of Ufa, spent 75 days in the reality show “Dom-2”, from March 18 to June 2, 2005, reports the television project’s website.

Meanwhile, real panic began among the employees of the car dealership where the deceased worked after her disappearance. Some of them claim that several models from among their colleagues have already disappeared and were later found dead.

Exhibition participants were the first to sound the alarm when they noticed the disappearance of girls who worked as models at company stands. At the end of last week, received an anonymous message saying that on September 4, 8 female promoters did not show up for work at once. Moreover, they could not be found either by phone or at their residential addresses, and their relatives still do not know anything about their fate.

The exhibition administration is silent about what happened. However, they were unable to hide the appearance of a police investigative team on the territory of Crocus Expo on Thursday. The administration is suppressing attempts to distribute warnings about increased security measures among employees. However, some companies organized special trips from the metro for their employees working at stands.

“Already on the second day of the exhibition, female models who took part in the salon began to disappear without a trace from Crocus Expo,” quotes one of the FederalPress news agency employees.

According to various sources, from three to eight girls disappeared, not counting the murdered Aplekaeva. However, the organizers of the exhibition carefully hush up information and have not yet made official statements about the abductions.

However, the models who worked at the auto show are confident that five of the missing girls have already been found dead. According to colleagues, the missing people left the Crocus Expo building, hitched a ride, and were never seen again. Law enforcement agencies are currently investigating.

Let us add that panic gripped not only the employees of Crocus Expo, but also the participants of the Dom-2 show, as reported by the administration of the TV show. Fears stem from the fact that Aplekaeva’s body was found not far from the star construction site in the Istra district, reports.

Threats on Odnoklassniki

The body of Oksana Aplekaeva was found on the highway between the villages of Kotovo and Davydkovskoye. According to some reports, the woman was severely beaten and raped before her death. However, investigators have so far denied this information.

Her sister Olesya took part in identifying Oksana Aplekaeva’s body.

As reported by the investigative department of the Investigative Committee of Russia for the Moscow region, no visible signs of violent death were found on Aplekaeva’s body. But according to the preliminary findings of the expert who examined the corpse, the cause of death could have been strangulation: minor injuries were recorded on the victim’s neck.

Now a forensic medical examination has confirmed the correctness of the initial conclusion, reports IA Regnum. “The cause of death was asphyxia,” the investigative department reported.

Meanwhile, no visible signs of a struggle were found at the scene, and therefore investigators do not rule out that Aplekaeva was killed in another place and thrown out of the car on the side of the highway.

According to preliminary data, on August 29, Aplekaeva left the car dealership on a motorcycle with some young man and has not been seen since then. On September 1, Oksana’s friend Olga, with whom the model rented an apartment, sounded the alarm. The girl contacted the police to report Aplekaeva’s disappearance, and soon a terrible discovery was made.

Now relatives of the model are trying to understand what caused this murder. They share their guesses on the victim’s website, set up on a social portal. "".

Some suggest that Oksana’s killer could have been a maniac looking for beauties on the Internet. Others recall some strange circumstances that preceded the girl's disappearance.

So, shortly before the tragedy, a certain young man appeared on the site and threatened Aplekaeva. The unknown person claimed that she infected him with a venereal disease. “Oksana had angry comments from a young man on the forum,” her friends now say. “And there were the same comments on the photos.”

According to acquaintances of the murdered woman, on Tuesday all the unflattering comments of this man on Odnoklassniki disappeared. Consequently, their author deleted his account.

“Yes, it was here that one guy wrote nasty things about her on the forum, but now his messages are gone,” writes one of the forum visitors. “It’s a pity, I don’t remember what kind of guy...” The same Internet user recalls the epithets used by the unknown rewarded the model, as well as his threats: the anonymous author allegedly called Aplekaeva a prostitute and promised to “meet again.”

Now the profile of the mysterious ill-wisher has been deleted, and accordingly his offensive comments have disappeared. However, the responses of Aplekaeva’s friends to the posted threats and insults remained. They confirm that the anonymous person actually threatened the girl before.

