Kirill Serebrennikov and anonymous letters. "Platform": Experimental theater stage opens a new season

MOSCOW, October 3 - RIA Novosti. Pilot project "Platform" uniting four directions contemporary art- theatre, dance, music and media - the Bely Shop is starting to settle in at the Winzavod, the project manager, director Kirill Serebrennikov, told reporters on Monday.

Previously, this place was perhaps the largest exhibition space in the center complex. Now it is where directors, choreographers, actors, composers and artists will be able to work on joint projects and show them right away. The Winzavod management made an exception only for the Best of Russia photo project: for a month and a half, during the exhibition, the activities of the Platform will be suspended, otherwise its programs will be implemented non-stop. There are a few days left before the start of the first performances, and on an unusual stage resembling a lawn, full swing last rehearsals are underway.

"We wanted to come up with something at the intersection of the currents of contemporary art - theater, dance, music and media, so that they intertwine with each other and get completely new projects," Serebrennikov commented on the main idea of ​​the "Platform".

At the same time, the director noted, all projects will be made specifically for this site: they can exist in the form of an exhibition, for several weeks, or for several days - as a performance.

For systematization creative ideas each of the four areas has its own curator. The theater was given to Serebrennikov himself, the dance - to the founder and leader International Center dance and performance TSEKH Elena Tupyseva, music - to composer Sergei Nevsky, who had already worked with Serebrennikov on the film "Yuryev's Day" and the play "Pillow Man", and media - to artists Aristarkh Chernyshev and Alexei Shulgin, participants in the Electroboutique project.

The first event of the "Platform" will be the so-called concert-calendar Arias ("Arias"), for the creation of which representatives different areas artists chose their favorite arias and turned them into performances. For example, artists Dmitry Vrubel and Victoria Timofeeva interpret Boris Godunov's aria "I Have Reached the Supreme Power", and Vladimir Pankov, the founder of the Soundrama studio, staged Farlaf's aria from Ruslan and Lyudmila. Performances will be held from 7 to 9 October. At the same time, in the "White Workshop" it will be possible to get acquainted with the activities of an anonymous artist who existed on the net under the name of Gazira Babeli.

Further on the program are the play "Thugs", staged by Serebrennikov and students of his workshop based on the works of Zakhar Prilepin, performances by director Vladimir Epifantsev "Valley of Pain", the Festival of Dance Theaters TSEKH, concerts of modern Scandinavian music "Idea of ​​the North". These and other productions, as well as lectures, discussions and master classes await visitors to the Winzavod over the next three months. At the same time, the pricing policy will be flexible - the cost of tickets varies from 100 to 500 rubles.

According to Serebrennikov, the plan of the "Platform" has already been drawn up for a year and a half in advance, however, all financial issues on the project with the help of the Ministry of Culture have been resolved only for three months.

For his part, the Minister of Culture Alexander Avdeev noted that "the state must fulfill its duty to young professionals so that they can feel confident for years to come and not think about who to take the last penny for their projects."

He is confident that federal and regional authorities must support initiatives like the Platform.

"I want to emphasize that such things should be not only before the elections, when everyone political parties ready to cooperate with the intelligentsia. It will be reliable and stable when the authorities support it on a permanent basis," the Minister of Culture concluded.

What is the Platforma project, where 200 million rubles allegedly disappeared

Elena Kovalskaya

Art Director of the Center. Meyerhold

Cause What is the crux of the matter It follows from the materials of the case that on February 1, 2014, the director of the department of the Ministry of Culture, Sofya Apfelbaum, and the artistic director of the ANO Seventh Studio, Serebrennikov, entered into an agreement, according to which the organization received a subsidy in the amount of 66.5 million rubles in 2014. “to support the development and popularization of contemporary art within the framework of the Platform project, approved by a decree of the Russian government in 2011. - "Kommersant" about the alleged embezzlement by the "Seventh Studio" budget funds two years. Witnesses in this case testified more than once over the course of two years. I don’t understand what is the reason for yesterday’s seizure of the Gogol Center by OMON, which is led by Kirill Serebrennikov, a witness in this case. And I perceive it as an act of intimidation for everyone who works in the Russian theater.

