Production of paving slabs at home. Business plan for the production of paving slabs from A to Z

The advantages of this building material include:

  • durability (average service life of asphalt pavement is 7 years, paving slabs- about 30);
  • ease of installation (no heavy construction equipment required);
  • frost resistance;
  • environmental friendliness (paving stones, unlike asphalt, do not emit harmful volatile products in the heat - when replacing 1 million m2, 665 tons less toxic substances will enter the atmosphere during the year);
  • no puddles form on the tiles.

To start production you will not have to obtain special permits or licenses. Certification is also not required. Although, if desired, it is worth going through the certification procedure, since the presence of documents confirming the high quality of products will stimulate consumer demand. The procedure is inexpensive - about 20 thousand rubles.

The business plan should take into account a number of key issues related to legal form enterprise, choosing premises, purchasing equipment and hiring workers. The successful implementation of the project will ultimately depend on how responsibly you approach drawing up a business plan and correctly make all the calculations.

Organizational aspects

Our business plan provides that to organize production it is enough to become an individual entrepreneur. The procedure is simple. You will need:

  • make a photocopy of your passport;
  • have it certified by a notary;
  • write an application to the tax authorities;
  • pay the state fee.

After 2-5 days, the Tax Inspectorate will issue you a TIN and OGRN (certificate of registration as an individual entrepreneur).

An example of calculations of registration costs is contained in the sample business plan we presented.


This business plan implies the presence of production premises with an area of ​​at least 150-160 m2. The building must be equipped with:

  • electrical network (380 V);
  • running water (cold water is a must, hot water is desirable);
  • heating;
  • convenient access for transport.

The building should be divided approximately equally. One half will house the production itself. The second half is intended for drying and storing finished products. An indispensable condition is to maintain a year-round temperature of plus 40-45° Celsius.

Our business plan provides that monthly expenses for renting premises will be 60-70 thousand rubles.


Production includes work on:

  • production of concrete mixture;
  • pressing;
  • moving finished products to a storage rack;
  • packaging.

When calculating the payback period of the project, it is necessary to take into account that the finished paving stones must be stored in a warehouse for about a month to acquire final consumer properties.

The production of paving slabs can be carried out in two ways, each of which will require the purchase of a different set of equipment. The first technology - vibrocompression - requires large financial costs, but has such advantages as:

  • high productivity;
  • high quality products;
  • minimal use of manual labor.

The second technology is vibration casting. To the benefits this method This includes the relative cheapness of the equipment and the ability to produce paving stones of various configurations and shapes. Among the main disadvantages are more low quality products and high costs associated with less economical consumption of concrete.

The cost of purchasing equipment, depending on the chosen production technology, can range from 600 thousand to 4 million rubles. Our project implementation plan for organizing production is based on the option of using vibrocompression technology, which will require the purchase of an automated line costing 1,950,000 rubles. The calculations can be found in the business plan we presented.


The production of paving slabs does not require a large number of workers. To fully operate the workshop, 5 people will be required. The foreman directly manages production and keeps records of products sold to consumers. Four workers are engaged in servicing an automated production line - loading raw materials and storing finished goods.

Monthly expenses for staff salaries - 110 thousand rubles. Examples of calculations can be found in our sample business plan.

Profitability calculation

The cost of manufacturing 1 m2 of paving slabs is about 220 rubles. The average market price is 450-500 rubles/m2 (depending on the shape, color and consumer properties, the cost of one meter can reach up to 1200 rubles/m2.

When producing products in two shifts, the workshop will be able to produce approximately 300 m2 of paving stones daily.

Let's make the necessary calculations:

500 - 220 = 280 x 300 = 8,400 rubles. - daily net profit.

8400 x 22 = 180,000 rub. - net profit for 1 month of workshop operation.

Accordingly, the initial investment will pay off within one year.

For detailed calculations, see our sample business plan.

In the building materials market, paving slabs are perhaps one of the most popular materials. Therefore, the idea is to start your own business and opening a mini-factory for the production of tiles is quite justified. In this article we will tell you where to start the production of paving slabs, business plan and detailed instructions will allow you to correctly calculate everything and organize your time.

This is a basic document that reflects information about how to implement and operate a specific business project, all the necessary calculations that show how the business will function in the next 2-3 years.

Features of a business idea

Today, many homeowners, co-ops and private business give preference to paving slabs, which give an attractive appearance to the street or yard country house. Every day the need for services and the building material itself increases, so we will talk about the prospects of this business and how to properly organize production.

It would seem that the business idea itself for producing paving slabs is not complicated. Why you need to spend and draw up a business plan.

However, such an action not only is not a waste of time, but also helps to calculate everything correctly, make an estimate, calculate possible risks and see the potential payback period of the business.

A business plan is drawn up for:

  • internal use;
  • external use.

