Exhibition in a museum or museums. State Darwin Museum

Moscow is a city-museum. Calculating their exact number is not an easy task. But there are pearls in the museum gallery, the exhibitions and collections of which are a national, intellectual, and creative heritage. And you definitely need to visit them.

See the greatness of luxury and enjoy the play of brilliance and light and shade in the precious radiance of facets. The Kremlin Diamond Fund is a treasury of monarchical symbols of power, masterpieces of jewelry art from the 18th–20th centuries, unique gems and precious stones, the rarest examples of native gold and platinum – will give its visitors such an opportunity.

The exhibition of the Diamond Fund consists of 2 halls, where history and jewelry art are intertwined. Historical state regalia include the Great and Small Imperial Crowns, the scepter, and the “Royal Apple.”

Collectible “7 historical stones”: legendary diamonds “Shah”, “Orlov”, flat portrait, 7 cm 2 in area; giant emerald, peridot, sapphire, spinel surprise with their size and natural purity.

Among the 100 gold nuggets: “Great Triangle” - the largest in the world, an inimitable miniature “Mephistopheles”. Historically precious awards and insignia, a map of Russia made from a scattering of small diamonds...

This treasury-museum of Russian cultural heritage is known all over the world. The Armory Chamber is one of the oldest Russian museums, created in 1806 on the basis of the “Armory Repository” of unique collections.

4 thousand exhibits housed in 9 halls of a building from the mid-nineteenth century. Rare objects of decorative and applied art from Russia, Western European and Asian countries, starting from the 5th century. until modern times.

Here are collections of weapons and defensive armor of the Russian army, which were in service in the 12th - early 19th centuries. 19th centuries, gold and silver dishes decorated with precious stones, embroidery with gold and pearls, secular costume of the 16th-19th centuries, a unique collection of works by Russian jewelers (12th – early 20th centuries), gifts to Russian tsars and royal attributes (thrones, regalia , robes, carriages).

The Battle of Borodino Panorama Museum opened in 1962 near Victory Park. Its “round” building on Kutuzovsky Prospekt is easily recognizable. At the entrance to the museum, visitors are greeted by a monument to Golenishchev-Kutuzov-Smolensky. Yes, yes, precisely to Mikhail Illarionovich, who received the last prefix to his surname after the Patriotic War of 1812.

The basis of the complex is a panorama of the Battle of Borodino, 15 m high and 115 m long, above which F.A. Roubaud worked for 11 months and completed it on the 100th anniversary of the historical event.

4 sectors show individual moments historical battle. Each of them has an interactive terminal that describes the plot.

The panorama museum is also a collection of military historical paintings: portraits of M.I. Kutuzov, P.I. Bagration, Alexander I and others; battle scenes– “The Feat of Raevsky’s Soldiers” by N. Samokish, “The Battle of Levenberg” by an unknown artist, “The Battle of Smolensk” by Y. Averyanov, etc.

Visitors will also see collections of medals and tokens, weapons of the Russian and French armies.

In a former factory building on Rogozhsky Val, on an area of ​​7,500 m2, there is the largest museum of retro cars in the capital with collection exhibits revealing the history of the domestic and world automotive industry. Once the Motors of October Museum, today it presents an impressive collection of 3,000 thousand cars, motorcycles, bicycles, and related paraphernalia.

Russian and foreign automobile “families”: prestigious “Packards” - there were only 4 of them in the USSR; “Lincolns”, “Fords”, “Mercedes”, “Cadillacs”, “ZISes”, “Muscovites”, “Volgas”, “Cossacks”, military and special equipment, curious “Amphibious capsule” work of an unknown craftsman, created from aviation fuel tank and with a frying pan instead of a steering wheel, a German “Zundap Janus” with doors in place of the trunk and bumper we are used to, an engine and a gas tank in the cabin, a three-wheeled solar car “Minisol” and much more you can see by visiting this museum.

This once secret facility with an area of ​​7000 m2 has no analogues in the world and is the only one of its kind. "Bunker 42" - called the Cold War Museum, is located underground at a depth of 60 m. Construction time from 1950 to 1956.

Initially, the bunker housed a reserve command and aviation post, telegraph, radio center, geodetic laboratory, etc. The staff exceeded 2.5 thousand people. The facility had everything needed in case nuclear war.

A 6 m thick concrete dome, “hidden” in the frame of an ordinary two-story building, protects the entrance to Bunker-42. For secrecy, lights were turned on in the house in the evenings, which were visible through pseudo-windows. Hermetic doors, a sliding slab, 1 m thick, close the direct entrance to a stairwell with a diameter of 6 m. This design can reliably protect the room from a nuclear blast wave

The excursion program of the tourist site offers visitors: a walk through the tunnels of the bunker; visiting a mini-museum of samples of small arms, personal protective equipment from the USSR era, and communications equipment; watching a movie about cold war.

Bunker-42 has a cinema hall, a cafe and a restaurant. Large areas allow for presentations and exhibition events, conferences, buffets, entertaining games.

This interesting museum will be of interest to both adults and children. Photography is not prohibited here, but rather encouraged. In the museum optical illusions at VDNKh, each visitor is a direct participant in painting installations created by the best Russian prop makers and artists.

Pavilion No. 55 at VDNKh offers everyone who wants to tame a lion and play with a tiger, climb the spire of the Ostankino TV tower, find themselves on the Titanic or in a three-meter giant boot, escape from ferocious crocodiles, feel like an exhibit in the Kunstkamera, sing on stage with the Beatles and much more.

Children have the opportunity to catch Uncle Scrooge's coin, swing on a swing in the company of the Simpson family, and meet their favorite cartoon characters.