On the other hand, the offender could simply be afraid that he would fall under suspicion, and therefore erased traces of his presence on Odnoklassniki, the publication suggests.

Another strange circumstance is noted by a friend of the deceased, Margarita Harutyunyan. According to her, Aplekaeva last visited the site on August 29 at 22:21. “I wonder if she disappeared after work already, does that mean everything was definitely fine with her until 10 pm?! She won’t be sitting on a website with a maniac!” - the woman is perplexed.

In connection with the discovery of the corpse of a woman with signs of violent death, the investigative department of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation for the city of Istra opened a criminal case under Article 105 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (murder), ITAR-TASS reports.

"Dom-2" helped the model make a career

Oksana Aplekaeva was born on June 12, 1977 in Ufa, Republic of Bashkortostan. Graduated from the Financial and Economic School with a degree in accountant-economist. Later, the woman worked as a cosmetologist-consultant in the Arbat-Prestige network, RIA Novosti reports.

Aplekaeva has repeatedly taken first place in various competitions. “I am familiar with all luxury cosmetics, I can easily come to a boutique and pick out what I need without using the services of consultants,” the model admitted in an interview.

Oksana Aplekaeva is mentioned in the media as a former participant in the reality show "Dom-2", where she was from March 18 to June 2, 2005.

Subsequently, the woman said that this project certainly helped her in life. After participating in the show, she received several business offers. Oksana said about her participation in the Dom-2 show that she “really wanted to know how people live under cameras 24 hours a day.”

At the same time, the model admitted that she became tougher after she moved from Ufa to Moscow 5 years ago. “Moscow taught us to distinguish true friends from cynics,” she noted.

At the same time, Olga Buzova, a close friend of Aplekaeva and one of the most prominent participants in the reality show “Dom-2”, said that even on the scandalous project, Oksana stood out among the other participants with her decency. During her stay in the harsh conditions of the TV show, she managed to very quickly win over her competitors, reports NEWSru Israel. According to Buzova, Aplekaeva did not smoke, did not drink, and there was no gossip about her.

After leaving the television project, Oksana worked as a model at the Expo Style agency, as the head of special projects at Animal Style magazine, and participated in the Miss MAXIM 2008 competition. In addition, Aplekaeva repeatedly tried herself in various film projects, most recently starring in the TV series “Matchmaker” (STS) and “ Detectives" (ORT), took part in the filming of the program "Federal Judge" (ORT), on REN-TV in the "Bla-Blah Show" and in the "Comedy Club" on TNT.

Let us remind you that the television project “Dom-2”, in which the deceased starred, has been on the air for more than four years. This was an unprecedented record for a reality show. The project, which started in May 2004, is led by Ksenia Sobchak and Ksenia Borodina. According to the rules of this show, its participants “build love”, trying to find a partner, and at the same time trying to win a house in the Moscow region.

Romance with Marat Safin

Oksana Aplekaeva dated the famous tennis player for several years. Their relationship was stormy and full of passion, reports However, later they broke up.

Subsequently, Oksana was very upset about the breakup with her beloved man, which she told her friends and mother more than once. Her loved ones consoled her as best they could. Despite the separation, Aplekaeva retained a tender feeling for Safin in her heart and even wrote in the “favorite athlete” column in a questionnaire for one of the glossy magazines: “Marat Safin.”

“She didn’t have anyone after him,” says Oksana’s mother. “I would have known for sure if she had fallen in love with someone. But she was alone, alone all the time...”

Reality and crime

This is not the first time that a scandalous television project has been included in crime reports. In the fall of 2007, in Tyumen, a man stabbed his wife to death for her addiction to Dom-2. After the murder, the faithful himself called the police, but kept silent about his role in what happened.

Already during the investigation it became clear that the man was directly related to the murder. That evening, the husband and wife decided to relax after a hard day, for which they invited another young man into their company and drank alcohol.

Then the woman decided to watch the reality show “Dom-2” on TV, but her husband was against it. The husband began to insistently demand that his wife change the channel or give up the remote control, but the woman flatly refused, insisting on her own. Angry, the man grabbed a knife from the table and stabbed the woman in the back. The knife passed under the left shoulder blade, hitting the heart - the woman died on the spot.

