Summing up the results of the year, the leader's speech. Greeting speech

What to give your boss and how not to embarrass yourself at a corporate party?

There is a whole set of rules dedicated to what you can and cannot do at corporate events...

For the last few months, your head has been filled with one thing - what to wear for New Year's corporate party. Be wiser, think not only about the dress. Certainly, appearance matters, but much more important is how you behave during the holiday. After all, there is a whole set of rules dedicated to what can and cannot be done at such events.

You should not treat a corporate party solely as an event during which you can show off in a new outfit and have a drink with colleagues. Here everything is much more serious, because company management annually allocates huge amounts of money from the budget for holding such holidays not only to please their employees. During corporate parties, bosses look closely at their subordinates, which means you have the opportunity to prove yourself well, which will later help, for example, get a salary increase or promote promotion. career ladder. In addition, a holiday celebrated among colleagues can make you a corporate star or, on the contrary, ruin your reputation forever. It all depends on your behavior.


In order for the corporate event to go like clockwork, you should think about all the nuances in advance: choose a wardrobe, take care of your shoes, find out where the event will be held, and consult with colleagues. If you approach your preparation responsibly, be sure that you won’t lose face; if you let everything take its course, you risk embarrassment.

Attendance is required

Even if you are a small fan of corporate events, remember once and for all - attendance at such holidays is mandatory. Absenteeism, in essence, is tantamount to admitting: “I am ready to endure your company for money, but I am not obliged to attend unpaid events.” Meanwhile, modern corporate culture assumes completely different behavior: bosses today value not only good specialists, the employee must also be loyal. That is, interested not only in salary, but also in the company in which he works. For example, during interviews more and more often, job applicants are asked the same question: “Why did you choose our company?” Believe me, the place will never be given to a person who answers: “The office is located close to the metro,” “You promise a good salary and a travel pass.” But luck will certainly smile on the applicant who declares: “I found out that you are one of the best. It's an honor to work with you."

The situation is exactly the same with corporate parties: if an employee attends them, this is the first sign to the boss that the subordinate loves his office, he is pleased to be among his colleagues and for him work is something more than the routine performance of duties. The management is confident that such a person is truly interested in the common cause. Bosses have exactly the opposite attitude towards characters who avoid corporate parties: they are unlikely to entrust these people with a responsible post and give them a raise. In addition, those who prefer to sit at home often have an unflattering opinion not only among their superiors, but also among their colleagues. They may decide that you don’t come to the holiday out of fear that you won’t be able to behave properly, and unrestrained or simply insecure people are rarely loved in the team. Therefore, you can only miss a corporate party if you really want to. good reason, warning your colleagues and boss in advance and explaining to them why you will not be able to attend the holiday.

The invitation matters

So, there are no options - you go to a corporate party. It would seem that as soon as you made this decision, you should go on a shopping raid for an outfit. Take your time: first, carefully read the invitation, and if there is none, talk to the organizers of the event about where and how the holiday will take place. The fact is that modern corporate events are often held not in restaurants or assembly halls, but, for example, in bowling alleys or sports complexes. Imagine how out of place your luxurious dress will be among jeans and hats with earflaps. However, this is not even the saddest thing: alas, dressed up like a girl of marriageable age, you simply will not be able to participate in entertainment program- knock down pins, sled or skate. After sitting in the corner all evening, you will be deprived of what you went to the holiday for: communication and the possible favor of your superiors. But you will certainly be remembered, but not as a pleasant person in every sense. No, you will forever remain to your colleagues as a dressed-up fifa from the accounting department.

Even if the corporate event is held under standard conditions, there may be a special note about the dress code on the invitation. For example, guests must come in carnival costumes. This requirement should not be ignored. Having noticed you among the bunnies, pirates and snow maidens in a very beautiful but ordinary dress, the boss is unlikely to be happy. It turns out that the law is not written for you: who knows, it is quite possible that you will be just as careless in fulfilling your duties.