The museum will introduce visitors to sketches of unique sets used in the filming of various films, the secrets of creating visual effects of transformation into films, and the skill of applying unusual actor's makeup.

The pride of the museum is its collection of retro cars. The restored cars are all running. “Volga” from “Beware of the Car”, “Mercedes” by Stirlitz, the old “Magirus” - on the move since 1912 and reaching a speed of 70 km/h.

Actor's costumes, known to us from our favorite films: Tsar Ivan Vasilyevich from L. Gaidai's comedy, famous fairy tale characters from the films of A. Rowe, ballroom dresses of society ladies...

Once on the museum set, you can a short time to visit old Moscow, and Ancient Rus', and St. Petersburg from the times of Peter the Great.

Famous art museum founded in mid-19th century century merchant P. Tretyakov presents one of the largest and most significant world collections of Russian fine and decorative arts, sculpture, graphics (XI - early XXI centuries)

The artistic treasury contains a rich collection of ancient Russian painting (XI-XVII centuries): masterpieces by A. Savrasov, V. Perov, V. Vasnetsov, I. Shishkin, V. Polenov, I. Repin, V. Surikov, inimitable canvases by V. Serov, I. Levitan, M. Vrubel, B. Kustodiev, works by artists of the Soviet and post-Soviet period: Kukryniksy, P. Korin, V. Mukhina, T. Yablonskaya and others.

The initial collection of the Tretyakov Gallery consisted of 1287 paintings, 518 drawings, 9 sculptures. The current museum collection consists of more than 100 thousand storage units.

The largest natural science museum in Europe was founded in 1907 by zoologist A. Kots. At the beginning of the twentieth century, it was the first and only museum telling about evolution.

Exhibitions at the State Darwin Museum tell about everything related to the theory of evolution. Visitors will get acquainted with the history of the formation of evolutionary theory, its main provisions and criteria: heredity, variability, natural selection, the struggle for existence; about the various forms of life on Earth.

The exposition of the Darwin Museum is 5000 m2 of area, more than 345 thousand exhibits. Unique collections of animals with unusual colors, stuffed extinct birds, shark teeth of once extinct mammals, stuffed exotic birds. Rare books and works of animal art are presented.

Interactive panels and “educational guides” will help visitors independently study the museum’s exhibition sections. The innovative exposition “River of Time” and the multimedia center “Eco-Moscow” are interesting. The interactive exhibition “Walk the Path of Evolution” has no analogues. The biology club and art studio are open to young intellectuals and artists.

The Paleontological Museum in Moscow is one of the largest in the world. Its founder was Yu.A. Orlov, whose name the museum bears. In 1987, the first visitors saw the attractive and mysterious world of prehistoric plants and animals.

4 exhibition zones located in 6 halls, each of which represents a separate chronological stage in the development of life on the planet.

The introductory hall is crowned with a colorful ceramic panel “Tree of Life”, with an area of ​​about 500 m2. Made from mirror slabs, it creates the illusion of an all-consuming abyss. The ceramic compositions “Sea Lilies” and “Birth of the Sea” reflect in all their glory the artist’s fantasies about the ancient seas.

Early stages of life on Earth. The first inhabitants of the planet. Hidden and strange forms of life in the Cryptozoic (Precambrian). Shells and mollusks, sea anemones, corals, sea acorns...

Hall of Geology and Paleontology of the Moscow Region. The next room/stage – the evolution and taxonomy of vertebrates of the Paleozoic era is presented in all its diversity. Lots of display cases and display tables. A group of skeletons of prehistoric animals with unpronounceable names...

Fossil giants of the Mesozoic era feel comfortable in the next room. The exhibition occupies two floors, since the impressive size of the skeletons does not fit in a one-story building.

The last room is dedicated to the evolution of mammals. Cenozoic period. Giant deer and rhinoceros, the skull of a saber-toothed tiger and other Decorative designs, historical reconstructions...

When people say “Pushkin Museum” they most often mean State Museum fine arts them. A.S. Pushkin on Volkhonka, which was officially opened in 1912. Initially, the museum was conceived as a public and educational repository of artistic copies, casts of classical creations of world art at Moscow University.

Current collection Pushkin Museum has more than 560,000 units of applied art and painting in exhibitions and funds; art photography; monuments of numismatics, archeology, antiquity; sculptures, graphics. Both copies and originals are presented. The pride of the museum is priceless paintings Botticelli, Picasso, Renoir, Degas, Monet, Van Gogh... Sculptures by Michelangelo, Rodin, Doré... Engravings by Durer, Rubens, Matisse...

Museum area – more than 4300 m2, 8 exhibition halls, 93 thousand exhibits. There is a conference room and a cinema hall, a thematic library, a small cafe, and a Space Veterans Club.

Among the most interesting exhibits is a fragment of the Mir station, where “dared souls” can feel like space explorers; models of artificial Earth satellites and space stations, launch vehicles, orbital ships, space capsules; stuffed animals of the legendary Belka and Strelka; Lunokhod, food in tubes, etc.

The museum and exhibition complex in Monino has open parking areas and more than 5,500 m2 of museum, exhibition, interactive halls, and 2 hangar halls. This is a rich collection of military and civil aviation equipment, samples of aircraft, exclusive photographic materials and rare documents, samples of uniforms and personal belongings of aviators.

37 thousand museum exhibits are bombers, attack aircraft, fighters; training aircraft and small aircraft; exclusive models and equipment that has not become serial; giant helicopters and cruise missiles; rescue equipment and aircraft weapons.

On the territory of the Air Force Museum there is a technical restoration workshop, a conference room, a reading room in the technical military history library, a cafe, a souvenir shop and a children's playground.