A peculiar trend has been the imposition of judicial sentences on former participants of the show for a wide variety of criminal offenses. Thus, in March 2007, a sentence was passed on Vyacheslav Popov, whom the court found guilty of drug trafficking. The convict was detained while attempting to sell hashish, for which he was subsequently sentenced to 6.5 years in a maximum security colony.

And in April 2006, another ex-participant of the project, Kirill Komarovsky, was detained in Moscow on suspicion of fraud. The 24-year-old manager from Vitebsk was on the show from December 2 to December 8, 2005.

As it became known, at the end of March 2006, after leaving the project, Kirill Komarovsky got a job as an assistant to a realtor in one of the companies in the center of Moscow.

Already on the second day of work, the management of the company entrusted Komarovsky with showing the apartment and drawing up an agreement for the purchase of the apartment. A client of the company liked the apartment, Komarovsky drew up an agreement and, having received a deposit, disappeared.

After searching for their employee, the company's management contacted the police. As a result, the suspect was detained while trying to get a job as a realtor in another company. A criminal case was opened against him under Article 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (fraud).

In August 2005, project participant Alexey Adeev was detained by the police. He was identified by a TV viewer from Smolensk. As it turned out, Adeev stole 2 thousand dollars from a woman. After the woman's statement, he was put on the federal wanted list. The suspect was detained while filming the program.

As it was established, Adeev, who also worked as a realtor, received a deposit and fled with the stolen money. In November last year, Alexey Adeev was sentenced by the court to 4.5 years in a maximum security colony.

But the most serious crime, the investigation of which was connected with the name of the popular television program, was a triple murder committed in August 2005. Then, in the village of Troitskoye, Semiluksky district, Voronezh region, immigrants from Dagestan were killed: businessman Kerimov, his wife and their 8-year-old son.

Just two weeks later, the police detained 22-year-old unemployed local resident Igor Bulak. According to investigators, after committing the murder, the man was looking for money, but couldn’t find it, and stole two expensive phones, using one of which he began actively sending SMS messages to the “Dom-2” program on TNT - as he explained, he wanted to meet someone there girl. Based on these calls, we were able to trace the criminal.

The court sentenced Bulak to life imprisonment.

The show interested the prosecutor's office

In 2005, a scandalous television project even attracted attention from legislators and investigative authorities. Then State Duma deputies initiated a prosecutor's investigation, after which the Moscow prosecutor's office demanded that the TNT television channel comply with the law in connection with the demonstration of the Dom-2 program.

Based on the results of an inspection carried out by the capital's prosecutor's office at the request of Moscow City Duma deputy Lyudmila Stebenkova, violations of the law were found, in particular the Law on the Media.

The prosecutor's office stated that, according to an art history study, Dom-2, as experts write, "generally and systematically exploits the interest in sex." In accordance with the media law, the production of television programs of an erotic nature is allowed only from 23:00 to 04:00. The Dom-2 program is shown during the daytime and evening, that is, during hours accessible to children. Therefore, the prosecutor's office demanded that the broadcast time of the program be changed, as well as that those responsible for violating the law be subject to disciplinary action.

At the same time, the head of the legal department of the TNT television channel, Alla Slepakova, reported that the channel had a resolution from the General Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation, which carried out an inspection at the request of the same persons, which clearly stated that in the Dom-2 program “there are no scenes of an erotic nature.” Note that the project is still aired on the TNT channel every evening at 21:00.

“We believe that such attention to the popular project is connected with the election campaign for the Moscow City Duma. Obviously, this group of people is known to the press exclusively in connection with the reality show “Dom-2” and no other matters,” Slepakova noted then.

At the end of May, a number of deputies of the Moscow City Duma Commission on Health and Public Health demanded to close the television project “Dom-2: Build Your Love” on the TNT channel and bring the host of this program, Ksenia Sobchak, to criminal liability for pimping.

