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Sergey Pynzar – former member reality show “House 2” on TNT channel. Born on May 30, 1984, in the city of Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine. Full years- 33 years. Height is 175 cm and weight is about 82 kg.

Little Seryozha's childhood

Sergei and his brother Evgeniy were raised by one mother, since they did not have a father. From early childhood little boy I liked dancing, which grew into a huge growth in my younger years.

After Seryozha completed 9 grades at school, he decided to enter the school of instrumentation and automation, and after that he was accepted into the institute to continue his studies in this specialty. While Seryozha was studying, he also managed to work part-time at many jobs, from a gas station attendant to a sales consultant.

But even at this time, Seryozha still did not forget about his most important hobby in life - dancing. The guy didn’t like studying at the institute and therefore, as soon as he received an offer to join the show ballet “Crocodile”, based in Yevpatoria, he left the institute and began touring with a new group.

Thanks to this hobby, Sergei managed to see great amount Ukrainian and Russian cities, but most of all he was hooked by St. Petersburg, once in which he did not want to go back and stayed to live there. Pynzar began to make a living dancing “go-go” in the clubs of the cloudy city.

Participation and life of Sergei Pynzar on the television project “House 2”

In 2008, the young man received an invitation to audition for this television project, which he successfully passed, and after that he went straight to the show itself. Immediately after his arrival, the guy announced his intentions to achieve Victoria Karaseva, who did not react to these statements. Therefore, after some time, Sergei decided to try his hand at relationships with Natalya Varvina and Nazhdezhda Ermakova, but he could not achieve long-term serious meetings with these girls either.

After some time, Sergei finally found his happiness on the project - Daria Chernykh. Initially, the guys looked closely at each other for quite a long time, and after some time their couple became one of the brightest non-television projects. Although it is worth noting that here everything did not go entirely smoothly. Daria loved to hang out with her friend in nightclubs, which upset Seryozha very much, and the girl herself often reproached young guy that he is unable to earn a decent living.

In addition, a huge number of other guys tried to get the attention of the beautiful Daria, who was already in a relationship with Sergei, and since Seryozha is a rather hot-tempered man, he started serious fights on the site.

The personal life of a young man now

After several years of relationship, the young couple finally decided that they were made for each other and realized that they were ready to live together until the end of their days. Therefore, in May 2010, the couple Sergei and Daria had a wedding.

Six months later significant event the girl became pregnant, but despite this the couple continued to take an active part in one of the main television projects in the country. The couple named their first child Artem. After the birth of their son, the couple finally settled in Moscow and came to the clearing only on weekends.
Six years after Artem’s birth, the young people gave birth to another boy, who was named David.

On this moment the young couple provides themselves with their own branded clothing and jewelry stores; they also managed to open their own beauty salon in 2017.

Now, the couple retains their warm feelings for each other, just like many years ago, which cannot but please their fans.

  • instagram.com/pinzar_sergei

Participant of "House-2" Date of birth January 6 (Capricorn) 1986 (33) Place of birth Enakievo Instagram @darya_pinzar86

Dom-2 participant Daria Pynzar can be called one of the most bright stars show. The girl attracted attention from the first day of her stay on the project. With her perfect appearance and loud declaration of her innocence at the age of 20, she ensured her popularity as soon as she got on the show. Dasha was lucky enough to meet her soulmate on the program - Sergei. The harmonious couple played a wedding that the audience remembered right on the project. Now married couple He runs his own business and raises two sons.

Biography of Daria Pynzar

Daria was born in a small town in the Donetsk region in Ukraine. Yenakievo was inhabited mainly by metallurgists and miners. Dasha Chernykh (last name before marriage) lived in it for the first years of her life. The circumstances of the girl’s parents were such that the family moved permanently to the Samara region Russian Federation. They also settled in the small town of Balakovo. Pynzar lived here throughout her childhood and youth.

The Black couple died when Dasha was not even 10 years old. She and her sister were left orphans, so the upbringing and responsibility for the well-being of the remaining small family fell on the girl’s older sister Natalya. It is now known that Natasha is successfully engaged in own business and lives permanently in Moscow.

Daria Pynzar appeared in “House-2” a few days before the New Year 2008. It was highlighted not only by all the residents of the “TV building”, but also by fans of the show. For the girl, such close attention from all sides did not seem surprising, because she was well aware of the advantages of her figure and skillfully emphasized them with the help of clothes. The young beauty's wardrobe was rich in a variety of styles thanks to her sister, who was selling fashionable clothing items.

Because of her ability to take advantage of her attractiveness, love for minis and a deep neckline, her statement about her own innocence was perceived with a great deal of mistrust and irony. Dasha’s frank and often ambiguous behavior more than once gave reason for the participants and fans of the project to think about the veracity of her revelation.

During the project, the beauty started affairs with several young men. Initially, she wanted to create a couple with Rustam Solntsev, who was a whole decade older. But it was not the age difference that caused the separation: Rustam accused Dasha of lacking housewife skills. The girl’s inattentive act committed led to the final breakup. She washed her lover's jeans without emptying the contents of his pockets. This is how the mobile phone was washed.