A place where feelings are heightened, vivid impressions are born and amazing abilities are discovered awaits you in the Riviera shopping center. Take a dark dive for a unique experience.

st. Avtozavodskaya, 18

Museum of Russian Impressionism 0+

The first museum in Russia dedicated to Russian impressionism houses works by Konstantin Korovin, Valentin Serov, Igor Grabar, Konstantin Yuon and other outstanding masters of the brush.

Leningradsky Ave., 15, building 11

Planetarium 0+

The Moscow Planetarium is one of the largest and most interesting in the world. There is an observatory here, which makes it possible to observe space objects, the famous “Sky Planetarium” (the largest dome screen in Europe), Small and Large star halls, models of spaceships and fragments of meteorites, the latest 4D cinema. In the Planetarium you can see with your own eyes how stars are born and destroyed, and put on unusual scientific experiments and buy space souvenirs.

st. Sadovaya-Kudrinskaya, 5, building 1

Tretyakov Gallery 0+

The State Tretyakov Gallery is the world's largest collection of Russian fine art. She started it private collection Pavel Tretyakov, a subtle connoisseur and connoisseur of painting, who bought and exhibited even works by Repin, Vasnetsov and other progressive Russian artists that were objectionable to the authorities of that time. The modern Tretyakov Gallery is a place where you can see unsurpassed masterpieces that constitute the pride of Russian painting.

lane Lavrushinsky, 10

Historical Museum 0+

The State Historical Museum (GIM) is the largest national museum in Russia. Here you can get acquainted with the history and culture of the country from ancient times to the present day. More than 22 thousand unique exhibits are exhibited in 39 halls, and the entire museum collection contains about 4 million various historical samples. It will take more than one day to get acquainted with even the most significant of them.

Krasnaya sq., 1

Museum of Moscow 0+

The most powerful exhibition site in the capital is located in the reconstructed Provision Warehouses. The museum space hosts the most high-profile exhibition projects and the best vernissages contemporary art, architecture and urban urbanism.

Zubovsky Blvd., 2

Moscow Museum of Modern Art

The country's largest demonstration site for contemporary art is located in five buildings scattered throughout the center of the capital. The main building on Petrovka houses works by classics of the Russian avant-garde, sculptural compositions Zurab Tsereteli and original installations. The most popular exhibition projects in Moscow are being implemented in the museum space.

st. Petrovka, 25, Ermolaevsky lane, 17, Tverskoy Bul, 9, Gogolevsky Blvd., 10, Bolshaya Gruzinskaya st., 15

Museum of Fine Arts named after A. S. Pushkin 0+

The Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts has the largest collection of works in Russia foreign art. Here you can see plaster casts of famous sculptures antiquity, the Middle Ages and the Renaissance, interesting works in the genre of graphics, painting, decorative and applied arts of Europe and America, department of personal collections. The museum has a children's center aesthetic education"Museion".

st. Volkhonka, 12

Museum Theatre "Bulgakov House" 12+

The Bulgakov House Museum is a unique cultural center where rarities associated with the work of Mikhail Bulgakov are carefully preserved. An electronic exposition is organized here, which presents photographs, documents, manuscripts legendary writer. Museum guests have the opportunity to take a walk through Woland’s famous “bad apartment” and places from “The Master and Margarita.” Since 2011, a theater has been operating at the museum, which stages interesting performances based on Bulgakov’s plays.

st. Bolshaya Sadovaya, 10

Moscow Kremlin, Armory Chamber

The Armory Chamber is one of the most interesting places in the extensive museum exhibition of the Moscow Kremlin. This is a museum-treasury, the basis of which is made up of precious works of art, which in the past were kept in the royal treasury and the patriarchal sacristy. Here you can see jewelry and arts and crafts created by the hands of Russian craftsmen or received as a gift from ambassadors of foreign countries.


Central House of Artists 0+

The Central House of Artists (CHA) is the largest and most famous in Russia exhibition gallery masters of fine arts. Half of its space is occupied by the permanent exhibition “Art of the 20th Century”, owned by Tretyakov Gallery, and the rest of the area hosts exhibitions representing the work of artists from all over the world. Fairs of contemporary fine art, unconventional architectural design, literary fairs, and art antiques salons are held here.

st. Krymsky Val, no. 10

Cold War Museum "Bunker-42" on Taganka 16+

The command post of the air defense system near the historical center of the city - the best monument the times of the Cold War. Nowadays, the bunker hosts excursions and operates a cafe, but once there was a missile launch control panel and Stalin’s office. Just 18 floors down and you will find yourself in a completely different world. Feel the difference and enjoy today.

5th Kotelnichesky lane, 11

Burganov House 0+

Most of the museum's exhibits are under open air. In order to penetrate the concept of Burganov's works, detachment and silence are necessary. His works are unique, they have no analogues in the post-Soviet space. Be sure to visit the sculptor’s workshop - the aura of a personal creative space will help you better understand the genius of a great artist.

Museums of Fine Arts, modern museums, local history museums, museum-reserves, art museums - there are so many museums in our capital. But which museum should you go to in Moscow? What museums should you visit first in Moscow? These and many other questions are of interest not only to tourists and guests of the capital. Even native Moscow residents do not know everything about what museums there are in the metropolis. And to join high culture many people want. A similar desire arises in at different ages. Smart parents try to take their children to museums from a very early age.

Moscow is a city that is rich in a wide variety of entertainment. It often hosts concerts, exhibitions, and presentations. It has many museums that welcome visitors at any time of the year.

A visit to the museum is time well spent. All that remains is to decide on your preferences and choose the museum that would meet your expectations. Some people like history, others would like to plunge into the prehistoric era, while others are interested in planets, art, science, literature, etc.

