Alexey Mikhailovsky (General Director). Vasilina Mikhailovskaya: biography, photos and interesting facts Who became the producer of House 2

Alexey Mikhailovsky born in 1969 in Moscow. From the beginning of the “dashing“In the 90s, his biography is closely connected with television. At first, Mikhailovsky’s interests included news broadcasts and political PR, but since 1999, Alexey stopped working on elections.

On Channel One Mikhailovsky collaborated with Alexander Lyubimov ("Vzglyad") in the programs "Time" and "". Afterwards he was invited to NTV by the channel’s chief producer Sergey Shumakov. After leaving NTV, Alexey’s career stalled for some time: he sat at home for a whole year and did not know where to put his energy, until he received an offer from the director of the “House 2” project - to create a specific system for the show.

Mikhailovsky I was delighted and outlined my vision to the creators of the project. The idea was supported by the organizers of the reality show, after which they began to implement it, starting from scratch: they had to look for land, create a perimeter, and come up with rules for the show, which was launched on the night of May 5, 2004, although it appeared on the air on the 11th.

The first fifteen participants to cross the perimeter gate were Stepan Menshikov, Alena Vodonaeva, Olga Buzova, Roman Tretyakov, Olga "Sun" Nikolaeva and May Abrikosov (Tertishny), as well as Elena Berkova, Stanislav And Oscar Karimov.

Producer Alexey Mikhailovsky, for whom “Dom-2” is an integral part of life, he often has to answer thorny questions about the reasons for the popularity of the show.

Mikhailovsky: “There are several points that are the drivers of the project. It is constantly changing. There are no strict rules regulating its functioning. The show allows participants not only to build relationships, but also to find ways to express themselves creatively. So, there was a period when the participants actively toured. The first concert on December 6, 2005 at the Olimpiysky turned out to be successful. Since 2009, the “Youth Train” has been operating, calling for social activism. The guys donated blood and fought bad habits. Since 2006, various competitions have been used to create an atmosphere of competition. The project can be considered as a school of life against which everyone can compare their own decisions. The openness of the participants, who allow themselves to express feelings and emotions on air, gives people the opportunity to review their own relationships and understand what is right and what is unacceptable in them...”

The producer has no answer to the question of when the scandalous project will close, since he does not understand why this should be done if the show is watched by 35 million viewers. In 2014, for example, it opened new site- in the Seychelles, where established couples tested their relationships. The project's assets from 2004 to 2016 included 7 children born and 16 weddings.

At the end of November 2017, information appeared that Alexey Mikhailovsky was fired from the post of general producer of the project "House 2". The show is losing ratings, and, in all likelihood, Mikhailovsky himself is no longer able to save the project.

Alexey Mikhailovsky. Personal life

From the first day of working on the Dom-2 project as a co-producer Mikhailovsky was his then wife Vasilina, with whom they raised their son Maxima, born in 2000. The couple separated in 2011. However, Mikhailovskaya still remained in the program until 2014, after which she announced that she was leaving the longest-running reality show Russian television. According to Vasilina, this decision was not easy for her, but the time has come for a new life and other projects.

June 2, 2013 Alexey Mikhailovsky got married to his second wife - former participant of “House-2” Natalya Varvina. As it turned out, they registered their marriage a year before, without advertising the ceremony in any way.

Exactly as much is known about this person as he himself considers it necessary to tell about himself. Alexey Mikhailovsky is the producer of the most controversial show “Dom-2”, which went down in history as the longest and most successful, because its format was sold to the American corporation SPTI for the first time in the existence of Russian television. For 12 years now he has remained behind the scenes of daily broadcasts, having recently begun commenting on television events and making his voice recognizable. Who is he and why is he considered the “brains” of the project?

Path to the show

Forty-seven-year-old producer Alexey Mikhailovsky, whose biography is closely connected with television, began his professional journey more than 22 years ago. His areas of interest included news broadcasts, as well as political PR. True, he stopped participating in elections in 1999. He collaborated on First with Alexander Lyubimov in the programs “Time” and “Here and Now”, then moved to NTV at the invitation of the channel’s chief producer. With his departure, his career also ended. For a whole year he sat at home, finding no use for himself.