This is not just drawing up an estimate on paper, but step by step guide, which will allow you to clearly follow the assigned tasks without deviating from the main idea.

For external use, such a document is compiled to show the business idea in its best form. This information is usually intended for investors and business partners.

For internal use, a more detailed and realistic risk calculation is compiled, possible factors. It is this document that will serve as the main business management tool and suggest in which direction to move further.

It’s better to start drawing up a business plan right away with a document for internal use, so that during the creation process you can consider the production taking into account its weaknesses and analysis competitive market, identifying risks. Most likely, a lot of information will not end up in a document intended for investors and business partners. But this will be a serious help for you in properly organizing your business.

Business plan - the basis of a successful business

In particular, the development domestic business The plan will not only help you calculate the overall budget, but will also indicate whether it is necessary to attract investor money. Perhaps at the first stage it will be possible to make do with existing funds, and as production develops, think about attracting external investments.

Attracting an investor is not always a promising and strong step in a business strategy. Many people tend to perceive an investor as a person who will invest a large amount money for the project. But sometimes such an investment can result in unfavorable terms of cooperation. Most of the income will have to be given to pay off debt, or work on third-party terms.

On the other hand, investor money in some cases helps to take the first step, purchase equipment, rent premises, hire staff, etc. Without this step, the actual production would not have been possible to implement, therefore it is recommended to carefully calculate the pros and cons of attracting third-party funds rather than signing any contract.

To achieve success in implementing any idea, you cannot do without careful planning. A competent analysis of the competitive environment, assessment of the strengths and weaknesses of a business idea, and a formulated strategy helps to successfully implement the business.

This is a good management tool that allows a manager to:

  • find a sales market;
  • enter a new market and expand existing production;
  • attract good investors;
  • define short-term and long-term goals;
  • assess production potential;
  • calculate production and commercial costs;
  • develop a marketing policy.

A business plan is a fundamental element of strategic planning.

What goals and objectives does business planning pursue?

The key goal of such a document is the successful implementation of a business idea, choosing the strategically correct path and detailed step-by-step guidance that will allow the business to grow and make a profit.

The business plan solves the following problems:

  • analysis of the competitive environment of the market (emphasis is on the region);
  • setting strategic goals for the short and long term;
  • action plan for implementing the idea;
  • study of resources and sales routes;
  • calculation of estimates;
  • formation of a resource base.

Rules for successful business planning

If the document is drawn up for investors and partners, then such a business plan must be structured, understandable and concise.

No one will study 100 pages of complex text, where it is difficult to separate a business idea from the methods of its implementation, payback period and resources required for its implementation.

  1. Involve outside experts to draw up a business plan. Your business idea may be very relevant and good for implementation successful business, but an incorrectly drawn up business plan can negate all efforts to implement it. Starting from searching for investors and presenting the document to them, and ending turn-based strategy on the path of implementation these are ideas.

Therefore, if you feel that you do not have sufficient knowledge in the field of marketing and strategic planning, but at the same time clearly understand the purpose and objectives of the future business, contact specialists. Professionals will quickly and competently draw up a document, perform a SWOT analysis, study the competitive market and draw up an estimate for the work of a paving slab production company.

Video. Why do you need a business plan for a small business?

A document reflecting the purpose and progress of business development must be structured in order to clearly define results and goals. The following structure of the document is considered the most appropriate:

Advantages and disadvantages of paving slab business

Before you begin drawing up a business plan for the production of paving slabs, you need to analyze the market and determine the advantages and disadvantages of the business.

There are enough advantages in this business, but there are also disadvantages, which we will talk about.



  • High competition. Considering the small amount of investment and the short payback period, there are not so few people who want to make money in this area. Therefore, when starting your own business, you need to be prepared that an aggressive competitive environment will be one of the main components that you will have to pay attention to.

Video. Business idea for the production of paving slabs

Choosing a production technology

At the planning stage, it is important to understand not only the purpose and strategy of the business direction, but also to clearly understand the amount of costs that need to be invested in the business.

As we said above, one of the advantages of paving slab production is that you don’t need large quantity equipment and materials.

There are two types of tile coatings on the market today:

  • Vibro-cast plate. It can be purchased almost anywhere due to the ease of its manufacture. The advantage of this material is its low price, but the disadvantage is its inability to withstand heavy loads. As a rule, such material is purchased by private owners for country houses, decorating lawns and paths, where the load on the paving stones will be minimal. The process of producing tiles using this method is extremely simple - the concrete mixture is poured into special molds, which are located on a vibrating table. The molds are left for 48 hours in the production area. After hardening, the finished tile is heated to a temperature of 60-70 degrees and carefully removed from the mold. With this production technology, high risk marriage.
  • Vibro-pressed or hydro-pressed tiles are more expensive, but their quality is much higher. It is placed where there is expected to be heavy traffic with great impact on it. This material is chosen by company owners for leveling asphalt, arranging the entrance to a store, cafe, etc.

