Idea: organize a festive program for the children for the New Year

New Year's fairy tale is what always attracts all people in this holiday. The feeling of approaching something unusual and fabulous is felt by every person, especially a child. In many ways, for the sake of children, parents try to bring this fabulous atmosphere to their home, and if not to dissemble, then many parents get no less pleasure from this whole process than children. How to surprise and delight small miracle? There are many answers to this question, some of which you will learn from this article.

Do New Year An unforgettable task for the baby is not an easy one, but quite feasible, with due diligence, your child will remain satisfied and cheerful. At the beginning, you need to decide on a gift, but in order not to destroy the fairy tale, make a whole game out of it. old way with a letter to Santa Claus is still working, you can also attract modern technologies. It is very simple and interesting to give the child the opportunity to write an e-mail with their desires. When a gift or several gift options are known, it all comes down to simply finding and buying it.

To paraphrase a well-known phrase, you can say: Not a single gift will a child be full! Therefore, you need to think and embody the festive atmosphere at home, the presence of a Christmas tree is not discussed, and it is best to decorate it with the whole family so that the children take an active part in this, this process will be a joy to everyone. Making something from Christmas tree decorations with your own hands, together with your offspring, is very interesting, first of all, of course, for them. In stores you can find anything for decoration, from garlands and toys, to various figurines. new year characters. You can buy children's champagne, because they so want to be adults.

Of course, the apogee of the holiday is New Year's Eve, the time when all miracles and all the most interesting things happen. This is one of the few nights of the year when children can go to bed whenever they feel like it. They are waiting for gifts, the arrival of Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden and unrestrained fun. It is always a joy to sew or buy a costume for a New Year's masquerade, and you do not need to use a costume only for a matinee, it is also perfect for celebrating the New Year at home. Children can find gifts under the Christmas tree in the morning, or you can hire Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden and they will give the children their gifts, or you can secretly dress up as these characters yourself and surprise your children.

Probably the most the best option will invite your friends along with your children and celebrate the holiday together. IN noisy company peers this evening will be much more fun for children.

Holiday duration
2 hours
red, green, white, purple, blue, pink
Christmas tree, paper, gingerbread, glass garlands, wreath, banners, natural flowers
cookies and muffins "Penguins", cake "New Year's dream", straws "Herringbone", mousse "Santa's Hat", New Year's milk
Thematic entertainment
games: Decorate the Christmas Tree, Candy Relay, Sweet Christmas Tree, Hold the Red Nose, Fill in the Christmas Stocking, Santas and Reindeers, Make a Gingerbread House

As a rule, the first sprouts of disbelief in New Year's miracle and the existence of Santa Claus himself as the main wizard, in the soul of a six-year-old child begin to sprout from the grains of school conversations. Indeed, for sure, in the student team of grade 1-A, there is a very developed Petya Semochkin, who will enlighten the “dark” classmates about the fact that they have been clogged with tanks for several years in a row New Year's fairy tales. He will also advise you to remove meters of Christmas pasta garlands from your ears and name several deadly arguments that, in his opinion, should be looked for at home, in the closet. All this, dear mothers and fathers, grandparents, and other relatives who are not indifferent to the New Year's magic, we are telling you only in order to develop with you a strategic plan of action for the next few weeks that remain until the New Year.


It is forbidden:

Hide Christmas gifts in the closet!

Never hide gifts that you have prepared for a child on behalf of Santa Claus in an accessible (or predictable) place.

And the magical New Year will be irrevocably spoiled! After all, Petya Semochkin was right! Gifts under the Christmas tree are quietly left by parents, not the mythical Santa Claus!

Do not send letters to Santa Claus!

A child at the age of six still seems to be a real miracle that under the tree in new year's eve he finds exactly the gift that he asked for from Grandfather in a touching, so sincere letter.

But if suddenly, he finds this letter, carelessly thrown (in printed form!) On his mother's dressing table, there will be no limit to his disappointment!

