Biography of Mikhail Bublik, personal life. Who is Mikhail Bublik

Mikhail Bublik (don’t even get your hopes up, this is not a pseudonym!) was born on August 13, 1982 in the Ukrainian outback. If he had stayed there, perhaps his first and only fans would have been his friends and family, but as fate would have it, little Misha’s parents preferred the bustle of the city and moved to the large city of Mariupol by the standards of that time. Along with the move, the talented boy’s chances of getting on stage increased noticeably. Yes, he, in fact, never missed them: first he signed up for the music school in accordion class, and then asked to play in the school band. Soon the guy turned into the permanent leader of the group and songwriter, whose talent had many admirers both at school and beyond.
It would seem that Misha has only one path - to the stage. However, when it's time to choose future profession, it turned out that in a provincial city famous for its metallurgical plants, it is not so easy to break stereotypes. Therefore, a young, hopeful musician entered the Azov State Technical University at... the welding department. Yes, he not only entered, but also graduated with honors! But there was less and less time left for creativity.
Decisive and ambitious Misha left his hometown and went to Kharkov, where he entered the Kharkov Academy of Culture. It was there that experienced teachers helped him overcome the “tomboy singer” within himself and turn into young artist, already consciously revealing his multifaceted creative potential.
Having plunged headlong into his studies, Mikhail now never forgot about music for a minute. The popularity of his group was rapidly gaining momentum: their songs were heard on the radio, they gave concerts not only in their native Mariupol, but also in Donetsk, Kharkov, and Kyiv. And this probably could have continued for a long time if the Diva had not intervened Russian stage- Alla Pugacheva.
In August 2010, literally on the eve of his birthday, Mikhail received a message from an unfamiliar girl on one of his social networks. It said that she was grateful to A.B. for introducing me to his work. The singer did not immediately understand who he was talking about, but only after the girl clarified that we're talking about about Pugacheva, and completely decided that he was being played. However, curiosity got the better of him, and Misha decided to check what was said. He easily found recordings of Radio Alla broadcasts on the Internet, and what a surprise it was when it turned out that the Diva not only put his songs on the air, but also spoke positively about them! It was a real gift of fate!
Misha posted the found recording of the “Alla’s Looking for Talents” program on his blog, where Philip Kirkorov accidentally stumbled upon it. He also spoke flatteringly about Mikhail’s work, and even found time to personally meet the young artist during his tour in Yalta.
Already in the fall of the same year, Mikhail performed in the finals of the Alla's Got Talents competition in Moscow, where he had the opportunity to sing in front of Pugacheva herself. On Russia Day, Mikhail had the honor of performing on Red Square. Then there was the first performance at the Ice Palace, immediately after which Mikhail Bublik went with a concert not to fashion club, as one might expect, but to the airport from which the plane took him to distant Chechnya. The singer got a chance to sing his best songs for hundreds of military personnel from ordinary soldiers to the highest command. Needless to say, these tours became a truly significant event in the artist’s life.
From Mariupol, Misha moved to St. Petersburg, where he lived for about six months. Currently, Mikhail Bublik lives and works in Moscow. Hundreds of thousands of listeners of popular radio stations empathize with his songs.

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Let's play

Biography (history) of Mikhail Bublik

The first thing you understand when you meet Misha Bublik is that he is cheerful and very interesting person. And it doesn’t matter at all whether you’ve known him for a long time or are seeing him for the first time, you just immediately feel that communicating with him will bring a lot of pleasure - his smiling eyes speak for themselves. The kindness that lives in this young and talented guy, who with his creativity was able to win the favor of the Mariupol public, like a magnet, wins over him.

“I’m kind,” said Mikhail, trying to describe himself in a few words. - I’m also sentimental and very impressionable, and the latter is both an advantage and a disadvantage. I am also responsible and, of course, I try very hard to be punctual.”

Misha is also very talented. And he was able to prove this not only here, in Mariupol.

(don’t even get your hopes up, this is not a pseudonym!) was born on August 13, 1982 in a small Ukrainian city - Mariupol. If he had stayed there, perhaps his first and only fans would have been his friends and family, but by the will of fate, little Misha’s parents exchanged the colorful village life for the bustle of the city and moved to Mariupol. Along with the move, the talented boy’s chances of getting on stage increased noticeably. Yes, he, in fact, never missed them: first he signed up for an accordion class at a music school, and then he asked to play in the school band. He soon became a band leader and songwriter, whose talent had many admirers, both at school and beyond.

