Southern alternate of Kutuzovsky Prospekt on the map. Northern backup of Kutuzovsky Prospekt

Why was it invented? Northern understudy Kutuzovsky Prospekt?
Neither at the hearings nor in numerous publications there is a clear answer as to how the new toll “outbound” highway will help the city and how calculations were made that it would not harm.
All arguments “for” construction boil down to the following statements:
1. Moscow City needs this route because everyone goes to work from Rublyovka.
2. A route bypassing Odintsovo is needed, because there are only traffic jams in Odintsovo.
3. The city does not have that kind of money, but investors will invest theirs and everyone will be fine.
lets go logically and let's try to verify these statements.
Let's look at a diagram of what already exists and what is planned to be built in the near future.

The route should relieve congestion on Kutuzovsky Prospekt. Those. The vehicle route must be moved from existing roads to a new toll highway. To do this, the route must provide entry and exit from it in such a way that the resulting direction of movement coincides with the desired route of the motorist. Otherwise, why go along this route? Simply put, you need to understand where the flows are coming from and where they will go from the point of view of the project customers.
Where it’s more or less clear is Moscow City. We are told that the elite work there, all of whom live on Rublyovka. But let's look around us at the teams of the companies where we work. What percentage of your company's employees can be called top managers? How many of them can buy a house on Rublyovka? Not at all. Business owners can afford this, and they don’t have to go to the office to work during rush hour. They may not go anywhere at all. In Moscow City, 99% of workers are the same office plankton as everywhere else. They need metro, trains and roads in all directions, and not towards Rublyovka.
Proof. Here you can clearly see the average annual salary of leading corporations and the relationship with the CEO’s income.
Okay, let’s say we believed it and the flow from Moscow City rushed to the Northern backup. Where should they flow out of it? The northern backup route cuts through Moscow in transit and 17 km after the Moscow Ring Road ends its existence, merging into the Minsk highway. Those. the task of the backup (the goal where the flow is heading) lies somewhere between the Moscow Ring Road and the Minsk highway. There are only two exits - Podushkinskoe and Krasnogorskoe highways. They are single-lane and very winding, i.e. Their capacity is zero. Why the fuss? Bypass Odintsovo? But we look at the diagram - the Minsk highway is a bypass of Odintsovo, it was conceived that way from the very beginning, and besides, it goes to Minsk, i.e. this is a large international highway, which is currently being reconstructed as part of a project to increase the capacity of the Kutuzovskoye, Mozhaiskoye and Minskoye highways.
Once again it all comes down to these two conventions. This is confirmed by the very strange location of the payment points. On such a small section of the toll road (17 km), completely block the highway twice and collect payment twice from all cars (100 rubles on one and 50 rubles on the second from a passenger car) - why? All over the world, it is customary to either collect from everyone once, if we are talking about a homogeneous area without intermediate exits, or collect at these very entrances/exits, depending on the kilometers traveled. What's the point of a highway with a speed limit of 130 km/h, if you can't reach that speed, you'll have to stand in line at the ticket office every 7 km.
This suggests that the customer does not believe that the main purpose of the traffic will be through passage to the Minsk highway. So, after all, the goal is exits 1 and 2.
If Moscow City isn’t going there, then who is? If the capacity is clearly not affected, then it’s not about traffic flows, but about straightening the route for single tuples?
In the diagram, the icons M and NO indicate the estates of Mayendorf and Novo-Ogarevo. Well, it’s a coincidence, of course, as is the fact that the direction of movement of the inhabitants of these estates exactly coincides with the direction of the understudy.
Investors and businessmen cannot invest 40 billion just to straighten the route for flashing lights; they are waiting for a flow of profit, i.e. They precisely calculated that the traffic flows will recoup their costs without involving budgets of any level.
However, this is not true either.
Concession agreements, which have become popular in Lately for expensive construction projects, they have one feature.
There, indeed, all construction costs are borne by the winner of the competition, only he is not promised a profit, and is not needed. Primary goal - annual compensation its expenses, regardless of the effectiveness of the project. Those. the concessionaire takes out a loan for a year and builds; at the end of the year, his expenses are more than compensated from the budget, and so on for several years in a row, with the possibility of increasing, but not decreasing, compensation payments. Thus, only those who have secured the support of a bank of several billion rubles will be able to get into the competition; an undesirable participant will not get in. And announced investment project turns out to be in fact financed from the budget. The competition for the Concession for the construction of the Northern backup route from the City to the Moscow Ring Road should be announced in the near future, so that everything can be verified with documents.
What happens as a result:
1. Moscow City needs this route because everyone goes to work from Rublyovka. - Not true.
2. A route bypassing Odintsovo is needed, because there are only traffic jams in Odintsovo. - It’s not true, there is already a detour.
3. The city does not have that kind of money, but investors will invest theirs and everyone will be fine. - Most likely not true either.
Another conclusion is more logical.
The officials need the route. They are just going from the center to Rublyovka and back. They are driven by schedules and morning meetings. They need a route where others can not be allowed in, weeded out by payment and the inconvenience of queues. The officials themselves will travel along the green corridor with special passes. They do not need exits and entrances along the way, only the final points - Rublyovka - Center. There is no benefit for the city here. And they can easily compensate for the construction of such entertainment from the budget.
And yes, 2 billion per kilometer is not money for such purposes.