Give your little skeptic a whole pageant at this stage. For example, take the letter (together with the child) to the "Santa Claus Mail Reception Point" (there will probably be several of these before the New Year holidays in each city).

And then, so, by chance, come here just at the moment when Santa Claus himself will pick up the correspondence received by the assistants for the week.

Only one question arises by itself: how to find out, by carrying out all these plausible manipulations, what the child asked from Grandfather? We can only advise one thing: show miracles of resourcefulness (read the letter when the child falls asleep), deduction (guess what in question in a letter, comparing snippets of conversations with a child), and simply parental intuition (children's desires cannot be, well, a secret with seven seals for truly loving and caring parents).

Discuss in the presence of the child a plan for a future event!

If a child, all of a sudden, becomes a witness of how the mother ordered the arrival of Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden by phone (Internet) (and the amount of payment for the departure was also mentioned in the conversation (letter)), what kind of miracle can we even talk about?

Need to:

Tell your child fantastic (real!) Christmas stories.

Prepare properly for this stage of "ideological New Year's work". Bring home discs with the best New Year's films and cartoons, buy bright books with modern "evidence" of New Year's magic, tell stories from your childhood (richly embellishing them with incredible, wonderful details).

Minimize access to the Internet!

Sounds almost impossible, but worth a try. After all, it is the Internet that gives the child answers to a number of interesting "New Year's" questions!

Come up with an unexpected scenario for the New Year's holiday!

The child is confident that new Year's Eve, as always, Santa Claus will knock (bell) on the door, they will let him into the apartment, he will demand a rhyme and give a gift? So, it is simply necessary to abandon such a course of events! Let Santa Claus appear, for example, like this.

If you don’t have the opportunity to order Santa Claus the climber, who will enter not through the door, but through the window (they don’t provide such services in your city, or it’s too expensive, or you just live in a country, one-story house), play out an enchanting “land” appearance the main New Year's wizard.

Well, your task will be to shout in time during the party: “Come here as soon as possible! Look!

And now - we will discuss all the key points of organizing an unexpected New Year's holiday.


Children's New Year's Party Invitations

Sending invitation cards to your child's friends is exactly what you should start preparing for the holiday with. After all, all other stages of planning a party depend on the real number of participants in the event, entertainment program to the menu. A little about invitation cards. Of course, for an extraordinary holiday and invitations should be issued unexpectedly. You can achieve this effect by making postcards with your own hands. Not without your parents' help, of course! After all, you are the main coordinator and generator of holiday ideas!

Postcard "New Year's cap"

To make such an invitation, you will need:

- a cardboard blank 10 by 10 cm (if you find it with a confetti pattern, it’s very good, if not, stick circles from colored paper on a sheet of white cardboard yourself);

- red fabric (a meter will be enough);

- white lace braid (up to 1 cm wide, or - synthetic winterizer fibers);

- scissors;

- glue.

To begin with, we will cut the red fabric and sew the caps, then we sew the cap with a padding polyester, or with a white lace braid from the same padding polyester we make a pompom.

The cap is ready!

We carefully glue the cap to the cardboard blank cut with curly scissors and sign the invitation card!

Postcard "Christmas fantasy"

Not at all difficult to make an invitation card.

Materials and tools needed to create such a miracle:

- white cardboard (packing of 20 pieces);

- green polypropylene (thickness 0.2 cm);

- fabric for embroidery (or burlap);

- scissors, glue.

If your child’s friends are creative children (for example, they all go to the “Skillful Hands” circle together, or simply grow up in intelligent families in which the concept of good aesthetic taste is instilled from birth), such an invitation card will not only be appropriate, but also highly appreciated !

And we do new year card So:

Bend a sheet of A4 cardboard in half;

On the front side of the postcard we glue a piece of green polypropylene (of the appropriate size), using rubber glue for this purpose;

Cut out a Christmas ball from white cardboard and decorate it sea ​​wave(carefully cut using a blade or a drywall construction knife);

At the top of the front side of the base of the invitation, we make a hole and use a burlap braid to tie a ball with a wave to it.

