Tamara Gverdtsiteli: a real Georgian with a Russian heart. Great Georgian singer: biography

Georgian women have some kind of mystery, some kind of mystery and a kind of proud beauty. Tamara Gverdtsiteli is a real Georgian, she glows with indescribable mountain beauty, nature has endowed her with a beautiful voice.

Her songs make you want to either cry or soar in the heavens with an excess of feelings. An unusually talented woman - composer, singer, actress. Soviet, Georgian and Russian goddess of art! Tamara Mikhailovna was born in Tbilisi on January 18, 1962. Georgia gave the world a unique talented person. The biography of Tamara Gverdtsiteli is worthy of attention.

Tamriko's childhood years

She began to sing before she learned to speak, perfect pitch, a deep voice that penetrates the very soul - the girl was born to be a singer, this is undeniable. How did her biography begin? Tamara Gverdtsiteli has been the pride of her parents since childhood; they helped their daughter climb the ladder of fame.

Tamriko's father, cyberneticist Mikhail Pavlovich Gverdtsiteli, belongs to an ancient Georgian family. Mother, teacher Inna Vladimirovna Kofman, comes from Odessa. Tamunya - that’s how the parents affectionately called their loud-voiced miracle. The first concerts of the future singer took place at home, instead of a stage there was a simple chair, climbing on it, Tamriko performed her favorite songs.

Mom contributed greatly to Tamara becoming a singer. When the girl was six years old, Inna Vladimirovna sent her to music school at the conservatory. From that time on, Tamuni's life was connected with music. At the age of 10, little Gverdtsiteli became a soloist of the Mziuri ensemble, which was very popular, it consisted of 20 girls, they sang beautifully and accompanied themselves on various musical instruments. Young nuggets of Georgia - that’s what the little artists were called.

At the age of twelve, Tamriko wrote her first song. She was dedicated tragically dead friend, with whom the girl sat at the same desk. The lines of the song make your heart ache.

Gverdtsiteli - the oldest Georgian family

Inherits the surname of the great ancient Georgian family Tamara Gverdtsiteli. This makes her biography and personal life even more interesting. The surname Gverdtsiteli consists of two words: “tsiteli” - “red” and “gverd” - “side”. In the 14th century, in a battle with the Turks, an ancestor of a glorious family was wounded in the side. From that time on, he and his entire family began to be called “Red Side” (Gverdtsiteli).

Relatives of the singer:

  • My paternal grandmother is music teacher Tamara Ivanovna Gverdtsiteli.
  • Maternal grandmother - Sulamith Solomonovna Rosenshtekh.
  • Brother - Pavel, engineer, lives in Tbilisi, father of two children;
  • Great-grandmother - Princess Khidirbegishvili-Amilakhvari, studied in Paris;
  • Great-grandfather - rabbi of the Odessa synagogue Solomon Rosenshtekh.

Path to glory

The biography of Tamara Gverdtsiteli after graduation was marked by a new event. Having received a certificate and parting words from school teachers, the graduate easily entered the Tbilisi Conservatory.

At the age of nineteen, the girl won the “Red Carnation” competition in Sochi, after which there were many more competitions and victories. Since 1987, young Tamara herself has been a member of the jury of musical projects. 1989 gave the singer the title of Honored Artist of the Georgian SSR, 1991 - People's Artist Georgia, 2004 - People's Artist of the Russian Federation. Like this meteoric rise! In 1991, Tamara was able to conquer a three-thousand-seat hall in Paris. Michel Legrand, addressing the audience, said: “Paris! Remember this name! The beautiful Georgian woman made the hearts of Parisians tremble with her singing.

Now the whole world knows the singer Tamara Gverdtsiteli. The biography of the famous Georgian woman interests many people in different corners planets! Unique vocal abilities, talent, and hard work brought the actress to the top. She sings songs in many languages: Georgian, Russian, Ukrainian, English, French, Spanish, Italian, Hebrew, German, Armenian, and this is not the whole list. Aren't they unique abilities?

Tamara Gverdtsiteli: biography of the actress

As mentioned earlier, the Georgian singer’s talent is multifaceted. But the biography of Tamara Gverdtsiteli also includes interesting works in cinema.

Filmography of the actress:

  • “House of Exemplary Maintenance” - 2011;
  • “Stalin’s Wife” - 2006;
  • “Griboyedov Waltz” - 1995;
  • "Mziuri" - 1973.