Planning project for the Northern alternate route of Kutuzovsky Prospekt. This traffic-light-free route, 11 km long with 3 lanes in each direction, should run from the MKAD interchange with a toll bypass for the city of Odintsovo along the Usovskaya railway line, along Ivan Franko Street, cross the railway tracks, walk along them to Fili station and, dividing into two bridges, go down to the Moscow City area on Presnenskaya embankment and 1st Krasnogvardeisky passage. Travel through the alternate route is expected to be paid. The city authorities are trying to find an investor who would build this road and subsequently recoup the investment by collecting tolls, but if an investor is not found, construction at the expense of the city budget is not excluded.

According to the authors, the flow through the backup will be 3600-4600 cars during rush hour in one direction, travel time along Mozhaiskoye Highway - Kutuzovsky Prospekt will decrease from 30 to 20 minutes with a 25% reduction in congestion, vehicle mileage will be reduced by 50 million vehicle-kilometers in year.

The last statement contradicts elementary logic. Vehicle mileage may decrease if a long section of road is replaced by a short section and the same flow of vehicles is maintained. Also, to reduce mileage, you can reduce the flow while maintaining the length of the road. It is also planned to build here parallel to the existing road. new road the same length, that is, theoretically, while maintaining the number of cars, the flow will simply be redistributed from one road to two and the mileage will remain at the same level.

In reality, there is a huge unmet demand for road trips in Moscow and the region. On weekdays, at least half of the cars parked at night remain in yards, and for garages this ratio may be higher. Since the level of comfort in a personal car is higher than in public transport, and the price of a trip is comparable, the choice between a personal car and public transport is regulated only by travel time, that is, the size of traffic jams. If the toll bypass of Odintsov is able to divert some volume of traffic flow from the free Minsk and Mozhaisk highways, then the vacated space will be immediately occupied by residents of Lesnoy Gorodok and Odintsovo, who have transferred to cars from trains and buses. As a result, the flow at the entrance to Moscow along the Mozhaisk Highway will not decrease, but the flow that approaches Moscow along the Odintsov bypass will be added to it, and the total mileage of vehicles in Moscow will only increase, contrary to the promises of the authors of the project.

The thesis about reducing travel time along the Mozhaiskoye Highway - Kutuzovsky Prospekt looks promising, but if you measure the length of the route from the Moscow Ring Road to Garden Ring(13.3 km) and calculate the planned speed, it will be equal to 40 km/h. Not very much for a main street with no traffic lights. Are traffic jams really planned on Kutuzovka?

