A new field aeration station is gradually being built. Houses on Lyubertsy aeration fields, this will be municipal

For the purpose of cleaning them; a type of water treatment plant.

The method of natural biological treatment is used. During the non-irrigation period, it is used so that the pores of the soil have time to be freed from water and filled atmospheric air(to create aerobic conditions in the soil). Suspended and colloidal substances contained in wastewater are retained in the soil and, with the help of oxygen and soil microorganisms, are converted into mineral compounds. Unlike irrigation fields, they exclude the possibility of growing crops on them due to the large volumes of wastewater passing through them. Plant on sandy, sandy loam and loamy soils with good filtration properties. They consist of areas (maps) with an almost horizontal surface with an area of ​​0.5-2 hectares, fenced with ramparts 0.8-1 m high.


Wastewater, purified from mechanical impurities, fat, helminth eggs, etc., is fed into the pond in a layer of 20-30 cm (in winter it is frozen to 75 cm) at open channels through water outlets and seep through the soil. Water flows through drains into the collector and is discharged into the river. After the waste liquid has been absorbed, the surface of the card is plowed up and filled again. Permissible daily load of filtration fields (m3/ha): for sand 70-125, sandy loam 50-100, loam 40-70. To treat small amounts of wastewater, underground filtration fields are installed (waste liquid enters the soil through drains).


see also

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

See what “Aeration fields” are in other dictionaries:

    aeration fields- — EN sewage farm Area of ​​land on which sewage or any other type of waste water is distributed in order to purify it; it is a kind of waste water treatment. (Source: RRDA / ECHO2)… … Technical Translator's Guide

    The territory of the Lyubertsy district of the Moscow region, transferred to Moscow in July 2011. Red lines are the old borders of the federal subjects of Moscow and the Moscow region; green planned new borders; blue borders... ... Wikipedia

    Lyubertsy fields (Lyuberetsky filtration fields) are the territories of sludge sites of the Lyubertsy aeration station (LSA), located in the Lyubertsy district of the Moscow region and located in the center of the intensively developing sector of the nearest Moscow region... ... Wikipedia

    Moscow Moscow General informationMoscowRussia Country Russia City Moscow District ... Wikipedia

    Specially planned and prepared areas for soil and urban wastewater treatment with a total area of ​​about 1000 hectares. Created in 1898 on the left bank, near the station. Designed with participation. In 1914 they were transferred to... ... Moscow (encyclopedia)

Private houses are not equipped with central sewerage. Its organization is associated with the installation of special structures aimed at treating wastewater.

Waste treatment, which takes place in several stages, includes various methods of exposure. Aeration fields are used for secondary wastewater treatment.

This is a special piece of land that performs biological treatment of wastewater passing through it. A specific place is equipped for filtration fields to increase the efficiency of waste treatment.

To organize them, drainage ditches and spray pipes are laid underground. For the system to function, crushed stone is laid at the bottom of the trenches, and a gravel-sand layer is placed underneath it. This creates a filter element that accepts household waste.

Organizing filtering on summer cottage, the following recommendations must be followed:

  • location. Aeration fields should not be close to a source of drinking water (well, well) or residential buildings. The optimal distance is 15 m;
  • located away from any plants, especially fruit trees. Harmful substances, remaining on the site can get into the fruits and then into the human body;
  • the layer of sand, which performs the function of filtering waste, must be lower than the freezing level of the ground;
  • perforated products should not be located close to the groundwater level. This gap must be at least 1 m;
  • When installing aeration fields, flexible pipelines cannot be used. This may lead to violation of established standards and damage to the system itself;
  • To avoid unpleasant odors that hover over the filtration fields, it is necessary to provide for the installation of ventilation drains at the ends of the pipes.

Photo: aeration fields installed together with a septic tank

Filtering fields – great way wastewater treatment, due to its naturalness, simplicity of the process and uncomplicated conditions for their organization.