If you absolutely don’t want to dress up as Pippi Longstocking or a princess, at least buy a beautiful mask. By the way, it will only emphasize your individuality. But what you shouldn’t do is dress up in a sexy nurse costume or appear as a catwoman, completely clad in latex and holding a whip in her hand. Your boyfriend will probably be very happy with such outfits, but not your colleagues and especially your boss.

Minimum body

If management this year decided to arrange a regular corporate party for their subordinates in evening dresses, you should first talk to your young ladies colleagues about what they will wear to the holiday. Women, as a rule, are happy to share such information. By collecting all the necessary information, you will be able to buy something special and stand out in the crowd. For example, everyone will go to a party in dresses, which means it makes sense for you to buy a trouser suit, and vice versa.

However, try not to overdo it in your desire to stand out. Unfortunately, many girls, bound by the strict confines of the everyday dress code, perceive a corporate party as a breath of freedom and take liberties: wear dresses with cut-outs up to the butt, huge necklines or miniskirts that can only be seen under a microscope. Of course, beauties receive the coveted attention, but, unfortunately, it is with a minus sign. No matter how fun the corporate party may be, do not forget: you are surrounded by colleagues, not friends. Today you will appear to them in the form of a seductress, and all next year they will point at you with a giggle. Focus not on sexuality, but on style: your outfit should be elegant, but not provocative. This is especially important if your team includes a lot of elderly or not very beautiful women. By standing out against their background in this way, you risk making a lot of enemies.

The change will come in handy

You are sure: these stilettos will make you the star of the party! However, this is not a reason to spend the whole evening in them. If there is a disco at the holiday, coupled with a couple of glasses of champagne, you have every chance of embarrassment: falling in front of the whole team while performing intricate steps. To avoid such developments, take replacement shoes with you. During the official part, you will shine in high heels, and when it’s your turn to go to the disco, you can change your shoes. And under no circumstances, in the heat of fun, do not take off your shoes or try to dance barefoot. This behavior suits a high school graduate, but not an employee of a serious company.

Arm yourself with knowledge

The right outfit, perfect hairstyle and positive attitude - don’t flatter yourself, you’re only halfway to the ideal corporate party. To impress your boss and please your colleagues, you should learn what not to talk about with your boss at a party, what to do to attract attention without being considered an upstart, and how to politely refuse an extra glass of wine without offending colleague.

Do not be late

All the young ladies know Golden Rule- on a date with a man, a friend’s birthday, or a meeting with classmates, you need to be a little late. When everyone is assembled, your appearance will be much more impressive than if you arrived on time. Psychologists call this technique the “star presence format.” Keep in mind this option not acceptable for a corporate party. It’s not for nothing that the organizers write on the invitations the start time of the event: usually such a holiday starts with a buffet table, when arriving people can grab a glass of wine, find friends and introduce themselves to colleagues from the neighboring department. After this, the official part of the corporate party begins: everyone sits down at the tables and starts watching holiday program, listen to the speech of the leaders about how the year went. Now think about what the boss’s reaction will be if you burst into the hall, albeit stunningly beautiful, but right in the middle of his speech and start looking for a place for yourself, distracting others from listening to his fiery speeches. They definitely won’t pat you on the back for this: you may be remembered by the boss as a frivolous person.

It happens that latecomers become “invisible”. Management often leaves events without waiting for them to end. If the boss doesn't see your face at the beginning of the celebration, he may decide that you were not there at all.

Drink, but don't get carried away

“To drink or not to drink?” - Here main question at a corporate party. Alcohol clouds the mind, loosens the tongue, pushes a person to stupid and sometimes even aggressive actions. Talking nonsense, laughing out of place, dancing on the table, sleeping with your face comfortably nestled in a salad - this can be forgiven by friends, but not by colleagues. Remember, the day after the corporate event, the “main character” always becomes “that same drunk Kolya from the marketing department who called the boss a fool” or “the drunken PR woman Katya who tried to kiss the boss.” Usually these people, if not fired, are not particularly favored. However, complete abstinence from alcohol is also not recommended. If you ostentatiously drink juice, you will be considered arrogant, disdainful of society, or a “spy” who collects dirt on colleagues.