Postcard "Christmas candy"

For such an invitation, you will need: several sheets of ordinary xerox paper of a standard size, a couple of meters of pink satin ribbon and a few plastic miniature snowflakes (to match the ribbon). The text of the invitation is located on inside"sweets". Just imagine: a child unfolds an unusual letter in which his name is indicated, and there is an invitation to check the theory of the probability of the existence of Santa Claus. By the way, about the text, since we mentioned it. We serve it like this:

“Dear _____ (name)! I invite you ___ (date and time) to my home on a very unusual occasion. We're throwing a special New Year's Eve party where Mom says we'll be given proof of New Year's magic. Which ones are still a mystery to me! Waiting for you! Let's be surprised together!

The intrigue is created, my dear little and adult friends! It's time to start giving it material outlines!


New Year holidays (especially their children's version) oblige to ensure that everything around looks bright. After all, everyone knows that the abundance of saturated colors not only cheers up, but also stimulates the immune system.

The room where you are going to receive your young guests should look something like in the photo.

Christmas tree

At the holiday, the guys should have this traditional New Year's attribute (or better, two, but small ones, so that your guests can absolutely reach the crown, decorated with a huge red bow!). As you may have guessed, it will be necessary to approach the decoration of the Christmas tree in an extraordinary way. For example, make a “Sweet Tooth Dream” out of it, decorating it with huge candies!

And also, in addition to the Christmas tree (developing sweet theme parties), order a cream-and-candy floor lamp from pastry chefs, which, for sure, will cause a wave of applause from not so adult junior schoolchildren.

wreath on the door

IN last years this festive attribute of Western countries is increasingly appearing on the doors of the Slavs. And what's wrong with that? After all, it's beautiful! And you can do it with your child from improvised materials!

Or is it possible in general (if we are talking about the absolute originality of our holiday) to lure Santa Claus to our house with such real, sugar, sweet candy wreaths. He will surely like it!

Welcome Banners

Garlands with a welcome inscription for dear guests can be made from old Christmas cards. This combination will not only create a colorful New Year's frame for the inscription, but will also cause some nostalgic mood!

Natural flowers

Children - they, too, are like flowers! Despite the cold and the icy wind outside the window, they bloom and smile! Decorate your home with natural flower arrangements (setting them in winter-decorated vases) and thereby emphasize the aura of magic around your holiday once again! Everyone has snowflakes and icicles, and you have flowers!

"Idea : to choose a worthy contender for the title of "Snow Queen" at the New Year's holiday.

Before the New Year's Eve, you need to purchase New Year's souvenirs from the "Gifts" section for future contests and quizzes, determine in advance 5-10 participants in the New Year's Snow Queen contest.

  • Send the rules for the competition to the participants:
  • "Idea : 2010 is the year of the "Tiger". Among the guests, those who were born in the year of the "Tiger" are chosen for the competitions.
    If you are celebrating the New Year with a company of 15-20 people, then for this scenario you need to find out which of the guests was born in the year of the tiger. And if there are such guests, then this scenario suits you exactly.

    The room in which the event will take place must be decorated with yellow and silver garlands before the start of the celebration.

    "Idea : celebrate the New Year with your soul mate, and decorate the Christmas tree with "Wishes - Wishes"".
    The scenario of this New Year suits you if you decide to spend it together with your chosen one. No friends, guests, just him, you and one more guest at your holiday - this is a New Year tree.

    Remember that the New Year is coming, the year of the Tiger, prepare for it in advance

    "Idea : among the employees of the organization to determine the "Person of the Year" based on the results of work for the year.
    This scenario is suitable for celebrating the New Year by employees big company, to sum up the work for the year in an official setting and congratulate employees on the New Year.