Video. Production of paving slabs

Resources required to implement a business idea

In addition, tiles differ in the material from which they are made. Mostly, paving stones are made of concrete, which significantly reduces their cost.

Clay is another raw material for the production of vibropressed and hydropressed paving stones. It will cost more, but the quality will be higher, comparable to roofing tiles. The most expensive paving slabs are those made from various natural stones such as granite.

Considering the variety of technologies and materials for making tiles, you must immediately determine what type of tiles you plan to produce.

The starting material for production will be concrete mixture. It consists of cement and filler. The filler can be granite screenings, crushed stone with a fraction of 5 to 10 mm, or construction sand.

Additionally, various plasticizers are added to the concrete mixture, giving strength, resistance to water and temperature changes, and decorative functions. It is plasticizers that give desired color tiles

It is preferable to purchase all material from one supplier so as not to disrupt production technology. This is especially important for one large order. Sand, crushed stone, and plasticizers of different quality can significantly affect the appearance and technical characteristics of the tiles.

Changing the proportion or brand of the manufacturer can cause serious losses and problems with the customer.


To produce tiles by vibration pressing, you must purchase the following equipment:

  • vibropress (about 15-20 thousand USD);
  • concrete mixer (2-7 thousand USD);
  • punch (matrix for stamping) (1-3 thousand USD).

To make paving slabs you will need:

  • cement grade PTs 500D0 (PTs 500 1M);
  • granite screening (fractions 0-5);
  • washed sand of large fractions, or granite chips for a textured layer.

Economically profitable to use quality materials, producing high-quality products, avoiding the problems of replacing defective products, often paying for repacking work, transportation costs and other costs.

In order to earn a name in the market and establish good sales channels, you need to pay attention to great attention choice of raw materials.

The size of the staff depends on production capacity and business strategy.

To produce 100 square meters per shift, it is necessary to provide 3-5 workers, depending on the degree of automation of the equipment.

Workshop space

In addition to the production of the building material itself, it is important to provide reliable and high-quality sales service. Therefore, it is immediately necessary to think about who and how will release the material to clients.

Main characteristics of the workshop premises:

  • Room area for small production paving slabs (up to 100 m2 of tiles per shift) should be at least 70-80 m2. Accordingly, if the planned output volume is larger, then the premises need to be increased. Ideally, look for premises with adjacent rooms that can be rented partially (for the season).
  • An electrical network with a voltage of 380 W must be supplied;
  • Conducted cold water(ideally also hot);
  • Make sure that the workshop is heated;
  • Staff room.

In addition to the workshop itself, you will also need a separate heated room with heated floors, in which the temperature will be maintained at 40-45° all year round.

The dimensions of this room should be no less than the workshop space. This room should be allocated for a drying chamber, as well as a warehouse.

When looking for a workshop for production, pay attention to the transport interchange and transport access routes to the workshop. It is important to understand not only the technical features of material production, but also the methods of storing and transporting tiles.

For example, in summer, paving stones acquire the necessary characteristics within a week after production. So it can be shipped on the day of production.

In winter, this period can last up to 28 days. It will be quite difficult to move such a mass without the use of special equipment (in in this case It is best to use rockles).

Also, when looking for a place for a workshop, it makes sense to take care of organizing a site for loading finished products into trucks for shipment to the client.

Total costs

As mentioned above, the production of paving slabs does not require astronomical initial capital and can easily be completed in the amount of -5-30 thousand dollars. Of course, this amount is very approximate and depends on many factors: production volume, selected production technology, personnel qualifications, level of technology, space, rental price, etc.

We present an approximate estimate of the costs that must be incurred when implementing a business idea for the production of paving slabs.

  • Certificate of quality (from 100 to 300 USD). This point is not necessary, but given the fierce competition in this market and developed marketing strategy, it will be necessary to maintain its position and demonstrate the prestige of the product. Therefore, it is better to undergo certification and obtain the right to issue a document confirming the high quality of building materials. Without such a document, tiles can only be sold to private individuals. But it will be difficult to work with serious customers.
  • The cost of renting the premises is from 300 to 1000 dollars per month. Of course, these are very rough estimates, because in many respects this price will be based on the region in which you plan to operate and the number of square meters to rent.
  • Purchase of equipment – ​​from 3 to 30 thousand dollars. This is the most expensive part of the project. Its price is determined by the production technology, the volume of production capacity that you want to implement, etc.
  • Salary to employees – from 500 to 2 thousand.e. (depending on the average salary for a similar specialization in your region).