It would seem that Misha has only one path - to the stage. However, when it came time to choose a future profession, it turned out that in a provincial city, famous for its metallurgical plants, it is not so easy to break stereotypes. Therefore, a young, hopeful musician entered the Azov State Technical University at... the welding department. Yes, he not only entered, but also graduated with honors! But there was less and less time left for creativity.

Decisive and ambitious Misha left his hometown and went to Kharkov, where he entered the Kharkov Academy of Culture. It was there that experienced teachers helped him overcome the “tomboy singer” within himself and turn into a young artist, already consciously revealing his multifaceted creative potential.

Having plunged headlong into his studies, Mikhail now never forgot about music for a minute. The popularity of his group was rapidly gaining momentum: their songs were heard on the radio, they gave concerts not only in their native Mariupol, but also in Donetsk, Kharkov, and Kyiv. And so, probably, it could have continued for a long time, if not for the intervention of the Diva of the Russian stage - Alla Borisovna Pugacheva.

In August 2010 year, literally on the eve of his birthday, on one of the social networks Mikhail received a message from an unfamiliar girl. It said that she was grateful to A.B. for introducing me to his work. The singer did not immediately understand who he was talking about, and only after the girl clarified that she was talking about Pugacheva, he completely decided that he was being played. However, curiosity got the better of him, and Misha decided to check what was said. He easily found recordings of Radio Alla broadcasts on the Internet, and what a surprise it was when it turned out that the Diva not only put his songs on the air, but also spoke positively about them! It was a real gift of fate!

Misha posted the found recording of the program “Alla is Looking for Talents” on his blog, where Philip Kirkorov accidentally stumbled upon it. He also spoke flatteringly about Mikhail’s work, and even found time to personally meet the young artist during his tour in Yalta.

“He took my disk and said that he would try to do everything in his power,” Mikhail Bublik shared his memories. - For Philip, this is a selfless act, since he is not producing us, he just has such a desire. And I don’t know what he did, but on the way home from Yalta they called me and said: “Hello, we liked your song “Sorry,” we want to see you at the award ceremony music award"Peter FM".

Already in the fall of the same year, Mikhail performed in the finals of the Alla's Got Talents 2010 competition in Moscow, where he had the opportunity to sing in front of Pugacheva herself. The meeting took place in a fashionable restaurant opposite the Mosfilm film studio. First, the competition participants were treated to a buffet. "Everything was at the highest level" - Mikhail noted.

Alla Pugacheva was not alone on the jury. The singer invited program directors and leading radio stations to help young talents not only valuable advice, but also to show them to show business professionals, reports

Mikhail told Priazovsky Worker about his impressions of meeting Alla Borisovna: “She looked amazing, joked, smiled, gave us good advice. Communication with her was nothing but pleasure.”

Mikhail performed at number eleven with a song that many listeners have long loved, “We Will Definitely Be Together.” Alla Borisovna cut some off in the middle of a song, but she listened to Bublik’s songs with attention to the end. The entire event lasted about four hours. The prima donna personally listened to all the finalists. “And what’s surprising is that she was never even distracted,” noted Misha.

After the contestants' performances, the jury members went to a meeting. As a result, absolutely all the competitors received incentive prizes. “You are all winners, and I chose you all personally. I’ve already heard you sing, but now I can see you,” said Pugacheva.

However, some are luckier. Thus, the songs of Mikhail Bublik and some other performers were put into rotation on the radio. Now Misha’s songs can be heard on FM radio stations: “ Russian radio", "Love radio" and "Radio Dacha". Also, Mikhail, in addition to this, received money prize from Diva. A Grand Prize– The “Golden Star” from Alla Borisovna went to the singer Sevara.

On Russia Day, Mikhail had the honor of performing on Red Square. Then there was the first performance at the Ice Palace, immediately after which Mikhail Bublik went with a concert not to a fashionable club, as one might expect, but to the airport, from which the plane took him to distant Chechnya. The singer got the chance to sing his best songs for hundreds of military personnel from ordinary soldiers to high command. Needless to say, these tours became a truly significant event in the artist’s life.