Even if you don’t feel like drinking at all, don’t refuse the offer to “slap a glass” so as not to offend people. Just tell your colleagues what large quantity alcohol gives you a headache, but even knowing this feature of your body, you cannot deny yourself the pleasure of having a little drink with your colleagues. Believe me, they will appreciate your sacrifice.

Say a toast

A small amount of alcohol, by the way, can help. After all, a glass of champagne is a reason to say a toast. The boss will definitely notice your zeal: he will understand that you are not afraid public performance. However, there are pitfalls here too. Firstly, so that some colleagues do not consider you an upstart, try not to “yak”. Speak a toast on behalf of the team, emphasizing that you are part of the team. Secondly, avoid flattery. It seems to you that by praising the virtues of your boss, you are making him happy, but in reality you are making him look ridiculous in front of his colleagues.

Think about your toast in advance and try to keep it witty and short. With a tedious, boring and long speech, you will achieve the opposite effect: others may consider you an idle talker.

Play games

You are deeply mistaken if you think that role-playing games, competitions and other fun that are often held at corporate parties are childish. In reality, all these entertainments are organized in order to identify communicative employees who know how to work in a team and quickly find solutions. Having “shone up” in some competition, you will have real prospects for promotion in the future.

Ideally, you should try your hand at a game that you are really good at: for example, graduate music school Something related to singing will do, and the sales manager will be able to show off his talents in a competition where judges will evaluate eloquence. But if you are good at crocheting, and they ask you to dance, don’t be afraid to seem funny: no one expects from you the grace of a ballerina, the ability to laugh at yourself in in this case valued above plastic.

If you sit on the sidelines, you will miss the chance to show yourself with the best side. However, being a plug in every barrel and participating in all competitions is also not worth it. Hyperactivity causes irritation among both superiors and co-workers.

Dance with your boss

One of the common mistakes that employees make at corporate events is talking to their manager about how “the tigers in the zoo don’t get enough meat.” Finally, you saw your boss in an informal setting, it’s not surprising that your first desire is to rush to him and tell him about your small salary and how the head of the department doesn’t appreciate you. Drive away these impulses. Despite the fact that a corporate party is partly an official event, etiquette does not allow conversations about work here. If you don’t want to anger your boss, try to be remembered by him as a witty interlocutor, and not as “an obsessive blonde who begged him for a raise.”

If your boss is a man, ask him to dance and take a photo with your female boss. Don't be afraid of refusal - the boss is unlikely to want to make himself look like a snob. The main thing is to choose the right moment. You shouldn’t engage your boss in a mazurka or flash a flashlight in his face when he’s talking to the co-founder of the company, otherwise you risk getting rejected. And, naturally, there is no need to dance with the leader if his wife or mistress is in the hall.

Don't rush to leave

If corporate etiquette dictates that you should never be late for holidays, then the question “When can you leave them?” he doesn't give a clear answer. For those for whom such events are akin to torture, the main thing is to sit through the official part. For others, their stay is unlimited. However, both fans of corporate parties and their haters should urgently leave the venue of the holiday if the boss allowed himself too much alcohol and began to behave in a way that is not appropriate for a leader. Tomorrow the tipsy boss will be ashamed: he will begin to hate both himself and the unwitting witnesses to his shame. It would be nice if you weren't one of them.

If you see a drunk boss, don’t you dare help him: only close assistants are allowed to take the boss out into the street and drag him to the car. The zeal to curry favor in this case will do a disservice: you will put the boss in an awkward position and turn him against you.

Expert opinion

Elena Stupina, project manager for corporate communications:

How you behave after the office party also matters. If you took a camera with you, share the photos with your colleagues. But before that, be sure to check what you got. You should not distribute footage among your colleagues where someone, especially your boss, is captured in an awkward pose or with a dirty face. Don’t be the initiator of gossip about who got drunk yesterday, who they kissed, etc. Otherwise, you risk making enemies and putting yourself in a bad light. And never complain that you didn’t like the corporate event. If you have constructive criticism, please contact the event organizers.