After analyzing the competitive environment, choosing a production technology and drawing up an estimate necessary for the implementation of the project, the need arises to calculate profits. After all, in the implementation of any business idea this is key factor, which determines the feasibility of the entire project.

A. Volume of tile sales per month (in sq. m.) * cost of 1 sq. m. m.;

  1. Cost of material;
  2. Sales tax (6%).

With a properly developed strategy and calculation of all risks, the average payback for this production is 6-12 months.

To whom to sell and at what price?

When starting to build a business plan, it is very important to find answers to three main questions:

  1. What to sell?
  2. To whom?
  3. At what price?

In principle, the answer to these questions lies at the heart of any business planning, helping to formulate the right marketing plan.

The first question is clear - we sell paving slabs. But here great importance will have specifications, because the sales market and the final cost depend on this.

Having carefully studied the production technology and analyzed the competitive environment of a given region, we get the main answer - “What to sell?”

To the question “Who?” Market research will help answer. You need to immediately determine for yourself what form of sale of the material the production will have: wholesale or retail.

When determining the sales market, it is important to consider all channels:

  • State utility structures involved in improving the territory.
  • Construction companies.
  • Private customers.

This will also affect the final cost, which will actually answer the question: “At what price should I sell?”

Ideally, of course, to secure a buyer such as government commercial structures. This will ensure a large volume of orders, bring production to a decent level and allow you to join the ranks of leaders.

But it's not that easy to do. You will need connections, extensive experience in the market, high production capacity. Therefore, it is better to immediately focus on private sector owners.

The average price for paving slabs in Russia today ranges from 400-800 rubles per square meter. This largely depends on the size of the order batch, the type of tile, its shape, color, etc.

Let's focus on the average price of 500 rubles per 1 sq.m. So, the target audience the cost has been determined, all that remains is to start implementing the project.

But where to start?

Action plan

  1. Registration Individual Entrepreneur(IP). Prepare the following documents immediately:


The production of paving slabs is one of the simplest and fastest-paying types of business. A well-drafted business plan will help you analyze the competitive environment, assess the strengths and weaknesses of a business idea, and develop a strategy for successful business implementation.

  • Where to begin
  • Search for premises
  • Paving slabs
  • Glowing paving slabs
  • Curbs
  • Which equipment to choose
  • Production technology
  • Do I need permission to open?
        • Similar business ideas:
  • This article will discuss the organization of a small production workshop for the production of paving slabs and related materials or mini-production. Why "mini"? Because the lion's share of those interested in this business want to start with small capacities, due to the lack of proper capital. And then, as volumes grow, move to another level. Those who have a lot of money, as a rule, are not interested in such articles.

    Where to begin

    Before setting up production, you can do one simple thing - try to resell paving slabs. Believe me, this is the most difficult thing not only in a particular case, but in any other manufacturing business. Spending your hard-earned investments on equipment and setting up technology is not so difficult; it will be much more difficult to sell the entire volume produced. To completely reduce any risks, you can work for a similar company for some time. The best position is sales manager. Such a worker, in view of his job responsibilities, as a rule, knows the entire “kitchen” of any production. And for you, as a future business organizer, best option and you can't imagine it. This is an invaluable experience that will help save you millions in the future. You won’t find in any article on the Internet everything that you will find in practice.

    Search for premises

    What you can definitely save on at the beginning is the premises. The quality of the tiles produced does not depend in any way on where you are - in a perfectly renovated room or in the courtyard of your home. At first, any large rental costs can be detrimental to your business, so if you decide to rent something, take the cheapest options. For example, in the industrial area of ​​the city. Of course, you shouldn’t take the entire “departure” of the workshop. The main thing is the availability of convenient access roads and uninterrupted electricity. The rest of the “delights” can be neglected at first.

    Assortment of goods - what to produce in a mini-production

    What you shouldn’t skimp on at the beginning is developing the range and technology for making tiles. As noted above, the buyer does not care where the tiles were made. He cares about quality and price. If you can make a product that is competitive in terms of price and with the proper quality, you are guaranteed success. If you study the reviews of existing businessmen, you will understand that it took many manufacturers years to perfect the technology for making paving slabs. For the most part, this is due to the fact that the organizers did not really invest in this direction, but did everything themselves, by trial and error. I don’t think you are interested in such a scenario.

    It will be interesting:

    • Feasibility study for the production of paving slabs
    • Production of paving slabs - profitability from 50%

    Hiring an experienced technologist familiar with this production can help in developing the technology. As an option, you can contact a company that has been producing tiles for a long time and which at the same time sells technology. Such companies exist, you just need to look for them. As a result, you can come to an agreement and generally become an official representative office in your region. This is good for you because you receive full advice on starting a business, from choosing equipment and developing technology to advertising and establishing sales. What exactly can be produced in a mini-production environment? Read on.