Let's consider the connections between the backup and the street network inside Moscow. The interchange with the Moscow Ring Road is designed to be complete, that is, it is possible to travel from all directions to everything. Further, when moving towards the center, an exit to Bozhenko Street, an entrance from Mozhaiskoe Highway through Kubinka Street, two exits to Kutuzovsky Prospekt are planned: to Minskaya Street and through the existing tunnel of Barclay Street to Victory Square. When moving to the center, two entrances are planned from Kutuzovsky Prospekt: ​​in front and behind Minskaya Street, exit onto Ivan Franko Street, entry from Bozhenko Street. In the Moscow City area, exits are made onto the local street network; entering the Third Transport Ring (TTK) and exiting from it to the alternate is possible only through the traffic light intersection on 1st Krasnogvardeisky Proezd. It can be seen that most of the exits from the backup are directed towards the center, and most of the entrances are directed towards the region. The only entrance to the center from Kubinka Street has an asymmetrical exit from the center to Ivan Franko Street, located on the other side railway, and the current passage from Ivan Franko to Kubinka is supposed to be eliminated in the project. Also, according to the designers, the exit to Ivan Franko Street should serve mainly for turning from the alternate onto Yartsevskaya Street (part of the North-Western Expressway) with the passage of this transit flow through narrow intra-district streets. No interchange is envisaged at the intersection of the alternate road with the Southern Road (Rublevskoye and Aminevskoye Highways). This configuration of the route makes it almost impossible to use it as a backup to Kutuzovsky Prospekt for intracity travel and shows that the purpose of the route is to bring traffic flows from the region and from the Moscow Ring Road to the city center.

The backup has great potential to increase existing traffic jams and create new ones. Now on Kutuzovsky Prospekt the most congested section is from Minskaya Street to the Third Transport Ring, which has 4 lanes. The Kutuzovsky Prospekt reconstruction project does not plan to expand this section. If a backup is built, then when moving to the center, 5 lanes of Kutuzovsky Prospekt, 1 lane from the backup and 2 lanes from Minskaya Street will narrow into 4 lanes, which will create a traffic jam in the direction of the center approximately from Kremenchugskaya Street to Minskaya on Kutuzovsky Prospekt, and possible formation traffic jams in the right lanes of the backup. If an overpass straightening is built from Rublevskoye Highway from the Kuntsevskaya metro station to Kutuzovsky Prospekt, then the flow coming along 2 lanes from this straightening will further increase the traffic jam in this “bottleneck”. Due to the flow moving from the backup through Barclay Street, the traffic jam in the right lanes of Kutuzovsky Prospekt between Pobeda Square and the Third Transport Ring will increase, and traffic jams on Bolshaya Dorogomilovskaya Street may also increase. Most likely, traffic jams will also form at the exits to the City, since the entrances to the parking lots will not be able to “digest” the flows coming into the complex from the backup, the Third Transport Ring, the connection with Zvenigorodskoe Highway and the local street network.

When moving towards the region, traffic jams will accumulate on Kutuzovsky Prospekt in front of Pobeda Square due to the narrowing from 7 lanes to 4. Since the backup towards the region has 3 lanes all the way to the Moscow Ring Road, then with sufficient flow entering it from the City and from the square Victory, there will be traffic jams at the entrances in the area of ​​​​Slavyansky Boulevard and from Bozhenko Street, both at these entrances and at the backup itself. If tolls are collected at the entrances, then queues to enter will lead to traffic jams on the streets from which entry is made.

The liquidation of 1,500 garages located along Ivan Franko Street, without providing parking spaces in return, will lead to the need to park cars from these garages on the streets of the Kuntsevo district and the natural occurrence of traffic jams on these streets.

Parking on Ekaterina Budanova Street. Photo by Ksenia Kuranina

It should be noted that in the area all the courtyards and outer lanes of the streets are already occupied by cars, there is no space for the construction of multi-level parking lots in the vicinity of Ivan Franko Street, while there are several parking lots in the area that are not in demand due to the extremely high prices for parking spaces (for example, in the parking lot on Ekaterina Budanova Street the price of a space is about 850 thousand rubles, it has been completely empty for more than a year, cars are parked around it on the lawns and sidewalks). And even if the design of the backup includes the provision of parking spaces, there will still be nowhere to park the cars during the construction of the backup and parking lots.

Near the parking lot. Photo by Ksenia Kuranina

In the courtyard on Ekaterina Budanova Street. Photo by Ksenia Kuranina

Street Ekaterina Budanova. Photo by Ksenia Kuranina

During the construction of the backup, forest plantations in the sanitary protection zone of the railway along Ivan Franko Street from Partizanskaya Street to Kotsyubynskogo Street will be destroyed, the width of the park along Ivan Franko Street in the section from Kotsyubinskogo Street to Rublyovskoye Shosse will be significantly reduced with the elimination of children's and sports grounds, the approach of the road parts of the street to the houses. In the area of ​​Slavyansky Boulevard, the remains of an apple orchard will be cut down.