Gverdtsiteli Tamara. Biography: family, personal life

The singer’s family happiness was not very successful; she got married several times. First husband, Georgiy Kakhabrishvili, director, deputy chairman of the Georgian State Television and Radio. Tamara married him in 1984, two years later the happy parents had a son, Alexander (Sandro). The artist decided to give him best education in England and the USA. In 1995, the marriage of George and Tamara ended in divorce.

The singer met her second husband, businessman and lawyer Dmitry, in 1996 in the United States of America. Almost immediately after meeting, the lovers got married. Family happiness did not last long; in 1998, Dmitry died of heart failure.

In 2001, the singer decided to marry Sergei Ambatelo again. This is a very talented and respectable person, a cardiac surgeon, candidate of medical sciences. The marriage was unsuccessful and broke up after four years.

Tamara Gverdtsiteli is worthy Great love, Michel Legrand himself could not resist the singer’s enchanting voice and appearance. This great person, the best of melodists, there is no repetition of his “Umbrellas of Cherbourg” in the whole world. The joint work of these two brilliant people led to mutual feelings.

The biography of Tamara Gverdtsiteli contains a lot interesting facts. She is a woman, albeit a famous one, she has her own superstitions and rules.

  • So, Tamara does not like to perform while sitting at the piano white, if possible, stipulates in advance a clause in the contract that the piano must be black.
  • Since childhood, on all trips famous singer accompanied by two favorite dolls, these are talismans for good luck.
  • Tamara Mikhailovna never enters the stage from the right wing; she always appears in front of the audience from the left.

This is Tamara Gverdtsiteli. Only she wears dresses, already according to European habit, no longer black, but bright. But this, however, does not matter.

Tamara says that the further she goes from her homeland, the more she feels her roots and her Georgian blood. And she really goes further and further. Route of life: Tbilisi - Moscow - Paris - New York - Boston - Moscow... At the same time, Tamara is not yet forty, so - obviously - everything is still ahead.

It so happened that her name - even if from afar, by hearsay - is familiar to everyone (maybe it is unfamiliar to some, but I have not met such people). This exactly happened because Tamara herself did not do anything special for this, and, probably, never aspired to this. I just always sang.

She was born and raised in sunny Soviet Georgia. This kind of Georgia can only be seen today in film magazines: winemakers lovingly tying up vines under the unbearable sun, flocks of sheep on the mountain slopes, May Day demonstrations, an all-Union health resort on the Black Sea - we now will not know whether everything was really so happy. Tamara Gverdtsiteli is also from these film magazines. She was ten years old when her mother brought her to the Mziuri children's ensemble. Even then her voice was special - strong, beautiful, recognizable. "Captain, captain, pull yourself up!" - sings small, short-haired Tamunya, captured on black and white film of a Soviet film magazine.

"Mziuri" traveled not only throughout our big country, he traveled all over Europe. In Georgia, the name Tamriko Gverdtsiteli was known to everyone, she was recognized on the streets, and from that time her star status began, in which she lives all her life. We do not have exact data on how the child’s psyche adapts to “stardom” (as for the adult psyche, we can definitely say that in 90 cases out of 100 “stardom” disease begins), Tamara, apparently, got used to and learned to live a normal life human life. Which is probably not so easy when everyone knows your last name, even by hearsay.

Then Tamara entered the conservatory. Piano and composition class.

Of the girls who sang with her in Mziuri, almost none became musicians. It would be incorrect to say that Tamara was the most talented and therefore... It’s just known that talent is not only talent, it is talent and work. And working, bringing your art to perfection - this is about Tamara. Another thing is that singing for her is like living. She always sings, not only on stage, in the studio or at rehearsal, but even when she is cutting some salad or just relaxing.

However, luck was also on her side. At the age of 19, Tamara received first prize at the Red Carnation competition in Sochi. Then there were more competitions, more victories - festivals in Dresden, in San Remo, "Golden Orpheus" in Bulgaria - there were tours, there were recordings of a young, very young singer with symphony orchestra. Records: beautiful songs about love on Georgian language and very few Soviet, patriotic songs that sound today are not vulgar or funny, but in such a way that you involuntarily begin to feel nostalgia for that Soviet Georgia, in which the gardens somehow bloomed especially and people spoke somehow especially different languages. There were performances for soldiers in Afghanistan, when the bombing began during a concert, and Tamara sang with candles lit in the hall.

Best of the day

There was also a wedding. Tamara married the chief director of the Georgian television drama studio. Margaret Thatcher was at their wedding - however, not because Tamara was already so well known in England, but because it was during their registration that Thatcher was brought to show the best registry office in Tbilisi.

And then Sandro was born, main man in Tamara’s life, as she herself says.