Maybe yesterday's events were the result of an accident: the investigation dragged on for a long time, it's time to close it, they decided to become more active and overdid it. Then it's just stupidity, which is a lot in any industry of ours. Russian life. Perhaps a planned step as a result of the implementation of Putin's plans to change the elites, which he announced back in 2012. Serebrennikov, of course, is part of the elite - and the Platform project was an extremely resonant project of his. It was supported by our former president Medvedev and supervised by Vladislav Surkov, who worked at that time in the presidential administration. But, to be honest, it is not interesting what plans the authorities have for Surkov. It is outrageous that the theater and cultural figures become toys in the hands of the authorities.

As for the Platform project, it was both loud and meaningful. He brought together the most interesting artists different directions. For example, on the "Platform" I first heard the music of Russian composers, who were previously only in Germany, but not in Russia. People, ideas, unions were tested on the Platform. performance, contemporary dance, multimedia, document, new music- all these areas met and received an impetus for development. Thanks to the "Platform" the theater has become interesting new audience. Thousands of people made their way into the hall at the Winzavod. "Winzavod" became fashionable thanks to the "Platform". In a word, Serebrennikov and his team worked hard and smartly and did what was in great demand. Thank them for this.

I don't believe in embezzlement on this project. They steal everywhere in Russia, but not in the non-state theater, which was the "Seventh Studio". Culture is generally a low-budget industry, people do not go here for money. It is said that "Platform" received 216 million rubles, of which 200 million were pocketed. That's bullshit. For 16 million it was impossible to carry out all the projects that I saw with my own eyes at the Winzavod. I work in the theater and have an idea what's the price. This is the first. And secondly, I am sure of the honesty of Sophia Apfelbaum, who then headed the theater department of the Ministry of Culture and allocated funds to the Platform. In the honesty of Kirill Serebrennikov and his team. Yuri Itin ( former director"Seventh Studio". - Note. ed.), whom I still remember as vice-rector of GITIS at the very better time theater academy.

The fact that the investigation into the “Platforma” case was brought into the public sphere yesterday, and in such a defiant way, tells me that the authorities are no longer inclined to stand on ceremony with the so-called old elites. Cyril was chosen as a symbolic figure. They nightmare him and push him out of the country to convince the Russians that the old elites are fleeing, which means they are really to blame. I wish Cyril self-control in this situation. It happened on the same day as the opening of XXV Chekhov Festival. The press conference was attended by the media and the darkness of foreign guests. The people of the theater were given the opportunity to discuss behind the scenes among themselves that what is happening in relation to Serebrennikov concerns them all. And also make sure that managers and artists working in public institutions, are not protected by their founders. Critic Marina Shimadina asked Deputy Minister of Culture Zhuravsky what comment he could make on this issue. He answered only that not everything in this world is known to him. This is the reaction of the Ministry of Culture.”

What is the political meaning of the attack on Serebrennikov

Sergey Kapkov

former head Department of Culture

“When asked how one should understand what is happening, I can only answer that I do not understand. The forcible detention of a witness and his delivery for interrogation is a huge pressure not only on Kirill, but also on independent cultured people. This discredits both the law enforcement system and the attitude of the authorities towards cultural figures. As for the Gogol Center, the UK has no claims against it - they all relate to the work of the Seventh Studio, and whether it is her fault or not, the court will determine. Yes, in 2015 there were pickets in front of the Gogol Center, but that's a completely different story: we live in a free country, everyone has the right to express their opinion in any form. Today, claims against the theater are made by the power and state system, people with positions, statuses and certificates.

On the Status of a Witness Being Treated as an Accused

Vera Martynov

In past - main artist Gogol Center, now curator of the New Space of the Theater of Nations

“It looks like a bandit. We still didn't have exact comments - neither from the persons involved, nor from Kirill, nor from those 17 people who were searched. In one of the versions, it sounded that there were some illegal actions with the Platform grant, and now it turns out that Kirill and others are involved in this case as witnesses, but I have not even seen in the cinema that witnesses were treated like that. It's like a surreal movie.

I don't even want to think that we can lose the Gogol Center. This is such an intelligible institution where it is impossible to hide or conceal something, because it is open to the audience and everyone. I worked there, had a good idea of ​​the team, I know Kirill himself. There is no reason to distrust or doubt him. Kirill is a Buddhist, and it's just not in his worldview."