He accepted the offer from the director of the Dom-2 project to create a specific system for the show with joy. On twenty pages he described his concept, supported by the organizers, and then began to work. From the first day, his wife Vasilina became a co-producer on the project, with whom they raised their son Maxim. Everything had to start from scratch: look for land, create a perimeter, come up with rules for its operation. The project was launched on the night of May 5, although it went on air on the eleventh. Creative team considers the first date to be his birth. Fifteen participants, each of whom will become mega-popular in the country, will cross the perimeter gates.

Twelve long years

Today Alexey Mikhailovsky, for whom “Dom-2” is a part of his life, often answers pressing questions about the reasons for the popularity of the show. Three points can be highlighted in his answers:

  • The project is constantly changing; there are no strict rules regulating its functioning. It allows participants not only to build relationships, but also to find ways of creative self-expression. There was a period when the participants actively toured. The first concert on December 6, 2005 at the Olimpiysky turned out to be successful. Since 2009, the “Youth Train” has been operating, calling on the younger generation to social activity. The guys donated blood and fought bad habits. Since 2006, various competitions have been used to create an atmosphere of competition.
  • The project can be considered as a school of life against which everyone can compare their own decisions. Thanks to the openness of the participants, who allow themselves to express feelings and emotions on the air, people are able to review their relationships, understanding what is right and what is wrong in them.
  • The project reveals the dynamics of the development of the participants themselves, so more and more often the former are returning to the frontline, appearing in a new capacity. People who express dissatisfaction with this or that hero actually do not agree with his actions and words, and, therefore, reflect and draw conclusions.

Alexey Mikhailovsky cannot answer only one question - about when it will close television show. He doesn't understand why do this if 35 million viewers watch him. A new platform has been built, and a second one is operating in parallel - in the Seychelles, allowing established couples to test their relationships. Over the course of 12 years, the project has produced 7 children and 16 weddings. The seventeenth can be considered the painting of Mikhailovsky himself.

Personal life

For four years, she was born in 1982, from the city of Volzhsky, and never built a relationship. Already on the perimeter, she graduated from a university in her native Volgograd. She couldn’t build a relationship, but the charming blonde acquired real friends. Together with Alexandra Kharitonova, she sang in the trio “Instrinsky Witches”, felt somehow too confident in the project, and in May 2011 she voluntarily left it. As it turned out, she didn’t go anywhere. First she appeared at Olga Buzova’s birthday party, accompanied by Alexei Mikhailovsky, and on June 2, 2013, she invited friends to a wedding with her now real husband. Alexei Mikhailovsky and Natalya Varvina registered a relationship, as it turned out, a year ago, without advertising it in any way.

After the divorce, she continued to work on the project until 2014, without commenting on the situation. Varvina, who was appointed concert director, also found a job there. On the tenth show ex-wife nevertheless left the television set, explaining this fact moral fatigue.

Participants' opinions about Mikhailovsky

Statements by former participants about the producer are diametrically opposed. openly accused him of being addicted to drugs, to which Alexei Mikhailovsky also influenced the participants. openly declared that he was directing a plot in which everything was done to quarrel with him future wife Svetlana Davydova. Tigran Salibekov left a caustic comment on the message about Mikhailovsky’s marriage to Natalya Varvina.

But they all agree on one thing - the project owes its success to two people: editor-in-chief Alexander Rastorguev and producer Mikhailovsky, who are available to participants 24 hours a day by phone. mobile communications, take an active part in their lives, providing real help and support. And the fact that the project is changing, raising the ratings again and again, is a huge merit of the producer, who has become a real “think tank” for him.

50 years

q Capricorn

Biography of Alexei Mikhailovsky contains many white spots. He doesn’t like and doesn’t want to talk about his childhood. It is only known that already in the 90s he firmly decided to tie his future life with television. True, at first he planned to develop in the field of information and analytical programs - covering news, talking about politics. Since the late 90s, Alexey has completely moved away from this topic.

He managed to work for ORT, then he was invited to NTV, after leaving there, he sat without work for a whole year and did not know what to do with himself, until the management of the TV channel TNT did not outline to him its vision of a new reality show and did not invite him to participate in its creation.

Mikhailovsky got down to business with ardor and, on 20 pages, outlined how he sees new project. He described in detail how exactly the selection of participants would take place, the voting system, locations, and what the house members would do. The channel's management fully approved all the ideas.