From Mariupol, Misha moved to St. Petersburg, where he lived for about six months.

Currently, Mikhail Bublik lives and works in Moscow.

Hundreds of thousands of listeners of popular radio stations empathize with his songs.

At the end of September 2013, the premiere of the song “Ash” from Mikhail Bublik’s new album took place on two major radio stations at once: radio “Chanson” and on “Russian Radio”!

Album LIGHTHOUSE. October. 2016.

The new album “Mayak” begins with jazz-like light passages of the composition “Smells of Home,” setting the listener up for a cozy retro wave. The next song, “Closer and Closer,” takes us to the beach, where sun, sand and girls await, dancing dancing in Latin style in multi-colored sarongs. We recharge ourselves with goodness and move on to the next composition, “I’m sick.” It's a little more dramatic than the previous ones. The song could well feel great in the repertoire of, for example, Leps, and seems slightly inappropriate for the sparkling positive image of the soloist. But if you abstract from the image and listen only to the music, there is nothing to complain about. The dramaturgy is well matched to the timbre, and the orchestral support is equally impeccable.

The composition “Sea” sends the listener, it seems to me, to Odessa, and more specifically to Black Sea coast. I definitely want to write her down as an homage to the work of the legendary Leonid Utesov. The song “Girl” is a bit reminiscent of “Wake up call” Maroon 5, but more sing-song. Quite a stylish thing. Continuing the maritime theme, the song “Ship” immediately follows. Cheerful, perky, bright. I was very pleased with the violin, reminiscent of pirate songs from the cartoon “The Adventures of Captain Vrungel.” Approaching the middle of the album, it is difficult not to notice the song “Mayak”. Beautiful, varied, elements of funk and country in this composition organically complement each other, creating a unique atmosphere. A very worthy thing. Further, Mikhail never ceases to amaze with the variety of creative ideas.

In the song “Everything Will Come True” the folklore pieces force the viewer to watch the flutes rising to the sky and involuntarily the image of a Disney princess is born in the head, singing her joyful motivating song somewhere in the sky to the birds circling around her and just passers-by who happen to be nearby.

Still, something incredible happens with genres on this album. Suddenly, among the instrumental compositions, we find a synthpop song. It was a little unusual to listen to music of this direction accompanied by such pure vocals, not muffled by any compressors or reverberations. One gets the feeling that Mikhail is pulling the blanket over himself, but no, he just sings well. In general, the song “Helps to Live” has a right to exist.

The next composition, “Let’s Play,” is perhaps the classic song by Mikhail Bublik. The one that feels great in the “Eh, Razgulay” collections of any year of release. But “Between Us” is more reminiscent of a New Year’s song. Its simple harmony is quite typical for songs that become hits of domestic Blue Lights.

And finally, “The Shining.” A simple, unobtrusive song that ends well new album"Lighthouse". If you are a fan of Trofim, Leps and just good, soulful music- this album should certainly please you.

Official (updated) biography on
Official page Mikhail Bublik Vkontakte:
Twitter: blog: no.
Official website:
YouTube channel:
MySpace: no.
Mikhail Bublik in Odnoklassniki (official group):
Photo on FLICKR: none.

Materials used to create the biography:
1. Official page of Mikhail Bublik on VKontakte, website of Radio Chanson (, materials by Olga KEMENCHEDZHI.
2. Wikipedia.
3. Media.
4. Photos from open sources.

Mikhail Bublik was born in August 1982 in a village near Mariupol. The boy's parents claim that he started singing even earlier than talking. Soon Misha’s family moved to Mariupol, where the opportunities to develop the young singer’s talent were disproportionately higher than in the village.

Mikhail began attending a local music school, where he learned to play the accordion. Soon the boy literally asked to join the local vocal and instrumental group “DePRessia”, where he later began to play key role.

Mariupol is a harsh city of metallurgists. Here it is customary for men to choose the only “male profession” – metallurgist. A large number of The factories hospitably opened their doors to all local men. Becoming a singer and musician is almost an insult public opinion, challenge. And Mikhail Bublik gave up. At the insistence of his parents, he became a student at the Azov State Technical University, after which he was to receive a welding degree. And since the guy was used to doing everything thoroughly and conscientiously, he graduated with honors.