The heroine did not have to be alone for long. Alexey Cherkasov made attempts to win Daria's heart. But his excessive pressure scared the girl. Also an important fact were the unambiguous hints of intimacy. The relationship was destroyed before it even began.

And again, Daria did not have time to enjoy her loneliness when he showed attention to her new member project Sergey Pynzar. He had just become part of the residents of the “TV set”, from the first days, having identified an object of adoration for himself, he began to skillfully and passionately court the girl. The couple turned out to have a lot in common: the guy was also from Ukraine, and he also carefully looked after his appearance and a wardrobe. He was also a dancer and had a cheerful personality. Sergei Dasha tried for almost two years. During this time, the relationship between the young man and the girl became quite warm. After 2 years of courtship, the young man’s dream came true: Daria agreed to a relationship.

Soon Sergei proposed marriage to his beloved. Bright wedding played directly on the project. Viewers of the show have never seen such a memorable event on television.

Daria Pynzar ( maiden name Chernykh) is a Russian TV star, one of the most interesting and popular participants in the scandalous TV show DOM-2, born in the small Ukrainian town of Yenakievo.


Dasha spent her early childhood in her homeland and was quite happy, although she and her older sister grew up without a father. When Dasha grew up a little, the family moved to Russia, to Balakovo, where her mother found Good work and could provide for the girls. But on tragic accident, her mother’s life ended early, and 8-year-old Dasha found herself in the care of her sister, who herself had barely crossed the threshold of adulthood.

It was difficult for a young girl to earn money in a small town. And, after thinking a little, elder sister Natalya leaves Moscow, taking her sister with her. So she was able to slowly improve own business, and the girls’ lives returned to a more or less smooth direction.

Dasha is still grateful to her sister for everything she did for her and considers her the closest and dearest person.

In Moscow, she graduated from school, not brilliantly, but with a quite decent certificate, which allowed her to enter the budget department of one of the universities.

She chose the fashionable and prestigious specialty of interior design and enjoyed attending classes until... she decided to go with her friends to the casting of the super popular TV show DOM-2.


Finally finding herself in front of the cameras, Dasha for a moment realized that she was absolutely not ready for such close attention to her own person. Moreover, she literally stunned the whole country with the statement that she was a virgin who seriously hoped to find her beloved and only one on the project.

The intrigue started by Dasha was even more interesting when everyone saw that she openly sympathized with the recognized womanizer Rustam Solntsev.

But already the first days that the couple spent together after Dasha moved into his house disappointed both of them. Accustomed from childhood to the constant care of her sister, Dasha was completely helpless in running the household. And if at first Rustam thought it was cute, then after a couple of days this situation began to openly irritate him.

And when Dasha washed Rustam’s favorite phone, he simply kicked her out the door.

But such a beauty could not remain without male attention, and after a few days she was “sheltered” by another womanizer of the project, Andrei Cherkasov. But he was completely unromantic, hyperactive and too early began to insist on close relationships, which completely alienated the romantically inclined girl.

Dasha was left alone again. Before she had time to get used to it properly, she found herself in danger of being kicked out of the project.

Family life

Having looked around a little, Dasha noticed a handsome and charming guy whose relationship with another participant in the project, Sergei Pynzar, had just fallen apart. It didn’t cost the girl anything to charm our hero, and his “taming” took place quite quietly, and not under the guns of television cameras.

It all started during their joint trips to the city on various matters outside the project. And when the romance was already in full swing, they did not hide it from prying eyes. This helped both stay on the show, but not everyone believed in the sincerity of such a relationship.

Daria and Sergey Pynzar

For a long time, some of the participants openly said that this was only a tactical move that helped avoid “ frontal place" But proof of the seriousness of their intentions was the marriage proposal made by Sergei publicly on 03/08/2010.

Dasha accepted the offer. But in fairness, it must be said that the couple’s relationship was far from cloudless. They often quarreled, especially at the very beginning.

Dasha frankly did not like Sergei’s “frivolous” profession - she wanted to see a wealthy, accomplished man next to her. Sergei was infuriated by her frequent trips with her friends to night parties. And just before the wedding, the couple almost completely quarreled.

With husband and son

Dasha categorically refused to take her husband’s surname after registering her marriage. This offended Sergei so much that he was ready to completely break off the relationship. After thinking a little, Dasha changed her mind and gave in to his demand. The wedding nevertheless took place in May 2010. Already in 2011, a son was born into the family.

Gradually, the relationship leveled out, Dasha learned to give in, Sergei began to earn more, and both were united by their love for the baby. In 2013, the couple got married, making a decision before God to spend the rest of their lives together. And in 2016, another beloved and desired child appeared in the family.

Now the couple spend a lot of time together. They have a common business: an online store fashionable clothes. They prefer traveling and active image life, children are taught this.