About love

Nikita Kukushkin

Actor "Gogol Center"

« External factors make us act and become active, which is not bad. And on my own behalf, I can say this: these people need to be more selective. You need to think about where they are trying to stick themselves: this is not possible everywhere. Everyone loves us, but they don't."

On honesty and devotion to the theater

Dmitry Brusnikin

Founder of "Dmitry Brusnikin's Workshop"

The Gogol Center is the main cultural event that has taken place over the past five years. It's a given and an absolute artistic reality. The "Seventh Studio" arose in the studio of the Moscow Art Theater, my children were in their first year, and how it was born and took shape was happening before our eyes. These are our colleagues, friends and associates. "Workshop" is friends with all Serebrennikovites, we have done and continue to do joint projects.

Kirill is charged with embezzlement, but I am absolutely sure that if he squandered any money, it was his own, from performances and fees, to keep these people. When a new living organism arises, there are many unforeseen expenses that you have to cover from your own pocket. more devoted to the theater and an honest man it is hard to imagine. I support him in every possible way, but, unfortunately, he does not answer the phone. Probably in shock. But this, of course, is another reason to think about what is happening in our country.”

The fact that the actions of the state call people to unite

Anton Belov

Director of the Garage Museum of Contemporary Art

“The format of the search of the house of the artistic director of the theater, who did not hold money in his hands, which was carried out through a legal entity, seems simply absurd. It is clear that if Kirill Serebrennikov wanted to earn money, he would not sit in Russia at the Gogol Center, but would stage opera and cinema for the best American and European theaters.

Gogol Center is the favorite theater of the Moscow public, I went to all the premiere shows. And the Platforma project at Winzavod had a great influence on me, I learned a lot from it. Everything that's going on is wrong. Even if there were certain suspicions, it was possible to notify in advance and conduct checks in a civilized way, but in no case arrange mask shows in cultural institutions.

Let's be honest: here, as with five-story buildings, the authorities call on people to unite in civil society. As if it has turned into a pro-liberal force and understands that civil society is inert, so it gives it such injections to wake everyone up - here's another one for you. The theatrical society is now also fighting for freedom of thought. This is some kind of a series of events - starting with St. Isaac's Cathedral.

About process exponentiality

Sergey Minaev

Chief Editor Esquire, writer

"Demonstrative search is psychological pressure. You could summon him with a summons and ask for comments. Would Cyril have run away and created a criminal group? Who needed this display? Moreover, we now see a trend towards easing, and the presidential administration is demonstrating it. At first I thought yesterday that we are not talking about Kirill Serebrennikov. Cyril is a man good sense not of this world, he is only interested in the theater, and not in any way kickbacks and cuts.

About the post-postmodern style of the action

Fedor Pavlov-Andreevich


“I got the feeling that the appearance of masked people in the theater was actually a performance, no matter how wild it may sound. The local strong people begin to act with a certain swing at the idea, at creativity - they appear in masks in the theater, take on the mission of acting, play out a happening near the walls of a prayerful place, as if saying: we know your rules, your signs - and now, look, our you answer. Their balaclavas are practical post-postmodernism, but framed in a rude smirk, in the grin of a relaxed security official.

This whole situation is in fact, of course, some kind of lofty power story - there is something with the means that once, years ago, modern Konstantin Sergeyevich and Vladimir Ivanovich did not fully discuss among themselves, but now for some reason it has become it is appropriate to remember this. As a result, they came to Kirill, an artist of the strongest energy, a powerful creator of meanings, who, of course, was given special attention by this, handed over an envelope with a message. There are a number of leaders modern culture in Russia, like Kirill, these are the managers of federal and city museums, theaters, and libraries. Some are untouchable because of their veterancy and legend, and others may soon be given a similar message, and this is bad - first of all, for those who will not leave here. After all, Cyril and some others are truly expected in different parts of the world and will be carried there in their arms. Here, perhaps, music and ballet will remain - the weather is not so important for them. And those who did it so brilliantly yesterday can remain responsible for the theater and performance.”