Must-see museums in Moscow

Having learned about different museums, you can make a list of those you want to visit. There are museums in Moscow that stand out significantly from the rest. We are talking about real giants, a visit to which evokes storms of emotions. These historical, technical and artistic exhibitions are worth seeing at least once in your life. Unforgettable impressions, amazing discoveries are guaranteed.

A selection of the most popular and interesting museums that you should definitely visit:

  1. Tretyakov Gallery. Many people dream of seeing the world's largest collection of sculpture, graphics, Russian decorative, applied and fine arts. Today's museum collection includes more than 100,000 items. The works of Shishkin, Perov, Repin, Vasnetsov, Polenov, Vrubel, Surikov, Kustodiev, Serov, Savrasov, Levitan and others are of greatest interest.
  2. Kremlin Diamond Fund. This is a true treasury that belongs to the monarchs of power. The Diamond Fund contains masterpieces of jewelry art from the 18th to 20th centuries. The history of the greatest jewelry art “lives” in two halls. Here you will find the grandeur of luxury, an abundance of precious stones, platinum, and gold. Visitors enjoy the play of chiaroscuro and glitter. Of particular delight are the imperial crowns (Small and Large), the “Royal Apple”, the scepter, orders, awards made of precious stones, and the map of Russia created from a scattering of diamonds. Here you will see a collection of “Seven Historical Stones”: diamonds “Orlov”, “Shah”, flat portrait (7 cm2), giant peridot, sapphire, emerald, spinel. The natural purity and grandeur of these stones are both shocking.
  3. Battle of Borodino. This museum was created in the form of a panorama (its length is 115 meters, height is 15 meters), located near Victory Park. It was opened in 1962. The museum building is round; at its entrance there is a monument dedicated to Golenishchev-Kutuzov-Smolensky. By visiting four sectors, you will be able to experience all the moments of the historical battle. You can learn about the plot of the battle using the interactive terminal. Collection presented to museums military painting- portraits of many famous commanders (for example, Kutuzov, Alexander I, Bagration), battle scenes, etc. In addition, you will see collections of tokens, medals, weapons of the French and Russian armies.
  4. Armouries. This museum is known all over the world. This is about oldest museum Russia. Here is a collection of unique rarities from Russia, Asia, and Western Europe. There are 9 halls in total, 4,000 exhibits - weapons, armor, secular costumes, dishes, royal attributes, a collection of works by jewelers.
  5. Stalin's bunker on Taganka. The Cold War Museum is located 60 meters underground. Previously, this facility was secret; it housed a radio center, a command and aviation post, a geodetic laboratory, and a telegraph. There were 2.5 thousand employees on staff. “Bunker-42” was built over 6 years: from 1950 to 1956. Today it is visited by thousands of tourists. The size of the bunker is 7,000 square meters. There are no analogues to it in the whole world. You can walk through the tunnels, visit the small arms museum, and watch a film about the Cold War. There is a cinema hall, restaurant and cafe. Often buffets, presentations, exhibitions, conferences, and entertaining games are held in the bunker.
  6. Museum of retro cars. Most big museum vintage collectible cars is located on Rogozhsky Val. Its area is 7.5 thousand square meters. m. Here the features of the global and Russian automotive industry are revealed. More than 3 thousand copies: cars, bicycles, motorcycles, etc. You can see with your own eyes “Lincoln”, “Ford”, “Mercedes”, “Cadillac”, “ZIS”, “Moskvich”, “Volga”, “Zaporozhets”, military and special equipment, “Amphibian capsule”, German “Zundap Janus”, solar car “Minisol”, etc.
  7. Museum of Optical Illusions at VDNKh. This place is not boring for anyone: neither children nor adults. You can shoot, photograph whatever you want. Here, everyone involuntarily becomes a participant in fascinating installation paintings. You can play with a tiger, tame a lion, tease ferocious crocodiles, climb the Ostankino TV tower, swim in a 3-meter boot or on the Titanic, sing on the same stage with the world famous Beatles, etc. Children can swing on the swings with the Simpsons and get to know their favorite cartoon characters.
  8. Darwin Museum. Anyone interested in the theory of evolution can visit the largest natural science museum, founded by zoologist A. Kots. Here you can learn about heredity, variability, natural selection, the struggle for existence. The Darwin Museum displays the diverse forms of life on Earth. On an area of ​​5 thousand square meters there are 34 thousand exhibits: stuffed animals, birds, teeth of extinct mammals. Visitors are helped to navigate the museums by “guides” - interactive panels. There is an art studio and a biology club for young artists and intellectuals. In addition, there are interesting exhibitions, you can buy rare books.
  9. Paleontological Museum. This museum is considered the largest in the world. There are 6 halls, 4 exhibition areas. Visitors are completely immersed in the mysterious, amazing world prehistoric animals and plants. The decorative design of the halls is impressive. It seems that you are really traveling through time, becoming a witness and participant in the Mesozoic and Paleozoic era, the Cenozoic period. Indescribable delight you will experience when you get into the hall with dinosaurs.
  10. Mosfilm Museum. This is a great opportunity to get acquainted with the peculiarities of film shooting. You will see a variety of sets that were used in the filming of famous films, learn how to apply actor's makeup, and what are the secrets of creating shocking visual effects. But the main thing is that you will find yourself on a real film set and in a few minutes you will visit Ancient Rus', old Moscow, St. Petersburg of the times of Peter the Great.
  11. Pushkin Museum. It is located on Volkhonka. The official opening took place in 1912. Initially it was a repository for art copies at Moscow University. Today, in twenty-six halls of the museum, 560 thousand items of painting, applied art, graphics, sculpture, photography, archaeological monuments, numismatics, and antiquity are presented. The pride of the Pushkin Museum are sculptures by Rodin, Doré, Michelangelo, engravings by Matisse, Dürer, Rubens, paintings by Van Gogh, Botticelli, Degas, Monet, Picasso, Renoir.
  12. Multimedia Art Museum. This seven-story art and educational complex features exhibitions by photography gurus. You will be able to enjoy vibrant performances, meetings with creative personalities. The museum regularly hosts film screenings and has a photography school. This is a great chance to plunge into the world of real photography.
  13. Memorial Museum of Cosmonautics. The Museum of Cosmonautics is located in the basement of the famous monument to the Conquerors of Space at VDNKh. Its discovery occurred on the 20th anniversary of human space flight. The area of ​​the museum is more than 4,300 square meters. 93,000 exhibits are presented in 8 exhibition halls. All stages of the development of foreign and Soviet cosmonautics are covered here. Stuffed Belka and Strelka, personal belongings of cosmonauts, samples of space technology, archival relics, collections of numismatics, philately, painting, graphics, and literature are presented as museum exhibits. The museum has a cinema hall, a conference room, a cafe, a thematic library, and a Space Veterans Club. After visiting this museum, you will feel like a space explorer. Visitors can touch a fragment of the Mir station, models of space stations, artificial Earth satellites, orbital ships, launch vehicles, space capsules, and a lunar rover. They even have food in tubes.
  14. Air Force Museum in Monino, Moscow Region. More than 20 hectares are allocated for this museum. It has been open to visitors since 1960. The history of foreign and domestic aviation and aeronautics, from its inception to the present day, is collected in one place. This museum and exhibition complex has exhibition and interactive halls, two hangar halls. In no other place will you see such a rich collection of samples of aircraft, civil and military aviation equipment, samples of uniforms, rare documents, exclusive photographic materials, and personal belongings of aviators. More than 37,000 museum exhibits are at your disposal: attack aircraft, fighters, training aircraft, cruise missiles, bombers, giant helicopters, aircraft weapons, rescue equipment and much more. On the territory of the Air Force Museum you will find a technical restoration workshop, a library with a reading room, a conference room, a souvenir shop, a cafe, and a children's playground.
  15. Lights of Moscow. Directly opposite the Armenian Embassy, ​​in Armenian Lane there is an attractive place - a museum called “Lights of Moscow”. Unfortunately, even Muscovites know little about him. But the museum is very fascinating and interesting. The building is hidden in a cozy park; a narrow path covered in the shade of trees will lead you to it. By calling the intercom, you can get inside. The museum is located in the basement of a building from the early 20th century. From the first minutes of your stay you will feel how quiet and calm it is. In this museum you will be given a remote control, using which you can turn the exhibits on and off. But the main thing is that lanterns of various sizes and bizarre shapes await you. Walking around the museum, you will learn a lot about electricity in general, and about the electrification of Moscow in particular.
  16. Mayakovsky Museum. Mystical place red and black will absorb you for the entire time you explore its nooks and crannies. The museum is hidden in a well modern building. It is dedicated, as you guessed, to the life and work of the Russian poet. This is your opportunity to learn more about the drama that pushed Mayakovsky to suicide. Hanging bedside tables, glass cubes - everything is decorated in an abstract style. There are drafts and notes from the poet stuck in everywhere. To remember your visit to this museum, you can buy posters and postcards with Mayakovsky’s syllables.
  17. Autoville. This museum attracts not only car enthusiasts. Everyone who appreciates beautiful things and dreams of art likes to be here. Walking between the masterpieces of the automotive industry, you will never cease to be amazed at how ingenious the engineering idea is, how stunning the design solutions can be. Comparing modern cars with cars of the 20th century, you will understand that the era of cars, alas, is over. Today, consumer goods on wheels travel on the roads. Unfortunately, you can’t sit in the cars, just as you can’t touch them with your hands. Although I really want to sit on a real leather seat, touch the mahogany panel, knock on the arched chrome wings. It is possible that in this museum you will feel like the driver of an elite European car.