    Paving slabs

    A popular material for covering paths, approaches to buildings and street sidewalks. Very easy to install and resistant to temperature changes. Does not melt in the sun and does not emit harmful substances when exposed to direct sunlight. It can be made from several types of raw materials, but concrete (a mixture of cement, sand, plasticizers and water) is considered the most popular and affordable. Portland cement grade 500 should be used optimally. The most common product shapes are rectangular tile, hexagon, coil, thick, square, diamond and wave. In the production of paving slabs, two well-known technologies are used - vibration pressing and vibration casting. We'll talk in more detail about choosing a production method below.

    Glowing paving slabs

    A slightly more expensive, but increasingly popular coating is considered to be luminous paving slabs. In its production, concrete is used as the top layer with the addition of a luminous component - phosphor, which does not lose its properties for 200 years. Phosphor is a chemical composition that has a light-accumulative memory. The light energy collected during the day is then released at night. Imagine how unusual a night path made of luminous paving slabs looks. If you correctly convey to the buyer all the advantages of this product, you can earn very good money. Of course, you should not place the main emphasis on the production of these products, but as an expansion of the assortment, luminous tiles can become good help. Because from time to time you may come across clients who are ready to overpay for a highlight in the design of their local area or recreation center.


    Often, in parallel with paving slabs, a road curb is also made. This is a popular material used in the construction of courtyard driveways and sidewalk paths. The technology for making curbs is similar to the technology for making paving slabs. The main difference is that heavier grades of concrete (B 30) are used for the curb. The most frequent customers of road curbs are: government agencies who take large orders through a tender (auction). Most purchased lines for the production of paving slabs also have the ability to produce wall and partition blocks. This material is used for the construction of non-load-bearing walls in low- and high-rise construction. The raw material for wall blocks is high-quality concrete produced from cement, purified water, inert filler and plasticizers. They are produced using the same vibration pressing method.

    Vibration pressing or vibration casting

    All manufacturers, from small to large, agree that the best way Today, the production method of paving slabs is vibrocompression. He has whole line advantages over the vibration casting method. To understand the difference, let's first briefly describe each technology.

    Production technology using vibration casting

    When vibrating casting, compaction of the concrete mixture occurs in special polypropylene forms placed on a vibrating table. Vibration is carried out using an electric motor. After 18 - 24 hours, the product is removed from the mold and sent to the warehouse. The resulting tile is almost perfectly flat. In fact, this is the only advantage of this method, not counting the low cost of the equipment and technology itself. Video - production of paving slabs using vibration casting method

    Several obvious shortcomings immediately catch your eye. The first is production speed. Due to the fact that each product must be kept in the mold for a long time, productivity will be extremely low. Or you need a lot of forms (and places to store them), which will require corresponding costs at the start. Moreover, each forum needs to be poured, then formwork must be done, and all this requires time and manual labor. Another one common problem which is observed when using vibration casting - the tiles are of different thicknesses. As a result, this affects the quality indicators of the entire batch. When laying such tiles, protrusions and depressions are possible. The vibration casting method is most often chosen by small manufacturers with extremely limited capital, who are ready to reduce the productivity and quality of manufactured products just to save on costs. initial stage. But will this do any good? Controversial issue.

    The vibrocompression method requires several large investments at the start, because it is necessary to purchase the appropriate installations - vibropresses. The price of even the lowest-power press is at least 300,000 rubles. During vibrocompression, the concrete mixture is placed on a mold standing on a bed. The bed constantly vibrates. At the same time, a pressure of 35 atmospheres is applied to the mixture using a punch. The punch also vibrates continuously. The entire process takes no more than 6 seconds, after which the punch rises and the finished product remains on the pallet. As a result, even the most budget presses are capable of producing 45 square meters per shift. m of paving slabs (in monetary terms this is about 16,000 rubles in revenue). The tiles are more dense, frost-resistant, much less manual labor is required and raw materials are significantly saved. Moreover, a decrease in the water-cement ratio allows the use of budget cement grade M-400. Ultimately, this all affects the lower cost of manufactured products, in contrast to tiles produced using vibration casting technology. This results in higher net income from 1 quarter. m.

    Selection of equipment (brick presses)

    The choice of equipment depends entirely on the amount of capital that the entrepreneur is willing to spend. The more expensive the equipment, the higher its automation, as a rule. That is, the more you invest in the strategy, the more you can potentially earn. For example, you can simply purchase a machine that will press tiles. And the remaining operations will have to be done manually. At the same time, you can purchase additional equipment that will, for example, stack tiles on a pallet. There are even separate lines that automatically place products on racks and send them to the steaming chamber. Savings on manual labor colossal, but the difference in price can amount to hundreds of thousands of dollars. e. Also, when planning your budget, it is worth taking into account the costs of purchasing press forms. Because each individual type of tile (triangle, square, etc.) requires its own unique shape. That is, the higher the range of products, the more varied forms are required. Price new form can reach up to 10,000 USD It often happens that purchasing a set of molds costs several times more than purchasing the brick making machine itself.