Of course, Tamara is a real Georgian woman. But probably not typical. Because a simple Georgian woman is always next to a man, she does not create her own destiny, and almost certainly lives in Georgia all her life. Once, in a television program, Nani Bregvadze, the most recognized Georgian stage performer, was asked about Tamara. “She gave up everything and left here, I couldn’t do that...” and, after thinking, she added, “But I understand her, she’s obsessed with music.” This may seem strange to us, but not everyone in Georgia understood it. Some also believed that Tamara abandoned her homeland - when her fate, career, luck called her to other countries and capitals, to the most famous halls of the world. And when the tanks rolled across Tbilisi, along Rustaveli Avenue, she took her mother and son and sent them away, away from the war - to New York.

1991 Tamara is a well-recognized, successful young singer, who lives, however, somewhat separately from the entire world of show business. She is not an ethnic singer, not a “performer from a union republic,” although she sings songs in Georgian, incomprehensible to the majority of the population of the Soviet Union, she is simply a different breed, too aristocratic to be in the mainstream. Too delicate a taste to sing popular music. Only the song “Vivat, King!” becomes a hit, which to this day immediately appears in people’s memory as a reaction to the name Gverdtsiteli.

So, 1991. Tamara's agent sends her tape to Paris famous composer Michel Legrand. As they say, dozens of similar tapes arrive at the composer’s office every day, and despite this, three days later Tamara received a call and was told that Monsieur Legrand would be happy to see her in Paris. To this day, when Tamara talks about this, a genuine sense of miracle can be heard in her words. It’s strange, while it doesn’t seem strange to us at all that talented singer invited to work in Paris (if not her, then who?!), Tamara seems to not fully believe in the reality of this time spent in France. Parisian streets, chestnut trees, Parisian accordions, the city of Edith Piaf, her beloved since childhood, her repertoire, which, performed by Tamara, brings the Parisian public into ecstasy... Every morning, meetings in the studio with Legrand, the author of "The Umbrellas of Cherbourg"... The culmination of Parisian life : concert in Olympia, the main hall of the country. He and Legrand played two pianos, four hands, improvised: “Umbrellas of Cherbourg” - jazz, blues, rap (first and last time, when Tamara worked in this style), “Umbrellas of Cherbourg” - gypsy... Then she sang, and the audience went into applause. Tamara laughs when she remembers how the entertainer, sweaty from the intensity of passions, shouted into the audience: “Tamara... Tamara...” here he tried several times to pronounce her last name, but to no avail, then he waved his hand, “Remember this name - Tamara!”

The Paris contract ended, she returned to Moscow, and soon left for America with her family. And again she had no intention of conquering New World, just living there, for some reason, was easier and more convenient for her than anywhere else. She toured America and Canada, performing mainly in front of Russian-speaking audiences, although when her concerts in prestigious halls were preceded by good advertising, English-speaking audiences also came (in Canada, French-speaking audiences). She came and left in complete delight, because in her repertoire Tamara is an absolute person of the world. She has a gigantic repertoire, where seven languages ​​are intricately mixed (in parentheses, we note that Tamara herself speaks English, French, Italian and a little Hebrew - this is not counting her native Georgian and Russian). She sings the ancients folk songs(under Hawa Nagila, the audience stands up), many composers write music specifically for her voice, she performs opera arias, French chanson and songs own composition(favorite ones are based on Tsvetaeva’s poems). She is invited to sing in musicals. And she honestly admits that she is embarrassed to sing jazz and blues.

So Tamara lived in America, and one day a man fell madly in love with her. He saw her somewhere at a party, and didn’t even know that she was a singer. He was a lawyer from Boston. He offered her everything he could offer and what is usually offered in such cases. And Tamara and her family ended up in Boston. However, this did not particularly change her life: in all the cities where she lives, her life passes in the same rhythm, and if someone asks Tamara “What are you doing?”, she answers “Still the same, naturally. Music , what else?"

A little more time passed, and in the summer of this year Moscow newspapers and magazines wrote in their gossip sections “Tamara Gverdtsiteli’s family is returning to Moscow.” And a photo - smiling, foreign Tamara in black glasses, her mother Inna Vladimirovna and Sandro, who has already grown to almost two meters. Tamara herself came here even earlier, and in anticipation of her family bought new apartment- in the very center, on Mayakovskaya, near the Peking Hotel, in whose room she lived for two years in her past life in Moscow. And again - the questions “how”, “why”, “why”? Probably only close people know why this really happened, but Tamara, as usual, laughs it off when asked by journalists. He says: “Fate!” In this she is, of course, an unchanging Georgian who will never be frank in public (even Oksana Pushkina failed).