Within a short time, the system is able to process a large amount of household waste, turning it into a suitable liquid for household needs.

Today we will once again talk about a topic close to each of us, without exception :)

Most people, when they press the toilet button, don't think about what happens to what they flush. It leaked and flowed, that's business. In such big city like Moscow, no less than four million cubic meters of wastewater flows into the sewer system every day. This is approximately the same amount of water flowing in the Moscow River in a day opposite the Kremlin. All this huge volume of wastewater needs to be purified and this is a very difficult task.

Moscow has two largest wastewater treatment plants, approximately same size. Each of them purifies half of what Moscow “produces.” I’ve already talked about Kuryanovskaya station. Today I will talk about the Lyubertsy station - we will again go over the main stages of water purification, but we will also touch on one very important topic- how cleaning stations combat unpleasant odors using low-temperature plasma and waste from the perfume industry, and why this problem has become more relevant than ever.

First, a little history. For the first time, sewerage “came” to the area of ​​modern Lyubertsy at the beginning of the twentieth century. Then the Lyubertsy irrigation fields were created, in which wastewater, still using old technology, seeped through the ground and was thereby purified. Over time, this technology became unacceptable for the ever-increasing amount of wastewater and in 1963 a new treatment station was built - Lyuberetskaya. A little later, another station was built - Novolubertskaya, which actually borders the first one and uses part of its infrastructure. In fact, now it is one large cleaning station, but consisting of two parts - old and new.

Let's look at the map - on the left, in the west - the old part of the station, on the right, in the east - the new one:

The station area is huge, about two kilometers in a straight line from corner to corner.

As you might guess, there is a smell coming from the station. Previously, few people worried about it, but now this problem has become relevant for two main reasons:

1) When the station was built, in the 60s, practically no one lived around it. Nearby there was a small village where the station workers themselves lived. At that time this area was far, far from Moscow. Now there is very active construction going on. The station is virtually surrounded on all sides by new buildings and there will be even more of them. New houses are even being built on the station’s former sludge sites (fields to which sludge left over from wastewater treatment was transported). As a result, residents of nearby houses are forced to periodically sniff “sewer” odors, and of course they constantly complain.

2) Sewage water has become more concentrated than before, in Soviet times. This happened due to the fact that the volume of water used per Lately strongly decreased, while people did not go to the toilet less, but on the contrary, the population grew. There are quite a few reasons why the amount of “diluting” water has become much smaller:
a) use of meters - water has become more economical;
b) the use of more modern plumbing - increasingly rare current tap or toilet;
c) use of more economical household appliances - washing machines, dishwashers, etc.;
d) closing huge amount industrial enterprises that consumed a lot of water - AZLK, ZIL, Serp and Molot (partially), etc.
As a result, if the station during construction was designed for a volume of 800 liters of water per person per day, now in reality this figure is no more than 200. An increase in concentration and a decrease in flow has led to a number of side effects- in sewer pipes designed for a larger flow, sediment began to be deposited, leading to unpleasant odors. The station itself began to smell more.

To combat the odor, Mosvodokanal, which manages the treatment facilities, is carrying out a phased reconstruction of the facilities, using several different ways getting rid of odors, which will be discussed below.

Let's go in order, or rather, in the flow of water. Wastewater from Moscow enters the station through the Lyubertsy sewer canal, which is a huge underground collector filled with wastewater. The canal is gravity-flowing and runs at a very shallow depth almost throughout its entire length, and sometimes even above the ground. Its scale can be appreciated from the roof of the administrative building of the wastewater treatment plant:

The width of the canal is about 15 meters (divided into three parts), the height is 3 meters.

At the station, the channel enters the so-called receiving chamber, from where it is divided into two streams - part goes to the old part of the station, part to the new one. The receiving chamber looks like this:

The channel itself comes from the right-back, and the flow, divided into two parts, leaves through the green channels in the background, each of which can be blocked by a so-called gate - a special shutter (dark structures in the photo). Here you can notice the first innovation to combat odors. The receiving chamber is completely covered with sheets of metal. Previously, it looked like a “swimming pool” filled with fecal water, but now it is not visible; naturally, the solid metal coating almost completely blocks the smell.