    When producing large volumes of paving slabs and other products, the question of purchasing a batching unit may arise. BSU is an installation that prepares large volumes of concrete mixture (1-2 tons each) in just 2-3 minutes. Such devices are prohibitively expensive. For small volumes, at first a regular concrete mixer will do. As for the choice of manufacturer, Finnish and German presses have proven themselves well (for example, Hess). European equipment is distinguished not only by reliability, but also by extremely high productivity and production quality. True, the price for such equipment is appropriate. Plus, with the recent increase in the exchange rate, the purchase of foreign presses is becoming less and less justified.

    Which equipment to choose

    The best option is to purchase equipment Russian production. For example, many good reviews can be found about the Rifey and Condor installations produced by Stroytekhnika Plant LLC, which is based in Chelyabinsk. The advantages of their equipment are the versatility of production. For example, the Condor - 2 installation is capable of producing wall blocks (70 pcs./hour), partition blocks (100 pcs./hour), paving slabs (6 m2/hour) and Lego bricks (30 pcs./hour). The price of such a device is 310 thousand rubles. True, for each type of product you will need to purchase several types of punch dies, each of which costs from 29 thousand rubles. Therefore, the estimated amount of investment in equipment of this type will be 700 - 900 thousand rubles.

    Brief calculation of the cost and profitability of the production of paving slabs using the vibrocompression method

    Cost calculation for 1 sq. m. paving slabs 100x200 mm:

    • Cement - 150.8 rub.
    • Sand - 55.0 rub.
    • Pigment - 36.0 rub.
    • Water - 0.34 rub.
    • Electricity - 5.53 rub.
    • Operation of capital equipment - 0.78 rub.
    • Operation of production premises - 5.11 rubles.
    • Exploitation auxiliary equipment- 8.0 rub.
    • Indirect costs - 7.73 rubles.
    • Salary - 40.99 rub.
    • Contributions to the Pension Fund and Social Insurance Fund (25% of salary) - 10.25 rubles.

    Total - 320.52 rubles. Retail price of one sq. m of paving slabs in the regions averages 510 rubles. Profit before tax is: 510 - 320.52 = 189.48 rubles. Taking into account taxes (USN, 15% of profit), net profit from the sale of one sq. m. is 161.06 rub. With the sale of only 1500 sq. m of paving slabs per month, the company’s net profit will be 241,590 rubles.

    Where to start opening a business

    If you decide to create your own business creating paving slabs, you need to start such a business with the following steps:

    • choosing the premises in which the production of paving slabs will take place (the ideal place would be an industrial zone located close to raw material bases);
    • selection of equipment that will be used to create paving slabs (to increase productivity, preference should be given to automated equipment);
    • choose the technology that will be used in the tile manufacturing process;
    • Certification is optional, which will allow potential buyers to purchase goods from you more confidently.

    How much money do you need to start a business?

    To open a business for creating paving slabs, the initial capital can be about 170 thousand rubles. The list of costs includes:

    • 10 thousand rubles. - purchasing desks for work;
    • 70 thousand rubles. - purchase of vibrating screens and vibrating tables;
    • about 6 thousand rubles. - purchase of a drill;
    • 14 thousand rubles. - necessary equipment;
    • 20 thousand rubles. - purchase of concrete mixers;
    • about 20 thousand rubles. - rent of premises if necessary;
    • 15 thousand rubles. necessary for the design of racks on which finished products will be sold;
    • 1 thousand rub. - registration with the tax office;
    • 14-20 thousand rubles. will be required for other expenses associated with the purchase of necessary materials.

    Which OKVED code to indicate when registering a business?

    Manufacturing of various concrete products used in the construction process - OKVED code 26.61. You can also indicate OKVED code 26.30 - production of slabs and ceramic tiles and OKVED code 26.66 - production of other products from gypsum, concrete and cement.

    What documents are needed to open

    To open your own paving slab production business, you must prepare the following documents:

    • a document confirming the opening of an individual entrepreneur or LLC;
    • photocopies of birth certificate, passport data and identification code;
    • statement;
    • a receipt confirming payment of the state duty.

    All documents are submitted to the tax office at the place of registration of the future entrepreneur.

    Which taxation system to choose for business registration

    When choosing a taxation system for the production of paving slabs, preference should be given to a simplified or unified taxation system.

    Production technology

    When starting production of paving slabs, you should prepare the following materials.