About the Gothic style, irony, the combination of high and low

Sergei Khachaturov

Art historian and curator of the exhibition "Gothic Enlightenment" at the In Artibus Foundation and the Museum of Architecture. Shchusev

"Gogol Center" is the best institution of contemporary art in the country, it is the tension of the very foundations of being from the position of setting last questions- very honest, but uncomfortable and traumatic for society and the individual. These questions embody the individual's attempt to build himself in the surrounding world, where, as the hero of Nikita Kukushkin says in Ovid, there is only one cup of good, and the rest are cups of evil. We will still fight for the theater: yesterday there were so many people at the rally - Yevgeny Mironov, a member of the Council for Culture and Art under the President, Chulpan Khamatova, Fyodor Bondarchuk. It is strange, of course, that they began to appeal to the economic situation of 2014 right now. And why did these claims have to be deployed in such a hurry and in such a way that is insulting to culture?

“Because of his already advanced, let’s say, age and the situation in which Soviet time my parents lived, I can compare and I want to say this: even under the Soviet Union in its stagnant and late stage, searches were not as common as in Lately, and did not affect such wide circle of people. Yesterday, in addition to the search at Kirill and Sophia Apfelbaum's in Moscow, as far as I know, there were 16 more searches. Or, say, the recent searches of Zoya Svetova and Sasha Gavrilov, people who are absolutely clear that it is impossible to find anything. It is quite clear that this is a method of intimidation not only specific people, but the whole circle, the whole layer. A lot of people are involved in the projects about which all these people are harassed in one way or another. So now the doorbell can ring at the door of any intellectual: it seems like a given, a search, detaining a person for a whole day just like that, for being smart, is a sign of today.

Gogol Center has always been a place absolute freedom, namely creative - the political agenda was secondary for him. There they not only played performances - films were shown there, lectures were given, and they worked with children. And all this was done as if in a world where complete freedom of expression was achieved. If we assume that Serebrennikov leaves, and the theater goes under a different beginning, according to rumors - rather ridiculous, then there will be a loss of the portal of freedom in the city. That's what will happen."

The head of the theater "Gogol-center" Kirill Serebrennikov became a defendant in a high-profile criminal case of fraud. Russian figure culture, recognized even in the West, faces up to 10 years in prison in connection with charges of organizing the theft of 68 million rubles. According to investigators, these funds were allocated by the Ministry of Culture for the Platforma project, which arose in 2011 on the basis of the Vinzavod art center and united four areas of contemporary art - theater, dance, music and media.

To implement the project, an autonomous non-profit organization(ANO) "Seventh Studio", uniting graduates of the Moscow Art Theater School-Studio from the course of Serebrennikov. The director himself acted as its artistic director. This theater troupe was involved in the productions of "Platform". In 2012, Serebrennikov headed the Gogol Center. "Seventh Studio" became one of its residents.

Financing of the activities of the "Seventh Studio" for the implementation of the "Platform" project was also carried out from the federal budget. The corresponding order was given personally in 2011 by Vladimir Putin.

It was assumed that the costs would amount to 70 million rubles annually. With these funds in the period from 2012 to 2014, it was planned to stage "up to 10 experimental performances per year" using the latest technologies and involving "famous Russian and foreign playwrights, directors, stage designers", as well as to create musical works to organize concerts educational projects.

As part of the project, Serebrennikov's "Thugs" performances based on the novel "Sankya" by Zakhar Prilepin were staged (" golden mask"- 2012)," Dream in midsummer night Serebrennikov, The Hunt for the Snark, two operas by Alexander Manotskov (staged by Platform and commissioned by the project, Manotskov is one of the most interesting young composers in Russia), Metamorphoses by the French choreographer David Bobet and Serebrennikov, three projects dance company from Kostroma Dialog Dance (the young troupe already has three "Golden Masks"), "The Story of a Soldier" (another "Golden Mask"), the festival "Future Music" was organized, Novaya Gazeta writes.

Naturally, the right to perform music was also paid for at all concerts: fees were deducted both to the heirs of John Cage and to quite lively young composers. And this is only part of the projects, the newspaper notes.

The performances of the "Seventh Studio" were attended not only by students, but also by invited artists from Moscow theaters.

In 2011, the then Minister of Culture Alexander Avdeev noted that initiatives like the Platform should be supported by federal and regional authorities without fail. "The state must fulfill its duty to young professionals so that they can feel confident for years to come and not think about who to take the last penny from for their projects," he said.

"I want to emphasize that such things should not only happen before the elections, when all political parties are ready to cooperate with the intelligentsia. It will be reliable and stable when the authorities support it on a permanent basis," the minister noted (quoted by RIA Novosti ).