But you can’t fool yourself: Misha’s soul yearned for singing and music. Bagel decided to desperate step: he left Mariupol for Kharkov. Soon Bublik became a student at the Kharkov Academy of Culture. Mikhail chose for himself the faculty of “Variety Director and mass holidays».


Mikhail Bublik was one of the most diligent students. Soon, the self-taught Mariupol singer managed to turn into an aspiring artist. The guy enthusiastically studied music. During this period, he remembered his school group, deciding that it was time for it to recover after the collapse and continue its activities. In 2006, Mikhail’s plans came true. Now reborn Music band was called “Booblik’s band”. The group's popularity was rapidly gaining momentum. Soon several songs were heard on the radio.

Today it is difficult to say how fate would have turned out and creative biography Mikhail Bublik, if not for His Majesty Lucky case. Probably fate itself gave Misha a gift just before his birthday. In August 2010, the guy received congratulations from one of his fans on the social network. The stranger wrote that she was very grateful to Alla Pugacheva for the discovery called Mikhail Bublik. The guy did not immediately understand what he was talking about, and asked the girl what she was writing about. She replied that she first heard Misha’s songs on Radio Alla. Mikhail listened to all the broadcasts and really found his songs. As it turned out, Pugacheva not only played Bublik’s songs on the air, but also spoke rather flatteringly about them.

Misha proudly posted this entry on his personal blog. Soon Philip Kirkorov himself came across the recording. He invited Misha to his concert in Yalta. This meeting took place and became an excellent impetus in the musical and performing career of Mikhail Bublik. The fall of 2010 brought another a real gift: Mikhail became a finalist in the Moscow competition for young performers called “Alla is looking for talent.”

But this was only the first step to fame. The second for Misha was a performance at the Peter FM music award ceremony. Philip Kirkorov again gave Misha a recommendation. Bublik appeared with one of his best compositions called “Sorry.”

Now Mikhail Bublik continues to live and work in Russia. For some time he lived in St. Petersburg, but not so long ago he moved to Moscow. Career young singer gaining momentum. He became frequent guest at the best concert venues in the country. His songs can often be heard on “Russian Radio”, “Piter FM” and on other popular radio stations. Mikhail is pleased with his fans for a long time promised the appearance of his first album.

In 2012, the artist’s album “Art-shelling” was finally released. In the same year, Bublik received the “Chanson of the Year” award, which he subsequently began to receive regularly every year until the present day.

In 2013, the musician acted as a mentor in the television competition in the second season of “Battle of the Choirs” on the Russia-1 channel. The program repeated the foreign show “Clash of the Choirs”. Within music show each mentor had to select his team during open castings in the city assigned to him. The teams then competed with each other during a series of live broadcasts. Choir members became Bublik’s wards Chelyabinsk region. The winner of the second season of the “Battle of the Choirs” was a choir from Krasnodar, whose mentor was Oleg Gazmanov.

In 2014, Bublik’s second album, “Music About Her,” was released. The disc contained 13 songs, one of them was the singer’s popular track “What Have We Done,” which Mikhail recorded in a duet with Elena Vaenga.

In 2015, the musician recorded a new hit, “I Invented You Himself.” The song received the “Chanson of the Year” award and recognition from listeners. 2015 and 2016 added two more albums to Bublik’s discography: the collection “40,000 versts” and the numbered album “Mayak”.

Mikhail Bublik now

In 2016, the musician once again took part in the “Eh, take a walk!” festival, where he has been performing for five years, and performed new composition"Helps you live." In the same year, the musician’s first real video for the song “Smells of Home” was released. There are 6 more entries on the Bublik website in the video section, but these are more like videos from concerts than full-fledged clips.

Mikhail Bublik - a sought-after singer

At the beginning of March 2017, the artist gave three solo concerts in the theatre Russian army in Moscow in support of the new album.

Now the musician is actively touring; the concert poster on his official website lists performances in different cities until April 24, 2017. This spring, Bublik’s concerts will be held in St. Petersburg, Vladivostok, Novosibirsk, Omsk, Yekaterinburg, Chelyabinsk and many other cities of Russia.