Although, what are we talking about? Have we forgotten that Tamara has long been a person of the world, and she doesn’t care what language her neighbors speak? She simply has no time to pay attention to it. “For the last 20 years, all I’ve done is go on tour: from plane to plane, from train to train,” Tamara says rather indifferently, and with some shudder I remember the schedule of her concerts for one month: Surgut - Baku - Baltic States - Tbilisi - Moscow - Chicago. Living like this for 20 years means not only thunderous applause (flowers, fur coats, diamonds, cars), but also poor health. One day in Odessa, before a concert, she lost consciousness, and if the doctors had not been on the spot almost at the same second (amazed that a person could live without feeling even a shadow of anxiety from the terrible danger within himself), God knows what could have happened . Then she became seriously ill, but even if the doctors had prescribed her a different way of life (who knows, maybe they did), she still would not have been able to live differently. How could it be otherwise?

Reason for moving. Wherever Tamara is, she calls home every day, to her mother and son: “Mom always raises me, even to this day. I call her from the ends of the earth, and she continues to raise me over the phone.” They are friends with fifteen-year-old Sandro, the best, and therefore they also suffer greatly from long separations. Today Tamara spends more time here, and it is not surprising that her family will be nearby.

Tamara Gverdtsiteli is a bright woman with interesting biography, personal life, where there was more than one marriage and there is a child, captivates fans from all over the world with his singing. She is considered a real symbol of Georgia. Her life, like that of almost any person in show business, is in plain sight. The name and surname of Tamara Gverdtsiteli has practically already become a household name, a sort of synonym for art associated with music in the post-Soviet space.

Tamara Gverdtsiteli: d childhood

In 1962, on January 18, a daughter was born into the international Gverdtsiteli family, who was named Tamriko.

This is exactly what the Georgian father chose for their child, but soon the girl’s mother began calling her a resonant name for her real name, Tamara.

Tamara’s mother, Jewish by nationality, made a huge contribution to musical development daughters. It was she who took her daughter to the music school, which operated at the Tbilisi Conservatory.

They were not just mother and daughter, Tamara was lucky, they did not contradict her and supported her in everything, giving her the right to make decisions on her own.

Maybe thanks to this support from her parents and, of course, Tamara’s desire and hard work, her life turned out so bright and interesting. Tamara Mikhailovna has already early childhood showed that she was capable of achieving a lot on the musical Olympus.

When she was not yet 10 years old, Tamara Gverdtsiteli joined the Mziuri children's ensemble. And soon they began to take her on tour with the group, which took place throughout the USSR.


Having received a diploma from a secondary school, Tamara Gverdtsiteli immediately went to take the documents to the Tbilisi Conservatory.

She entered the piano and musical composition class.

She also graduated College of Music, where she improved her vocal skills.

After receiving her diplomas, Tamara became a frequent guest at different houses culture of Georgia.

The singer also tried her hand at various competitions throughout the USSR. At the age of 12, she won one of the Sochi ones, which was called “Red Carnation”.

But everything was not enough for Tamara Mikhailovna at the age of 12; she set off to conquer the city of Dresden in Germany.

Her competition and festival credits included performances in Poland, Italy and many other cities.

Tamara Gverdtsiteli gained real popularity after winning gold at the Golden Orpheus competition in Bulgaria in 1988. They started talking about her as a real talent all over the world.


Fame came to Tamara Gverdtsiteli quite quickly, although a lot of work was put into it. In 1982, the first small album was released, and almost immediately after it the second.

That’s how Tamara started going on tours, which followed one after another. Both young people and elders listened to her records.

To confirm her talent and, most importantly, professionalism, Tamara began to receive offers to participate in competitions, but as an expert jury.

For Tamara Gverdtsiteli, the entire decade of 1980 was very significant for events related to work, personal life, children and biography in general.

In 1989, the singer made checkmate by recording a cassette with her performance of the composition from “The Umbrellas of Cherbourg” and, through third parties, transferred it to Michel Legrand, who was the composer of this song.

But due to the maestro’s busy schedule, the material was delivered to him almost two years later.

But the fact that he received it did not mean that he would become familiar with the singer’s work and that the recording would be listened to.

Tamara Gverdtsiteli was lucky; her tape received the attention of Legrand, he was fascinated and invited the singer to Paris to perform at Olympia.

Their partnership did not end there. When their personal meeting took place, the maestro immediately insisted that Tamara return in a few weeks. He offered her work on a project.

The singer was afraid that there might be problems with leaving Russia and obtaining a visa, but everything turned out well and she was lucky enough to work with two of the greatest French composers Michel Legrand and Jean Drejac.