The capital's parliamentarians expressed the opinion that this “reality show exploits interest in sex and harms the moral development of young people,” and accused Sobchak of “organizing prostitution,” “pandering,” “pimping,” and “commercial sexual exploitation of people.” The deputies wrote a letter to the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation Vladimir Ustinov, in which they demanded to close the reality show.

Olesya Konovalova recalled the threats that she often heard addressed to her after the death of the “HOUSE-2” star. A relative of the deceased Oksana Aplekaeva said that a certain man threatened her with violence and promised to send her to the next world.

A few days ago, the country literally shook up: information appeared in the media that the DOMA-2 star Oksana Aplekaeva, who was killed in 2008, was raped by a forensic expert in a morgue. the site was the first to contact the sister of the deceased girl, Olesya Konovalova. She said that the information about the abuse of the corpse of her relative was nonsense, since the case remained unsolved and no one had raised it until now.

Now Olesya has “moved away” from the information shock and spoke in more detail about her sister. The girls were very close - there are a lot of photos of them together on social networks, and Konovalova does not dare to delete them.

“I love watching them. Sometimes memories come flooding back and you see how much fun you had with your sister. Of course, 10 years have passed, I tried to forget about the grief, but it didn’t work... People found me on social networks and constantly asked about Oksana. Everyone is interested to know how the case ended or how I feel...

But I didn’t let anyone into my life, I simply ignored their messages. It was unpleasant to read negative letters. For example, one person wrote: “I loved your sister! I want you to go to her!” The man was clearly not himself. I blocked his pages, and he created new accounts,” Olesya recalled.

Olesya Konovalova remembered how she was pursued by a maniac
​Photo: Social networks

The sister of the ex-participant of “DOM-2” added that her things help to keep in touch with her deceased sister. So, Konovalova wears jewelry that belonged to Aplekaeva during her lifetime. The blonde is sure that this bracelet helps her feel Oksana in difficult times.

“My sister lived with my mother. When she grew up, she moved to the capital. That's why her children's room has been empty for a long time. After my death, I took all the things from my rented Moscow apartment for myself. Clothes, photos, cosmetics - I hid everything in boxes. True, I wear my sister’s bracelet. He is like a talisman to me. Oksanka may not have worn it often, but still: it makes me feel connected to her,” Konovalova said.

Olesya noted that Oksana recently came to her in a dream. However, she still cannot interpret this vision. “The other day I dreamed about her. It seemed to me that I had bought an apartment somewhere; it had a lot of rooms, like in old mansions. I remember standing next to Oksana and showing each bedroom. She looks and suddenly sees a new piano. And I explain to her that it was left over from the previous residents... I still didn’t understand what this dream meant,” Aplekaeva’s sister told the publication

12 June 1977 - 01 September 2008

Russian fashion model, film actress and TV presenter

According to the results of the autopsy, it was confirmed that 31-year-old Oksana Aplekaeva died as a result of mechanical asphyxia (suffocation).

Versions of what happened and legacy

It is known that Oksana was threatened by some young man on the website. On her forum and under photographs, he wrote a bunch of angry comments. After Aplekaeva disappeared from the site, the profile of the user who threatened her disappeared, and with it all his messages and comments, but the responses of Oksana’s acquaintances to threats and insults remained, and this confirms that there really were threats.

In 2008, participants in the famous show “Battle of Psychics” tried to find the reasons for this incident.

In 2009, a film was made about Oksana: "Who killed Oksana", where many versions and variants of what happened were put forward. All of Oksana’s relatives, friends and acquaintances agree that she was a very kind, sweet and harmless person and could not cause harm or sorrow to anyone.

Many television programs have been filmed about Oksana, such as: “The Main Character”, “Let Them Talk” and others. They talked about how Oksana had been achieving fame all her life and then it came to her, only too late - after a mysterious murder.

Despite the fact that many versions and reasons for what happened have been put forward, the murder of Oksana Aplekaeva remains unsolved to this day.

The suspect in this high-profile case is 38-year-old resident of the city of Nakhabino Mikhail S., who had previously been convicted of theft, writes the Komsomolskaya Pravda newspaper. According to preliminary information, it was he who met Aplekaeva at a car show, and then took her away from the Crocus Expo exhibition center.