Nevertheless, on May 23, 2017, searches were carried out in the Moscow apartment of Kirill Serebrennikov and in the Gogol Center theater. It was reported that they were carried out "as part of an initiated criminal case on the fact of embezzlement of budget funds." According to investigators, it was about an amount of about 200 million rubles allocated by the state. At the same time, according to Meduza, the search warrant contained another amount - 66.5 million rubles.

RBC noted that in reality the case had been under investigation since 2015. The Meduza publication linked the initiation of the case against Seventh Studio with prosecutorial checks initiated in 2015 by the Art Without Borders Foundation, which fought against the use of "obscene language, propaganda of immoral behavior, pornography" in theatrical productions.

RBC's interlocutors claimed that three months before the searches, in February 2017, some employees of the Seventh Studio were summoned for interrogations to the capital's TFR, but then it was decided not to make the situation public.

On May 24, she was detained in the Seventh Studio case CEO Yuri Itin and chief accountant Nina Maslyaeva. On May 27, the court sent Maslyaeva to a pre-trial detention center. She and Itin were charged with embezzling 1.3 million rubles in one episode (why this amount differs from the first press releases of the Investigative Committee and the search warrant was not explained; later the damage estimate increased again).

On June 21, Alexei Malobrodsky, former director of the Gogol Center, was arrested. At the court session, the investigator stated that the performance "A Midsummer Night's Dream", for which the state allocated money, was not staged. The amount of damage in the episode about the play was 2.3 million rubles (together with the first episode - 3.6 million).

On August 9, the Moscow City Court read out the testimony of Maslyayeva, in which she stated that Serebrennikov, Malobrodsky and Itin, with her help, “cashed Money" allocated to theatrical performances. At the same time, it became known that the amount of damage in the criminal case increased from 3.6 to 68 million rubles. Serebrennikov remained in the case as a witness, Meduza notes.

On August 22, the director was detained on suspicion of embezzling at least 68 million rubles allocated for the implementation of the Platforma project in 2011-2014. Serebrennikov himself denies guilt. According to Kommersant, during the interrogation, the director said that he had nothing to do with the economic activities of the company. He called the situation "absurd and schizophrenic", saying that the Platform project was implemented.

Observers note that even after the May searches at the Gogol Center and at the director's, Vladimir Putin criticized the actions of the security forces. Then, at a ceremony in the Kremlin, actor and director Yevgeny Mironov handed over a letter and asked the president why Serebrennikov was being searched. Putin replied: "Yes fools." Nevertheless, the investigation continued and three months later Serebrennikov ended up behind bars in a pre-trial detention center.

After the director was detained, a petition appeared on the website addressed to the Investigative Committee and the administration of the head of state. The authors of the appeal call for an end to criminal prosecution famous director which, in their opinion, has political motives. The director took part in a number of protests and spoke out against the tightening of legislation on rallies, the ban on US citizens to adopt Russian orphans, and the restriction of LGBT rights.

"Artists should have the right to freely express their opinion. It is guaranteed to them by the Constitution of our country. Law enforcement and investigation agencies should not turn into a club to intimidate those who disagree with the policy of the authorities," the petition says.

Today, the Meshchansky District Court of Moscow held the third hearing in the case of alleged fraud with budget money, which was allocated in 2011-2014 theater project"Seventh Studio". For the third day in a row, defendant Kirill Serebrennikov is answering questions from his lawyer Dmitry Kharitonov. On November 13, at 9:30 am, Serebrennikov's interrogation by the prosecutor will continue.

Recall that all four defendants in the case - director Kirill Serebrennikov, studio general director Yuri Itin, general producer of the Gogol Center Alexei Malobrodsky and Sofia Apfelbaum, who previously worked at the Ministry of Culture - do not admit their guilt to the injured party - the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation.
Participants of the “theatrical business” are accused under part 4 of article 159 of the Criminal Code of embezzlement of budget funds - 133 million rubles. This article provides for punishment of up to ten years in prison.

On November 7, at the first hearing on the merits of the case, director Kirill Serebrennikov answered the questions of his lawyer Dmitry Kharitonov. Director more than an hour for questions related to organizational structure project "Platform", the relationship of the director with all the defendants in the case. According to Serebrennikov, being artistic director project "Platform", he did not deal with financial documentation and economic activity project, did not participate in the preparation of the contract with the Ministry of Culture, and learned about the amount and procedure for payments to employees only in case of delay.