Personal life

The personal life of Mikhail Bublik is a closed book. The musician's age (34 years) suggests that he clearly had more than one serious relationship, but the press does not have reliable information about the artist’s wife or children. In interviews, he has repeatedly stated that marriage can interfere with creativity. But the singer does not give any specific information.

The performer himself says this:

“I believe that private things cannot be public. I write about everything that happens inside me in my songs. I don’t write songs to order because I don’t know how to write about something that doesn’t touch me. So I think I already talk a lot about my personal stuff.”

Most of the singer's compositions are sad, about unhappy love. However, admirers of the musician’s work do not believe that he is handsome, tall (Mikhail is 180 cm tall) and popular singer may end up alone forever or in an unhappy relationship. Misha has many fans, and there is hope that soon other, more cheerful motives will appear in Bublik’s discography.


  • 2012 - “Art-shelling”
  • 2014 - “Music about her”
  • 2015 - “40,000 versts”
  • 2016 - “Lighthouse”

Bublik Mikhail Viktorovich (b. 1982) – Russian and Ukrainian crooner and composer, performs songs in the genre of pop music and chanson. He has repeatedly become a laureate of the Chanson of the Year awards.

Country childhood

Dad, Viktor Mikhailovich, is a former military man (paratrooper). Mom, Larisa Alekseevna, was involved in running the household, which was not small in the village, and raising children. In addition to Mikhail, the family also had an eldest son, Lyosha, and two daughters, Yulia and Sveta. Despite the difficulties of rural life, the house was always friendly and cheerful, with big family Bublik's grandparents also lived there. Everyone gathered at the big table on the weekend, grandma sang very well folk songs, and the children fought for the right to receive the captured aluminum spoon with which grandfather went through the entire war.

As a child, Misha experienced all the delights of rural life. The parents kept piglets, and the boy liked to feed them. He dug up fodder beets, laid them out on a wooden board and, using a sharp ax, chopped them into several pieces. Then he went to the piglets, gave them beets, stood on the side and watched with interest as they absorbed everything with appetite, grunting with pleasure.

Mikhail spent his earliest childhood years in the village, and then the family moved to the industrial city of Mariupol. Here they settled in an apartment in a multi-story building, and dad got a job at a metallurgical plant. But the Bublik family spent all weekends, vacations and holidays with their grandparents in the village. So rural life continued for Mikhail. He remembers well how his parents would give him a daily task, such as digging up ten buckets of potatoes, when it was time to harvest. And until you do it, there can be no talk of any festivities.

But the potatoes were not so bad, you could cheat and choose only large ones, then ten buckets would be collected quickly (although later you would get a scolding for leaving all the small potatoes uncollected). It was worse when my mother gave me the task of harvesting raspberries or currants. As Mikhail recalls, it was impossible to pick these small berries at all, and half of them certainly went into the mouth instead of a jar. Now the singer really likes to come to parents' house in the village and consume natural berries and fruits directly from a bush or tree, or in the form of mommy’s jam.

According to his father's recollections, Misha was still in kindergarten was different from other children. The child had constant desire do something good for others.


In the city of Mariupol there were still much more opportunities than in the village. Having started training in high school, soon Misha himself went and enrolled in music school. The parents were presented with a fait accompli, and they had no choice but to go to the store and buy their son an accordion.

Despite such a passion for music, no one in the family thought that it was with her that Mikhail would connect his life path. The boy was very well versed in various drawings and diagrams, and often asked questions to his father. Viktor Mikhailovich even jokingly said that his son would probably turn out to be Chief Engineer plant

IN adolescence Misha and his friends often gathered on the street and played the guitar for the girls, in this way they wanted to win the sympathy of the opposite sex. Every evening they sang the same songs, at some point they wanted something new, which prompted Bublik to try to compose music himself. He doesn’t even remember his first composition now. But the passion for composing songs did not go away; on the contrary, it only intensified.

Soon this gift of writing was appreciated and the guy was accepted into the school vocal and instrumental ensemble “DePRessia”. A few months later, Mikhail was no longer just a member of the team, but its leader - sociable, sociable, educated, with an excellent sense of humor.