Children's playground in the park on Ivan Franko Street. Photo by Dmitry Skalkin

Remains of an apple orchard on Slavyansky Boulevard. Photo by Ksenia Kuranina

The highway, which runs mainly along an overpass, will create round-the-clock noise, and the noise from the railway will also increase. Quality will deteriorate significantly atmospheric air in a strip 300-400 m wide along the highway. According to sanitary standards, the environmental safety of residential buildings and other places of permanent residence of people is not ensured in this strip.

Measurements on similar highways in Moscow show that the average daily maximum permissible concentrations in the air of such particularly dangerous substances as ozone, nitrogen dioxide, styrene are 1.5-2 times higher, and formaldehyde is 3 times higher. Such excesses in the short term lead to a deterioration in well-being, decreased performance, and the appearance of constant fatigue; in the medium term - to the emergence of chronic diseases and a decrease in life expectancy. No security measures environment The project does not provide for the layout of the backup.

To summarize, we can say that for residents of the west of Moscow, the backup will not solve the transport problem and will not become an alternative to Mozhaiskoye Highway and Kutuzovsky Prospekt due to the configuration of the ramps. And even on the contrary, it will aggravate this problem by providing a corridor for the entry of several tens of thousands of additional cars per day from the Moscow region into the center of Moscow, mainly into the Moscow City complex, which will lead to increased traffic jams. At the same time, the condition of the environment along the route will significantly deteriorate.

An alternative to the construction of the Northern backup from the Moscow Ring Road to Moscow City could be the construction of a transport hub as part of a railway station and a multi-level intercepting parking lot for 7-10 thousand cars, without retail and entertainment areas, in the area of ​​the Kuntsevo industrial zone (Kuntsevo-2 station Usovskaya branch) and the road connection of this transport hub with the interchange of the Moscow Ring Road and the northern bypass of Odintsovo. From this transport hub it is possible to organize the movement of suburban-city electric trains (analogous to the German S-Bahn and the Parisian RER) at short intervals to the Belorussky station and further to the Savelovskoye and Kursk directions. Such a service can be compared in quality to the metro and will quickly transport passengers, providing them all with seats, to the Moscow City complex and to transfers at the metro stations Kuntsevskaya, Slavyansky Boulevard, Fili, Mezhdunarodnaya, Begovaya, Belorusskaya, etc. Construction 3 and 4 tracks on the main route Moscow - Odintsovo for the organization of such a service are provided for by the General Scheme for the development of the Moscow railway junction; the reconstruction of the Usovskaya branch is completed this year.

For reference:

MIBC "City"

  • Planned attendance of the Moscow City complex: 200-250 thousand people/day
  • Number of parking spaces in Moscow City: 33 thousand.

Northern backup

Cost of building a backup:

  • from the northern side of the Smolensk direction of the railway: 60 billion rubles.
  • from the southern side of the Smolensk direction of the railway: 45 billion rubles.
  • over the railway: 110 billion rubles.

Carrying capacity of the backup: 5,500 people/hour (1.2 people in the car)


  • Cost of metro construction: 60 billion rubles.
  • Metro carrying capacity: 15,000 people/hour (seats only)
  • Metro carrying capacity: 52,000 people/hour (full, with a density of 4.5 people/sq.m)

Electric train

  • Cost of construction of tracks 3-4 Moscow-Odintsovo: 30 billion rubles.
  • Transport capacity of the e/p: 18,000 people/hour (seats only)
  • Transport capacity of the e/p: 27,500 people/hour (full, with a density of 4.5 people/sq.m)

Andrey Podrubaev

These strange words in the title are the names of grandiose objects road construction in Moscow. One way or another, you have heard them - North-East Chord, North-Western Chord and South Rokada. - just an exit from the Shchelkovskoe highway to the temporary storage warehouse towards the Entuziastov highway. Now let's look at these construction sites from the air. The first part on temporary storage was published by me in May -.

In Moscow in 2016, 104 km of roads were built, which is a record construction.

In total, over the past 6 years (from 2011 to 2016), 544 km of roads were built and put into operation (about 12.5% ​​of all existing streets). road network cities), including:
- 162 artificial structures (overpasses, tunnels and bridges) and 160 off-street structures were built pedestrian crossings;
- 8 outbound highways (126 km) were reconstructed, full-fledged backup routes were created, as well as dedicated lanes for public transport with a total length of 150 km (this is 60% of the entire length of the existing dedicated lanes in the city - 250 km), 350 drive-in pockets were created;
- 13 largest and most complex transport interchanges were built and reconstructed at the intersection of highways with the Moscow Ring Road.