On May 5, 2004, the first participants of the show entered the perimeter of the project, some of them still retain the popularity acquired many years ago. Thanks to Mikhailovsky , Stepan Menshchikov, and other participants whose participation ended a long time ago received fame, money, and a path to fame.

Possible long-term popularity is due to the fact that the producer himself believed in it from the first day. He explains the love of the audience by the fact that the project does not have a clear script, and its participants act like ordinary living people with their unpredictable characters and actions. The project helps many people understand themselves, and allows others, by looking at and analyzing the mistakes of others, to avoid their own. Mikhailovsky believes that a show of this format will be interesting to viewers at all times.

By the way, the show House 2- one of the few domestic projects whose format was bought abroad, because it usually happens the other way around - on domestic television It’s entirely foreign analogues that shine.

There are all sorts of rumors about Mikhailovsky’s personal life. It is known that he was married to Vasilina Mikhailovskaya, and in 2000 they had a son. The wife supported her husband in all his endeavors for many years and was by his side in difficult moments. The marriage broke up due to the fault of Alexei himself, who was captured by a new feeling.

Many people remember the charming one. The blonde beauty failed to build a strong relationship on the project, but she became famous thanks to her participation in the group “ Istra witches ", she left the project in May 2011.

At the birthday party Olga Buzova Varvina and Mikhailovsky appeared together, and in 2013, the already established spouses invited guests to the wedding. Their marriage was secret and was not covered in any way in the press.

Vasilina Mikhailovskaya worked on the TV channel as part of the creators of the show until 2014 and did not comment on the situation around her and ex-spouse situation, and then left her position allegedly due to moral exhaustion. Varvina does not work there as a concert director.

They say a lot of good and not so good things about Mikhailovsky. So, former member the show accused him of using drugs, viewers often criticize him for clearly directing some of the situations occurring on the perimeter. However, one cannot help but admit that it is thanks to him that the project has maintained its undying popularity for 13 years. It is also a huge credit to the producer that the show changes over time and adapts to changing living conditions, and the audience pays him with love and unflagging interest.

Quite recently it became known that Alexey Mikhailovsky was fired from the Dom-2 project. Recently, the show's ratings began to fall, and the producer could not save the show's audience. Many argue that now no one is looking for a relationship on the project, and this is just a way to live with everything ready.

Everyone is used to gigolos and prostitutes who don’t even try to hide it. No decent person will cross the threshold of this house. Maybe someone finally decided to pull this show out of the pit of failure and the first step was the dismissal of the general producer.

Alexey Mikhailovsky led this project for 13 years, we can say that “Dom-2” is his creation, and the participants in the scandalous project are his children. And no, this is not strange, because he helped many people get a good life after the project. Recently everyone learned that Mikhailovsky was leaving his position.

It is not yet known whether he was actually fired or left on his own. Alexey himself stated in his interview that he himself decided to leave the project. Mikhailovsky said that he was very tired after thirteen years and could no longer stand it all. In the near future, he plans to take care of his personal life and family. Natalya Varvina, wife of the producer and former member“Doma-2” fully supported her husband in this decision, which completely encouraged him to leave.

Dom-2 producer Alexei Mikhailovsky was fired: the reason why Mikhailovsky left became clear

Many people say that the producer gene has been “displaced.” IN Lately Regarding the management of the project, Alexander Karmanov, an influential businessman who owns shares in the project and begins to create his own team, began to take a lot of participation.

Mikhailovsky’s ex-wife posted a post on Instagram, where she wrote that she was sure that Alexey did not leave of his own free will. From the first day of the project's creation, the girl worked with ex-husband over “House-2” until 2014, and she is completely sure that Mikhailovsky himself is to blame for being “thrown away” from the show.

There are two versions of the producer’s departure:

  1. After thirteen years of work, Alexey is tired of making ratings and finally wants to devote time to his family. Mikhailovsky also does not like the active participation of Alexander Karmanov in the fate of the show.
  2. The producer was indeed fired due to a sharp decline in the ratings of the scandalous show.

But not without good reason, Mikhailovsky began to be upset by the excessive interest of businessman Karmanov in the project, since he was suspected of puppetry. After his appearance, the host of “Dom-2” became Alexander’s ex-wife Olga Orlova, whose nature seems absurd for a reality show, because the girl herself is very intelligent and well-educated. Fans of the project are confident that her appearance on the project is directly related to Karmanov’s activities.