Of course, there are many more museums in Moscow. But if you visit at least these 17 most popular places, you will already significantly enrich your inner world, broaden your horizons.

If you want to visit something entertaining, the Experimentaium Museum, the Planetarium, and the Museum of Soviet Slot Machines are at your service. This is where interactive learning of the world takes place. All exhibits can be touched. Joy reigns in the premises, and therefore you will definitely not see a single person with a dissatisfied face. Such establishments are interesting for both adults and children. You can visit these museums with your whole family on weekends or vacations.

Final thoughts on the topic

Moscow can rightfully be called a city of museums. There are so many fascinating and interesting places that are definitely worth visiting, especially if we're talking about about collections and exhibitions, which are the pearls of museum art, which represent the national intellectual creative heritage of Russia.

No wonder why everyone excursion programs visiting the museum is mandatory item. Many guests of the capital want to go to the bowels of Moscow museums. Yes and local residents I also want to see valuable exhibits and wander through secret storage facilities. Fortunately, the choice of exhibition venues in the capital is huge. There are interesting places for historians, literary critics, astronomers, archaeologists, and connoisseurs of precious stones.

Moscow museums are the most accessible way to develop erudition. All of them are constantly evolving, complementing the concepts with interactive aspects, which allows you to gain new knowledge in interesting form. Make your list of must-see museums in Moscow! And get true aesthetic pleasure.