In 2017-2019 it is planned to ensure the commissioning of roads with a length of 353 km; build 61 artificial structures and 36 pedestrian crossings.

All aerial surveys were completed sturman from On his YouTube channel you can find a lot of interesting videos.

1. The diagram shows the mileage only by chord: how much has already been done, what is in the works, and what is still being designed.

2. Let's start with South Rokada, where at the intersection with Warsaw Highway the first stage of construction is in full swing - the construction of an overpass for Warsaw highway.

3. Site diagram.


4. The second stage, as far as I understand, will be the construction of a tunnel for the South Rokada. At least there is such a scheme and rendering.

5. We managed to fly, right before the squall.

6. The construction of the railway tunnel will be completed, as usual, without stopping traffic.

7. And now the famous T-junction in the air. This is the junction of the Southern understudy of Kutuzovsky Prospekt with Mosfilmovskaya Street.

8. Monster scheme.


9. Connection of the Southern understudy of Kutuzovsky Prospekt with Mosfilmovskaya Street.

10. A reserve has been left in the center of the road for continuation southern understudy to the center, along the railway.

11. The southern understudy will go to the left and the appendix will be connected to it.

12. But very unusual look, Certainly.

13. And this is the interchange of the Southern understudy of Kutuzovsky Prospekt with the Southern Rokada. It is also drawn in the diagram above.

14. The most delicious thing is the construction of a new bridge across the Moscow River on the North-Western Expressway section.

15. Site diagram.


16. It is being built parallel to the existing Krylatsky Bridge.

17. The span structure of the old bridge is made in the form of a continuous steel beam with a ride on top, the span formula is 51.2 + 90.0 + 51.2 m. The structure is based on two box-shaped beams 2.5 m high, 2.74 m wide, covered with an orthotropic slab. The beams rest on two common V-shaped supports. The total width of the bridge is 25.4 m, including the roadway - 18.0 m (4 lanes). As far as I understand, the new bridge will be a copy of the old one according to the design.

18. Section of the North-Western Expressway from the bridge to the Northern alternate route of Kutuzovsky Prospekt.

19. And this is the beginning of work on the construction of a 300-meter cable-stayed bridge across lock No. 9

20. It will connect Narodnogo Opolcheniya Street with Nizhniye Mnevniki above the gateway along an oblique line, not far from the existing small Karamyshevsky Bridge. At the same time, they plan to create pedestrian zones and an observation deck on the suspension bridge.

21. View towards the junction of Marshal Zhukov Avenue and Narodnogo Opolcheniya Street.

22. And already in the evening we stopped at the construction site North-East Expressway in the area of ​​Festivalnaya Street.

23. Site diagram. Note the gray branch to the east. If you want to familiarize yourself, here is a link to another diagram.


24. Partially commissioned interchange of the temporary storage warehouse with Festivalnaya Street.

25. Damn beautiful.

26. View towards the Moscow Ring Road.

27. If anyone has forgotten, then the diagram is for an already built site. By the way, when we were walking under the overpasses, there was a surveillance camera on each support!!! There are no dead zones at all. Holy shit.


28. View towards the NATI platform, Likhobory MCC, Likhobory depot LDL.

29. See that in order to save the access railway line, the pitch of the supports had to be changed.

30. View towards Festivalnaya.

31. Interchange of the temporary storage warehouse with the section that will go to the east.

32. Station "Likhobory" MCC.

33. Likhobory station and temporary storage area under construction.

34. Interchange at the temporary storage warehouse. On the right you can see the new depot of the Lyublinsko-Dmitrovskaya line.

35. And 3D panoramas. To watch and play them, welcome here:

36. Grand construction.

37. Moscow is changing before our eyes

38. In total, over the past 6 years, 561 km of roads have been built in Moscow. This is approximately 12.5% ​​of the entire existing street and road network cities. Reconstruction of 13 transport interchanges at the intersection of major highways with the Moscow Ring Road and 8 outbound highways was carried out. The length of backup and dedicated public transport lanes was about 150 km. In 2017-2019 it is planned to ensure the commissioning of roads with a length of 353 km; build 61 artificial structures and 36 pedestrian crossings.