Tamara Gverdtsiteli’s career in France at that time did not work out due to insurmountable circumstances.

Almost after her debut on stage in France, she received a contract for two years of work in this country. But she was unable to take her son and mother there and she was forced to give up work.

Personal life

In the biography of Tamara Gverdtsiteli, personal life, family and children are not the least important. She was married three times, but unfortunately, all marriages broke up.

But as Tamara said, the reason for this was not her creative life, career, and other reasons.

Tamara Gverdtsiteli's first husband was director Georgy Kakhabrishvili. The man was prominent and had a good position at the Georgian State Television and Radio.

They lived in marriage for about eleven years. In 1986, something happened in the family happy event, whose son was born and named Alexander.

It is known about the son that he studied abroad in the USA, where he remained to work as a teacher at the University of the Arts London.

Tamara Gverdtsiteli’s second husband was lawyer Dmitry, whom they met in America when the singer was on tour. Their marriage did not pass the test of distance. Dmitry lived in the USA, and Tamara lived in Moscow.

The third union was perhaps the most emotional; cardiac surgeon Sergei Ambatelo doted on his wife, but was very jealous.

They met when Tamara, after another tour, realized that she should undergo an examination due to her pace of life. She turned to the clinic for help and got an appointment with him.

In 2001, Sergei proposed to the lady, and she agreed. But in 2005, Tamara was tired of enduring constant scandals based on jealousy, and it was decided that it was time to get a divorce.

A little later, after the third divorce, the media started talking about the fact that Tamara Gverdtsiteli was having an affair with Azerbaijani Novruz Mamedov. Their acquaintance took place when Tamara decided to make repairs in her Moscow apartment and turned for help to the company owned by Novruz.

Television career

Tamara Gverdtsiteli continues to be actively involved today creative activity, she performs as a singer and artist at various events, travels around the world on tour and participates in music shows and programs.

One of the brightest was the “Two Stars” project, where the singer, together with Dmitry Dyuzhev, took first place and received golden microphones.

Tamara Gverdtsiteli also took part in such musical projects, like “The Phantom of the Opera” in 2001, which was broadcast by Channel One and “Voice of the Country” in 2014, it was shown on Ukrainian 1+1.

Tamara Gverdtsiteli has won many awards during her career, including about 20 of them. She has also received awards, of which there are about fifteen throughout her career.

Tamara Gverdtsiteli is a living pop idol in the vast post-Soviet space. Her deep contralto captivates the soul from the very first note, and the simplicity of her image and character fascinates and delights.

Tamara is a descendant of an aristocratic Georgian family, the daughter of the Soviet cyberneticist Mikhail Gverdtsiteli and Inna Kofman, an Odessa teacher. The artist was born in Tbilisi on January 18, 1962. The singer has younger brother named Pavel. Since childhood they showed great interest in music.

The mother supported her son and daughter in every possible way in their endeavors: she learned songs with the girl, playing along with her on the piano, and tried to instill in the boy an interest in mathematics.

It was thanks to her parents’ faith in the talent of her offspring that Tamara, at the age of three, ended up on Georgian television, where for the first time everyone learned what the greatest gift she possessed. Two years later, the girl passed a music exam at a school at the Tbilisi Conservatory, and it turned out that she had absolute pitch.

When future singer was nine years old, she became a member of the newly created vocal and instrumental ensemble “Mziuri”, which was headed by Rafael Kazaryan. This group became a great help for the girl in her further work: it was the Mziuri concerts that gave her experience working on stage, without which she would not have felt so natural when she sang for an audience of thousands.

While little Gverdtsiteli was performing in a group, her cozy family collapsed - her parents divorced. The children stayed with their mother. Tamara had a hard time experiencing this event.


After school, Tamara entered the Tbilisi Conservatory, but not in the vocal class, as one might expect, but in the specialty “piano and composition”. Nevertheless, the girl continued to sing and perform with “Mziuri”, and also began to participate in various vocal competitions.

In 1982, young Gverdtsiteli recorded her first small album called “Debut. Tamara Gverdtsiteli." In the 80s, Tamara’s triumphal march through the Soviet Union began: the young singer was listened to by both old and young, and her record “Music: Tamara Gverdtsiteli Sings” in 1985 gained fame throughout the entire USSR.

Since 1987, the vocalist has reached a new level of recognition: she not only performs herself, but she is invited to competitions as a jury member, which is confirmation of the professionalism and talent of the performer. IN next year A joyful event occurs that influenced the singer’s life: Tamara wins the Golden Orpheus competition in Bulgaria, which gives her the opportunity to express herself in Europe. The singer is immediately invited to perform at a festival in Italy.