According to the police, on August 29, Mikhail S. called the deceased from a phone registered to a certain company. They may have discussed plans for the evening as the suspect was celebrating his birthday that day.

Other data indirectly indicate the suspect’s involvement in the crime. “He was one of the last to see Oksana, he has a motorcycle, and he lives not far from the place where the body of the deceased was found,” investigators explain.

It is noteworthy that during a search in the apartment where Aplekaeva lived, they found a notebook with telephone numbers of young girls and comments of an unusual nature. From the records it followed that Oksana apparently took these young ladies with her to the birthdays of rich people, thereby providing escort services.

In this regard, we recall that, according to some sources, around the same time, eight more employees of the same car dealership where Aplekaeva worked disappeared. According to unverified reports, most of the female promoters have already been found dead.

Let us remember that before her death, 31-year-old Oksana Aplekaeva worked as a model at the Moscow International Motor Show. On August 29, the woman left the Crocus Expo exhibition center and no one has seen her since then.

They didn't grab the model right away. Only a few days later, her friend Olga K., with whom Aplekaeva rented an apartment, reported her disappearance to the police. According to the girl, the model was taken away from the car dealership by a motorcyclist.

In early September, the body of a spectacular blonde with signs of strangulation was discovered in the Istra district on the side of the 50th kilometer of the Moscow-Riga highway. The body was found by truck drivers.

Since the deceased did not have any documents, for a long time she was listed as unidentified. It took more than a week to establish the girl's cause of death.

Now the Investigative Committee at the Moscow Region Prosecutor's Office reported that there were no signs of a struggle at the site where Aplekaeva's corpse was found. It appears that she was brought there already dead shortly after the murder. The body was only slightly covered by branches. The victim also had no jewelry or mobile phone.

“Before she was strangled, the girl was most likely beaten,” the investigation added. - Bruises and abrasions were found on the body. But no traces of rape were found."

The mysterious death of the ex-participant of “House-2” and the former fiancee of tennis player Marat Safin gave rise to a lot of rumors and versions. They talked about a mysterious maniac or a whole gang that kidnaps girls from the exhibition. And Aplekaeva’s acquaintances wrote on an Internet forum that on the social resource the woman was threatened by some unknown person whom she allegedly infected with a venereal disease. After the girl disappeared, the strange messages and the profile of the mysterious ill-wisher disappeared from the site.

Investigators are taking all these assumptions into account, but are currently pursuing more realistic leads, the publication writes. They checked Oksana's last phone calls and found out that on the evening of August 29 she spoke with her last boyfriend. Then the detectives assumed that it was he who took the model from the car dealership.

However, during the interrogation of the young man, this version was not confirmed. Aplekaeva’s lover claimed that he did not come to the car show that day at all.

Oksana worked part-time in several modeling agencies, although her height (172 cm) and age were not very suitable for such work. Therefore, she often participated in other projects and was very fond of car shows.

As model Yulia Yudintseva (the common-law wife of actor Alexei Panin) said, girls usually go to exhibition shows on their own to earn more money. If they get there through an agency, then they will have to share the fee with him.

At exhibitions, the girl demonstrates not only the exhibit, but also herself. After such shows, she gets a lot of business cards from both representatives of modeling agencies, large firms, and “big guys.” Perhaps this is what Aplekaeva was counting on.

In addition, recently the model has been escorting rich men. She was inspired to achieve this feat by the example of her friend Irina, who was well-known in the world of show business and had previously hung around Dima Bilan.

According to a PR friend, after participating in the Dom-2 project, Aplekaeva was in constant euphoria. She liked being recognized everywhere and dreamed of getting into show business and starting singing.

Oksana Aplekaeva collected photographs of herself posing with celebrities: Prokhor Chaliapin, Vadim Galygin, Alexei Vorobyov, musicians from the Chelsea group, Sergei Lazarev.