39. Happy upcoming Builder's Day!

The capital authorities decided to build the southern section of the highway at the expense of the city.

Construction of the Southern backup of Kutuzovsky Prospekt will begin before the end of this year and will be completed at the end of 2018 - beginning of 2019. The readiness of a number of facilities built as part of the project to create the North-West Expressway will allow builders to meet record deadlines. New route 10.5 km long will run along the Kyiv direction of the railway through the areas of Ochakovo-Matveevskoye, Ramenki, Fili-Davydkovo and Dorogomilovo, without affecting green areas.

In Moscow, everything is ready to begin construction of a new city highway - the Southern backup of Kutuzovsky Prospekt: ​​the state examination has been completed, the contractor for the starting site has been selected, and a decision has been made to seize real estate objects falling within the construction zone. Initially, it was planned that the road, which would run parallel to Kutuzovsky Prospekt on the southern side (Dorogomilovo, Ramenki, Ochakovo-Matveevskoye districts, etc.), would be built at the expense of investors who have projects in the adjacent territories. “But since part of the road network and artificial structures were built as part of the southern section of the North-Western Expressway, Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin decided to build a backup at the expense of the city budget,” explains the head of the construction department Andrei Bochkarev.
The remaining volume of work is about 11.5 km of roads, of which 5.5 km are sections of the main route, 4.3 km are exits, 1.2 km are the reconstruction of Minskaya Street and adjacent sections of the road network. In addition, several artificial structures have to be built - eight overpasses, including over the tracks of the Kyiv direction of the railway, two turning overpasses in the area from Minskaya Street to the Third Transport Ring and four bridges over the Setun River. For the convenience of pedestrians, four underground pedestrian crossings will be made, and to protect residential areas from the effects of traffic noise, protective screens will be installed along the route. Although the speed of traffic on the Southern alternate route will be limited to 80 km/h, the traffic-lightless mode will ensure high throughput– up to 3900 cars during rush hour in one direction.
The entire route of the backup can be divided into three main sections: the first - from the Moscow Ring Road to the Aminevskoye Highway; the second - from Aminevskoye Highway to Minskaya Street; the third - from Minskaya Street to the Third Transport Ring. By the end of this year, work should begin on the second stage of the project. “Having studied the materials submitted for examination, the experts came to the conclusion that the results of engineering surveys and project documentation comply with the requirements of technical regulations and other established requirements, and the design documentation corresponds to the results of engineering surveys carried out for its preparation. Based on the results of the review, a positive conclusion was issued,” Glavgosexpertiza told Moscow Perspective. The contractor for the construction of the section of the Southern backup from Aminevskoye Highway to Minskaya Street will be the Moscow Engineering and Construction Company (MISC), which won the tender announced by the city administration. The winner offered to complete the work for 7.18 billion rubles, with a starting price of 7.21 billion rubles.
According to Moskomarkhitektura, MISK will have to carry out the construction of an overpass of the main passage at the intersection of the Southern understudy of Kutuzovsky Prospekt with Minskaya Street with a length of 366.9 meters; overpasses at the exit from the alternate to Minskaya Street towards Kutuzovsky Prospekt with a length of 116.3 meters; overpasses at the exit from Minskaya Street to the alternate towards Aminevskoe Highway with a length of 226.8 meters; right turn exit from Minskaya Street to the alternate towards the Third Ring Road; overpasses at the exit and exit to the new residential area - TD "Volynskaya". It is also planned to build an overpass at the exit from Mosfilmovskaya Street to the Volynskaya Trade House, two bridges over the Setun River, roads more than 6 km long, two underground pedestrian crossings, noise and protective screens 1.76 km long, and wastewater treatment plants. The project provides for the reconstruction and installation of utility networks.
The city authorities have already made a decision to vacate sites falling within the construction zone. It's about about several dozen real estate objects located along the Kyiv direction of the Moscow Railway and owned or leased by copyright holders. The city administration explains that the seizure is being carried out for government needs - in particular, to create an exit from Poklonnaya Street to the Southern Understudy. According to Moskomarkhitektura, in general, construction new highway, parallel to Kutuzovsky Prospekt, will require the reservation of an additional 23 hectares of territory. At the same time, the route was designed so that it did not affect the Setun Valley and the Matveevsky Forest - this caused serious concerns among environmentalists and local residents.
In addition to the already existing areas, the Southern backup of Kutuzovsky Prospekt will serve a new large microdistrict - the Volynskaya TH, where the Inteko group of companies intends to build 227 thousand square meters by 2021. meters of real estate on a plot of 20 hectares. Including 144.3 thousand sq. meters of housing, 5 thousand sq. meters non-residential premises and 1450 parking spaces. In general, the comprehensive development of the territory of the Volynskaya Trade House involves the development of 48 hectares. In addition, the appearance of the Southern understudy pushed
there is no development of industrial zones located along the future highway. The capital's authorities have already approved the draft layout of the Ochakovo industrial zone, in which industrial and scientific activity. An electrical substation will be reconstructed here, an administrative and warehouse complex will be built, a fire station and a waste sorting complex will be erected, and landscaping work will be carried out.