At the second meeting, on November 8, in the process of considering the case on the merits, the injured party, the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, had new representative defense lawyer Alexander Lebedev. Lawyer Ksenia Karpinskaya told the court of her doubts about the legality of Lebedev's participation, since he was a lawyer for prosecution witnesses, and now represents the interests of the injured party. After the break, Sofia Apfelbaum and lawyer Ksenia Karpinskaya challenged the new defender of the plaintiff.

Today, November 9, at the third meeting, Poverinova's lawyer explained that there were testimonies of many witnesses in the case - for example, Makhmutova - who were interrogated in the presence of Lebedev. During interrogation with him, according to Poverinova, Makhmutova changed her testimony in the direction of the prosecution.

But judge Irina Akkuratova, considering the petition unfounded, refused to challenge the lawyer of the Ministry of Culture, Lebedev.

Then the lawyer Dmitry Kharitonov continued to ask questions to Serebrennikov, during which the director presented creative reports to the court and spoke about the implemented and shown projects of the Platform: the performances A Midsummer Night's Dream, The Hunt for the Snark, Metamorphoses, Dialogues, "Boys Smell of Oranges", "Funny Dream" , « Autland", "Dirty Deal", "Reborn. The Story of a Soldier, the Transcription Creative Laboratory, the concerts Uprising, Catastrophe, Sides of the World, Hardcore, Only Hardcore, 12/12/12, Vasya and the Thugs, Inland Empire.

Representatives of the Ministry of Culture refrained from questioning Serebrennikov.

The interrogation was continued by prosecutor Nadezhda Ignatova. When asked why the Platform existed for three years, the director said: “The Platform should have continued to work. But came new minister culture and said: you know, we don't need all your experiments. And curtailed all projects with contemporary art. He took all the money that was allocated for this. Where he took them, you yourself will figure it out.

“None of the employees of ANO Seventh Studio coordinated with me the issues of spending cash and non-cash funds. I have never given such instructions,” the defendant repeats once again.

At the request of the director's lawyer, the judge read email correspondence Malobrodsky, Maslyaeva, Serebrennikov and Yuri Itin. In it, the defendants discussed financial issues: about the resulting debt in 2014. From the correspondence it follows that the "Platform" had two debts: 10 million rubles - this is a loan for its opening, which was taken before the receipt of funding from the Ministry of Culture. And 3.5 million rubles - the amount that was invested in the creation of the "Platform" from personal funds by the defendants in the case.

Serebrennikov said that in 2014 an audit was carried out at the Seventh Studio, and it was on his initiative, because there was not enough money to carry out new actions: “An audit was carried out, while Nina Maslyaeva already began to disappear. An audit showed that several million had disappeared. I still have big complaints about Maslyaeva, ”the director emphasized.

Then the prosecutor Ignatova filed a request to study the protocol of examination of items seized during the search from Serebrennikov's assistant Anna Shalashova on May 23. Further, the judge read out the correspondence, which, according to Serebrennikov, already referred to the moment when he began to create the Gogol Center - people were worried that he would leave the Platform.

The third meeting of the Meshchansky Court, considering the “theatrical case” on the merits, ended at the following moment (the dialogue was published by the portal):

And what does the phrase "Itin ..." mean, the prosecutor continues.

- "Itin is really pissed to mess with HZ"? Serebrennikov interrupts him.

The listeners laugh again; the bailiff loudly shouts “Be quiet!”, the judge asks the accused not to say such words aloud. Serebrennikov explains that we are talking about the fact that the Yaroslavl Theater, which was headed by Itin, has a reputation classical theater, and the "Gogol Center" has a reputation as "thugs".

The judge adjourns the hearing to November 13 at 9:30. Serebrennikov's interrogation by the prosecutor will continue on Tuesday.

Recall that the Minister of Culture Vladimir Medinsky, who called the Serebrennikov Theater “innovative” in an interview with TASS, his position on the Seventh Studio case, because, from the point of view of the head of the ministry, this will be considered as pressure on the court.

On August 23, the Basmanny Court of Moscow placed the director of the Gogol Center, Kirill Serebrennikov, under house arrest. This was a continuation of the investigation of the criminal case of embezzlement in the "Seventh Studio". At the same time, Serebrennikov had previously been a witness in this case.