Back in 1989, Tamara Gverdtsiteli took an extremely risky step: she recorded a tape with her performance of the composition from “The Umbrellas of Cherbourg” and, through Alex Moskovich, who initiated the idea, gave it to Monsieur, the composer of the song. The maestro received the tape only in 1991, it was so difficult to get through to him. In addition, there was no guarantee that the Frenchman would listen to the recording. Michel not only listened to the tape, but was so captivated that he immediately invited the talented singer to come to Paris to perform at Olympia.

Upon meeting Gverdtsiteli in person, Legrand was captivated even more, and he invited the singer to come in three weeks to work on joint material. At first, the singer was skeptical about this proposal, expecting problems with the visa, but the same Alex Moskovich helped her at the embassy, ​​and the young singer found herself in a fairy tale. She worked with two of the greatest French composers: Michel Legrand and Jean Drejac.

Soon the Georgian singer was offered a contract in France for a period of two years. But due to the fact that the singer could not take her son and mother to her home, Tamara was forced to decline the offer.

Moving to France

Soon a large-scale and dark event occurs: a war begins in Georgia. The focus is shifting from creativity and culture to political and national problems. Georgiy Kakhabrishvili, Tamara’s husband, plunges headlong into politics. Despite the fact that in 1989 Gverdtsiteli received the title of Honored Artist of the Georgian SSR, and in 1991 - People's Artist of Georgia, the country, shaken by battles, has no time for singers - even the most talented.

Tamara Gverdtsiteli, working in Paris, managed to help her mother and her child and took them to Moscow. At first it was planned that they would live there temporarily until things calmed down in Georgia political situation, but in the end the Gverdtsiteli family left the country forever.

In the 90s, the singer performed more abroad than at home. She sang in Canada, performed on the stage of Assembly Hall in New York, toured several cities in the United States and lived there for several years, taking her son and later her mother with her.

In the late 90s, the singer returned to the territory former USSR, but she went not to Georgia, but to Moscow. Life in the capital became a difficult test for the artist due to the oversaturation of the creative market with offers. Nevertheless, Tamara continued to perform and recorded several albums that became real hits in Russia and neighboring countries: “Vivat, King!” and “Thank you, Music, to you!”

Gradually, each of her concerts attracts tens of thousands of fans.


Millions of people from the countries of the former Soviet Union admire her songs. Some of Tamara Gverdtsiteli's compositions are especially memorable to fans.

In 2004, the composition “Prayer” became one of the main ones in her creative biography. The song is included in the album “Dedication to a Woman”.

Subsequently, the song “Mom’s Eyes,” which begins with the words “my son,” gained popularity. This composition testifies to the high emotional relationship between mother and son, and many call this single one of the best performed by Tamara Mikhailovna.

The famous pop singer does not radically change her style, offering listeners new lyrical motives. In particular, in 2014 and 2016 the compositions “Bell” and “Across the Sky Barefoot” appeared. Listeners liked it most The last song, and fans of the People’s Artist of Russia began to memorize the refrain “I will definitely come back to you.” Subsequently, the pop singer performs the composition “Children of War” based on the verses of the songwriter.

Tamara Mikhailovna is famous and working together with others Russian performers. In particular, Tamara Gverdtsiteli sang the composition “Vorona” together with her, and in 2011 with Russian rock band Bi-2 singer performed the song “Airless Alarm”.

"Eternal Love" - ​​another one famous song in the repertoire legendary singer. Tamara Gverdtsiteli performed this single with such well-known representatives Russian stage, like .

Tamara Gverdtsiteli repeatedly appeared on stage in the company of the singer. The duet of famous Georgian performers has repeatedly delighted the audience at anniversary evenings.

On anniversary concert“Lev Leshchenko and are invited” in March 2015, Tamara Gverdtsiteli performed the composition “Blue Eternity”, which was sung by the legendary. Accompanied her on the piano Russian singer and musician Azerbaijani origin Emin (real name).

A television

Back in the 80s and 90s, Gverdtsiteli often appeared on television when various concerts were filmed and broadcast. But in the mid and late 2000s, when ordinary spectators became bored with watching ordinary concerts, new format: singing shows. Of course, Tamara, a world-class star, could not help but be invited.

In 2007 and 2008, the singer participated in vocal show"Two Stars", working with. The producers used a trick: they told Dmitry that the singer did not want to participate in the show without him, and Tamara that the actor would not agree to sing without Gverdtsiteli. And despite complex nature Dmitry, these two stars managed to get along on the same stage. Probably, the actor’s boundless respect for “Queen Tamara” played a role. As a result, the special rapport between the celebrities allowed them to win the show. One of the most striking performances of the duet is the song “Argo”.

