Bets on political events in bookmakers. Bets on non-sports events Political bets of bookmakers

Bookmakers have expanded their line so much over the past 50 years that now you can make money on politics even while outside of politics. Many bookmakers accept bets on politics, it’s just that in some places politics is presented sporadically, and in others a rather serious line is given.

Often bettors are afraid to bet on politics due to the high likelihood of unfair elections, but in the world of sports the likelihood of match fixing is the same. In major tournaments like the Premier League and Bundesliga, fixed matches, if they happen, are very rare, but in the Turkish or Azerbaijani championships, the likelihood of this happening is many times greater. The same thing happens in politics. It is difficult to imagine dishonest US presidential elections, but in regional Russian elections scandals very often occur due to the stuffing of additional ballots, incorrect counting of results, etc.

A little history

Politics appeared in Ancient Greece from the moment urban communities began to form. Through the Roman Empire it spread first throughout Europe and then throughout the world. Each country had its own characteristics, so many forms of government were formed.

On this moment several dozen are known political systems and even now it is impossible to say which of them is most suitable for the state. From time to time the system changes, which leads to fundamental changes in the country and the life of society.

Bookmakers for betting on politics:, And .

Useful resources

  • is a famous magazine where you can learn a lot useful information for myself.
  • - last news from the world of politics.
  • is the largest Russian-language news agency.

Basic rates

  • For the winner of the presidential or mayoral elections. Bets are accepted not only on the future president of the USA, France or Russia, but also on the mayor of London, Paris, New York and other cities. Look at the screenshot at what quotes it gives for US presidential candidates. Hillary Clinton's unconditional lead (judging by the odds) is actually not that convincing. The fact is that she will probably be nominated as a candidate from her party, but nothing is clear for the Republicans yet; Donald Trump is in the lead, but not with such an advantage.
  • To changes in legislation. IN last years bookmakers accept bets on the UK's exit from the EU and the secession of Scotland. If this happens, it will only be through referendums.
  • For parliamentary elections. You can bet that the party will enter parliament, win a majority in the elections or an absolute majority.
  • Percentage of votes received. The bookmaker offers a certain percentage, and you need to indicate whether the candidate/party will score more or less.
  • To the next party leader. What matters here is how the leader is elected. Polls public opinion They are unlikely to help you anymore.
  • On the floor of the future party leader, prime minister or president. We need to analyze all the candidates and understand who has more chances to win, women or men.
  • Other rates. Bookmakers also organize accepting bets on the second round of elections, the resignation of the president, the dissolution of parliament, etc.


The first thing you need to pay attention to is ratings of presidential candidates or ratings political parties, and not only the rating at the moment is significant. It is better to look at the last 5-6 public opinion polls to understand whether the candidate is losing his position or, on the contrary, gaining political weight.

It is very difficult to bet on political events in countries about which you know nothing.. The picture given by the domestic media does not always correspond to reality, so if you are betting on parliamentary elections in Sweden, then first of all you need to study Swedish resources. It is important to use multiple sources to build a holistic picture of candidates' chances.

It is worth considering that public opinion polls take everyone into account age groups and layers of the population, but in reality some segments of the population are more active in elections. For example, pensioners are more responsible for elections than young people, who often ignore them.

The election program of candidates actually does not play a big role; few voters study its aspects, people mainly rely on the personality of a presidential candidate or party representative. Therefore, it is very important how politicians behave in debates.

Features of betting on politics

Even the little things are important. For example, the candidate says that he has eaten meat all his life and does not understand people who do not eat it. With this statement he will immediately alienate some vegetarians. And there are a lot of such nuances, so to bet on politics you will have to analyze a large number of information.

Very often, bookmakers disagree about the chances of politicians. Although they offer a small line on politics, even here sometimes they do, and on politics no less than in other sports.

IN modern world election races, the adoption of various bills and other political events in terms of intensity of passions are often many times greater than the most noticeable ones sporting events. And that is why they often attract the attention of gambling people.