Higher education

Despite his love for music, Misha, after graduating from school, entered the Azov State Technical University to study and get a normal male profession. He studied at the Faculty of Metallurgy and Welding, graduated educational institution with honors. After which I brought this document, gave it to my mother and went on to study further in Kharkov at the Academy of Culture. The creative gut still made itself felt and overpowered. Misha began training in the specialty “Variety and Public Celebration Director”.

While studying at the academy, Bublik continued to write songs, and soon organized the group “Booblik̕s band”. The academy's teachers were able to turn the yard singer into an aspiring artist, and his group eventually went beyond performing in the company of friends. They began to be invited to concerts held in the city of Kharkov. After some more time, Mikhail and the team already performed in hometown Mariupol, Donetsk and Kyiv.

Several musical compositions were played on the radio, then they began to be played more and more often. Mikhail Bublik was gaining popularity not only in Ukraine, his songs were already being listened to on Russian radio.

The beginning of a creative journey

And then His Majesty chance decided everything in Mikhail’s fate. A completely unfamiliar girl wrote to him on one of the social networks, saying that she was very happy to get to know Mikhail’s work and was grateful to Alla Pugacheva for this. At first Bublik didn’t understand what Pugachev had to do with it, and began to correspond with the girl, from which he found out that a fan had heard his songs on air on Radio Alla.

Mikhail listened to all the broadcasts, and indeed his songs were heard there. But not only did they sound there, the Primadonna also spoke well of them: “Oh, I liked the guy. Although the song is short, you can feel everything in it: power, character, and the degree of talent. I was immediately hooked."

And a few days later, Philip Kirkorov also wrote a flattering review on his Twitter page: “The appearance of such a musician and his songs is a real event.” A few weeks later, Bublik met with Philip in Yalta, where he was on tour. The king of the pop scene took Misha's disc from musical compositions and promised to do everything in his power. When Mikhail was returning from Yalta, he received a call and was offered to perform at the Peter FM music awards ceremony with the song “Sorry.”

It was very unexpected. And now the self-taught Mariupol musician stood in front of twenty thousand spectators on the stage of the St. Petersburg Ice Palace. And he had one dressing room with Tatyana Bulanova and Elena Vaenga.

And after the concert, Major General of the Russian police Vladimir Kubyshko approached Misha and invited the artist to give a concert in Chechnya. They first flew on a military plane to Mazdok, where a meeting with journalists took place, and then the musicians were fed mind-blowingly delicious boiled chicken and Ossetian cheese. Then they flew to Grozny on a military helicopter. The concert was attended by the President of the Chechen Republic Ramzan Kadyrov and the Minister of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation Rashid Nurgaliev.

A unique singer and his music

In the fall of 2010, the singer moved to St. Petersburg, and from there he moved to Moscow, where he still lives. Music career Mikhail Bublik developed rapidly, and soon after moving to Russia he became an indispensable participant in the best concert venues huge country.

The most famous radio stations in Russia constantly played his songs. Came out four solo album with compositions by Mikhail:

  • “Art-shelling” (2012);
  • “Music about her” (2014);
  • “40,000 miles” (2015);
  • "Lighthouse" (2016).

Every year Misha became a participant in the “Eh, take a walk!” festival, as well as the winner of the “Chanson of the Year” award.

Participated in television projects:

  • on the Russia-1 channel in the show “Battle of the Choirs” he was the mentor of a group from Chelyabinsk;
  • On Channel One he participated in the “Three Chords” project.

For Mikhail, it didn’t really matter what exactly he would do in life: sing, dance or play the theater stage. The main thing for him was to give people joy, to make the world a better place every day.

Mikhail is a unique performer. Those who have listened to Bublik’s songs at least once become fans of his work forever. His compositions are light and delicate, they even seem crystal clear, and at the same time very deep. Mikhail not only sings, but also composes the music and lyrics himself. He never plays for the audience at concerts, he gives his best.

The singer thinks not ordinary people. Everyone living on earth is extraordinary and talented; you just need to recognize and find your direction in time. He was lucky: he determined his path. He never plans anything or specifically chooses themes for his songs, he simply listens to himself from within and sings about what his heart tells him.

He does not attribute his songs exclusively to chanson. What Mikhail comes up with calls “New Lyrics”. In general, he is an opponent of any clearly defined genres; for him there is only one concept - good music. The singer is truly a representative of a new format in musical world. He is sincere and romantic, and his songs are not forced or invented for money; they convey the feelings and experiences of Mikhail himself.