For technological purposes, only a very small hatch was left, by lifting it you can enjoy the whole bouquet of smells. Hello from walsk :)

These huge gates allow you to block the channels coming from the receiving chamber if necessary.

There are two channels from the receiving chamber. They, too, were open quite recently, but now they are completely covered with a metal ceiling.

Gases released from wastewater accumulate under the ceiling. These are mainly methane and hydrogen sulfide - both gases are explosive at high concentrations, so the space under the ceiling must be ventilated, but here the following problem arises - if you just install a fan, then the whole point of the ceiling will simply disappear - the smell will get outside. Therefore, to solve the problem, MKB "Horizon" developed and manufactured a special installation for air purification. The installation is located in a separate booth and a ventilation pipe from the duct goes to it.

This installation is experimental, to test the technology. In the near future, such installations will begin to be installed en masse at treatment plants and at sewerage pumping stations, of which there are more than 150 in Moscow and from which unpleasant odors also emanate. On the right in the photo is one of the developers and testers of the installation, Alexander Pozinovsky.

The operating principle of the installation is as follows:
Polluted air is supplied into four vertical stainless steel pipes from below. These same pipes contain electrodes, to which high voltage (tens of thousands of volts) is applied several hundred times per second, resulting in discharges and low-temperature plasma. When interacting with it, most smelling gases turn into a liquid state and settle on the walls of the pipes. A thin layer of water constantly flows down the walls of the pipes, with which these substances mix. The water circulates in a circle, the water tank is the blue container on the right, below in the photo. Purified air comes out of stainless steel pipes from above and is simply released into the atmosphere.
For those who are interested in more details, here is a photo of the stand where everything is explained.

For patriots - the installation was completely developed and created in Russia, with the exception of the power stabilizer (bottom in the cabinet in the photo). High voltage part of the installation:

Since the installation is experimental, it contains additional measuring equipment - a gas analyzer and an oscilloscope.

The oscilloscope shows the voltage across the capacitors. During each discharge, the capacitors are discharged and the process of their charging is clearly visible on the oscillogram.

There are two tubes going to the gas analyzer - one takes in air before installation, the other after. In addition, there is a faucet that allows you to select the tube that connects to the gas analyzer sensor. Alexander first shows us the “dirty” air. Hydrogen sulfide content - 10.3 mg/m3. After switching the tap, the content drops to almost zero: 0.0-0.1.

Each of the channels is also blocked by a separate gate. Generally speaking, there are a huge number of them at the station - they stick out here and there :)

After cleaning from large debris, the water enters sand traps, which, as again it is not difficult to guess from the name, are designed to remove small solid particles. The principle of operation of sand traps is quite simple - essentially it is a long rectangular tank in which water moves at a certain speed, as a result the sand simply has time to settle. Air is also supplied there, which facilitates the process. Sand is removed from below using special mechanisms.

As often happens in technology, the idea is simple, but the execution is complex. So here too - visually this is the most sophisticated design on the way to water purification.

Sand traps are favored by seagulls. In general, there were a lot of seagulls at the Lyubertsy station, but it was in the sand traps that there were the most of them.

I enlarged the photo at home and laughed at the sight of them - funny birds. They are called black-headed gulls. No, they don’t have a dark head because they constantly dip it where it shouldn’t, it’s just a design feature :)
Soon, however, it will not be easy for them - many open water surfaces at the station will be covered.

Let's get back to technology. In the photo - the bottom of the sand trap (not working in this moment). This is where the sand settles and is removed from there.

After the sand traps, the water again flows into the common channel.

Here you can see what all the channels at the station looked like before they began to be covered. This channel is closing right now.