Free museums of Moscow 2016

Free Literary and Science Museums

Museum-apartment of A.S. Pushkin
Moscow, Arbat, 53 (pushkinmuseum.ru)

State Pushkin Museum
Moscow, Prechistenka, 12/2

Bulgakov Museum
Moscow, Bolshaya Sadovaya street, 10, apt. 50 (bulgakovmuseum.ru)

Yesenin Museum
Moscow, Bolshoi Strochenovsky lane, 24, building 2 (esenin-museum.ru)

Gogol Museum
Moscow, Nikitsky Boulevard, 7a (domgogolya.ru)

House-Museum of Marina Tsvetaeva
Moscow, Borisoglebsky Lane, 6, page 1 (dommuseum.ru)

Museum of V.S. Vysotsky
Vysotsky street, 3 (visotsky.ru)
Museum-apartment of Andrei Bely
Arbat, 55

M.I.S. Turgenev
Ostozhenka, building 37/7 building 1

House-m. V.L. Pushkin
Staraya Basmannaya, 36

House of Russian Abroad named after Al. Solzhenitsyn
Nizhnyaya Radishchevskaya street, 2 (bfrz.ru)

M. Paustovsky
Kuzminskaya street, 8 (mirpaustowskogo.ru)

M. "Overcoming" named after N.A. Ostrovsky
Tverskaya street, 14 (museumpreod.ru)

M. Scriabina
Bolshoi Nikolopeskovsky Lane, 11 (anscriabin.ru)

Biological metro station Timiryazev
Malaya Gruzinskaya, 15 (gbmt.ru)

Darwin Museum
Vavilova street, 57 (darwinmuseum.ru)

Free history museums

Museum of Archeology of Moscow
Manezhnaya Square, 1a (mosmuseum.ru)

Chambers of the old English court
Varvarka, 4a (mosmuseum.ru)

M. Defense of Moscow
Michurinsky Avenue, Olympic Village, 3 (gmom.su)

M. "History of the T-34 tank"
Moscow region, Sholokhovo village, 89a (museum-t-34.ru)

M. history of the Gulag
1st Samotechny Lane, 9, building 1 (gmig.ru)

M. History of Lefortovo
Kryukovskaya street, 23 (mosmuseum.ru)

M. Russian harmonica
street 2 Tverskaya-Yamskaya, 18 (mosmuseum.ru)

M. "Garden Ring"
Mira Avenue, 14, building 10 (sadovoekoltso.com)

M. history Navy Russia (submarine B-396)
Severnoe Tushino Park, Svobody Street, 56 (mosparks.ru)

M.-panorama Battle of Borodino
Kutuzov Avenue, 38 (1812panorama.ru)

M. Heroes of the Soviet Union
Bolshaya Cheryomushkinskaya street, 24, building 3 (1812panorama.ru)

M. "House on the Embankment"
Serafimovicha street, 2, entrance 1 (museum-dom.ru)

Free museum-reserves and estates

M.-reserve Tsaritsino
Dolskaya street, 1 (tsaritsyno-museum.ru)

Kolomenskoye Estate
Andropov Avenue, 39 (mgomz.ru)

Izmailovo Estate
Town named after Bauman, 1, building 4, Bridge Tower (mgomz.ru)

Kuskovo estate and ceramics factory
Yunosti Street, 2 (kuskovo.ru)

M. Russian culture "Estate of the Golitsyn princes Vlahernskoe-Kuzminki"
Poplar Alley, 6, Starye Kuzminki, 13 (mosmuseum.ru)

Manor Lyublino
Letnyaya street, 1, building 1 (mgomz.ru)

Lefortovo Estate
Krasnokazarmennaya street, 3 (mgomz.ru)

Free art museums

Exhibition hall "Manege"
Manezhnaya Square, 1 (moscowmanege.ru)

Exhibition hall "New Manege"
Georgievsky Lane, 3, building 3 (moscowmanege.ru)

M. Tropinina
Shchetininsky lane, 10, building 1 (museum-tropinina.ru)

M. Vadim Sidur
Novogireevskaya street, 37, building 2 (moscowmanege.ru)

Hall "Chekhov's House"
Malaya Dmitrovka street, 29, building 4 (moscowmanege.ru)

M. "Worker and Collective Farm Woman"
Mira Avenue, 123b (moscowmanege.ru)

M. Contemporary Art on Ermolaevsky
Ermolaevsky Lane, 17 (mmoma.ru)

Museum of Contemporary Art on Petrovka
Petrovka, 25, building 1 (mmoma.ru)

M. Contemporary Art on Gogolevsky
Gogolevsky Boulevard, 10 (mmoma.ru)

Moscow Contemporary Art on Tverskoy
Tverskoy Boulevard, 9 (mmoma.ru)

Multimedia Art Museum (Moscow House of Photography)
Ostozhenka, 16 (mamm-mdf.ru)

M. "Burganov's House"
Bolshoi Afanasyevsky Lane, 15, building 9 (burganov.ru)

M. Russian popular print and naive art
Soyuzny Avenue, 15a (naive-museum.ru)

M. folk graphics
Maly Golovin Lane, 10 (naive-museum.ru)

Shilov Art Gallery
Znamenka, 5 (amshilov.ru)

Moscow Tsereteli workshop
Bolshaya Gruzinskaya, 15, building 1 (mmoma.ru)

Art gallery of Ilya Glazunov
Volkhonka, 13 (glazunov-gallery.ru)

Free showrooms

Exhibition hall "Solyanka VPA"
Solyanka street, 1/2, building 2 (solyanka.org)

Gallery "On Shabolovka"
Serpukhovsky Val street, 24, building 2 (nashabolovke-gallery.com)

Exhibition hall "ART-Izmailovo"
Izmailovsky Boulevard, 30 (naive-museum.ru)