    To conduct the New Year's contest "Person of the Year" it is necessary to do preliminary work

    "Idea : Celebrate the New Year with your family and keep all New Year's traditions."
    This scenario is perfect for a family of three or more family members. Of course, the age of the children may make their own adjustments to the script, but basically it can be used for all children.

    Preparation for the holiday. Firstly, it is necessary that all family members participate in the preparation for the New Year.

    "Idea : celebrate the New Year, like the heroes of the cartoon "Prostokvashino".
    This scenario is suitable for a group of friends who are going to celebrate the New Year in a private house, in a narrow circle.

    Set up a Christmas tree in your yard and decorate it with beautiful garlands and lanterns. If it snows outside, it will decorate your beauty even more.
    Share meals with guests holiday table who cooks what

    "Idea : women will participate in all competitions, the prize is the title of "Snow Maiden 2010".
    This scenario is interesting in that the participants do not need to be pre-selected. We will grant this right to men at the evening itself. If you are interested in impromptu, then this scenario is for you.

    For fun corporate New Year, you will need a creative employee who will play the role of Santa Claus

    "Idea : sound New Year's films or cartoons in your own way.
    If the organization of holidays fell on your shoulders, then we offer you a scenario that is perfect for companies that employ friendly teams where creativity reigns. This scenario requires serious preparation. But you are not afraid of difficulties, and the result is worth it.

    A few weeks before the corporate New Year's Eve, gather the heads of departments or structural divisions

    "Idea : employees congratulate on behalf of the characters of the Our RUSSIA program.
    This scenario is perfect for corporate holiday if the employees of the company have a good sense of humor and creative talent.

    Gather your company's employees and distribute tasks to everyone. The theme of the New Year's contest, select the New Year's wish from the characters of "Our RUSSIA"

    "Idea : organize a New Year's celebration within the walls of your "native" office. For a successful celebration, you need to make an original basket in which all your New Year wishes and gifts will be stored.
    This scenario is suitable for employees of small offices, or companies that work with clients. And the main condition is that the employees of this company celebrate the New Year within the walls of their favorite office

    "Idea : invite Father Frost and the Snow Maiden home for the New Year's celebration.
    This scenario is perfect for those adults who want to leave a wonderful impression of the New Year's holiday with children.

    Of course, first of all, invite Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden in advance. However, ask them if they have experience with similar events and warn them about the alcohol ban.

    "Idea : conduct New Year's celebration in masks or carnival costumes.
    This scenario is suitable for cheerful company employees who love entertainment competitions and gatherings with colleagues.

    Decorate the hall and tables with New Year's compositions. The more New Year's rains, serpentines, the better. Choose with colleagues your New Year's music that you want to listen to and make yourself a New Year's CD

    "Idea : holding New Year's contests without prior preparation.
    This scenario is perfect for all companies that want to celebrate their New Year in a fun way. special preparations do not have to do. Select only the host of the event and hand him this script. That's all there is to it.

    Another mandatory condition is good mood holiday guests

    "Idea : to organize the departure of yachts for the New Year's voyage" .
    This scenario is interesting in that the marine theme is chosen and it can be developed using all the power of thought, creativity and "creativity".

    It is desirable that in the restaurant, the tables were designed for 6-8 people. Then, on each table, you can put signs: "New Year's yacht No. 1", "New Year's yacht No. 2", etc.
    At first festive evening Father Frost and the Snow Maiden enter the stage and announce the beginning of the New Year's Eve with the thematic name "New Year's Swimming"

    "Idea : to stage the escape of tigers and organize competitions to tame and train them."
    This scenario is perfect for restaurants and cafes that want to surprise their guests and offer them a wonderful festive New Year's program.

    The interior of the hall should be designed in yellow - metallic color (everything is striped). It is advisable to twist two rains to get a striped rain and decorate the whole room with it.

    "Idea : the acting Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden, select from the guests of the holiday a worthy replacement for themselves.
    This scenario can be used both in the company of friends and in the company of colleagues and employees.