The frame is made of stainless steel, like most metal structures in the sewer system. The fact is that the sewer system has a very aggressive environment - water full of all sorts of substances, 100% humidity, gases that promote corrosion. Ordinary iron very quickly turns to dust in such conditions.

The work is being carried out directly above the active channel - since this is one of the two main channels, it cannot be turned off (Muscovites will not wait :)).

In the photo there is a small level difference, about 50 centimeters. The bottom in this place is made of a special shape to dampen the horizontal velocity of the water. The result is very active seething.

After sand traps, water flows to primary settling tanks. In the photo - in the foreground there is a chamber into which water flows, from which it flows into the central part of the sump in the background.

A classic sump looks like this:

And without water - like this:

Dirty water comes from a hole in the center of the sump and enters the general volume. In the settling tank itself, the suspension contained in the dirty water gradually settles to the bottom, along which a sludge scraper, mounted on a truss rotating in a circle, constantly moves. The scraper scrapes the sediment into a special ring tray, and from it, in turn, it falls into a round pit, from where it is pumped out through a pipe by special pumps. Excess water flows into a channel laid around the sump and from there into the pipe.

Primary settling tanks are another source of unpleasant odors at the plant, because... they contain actually dirty (purified only from solid impurities) sewage water. In order to get rid of the smell, Moskvodokanal decided to cover the sedimentation tanks, but then it got stuck a big problem. The diameter of the sump is 54 meters (!). Photo with a person for scale:

Moreover, if you make a roof, then it must, firstly, withstand snow loads in winter, and secondly, have only one support in the center - supports cannot be made above the sump itself, because the farm is constantly rotating there. As a result, an elegant solution was made - to make the ceiling floating.

The ceiling is assembled from floating stainless steel blocks. Moreover, the outer ring of blocks is fixed motionless, and the inner part rotates floating, together with the truss.

This decision turned out to be very successful, because... firstly, the problem with snow load disappears, and secondly, there is no volume of air that would have to be ventilated and additionally purified.

According to Mosvodokanal, this design reduced emissions of odorous gases by 97%.

This settling tank was the first and experimental where it was worked out this technology. The experiment was considered successful and now other settling tanks at the Kuryanovskaya station are already covered in a similar way. Over time, all primary settling tanks will be covered in a similar manner.

However, the reconstruction process is lengthy - it is impossible to turn off the entire station at once; the settling tanks can only be reconstructed one after another, turning off one by one. Yes, and a lot of money is needed. Therefore, while not all sedimentation tanks are covered, a third method of combating odors is used - spraying neutralizing substances.

Special sprayers were installed around the primary settling tanks, which create a cloud of substances that neutralize odors. The substances themselves smell, not very pleasant or unpleasant, but quite specific, however, their task is not to mask the smell, but to neutralize it. Unfortunately, I don’t remember the specific substances that are used, but as they said at the station, these are waste products from the French perfume industry.

For spraying, special nozzles are used that create particles with a diameter of 5-10 microns. The pressure in the pipes, if I'm not mistaken, is 6-8 atmospheres.

After the primary settling tanks, the water enters aeration tanks - long concrete tanks. They supply a huge amount of air through pipes and also contain activated sludge - the basis of the entire method of biological water treatment. Activated sludge processes “waste” and multiplies quickly. The process is similar to what happens in nature in reservoirs, but proceeds many times faster due to warm water, large quantity air and sludge.

The air is supplied from the main machine room, in which turbo blowers are installed. Three turrets above the building are air intakes. The air supply process requires a huge amount of electricity, and stopping the air supply leads to catastrophic consequences, because activated sludge dies very quickly, and its restoration can take months (!).

Aerotanks, oddly enough, do not particularly emit strong unpleasant odors, so there are no plans to cover them.

This photo shows how dirty water enters the aeration tank (dark) and mixes with activated sludge (brown).

Some of the structures are currently shut down and mothballed, for reasons that I wrote about at the beginning of the post - a decrease in water flow in recent years.