    In urban landscaping, the ubiquitous asphalt surface has been replaced by a beautiful and convenient material - concrete tiles. It is used to lay sidewalks, playgrounds, local areas, cottages and summer cottages. Thousands more kilometers of sidewalks and courtyards are waiting for a new practical coating. And, if city administrations mainly cooperate with large contractors, then individuals and entrepreneurs are happy to order paving stones from small enterprises . The paving slab production business, even with small volumes, quickly pays for itself and brings good profit. At the same time, it does not require large start-up investments.

    Is it worth starting a paving stone production?

    To answer this question, study supply and demand in the paving market in your city:

    • Analyze in what volumes and at what price your future competitors sell paving slabs, and what other services they provide.
    • Identify your potential clients: open cafes, private hotels and shops, repair and construction teams.
    • Look for possible suppliers: if there are no granite and sand quarries nearby, you will have to order raw materials from other regions, which will significantly increase the cost of production and reduce the profitability of production.

    If research into a competitive market shows that market saturation is low, it may be worth considering creating a high-capacity manufacturing facility.

    It is better for an inexperienced entrepreneur not to take risks and purchase additional equipment as large orders arrive.

    Business registration

    The production of paving slabs as a business does not require any licenses or certificates. Enough and you can start organizing production. If you wish, you can undergo a voluntary product certification procedure, which will confirm the high quality of your products that meet state standards.

    What tiles to produce?

    The main types of paving slabs are clinker, vibropressed and vibrocast. Clinker tiles are the most expensive of all. Clay is required for its production High Quality and special equipment for firing. It is not practical for a small enterprise to start producing expensive tiles due to the rather narrow market for such products.

    You should focus on producing tiles using vibration casting. Such tiles are most in demand due to their durability and wear resistance, variety of shapes and colors. This the best choice in terms of price-quality ratio, both for customers and for the manufacturer. Vibratory casting technology is easy to use and has low cost. Vibration-pressed tiles have similar characteristics, but are considered to be more expensive to produce than vibro-cast tiles.

    Along with paving slabs, you can produce curbs, facing stones, and park decor items. Do not leave the laying of your tiles in the wrong hands: usually the work on manufacturing and installing the coating is a complex process. This is convenient for the buyer, and you can calculate more accurately required amount tiles

    Workshop organization

    The tile production technology requires a special temperature regime, so the equipment must be placed in a heated room. Where the production workshop will be located does not matter. You can rent any suitable premises with an area of ​​60 sq. m. m. Communications must be connected to the building: central water supply and three-phase electricity with a voltage of 380 V.

    Separately, it is necessary to equip a drying room with a heated floor, where the air temperature will be maintained at 35 - 40 degrees. Under finished products allocate storage space.

    During the winter, if your production volumes increase in preparation for the peak spring/summer season, you may need additional storage.

    Equipment required for the production of paving slabs:

    • concrete mixer (1 – 2 pcs.);
    • forming vibrating table;
    • stripping table;
    • plastic forms.

    This is a minimum set of equipment that is sufficient for the production of figured and square paving stones, facade tiles, decorative fences and slabs with gutters.


    To reach a productivity of 30 sq. m of tiles per day, it is necessary for 3 people to work in one shift. There are no special requirements for the qualifications of workers. They are required to follow the concrete mixing recipe, fill out forms and send products to the pressing tables and drying room.

    During high-demand tiling seasons, hire a few people on your crew for temporary work.

    Purchase of raw materials

    High-quality tile covering can last up to 25 years. Paving slabs are manufactured in accordance with GOST “Concrete paving slabs” No. 17608-91. Products must meet the requirements of frost resistance, strength, water absorption and abrasion. For this purpose, tiles are made from high-quality raw materials with precise adherence to technology.

    For production of 30 sq. m of tiles you will need:

    • cement – ​​0.8 t;
    • sand-granite mixture – 2.5 t;
    • concrete plasticizer – 2.3 kg;
    • pigments.

    It is better to negotiate an uninterrupted supply of sand and granite crushed stone or screenings with the quarry management directly or through an intermediary company.

    Try to constantly purchase cement of the same brand, especially when completing a large order, otherwise you will encounter a problem such as color mismatch of tiles from different batches. The same goes for pigments.

    Sales of products

    In order to offer your tiles to potential customers, you need to make several demonstration samples. Cast samples of products in different colors and shapes so that the customer can see with his own eyes, and not in a catalogue, what his tile covering will look like.

    Additional options can be presented in a colorful booklet, accompanied by information about the benefits of concrete tiles, their proper operation and your company’s service offerings.

    It is better to communicate with repair and construction teams individually; for other clients, place advertisements in cottage and holiday villages, in free newspapers and Internet sites, and in specialized magazines.

    Business plan for the production of paving slabs

    One-time costs for launching a production line of 30 sq. m of paving slabs per day range from 200 thousand rubles. excluding the cost of renting a workshop.