Exhibition Hall "Rostokino" (Electromuseum)
Rostokinskaya, 1 (electromuseum.ru)

Exhibition Hall "Creativity"
Taganskaya street, 31/22 (vzmoscow.ru)

Art center "Solntsevo"
Bogdanova street, 44 (vzmoscow.ru)

Gallery "Peresvetov Lane"
Peresvetov lane, 4, building 1 (peresvetov-gallery.com)

Exhibition Hall "Tushino"
Jan Rainis boulevard, 19, building 1 (vz-tushino.ru)

Exhibition Hall "Heritage" (Gallery Zagorye)
Lebedyanskaya street, 24, building 2 (gvzm-nasledie.ru)

Gallery "On Kashirka"
Akademika Millionshchikova street, 35, building 5 (nakashirke.com)

Gallery-workshop "Varshavka"
Warsaw highway, 75, building 1, under. 4 (gvz-varshavka.ru)

Exhibition Hall "Khodynka"
Irina Levchenko street, 2 (groundmoscow.com)

Gallery "Place on Timiryazevskaya"
Nemchinova street, 12 (vzmoscow.ru)

Gallery GROUND on Peschanaya
Novopeschanaya street, 23, building 7 (groundmoscow.com)

Exhibition Hall "Bogorodskoe"
Otkrytoe shosse, 5, building 6 (vzmoscow.ru)

Gallery "Belyaevo"
Profsoyuznaya street, 100 (gallery-belyaevo.ru)

Exhibition Hall "Vykhino"
Tashkentskaya street, 9 (vzv-art.ru)

Exhibition Hall "Pechatniki"
Batyuninskaya street, 14 (vzv-art.ru)

Gallery "21st century"
Moscow, Kremenchugskaya street, 22 (vzmoscow.ru)

Gallery "A3"
Moscow, Starokonyushenny Lane, 39 (a3gallery.ru)

Exhibition hall "Gallery Nagornaya"
Moscow, Remizova street, 10 (galereya-nagornaya.ru)

Hall of the History of the War in Afghanistan
Moscow, 1st Vladimirskaya street, 12, building 1

Gallery-workshop "Skolkovo"
Moscow, Skolkovskoe highway, 32, building 2 (vzmoscow.ru)

At the end of 2017, there were about 400 museums in the capital. Let's look at the most interesting places. We have prepared a selection for all age categories and different taste preferences. All places are suitable for families with children.

Delicious museums


All those with a sweet tooth just need to come to this place. The whole history of chocolate and cocoa is before your eyes: the Mayans prepare an ancient drink, Cortez brings it to Spain and chocolate begins its victorious journey around the world.

2. Museum of the History of Russian Chocolate (“WORLD OF CHOCOLATE”)

Here you will find out who was the first chocolatier in the history of Russia. What types of chocolate were produced, where it began its journey, why the Russian delicacy became popular in many countries and what is the history of modern Russian chocolate.


The Bread Museum in the Izmailovo Kremlin presents the centuries-old history of the bread industry in Russia: 19th-century peasant objects, hand-made wooden utensils, loaves, different types of bread and more. You can find out which baker you are, or you can just try local products.

Scientific and educational museums of Moscow

4. State Darwin Museum

The Darwin Museum was founded in 1907. It displays thousands of exhibits representing different types of life on planet Earth. It will be interesting for both children and adults. You will meet many species of animals that you have never even heard of.


Dozens of paintings painted by professional artists greet every visitor. Many people come here for “avatars” on their social network pages, others come here to get a lot of positive emotions for the whole family. Don't forget to take a camera with a large battery. This is one of the most popular museums in Moscow. Read about them in more detail


The Museum of Entertaining Sciences will make you feel like a research scientist. All exhibits simply need to be touched! In a playful manner, it talks about complex physical and chemical reactions. Even adults will learn a lot from the master classes.


solar system, hydrogen rocket, space bicycle - all exhibitions are open to access. Interactive Museum The Lunarium is located on the territory of the Moscow Planetarium and will tell anyone the secrets of our galaxy.

8. Interactorium Mars-Tefo at VDNKh

The entire space of the site is completely dedicated to the distant and little-explored planet Mars. Mars is distinguished by its unfriendly disposition, but is this really so? At your disposal are models of Mars rovers, compartments space station Mars-Tefo and views of the red planet from the windows.


The Children's Center for Scientific Discovery on Teatralny Proezd is somewhat reminiscent of the Experimentanium, but still differs from it. Here they talk about the operation of physical laws in an accessible form, prepare their own toothpaste, are experimenting with different types paints and soap bubbles. Great place for family vacation with kids.


Few people have not been to the Cosmonautics Museum. Here we get acquainted with spaceships, astronauts, launch vehicles and much more that marked the era of space exploration. In addition to studying the exhibits, there is the opportunity to watch an educational film about space. The Museum of Cosmonautics is included in our TOP 4 best Moscow.


The Polytechnic University is among the top largest scientific and technical museums in the world. Despite the reconstruction of the building where the Polytech is located (in Kitai-Gorod), it continues to operate until 2018, but at other addresses: VDNKh, Cultural Center"ZIL" and Technopolis "Moscow".

The entire history of the automotive industry is concentrated in one place. Retro cars of actors and actresses, leaders and members of the Politburo, famous foreign figures and other eminent car owners are hidden in the pavilions of the retro car museum.


The Moscow Planetarium Center for the Popularization of Natural Sciences talks about the sky, space and stars. To travel to the stars, it is not necessary to undergo cosmonaut training and wait for the construction of a spaceship, but rather to come to the Big Moscow Planetarium.