After the aeration tanks, the water enters secondary settling tanks. Structurally, they completely repeat the primary ones. Their purpose is to separate activated sludge from already purified water.

Preserved secondary settling tanks.

Secondary settling tanks do not smell - in fact, the water here is already clean.

The water collected in the sump ring tray flows into the pipe. Part of the water undergoes additional UV disinfection and is discharged into the Pekhorka River, while part of the water is transported underground goes to the channel to the Moscow River.

The settled activated sludge is used to produce methane, which is then stored in semi-underground reservoirs - methane tanks and used at its own thermal power plant.

The spent sludge is sent to sludge sites in the Moscow region, where it is further dewatered and either buried or burned.

Finally, a panorama of the station from the roof of the administrative building. Click to enlarge.

I express my deep gratitude to the press service for the invitation. Mosvodokanal, and also separately to Alexander Churbanov, director of the Lyubertsy wastewater treatment plant. Thank you

The governments of Moscow and the Moscow region jointly initiated a large-scale development project. On a huge site, which is not inferior in size to the Northern and South Butovo, it is planned to build a residential neighborhood. Its total development area will be about 10 million m2. According to the most conservative estimates, the project will cost the Moscow budget alone almost $10 billion. At the same time, environmentalists have great doubts about the feasibility of the development.

Big game on the aeration field. A residential neighborhood will be built at the wastewater treatment site near Lyubertsy

Taking into account its far from prestigious location (not the most popular south-east, sewage fields, the presence of an operating waste incineration plant nearby), including the commercial part, only economy-class housing, mainly multi-section panel houses, will be built.

The Moscow part of the fields, with an area of ​​140 hectares, will be built up with municipal housing. Mostly those on the capital's waiting list, displaced persons, young families and other participants in preferential city programs will receive apartments here. Apartments can be purchased under the social mortgage program, as well as with installment payments or with a city subsidy, and in the very near future. So, already in the first quarter this year it is planned to deliver almost 100 thousand m2 of housing, and by the end of the year - 0.5 million m2 of social housing alone (a third of the entire urban social construction program for 2009). Fortunately, a solid foundation for this was created in 2008. Mass settlement will begin in the first half of 2010. And in the best case scenario, all work is planned to be completed in 2011-2012.

Due to the expansion of construction, noticeable adjustments were made to the project (the design is being carried out by specialists from Moskapstroy and NIiPIGenplan). Thus, the residential development zone nearby will expand due to the reorganization of the Rudnevo industrial zone, located next door. They will also find another address for the veterinary and sanitary plant “Ecologist”.

Main players

The entire Moscow part of social construction will be financed from the city budget. Therefore, during construction near Lyubertsy, preference was given to developers who had previously worked on government orders: DSK-1, PIK, the Glavstroy holding (represented by the Moscow branch of Glavmosstroy), SU-155, and the Absolute group.

Glavmosstroy Corporation began construction immediately after New Year's holidays. According to the plan, it will account for five panel houses of the GMS-1 series with a total area of ​​about 80 thousand m2. Moreover, the delivery of Glavmosstroevsky housing is planned for the fourth quarter of 2009. However, in mid-February, the corporation plunged into a series of quite expected troubles. Claims were brought against Glavmosstroy by many contractors, Nomos Bank, Alfa Bank, and then VTB. The corporation's accounts were blocked. Naturally, a natural question arises about the continued viability of such an important building unit.

A little earlier, another developer found itself in a delicate situation - the PIK company, against which the Moscow Arbitration Court received 12 claims totaling 90.74 million rubles. At the end of 2008, the total debt load group amounted to $1.6 billion. However, Nomos Bank managed to abandon its claims “due to debt repayment.” And Alfa Bank, which claimed 170 million rubles, now expects to receive debts “without trial.” But one way or another, PIK, like Glavmosstroy, in a delicate situation, seems to be counting only on the fact that the Moscow government will not leave one of the main general contractors in the lurch.