    Cost of production 1 sq. m of tiles averages 210 rubles. (including the cost of raw materials; wages based on 45 rubles. for 1 sq. m; electricity consumed during a standard working day).

    Average sale price of 1 sq. m of tiles – 350-370 rubles.

    Provided that all products are quickly sold, the production of paving slabs can pay for itself in 2-3 months.

    • Which equipment to choose
    • Sales technology
          • Similar business ideas:

    A sample business plan for the production of paving slabs on a mini-enterprise scale. Paving slabs are a popular material that is widely used in paving streets and territories. Paving slabs have a number of advantages over asphalt pavement

    Sample business plan for the production of paving slabs on a mini-enterprise scale

    Paving slabs are a popular material that is widely used in paving streets and areas. Paving slabs have a number of advantages over asphalt pavement:

    • Longer service life (up to 30 years);
    • Environmentally friendly, since only safe components are used in the production of tiles;
    • Strength, the material is not damaged by changes in temperature and humidity, and can also withstand heavy loads;
    • Colorful appearance and unique design.

    Today there is big choice equipment for the production of paving slabs from manual to automatic lines. The production itself can be organized in almost any room with an area of ​​80 m2. Two workers can easily handle the production of 1000 m2 of paving slabs per month.

    Do I need permission to open this business?

    To organize the production of paving slabs, it is enough to register individual entrepreneurship. As tax systems the most the best option is the simplified taxation system (STS), 6% of revenue or 15% of profit.

    Let us calculate the main indicators of the economic efficiency of the production of paving slabs using the vibration casting method.

    Introductory information:

    • Production area: 90m2;
    • Type of property: rent (25 thousand rubles/month);
    • Number of shifts: 1 shift;
    • Productivity per shift: 50 m2 of tiles or 1100 m2 per month;
    • Number of working days in a month: 22 days.

    How much money do you need to start a paving slab business?

    Capital costs for starting a paving slab production business will be 358,500 rubles.

    Download business plan for the production of paving slabs

    Material costs for the production of 1 m2 of paving slabs are 169.36 rubles.

    The cost of paying wages will be 32,000 rubles per month.

    The cost of production of 1 m2 of paving slabs is 252.8 rubles. Total monthly expenses are 278,036 rubles.

    How much can you earn in the production of paving slabs?

    Conclusion: The net profit of the paving slab production enterprise will be 137.6 thousand rubles per month. The profitability of production at such indicators is 49.5%, and the payback period for capital investments is only 2.6 months. It is worth considering that such indicators are possible subject to 100% sales of all manufactured products, which is 1100 m2 of paving slabs per month.

    We recommend download business plan for the production of paving slabs from our partners, with a quality guarantee. This is a full-fledged, ready-made project that you will not find in the public domain. Contents of the business plan: 1. Confidentiality 2. Summary 3. Stages of project implementation 4. Characteristics of the object 5. Marketing plan 6. Technical and economic data of the equipment 7. Financial plan 8. Risk assessment 9. Financial and economic justification of investments 10. Conclusions

    Step-by-step opening plan, where to start

    A significant advantage in organizing a business for the production of paving slabs is the absence of the need to obtain special licenses and mandatory certification.

    In this regard, it is necessary to draw up a business plan taking into account the following factors:

    • Registration of an individual entrepreneur or LLC, depending on the volume of sales and production.
    • Selection of premises for production.
    • Purchase and installation of necessary equipment.
    • Recruitment and training of personnel.
    • Setting up sales of products to the sales market, establishing supply agreements with sales representatives.

    Which equipment to choose

    Establishing mass production of paving slabs is possible only if you have high-quality equipment. You will need to purchase:

    • Forming and unmolding vibrating tables.
    • Plastic molds for creating the required tile sizes.
    • Special mineral additives to the concrete composition, strengthening its structure and giving the desired parameters.
    • Various dyes.

    Don’t forget to organize the purchase of raw materials for production - cement, sand and crushed stone.

    Which OKVED code to indicate when registering a business?

    When submitting documents for registration of individual entrepreneurs, it is necessary to indicate the OKVED code 2. 23.6: production of products from concrete, cement and gypsum.

    What documents are needed to open

    Registration of a business will require registration of an individual entrepreneur or LLC. In the first case, the businessman must submit a notarized application for business registration indicating the OKVED code, a photocopy of the passport and ID code, as well as a receipt for payment of the state fee. If you want to additionally receive a quality certificate, then you need to contact the appropriate organization, which will conduct an analysis for compliance with GOST, identifying indicators of humidity, frost resistance, mechanical strength, etc.

    Which tax system to choose

    In most cases, entrepreneurs register a business by choosing single tax on imputed income. A simplified taxation system would also be suitable.