Bookmakers simply could not help but take advantage of this, who would be happy to place bets on this or that event related to the work of the president, government and other political figures. And betting on the outcome of various referendums or elections is especially popular (both with bookmakers and their clients).

Where can you bet on politics?

On the eve of the next significant events in a particular country (be it elections or the adoption of an important law), most bookmakers who accept sports bets also pay attention to politics. They are ready to offer the most different variants making a bet.

Thus, you do not have to look for a separate service with which you can make money by predicting the outcome of political events. You just need to register on the website of one of the bookmakers, where sports bets are usually accepted, and then look through all sections of the site and find the most suitable betting option.

What is the main difference between these bets?

The most important feature of betting on political events is the slowness of their implementation. This allows you to thoroughly study all the candidates, analyze their every step and make your own forecast in a calm environment.

For many clients of bookmakers, this option suits very well, because when betting on sports, you can make an irreparable mistake in the heat of the moment, simply succumbing to emotions. But in pre-election races, such drive practically does not happen - you can calculate in advance who will become the clear favorite or choose best option for bets, and only then make a deal.

Types of bets on political events

The most popular bets in the world of politics are considered to be several options:

· who will take the presidency;
· whether a certain party can win the elections;
· what place this or that political force will take according to the election results;
· what will be the voter turnout in a particular region or in the country as a whole;
· who will win the elections, taking into account a certain handicap of a certain number of votes;
· will it be possible to avoid the second, and sometimes even the third round;
· when one or another retires statesman;
· what results will be recorded after the referendum.

Most bookmakers accept bets on events in the largest countries, for example, EU countries and North America. At the same time, domestic bookmakers try to keep up with the times and often delight their clients with the opportunity to guess the outcome of the most important government events in the Russian Federation and post-Soviet countries.

If you consider yourself a good analyst and can easily predict results major events in the life of the country, you can make good money from this. All you have to do is register with one of the bookmakers and place a bet on the political event you like!

The first bookmakers, which arose in Great Britain at the end of the 19th century, accepted bets only on horse racing and greyhound racing. Subsequently, in the 20th century, the range of bets gradually increased; it was possible to enter into a bet with the office on football, tennis and many other sports. Not so long ago, many users were surprised that it was already possible to play as part of eSports, believing that this was something super creative. But in the 21st century, creativity has not stopped there; now you can bet not only on sports competitions.

Every large office employs a large staff of managers and analysts who are racking their brains on how to attract more people to their portal. larger number potential clients. They come up with various exclusive offers. And now the time has come when managers thought of inviting their clients to bet on political, cultural and entertainment events and programs. For example, there is such a section on the licensed website of BC Liga Stavok.

The bookmaker offers bets on the 2020 US presidential election, as well as whether the North and South Korea. For example, during the 2020 presidential election you can see this bet option.

League of Betting, in fact, offers to play within long term rate: Will a woman run for president in the Democratic Party in 2020? At the same time, both opposite options have fairly high odds: “yes” – 1.99, “no” – 1.98. Now let’s calculate what margin the bookmaker has set here:

(1/1.99) + (1/1.98) = 50.25 + 50.50 = 100.75

0.75% - this is the profit the Russian operator has set for itself, but this is very little. And if someone is not very interested in US politics, then many have heard about Hilary Clinton, who last elections actively fought against Trump. But Hilary represents the Democratic Party. She will clearly participate in the next election campaign and the likelihood that she will represent her party is very high. Therefore, we can safely bet some amount of money on the “yes” option.

But you shouldn’t dwell on one policy, since it involves frankly long-term options; it’s better to pay attention to whole line other non-sports areas.

By the way, on our website there is a whole section dedicated to what people bet on besides sports. It’s called “Not a sport”. Interesting and, most importantly, working strategies in programs such as “What? Where? When? ", Oscar Awards and much more.

In general, it is worth noting that in Lately experienced bettors began to pay increased attention to bets of this type. For example, again in the BC Liga Stavok at the time of writing this article as part of the TV game “What? Where? When?" literally the following was proposed.