As for the other performers of the project, their serious financial troubles have so far passed. SU-155 plans to deliver 370 thousand m2. Moreover, without taking into account land reclamation, they will have to absorb more than $300 million in public investment.

Nevertheless, according to Konstantin Korolev, CEO Smart Property company, the crisis will still fray the nerves of developers. In the context of a rapid rise in the cost of borrowed funds, the project, which even in pre-crisis times did not promise large profits for developers, may now turn out to be completely unprofitable.

Development difficulties

By and large, no one plans to liquidate. Both its main complex and the channels that close to it will continue to function. But the aeration fields, as they say, have served their purpose and are no longer needed, but their arrangement will cost the capital’s treasury a pretty penny. Immediately laying foundations on such soil is an obvious crime. According to the technology, the area must first be drained, the soil processed, and finally, all silt deposits will need to be removed and removed. Land reclamation on the territory of the first stage is carried out by MSM-5 and UM-4, silt sediment is collected and transported to special landfills, as was already practiced during the development of Maryino. Then the builders, under the supervision of ecologists, intend to re-analyze the soil, fill it with sand and compact the soil layer by layer. (Workers from the Ecology Research Institute are constantly monitoring the condition of soils in this area. Although all project documentation for houses under construction, in addition to Mosgosexpertiza, approval is also given to Mosoblekspertiza.).

If we draw parallels with the recent past, then in Maryino the preparation of sites lasted about three years. During this time, 9 million m3 of silt sediments were removed and 12 million m3 of sand were filled in. True, part of the sludge was processed directly on the Maryinsk territory. To do this, it was necessary to build a special tank for storing and dewatering sewage sludge. And the dry residue was mixed with clean soil when laying out a local park. There are opinions that near Lyubertsy the sludge will be burned at a local waste processing plant. But will the first new residents like this innovation?

According to experts, almost half of the amount allocated for development will have to be spent on the disposal of sludge - about $4 billion. And if a decision is made to lay a new layer of soil, as is done in Western countries, then each hectare will have to be additionally “bury” up to $5 million more. As a result, the total investment, according to the most conservative estimates, will be about $10 billion.

Nevertheless, there are very few large plots of land in Moscow and the near Moscow region, so Lyubertsy, even with its unfavorable soils, is becoming a rather attractive site for builders and developers. Before the crisis, experts predicted that m2 per initial stage construction will be sold at a price of $2.5 thousand. But today, when the urban real estate market has practically stopped in price growth, an amendment was made - $2 thousand per m2, which will also make it possible to recoup the funds invested in aeration fields.

But these are, so to speak, purely construction difficulties. And when construction is finished, complications may arise for new residents. For example, Konstantin Korolev from Smart Property expressed his concerns to SNIP regarding road infrastructure: “It is known that east direction- one of the busiest in terms of road transport. Ryazansky and Volgogradsky Avenues are one continuous traffic jam, not only on weekdays, but also on weekends. The access roads leading to Lyubertsy cannot cope with the flow of passenger cars and especially trucks. The only solution would be to lay rail transport routes to the nearest metro stations. Moreover, one branch will not save. At a minimum, it will be necessary to lay rails to both Vykhino and Novogireevo. But such construction is not expected in the plans yet.”

Future settlers are even more worried about the environmental question: is it dangerous for health to live next to a waste incineration plant, and on land where wastewater has been treated and settled for more than four decades? This is a separate conversation.

What do future residents fear?

The most important argument not in favor of the old station is that the transfer of wastewater due to the construction of new microdistricts caused a reload of the collectors. At the same time, as they believe on the sidelines of the authorities and in scientific circles, given the shortage of energy resources in the capital, huge energy costs for such pumping of wastewater are simply unjustified. Thus, there is now no escape from the construction of local treatment facilities in each new microdistrict. Therefore, the barrier for the passage of special equipment for the assault on the Lyubertsy aeration fields was raised.