Tamara Gverdtsiteli also took part in the TV show “The Phantom of the Opera”, and in 2014 she was on the jury of the Ukrainian show “The Voice of the Country”, where she shared the judging role with a famous rock musician. And .

In the same year, the singer took part in the talk show “Alone with Everyone,” hosted by. On the air of the program, the artist told a lot of secrets.

The singer also has several roles in films and TV series, in particular, minor role in the multi-part drama “House of Exemplary Maintenance.” Tamara Gverdtsiteli was most loved and remembered for her enchanting music.

The singer has many plans for 2017. She is still ready to appear on stage more often, and fans are waiting for new compositions performed by her, which will once again captivate the hearts of millions.

In February 2017, Tamara Gverdtsiteli performed in Samara State Philharmonic. Together with the Academic Symphony Orchestra of the Samara Philharmonic, she appeared on stage for the first time. Maestro Andrei Medvedev was at the conductor’s stand, chief conductor St. Petersburg Variety Symphony Orchestra, laureate of All-Russian competitions.

Tamara Gverdtsiteli gave the audience her new program“Confession”, which had previously been performed only in Moscow and St. Petersburg. Fans of creativity all over the country pop singer We look forward to her similar performances.

Personal life

The singer's affairs of the heart never cease to be the object of close attention. At the age of 22, the singer married Tbilisi theater director Georgiy Kakhabrishvili, who was 14 years older than his wife. The bride's family was against the marriage, but gradually accepted it. In 1986, the couple had a son, Sandro, and in 1995, the couple divorced.

Tamara's second husband was a millionaire lawyer from Boston. The couple had been married for three years, during which time they lived in the USA.

Third spouse great singer became cardiac surgeon Sergei Ambatelo. They met through mutual friends when Tamara needed medical help. The couple was brought together by loneliness, and very soon Sergei took Tamara to the registry office. They were married for four years.


  • Debut. Tamara Gverdtsiteli
  • Music: Tamara Gverdtsiteli sings
  • Tamara Gverdtsiteli sings her songs
  • Vivat, King!
  • Thank you, Music!
  • The best songs of different years
  • Dedication to a Woman
  • Vivat, Love, Vivat!
  • Yesterday I dreamed of the sky
  • Music is the temple of the soul
  • Air kiss
  • The Best

In her youth, a fortune teller predicted Tamara Gverdtsiteli big success And great love. By that time, the singer had already successfully toured, was married and raising a son - and therefore did not attach due importance to the fortune teller’s words. But everything happened exactly as she predicted.

Best years

In 1974, a 12-year-old girl Tamara from Tbilisi was very upset by her parents’ divorce. She remembered these emotions for the rest of her life: how impossible it is to believe that people close to each other part and begin to live new lives and families... Father soon had new family, and the children - Tamara and her brother - remained with their mother. She found solace in creativity: since childhood, having in a strong voice and perfect pitch, Tamara at the age of 10 became a soloist of the children's pop ensemble "Mziuri". In its composition she traveled all over Soviet Union and even foreign countries, learned to behave on stage and realized the most important thing about herself: this is her real calling, she cannot live without the stage.

Just starting to study at the conservatory, Tamara Gverdtsiteli began working solo. She remembers these years as some of the best in her life. In the evenings they gathered in their small Khrushchev big companies her brother's friends and classmates - students of the Polytechnic. They often stayed up late, and someone stayed overnight with them.

These noisy parties did not interfere with Tamara's studies. At the age of 19, she already received first prize at the All-Union Competition of Young Performers in Dnepropetrovsk, and then conquered the audience in Dresden at the international festival.

Receiving a diploma from the conservatory, Tamara understood that the first part of the program was at least Georgian girl She did it - she got an education. The program at most implied compulsory marriage.

"Take your time, Tamara"

They met at work: Gverdtsiteli was invited to play a role in a television production, and Georgy Kakhabrishvili was its director. As soon as she saw this handsome, confident man, she realized that there would be something between them.

Georgy was 15 years older, and did not delay his courtship for long: he immediately invited Tamara to drink coffee together. A few days later, all of Tbilisi was discussing a possible romance between a famous director and a young talented singer. Their relationship developed very rapidly - with loud quarrels and emotional reconciliations. “It was impossible to be calm. I behaved according to my age - impulsively, sometimes not at all wisely. In a relationship with a mature man, somewhere you need to remain silent, give in, do as he wants - I couldn’t do any of this,” Gverdtsiteli recalled. However, her feeling for George was strong. And his marriage proposal helped her cope with the ordeal.