As part of this TV game, it is best to use the “Catch-up” tactic. You can see for yourself that here quite high odds are set for opposite options. And those who closely follow this program know that there is no protracted series of losses among the experts, so you can safely play according to the catch-up system on the victory of the experts.

But before you understand what you can bet on besides sports, you should understand why many experienced bettors decided to switch to this type of bet.

Why have many experienced bettors started betting on something other than sports?

Sports betting has a centuries-old history. The specialists and analysts of the offices know 100% how to analyze oppositions, how to set lines, having gained experience over many years of activity. But non-sports betting is a little different; it requires a different approach. Office analysts have a different algorithm of work. The chances of winning are approximately equal. It is for this reason that many bookmakers set a large margin of 10-12% for non-sports events, because they themselves have not fully understood everything and are reinsured with a large margin. And here they appear good opportunities from experienced bettors.

The main thing here is to thoroughly understand everything and catch specialists in their mistakes, and they will 100% do so. We’ll look at how to find these errors a little below.

What can you really bet on besides sports?

What non-sports program even slightly resembles sports? If you think carefully, the answer comes to a clear answer - KVN.

Professional players note that a large number of winning bets can be made within the framework of KVN at the stage of 1/8 and 1/4 finals, when many new teams from the lower leagues take part, capable of “shooting” well in the tower. In addition, seasoned teams also keep high level. But you just need to carefully monitor the games themselves, especially the lower leagues, all this will subsequently allow you to do it realistically good rates. For example, pay attention to this screen from BC 1xBet.

Here we see how they give enough to win the leader high coefficient– 1.80. Three more teams were given odds of 4.6. All this makes it possible to make cross bets by carefully studying the presented teams, choosing several really strong ones from them and placing a bet on two of them so that in any case there is a win. High odds really make it possible to do this.


This international European music tournament has recently attracted increased attention from bettors. One interesting strategy has even been developed within the framework of Eurovision; its essence will soon be revealed on our website in the “Not Sports” section. There will be a lot of interesting things in this article.

There is also a huge list of non-sporting events, we will definitely consider one of them, within the framework of which you can make a good bet.

Show business in Russia

Will Buzova get married again in 2018? Although the bookmaker does not offer the highest odds for the “no” option, it is quite promising.

Sometimes there are more attractive offers with even higher odds.

What is better not to bet on?

There is something exotic that, of course, you can bet on besides sports, but it’s better not to. We can safely say that the specialists of some companies have simply gone too far, offering to play on frankly incomprehensible events, the outcome of which may never occur. Many may ask: “How can this even be?” It turns out, maybe, like in this case.

One foreign bookmaker offers to place a bet on the end of the world in 2018 with odds of 493. But this is completely absurd. After all, if the bet wins, then the winner will definitely not care whether he won or not. Therefore in in this case It was possible to offer a coefficient of 1 billion. How do you like a bet of this nature?

When will it be proven that aliens exist, the bookmaker asks. It’s better not to play with such fantasy at all. Or here is another incomprehensible proposal.

Why even bet on such bets, where the outcome will only be known in 10 years? What’s the point?

Let's sum it up

Non-sports bets are divided into 4 categories:

  • short-term perspective bets (maximum within 1 month);
  • long-term forward rates(up to 1 year);
  • too long-term (the result will be known in 10-20 years);
  • too exotic (no point in playing).

It is best to play within the first designated category, or at least within the second; it is better not to go into the other categories at all, they are not promising.

Bookmakers offer their clients bets not only on sports competitions, but also on other competitions, events, and events. Initially, these markets set the bookmaker apart from others; today, similar bets are offered in many bookmakers, so it is quite difficult to surprise the client. Politics bets are one of the types of non-sports bets for money, which are offered by bookmakers mainly to attract and entertain customers, but even they can make money.