Photo: portal Moscow 24/Lidiya Shironina

The Moscow authorities have approved the design project for the northern backup of Kutuzovsky Prospekt. Construction of the northern backup of Kutuzovsky Prospekt will begin at the end of this year. A fully toll highway will be built in 2019. This was announced by Deputy Mayor of Moscow for Urban Development Policy and Construction Marat Khusnullin.

“The competition for the construction of the northern backup of Kutuzovsky Prospekt is planned to be announced before the end of this year. Completion of the work is scheduled for 2019,” said Marat Khusnullin.

The new 10.5 km long route will run along the Smolensk direction of the Moscow Railway and will be a continuation toll road "Northern bypass city ​​of Odintsovo". It will have three lanes 3.5 m wide in each direction. The start of the toll highway will begin at the exit from the Third Transport Ring (TTK) in the Moscow City area.

At the alternate site, two toll collection points will be built in the area of ​​Rublevskoye Highway towards the center and from the center. Both points will be equipped with a dozen toll collection booths, barriers, and administrative buildings will be erected.

The project plans to build a convenient exit from the Third Transport Ring. A multi-level interchange at the intersection of the northern backup of Kutuzovsky Prospekt, Shelepikhinskaya embankment and the Third Transport Ring, which is almost ten kilometers of roads, must be designed and built by an investor. The interchange will consist of a section of the road from Shelepikhinskaya embankment from the Third Transport Ring to the 3rd Silikatny Proezd, an overpass of the exit from the northern backup of Kutuzovsky Prospekt to the 1st Krasnogvardeisky Prospect, entrances to the backup from the Third Transport Ring and Shelepikhinskaya Embankment, as well as two underground pedestrian crossings. At the same time, reconstruction of Prichalny, 1st Silikatny and 2nd Silikatny passages will take place.

A new interchange will be built at the intersection of the alternate with the Moscow Ring Road, two exits will also be built: from Kutuzovsky Prospekt when moving from the center to the alternate towards the region and from the alternate to Ivan Franko Street, and a convenient entrance will lead from Kubinka Street to the alternate when moving from the region.

In addition, reconstruction of streets along the route is provided: Ivan Franko Street in the section from Polotskaya Street to Rublevskoye Highway, Alexey Sviridov Street and Krasnye Zori Street. The interchange at the intersection with Gerasim Kurin Street and Kutuzovsky Prospekt and the exit from Kutuzovsky Prospekt when traveling from the center to Rublevskoe Highway will also be modernized.

The highway will relieve congestion on Kutuzovsky Prospekt, Mozhaiskoye Highway and the entire western sector of the city as a whole. It is expected that the intensity in the northern backup will be 3.2-4.7 thousand vehicles per hour in one direction. The length of congested sections of the main highway will be reduced by a quarter, or 72.2 km.

In the fourth quarter of this year, according to the head of the construction department Andrey Bochkarev, construction of the southern backup of Kutuzovsky Avenue will begin. The first construction site will appear at the exit from Poklonnaya Street to the alternate. The road will pass through the territory of the Ochakovo industrial zone along the Kyiv direction of the railway through the areas of Ochakovo-Matveevskoye, Ramenki, Fili-Davydkovo and Dorogomilovo.

According to the construction department, this year it is planned to build 93 km of roads, 26 artificial structures and 20 pedestrian crossings. Moscow road workers have already put half of what was planned into operation; they have built 20 artificial structures and 27 pedestrian crossings. IN next year the builders planned to complete 94.5 km of roads.