After Alexey's dismissal Mikhailovsky show are waiting big changes and it’s not a fact that in better side.

House-2 producer Alexei Mikhailovsky was fired: the fate of the project will change after the producer leaves

Rumors began to circulate online that if the producer was removed, then a big revolution would await the other participants in the project. In any case, this may not bother Olga Buzova, who creates the program’s ratings. But it’s worth worrying about Ksenia Borodina, who may follow Alexei, because they believe that she does not make the audience particularly interested and can easily be replaced by someone more interesting and scandalous.

This is not the first year that the audience of the show “Dom-2” has been saying that the project has in some way outlived its usefulness. Nevertheless, people continue to watch it. There is a possibility that after Mikhailovsky’s departure there will be big changes in the project: the rules or traditions of reality will change. But it's too early to talk about it.

This is not to say that after the producer leaves, the project may change for the better; rather, quite the opposite. Viewers are confident that Dom-2 will soon end its existence.

Name: Aleksey Mikhailovskiy
Place of Birth: Moscow
Activity: producer of the television project "House 2"
Family status: married to
Natalya Varvina

Alexey Mikhailovsky: biography

Alexey Mikhailovsky - general producer the scandalous Russian reality show “House 2”, in whose structure he has been working for more than 12 years.
He was born in 1969 in Moscow. Alexei spent his childhood and youth in the capital. At the very beginning of the 90s, Mikhailovsky appeared on television. At first, he was mainly involved in promoting political figures, as well as preparing news broadcasts. In the 21st century, Alexey completely retreated from politics.

He worked with Alexander Lyubimov in the talk show “Vzglyad”, as well as in such popular programs as “Time” and “Here and Now”. Mikhailovsky gained extensive experience as a producer thanks to Sergei Shumakov at the independent NTV channel. But after the management changed there, Alexey was left without a job.
For a whole year the man sat at home virtually without work. And then one day he received an offer to participate in the casting for the vacant position of producer in a completely new show format. The television construction project “House 2” with the slogan “Build your love” has become a novelty both for Russia and for the entire world television.

TV show

Alexey Mikhailovsky was fired up by this idea. He developed his own idea, wrote out its concept on paper and went to the organizers of the “House 2” project. His idea was fully approved, and Alexey began organizing film set: found the territory, came up with voting rules, criteria for getting into the show.
The first day of filming for “House 2” is considered to be May 5, 2004, although television viewers saw it 6 days late. It was on that day that 15 people entered the project perimeter for the first time, and every week one of them was replaced by a newcomer. Many of the show's participants became famous in the country. It is enough to name such names as Olga Buzova, Elena Berkova, May Abrikosov, Roman Tretyakov, Wenceslav Vengrzhanovsky, Irina Agibalova. All of them, and hundreds of other names, owe their fame to Alexei Mikhailovsky.

The producer himself explains the mega-popularity of the program by the fact that the project is constantly changing, the audience does not have time to get used to one innovation, before something new is invented. In addition, the openness of the participants' expression of emotions in front of the cameras allows fans of the show to see different models from the outside human behavior and track what consequences this or that action, a spoken phrase, a fleeting action leads to.
It is worth noting that the idea of ​​“House 2” is one of the few domestic projects that were sold abroad. Show with general concept"How To Build Your Love" was bought by Dutch, British and American television companies.

Personal life

It must be said that over 12 years, the television project “House 2” has contributed to more than a dozen marriages. Producer Alexey Mikhailovsky also played one of the weddings. In 2012, he married one of the show participants, Natalya Varvina. The celebration was quiet and modest, few people knew about it, although many suspected the relationship between the lovers. The fact is that Alexey and Natasha first appeared at an open party on the occasion of Olga Buzova’s birthday. And in the summer of 2013, the couple also got married in a church, and this time the holiday was widely covered in the press.

But it should be noted that this was Alexey’s second marriage. Back in the 90s, he got married for the first time. By the way, his first wife Vasilina Mikhailovskaya was a co-producer of the show “House 2”. In 2000, their son Maxim was born into their family. Vasilina remained in her post even after the breakup with her husband, but in 2014 she decided to leave the scandalous television project.