What is Serebrennikov accused of?

According to the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation, Serebrennikov stole the money allocated in 2011-2014 for the implementation of the Platform project. The UK estimated the amount of damage at 68 million rubles.

During the interrogation the director is guilty . On the evening of August 22, Serebrennikov was taken to the Matrosskaya Tishina pre-trial detention center. On Wednesday, Moscow's Basmanny Court placed the director under house arrest until October 19.

For this period, Serebrennikov was forbidden to attend the theater and participate in the filming. Maximum term, which can threaten the director - ten years in prison.

What is the Platforma project and what does Serebrennikov have to do with it?

On March 24, 2011, Russian President Dmitry Medvedev visited the Multimedia Art Museum in Moscow, where he met with cultural figures.

At this meeting, theater director Kirill Serebrennikov told the President about his project for the development and popularization of contemporary art "Platform". It was announced as a complex of actions at the junction of four directions - theatre, music, dance and visual arts.

The project included the creation of up to 10 experimental performances per year, new musical and choreographic works, theater tours modern dance from the regions of Russia in Moscow, as well as the formation of a permanent laboratory platform for the creativity of young artists, educational projects and master classes in contemporary art.

In July 2011, the non-profit organization Seventh Studio was created specifically for the Platform. And in December of the same year, a document was signed on the allocation of subsidies from the federal budget - 70 million rubles annually. "Seventh Studio" was headed by director Kirill Serebrennikov. He was also the head of the Platform project.

What was the reason for the criminal case?

At the end of May of this year, the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation opened a criminal case under the article "Fraud on an especially large scale." According to investigators, from 2011 to 2014, members of the Seventh Studio management stole about 200 million rubles allocated from the budget for the Platform project.

On May 23, as part of a criminal case with Kirill Serebrennikov, and the director himself was taken for interrogation to the UK as a witness.

May 24, Director of the Department of State Support for Art and folk art The Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation Andrey Malyshev said that 216.5 million rubles were allocated for the Platform project. Of these, as the official said, only 16 million rubles were spent for their intended purpose. Serebrennikov later stated that.

In this case, the former chief accountant of the Seventh Studio, Nina Maslyaeva, ex-producer Alexei Malobrodsky, and former general director of the studio, Yuri Itin, were also detained (and then arrested). At the same time, on August 2, Kirill Serebrennikov, in an interview with the German newspaper Süddeutsche Zeitung, said that his passport was confiscated from him.

What evidence does the investigation have?

Testimony against Serebrennikov Nina Maslyaeva. According to her, Serebrennikov "developed a plan to embezzle funds allocated for the Platform project."

The former accountant also claims that the director, along with producer Alexei Malobrodsky, cashed out funds with the help of Maslyaeva.

From the testimony of the ex-employee of the theater company and a number of other witnesses, it follows that the "Seventh Studio" was engaged in "money laundering" and had a "black box office" for illegal operations.

At the same time, Maslyaeva herself had previously been brought to criminal responsibility and was deprived of the right to hold the position of an accountant for a year and a half.

However, as a source familiar with the situation to TASS, it was not only the former chief accountant of Seventh Studio who testified against Serebrennikov. This made it possible to change the status of the director from a witness to a suspect.

How did other cultural figures react to the detention and arrest of Serebrennikov?

The Minister of Culture of the Russian Federation Vladimir Medinsky decision to arrest director Kirill Serebrennikov is a sad situation for all cultural workers.

Colleagues of the director do not believe in his guilt. In defense of Serebrennikov, the creator of the film "Arrhythmia" Boris Khlebnikov.

Irina Prokhorova, publisher and editor-in-chief of the New Literary Review magazine, that she is ready to pay a deposit in any amount for the director of the Gogol Center. In her opinion, the Platform project brought Russian theater to the world level.

Chairman of the Union of Theater Workers of the Russian Federation Alexandra Kalyagin personally guaranteed Kirill Serebrennikov and sent the document to the Investigative Committee and the Basmanny Court.

The widow of the writer Alexander Solzhenitsyn, Natalia Dmitrievna Solzhenitsyna, directors and actors Fyodor Bondarchuk, Konstantin Raikin, Yevgeny Mironov, Andrey Malakhov, Elizaveta Boyarskaya, Konstantin Khabensky and many other artists are also behind the director.