The first oceanarium in Moscow and the second largest after Moskvarium, will allow you to get acquainted with various representatives of marine and freshwater fauna: animals, reefs, fish, reptiles, birds and others.


The Vadim Zadorozhny Museum of Technology is the largest private museum of ancient technology in Russia. The collection includes vintage cars, military equipment, airplanes, motorcycles and weapons. In total there are more than 1,000 exhibits - an incredible amount of equipment for one person.

17. Interactive beekeeping museum at VDNKh

For all honey lovers and more! Here you will learn the history of beekeeping, what types of bees there are, how they are born, work and produce natural nectar - honey. In addition, anyone will be able to observe the life of bees throughout the year, since the pavilion houses a real, living hive.

Historical museums of Moscow


When it comes to historical museums, the first thing that comes to mind is. In the entire history of the Kremlin, no one has been able to take it by storm, not once. The 20 towers of the monumental structure represent a single powerful defensive line. Each tower hides its own secret story.


Historical Museum Moscow is the largest national museum in Russia. Millions of ancient and modern objects have been collected for almost 150 years (founded in 1872), 11 halls in a unique architectural monument building will tell and show the centuries-old history of our homeland.


The museum was founded in 1912 in honor of the 100th anniversary of the victory over the French. Thousands of exhibits belonging to the 19th century are presented to visitors in their original form. Here you will meet the heroes days gone by, the memory of which will be preserved forever.


The museum opened in Moscow in 1962. It is dedicated to one of the largest and bloodiest one-day battles in the history of mankind. According to some estimates, about 6,000 people died every hour. It was the Battle of Borodino that became the beginning of the end of Napoleon I and the turning point in the First World War.

22. Central Museum of the Great Patriotic War

The memorial complex within which the museum was opened is dedicated to the Great Patriotic War 1941-1945 Here you will learn about all aspects and events of the Second World War. How the USSR prepared for war, how the battles took place, what equipment and technology was used, and more. The museum is unlikely to leave anyone indifferent.


65 meters underground - this is the depth of this museum. Previously, it was a bomb shelter for top officials of the USSR. The structure was erected in 1956 by order of Stalin and it was assumed that it was from here that the USSR command would lead troops in the event of a nuclear war, but with the development of weapons, the requirements for such facilities also changed.

Now everyone has the opportunity not only to get acquainted with the realities of past years, but also to hold a birthday or entertainment event at a depth of 65 meters underground. Please note that you can see more similar places and excursions in our article about excursions in Moscow.


The Telephone History Museum is an example of how a hobby grows into something more. Here you can find the widest collection of all telephone sets from Europe, America and Russia. In total there are about 2,000 exhibits of rare telephones from the 19th and 20th centuries. Some devices were at antique auctions, while others were provided from personal collections.

One of the largest natural history museums in the world is located in Moscow. Six halls dedicated different periods life on planet Earth. The entire territory is about 5,000 m2. In each room you will get acquainted with animals and mammals of ancient times. Dinosaurs are of particular interest to most visitors. Their size excites the mind. 225 million years separate us from these huge animals!

Art museums of Moscow


The State Museum of Fine Arts named after A. S. Pushkin in Moscow was founded in 1911. Included in the top 3 largest museums countries by collections of foreign art. More than 670,000 objects of painting and sculpture are collected here. All these treasures are located in an architectural monument in the center of Moscow.

27. Bulgakov's House

“Bad” apartment at the address: Moscow, Bolshaya Sadovaya, 10, apt. 50 became the Bulgakov Museum. We all know where “Bad Apartment” came from, of course, from his legendary novel “The Master and Margarita”. A novel that immortalized the writer and the apartment in which he lived until 1924.

28. Mosfilm

Mosfilm is the largest film studio and the only one in Europe that meets all the requirements of the international association. The territory of the film studio is 35 hectares. A short excursion lasting 1.5 hours awaits you, during which you will be told how the magic of cinema is created.

When did the first museum appear in Moscow?

The first museum in Moscow was created in 1859 by Alexander II in the Chambers of the Romanov Boyars in Zaryadye, where one of them will open in 2017. By the way, the Chamber is the only surviving building from the entire Romanov estate. Certain restrictions were imposed on visiting the museum - no more than 8 people could be inside at a time, and it could be visited 2 times a week. Admission was free.

The first museum in Russia

Peter I not only opened a window to Europe, but also founded the first museum in Russia - the Kunstkamera in St. Petersburg. The Kunstkamera is a place where rare anatomical anomalies and unique items antiquity different nations. Now the Kunstkamera has been renamed the Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography. Peter the Great.

The probable reason for the creation of the Kunstkamera was the similar places seen during a trip to Europe. Upon returning to his homeland, Peter I ordered to move the capital of the state from Moscow to St. Petersburg and began collecting rare exhibits for the first Russian Museum. The name of the museum was given in the Western style - Kunstkamera (from German means “cabinet of curiosities”). The founding date is considered to be 1714.

The history of the creation of the first museum in the world

The world's first museum (derived from the Greek word "Museion") was created in Greece, Alexandria in the 3rd century BC. The exposition of the world's first museum consisted of botanical and zoological gardens, an observatory, and a library. Over time, the museum's collection was replenished with statues, busts, medical and astronomical instruments. The museum existed solely thanks to government funding. The founder of the world's first museum was the then ruler of Greece, Ptolemy I.

Two centuries later, the museum contained more than 750 thousand manuscripts, which were stored in Library of Alexandria. The museum was led by the chief priest, who was appointed by the king of Egypt. It was the largest library and museum in the world at the time. According to some sources, most of the exhibits and manuscripts were burned during a fire in 270 AD.