Betting Features

Unlike sports, political betting does not require serious knowledge, analytics, comparison of previous results, etc. It is important to be aware of what is happening in the country and in the world in order to roughly assume further actions"tops of power" Online monitoring of the election campaigns of candidates for leading positions in the state and their activity allows us to judge the possible victory of a particular candidate. Invaluable support for such bets will be provided by various news portals, television, newspapers, and the Internet. However, you cannot trust just one source, because there are often resources that take a certain position and do not recognize a different opinion.

In a political confrontation, a “dirty game” is possible, so you cannot change your opinion after every event or article you read; you need to understand the overall picture of what is happening, and then make a choice in favor of a specific event.

The length of time it takes to wait for a result can discourage many users from this type of betting. You will have to wait several days (weeks, months) for bets to be calculated, so betting on such events is contraindicated for particularly impatient players. However, it should be noted that betting on political events is used in parallel with betting on sports, so the wait will not affect the player’s actions at all. The bettor periodically monitors the changing odds depending on what is happening and can make additional bets on the already chosen option, that is, increase the potential profit, or he can change his mind and reduce costs or end up with a profit. It’s quite difficult to say about sure bets, because the odds in bookmakers are set approximately equal, so making money on this is problematic. However, if you bet, for example, on the presidential election, in favor of one candidate, and later it turns out that he is losing the best positions, bet on his opponent, whose odds will decrease (the probability of passage will increase). In this case, you can be in the black, but such situations are quite rare, and their occurrence is possible only if one of the candidates makes outright mistakes.

Top rating of bookmakers accepting bets on politics

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Most people are gambling to a certain extent, but not everyone is willing to follow and bet on sports events. Bookmaker sites offer their clients bets on politics, as well as a variety of entertainment activities. Anyone wishing to bet on such events will need to study the news and various polls, which will help determine the most likely outcome. Players have mixed feelings about these bets: some regard them as entertainment and a waste of time, while others see them as an opportunity to make money. There are no people who completely ignore what is happening around them, so there will always be those who want to bet on political events and make a profit. Every day, citizens read, listen, and watch news messages on the Internet, newspapers, and television. The information obtained must be combined and used to predict a specific outcome.

In Russia, betting on the results of elections in the country may be prohibited - the Ministry of Finance made such a proposal. The bill was published on official portal legal information. According to it, Russians will also not be able to bet on the outcome of referendums and any events that may be associated with them. The department does not name the reason for such tightening. However, the ban does not apply to elections in other countries.

Bookmaker market experts interviewed by Kommersant FM did not see any logic in the Ministry of Finance’s proposal, and this is not the first such initiative of the department, said Konstantin Makarov, president of the bookmaker company Bingo Boom: “Quite often the Ministry of Finance comes up with an initiative to ban betting on certain outcomes of events. It was prohibited for exchange rates, but, for example, metal rates can be accepted. A number of bills are currently being considered that would prohibit betting on a number of other events. It’s hard for me to even comment on why you can’t go to the polls. I don't find a reasonable explanation."

Abroad, betting on the outcome of political events is very popular. For example, the recent US presidential election was the biggest non-sporting event for UK bookmakers. They accepted more than 50 thousand bets on the outcome of the fight between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton. This event even overshadowed the referendum in Scotland and the appointment of a new British cabinet.

Russians also place bets on foreign political events, but they are practically not interested in the internal “cuisine”, noted an expert of the bookmaker market, former CEO bookmaker “Fonbet” Dmitry Malkov: “Something pops up from time to time, but 95–99% of these are some kind of foreign events. The last thing I saw was when there was a US presidential election, bets were being taken down to the states on which electors would vote. In Russia, in general, as far as I remember, no one really took bets on the elections. It's not a matter of intrigue, there is always intrigue - you can take it not just on victory, but on percentage. I just don’t want to get involved with the state and politics. By taking bets on some political things, it turns out that, willy-nilly or not, you fall under the gaze of the state - this is one thing, and secondly, they can always say: “yeah, they could somehow influence this.”

The new bill of the Ministry of Finance clarifies what bets and wagers can be placed in bookmakers. They want to include the results of sports competitions, horse racing at the hippodrome and spectacular events which are broadcast on TV channels.