At the same time, an employee of a PR agency denied the information that Aplekaeva was the fiancée of Marat Safin or that they had an affair. According to her, they met at the funeral of singer Leni Nerushenko from the Dynamite group. And then the model and the tennis player only called each other a couple of times to spend time together.

However, everyone knows that Safin does not live in Russia. He even came to the funeral of one of his close friends for one or two days. “What kind of romance can we talk about? Oksana didn’t have a permanent boyfriend at all,” says her friend.

Oksana Aplekaeva is mentioned in the media as a former participant in the reality show "Dom-2", where she was from March 18 to June 2, 2005.

Subsequently, the woman said that this project certainly helped her in life. After participating in the show, she received several business offers. Oksana said about her participation in the Dom-2 show that she “really wanted to know how people live under cameras 24 hours a day.”

At the same time, the model admitted that she became tougher after she moved from Ufa to Moscow 5 years ago. “Moscow taught us to distinguish true friends from cynics,” she noted.

At the same time, Olga Buzova, a close friend of Aplekaeva and one of the most prominent participants in the reality show “Dom-2”, said that even on the scandalous project, Oksana stood out among the other participants with her decency. During her stay in the harsh conditions of the television show, she was able to very quickly win over her competitors. According to Buzova, Aplekaeva did not smoke, did not drink, and there was no gossip about her.

After leaving the television project, Oksana worked as a model at the Expo Style agency, as the head of special projects at Animal Style magazine, and participated in the Miss MAXIM 2008 competition. In addition, Aplekaeva repeatedly tried herself in various film projects, most recently starring in the TV series “Matchmaker” (STS) and “ Detectives" (ORT), took part in the filming of the program "Federal Judge" (ORT), on REN-TV in the "Bla-Blah Show" and in the "Comedy Club" on TNT.

The shocking truth has been revealed about the death of the star of the show “Dom-2” Oksana Aplekaeva. The girl died 10 years ago, but these details have emerged only now. Oksana was killed in 2008. Let us remind you that she was taken from a car show, where she worked part-time as a model, by a certain young man. No one saw the living star again. Investigators conducted a second examination and found out that Oksana’s corpse was violated by an employee of a morgue near Moscow. He actually raped the deceased after death. The employee confessed to everything, he was fired and they did not plan to punish him in any way.

Traces of strangulation and numerous bruises were found on the victim's body. Based on the position in which the murdered woman lay, the investigators concluded that the attackers threw Oksana out of the car while it was moving, and then returned and tried to disguise the traces of their crime.

According to one version, the girl was kidnapped during the Moscow International Motor Show held in those days at Crocus Expo, where she worked as a model, and before her death she was severely beaten and raped. According to another version, Oksana was killed by one of her former lovers. Acquaintances of Aplekaeva claimed that shortly before the tragedy, a certain young man threatened her. Also, the media actively discussed the assumption that the girl witnessed certain events that occurred at one of the closed parties, and they decided to remove her. The case is still not solved. However, a few months ago, investigators, using the latest technologies, carried out that same re-examination.

It turned out that someone had sexual intercourse with the corpse of Oksana Aplekaeva in the morgue of Istra near Moscow. The study showed that the biological fluid belonged to a forensic expert with 12 years of experience, 37-year-old native of Mordovia, Alexander Alukaev. Alukaev was detained by operatives, but released after interrogation. The maximum that he would face would be liability for desecration of the bodies of the dead (arrest for up to three months), but the statute of limitations on the case has already passed, reports

“I confessed everything. You can't argue against science. I had to quit my job of my own free will. I haven’t been able to find a new place for more than three months. Of course, after this incident, my relationship with my wife went wrong - she left and even changed her phone number, which she had had for more than ten years before that,” Alukaev told Moskovsky Komsomolets.

Judging by the man’s page on social networks, he loved to vacation with his wife abroad, and is also interested in computer games and goes hunting and fishing with friends, Life notes. Alukaev’s page has now been deleted. The forensic scientist's friends don't believe he could do such a thing. “I don’t believe and don’t allow such a thought. We worked together with Alexander, and I know him as a highly qualified specialist,” said Andrey, one of Alukaev’s former colleagues.