Anna Stepanova, head of personnel training and development department:

You should definitely go to corporate events: communicating with colleagues and managers in an informal setting, in a space free from everyday affairs and tasks, will help you get to know each other faster, and also help you discover your talents. Also, participation in corporate events is an opportunity to become a part of the company, become close to it, and management values ​​and respects loyal employees. However, you should not think that visiting the holiday will be “counted” in any case, even if you sit the whole evening looking bored and telling others that you came here only because of the fear of losing a bonus or because “that’s the way it should be.”

The color of your dress will cause

Irritation. Red is a controversial color. On the one hand, he talks about leadership qualities, but on the other hand, he irritates others. Red cars, for example, are more likely to be involved in accidents because, according to psychologists, other drivers experience aggression at the sight of such cars. If you don’t want to play the role of a doormat for a bull, don’t dress in red from head to toe (but scarlet accessories are welcome).

Brown. No matter how good brown looks on you Evening Dress, you shouldn't wear it to a corporate party. Chocolate colors make people feel bored and sad.

Delight. If your goal is to appear before your colleagues as a truly luxurious woman, choose pearl, silver and gold tones. They personify gloss, high cost and well-groomed. Just keep in mind: the colors should be pastel, not shiny. The latter smell like clothing flea markets.

Joy. Outfits in blue or green colors will help you evoke exceptionally positive emotions in those around you. What to choose depends on what kind of team you work in - female or male. Psychologists have found that the stronger and weaker sexes react differently to these colors. If there are a lot of young ladies around you, dress in a green dress, gentlemen - in blue.

A pity. If you don't want your colleagues to discuss yours behind your back financial situation and style, don't dress up in orange or yellow clothes. These colors will forgive.


1. Don't spend a lot. Business etiquette experts believe that new Year gifts should not be expensive for colleagues. By handing a valuable item to a colleague, you put him in an awkward position, because in this case he will feel obligated to give you something of equal value. The optimal price for a souvenir is from 50 to 150 rubles.

2. Don't get attached to the topic.. It is not necessary to tie gifts to the New Year theme. A colleague will like a photo frame no less than a chocolate Santa Claus.

3. Give the same thing. It is quite appropriate to give colleagues the same souvenirs, for example Christmas decorations. If you think that similar gifts are boring, make sure that all the gifts are in approximately the same price category.

4. Play it safe. Don't forget to purchase a few extra trinkets. It is possible that a person from a neighboring department will congratulate you.

to the boss

1. Chip in with your colleagues. In many Western companies, it is believed that giving gifts to a manager is bad taste. However, Russian experts in the field business etiquette We are sure that at the New Year's party the boss should not be left without a present. It is better to buy a gift with the whole department. It is indecent to get rid of your boss with a cheap souvenir.

2. Look for quality. The donated item must first of all be of high quality. If you and your colleagues decide to buy a briefcase, let it be made of genuine leather. Fake Chinese watches are inappropriate in this case.

3. Make jokes with caution. Having decided to impress your boss with your originality and sense of humor, you decided to present him with a wall whip with the caption “punish subordinates”? Be careful, you can only buy such souvenirs if you are one hundred percent sure that the boss will appreciate your joke.

Happy New Year.

Text of congratulatory speeches for the director.

New Year's greeting speech from the director. Sample No. 1.

Dear friends! Today we together celebrate the upcoming New Year. And on the eve of this wonderful holiday, I want to wish all the employees of our friendly company and business partners a great New Year's mood!
I wish the coming year to be no less successful than the past. I am confident that thanks to experience, established traditions and a close-knit team, our company will continue to occupy a leading position in business. I wish you all family well-being, financial stability, active workdays and exciting weekends and vacations! Happy New Year!

Sample No. 2 of the director’s ceremonial speech at corporate event in honor of the New Year holiday.

Dear colleagues and partners.

We sincerely congratulate you on the upcoming New Year and Merry Christmas! Reliability, stability and prosperity are the key to the success of our cooperation! May the coming New Year be full of new plans, creative ideas, good news and financial success! Good health, happiness and good luck in all your endeavors, achieving new milestones in our business!

New Year's greeting speech from the director of the company. Sample No. 3.