    Choose among employees (friends) a couple who will lead the New Year's Eve in the costumes of Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden. Preferably a very cheerful couple who has a sense of humor and will be the decoration of the whole evening

    Idea : choose using Santa Claus contests.
    This is a corporate New Year scenario that will appeal to those companies that will not spend money on leading and creative teams, but will celebrate the holiday on their own.

    Choose from creative and talented person who will take responsibility for the New Year's event

    Idea : choose a Snow Maiden for Santa Claus with the help of contests.

    In order to prepare for the New Year, that is, for the festive program, choose the most “humorous” guy among your employees. Such individuals are found in organizations, usually it is the "soul of the company." The main thing now is to find a Santa Claus costume for him, a bag, and a beard.
    Also take care of the prizes, in our case, all of them will go to women

    Idea : demonstrate Creative skills company employees.

    There is probably not a single company that has a couple of talented colleagues who dreamed of getting into show business in their youth. Even if they became economists or programmers, the desire for self-realization has not gone away. you can verify this at corporate party. Gather all the employees of your company and tell them about the idea of ​​celebrating the corporate New Year

    Idea : Organize the New Year in the restaurant using funny contests.
    This script can be used by hosts holiday events entertainment establishments.

    A prerequisite for the holiday is the presence of Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden, musicians and creative teams. It is also necessary to prepare gifts that will be received by the most active participants of the holiday.

    Idea : remember 12 signs of the eastern horoscope and hold contests for each sign.

    Review the lists of employees in advance. And note to yourself who belongs to what sign by eastern horoscope. It's hard work, but it's worth it. After compiling the lists, group the employees by signs. Now you have a sufficient base for the holiday

    Idea : meet the year of the Tiger with competitions and riddles on the "Tiger theme".

    Decorate the hall with New Year's garlands, it is advisable to withstand color scheme coming New Year. This is a metallic yellow. Invite Father Frost and the Snow Maiden to celebrate the New Year and purchase gifts for the guests. Choose key chains or other prizes with the symbols of the New Year

    Idea : arrange for children holiday program for the New Year.
    If they come to you on New Year's Eve couples with children, then maybe it's time to devote time to children on this New Year's Eve and hold a festive program for them. And you yourself will have time to relax, believe me.

    Count and decide how many children will be in your apartment on New Year's Eve? Decided, then go shopping for gifts

    Idea : Spend the New Year with your loved one outside the city.

    Rent a country house for two for a few days. It is even better if you or your friends have a dacha outside the city, where you could go with their permission.
    Be sure to go ahead and look around the place for what you might need. Starting, elementarily with dishes or bed linen, ending, for example, with a TV

    Idea : to spend the New Year with contests and games visiting the neighbors.
    Do you have wonderful neighbors with whom it is pleasant to spend time? And you decided to celebrate the New Year together? Then you will love this script.

    A couple of days before the New Year, sit in the kitchen of your neighbors and think about what you might need to celebrate the New Year. I propose to start with New Year's costumes

    Idea : celebrate the New Year in the company of 3-4 couples with competitions and drawings.
    Have you decided not to go anywhere on New Year's Eve, but to celebrate the New Year with friends at home? Then you will like this scenario.

    Divide responsibilities with friends on New Year's Eve. Several girls are cooking festive dishes, the rest set the table. Men preparing fireworks

    Idea : organize and hold your own "New Year's light" and parody pop stars.
    If you decide to joke and laugh all evening, then proceed with this scenario. It will not be boring.

    Write a list of friends who will celebrate the New Year in your company. They should be enough to new year concert succeeded with glory. You can also try on the role of a "star", or you can act as a host

    Idea : dress up as rappers and spend a merry new year with New Year's recitatives.

    Tell your friends about your venture. If they support you, then start looking. stage image. Each participant should look like the coolest rapper in the New Year.
    Give all the guests a task to come up with the coolest New Year's recitative. Let them come up with their own or redo the texts famous songs, that's their business