Off stage

Mikhail removed himself from all social networks on the Internet because he considers it a bad pastime. All he wants to share with his fans is music. About intimate details The artist is not ready to tell everyone about his personal life. Time is such a precious commodity that it is unacceptable to waste it. A social media- these are real time killers, they are like smoking: the more you get involved, the stronger the addiction appears.

The singer absolutely does not believe in omens. The day he was born was Friday the thirteenth, and nothing bad came of it, quite the contrary. In his opinion, superstitions work for those who believe in them. What is in a person’s head is what happens; people themselves are often the source of misfortune due to their own negative thoughts. And no cat will affect life situation stronger than human consciousness. The only thing Mikhail never does before concerts is eat nuts and seeds. Not because of superstitions, these products just have an effect on the vocal cords.

Misha loves his parents madly. But when he escapes to his homeland in Mariupol, amid endless meetings with friends, he does not have time to really communicate with his mom and dad. Parents still live in a private house, study agriculture. Dad has a separate hobby - apiary. Only when Mikhail comes to visit does he not go near the evidence so as not to be stung by bees. But he tastes the May honey that his father pumped up with pleasure.

Once a year, Misha always brings his mom and dad to Moscow for ten days. They go to restaurants, take a boat ride on the Moscow River. True, according to Mikhail, when his mother comes, there is no need to go to restaurants: she cooks his favorite dishes from childhood so deliciously. And no Moscow restaurant can beat mama’s cutlets in making cutlets.

Mikhail loves to read, but, unfortunately, due to his busy schedule tour schedule and a series of concerts does not always leave time for reading. His favorite book is The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde. Among artists, Mikhail likes landscape painters, especially the work of Shishkin.

The singer loves dogs, he would really like to get himself a Labrador puppy and raise a friend. But, understanding all the responsibility that a person bears for an animal, he cannot yet afford this. After all, Mikhail is constantly on the road, is it possible to condemn a dog to boredom, sadness and longing for its owner?

Mikhail loves life in all its manifestations. He says that in both sadness and joy one must realize: life is beautiful, one must always move forward. The most important thing is not to become a neutral person, empty and indifferent to the world around you and people. As long as a person is able to feel, he lives. Happiness for a singer consists of two parts. The first is to realize yourself as a person, that is, to receive satisfaction from your work and creativity. The second part is so that loved ones and relatives are alive and healthy.

The most important thing that Mikhail Bublik calls people to with his songs: “Always love truly with all your soul and with all your heart, never cheat with love, because the day and hour will still come when the deception will be revealed.”

Musician, showman, finalist of the competition for young performers " Alla is looking for talents", author of the hit " sorry» .

Mikhail Bublik. Biography

Mikhail Bublik born on August 13, 1982 in a village near Mariupol. Soon after the birth of their son, his parents moved to Mariupol. Bublik himself, without anyone’s help, entered a music school and began to learn to play the accordion. Then he became a member of the school vocal and instrumental group.

After graduating from school, Misha entered the State Technical University of Priazovsk, from which he graduated with honors. After that Mikhail Bublik moves to Kharkov to continue his studies at the Academy of Culture. Mikhail is engaged in music, creating new songs and working in a group Booblik's bad. The popularity of the group is growing, interest in the musicians is gaining momentum.

In August 2010 songs Bagel began to turn on popular radio station “Radio Alla”, and the Diva of the Russian stage Alla Pugacheva herself spoke favorably of his work.

Autumn 2010 Mikhail Bublik became a finalist in the competition for young performers " Alla is looking for talents" in Moscow. Later, on Russia Day, among the recognized artists who took part in the concert on Red Square was Mikhail Bublik. After some time, on the recommendations of Philip Kirkorov, with whom Bagel met during the latter’s tour in Yalta, the aspiring singer was offered to perform at the music award ceremony “ Peter FM"with the song already loved by listeners" sorry».

Currently Mikhail Bublik lives and works in Russia. The musician lived for six months in St. Petersburg, where he moved from Kharkov. IN Lately Mikhail lives in Moscow.

In September 2014 Mikhail Bublik became participants music project Channel One “Three Chords”.