The management of the company "Name of Your Company" sincerely congratulates all the employees of our enterprise, as well as its partners and clients, a Happy New Year and Merry Christmas! Seeing off old year, we all traditionally summarize its results. Of course, for our company, the outgoing year brought many victories and achievements and became another important milestone in the development of our business. We thank our partners and clients for the trust they have placed in our company, and we hope that our fruitful cooperation will continue in the coming year. Please accept our most sincere wishes for health, happiness, and prosperity to you and your loved ones. May the coming year be for you a year of new achievements and creative daring, bright and joyful events!

Don't miss other news on the topic - organizing and holding weddings, holidays, celebrations.

Masters oratory Welcome speeches set the tone for the entire event. To make this happen for you too, stand correctly on stage and follow the tips below:

Step 1. Greeting

Greet the audience, name the occasion for which you have gathered.

For example: “Dear guests! Welcome to the opening ceremony training center for gifted children."

Or you can do it like Vladimir Putin. He welcomes Armenians to a congress dedicated to their life in Russia.

He greets in Russian and Armenian, and then quotes Peter I on the topic.

The speaker should welcome all guests and specifically mention those who were specially invited.

Step 2. Comment about the place

If appropriate, say a few words about the location of the meeting.

For example: “The building where our Center will be has a difficult fate. It stood abandoned for a long time. Thanks to patrons, we restored it. I think it's very symbolic."

And here's how Ramzan Kadyrov does it:

Step 3. Story about the event

Explain why this event is exciting and useful, emphasize its significance and importance.

For example: “Gifted children will build the future. Therefore, it is very important that we can transfer our knowledge and skills to them. The opening of the Center is the first step on our road to the future.”

And here is how the governor of the Penza region Vasily Bochkarev opens the exhibition.

This is an exhibition of products from Penza small and medium-sized businesses. Bochkarev talks about its importance. You will need to do the same at your event. Look how enthusiastically Bochkarev speaks. Sharing emotions is one of the first rules of a good speaker.

Step 4. Praise the audience

If appropriate, acknowledge the audience's successes and achievements.

For example: “Many people have gathered here, without whom the Center would never have worked. This is the main sponsor Stepan Eremeev; the enthusiastic teachers who developed the programs and advocated for them before the Ministry of Education... You all did a great job. I’m sure your contribution will come back a hundredfold.”

Or do as Vladimir Putin did:

At the opening of the gala concert of the Tchaikovsky Competition, he praises the achievements of the organizers and participants.

Step 5: Event Review

Do short review Events. Tell us about his goals. You can announce what seminars, speakers, meetings with famous people, if they will.

For example: “And now I am pleased to introduce you to our teachers. After this, the first students will cut the red ribbon, and a small festive concert will take place.”

Or limit yourself to listing the objectives of the event, like the head of Russian Railways Vladimir Yakunin at the railway congress:

Each event has its own goals and plan. The speaker’s task is to highlight the main thing.

Step 6. Good wishes

Wish you fruitful work ( Have a good day, have a nice evening, etc.).

For example: “I wish everyone have a nice day, excellent success and high grades!”

Here's how Mikhail Goremyko dealt with it:

He speaks at the opening of the Olympic torch relay.

Try to take into account the characteristics of the audience and the event. The wishes must suit them. Masters of oratory speak specifically, and not in general phrases.

Be sure to time your performance on a stopwatch. Imagine that you are preparing to speak at a public speaking course where there is a certain time limit.

Example of a short welcome speech for an informal event

"Good evening ladies and gentlemen! Welcome to the 5th anniversary of Lifestyle magazine.

Today is a special evening. Five years ago, Vladimir and I started working on this magazine in a friend’s garage, because, to be honest, it was the only office we could afford at the time. It is only thanks to all of you - the people who became part of our team - that we are now celebrating the five-year anniversary of not only the existence, but also the success of our magazine. We are very sorry that not everyone was able to attend this wonderful holiday today, but we are with you in our thoughts.

I want everyone to rest today. Enjoy the moment, don't think about tomorrow. We all worked hard and deserve it. Feel like the masters of this holiday! Thank you for being with us and have a nice evening!”