During those years there was a war in Afghanistan. Tamara Gverdtsiteli, together with other artists, decided to go with concerts to the site of hostilities. Georgy was against it, but he could not forbid it, since he was not her husband.

The trip exhausted Gverdtsiteli not so much physically as mentally. Talking with the soldiers, she realized that they did not even know where they were - they thought that they were somewhere near Tashkent. “None of us had the courage to tell them the truth. Everything I saw around me horrified me. I was shocked by the realization of the senselessness and horror of the war. Before the concert, I gathered my strength, and then sat for a long time, staring at one point,” she said. One day she called her mother in Tbilisi, but Georgiy answered the phone. To his question “How are you?” Tamara answered with difficulty that everything was fine, and she herself had difficulty holding back her tears. He understood everything - and after a long pause said: “I’m waiting for you. Take care of the dress."

She risked her life and bought an ivory piece on the streets of Kabul. After returning to Tbilisi, the two of them carried letters from soldiers to their parents around the country. Then they began to prepare for the wedding. Tamara’s father did not want to give his blessing to their marriage for a long time. He urged me not to rush, to think again, and found more and more excuses. Georgy achieved his consent only on the eve of the celebration - his father seemed to feel something.

After the wedding, their quarrels did not become less violent, but still for a long time Love reigned in the family. Two years later their only son, Alexander (Sandro), was born. Tamara wanted to spend all her time with him free time, but she couldn’t give up what she loved. Gverdtsiteli tried to combine for Georgian tradition incompatible: career and family. In her absence, her mother helped with the housework and raising her son. But her husband’s dissatisfaction with her long tours grew. When the child was one year old, Tamara began taking Sandro with her on tour - and Georgy also did not agree with this.


Paris arose in her life during a period of desperate thoughts about family and marriage. But a sudden turn in his career distracted him from dark thoughts. The agent organized a tour in France, where Gverdtsiteli met the great composer Michel Legrand. Eventually - incredible success from the public and the offer of an annual contract.

She did not agree immediately: the war began in Georgia, and they did not give a visa for a long time. When Tamara arrived in Paris, her family lived in Tbilisi in monstrous conditions: water and electricity were often cut off, food was unavailable, the city was under martial law...

Within a month, she brought her family the first suitcase of food - and did so until the end of the contract.

From France, Tamara Gverdtsiteli returned to Moscow and soon moved her son and mother there. Georgy remained in Tbilisi. This was the point of no return for their marriage.


TASS/Belinsky Yuri The 90s on the territory of the collapsed Union were poorly suited for future career singers. When an offer was received to sing in New York, at the famous Carnegie Hall, Tamara Gverdtsiteli accepted it with joy. Her uncle lived in the USA - who soon persuaded the singer to move permanently.

Sandro quickly got used to the new environment, his mother continued to do housework, Tamara sang and from time to time flew to Russia on tour. Everything went as usual until she met him.

Lawyer Dmitry, an emigrant from Baku, was among those invited to visit their mutual friends. That evening she sang “I was looking for you everywhere” by Legrand - and tried to find his face among the audience. She won't be able to live without him anymore. “Sometimes you meet a person and it seems like you’ve known him for many years. Dima's words, voice, manners, laughter - everything was absolutely familiar. The feeling of kinship was fascinating,” said Tamara. It was real, mutual, happy love. But the choice - family or work - still faced Gverdtsiteli. This time it was a matter of the huge distance between America, where the beloved lived, and the country where the viewer loved her - Russia.

He invited her to move to Moscow - he was ready to sacrifice own business and start all over again. In response, Tamara said that she would try to move first. For five months she lived in their house, taking care of the child and housekeeping, and Dmitry took her to the movies, theaters and restaurants, trying to somehow entertain her. She didn't succeed. Tamara Gverdtsiteli could not live without the stage. She left again to give concerts in Russia, he was in touch by phone. One evening Dima said that he would arrive soon. And late at night she was woken up by a call.

She was informed that Dmitry had died. Sudden cardiac arrest.

The only man

Until now, when she sings that song on stage - “I was looking for you everywhere” - she feels that he hears her. Trying to survive her loss, Tamara married again - to cardiac surgeon Sergei Ambatelo. Now she calls it the biggest mistake of her life. “He failed to understand me or my experiences.” For more than 10 years she has lived alone, devoting herself only to family and creativity. The only man in the life of Tamara Gverdtsiteli - her son Sandro. She is sure: God cannot twice give the kind of love that she and Dima had.