And among hydrometeorologists and ecologists, there is an opinion that instead of large treatment stations, which, in particular, is Lyubertsy, at every enterprise and in populated areas Small but high-quality treatment facilities should be built. Moreover, other compelling arguments appeared against it. For example, it is from large treatment facilities that the majority of pollution has recently begun to flow into the city’s main water artery. They say that now for one unit of wastewater in the Moscow River there is only 1.4 natural. Moreover, if we take into account that in the area of ​​​​the Lyubertsy station in the river until recently, the concentration of ammonia nitrogen increased annually, then the time for concrete measures, as they say, has long come.

Even after cleaning of the aeration fields ceased, residents of the nearby Kozhukhovo microdistrict continue to complain about the unbearable smell of sewage and burning. In addition, it became known that waste incineration plant No. 4, adjacent to the Rudnevo industrial zone, would not be moved anywhere, and concerns about the feasibility of building housing here increased. The capital authorities, however, tried to reassure the public: they say that residential buildings will be located at a safe distance, and the right-of-way around the plant is planned to be built up with objects public utilities, which will also prevent the penetration of burning and odors. However, independent experts warn: the presence of the plant, despite the three-kilometer sanitary zone around it, will undoubtedly affect consumer demand. Precisely consumer, because those on the waiting list and beneficiaries will, alas, not have the right to choose.

Lyubertsy irrigation fields

Relatively recently, information leaked about the reclamation of the territory on the so-called former Lyubertsy aeration fields. For a long time, Lyubertsy fields were just a huge field in the immediate vicinity of the metropolis, but at the same time they were an attractive option for development. Construction has been going on since 2008, and some of the houses have already taken shape and look ready to move into. You can already receive information about inspection orders for apartments for those on the waiting list under the SI (social mortgage) program, but moving in will not be possible until the end of 2010. An interesting plan for the future development of the Lyubertsy aeration fields is on on the thematic forum, dedicated to the development of a new area. A serious question arises about the ecology of the construction sites, because for a long time these lands were used in the form of sewerage basins, plus there is a large solid waste dump. Of course, there are no facts of the presence of substances harmful to health on the territory of the aeration fields, and according to eyewitnesses, the process of refining the land for development is carried out very carefully; hundreds of trucks with sludge are removed from the Lyubertsy fields every day, and at the same time the entire cleared area is filled with clean sand. The Moscow authorities have taken personal control of the construction of a new residential area, with its own microstructure, which means that in the near future we can expect that another favorable and relatively inexpensive area will appear in the near Moscow region. So far, the first inspection orders are being given to the district under the Social Mortgage program; it is quite possible that they will also provide apartments to Moscow’s young families. Perhaps the rise in prices will also be affected by information about plans to open new metro lines.

Currently, comprehensive urban development of the territory of the sludge sites of the Lyubertsy Aeration Station (LSA) is being carried out with an estimated total housing area of ​​4 million square meters, construction of social and cultural facilities on leased land plots with a total area of ​​425.72 hectares, which corresponds to the “Territorial Planning Scheme of the Moscow Region - the main provisions of urban development” and the urban development strategy of the Central part of the Moscow Region, providing for the intensification of the use of this territory. To determine the directions of urban development of the territory of the sludge sites of the Lyubertsy aeration station, the State Unitary Enterprise NIIPI General Plan of the city of Moscow has developed an “Urban planning concept for the development of the territory of the sludge sites of the Lyubertsy aeration station, taking into account the adjacent territories of Moscow and the Moscow region.”


see also

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

See what “Lyubertsy irrigation fields” are in other dictionaries:

    Plots of land prepared for natural biological treatment (See Biological treatment) of wastewater and cultivation of crops. X. plants. There are P. o. utilities perform mainly sanitary functions, with almost no equipment... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

    The territory of the Lyubertsy district of the Moscow region, transferred to Moscow in July 2011. Red lines are the old borders of the federal subjects of Moscow and the Moscow region; green planned new borders; blue borders... ... Wikipedia